financial literacy

Launch: OECD PISA financial literacy assessment of students

24 May 2017: PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.

financial literacy

G20/OECD INFE report on adult financial literacy in G20 countries

This report describes the levels of financial literacy of adults in G20 countries and the Netherlands and Norway, guest countries under the G20 German Presidency. It was presented to G20 Leaders at their 2017 Summit meeting in Hamburg on 8 July 2017.

financial literacy

OECD-ADBI-SBV Conference on Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection

Hanoi, Vietnam, 3-4 October 2017. This conference provided a forum to discuss best practices on developing financial education and consumer protection in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.

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Gender gaps in financial literacy and financial education

This chapter from "The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle" shows that two-thirds of the 30 economies participating in a financial literacy survey reported that gender differences in financial knowledge and confidence persist.

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5th Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy

18 May 2018, Paris, France: The 2018 symposium focused on the relationship between financial education policies and broad economic, financial and social outcomes, including its role in supporting sustainable and inclusive growth.

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The Application of Behavioural Insights to Financial Literacy and Investor Education Programmes and Initiatives

Behavioural insights have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of financial literacy and investor education initiatives. This IOSCO/OECD report explores the extent to which they are being used, reviews the available literature and presents various approaches for policy makers and practitioners to consider when seeking to change financial behaviour.

financial literacy

G20-OECD INFE Policy Guidance Digitalisation and Financial Literacy

The digitalisation of financial products and services, and the consequent need to strengthen digital financial literacy has become an important component of the global policy-making agenda. This guidance aims to identify and promote effective initiatives that enhance digital and financial literacy in light of the unique characteristics, advantages, and risks of digital financial services and channels.

financial literacy

OECD INFE core competencies framework on financial literacy for MSMEs

This document contains a high-level, outcome-based, internationally relevant, core competencies framework on financial literacy for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and potential entrepreneurs. It highlights a range of outcomes that may be important to sustain or improve their financial literacy.

financial literacy

OECD-Russia symposium on financial literacy

4-5 October 2018, Moscow, Russian Federation: The symposium will focus on innovative implementation approaches to deliver global progress on financial literacy.

financial literacy

The financial literacy of university students