política Comprendiendo Nuestras Politicas: The Need for an Effective C&IT Policy for a Nation’s Development, The Venezuelan Case By Published On :: Full Article
política Critical Review of Stack Ensemble Classifier for the Prediction of Young Adults’ Voting Patterns Based on Parents’ Political Affiliations By Published On :: 2024-03-02 Aim/Purpose: This review paper aims to unveil some underlying machine-learning classification algorithms used for political election predictions and how stack ensembles have been explored. Additionally, it examines the types of datasets available to researchers and presents the results they have achieved. Background: Predicting the outcomes of presidential elections has always been a significant aspect of political systems in numerous countries. Analysts and researchers examining political elections rely on existing datasets from various sources, including tweets, Facebook posts, and so forth to forecast future elections. However, these data sources often struggle to establish a direct correlation between voters and their voting patterns, primarily due to the manual nature of the voting process. Numerous factors influence election outcomes, including ethnicity, voter incentives, and campaign messages. The voting patterns of successors in regions of countries remain uncertain, and the reasons behind such patterns remain ambiguous. Methodology: The study examined a collection of articles obtained from Google Scholar, through search, focusing on the use of ensemble classifiers and machine learning classifiers and their application in predicting political elections through machine learning algorithms. Some specific keywords for the search include “ensemble classifier,” “political election prediction,” and “machine learning”, “stack ensemble”. Contribution: The study provides a broad and deep review of political election predictions through the use of machine learning algorithms and summarizes the major source of the dataset in the said analysis. Findings: Single classifiers have featured greatly in political election predictions, though ensemble classifiers have been used and have proven potent use in the said field is rather low. Recommendation for Researchers: The efficacy of stack classification algorithms can play a significant role in machine learning classification when modelled tactfully and is efficient in handling labelled datasets. however, runtime becomes a hindrance when the dataset grows larger with the increased number of base classifiers forming the stack. Future Research: There is the need to ensure a more comprehensive analysis, alternative data sources rather than depending largely on tweets, and explore ensemble machine learning classifiers in predicting political elections. Also, ensemble classification algorithms have indeed demonstrated superior performance when carefully chosen and combined. Full Article
política Beyond Nonmarket Strategy: Market Actions as Corporate Political Activity By amr.aom.org Published On :: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 19:22:57 +0000 Many firms seek to manage their legal and regulatory environments by influencing policymakers. Typically, researchers have focused on how firms use nonmarket actions, including lobbying, campaign contributions, and related activities, to gain policy influence. We argue that firms may also seek to change the effects of policies through market actions. Market actions may lead to both formal policy change (i.e., transformations of codified rules) and interpretive policy change (i.e., transformations of the effects of rules without changes in their codified form). We identify two pathways by which firms' market actions may produce interpretive policy change: implementation and innovation. Implementation-driven change occurs when firms' interpretations of incomplete laws alter and clarify the meaning of those laws. Innovation-driven change occurs when firms engage in novel activities that are difficult to interpret within existing regulatory frameworks, and thus alter the effects of those regulations. We then theorize how firms' market actions may complement traditional, nonmarket political mobilization in an analysis of sequences of formal and interpretive policy change. Full Article
política The Dark Side of Board Political Capital: Enabling Blockholder Rent Appropriation By amj.aom.org Published On :: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 15:33:36 +0000 Resource dependence theorists argue that boards of directors with political capital can benefit focal firms by reducing uncertainty and providing preferential resources. Here, we develop theory regarding the downside of board political capital. As the principal-principal agency problem characterizes many parts of the world, we argue that board political capital can exacerbate this problem by enabling large blockholders to undertake more appropriation of firm wealth. Further, we explore how this enabling effect is moderated by ownership-, industry-, and environment-level contingencies. We find empirical support for our arguments using 32,174 directors in 1,046 Chinese listed firms over the period 2008 - 2011. Our study sheds light on new ways in which resource dependence and agency theories can be integrated to advance the extant research on board governance and corporate political strategy. Full Article
política Germany’s deepening political crisis By www.bbc.co.uk Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:50:00 GMT Chancellor Scholz’s three-party coalition government has fallen apart Full Article
política Political reformation and inclusivity without the red carpet By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 03 Apr 24 12:22:31 +0500 By eschewing this emblem of entitlement, the PM is articulating a compelling narrative about modesty, egalitarianism. Full Article The Way I See It
política Fact-check: Aitzaz Ahsan did not accuse two SC judges of facilitating political party By www.geo.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:21:58 +0500 Posts circulating on social media claim that politician and lawyer Aitzaz Ahsan has accused two senior Supreme Court judges, Justice Mansoor Ali Shah and Justice Munib Akhtar, of facilitating a political party.The claim is false.ClaimOn October 23, a user on X posted a... Full Article
