
Waving and honking hello: Noblesville teachers have car parade to see students

In less than 24 hours, teachers organized a parade of nearly 40 cars to say hello to students from afar.



Sintomas do coronavírus: quais os novos sinais de covid-19 que as autoridades americanas acrescentaram à lista

Ao longo da pandemia e com rápida propagação do vírus, que já atingiu mais de 3 milhões de pessoas, tem surgido diversos outros sinais associados à enfermidade, como tremores e calafrios persistentes.


Coronavírus: por que alguns pacientes já recuperados voltam a ter teste positivo para covid-19, segundo OMS

Infectologista da organização explica que células mortas expelidas do pulmão fazem exames darem positivo mais de uma vez — mas não necessariamente quer dizer que a pessoa voltou a ficar infectada pelo coronavírus.


O sul-coreano que dá abrigo e aula em casa para 10 meninos que fugiram da Coreia do Norte

Kim Tae- hoon, de 45 anos, cuida de 10 meninos norte-coreanos que desertaram do regime repressivo de Pyongyang sem seus pais; o mais novo tem apenas 10 anos e o mais velho, 22.


Coronavírus: 'Países vão ter que se endividar para salvar o emprego e a vida das pessoas', diz presidente do BID

Para Luis Alberto Moreno, pandemia deixou ainda mais evidente a desigualdade da América Latina e mostrou necessidade de se investir na saúde pública regional.


Quanto tempo uma pessoa leva para se recuperar da covid-19

Recuperação pode ser um processo lento, dependendo da gravidade do quadro.


Coronavírus: pais deveriam interromper trabalho em casa para dar atenção a filhos na quarentena, diz especialista em infância

Apesar de serem menos afetadas pelo coronavírus, crianças são as que podem sofrer maiores efeitos sobre sua saúde no longo prazo, explica pesquisador americano Philip Fisher.


Mortes, testes e contágio: como o Brasil se compara a outros países na pandemia de coronavírus

BBC News Brasil apresenta situação do país no cenário internacional a partir de cinco dados: taxa de espalhamento da doença, taxa de morte por 1 milhão de habitantes, taxa de teste por mil habitantes, o número de dias que leva para dobrar o total de casos registrados e a previsão do PIB (soma de todas as riquezas produzidas) em 2020 e 2021.


Dubrovnik, a cidade medieval planejada para a quarentena

Os ‘lazarettos’ de Dubrovnik são a memória da luta da cidade no combate a doenças infecciosas séculos atrás.


'Se encontrá-las, corra e nos chame!': cientistas nos EUA alertam para chegada de 'vespas assassinas'

Segundo estudos, insetos liberam toxina tão potente que pode causar a morte de uma pessoa que tiver levado várias picadas.


A descoberta nas fontes termais de Yellowstone, nos EUA, que se tornou chave para os testes da covid-19

Há meio século, Thomas Brock descobriu uma bactéria capaz de sobreviver a altas temperaturas; saiba como essa descoberta cruza com o combate à pandemia do novo coronavírus.


Fim da quarentena do coronavírus: o que são as 'bolhas sociais', estratégia para o fim do isolamento adotada pela Nova Zelândia e outros países

Um dos países de maior sucesso na luta contra a covid-19, a Nova Zelândia permitiu que seus cidadãos expandissem, de forma limitada, o círculo de contatos; entenda como essa proposta funciona e por que está sendo avaliada por vários governos.


Coronavírus: 'Devo usar máscara? Posso pegar duas vezes?' Essas e outras perguntas sobre a covid-19

BBC preparou lista de perguntas e respostas sobre covid-19.


Diretor da PF foi trocado para garantir mudança de chefia no RJ, diz Moro em depoimento

'Você tem 27 Superintendências, eu quero apenas uma, a do Rio de Janeiro', teria dito Bolsonaro a Moro. Primeira ação do novo diretor-geral da PF foi trocar comando no Rio.


