
The impact of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana in Jammu and Kashmir

Expanding the network of LPG distribution points in rural areas and extending financial support for refills could further increase clean fuel adoption


Sterlite Technologies secures ₹2,600 crore BharatNet project in Jammu and Kashmir 

Sterlite Technologies to implement an automation-led fibre deployment approach, utilising drone surveys, GIS mapping, and AI-led network design


Jammin Limited Edition Stone Lithograph

Jammin Limited Edition Stone Lithograph by William Tolliver is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition pcs



James LoMenzo, который до середины 00-ых никогда не исполнял треш-метал, в интервью Yamaha Guitars вспомнил о своем первом появлении в MEGADETH:

«Поначалу я чувствовал себя подобно рыбе, выброшенной на берег. Я понимал музыку, я мог её играть, но я думал: «Как это преподнести? Что с этим делать?». Сложность этой музыки в том, чтобы суметь исполнить её так, чтобы она показалась слушателям такой же, какой они ее чувствуют, когда слушают.

В MEGADETH у меня появились возможности для более масштабной театральности. Я могу победно вскинуть кулак в ответ парню, который в нужный момент вскидывает кулак в мою сторону, посмотреть ему в глаза и сказать: «Я вижу тебя, и я знаю, что тебе это нравится, и мне это тоже нравится». В этом есть что-то преображающее, что заставляет металл по-настоящему работать. И я думаю, что это лучшее, что есть в металле. Это как создание своего сообщества, своей церкви, которая мгновенно объединяет слушателей, и наоборот.

Сообщество металла непоколебимо. И аудитория заметно расширилась с тех пор, как я оказался здесь впервые».
#Megadeth #AcousticRock #Acoustic_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #SpeedMetal #Speed_Metal #ThrashMetal #Thrash_Metal #Instrumental #_Instrumental

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOgYEc3OP7I


Jammu & Kashmir’s ‘nutcracker’ soldiers on to revive walnut farming in valley

Singh, a retired soldier, also cultivates hazelnuts, pecans and some stone fruits including peach, plum and apricots. 


400th Year Anniversary (May 1611 - May 2011) of the Authorized King James Version (KJV 1611) of the Bible - Erasmus' Textus Receptus was consulted during the translation of Reformation era Bibles including the Authorised Version (KJV) and represents r

The Authorised (British spelling) Version of the holy scriptures, commonly known as the Authorized King James Version or KJV, is the word of God and the glory of the English language. For almost 400 years it has led multitudes to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and a whole new life in him and his word. The King James Bible has spread across the world reaching mankind generation after generation. It has saved, comforted, exhorted, rebuked, admonished, warned, enlightened, and edified without ceasing. King James VI & I, founding monarch of Great Britain, not only commanded the translation of the Authorised Version but he actually took an active role in developing the rules for translators and encouraging the completion of the work. The King's College website states, The development of the Bible in English differs from that of other European vernacular translations. Only England has an "authorised version", issued under the auspices of a king who was also the head of the Church. The vernacular Bible was illegal in England long before the Reformation and so began its development at a great disadvantage, but once England became a Protestant country the translated Bible became a symbol of state.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 3. 1522 A.D. to 1880 A.D. - Indigenous Bible translations and Church Doctrines era - The Reformation


Chick.com: Was Erasmus, the editor of the Textus Receptus (Received Text - manuscript for the later King James Version, KJV 1611 Holy Bible), a "good" Roman Catholic? -- Erasmus, edited the Greek text which was later to be known as the Textus Re