política Why Political Organizations Always Drift Off Left: O’Sullivan’s Law, Experienced By falkvinge.net Published On :: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 15:19:00 +0000 Activism: As the Pirate Party slowly veered to the left in politics, I got to experience Sullivan’s Law, which states that organizations that don’t outright declare themselves otherwise will inevitably drift off to the political left. The law doesn’t explain this phenomenon, but I think I can. The Pirate Party was unique in its composition of activists. Whereas most political organizations can plot the political attitudes of their activists to a bell curve on the political left-to-right scale, that is, the organization can identify a clear peak and center mass where they lie politically, the Pirate Party instead had a complete empty trough in the middle, with waves crashing into the left and right wall on the left-to-right spectrum plot. We had the most fervent anarchocapitalists and the most fervent anarchocommunists. At the same time. Cooperating. That was probably something of a political first. It also allowed me to see differences between these two groups that weren’t clear from the outset, and which might explain why organizations drift left over time. O’Sullivans Law states that any organization that is not expressly right-leaning in politics will change over time to become left-leaning. There are some hypotheses as to why, including the observation that right-wing people will tolerate and even welcome left-wing people in an otherwise unpolitical organization, but that left-wing people will generally not tolerate right-wing people. While this observation can be made, I believe it is not enough for an entire organization to shift politically. The explanation is far simpler, and it’s been hiding in plain sight for everyone. Left-wing people are collectivists. They believe that the greater good shall have precedence over the wishes and desires over the individual, and organize to achieve this. Conversely, they do not feel at home when somebody tells them to promote a cause in whatever way they themselves think is best in their individual situation. Right-wing people are individualists. They believe that the greatest good, even for the worst-off people, is best achieved by giving individuals as free reign as possible so that innovation and creativity can take place. Conversely, they do not feel at home when somebody is trying to dictate to them what to do and not to do. This is almost painfully clear when working with both groups at the same time in a political organization. Ah yes, that’s the magic word, right there. Organization. A Non-profit organization, specifically. Do you know how these are run? Basically without exception, they are run as a general assembly, where people are elected to positions and decisions are taken with a majority vote. …decisions are taken with a majority vote. It became painfully clear to me, that the form of a neutral association — the form we have, or had, accepted as neutral — is actually nothing of the sort. It turns out, that an organization that takes collective decisions promotes people who like collective decision-making, and turns away people who prefer individual initiatives. The association with its board, its general assembly, and its majority votes isn’t neutral. It is pushing its membership left, through its very nature, by selecting for those who enjoy collective decision-making and procedural trickery, and marginalizing those who prefer individual initiatives. This is why, if I were to found a new political organization today, I would never use the traditional Non-profit Association format, for it is not neutral and it will ruin whatever original vision you had. For this same reason, I have come to be sceptical of center-right political parties who are run by this majority vote. They’ll never be as powerful as they can be, had they instead organized by individual initiatives — because they are competing against left-wing political parties who feel right at home in this form of organization, which they usually mandated to be the norm for everyone. Full Article Activism Swarm Management collective left majority o'sullivan organization political right
política La questione catalana è una questione politica europea By www.collectiuemma.cat Published On :: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 14:45:00 +0200 Lo scontro tra Madrid e Barcelona è al suo culmine: i catalani vanno avanti verso il referendum del 1° ottobre mentre Madrid promette che la consulta «non si celebrerà». All'orizzonte un conflitto ancora più fosco, dove tutto è possibile, che fa sorgere più di qualche domanda IL SOLE 24 ORE di ALESSANDRO GIBERTI 12.09.2017 Le forze politiche dormienti di Madrid si sono accorte ieri l’altro che la Catalunya vuole decidere se dividersi dal resto di Spagna. Dopo l’approvazione ufficiale per parte catalana del referendum del 1° ottobre prossimo (1-O) e l’immediata sua sospensione da parte del tribunale Costituzionale di Madrid, sono arrivate le denunce dalla Procura generale per il presidente della Generalitat de Catalunya Carles Puigdemont e tutti i membri del suo Governo e per la presidente del Parlamento catalano Carme Forcadell. I catalani hanno tirato dritto approvando la “Ley de Transitorietad”, con la quale si fissano i termini della cosiddetta “disconnessione” della Catalunya dal Regno di Spagna e le basi della successiva fondazione della Repubblica catalana in caso di vittoria del sì al referendum. In mezzo abbiamo visto tentativi di sequestri da parte della Guardia Civil spagnola di urne e schede elettorali dell’1-O con irruzioni in tipografie e stamperie considerate “vicine” al Governo catalano e la solita imponente Diada di ieri, che sarebbe la festa nazionale catalana, cioè di tutti i catalani, ma che è ormai interamente consacrata alle ragioni del referendum. Lasciando perdere la cronaca – al momento non si sa nemmeno se si voterà, figurarsi con quali garanzie e in quale clima – quel che importa è capire se quello che sta succedendo tra Madrid e Barcelona sia ancora