
From theory to practice : how to assess and apply impartiality in news and current affairs / edited by Leon Barkho


Online journalism : the essential guide / Steve Hill, Paul Lashmar

Hill, Steve, author


Face work and social media / edited by Kristina Bedijs, Gudrun Held, Christiane Maaß


Essential psychopharmacology : the prescriber's guide / Stephen M. Stahl ; editorial assistant, Meghan M. Grady ; with illustrations by Nancy Muntner

Stahl, S. M


Introducing aromatherapy : beginnner's guide to aromatic essential oils for better health, stamina, relaxation and general well-being / Margrit Bachmann

Bachmann, Margrit


Pharmacy management : essentials for all practice settings / [edited by] Shane P. Desselle, David P. Zgarrick


Essentials of pharmacology for nurses / Paul Barber and Deborah Robertson

Barber, Paul, 1947-


Textbook of drug design and discovery / edited by Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, Kristian Strømgaard, Ulf Madsen


Group sequential methods with applications to clinical trials / Christopher Jennison and Bruce W. Turnbull

Jennison, Christopher, 1956-


Medication safety : an essential guide / edited by Molly Courtenay and Matt Griffiths


Essential evidence-based psychopharmacology / edited by Dan J. Stein, Bernard Lerer, Stephen M. Stahl


Essentials of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics / Thomas N. Tozer, Malcolm Rowland

Tozer, Thomas N., author


Understanding pharmacology : essentials for medication safety / M. Linda Workman, Linda LaCharity

Workman, M. Linda, author


Immunopotentiators in modern vaccines / edited by Virgil E.J.C. Schijns (Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands), Derek T. O'Hagan (GSK Vaccines, Rockville, MD, United States)


Existentialism's a cruel business


The Martian chronicles / Ray Bradbury

Bradbury, Ray


A first course in differential equations with modeling applications / Dennis G. Zill

Zill, Dennis G., 1940- author


Elementary statistics in social research : essentials / Jack Levin, James Alan Fox

Levin, Jack, 1941- author


The essentials of statistics : a tool for social research / Joseph F. Healey (Christopher Newport University)

Healey, Joseph F., 1945- author


Boyce's elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce (Edward P. Hamilton Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Richard C. DiPrima (formerly Eliza Ricketts Founda

Boyce, William E., author


Introduction to partial differential equations / David Borthwick

Borthwick, David, author


An introduction to second order partial differential equations : classical and variational solutions / Doina Cioranescu (Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France), Patrizia Donato (Universite de Rouen, France), Marian P. Roque (University o

Cioranescu, D. (Doïna), author


Numerical solution of differential equations : introduction to finite difference and finite element methods / Zhilin Li (North Carolina State University, USA), Zhonghua Qiao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China), Tao Tang (Southern University of Scien

Li, Zhilin, 1956- author


A textbook on ordinary differential equations / Shair Ahmad, Antonio Ambrosetti

Ahmad, Shair, author


A sequential introduction to real analysis / J.M. Speight

Speight, J. M. (J. Martin)


Fundamentals of differential equations and boundary value problems / Nagle, Saff, Snider

Nagle, R. Kent, author


Essentials of college algebra / Margaret L. Lial (American River College), John Hornsby (University of New Orleans), David I. Schneider (University of Maryland), Callie J. Daniels (St. Charles Community College)

Lial, Margaret L., author


Differential equations : with boundary-value problems / Dennis G. Zill ; metric version prepared by Aly El-Iraki

Zill, Dennis G., 1940- author


Essential mathematics for the physical sciences. Volume 1, Homogenous boundary value problems, Fourier methods, and special functions / Brett Borden (Department of Physics, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA), James Luscombe (Department of Physics,

Borden, Brett, author


Differential equations & linear algebra / C. Henry Edwards, David E. Penney, the University of Georgia, David Calvis, Baldwin Wallace College

Edwards, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1937-


Essentials of statistics / Mario F. Triola ; special contributions by Laura Iossi, Broward College

Triola, Mario F., author


Applied partial differential equations with Fourier series and boundary value problems / Richard Haberman

Haberman, Richard, 1945- author


Differential equations and boundary value problems : computing and modeling / C. Henry Edwards, David E. Penney (The University of Georgia), David Calvis (Baldwin Wallace University)

Edwards, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1937- author


Elementary statistics essentials

Navidi, William Cyrus, author


Lectures, problems and solutions for ordinary differential equations / Yuefan Deng (Stony Brook University, USA)

Deng, Yuefan, author


Differential equations : an introduction to modern methods and applications / James R. Brannan, William E. Boyce, with contributions by Mark A. McKibben

Brannan, James R


Taking brand initiative : how companies can align strategy, culture, and identity through corporate branding / Mary Jo Hatch, Majken Schultz ; foreword by Wally Olins

Hatch, Mary Jo


Essentials of marketing communications / Chris Fill

Fill, Chris


Essential guide to marketing planning / Marian Burk Wood

Wood, Marian Burk


Good works! : marketing and corporate initiatives that build a better world-- and the bottom line / Philip Kotler, David Hessekiel & Nancy R. Lee

Kotler, Philip


International marketing / Masaaki Kotabe, Al Marshall, Swee Hoon Ang, Kathleen Griffiths, Ranjit Voola, Robin E. Roberts, Kristiaan Helsen

Kotabe, Masaaki, author


International marketing / Masaaki Kotabe, Kristiaan Helsen

Kotabe, Masaaki, author


Service design : 250 essential methods / Robert Curedale

Curedale, Robert, author


Partial or Full RSS Feeds?

It seems the opinions are mixed on partial versus full RSS feeds. Full feeds give the recipients complete access to what a blogger has published, with the convenience of never having to visit the actual blog. This can be a problem for the blogger, especially if they were hoping to gain more page views from their RSS feed.

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The 4 Essentials to Building Your Brand on Social Media

Whether you want to sell products, gain subscribers, persuade followers to a point or sway the hearts and minds of readers to your cause, they have got to know who you are in the first place.

Your ability to encourage any of these actions comes from your brand’s authority -- and one of the best ways to build that is through the savvy use of social media. In fact, recent research from Econsultancy shows that 71 percent of brands plan to invest more heavily in social media in the coming year to reach new followers and build brand reputation.

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How Social Media Inflates Our Perception Of Our Choice Presidential Candidate

The most fervent political supporters think only their candidate can possibly win. Bloomberg View columnist Megan McArdle blames these beliefs on the echo chambers found on our social media feeds.

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Feed Hawk Is Useful But Not Essential for RSS Junkies

Many information junkies keep up with their favorite Web sites by subscribing to their RSS feeds, pulling the latest updates from those sites into a central location for efficient perusal.

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Feed Hawk Is Useful But Not Essential for RSS Junkies

Many information junkies keep up with their favorite Web sites by subscribing to their RSS feeds, pulling the latest updates from those sites into a central location for efficient perusal.

I rely heavily on RSS to keep me abreast of the latest tech news. I am also addicted to political sites during this years bizarre presidential election, and I have tapped into a host of feeds to keep me up to date on the latest antics from the candidates.

Feed Hawk Is Useful But Not Essential for RSS Junkies


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Application of clinical bioinformatics edited by Xiangdong Wang, Christian Baumgartner, Denis C. Shields, Hong-Wen Deng, Jacques S Beckmann

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