little richard

Little Richard Dies: Rockers React

Read what stars, including Jimmy Page and Brian Wilson, had to say about the death of the rock legend. Continue reading…

little richard

Little Richard, Genre-Bending Music Pioneer, Dead at 87

His influence spans generations. Continue reading…

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Updated at 1:55 p.m. ET Little Richard, the self-described "king and queen" of rock and roll and an outsize influence on everyone from David Bowie to Prince, died Saturday. He was 87 years old. Wayne Chaney, his longtime bandleader and tour manager, tells NPR that Little Richard died at his brother's home in Tullahoma, Tenn., after a battle with cancer. Rolling Stone was the first to report on his death. With his ferocious piano playing, growling and gospel-strong vocals, pancake makeup and outlandish costumes, Little Richard tore down barriers starting in the 1950s. That is no small feat for any artist — let alone a black, openly gay man who grew up in the South. He was a force of nature who outlived many of the musicians he inspired, from Otis Redding to the late Prince and Michael Jackson. His peers James Brown and Otis Redding idolized him. Jimi Hendrix, who once played in Little Richard's band, said he wanted his guitar to sound like Richard's voice. The late David Bowie was 9

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Updated at 2:24 p.m. ET Little Richard, the self-described "king and queen" of rock and roll and an outsize influence on everyone from David Bowie to Prince, died Saturday in Tullahoma, Tenn. He was 87 years old. Bill Sobel, a lawyer for Little Richard, tells NPR that the cause of death was bone cancer. Rolling Stone was the first to report on Little Richard's death. With his ferocious piano playing, growling and gospel-strong vocals, pancake makeup and outlandish costumes, Little Richard tore down barriers starting in the 1950s. That is no small feat for any artist — let alone a black, openly gay man who grew up in the South. He was a force of nature who outlived many of the musicians he inspired, from Otis Redding to the late Prince and Michael Jackson. His peers James Brown and Otis Redding idolized him. Jimi Hendrix, who once played in Little Richard's band, said he wanted his guitar to sound like Richard's voice. The late David Bowie was 9 years old when he first saw Little

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Updated at 1:55 p.m. ET Little Richard, the self-described "king and queen" of rock and roll and an outsize influence on everyone from David Bowie to Prince, died Saturday. He was 87 years old. Wayne Chaney, his longtime bandleader and tour manager, tells NPR that Little Richard died at his brother's home in Tullahoma, Tenn., after a battle with cancer. Rolling Stone was the first to report on his death. With his ferocious piano playing, growling and gospel-strong vocals, pancake makeup and outlandish costumes, Little Richard tore down barriers starting in the 1950s. That is no small feat for any artist — let alone a black, openly gay man who grew up in the South. He was a force of nature who outlived many of the musicians he inspired, from Otis Redding to the late Prince and Michael Jackson. His peers James Brown and Otis Redding idolized him. Jimi Hendrix, who once played in Little Richard's band, said he wanted his guitar to sound like Richard's voice. The late David Bowie was 9

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Updated at 1:55 p.m. ET Little Richard, the self-described "king and queen" of rock and roll and an outsize influence on everyone from David Bowie to Prince, died Saturday. He was 87 years old. Wayne Chaney, his longtime bandleader and tour manager, tells NPR that Little Richard died at his brother's home in Tullahoma, Tenn., after a battle with cancer. Rolling Stone was the first to report on his death. With his ferocious piano playing, growling and gospel-strong vocals, pancake makeup and outlandish costumes, Little Richard tore down barriers starting in the 1950s. That is no small feat for any artist — let alone a black, openly gay man who grew up in the South. He was a force of nature who outlived many of the musicians he inspired, from Otis Redding to the late Prince and Michael Jackson. His peers James Brown and Otis Redding idolized him. Jimi Hendrix, who once played in Little Richard's band, said he wanted his guitar to sound like Richard's voice. The late David Bowie was 9

little richard

Macon's Little Richard Dies at 87

One of Georgia’s most iconic musicians, Richard Wayne Penniman, better known as Little Richard, has died at age 87.