circoscrivibile in termini di scontro politico locale o se sia legittimo chiedersi se questa vicenda catalana non sia un po’ più larga, ovvero se non sia una questione che intacchi i principi democratici generali, ovvero se non sia una questione politica europea. Dovessimo trattare la vicenda dal primo punto di vista, non ci sarebbero dubbi: forzando la mano, Barcelona sta minacciando l’ordine costituzionale di un Paese membro dell’Unione europea. Di conseguenza le ragioni di Madrid prevarrebbero su quelle catalane e lo Stato spagnolo sarebbe pienamente autorizzato a contrastare, da ogni punto di vista, le minacce al proprio ordine costituito. Però il milione di persone scese in piazza ieri a Barcelona, per la sesta Diada multitudinaria consecutiva (fino al 2011 a celebrare la giornata della Catalunya erano sì e no 15mila persone), non sono figlie del caso. Non credo si possa più fingere che piazza e Governo non siano originate dal medesimo movimento politico-ideale, maggioritario in Catalunya, che chiede a gran voce di essere ascoltato: quello del “derecho a decidir”, cioè del voto. Il problema qui è far calare il costituzionalismo sull’80 per cento dei catalani favorevoli al voto – queste le stime – come fosse l’ultima istanza di una traiettoria che ha viste esplorate tutte le altre opzioni possibili. Ma non è così: ci sono stati anni di sviluppi politico-elettorali e infinite possibilità di mettere in marcia risposte che avrebbero attutito il colpo e magari anche indirizzato il procés fuori dal vicolo cieco referendario, ma si è deciso di non fare nulla che non fosse frustrare le aspirazioni di un’intera comunità politica, fino farla diventare maggioritaria. Ora le forze politiche dormienti di Madrid si sono messe a parlare nientemeno che di “colpo di Stato”. Un colpo di Stato passato attraverso elezioni “autonomiche” (regionali), elezioni politiche nazionali e un referendum ancorché fake. Siamo di fronte a una nuova fattispecie dottrinale: il colpo di Stato a suon di voti. Solo pochi giorni fa, Mariano Rajoy ha dichiarato, testuale, che la «Spagna è un Paese che vive in pace da più di 40 anni». Non stupisce quindi che la questione catalana sia la peggiore gestione di un problema interno che si ricordi da quella di Eta, esattamente nei supposti quarant’anni di pace. Con «nessuno poteva immaginare di assistere a uno spettacolo così antidemocratico», vale a dire l’approvazione in un Parlamento – in un Parlamento! – di una legge ancorché contraria alla Costituzione e la successiva puntualizzazione che «in Spagna si può essere indipendentisti o qualsiasi altra cosa, quel che non si può fare è conseguirlo», Rajoy ha ridotto in un colpo solo popolo sovrano e principio democratico a forme di passatempi non cogenti. La supposta “perversione antidemocratica” del Parlamento di Catalunya, nel quale a dare «grande prova di democrazia» è una minoranza che abbandona l’emiciclo è l’ultimo ribaltamento della realtà operata da Madrid in tutta la storia recente della questione catalana. L’Aventino non può diventare il metro di giudizio ufficiale dello stato di salute di una democrazia parlamentare. Se ogni qual volta una minoranza – e la minoranza happens all the time – prende ed esce dall’aula parliamo di deficit di democrazia che ce ne facciamo del fondamento della democrazia rappresentativa e cioè del principio di maggioranza? La risposta all’80 per cento dei catalani che chiede di votare non può più essere esclusivamente giuridica: deve essere politica. Siamo arrivati troppo in là perché si chiuda il becco a un’intera comunità brandendo solo la Carta fondamentale. Non perché non si possa, ovvio che si possa, ma perché non funziona. E non funziona perché le democrazie non funzionano contro la volontà maggioritaria di una comunità politica. Pur non condividendo le forzature di leggi, norme e regolamenti, e riconoscendo che l’inflazionatissimo “principio di auto-determinazione dei popoli” poco c’entri in questa questione, non dimentichiamoci che siamo europei, siamo occidentali e siamo democratici. Da questa parte di mondo facciamo parlare le persone. Se l’80 per cento di un popolo vuole parlare, deve poterlo fare. Se l’idea è quella di mettere a tacere 7 milioni di persone tre settimane prima del momento culminante di una vicenda politica lunga un decennio semplicemente perché si è deciso di ignorarne l’esistenza fino all’altro ieri non si può in tutta onestà fingere che la cosa appartenga alla normale dialettica democratica (lasciando perdere in questa sede le ragioni storiche: la Generalitat è un’istituzione politica del XIV secolo, precedente a qualsiasi idea di comunità politica spagnola). Infine, davanti a «il referendum non si celebrerà» e «la democrazia risponderà con fermezza» ripetendo più volte «senza rinunciare a nulla», qual è il sottotesto democratico delle parole di Rajoy? Fino a che punto possiamo spingere l’immaginazione? Se i dirigenti politici catalani venissero condannati (già successo), inabilitati (già successo) e magari anche incarcerati (ancora no, ma è tecnicamente possibile) che cosa dovremmo fare come europei? L’esistenza di prigionieri politici in un Paese membro è conforme ai principi della Ue? È più grave la persecuzione politica o il mutamento democratico di un ordinamento? La legge sta sopra il popolo o emana dal popolo? Siamo sicuri che la questione catalana sia una questione meramente spagnola? Full Article
política IADL calls for release of Catalan political prisoners By www.collectiuemma.cat Published On :: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 04:15:00 +0100 IADL 3 Dec 2018 The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) rejects and condemns the repressive action undertaken by the Spanish government against some pro-independence figures in Catalonia. IADL calls for the immediate release of Catalan political prisoners, who have been held in pre-trial detention since October 2017 and demands the revocation of the arrest warrants issued against other personalities, who have at this time been forced into exile. IADL requests both the Spanish government and the pro-independence parties to resume talks and revive a fruitful dialogue in order to achieve a peaceful solution of the Catalan issue, in the framework of existing current national, European and international law. Full Article