Fila para UTI e falta de testes: os relatos do colapso na saúde que leva o Rio a planejar lockdown

Profissionais de enfermagem relatam falta de equipamentos de proteção, baixas nas equipes e lotação; em ofício, governador Witzel reconhece que esforços contra a covid-19 não foram suficientes e que estuda endurecer confinamento.


'Não quero morrer sem revê-la': as mães que doaram seus filhos no passado e hoje lutam para reencontrá-los

Mulheres que doaram os filhos décadas atrás relatam angústia e tristeza em busca de respostas sobre paradeiros das crianças.


Discover: Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, you can try authentic apple-flavored Budweiser. (Non-alcoholic, of course.)


Banking parallels

Nationalising a bank is a big deal. But it is not unprecedented. It is worth reading the history of Continental Illinois, nationalised by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1984. You can get the full story from the FDIC...

  • Notes on Real Life


'Atina sığınmacılara çok kötü davranıyor'

Yunanistan güvenlik güçlerinin, gözaltına aldıkları sığınmacıları Türkiye sınırına doğru sürdükleri ve Meriç nehrinden Türkiye'ye geçmeye zorladıkları iddia edildi.


Caracas, Bogota elçisini çekiyor

Venezuela lideri Hugo Chavez, sınır komşusu Kolombiya'daki büyükelçisini geri çekeceğini ve iki ülke arasındaki ilişkilerin dondurulacağını açıkladı. Kolombiya, Caracas'ı FARC'a silah temin etmekle suçlamıştı.


Nijerya'da İslamcı militanlara operasyon

Nijerya, ülkenin kuzeyinde hafta sonu başlayan ve 100 kişinin ölümüne neden olan isyan hareketini bastırmaya çalışıyor. Ordu, radikal İslamcıların üslendiği Maiduguri kentini topçu ateşine tuttu.


Barack Obama says the 'I' word

In his big speech on Libya, President Barack Obama answered two big questions, left two hanging in the air, and rewrote some recent history.

He said he had ordered military action in Libya to prevent a massacre that would have "stained the conscience of the world", and would have meant "the democratic impulses that are dawning across the region would be eclipsed by the darkest form of dictatorship, as repressive leaders concluded that violence is the best strategy to cling to power".

He said that that "would have been a betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as president, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action."

Having dealt with critics who say he's gone too far, Mr Obama turned to those who say he hasn't gone far enough.

He said the world would be a better place without Col Muammar Gaddaffi, but to widen military aims to get rid of him would have splintered the coalition and meant American boots on the ground.

"To be blunt, we went down that road in Iraq. Thanks to the extraordinary sacrifices of our troops and the determination of our diplomats, we are hopeful about Iraq's future. But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars. That is not something we can afford to repeat in Libya."

In this, he is preparing people for what may be quite a messy period, and he warned that Libya will remain dangerous until Col Gaddafi goes, that the Libyan leader may cling to power for a while, but that his people had been given "time and space" to decide their own destiny.

This is one question hanging in the air. How far is the coalition acting as the rebel air force? It may not be targeting the top man, but is it intent on destroying his military force? How thin is the line between driving off an army that may attack civilians and destroying that army in case they do?

The other question left hanging was whether there was such a thing as an "Obama doctrine", or at least a consistent approach to intervention. On the one hand, he seemed to argue against those who said America should not police the world: "There will be times, though, when our safety is not directly threatened, but our interests and values are."

However, he accepted that didn't mean action in every case. "It is true that America cannot use our military wherever repression occurs. And given the costs and risks of intervention, we must always measure our interests against the need for action. But that cannot be an argument for never acting on behalf of what's right."

So he seems to be saying, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't, take each case on its merit.

But what struck me most forcibly was the determined, confident tone of the speech. Every single news conference, sound bite or statement so far by Mr Obama has stressed that the UK and France were in the lead, the Arabs were supporting, the US was just part of a broad coalition. They've been thoughtful and a little hesitant. Those were the "on the road" snapshots. This was the air-brushed studio portrait.

