
OECD to launch Skills Outlook 2017: Skills and global value chains, 09:00 GMT on Thursday 4 May

Amid a growing debate over the benefits of globalisation, a new OECD report examines how the level and mix of skills in a country’s workforce can affect its chances of winning or losing from the globalised production chains that see workers dotted across different countries contributing to the design, manufacture and sale of a single product


Improving adult skills can help countries benefit from globalisation

In an increasingly competitive international environment, providing workers with the right mix of skills can help ensure that globalisation translates into new jobs and productivity gains rather than negative economic and social outcomes, according to a new OECD report.


We must invest in the transformational power of higher education

Despite people’s perceptions of us, we economists are neither futurologists, nor historians. But we do see trends that we try to interpret, by applying objectivity where subjectivity abounds, and using the (rather few) tools we have developed to address (very many) major social problems.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 51 - Tuition fee reforms and international mobility

In most countries with available data, public educational institutions charge different tuition fees for national and foreign students enrolled in the same programme. In Australia, Austria, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, foreign students pay on average about twice or more the tuition fees charged to national students.


Knowing and actively debating why, the heart of every policy (OECD Education Today Blog)

What makes some of the largest companies in the world successful? According to consultant Simon Sinek in a very popular TedTalk it is because they start with the ‘why’.


Improving education and training will boost growth and productivity in Greece

Greece should prioritise investment in education and training and improve the quality of teaching and educational leadership in order to boost medium and long-term growth prospects, according to a new OECD report.


Launch: OECD PISA financial literacy assessment of students

24 May 2017: PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.


Dollars and sense? Financial literacy among 15-year-olds (OECD Education Today Blog)

Two in three 15-year-old students earn money from work activity, and more than one in two hold a bank account.


Many teenagers struggle to understand money matters

Around one in four students in the 15 countries and economies* that took part in the latest OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test of financial literacy are unable to make even simple decisions on everyday spending, while only one in ten can understand complex issues, such as income tax.


Why are immigrants less proficient in literacy than native-born adults? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Why is it that even highly educated migrants to OECD countries are less likely to be employed than native-born adults who are similarly educated, even if the migrants have lived in their host country for several years?


Business brief: Empowering the next generation of scientists to change the world

Education has transformed over the last 20 years from being a means to an end to becoming a change agent on the battleground to improve the life chances of all individuals, regardless of where they live, their economic status, gender, ability or religious persuasion. Education has been revitalised as the gateway for equal opportunity.


Archived webinar - PISA Q&A Webinar - Students' Financial Literacy" with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills

PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy, explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.


Register for the webinar - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education (Wednesday, 21 June, at 17:00 Paris time)

Join Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, and Éric Charbonnier, analyst in the Early Childhood and Schools division, who will present the main findings from Starting Strong V - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education.


Improve early education and care to help more children get ahead and boost social mobility

Countries should step up their efforts to provide affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) to improve social mobility and give all children the chance to fulfil their potential, according to a new OECD report.


Archived webinar - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education

The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a big step for all children, and a step which more and more children are having to take. Quality transitions should be well-prepared and child-centred, managed by trained staff collaborating with one another, and guided by an appropriate and aligned curriculum.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 52 - Who bears the cost of early childhood education and how does it affect enrolment?

Local governments are the main contributors to the financing of early childhood education, particularly with regards to core goods and services such as staff salaries and school buildings. Households and other private entities bear a greater share of the cost than in other levels of education, particularly for ancillary services such as meals, school health services and transport.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 53 - How have teachers’ salaries evolved and how do they compare to those of tertiary-educated workers?

The combined effects of policy reforms to attract and/or retain teachers, and financial constraints in the context of the economic downturn in 2008 may explain part of the recent trends in teachers’ salaries: decreases in statutory salaries and smaller salary gaps between levels of education.


Can bullying be stopped? (OECD Education Today Blog)

The latest PISA in Focus tells some basic facts about bullying. First, bullying is widespread. Second, all types of students – boys and girls, rich and poor – face some risk of being bullied.


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The highlights from the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills


How education can spur progress towards inclusive growth (OECD Education Today Blog)

Costa Rica is recognised across Latin America as a leader in education. The country was among the first in the region to enrol all children in primary school and combat adult illiteracy.


PISA in Focus No. 75 - Does the quality of learning outcomes fall when education expands to include more disadvantaged students?

Globally, enrolment in secondary education has expanded dramatically over the past decades. This expansion is also reflected in PISA data, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. Between 2003 and 2015, Indonesia added more than 1.1 million students, Turkey and Brazil more than 400 000 students, and Mexico more than 300 000 students, to the total population of 15-year-olds eligible to participate in PISA.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 54 - Transition from school to work: How hard is it across different age groups?

The transition from school to work can be a difficult period associated with spells of unemployment. Data show that those who leave school early have comparatively low skills and low educational attainment and face the greatest challenges in the labour market compared to their peers who stayed in education longer.


Education and Skills Newsletter - July/August 2017

What's new in education and skills at the OECD?


Awarding – and imagining – teaching excellence (OECD Education Today Blog)

Tertiary qualifications have become the entrance ticket for modern societies. Never before have those with advanced qualifications had the life chances they enjoy today, and never before have those who struggled to acquire a good education paid the price they pay today.


Archived webinar - Education at a Glance 2017 (with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)- September 12,2017

Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world.


Entering the “black box”: Teachers’ and students’ views on classroom practices (OECD Education Today Blog)

What happened in school today?” is a question that many parents across the world ask their children when they get home. Many parents also attend school meetings in order to understand how their child’s learning is developing.