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Updated at 1:55 p.m. ET Little Richard, the self-described "king and queen" of rock and roll and an outsize influence on everyone from David Bowie to Prince, died Saturday. He was 87 years old. Wayne Chaney, his longtime bandleader and tour manager, tells NPR that Little Richard died at his brother's home in Tullahoma, Tenn., after a battle with cancer. Rolling Stone was the first to report of Little Richard's death. With his ferocious piano playing, growling and gospel-strong vocals, pancake makeup and outlandish costumes, Little Richard tore down barriers starting in the 1950s. That is no small feat for any artist — let alone a black, openly gay man who grew up in the South. He was a force of nature who outlived many of the musicians he inspired, from Otis Redding to the late Prince and Michael Jackson. His peers James Brown and Otis Redding idolized him. Jimi Hendrix, who once played in Little Richard's band, said he wanted his guitar to sound like Richard's voice. The late David

little richard

Macon Remembers Hometown Music Icon Little Richard

"The Architect of Rock 'n' Roll" is being remembered in his hometown of Macon, Georgia, after he died Saturday at 87. "Little" Richard Penniman created music like no one had heard before. And, growing up in Macon’s historically Black Pleasant Hill neighborhood, he was a kid like no one had seen before.

little richard

Rock-‘n‘-Roll-Pionier Little Richard ist tot

Rock-‘n‘-Roll-Pionier Little Richard ist am Samstag im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. In den 50er-Jahren riss er seine Fans mit seiner wilden Bühnenpräsenz zu Begeisterungsstürmen hin. Die Todesursache ist noch unbekannt.

little richard

Little Richard ist im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben

Little Richard gilt als Wegbereiter des Rock 'n' Roll, erlangte in den 50ern mit Hits wie „Tutti Frutti“ weltweite Bekanntheit. Nun ist der amerikanische Musiker im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben.

little richard

Macon's Little Richard Dies at 87

One of Georgia’s most iconic musicians, Richard Wayne Penniman, better known as Little Richard, has died at age 87.

little richard

Macon Remembers Hometown Music Icon Little Richard

"The Architect of Rock 'n' Roll" is being remembered in his hometown of Macon, Georgia, after he died Saturday at 87. "Little" Richard Penniman created music like no one had heard before. And, growing up in Macon’s historically Black Pleasant Hill neighborhood, he was a kid like no one had seen before.

little richard

Tod von Little Richard: Der Rock'n'Roll-Pionier ist verstummt

Die ganz großen Erfolge blieben für Little Richard seit den späten 1950er Jahren aus. Doch sein Einfluss prägte über Jahrzehnte Generationen von Künstlern. Nun ist das Urgestein des Rock'n'Roll mit 87 Jahren gestorben. Von Arthur Landwehr.

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Little Richard, one of the chief architects of rock ‘n’ roll whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, died Saturday after battling bone cancer. He was 87. Pastor Bill Minson, a close friend of Little Richard’s, told The Associated […]

little richard

Jagger, Quincy Jones react to the death of Little Richard

Reaction to the death of rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Little Richard, who died Saturday at 87. — “I’m so saddened to hear about the passing of Little Richard, he was the biggest inspiration of my early teens and his music still has the same raw electric energy when you play it now as it did […]

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Little Richard, one of the chief architects of rock ‘n’ roll whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, died Saturday after battling bone cancer. He was 87. Pastor Bill Minson, a close friend of Little Richard’s, told The Associated […]

little richard

Jagger, Quincy Jones react to the death of Little Richard

Reaction to the death of rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Little Richard, who died Saturday at 87. — “I’m so saddened to hear about the passing of Little Richard, he was the biggest inspiration of my early teens and his music still has the same raw electric energy when you play it now as it did […]

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Little Richard, one of the chief architects of rock ‘n’ roll whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, died Saturday after battling bone cancer. He was 87. Pastor Bill Minson, a close friend of Little Richard’s, told The Associated […]

little richard

Jagger, Quincy Jones react to the death of Little Richard

Reaction to the death of rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Little Richard, who died Saturday at 87. — “I’m so saddened to hear about the passing of Little Richard, he was the biggest inspiration of my early teens and his music still has the same raw electric energy when you play it now as it did […]

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Little Richard, one of the chief architects of rock ‘n’ roll whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, died Saturday after battling bone cancer. He was 87. Pastor Bill Minson, a close friend of Little Richard’s, told The Associated […]

little richard

Jagger, Quincy Jones react to the death of Little Richard

Reaction to the death of rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Little Richard, who died Saturday at 87. — “I’m so saddened to hear about the passing of Little Richard, he was the biggest inspiration of my early teens and his music still has the same raw electric energy when you play it now as it did […]

little richard

Rock-'n-roll-legende Little Richard (87) overleden

De Amerikaanse zanger Little Richard is op 87-jarige leeftijd overleden aan de gevolgen van botkanker.