Now Mr Obama repeatedly talked of the decisions he took, his leadership, his reasoning for taking firm action. The fact that the US mission is winding down and that it is handing over control to Nato was in there, but it wasn't the emphasis. Now it seems as if the action has worked, Mr Obama is claiming credit. The "I" word was to the fore, and I don't just mean Iraq.


IU soccer coach believes culture will continue through separation

Todd Yeagley is confident his players will carry out workouts and improve despite not being able to practice together.



Pawnee returns Thursday for special 'Parks and Rec' episode from quarantine

As a fundraiser for Feeding America, the cast of "Parks and Recreation" shot a special episode during the coronavirus pandemic. It will air April 30.



5 ways Paramore mixed past and present at the Lawn

Paramore played the Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park Sunday, July 1. Here's a recap.



Hayley Williams leads Paramore's electric performance at White River



Wander Women St. Pete Recap Part II: Stand Up Paddle to Paradise

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this retreat to Florida in July. There are more details about our upcoming 2020 retreats at the end of this post. I realize for some this is a difficult time to read about travel. I am writing often about our current global crisis — the impact it’s […]


Indianapolis police officers arrested in separate incidents unrelated to this week's shooting

Two Indianapolis police officers have been arrested in separate and unrelated incidents.



'If they stare, fine.' Adults use kiddie pools as quarantine meets L.A. heat

Sidewalk splash pools have long been a summertime staple, particularly for families with young kids. But the virus pandemic has boosted their appeal.


Coronavirus: Hong Kong to quarantine all arrivals from abroad

Hong Kong has seen 57 new infections over the past two weeks, 50 of which were imported.


Regions and territories: Nagorno-Karabakh

Key facts,dates and events


Regions and territories: Karachay-Cherkessia

Key facts, dates, events


Regions and territories: Western Sahara

Key facts about the territory disputed between Morocco and the Polisario independence movement


Timeline: Paraguay

Key facts, figures and dates


Nicaragua timeline

A chronology of key events


Country profile: Paraguay

Key facts, figures and dates


Country profile: Nicaragua

Key facts, figures and dates


Joshna Maharaj - The chef who lost her sense of smell

Chef Joshna Maharaj couldn't smell for years. Now she's working to regain some of what she lost.


Garage destroyed in Carp Road fire

Ottawa Fire says a garage three vehicles were destroyed Saturday morning after a fire broke out on Carp Road.


Many Star Wars fans are upset the new movie sidelines Kelly Marie Tran’s character. The writer is trying to explain.

Writer Chris Terrio has responded to the controversy in interviews, pointing to issues over cut scenes between Rose Tico (Tran) and Leia (Carrie Fisher).


‘Lonely Mountains: Downhill’: A tranquil and exhilarating ride

The game is a beautiful marriage of aesthetics and gameplay. It has the makings of a minor classic.


‘Half-Life: Alyx’: The most exhilarating VR adventure game to date

"Half Life: Alyx" will transport you to an incredibly vivid science fiction world.


‘The Clone Wars’ proves yet again that Darth Maul is the most tragic Star Wars character

Darth Maul could have saved the galaxy in 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars," and lived on in the movies. Neither happened.


How ‘The Clone Wars’ turned Ahsoka Tano into a legendary Star Wars character

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is coming to an end on Disney Plus, but voice actress Ashley Eckstein helped assure that Ahsoka will live on.


UK to bring in two-week quarantine for air passengers

Air passengers arriving in Britain will soon have to quarantine for a fortnight as part of a move to avoid a second peak of the coronavirus.


Wearable technology started by tracking steps. Soon, it may allow your boss to track your performance.

A team of researchers from Dartmouth say they’ve created a mobile sensing system — consisting of fitness bracelets, sensors and a custom app — that can measure employee performance with about 80 percent accuracy.


Harry and Meghan make surprise appearance at major league baseball game in London

The new parents showed up at the first official MLB game in Europe on Saturday.


Sarah Sanders may be joining an exclusive group of ex-Trump aides

The former press secretary is reportedly writing a book about her tenure — adding to a growing list of White House advisers with stories to sell.