política Catalan political crisis 'should speak to all democrats' By www.collectiuemma.cat Published On :: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 17:45:00 +0100 JOAQUIM Forn was Catalonia’s interior minister until he was arrested for his role in the October 2017 independence referendum. He has been in jail since. THE NATIONAL 18th December 2018 Exclusive by GREG RUSSELL Forn has also been on hunger strike for two weeks, one of four prisoners taking this drastic course of action. Here, he talks about his incarceration, the forthcoming trials and Europe. What is your view of events such as the continuing refusal of European leaders to take up your cases; and the way Spain is lurching further to the right almost every day? I am worried that Europe turns its back on the situation we are in. What is happening is a clear violation of civil rights and liberties. In Spain, an involution is happening as a consequence of a weak left that is being dragged by the discourse of the PP (People’s Party) and Ciudadanos (Citizens) and also due to the rise of the extreme right with Vox. Europe should not be unconnected to this regression and should position itself in defence of our liberties. The political prisoners have a huge amount of support with daily protests outside Lledoners – does that support give you more strength? Absolutely. Some of us have been for more than a year in pretrial and preventative detention. First in prison in Madrid and now in Catalunya. These last few months have been very tough and we have been able to overcome them thanks to the support from our families and the societal mobilisation that there is in Catalunya. From the prison courtyard we can hear the chants and shouts of support. Without this great support, the situation would have been more difficult to bear. You have been on hunger strike now for two weeks, are you not worried that this protest can damage you? We have not imposed a time limit upon ourselves. Our hunger strike aims to denounce the inaction of the Constitutional Court (TC), which has not reviewed our appeals. Some of these were submitted a year ago. The court, who should be the guarantor of our rights, is acting subordinate to political interests and is denying us access to European justice. What we are enduring in Spain should not only worry independence supporters. Any democrat should react to this arbitrariness. We are clearly worried about the possible consequences to our health. The medical services from jail check us daily. We cannot forget that our trial is starting next month and that we should confront it in the best possible condition, both physical and mentally. The TC judges have said they will hear you appeals next month (and will hear some cases before then) – do you believe that they will stick to that timetable? From the moment we started the hunger strike, the TC made some moves. This week, it has started to resolve five of almost 30 appeals that all the defendants have presented. Next week it will continue to resolve other appeals. It is clear that the TC knows it has not acted according to the law and should face our complaint. How do you view the world’s response to what is happening in Catalonia? I would like there to be a bigger awareness of what is happening in Spain. The governments of both PP and PSOE (Spanish Socialist Party) have dismissed dialogue, which is the political way, and have ended up imposing criminal law solutions against the political demands of millions of Catalans. The fact that in Europe, in the 21st century, we are talking about exiled and imprisoned politicians should worry the European states and citizens. The crisis being lived in Catalunya should speak to all democrats. The debate about liberties is very alive in Europe and the world, so we cannot turn our backs as if this debate does not concern us. How worrying is the prospect of not receiving a fair trial? Without a doubt, we are very worried. In any case, I see the trial as an opportunity. We are not in the pretrial proceedings any more, so now the accusations need to be argued with proof. The prosecution wanted to create the narrative of rebellion and sedition, based on the police reports from the Civil Guard and the National Police. The German courts have compellingly ruled out these crimes. The trial will be broadcast live, with the presence of international observers. I have not lost faith and I truly think that with the criminal code in hand, the only possible sentence is absolution. Is there anything else you’d like to say? I would like to thank the Scottish people for showing their solidarity and support. We have received hundreds of letters and postcards. We cannot answer them all which is why I want to take this opportunity to thank them for their gesture. Full Article
política It’s All Political By www.bbc.co.uk Published On :: Sat, 03 Nov 2018 02:30:00 +0000 At a point of strong political division in the US, where everything from “migrant caravans” to global trade is being politicised, Safiya Wazir is running for office in New Hampshire, a state that’s 94 percent white. 27 year-old Safiya says she is not interested in pursuing a career in politics, but in the short term she feels that she can make a difference on issues like education, senior care and paid family-leave. Also: HIAS is one of the oldest refugee assistance groups in the US, we hear about the group's reaction to being named in social media posts by the alleged perpetrator of the mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh; Australian political observer Bruce Hawker talks about political division in the US leading up to the midterm elections; In solidly Republican Tennessee we learn whether President Trump’s tariffs are swaying voters at the polls; Finally we look at foreign and domestic disinformation campaigns leading up the midterm elections in the US. (Safiya Wazir speaks with a resident of Concord, New Hampshire, during her campaign in a race for the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Credit: Steven Davy/The World) Full Article