Little Richard geldt als een van de belangrijkste grondleggers van de rock-'n-roll. Hij wordt vaak in één adem genoemd met grootheden als Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley en Buddy Holly.


Midden jaren vijftig had hij veel succes met nummers als Tutti Frutti, Long Tall Sally, Lucille en Good Golly Miss Molly. Hij was geliefd bij zowel witte als zwarte Amerikanen en dat was tijdens de strikte rassenscheiding in die periode heel bijzonder.

Richard wordt met zijn opvallende manier van kleden en zijn voorliefde voor glitters ook wel gezien als de voorloper van wat in de jaren zeven zou uitgroeien tot 'glamrock'.

Met zijn opzwepende manier van zingen en optredens met veel showelementen drukte hij een heel eigen stempel op de rock-'n-roll. Hij beïnvloedde tal van andere muzikanten, onder wie Prince, Michael Jackson, The Beatles en The Rolling Stones.

"Hij was de grootste inspiratiebron in mijn vroege tienerjaren en zijn muziek heeft, als je het nu speelt, nog steeds diezelfde rauwe elektrische energie als in het midden van de jaren 50", zegt Mick Jagger op Twitter. De Stones tourden met Little Richard. Jagger leerde daar veel van.

Richard Penniman groeide op in een zeer religieus gezin. Zijn vader was geestelijke en ook zijn moeder was zeer actief in de kerk. Thuis werd hij Little Richard genoemd, omdat hij klein en mager was. Later koos hij deze bijnaam als artiestennaam.

Op jonge leeftijd zong hij in het kerkkoor en leerde hij piano spelen. Hij werd muzikaal beïnvloed door gospelzangers als Joe May, Rosetta Tharpe en Marion Williams. Toen Tharpe hem eens voorafgaand aan een concert twee van haar nummers hoorde zingen was ze zo onder de indruk dat ze hem uitnodigde op het podium. Sindsdien wilde Little Richard niets liever dan op het podium staan.

Antwoord op Ray Charles

Hij verwaarloosde z'n school en richtte zich op een zangcarrière. In 1951 kreeg hij een platencontract. In zijn thuisstaat Georgia scoorde hij een hit met het nummer Every Hour, maar verder had hij niet veel succes. Tot hij een paar jaar later overstapte naar Specialty Records, dat hem beschouwde als het antwoord op de succesvolle zanger en pianist Ray Charles.

In 1955 bracht hij Tutti Frutti uit, wat onmiddellijk een succes werd in zowel de Verenigde Staten als in Groot-Brittannië. De opvolger Long Tall Sally (1956) deed het nog beter. Hij bereikte daarmee de eerste plaats in de Amerikaanse R&B-lijst. Van beide singles werden miljoenen exemplaren verkocht.

In drie jaar scoorde hij 18 hits en de miljoenen stroomden binnen. Samen met zijn begeleidingsband The Upsetters, waar ook gitarist Jimmi Hendrix een tijd lang deel van uitmaakte, gaf hij concerten in binnen- en buitenland. Die concerten met een lichtshow, Little Richards extravagante kleding, make-up en de capriolen die hij uithaalde tijdens het piano spelen waren voor die tijd uitzonderlijk.

Obscene teksten

De verbazing was dan ook groot toen hij in 1957 tijdens een concert in Sydney aankondigde dat hij ermee stopte om predikant te worden. Hij nam dat besluit op basis van enkele 'voortekenen', zoals een rode vuurbal die hij tijdens het concert in Sydney door de lucht had zien vliegen. Hij zag dat als een waarschuwing van God dat hij boete moest doen voor het maken van muziek met obscene teksten en zijn rock-'n-roll-levensstijl. Later bleek de rode vuurbal afkomstig te zijn van de lancering van de Spoetnik 1-satelliet.