He opposed Jerome's translation in two vital areas. He detected that the Greek text [of the Egyptian manuscripts] had been corrupted as early as the fourth century [by the desert monks - desert fathers]. He knew that Jerome's translation had been based solely on the Alexandrian manuscript, Vaticanus, written itself early in the fourth century. He also differed with Jerome on the translation of certain passages which were vital to the claimed authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Jerome rendered Matthew 4:17 thus: "Do penance, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Erasmus differed with: "Be penitent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Erasmus was also a staunch defender of both Mark 16:9-21 and John 8:1-12. Zeal which our modern day scholars cannot seem to find. -- Possibly Erasmus's greatest gift to mankind was his attitude toward the common man. In the rigidly "classed" society in which he lived, he was an indefatigable advocate of putting the Scripture in the hands of the common man. While Jerome's Latin had been translated at the bidding of the Roman hierarchy, Erasmus translated his Latin with the express purpose of putting it into the hands of the common people of his day. A practice that the Roman Catholic Church knew could be dangerous to its plan to control the masses. Erasmus is quoted as saying, "Do you think that the Scriptures are fit only for the perfumed?" "I venture to think that anyone who reads my translation at home will profit thereby." He boldly stated that he longed to see the Bible in the hands of "the farmer, the tailor, the traveler and the Turk." Later, to the astonishment of his upper classed colleagues, he added "the masons, the prostitutes and the pimps" to that declaration. Knowing his desire to see the Bible in the hands of God's common people, it seems not so surprising that God was to use his Greek text for the basis of the English Bible that was translated with the common man in mind, the King James Bible. -- It has been said that "Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched." There is probably far more truth to this statement than can be casually discerned. For the reformers were armed with Erasmus's Bible, his writings and his attitude of resistance to Roman Catholic intimidation. Of Luther he said, "I favor Luther as much as I can, even if my cause is everywhere linked with his." He wrote several letters on Luther's behalf, and wholeheartedly agreed with him that salvation was entirely by grace, not works. He refused pressure by his Roman Catholic superiors to denounce Luther as a heretic. If Erasmus had turned the power of his pen on Luther, it would undoubtedly have caused far more damage than the powerless threats of the pope and his imps were able to do. As it is, only his disagreement with Luther's doctrine of predestination ever prompted him to criticize the Reformer with pen and ink. Erasmus's greatest point of dissension with the Roman Church was over its doctrine of salvation through works and the tenets of the church. He taught that salvation was a personal matter between the individual and God and was by faith alone. Of the Roman system of salvation he complained, "Aristotle is so in vogue that there is scarcely time in the churches to interpret the gospel." And what was "the gospel" to which Erasmus referred? We will let him speak for himself. "Our hope is in the mercy of God and the merits of Christ." Of Jesus Christ he stated, "He ... nailed our sins to the cross, sealed our redemption with his blood." He boldly stated that no rites of the Church were necessary for an individual's salvation. "The way to enter paradise," he said, "is the way of the penitent thief, say simply, Thy will be done. The world to me is crucified and I to the world." Concerning the most biblical sect of his time, the Anabaptists, he reserved a great deal of respect. He mentioned them as early as 1523 even though he himself was often called the "only Anabaptist of the 16th century." He stated that the Anabaptists that he was familiar with called themselves "Baptists." (Ironically, Erasmus was also the FIRST person to use the term "fundamental.") So we see that when Erasmus died on July 11, 1536, he had led a life that could hardly be construed to be an example of what could be considered a "good Catholic." But perhaps the greatest compliment, though veiled, that Erasmus's independent nature ever received came in 1559, twenty-three years after his death. That is when Pope Paul IV put Erasmus's writings on the "Index" of books, forbidden to be read by Roman Catholics.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire


{Basic Christian: The 8 Kingdoms study} Alpha & Omega Ministries Apologetics Blog - I have been downright encouraged to note the response that has appeared to the amazing statements of James McDonald of "Vertical Church" wherein he basically

But even more importantly than the tweaking of Modalism so that it gets a place at the table is the attitude McDonald has displayed toward the Nicene definition. He says he does not trace his beliefs to credal statements. Really? If by that he means creeds are always subject to the higher authority of Scripture, of course. But this is where you fall off the other side of the narrow path and rather than believing in sola scriptura, you end up with something much less, and in fact, much different. Nicea's authority comes from its fidelity to Scripture. It does not stand alone as a new revelation, and it survived simply because it is, despite all the arguments to the contrary, the consistent, harmonious testimony of divine writ. To throw its authority into the dustbin of history in the service of some kind of "emergent" attitude is not only to display an astoundingly arrogant hubris, it is to show deep disrespect to those who fought, and some who died, in defense of its truth. And for what? For some kind of post-modern feel-goodism that cannot even recognize modalism when it is standing right in front of you. A truly educational example of just how far the emergent movement is willing to go in pursuit of its ultimately destructive goals. -- Recently Jamin Hubner has raised issues relating to a simple question: is the modern secular state of Israel religiously and theologically significant? Is it "Israel" as in the Israel of Scripture, or Romans 11? And if it is not, is it open to criticism? He is concerned about the strength of the movement, mainly amongst American evangelicals, that has granted to Israel not only a theological position it does not actually hold, but which precludes even the slightest mention of criticism of a secular state. Now, I am not going to re-hash everything here, but he has even been accused of being a "shill for Hamas" due to sources he has cited and issues he has raised (which seems to me to provide strong evidence of the need to raise such issues and challenge the knee-jerk reactions of many in the Evangelical community as a whole). While he has sought fair and non-emotional responses to questions he has raised, his requests have, in the main, fallen upon deaf ears, for I see no evidence that his critics really want to have a give-and-take.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 1. 0 A.D. to 312 A.D. - Birth of Jesus and the early Church Age