política A society-centric approach to child rights governance in the EU context: how to strengthen the political presence and participation of children? By ezproxy.scu.edu.au Published On :: Sat, 01 Oct 2022 00:00:00 -0400 Children's Geographies; 10/01/2022(AN 159948776); ISSN: 14733285Academic Search Premier Full Article EUROPEAN Union POLITICAL participation CHILDREN'S rights CHILD welfare SOCIAL theory CONVENTION on the Rights of the Child
política ‘We are ignored rather than attacked politically’. Youth participation in regional sustainability transformation in eastern Germany. By ezproxy.scu.edu.au Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Children's Geographies; 09/10/2024(AN 179571051); ISSN: 14733285Academic Search Premier Full Article YOUNG adults DIGITAL technology INFRASTRUCTURE (Economics) YOUTH services COAL
política CfP: Perspectives on Politics: Political Science and the University (Deadline 8/1/25) By ifp.nyu.edu Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 13:33:30 +0000 The post CfP: Perspectives on Politics: Political Science and the University (Deadline 8/1/25) was curated by information for practice. Full Article Calls & Consultations
política Good Morning, News: Mayor-Elect Wilson Pressures Current Council, the Latest Election Results, and a Weekend of BAAAAD Political Takes By www.portlandmercury.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:43:00 -0800 by Wm. Steven Humphrey If you’re reading this, you probably know the value of the Mercury’s news reporting, arts and culture coverage, event calendar, and the bevy of events we host throughout the year. The work we do helps our city shine, but we can’t do it without your support. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! GOOD MORNING, PORTLAND! ???? Who's had a busy weekend of actively IGNORING all the spectacularly bad takes following last week's election? Wow, these so-called Democrats are the only people I know who, instead of blaming the actual people involved, love kicking each other in the scrabble bag when they're disappointed. Even worse, a few of these bad actors are saying we should have capitulated to the white supremacists and the hateful half of the country that voted for Trump... as if that would have somehow changed the outcome? LOL! Make a note, friends... despite the fact that a sizable part of the nation is in thrall of a convicted felon/cult leader, we should NEVER water down our ethics or sense of justice to appease people who want the rest of us (and especially marginalized communities) to stop existing. If you absolutely must blame someone, try focusing your ire on those who refuse to properly educate themselves and have lost their moral compass. Our pathway is UP—the rest of 'em can either keep up or get the fuck out of the way. And that's your Monday Morning Mini-Rant™—now, let's look at some NEWS! IN LOCAL NEWS: • Local election update! Now that only a very few votes (4,000 as of Saturday) are left to be counted, I think it's safe to say "OH, HELLO THERE!" to our newest incoming mayor, Keith Wilson, and our new city council, which is as follows: District 1: Candace Avalos, Loretta Smith, and (probably) Jamie Dunphy (waiting for the final count to clarify that one); District 2: Elana Pirtle-Guiney, Sameer Kanal, and current City Commissioner Dan Ryan ????; District 3: Steve Novick, Tiffany Koyama Lane, and Angelita Morillo; and District 4: Olivia Clark, Mitch Green, and most likely Eric Zimmerman... or possibly cop Eli Arnold (neither are great). In any case, that right there is a majority progressive council, with a few Portland Business Alliance puppets thrown in—which in theory should make the ever-conniving big business/realtor community happy, but rest assured they'll be pulling some anti-democratic shenanigans before you know it. Keep an eye on 'em! ???? Portland: Our new mayor Keith Wilson shows encouraging signs on transportation, above all his obsession with observation and data. Good profile by Jonathan Maus at Bike Portland. bikeportland.org/2024/11/07/p...[image or embed] — Jarrett Walker (@humantransit.bsky.social) November 10, 2024 at 12:56 PM • In other good election news, in the hotly contested (and way too close) Oregon's 5th Congressional District race, Democrat Janelle Bynum scored a win over Republican incumbent Lori Chavez DeRemer, flipping the US House seat from red to blue! While there is currently a narrow path to victory for House Democrats, it's still very tight—so at this moment, every Democrat win counts. (And in case you missed it, in Washington state, Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is the presumptive winner in the 3rd Congressional District, beating out dipshit MAGA candidate Joe Kent.) • In the first baller move of his administration, mayor-elect Keith Wilson allegedly pressured current city commissioners Rene Gonzalez, Mingus Mapps, and Dan Ryan into dropping their theatrical stunt to end Portland's homelessness services agreement with Multnomah County. As our Courtney Vaughn reported, the three crybaby candidates were threatening to end the deal with the county, even though it would cost the city $40 million to do so. But according to Ryan—who is now furiously backpedaling on his bonehead decision—Wilson called the trio, and "made it clear that he would like us to take that off the table.... So out of respect for the new mayor, it just was good manners." HAAAAAAAAA! Right. Or maybe it was that Gonzalez and Mapps' run for mayor just blew up in their faces, and Ryan was left alone in the wilderness holding this particular bag of shit. In any case, an absolutely embarrassing way to end their obstructive, but mostly useless term—and I am here for it! ???? • The Portland Trail Blazers suffered an absolutely crushing defeat to the Memphis Grizzlies last night... 134-89? OUCH. Terrible shooting, poor defense, and a harsh 23 turnovers reportedly had the normally stoic coach Chauncey Billups reportedly issuing this post-game message to the players: “Anybody that sleeps well tonight, you’re a loser. It’s just that simple." Once again, with feeling: OUCH. • Today in death: Pioneering climate scientist Warren Washington—who grew up in Portland—has died at the age of 88. Washington is credited with developing early models of global warming. Also, longtime Blazer radio announcer Brian "Wheels" Wheeler has died after an extensive illness; he was 62. Ahead of the Blood Brothers' sold out show at Revolution Hall next week, we spoke with the band's two frontmen about the group's intense, abstract song lyrics. We did not expect: Their shared theater history. The influence of Pulp's Jarvis Cocker.