Terug in de VS ging hij theologie studeren en trok daarna als predikant het land door. Ook nam hij weer gospelnummers op.

In 1962 werd hij door zijn tourmanager overgehaald om weer te gaan optreden in Europa. De pas begonnen band The Beatles speelde een paar keer in zijn voorprogramma en hij gaf Paul McCartney zangadvies.

In de jaren zestig en zeventig was hij behoorlijk aan de drugs. Ook dronk hij veel. Zelf zei hij later over die periode: "Ze hadden me beter 'Little Cocaine' kunnen noemen gezien de hoeveelheden die ik in die tijd gebruikte". In de jaren zeventig kostte zijn verslaving hem ongeveer 1000 dollar per dag.

In 1977 trok hij zich opnieuw terug uit de showbizz, kickte af en nam zijn werk als predikant weer op. Ook bracht hij in 1979 het gospelalbum God's Beautiful City uit. In 1986 maakte hij een comeback met een rol in de film Down and Out in Beverly Hills, waarvoor hij ook de soundtrack zong. Dat zelfde jaar was hij onder de eerste artiesten die opgenomen werden in The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Hij begon weer concerten te geven en werkte ook samen met andere artiesten. Zo schreef hij een aantal nummers voor Elvis Costello, rapte in het nummer Elvis is Dead van Living Color en was te horen in het achtergrondkoor van When Love Comes to Town, de hit van B.B. King en U2.

Hij kreeg vele prijzen en vermeldingen, waaronder een Grammy Life Time Achievement Award en de opname van Tutti Frutti werd toegevoegd aan het register van The Library of Congress. In dat register worden opnames bewaard van alle muziek die belangrijk is geweest voor de Amerikaanse cultuur.


In 1995 vertelde hij in een interview dat hij homoseksueel was. Een gevoelig onderwerp voor de diep religieuze zanger. Hij is een keer getrouwd geweest, maar dat huwelijk hield niet lang stand. Hij had geen eigen kinderen. Wel adopteerde hij via zijn kerk een baby, Danny Jones, die toen hij ouder werd vaak optrad als zijn lijfwacht.

Ook in het nieuwe millennium bleef hij optreden, hoewel dat fysiek lastiger werd omdat hij problemen had met zijn been en heup.

In 2012 schreef Rolling Stone Magazine over zijn concert in Washington D.C. "nog steeds vol vuur, nog steeds een ongekende showman, zijn stem is nog steeds gevuld met een diepe gospel en ranzige kracht".

little richard

Rock legend Little Richard dead at 87

Little Richard, whose outrageous showmanship and lightning-fast rhythms intoxicated crowds in the 1950s with hits like Tutti Frutti and Long Tall Sally, has died. He was 87 years old.

little richard

Little Richard dead at 87

Little Richard, one of the founding fathers of rock and roll, has died at the age of 87.

little richard

Rock legend Little Richard dies aged 87

The American pianist-singer, regarded as the founding father of rock music, dies from unknown causes aged 87.

little richard

Little Richard nie żyje. Muzyk, znany z przeboju "Tutti Frutti", miał 87 lat - TVN24

Najnowsze wiadomości - TVN24 Little Richard, znany między innymi z przeboju "Tutti Frutti", zmarł w sobotę w wieku 87 lat - poinformował na swojej stronie internetowej magazyn "Rolling Stone". Piosenkarz, pianista i pastor jest uważany za jednego z pionierów rock and rolla.

little richard

Little Richard, Grammy-Winning Rock Music Legend, Dies at 87

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Little Richard, the self-proclaimed “architect of rock ‘n’ roll” whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, has died Saturday. He was 87.

little richard

Little Richard, Godfather of Rock, Dead at 87

Little Richard obviously never released a heavy metal album, but it's safe to say without Little Richard heavy metal wouldn't...

The post Little Richard, Godfather of Rock, Dead at 87 appeared first on Metal Injection.