GVSU Oral History: James Crawford and Vietnam

My father James Crawford was interviewed about his experiences in the service particularly during Vietnam and around the Battle of Firebase Ripcord. I am so proud of him sharing his oral history with the GVSU Veterans History Project. The video go his oral history is on YouTube and will be stored in the archives of...


'Pajamas Media' Network for Elitist Bloggers only:

The innocence of its name belies the true nature of this new virtual organism.

Meaning? PJs is a powerplay by a handful of elitist bloggers to carve out a new media empire for their personal (and financial) gratification.

"Pajamas Media, a new blogging venture designed to bring together top online writers, journalists and commentators under a single umbrella, today unveiled its editorial board as it prepares for its formal debut next month.

The announcement comes as Pajamas Media further realizes its vision of coalescing the internet's brightest minds and most compelling content into a single source that will, in turn, complement and re-define journalism in the 21st century."

So there you have it folks. The brightest stars in the virtual firmament who are going to "re-define journalism in the 21st century".

Can you believe the hype? The kahunas! A bunch of pompous self-serving goofballs if there ever was.

And speaking of balls, here I thought re-defining journalism is what the blogosphere is all about, even without the help of PJs et al. Silly me.

They are touting Glenn Reynolds as one of their greatest acquisitions. I must confess that I am all the more enlightened from his inspired and in depth analysis. Spewing his best Spock impersonations such as "indeed" and "indeed", or one of my personal favorites... "indeed".

Do you think perhaps they might (hopefully) consider (God willing) allowing us insignificant pee-ons add our (albeit smallish) comments to their omnipoobah flatulation? Well try this one on for size:

"Golly gee Instapundit, you sure are great. I was really hoping that if you might possibly consider linking to me some time. Pretty please, and I promise to forever be your grovelling fan... pant, pant, drool."

Or will it be the same old droning monologue we're all accustomed to - the sermon from the mount a la Instapun style.

Hell, if we wanted sermons we can always watch Anderson Cooper 360 report to the CNN situation room. So much for a blogging community folks.

Guys, you've got it all mixed up. If you want a one-sided conversation find a soap box and run for public office. Or better still make an application to CNN.

If you want to write a book then write the stinkin' book. If you want to build an exclusive empire so you can call the shots, give Bill Gates a call. But if you want to blog, join the community.

BUT damn it choose, because they're different. Got it? (Are you listening Glenn)?

Can somebody please explain to me how all this nonsense benefits the blogosphere? Oh yeah right, I forgot - it doesn't.

It sounds more like Al Gore's reinvention of the internet than anything else. So let's be clear boys and girls - it is the technology and all of our collective efforts that has re-defined journalism. Not just a few arrogant twits.

Not since the invention of the printing press has so much been given to the common folk. It is its inclusive, collaborative nature and community spirit that gives blogging its influential power.

HELLO! Are you listening? The blogosphere is not the exclusive playground of an old-boys network trying to elevate itself above the rest of us mere mortals.

That is bass-ackwards thinking, destructive and the last thing we need. Another media empire of self-important opportunists believing in their own press, shovelling verbal poop down our collective throats.

Think about it. Did we take down Dan Rather just to create a job opening for Reynolds? I don't think so. Personally I'd rather have Dan back (no pun intended). And for that matter I hear he's looking for work. Any takers?

It's the same old story. If it becomes popular the politicians have to control it, and the capitalists want to exploit it.

Not that I object to making money from blogging. God knows I could use the extra coin. But it is their elitist business model and its ominous implications that I find offensive.

It's called good old fashioned exploitation. The great American way. Look out Weblogs here we come.

Mark my words. The blogosphere is on the fast track to being hijacked by the control freaks and big business interests.

More restrictive laws and government intervention. Acquisitions and mergers, IPO offerings, get-rich-quick dot-com scam artists, media moguls, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, Pajamas party, whatever.

Sounding all too familiar? PJs is a cash grab. Plain and simple. And for whose benefit? The way it reads right now PJs will benefit only a few elitists, that's who.