[image or embed] — Portland Mercury (@portlandmercury.bsky.social) November 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM IN NATIONAL/WORLD NEWS: • Despite exciting Democratic wins in Oregon and Washington, Republicans are getting closer to keeping control of the House, which after capturing the senate would mean that many of Trump's evil schemes could become a reality. Currently the GOP is four congresspeople away from securing the necessary 218 seats; the Dems are at 203. ???? • Trump has chosen former ICE director Tom Homan to serve as his “border czar,” as the incoming president ramps up his plan to launch "the largest deportation operation in the nation’s history" (without presenting a plan on how it can be done or the billions it will cost us now and in the future). The recently elected convicted felon has also picked longtime loyalist/minion Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York to become the next US ambassador to the United Nations. Stefanik is a staunch supporter of Israel and their genocide, and has pushed for ending relief to war-torn Palestinians. The only potential good news here: Taking Stefanik out of her current job could lead Republicans into losing the House. This is not great[image or embed] — Molly Jong-Fast (@mollyjongfast.bsky.social) November 11, 2024 at 7:49 AM • In escaped monkey news: Twenty-four out of 43 monkeys who escaped a South Carolina research lab last week have been recovered—and staff has eyes on another "sizable" group. Locals are being advised to avoid touching the monkeys, and instead call 911. (Take it from someone who briefly lived there, South Carolina hates it when you touch your monkey.) Your body, my choice[image or embed] — Berit Glanz (@beritmiriam.bsky.social) November 11, 2024 at 2:23 AM • Toymaker Mattel has apologized for accidentally including a porn website address on packaging for dolls from the upcoming movie Wicked. The company is advising parents to either throw away the packaging or obscure the web address before kids accidentally stumble on to any "Two Witches, One Cup" videos. (On a scale of one-to-ten, how mad are you at me right now? I'm at, like, a seven.) • And finally... a visual representation of what will happen to the economy five minutes after Trump takes office: @vehiculeracing -caniparkhere? #boat ♬ original sound - VÉHICULE Full Article Good Morning News!
política Opinion: Political texts are pinging off the rails By www.npr.org Published On :: Sat, 05 Oct 2024 08:00:00 -0400 NPR's Scott Simon wishes we could text them back when politicians message us asking for campaign donations. Full Article
política The Bookshelf: The U.S. Confronts a Future Health Crisis in Wheelan’s Political Satire By www.nhpr.org Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2019 17:06:48 -0400 Imagine there's a virus living inside you. This virus is harmless. Most of the time. But then, something causes it to change and it could kill you unless you take one dose of a powerful drug. Now imagine there is a critical shortage of this drug. This is the scary scenario at the heart of the debut novel by Hanover resident and Dartmouth professor Charles Wheelan. It's called The Rationing, but this isn't a book about a disease. It's a political satire about how the United States government handles the unfolding public health crisis. Personalities clash. Political ambitions get in the way of productive discussion. Fake News opportunists muddy the waters and foreign countries take advantage of a vulnerable United States. Charles Wheelan joined NHPR's Peter Biello to talk about his new book. Full Article
política Top 7 responses to Trump win from US political, business figures By www.christianpost.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:18:10 -0500 After President-elect Donald Trump was declared the 47th president during the early morning hours Wednesday, many U.S. political and business leaders have weighed in to congratulate him for his historic political comeback. Full Article
política ESG as a Nonmarket Strategy to Cope with Geopolitical Tension: Empirical Evidence From Multinationals' ESG Performance By www.newswise.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 06:45:58 EST Full Article
política Statement by NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents on the Political Review of Scientific Proposals By Published On :: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 06:00:00 GMT The highest standards of scientific integrity, transparency, and accountability are critical to maintaining public confidence in our nation’s research enterprise and in the wise use of the public investment in research. Full Article
política NAS and NAM Presidents Alarmed By Political Interference in Science Amid Pandemic By Published On :: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 04:00:00 GMT As advisers to the nation on all matters of science, medicine, and public health, we are compelled to underscore the value of science-based decision-making at all levels of government. Full Article
política Tech sector weighed down by geopolitical strife: SAP CTO Juergen Mueller By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:10:19 +0530 The Germany-based firm, which registered annual revenues of $32.5 billion in fiscal 2022, has been pivoting to cloud based services and for the first time is hosting its annual global event TechED in Bengaluru India. Full Article
política 'Disorderly Transition' Has Landed: Dr. Barbara Taber's Hit Series Wraps 1st Season with a Masterclass in Podcasting, Reporting, and Sociopolitical Entertainment. Everyone Should Be Paying Attention By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 08:00:00 GMT Esteemed educator, author, and podcaster, Barbara Taber, EdD, has delivered the highly anticipated season finale of Take It Or Leave It, against impossibly high expectations, following the landmark achievement of her previous three episodes. Full Article