Teaching in Focus No. 18: “How do teachers teach? Insights from teachers and students"

Almost all mathematics teachers across participating countries use clear and structured teaching practices, according to both teachers and students. A vast majority of teachers also use student-oriented practices and enhanced learning activities in their classroom.


PISA in Focus No. 76 - How do schools compensate for socio-economic disadvantage?

As educators know well, there are many barriers to learning that originate outside of school, such as those that arise from socio-economic disadvantage. In many education systems, the concentration of disadvantaged students in certain schools poses an additional challenge.


Why it matters if you can't read this (OECD Education Today Blog)

Adults who lack basic skills – literacy and numeracy – are penalised both in professional and private life. They are more likely to be unemployed or in precarious jobs, earn lower wages, have more health issues, trust others less, and engage less often in community life and democratic processes.


Italy should continue reforms to improve people’s skills and boost growth

Full and effective implementation of recent reforms, including the Jobs Act and the Good Schools reform, would help boost growth in Italy by improving people’s skills and ensuring their more effective use across the country, according to a new OECD report.


Education and Skills Newsletter - September 2017

What's new in education and skills at the OECD?


Why teaching matters more than ever before (OECD Education Today Blog)

Teaching and learning lie at the heart of what it means to be human. While animals teach and learn from each other through direct demonstration, observation and experience, humans are unique in their ability to convey vast quantities of information and impart skills across time and space.


How can we tell if artificial intelligence threatens work? (OECD Education Today Blog)

New technologies tend to shift jobs and skills. New technologies bring new products, which shift jobs across occupations: with the arrival of cars, the economy needed more assembly line workers and fewer blacksmiths.


Education Indicators in Focus N° 55 - What are the gender differences and the labour market outcomes across the different fields of study?

Although girls and boys perform similarly in the PISA science assessment at age 15, girls are less likely than boys to envision a career in science and engineering, even in countries where they outperform them.


Education and Skills Newsletter - October 2017

What's new in education and skills at the OECD?


India-OECD Global Symposium on Financial Education

New Delhi, India, 8-9 November 2017. This symposium looked at how to implement effective financial education policies in a changing financial landscape with a focus on financial education in the digital age.


What matters for managing classrooms? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Teaching is a demanding profession. Teachers are responsible for developing the skills and knowledge of their students, helping them overcome social and emotional hurdles and maintaining equitable, cohesive and productive classroom environments. On top of their teaching responsibilities, they are also expected to engage in continued professional development activities throughout their careers.


Teaching in Focus No. 19: How do teachers become knowledgeable and confident in classroom management? Insights from a pilot study

The Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (ITEL) Teacher Knowledge Survey is the first international study to explore the nature, function and development of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, i.e. what teachers know about teaching and learning.


How much will the literacy level of working-age people change from now to 2022? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Taken as a whole, the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) present a mixed picture for Korea and Singapore. As their economies have grown, these two countries’ education systems have seen fast and impressive improvements; both now rank among PISA’s top performers.


Boosting skills would drive UK growth and productivity

To boost growth, productivity and earnings, the UK should encourage lifelong learning among adults and promote better skills utilisation, according to a new OECD report.


Girls better than boys at working together to solve problems, finds new OECD PISA global education survey

Girls are much better than boys at working together to solve problems, according to the first OECD PISA assessment of collaborative problem solving.


TopClass Podcast Episode 3: What collaborative problem solving can tell us about students' social skills

Do today’s students really know how to work well together? For the first time ever, the Programme for International Student Assessment 2015 (otherwise known as PISA) examined students’ ability to collaborate to solve problems and the necessary social skills involved in that process.


TopClass Podcast Episode 2: Listen to the teacher! The Teaching and Learning International Survey

The Teaching and Learning International Survey (otherwise known as TALIS) is a survey conducted every five years that asks teachers and school leaders from around the world about the working conditions and the learning environment in their schools.


TopClass Podcast Episode 1: What is ‘neurodiversity’ in the classroom and how should we respond to it?

Not every student’s brain works and learns in the same way. Classrooms are increasingly becoming more aware of what is known as "neurodiversity" among their students, a term used to describe neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and ASD.


Brochure - Social and Emotional Skills Well-being, connectedness and success

Education systems need to prepare students for their future, rather than for our past. In these times, digitalisation is connecting people, cities and continents to bring together a majority of the world’s population in ways that vastly increases our individual and collective potential.


More efforts needed to help children from disadvantaged families succeed

Too many people from disadvantaged backgrounds are falling behind in education and future job market, according to a new OECD report. Educational Opportunity For All says that children, students and adults from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds receive too little support to succeed in school and in learning opportunities later in life.


How can countries close the equity gap in education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Education plays a dual role when it comes to social inequality and social mobility. It is the main way for societies to foster equality of opportunity and support upward social mobility for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. But the evidence is overwhelming that education often reproduces social divides in societies, through the impact that parents’ economic, social and cultural status has on children’s learning outcomes.


Educating our youth to care about each other and the world (OECD Education Today Blog)

In 2015, 193 countries committed to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, a shared vision of humanity that provides the missing piece of the globalisation puzzle. The extent to which that vision becomes a reality will in no small way depend on what is happening in today’s classrooms. Indeed, it is educators who hold the key to ensuring that the SDGs become a real social contract with citizens.


Improving skills would boost growth and job creation in France

France’s economy is growing and the labour market is gradually improving. However, the share of people out of work for more than 12 months remains high and many young people are on temporary contracts, with weak long-term job prospects and little opportunity for training.


Citizenship and education in a digital world (OECD Education Today Blog)

"Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever bothering to examine the evidence”, George Orwell wrote in 1943. And in an era of ‘fake news’ and post-truth, it resembles our world today.