  • This Is Just A Tribute

little richard

Zemřel Little Richard, idol Elvise i Paula McCartneyho a jeden z otců rock´n´rollu

Ve věku 87 let dnes zemřel jeden z otců zakladatelů rock´n´rollu Little Richard (vlastním jménem Richard Wayne Penniman). S odvoláním na jeho syna to na svém webu napsal časopis Rolling Stone. Příčina smrti zpěváka a klavíristy z amerického státu Georgia zatím není známá.

little richard

Little Richard, rock pioneer behind hits Long Tall Sally, Tutti Frutti, dies aged 87 - ABC News

  1. Little Richard, rock pioneer behind hits Long Tall Sally, Tutti Frutti, dies aged 87  ABC News
  2. Rock legend Little Richard dead at 87
  3. Little Richard, Flamboyant Rock and Roll Pioneer, Dies at 87  9Honey
  4. Little Richard, flamboyant rock 'n' roll pioneer, dies at 87  The Times of Israel
  5. Musician Little Richard dies aged 87  Sky News Australia
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

little richard

Little Richard: Rock'n Roll-Sänger gestorben

Er gehörte zu den einflussreichsten Musikern in der Frühphase des Rock 'n' Roll, inspirierte die Beatles und Elvis Presley. Nun ist der US-Sänger Little Richard mit 87 Jahren gestorben.

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87

little richard

Seminal rocker Little Richard, singer of classic “Tutti Frutti” and “Lucille,” dead at 87

The wildly influential singer and pianist established rock ’n’ roll as a genre with just one rule — there are no rules.

little richard

Little Richard, The 'King And Queen' Of Rock And Roll, Dead At 87

Little Richard was an explosive performer who inspired generations of musicians from Otis Redding to The Beatles to David Bowie. He died Saturday morning.

little richard

Seminal rocker Little Richard, singer of classic “Tutti Frutti” and “Lucille,” dead at 87

The wildly influential singer and pianist established rock ’n’ roll as a genre with just one rule — there are no rules.

little richard

Little Richard, flamboyant rocker who fused gospel fervor and R&B sexuality, dies at 87

Little Richard, the flamboyant, piano-pounding showman who injected sheer abandon into rock 'n' roll in its early days, died Saturday. He was 87.

little richard

Tom Jones Little Richard: Were Tom Jones and Little Richard friends? 'Sings to me'

TOM JONES had a huge number of famous friends - but did that include the late singer Little Richard?

little richard

Tom Jones Little Richard: Were Tom Jones and Little Richard friends? 'Sings to me'

TOM JONES had a huge number of famous friends - but did that include the late singer Little Richard?

little richard

Little Richard dead: How did Little Richard die? Cause of death revealed

ROCK legend Little Richard has died aged 87, but what was the cause of death?

little richard

Little Richard dead: Rock and roll legend dies at the age of 87

LITTLE RICHARD, the rock and roll singer, has died at the age of 87 - his son Danny Penniman confirmed.

little richard

'He was the most loving person': Little Richard's guitarist, Chance the Rapper, Spike Lee react to singer's death

News of Little Richard's death sent shockwaves across social media Saturday as tributes started pouring in from celebrities and musicians.


little richard

Little Richard, outsized founding father of rock music, dies at 87

Little Richard Penniman, a founding father of rock music, died at 87. Before Elvis, the flamboyant singer wowed 1950s teens with his frantic sound.


little richard | Rock 'n' roll legend Little Richard, 87, dies

Little Richard, whose outrageous showmanship and lightning-fast rhythms intoxicated crowds in the 1950s with hits like 'Tutti Frutti' and 'Long Tall Sally', has died.

little richard

Little Richard, Flamboyant Rock ‘N’ Roll Pioneer, Dead at 87

Little Richard, the self-proclaimed “architect of rock ‘n’ roll” whose piercing wail, pounding piano and towering pompadour irrevocably altered popular music while introducing black R&B to white America, died Saturday. He was 87. Pastor Bill Minson, a close friend of Little Richard’s, told The Associated Press that Little Richard died Saturday morning. His son, Danny…

The post Little Richard, Flamboyant Rock ‘N’ Roll Pioneer, Dead at 87 appeared first on The Western Journal.