política Sparkswell Beta Launches Online Platform for Activists and Political Candidates By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 08:00:00 GMT Sparkswelll was built to support online fundraising, communication with supporters, event scheduling, email campaigns, supporter data management and field canvassing. The platform also supports federal election financial reporting requirements. Full Article
política Former Political Prisoner Greg Tambone commissioned as Colonel by Gov. Beshear By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 08:00:00 GMT Gregory Isaac Tambone was commissioned a Colonel, the highest title of honor bestowed by the Governor, in recognition of his outstanding service to our Nation. Full Article
política Marquis Who's Who Honors Jamey Lester for Expertise in Political Consulting and Fundraising By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 08:00:00 GMT Jamey Lester is an expert in political consulting and fundraising with more than a decade of experience. Full Article
política A Chilling Vision Of An Armed Insurrection In The US: Norman Brewer's Spellbinding Political Thriller 'January 6: A Novel' Explores America's Darkest Nightmare By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:00:00 GMT Midwest Book Review "unreservedly" recommends 'January 6: A Novel,' calling it "essential reading." Full Article
política NinaData Unveils Revolutionary Contextual Gen AI Political Advertising Platform By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:00:00 GMT NinaData is reshaping the use of contextual advertising technology in the digital political advertising landscape to reach audiences based on voter issues and sentiments in a privacy-first way. Full Article
política Norman Brewer's Political Thriller, 'Blending In', Reveals The Realities Of Domestic Terrorism And Its Horrific Impact On Society By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:00:00 GMT As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. Full Article
política Domestic Terrorism In The US: Norman Brewer's Captivating Political Thriller, January 6: A Novel Available In EBook At No Charge Aug. 14-16, 2024 At Amazon By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 08:00:00 GMT Midwest Book Review "unreservedly" recommends 'January 6: A Novel,' calling it "essential reading." Full Article
política Bestselling Author Norman Brewer Announces Domestic Terrorism Political Thriller Ebook, Killer Politics, Available For Download At No Charge On September 19, 2024 By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 08:00:00 GMT As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. He was also Director of Employee Communications at the U.S. TSA. Full Article
política Domestic Terrorism Political Thriller, Killer Politics By Bestselling Author Norman Brewer, Will Be Available For Download At No Charge In Ebook Form On October 3, 2024 By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 08:00:00 GMT As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. Full Article
política Bestselling Author Norman Brewer's Ebook, Blending In, Political Thriller Exploring Domestic Terrorism, Available At No Charge On October 18, 2024 By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 08:00:00 GMT As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. Full Article
política Bestselling Author Norman Brewer's Domestic Terrorism Political Thriller Ebook, 'Blending In', Will Be Available At No Charge September 5, 2024 At Amazon By www.24-7pressrelease.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 08:00:00 GMT As a reporter, Brewer covered Congress, the White House, and federal agencies, and pursued investigative projects that earned recognition, including from the National Press Club. Full Article
política Why Companies Should Stop Political Spending Now By hbr.org Published On :: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 09:00:18 -0500 A decade ago, the U.S. Supreme Court changed the rules on how businesses could donate to political campaigns. Since then, hundreds of millions of corporate dollars have been spent on local, state, and federal elections, often without transparency. Many CEOs and boards feel this is the only way they can curry favor with policymakers. Dorothy Lund, an associate professor of law at the University of Southern California, and Leo Strine Jr., counsel at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen, and Katz and a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Delaware, say this isn't just bad for democracy. It's bad for business because it distracts companies from innovation and growth and risks serious backlash from consumers, employees, and shareholders. They suggest ways to dial back corporate political spending and improve the economy for all. They are the authors of the HBR article "Corporate Political Spending is Bad Business: How to Minimize the Risks and Focus on What Counts.” Full Article
política How Political Polarization Is Changing Work By hbr.org Published On :: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 09:00:21 -0500 Politics has traditionally been a taboo topic to discuss on the job. But as people get more vocal about their views -- on everything from from climate change to racial justice, elections to invasions -- it's increasingly hard to keep debate out of the workplace. And that can lead to conflicts between colleagues. Julia Minson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School have studied how political polarization is affecting organizations and have advice on handling the challenges it presents. Together, they wrote the HBR article “Managing A Polarized Workforce: How to Foster Debate and Promote Trust.” Full Article