Perhaps it got lost in the translation, but until they can find a more inclusive model the blogosphere needs this shite like a hole in the head.

UPDATE: An Open Letter to Roger Simon

Source: daily FISK!


FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign

In recent years, the number of websites offering  "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to block communications and create a "quiet zone" in vehicles, schools, theaters, restaurants, and other places has increased substantially. FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign


Vive le Jambon… et les pétards

Bonne année du huotui, ou plutôt du cochon. Pékin s’est vidé de sa substance… c’est désert et tout est très calme ici. Il suffit de se balader dans les rues pour s’en rendre compte. Sauf que… Ca pétarade de partout !!! C’était marrant les premières heures...


Have A Jammin Week!


The Travel Banter Blog would like to wish all visitors a jammin week!

Travel Banter Blog

Buy this Art Print at AllPosters.com

Please tell me it's not Monday already!

Buy this Pre-Matted Print at AllPosters.com


Missing: James McMackin

James McMackin is the roommate of a friend of mine. He once helped my friend Kristen and I get the #1 score in Erotic Photohunt at the Albatross Bar in Astoria, NY. James and I were also both standing around in Union Sq. on Election Day 2004 trying to get on a bus to go petition for John Kerry in Pennsylvania. He went missing this past Monday night in New York City. Please if you [PARTIAL POST: VISIT THE SITE TO READ THE REST AND SEE PICTURES]

Posted by Frank On 03/01/06 At 04:57 PM



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Watch: Hyderabad’s Chika Cafe serves coffee-infused gulab jamun 


How Jamie Penney is Growing a +$4000/Month Flipping Furniture YouTube Channel

Jamie Penney’s entrepreneurial adventure began when he was in university.  He dabbled in niche sites and a travel vlog on YouTube successfully until the recent Google updates, but he really found his groove when he focused his efforts on a…

The post How Jamie Penney is Growing a +$4000/Month Flipping Furniture YouTube Channel appeared first on Niche Pursuits.


How Jamie Northrup Earns +$6k/Month From Multiple Income Streams

Jamie Northrup is no stranger to the “make money online” scene. He’s been doing it for almost 20 years with varying success, depending on the strategy.  For years he has been developing different income streams, focusing particularly on side hustles…

The post How Jamie Northrup Earns +$6k/Month From Multiple Income Streams appeared first on Niche Pursuits.


The Liturgy of St. James

Today we catch up with Frederica in York, PA, at a banquet at St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Church. She is sitting with Fr. Elias Yelovich, priest at the mission parish of St. James the Apostle near Baltimore. Once a year on October 23, they celebrate the Liturgy of St. James. Learn about this ancient liturgy and how it is celebrated.


The Protevangelion of James

A reading of the "Lost Gospel of Mary" (Frederica's name for it), from her book of that title. The scholarly name is "the Protevangelion of James" (or "protevangelium" in Latin). It is a timely story for Nativity Fast because it covers the Virgin's life from her conception through the birth of Christ and the slaughter of the innocents.


St. James the Brother of the Lord

Fr. John Whiteford talks about the life of St. James the Just.


Tuesday Oct 23 - St. James


Oct 23 - Holy Apostle James, Brother Of The Lord, First Bishop Of Jerusalem


Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem


Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem


Tuesday Nov 27 - James the Persian


Nov 27 - Holy Great Martyr James The Persian


Holy Great Martyr James the Persian


Mar 21 - James the Confessor and Serapion


Mar 21 - Holy Father James The Confessor and Holy Father Serapion


Our Holy Father James the Confessor, Bishop, of the Studion


Our Holy Father James the Confessor and Our Holy Father Serapion


Our Holy Father James the Confessor, Bishop, of the Studion, and Our Holy Father Serapion


Apr 30 - Holy Apostle James, The Brother Of St John The Theologian


Apr 30 - Holy Apostle James, brother of St. John the Theologian


St. James the Faster of Phoenecia


St. James the Faster of Phoenecia


Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem


Oct 16 - St. James (Jacob) Netsvetov, Missionary to Alaska


Holy Great Martyr James the Persian


St. James the Faster of Phoenecia


Our Holy Father James the Confessor, bishop, of the Studion


Our Holy Father James the Confessor, Bishop, of the Studion


Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem


Holy Great Martyr James the Persian


Our Holy Father James the Confessor, Bishop, of the Studion


Holy Great Martyr James the Persian