política What We Can Learn from Great Political Speakers By hbr.org Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 08:00:09 -0500 The worlds of business and politics might seem worlds apart, but executives can learn a lot from the most successful political communicators. Terry Szuplat spent several years on the speechwriting team for President Barack Obama, helping to carefully craft his messages and win over audiences. He has gone on to coach business leaders including Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, and he says that many of the same principles for good speechwriting and delivery apply - whether you’re giving a presentation to your team, pitching a client, or making comments in a moment of crisis. He explains the importance of authenticity and personal stories, structure, language choice and presence. Szuplat is the author of the book Say It Well: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience. Full Article
política “Things are Getting So Politically Polarized We Can’t Measure How Politically Polarized Things are Getting” By statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu Published On :: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 13:11:55 +0000 Sociologist Claude Fischer writes: Polarization has been less a matter of Americans becoming extremists—most remain centrists or oblivious to politics—but more that politically engaged Americans have increasingly aligned their views, values, and even their practices, from where they live to … Continue reading → Full Article Political Science Sociology
política Social and Political Issues and the Workplace – Implications for Employers By www.littler.com Published On :: Wed, 12 May 2021 17:32:56 +0000 Over the past year, employers have had to grapple with seismic social, cultural, and political developments impacting profoundly how they do business. Full Article
política The Risks Of Employee Political Discourse On Social Media By www.littler.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 14:15:02 +0000 Bradford Kelley and James McGehee discuss the potential risks for employers when employees use social media for political purposes. Law360 View (Subscription required) Full Article
política Employers in Europe struggling to manage political discussions at work By www.littler.com Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 14:51:38 +0000 Stephan Swinkels and Jan-Ove Becker discuss workplace issues that European employers are struggling with, including geopolitical events, political debates and LGBTQ+ rights. Human Resources Director Asia View Full Article
política Political constraints and opportunities for agricultural investment in Sudan [in Arabic] By www.ifpri.org Published On :: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 5:05:01 EDT قدمة تستعرض هذه المذكرة المشهد السياسي المعاصر في السودان،وكيفية تأثيرهعلى جدوى الاستثماراتفي القطاع الزراعيالتي تشتد الحاجة إليها لتحقيق التحول الزراعي في البلاد. ت ركزالمذكرة بشكل خاص على سلاسل القيمة في قطاعي الثروة الحيوانية والبستنة فيولاية الخرطوم،وإدارة الموارد الطبيعية في ولايتي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان. أهملت الحكومات المتعاقبة إلى حد كبير قطاع الزراعة على الرغم من أنه أكبر قطاع توظيف في السودان ويساهم بنحو 56في المئة من إجمالي الصادرات (بنك السودان المركزي، 2020). Full Article
política Political and economic drivers of Sudan's armed conflict: Implications for the agri-food system [in Arabic] By www.ifpri.org Published On :: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 5:05:01 EST Full Article
política Resource-poor rice farmers in Myanmar suffer double impact from political conflict By www.ifpri.org Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:09:45 +0000 Resource-poor rice farmers in Myanmar suffer double impact from political conflict Productivity erodes amid turmoil. The post Resource-poor rice farmers in Myanmar suffer double impact from political conflict appeared first on IFPRI. Full Article
política Brexit: how did it happen, political impact, shock in Britain By media.utoronto.ca Published On :: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 14:54:56 +0000 The following is a list of University of Toronto experts who can comment on Brexit: how did it happen, political impact and shock in Britain. *Please see U of T News story on the vote. Check in throughout the day for reaction from our experts Randall Hansen, Professor of Political Science at Munk School of Global […] Full Article Breaking News Experts
política Baird announces support for open political space online By media.utoronto.ca Published On :: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 16:33:39 +0000 TORONTO, ON — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today announced a new partnership with the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs to launch the Digital Public Square project, an up to $9‑million initiative that will increase digital space for free expression and open political dialogue in places where civil society and citizen participation are […] Full Article International Affairs Media Releases New Media & Technology University of Toronto
política “Political Violence” From the RNC to Gaza By www.yesmagazine.org Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:21:50 +0000 The RNC’s idea of “Making America Safe Again” is centered on policing and harsh anti-immigrant detention, not on gun violence. Full Article Democracy Social Justice Republican National Convention Kamau Franklin Donald Trump Gaza 2024 Election YES! Presents: Rising Up with Sonali Assassination RNC
política Political Violence Is Not Violence Against Politicians By www.yesmagazine.org Published On :: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 01:53:17 +0000 Indigenous communities have long resisted the false narratives of imperialist nations and are experts at countering the political violence of white supremacy. Full Article Democracy Native rights Activism Native Rights Election 2024 NDN Collective political violence Trump Assassination Progress 2025: Colonialism and Sovereignty White Supremacy Progress 2025 Gun Violence Donald Trump Indigenous rights
política What Is (and Is Not) Political Violence? By www.yesmagazine.org Published On :: Fri, 02 Aug 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Violence against communities of color has always been political, but American elites have avoided that framing, says NDN Collective’s Janene Yazzie. Full Article Democracy Donald Trump Native Sovereignty 2024 Election YES! Presents: Rising Up with Sonali Assassination NDN Collective political violence