
Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole Speaks at the Anti-Violence Initiative Press Conference

"To see the results of this law enforcement initiative – arresting 80 defendants with firearms, most of whom have gang affiliations – is impressive," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.


Statements by Attorney General Holder and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Court Approval of Pigford II Settlement Agreement

“This settlement allows the Department of Agriculture and African-American farmers to focus on the future, and brings us one step closer to giving these farmers a chance to have their claims heard,” said Attorney General Holder.

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Attorney General Holder, Federal and State Officials Announce Enforcement Efforts Against Illegal Prescription Drug Distributors in Florida

Federal authorities, along with state and local law enforcement partners, conducted coordinated enforcement actions today against 22 individuals and one pharmacy allegedly involved in the illegal distribution of prescription drugs.

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Statement of Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism

"The fight against transnational organized crime is one of the highest enforcement priorities of the Department of Justice and the Administration," said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.


Oral Statement of Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson Before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security

"OJP’s mission is to increase public safety and improve the fair administration of justice across America through innovative leadership and programs," said Assistant Attorney General Robinson.


Assistant Attorney General Tony West Speaks at the 12th Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress

"The work of the Justice Department on health care fraud is part of a comprehensive approach this Administration has taken toward improving the Nation’s overall health care delivery system; an approach that aims to secure better, quality coverage at lower costs for all of us," said Assistant Attorney General West.


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the 15th Annual Community Reinvestment Act and Fair Lending Colloquium

"It is critical to continue our dialogue about how we can ensure a level playing field for all who are seeking economic opportunity and a fair chance at the American Dream," said Assistant Attorney General Perez.


Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole Speaks at the Department of Justice’s Annual American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month Commemorative Program

"As we honor American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage month, we work to build on our continued progress strengthening tribal law enforcement," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.


Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Speaks at the 26th National Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

"The FCPA is an important mechanism for holding individuals and corporations accountable for fostering corruption abroad, and for motivating others to act responsibly," said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Department’s Veterans’ Appreciation Ceremony

"This morning, we honor an extraordinary group of individuals – the 19,000 courageous soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who – in components and offices all around the world – form the backbone of the Justice Department family," said the Attorney General Holder.


Statement of Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli Before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

"We believe that enacting the SAVE Act will strengthen tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence, tribal protection orders, and Federal assault prosecutions," said Associate Attorney General Perrelli.


U.S. Attorney General Holder and Dominican Prosecutor General Jiménez Sign Agreement to Share $7.5 Million in Forfeited Assets

The agreement represents approximately 20 percent of the estimated $37.5 million in forfeited assets located in the Dominican Republic that stem from a conspiracy led by brothers Carlos, Luis and Jose Benitez, who allegedly defrauded the U.S. Medicare program of approximately $80 million.

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Statement of Attorney General Eric Holder Regarding the Signing of a Forfeited Assets Agreement with the Dominican Republic

In signing this important forfeited asset sharing agreement, Prosecutor General Radhaméz Jiménez Peña and I reaffirm our common values, as well as our ongoing commitment to the goals that the United States and the Dominican Republic share: protecting our citizens, strengthening our borders, improving public safety, reducing recidivism, preventing and combating gang- and drug-fueled crime and violence, and ensuring that criminals do not profit from illegal activity," said Attorney General Holder.


Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Attorney General Eric Holder at the “Progress Through Prosperity” Dinner with President Leonel Fernandez

"It is in this spirit of friendship that I have traveled to your beautiful country. And I am grateful, on a very personal level, for this opportunity to help build upon the progress that our nations – and America’s allies throughout the Caribbean region – have made together over the years," said Attorney General Holder.


Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Laurie Robinson at the Animal Welfare Institute Albert Schweitzer Awards Ceremony

"The Albert Schweitzer Awards are given in honor of one of the world’s great humanitarians, a man who defined “good” as the preservation and enhancement of life in all its forms. The work that these recipients have done embodies the soul of Schweitzer’s philosophy," said Assistant Attorney General Robinson.


Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Speaks at the American Lawyer/National Law Journal Summit

"Sentencing and corrections policy affects everyone in society, and I am confident that the more people are thinking about it, the easier it will prove to arrive at solutions," said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.


Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli Speaks at the Federal Bar Association’s Indian Law Conference

"The Department is forging ahead, trying not only to uphold the United States’ trust responsibility to American Indian tribes, but also to ensure that every Native American man, woman and child can thrive in a tribal community that is just as safe as any other community in our great nation," said Associate Attorney General Perrelli.


Acting Assistant Attorney General Sharis A. Pozen Speaks at the American Bar Association 2011 Antitrust Fall Forum

"When the Attorney General announced that he had selected me to serve as Acting Assistant Attorney General, he stated it would be a seamless transition. That is what I am working to deliver—vigorous enforcement of the antitrust laws, as well as transparency and certainty for consumers and business," said acting Assistant Attorney General Pozen.


Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson Speaks at the American Society of Criminology Conference

"For those of you who’ve followed our work at OJP over the last nearly three years, you know that our work in this Administration to advance criminal justice social science research has been one of my top priorities," said Assistant Attorney General Robinson.


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the Miami Police Department Investigation Announcement

"Today, I met with the Mayor, Acting Police Chief and City Manager to notify them of our civil investigation into allegations involving the use of excessive deadly force by officers with the City of Miami Police Department," said Assitant Attorney General Perez.


Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Speaks at the 14th Annual Law Enforcement Agency Directors of Western Pennsylvania Awards Ceremony

"Many of you here today are indeed being recognized precisely because of your courage in helping to make our communities safer," Assistant Attorney General Breuer said.


Statement of U.S. Attorney General Holder on the Passing of Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division Jack Keeney

"For the last six decades, Jack Keeney served the Department of Justice with dedication, integrity and an unshakeable commitment to the rule of law," stated the Attorney General.

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Attorney General Holder Holds Public Hearing on Children Exposed to Violence

Attorney General Eric Holder’s National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence convened its first of four public hearings to gather expert and community testimony on the epidemic of children’s exposure to violence.

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Attorney General Holder Announces Campaign to Combat Demand for Counterfeit Products in Partnership with the National Crime Prevention Council

"As our country continues to recover from once-in-a-generation economic challenges, the need to safeguard intellectual property rights – and to protect Americans from intellectual property crimes – has never been more urgent,” said Attorney General Holder.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Defending Childhood Task Force Public Meeting

"Today, as the 13 members of this Task Force gather for the first time, we are launching a new chapter in the work of protecting our young people from violence and harm – and ensuring that, in this country, every child has a safe place to live, to learn, and to grow," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Intellectual Property Theft Campaign Launch

"As our country continues to recover from once-in-a-generation economic challenges, the need to safeguard intellectual property rights – and to protect Americans from IP crimes – has never been more urgent. But, in many ways, this work has also never been more difficult," said Attorney General Holder.


Washington State Man Convicted of Filing $20 Billion in False Liens Against Former US Attorney and Other Federal Officials

Ronald James Davenport, of Chewelah, Wash., was convicted Tuesday of filing more than $20 billion in false liens against four federal government officials.

  • OPA Press Releases


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the American Constitution Society

"Since the beginning of their tenure, President Obama and Attorney General Holder have repeatedly made clear their commitment to robust civil rights enforcement that is vigorous, fair, and evenhanded," said Assistant Attorney General Perez.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks to Law Students in Paris

"Over the last two days, I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside Ambassador Rivkin, and with my French counterparts – and our fellow G-6 ministers – in discussing the shared concerns, goals, and priorities that bind our nations to one another, and to our allies across Europe," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Holder Announces Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force Executive Director

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder today announced the appointment of Michael J. Bresnick as the new executive director of President Barack Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force.

  • OPA Press Releases


Statement of Acting Assistant Attorney General Sharis A. Pozen Before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet

"The pillars of the division’s work are civil merger and non-merger enforcement, criminal enforcement, competition advocacy, and international activities and we have been active in all those areas," said Acting Assistant Attorney General Pozen.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the National Legal Aid & Defender Association Awards Luncheon & 100th Anniversary Celebration

"You and your team – as well as NLADA’s board members and network of partners and supporters – have had an extraordinary, and transformative, impact on our country," said Attorney General Holder.


Assistant Attorney General Breuer Recognizes Criminal Division Employees and Others at Annual Criminal Division Awards Ceremony

“The dedicated public servants we are recognizing today have each made significant achievements in furthering the mission of the Justice Department,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.

  • OPA Press Releases


Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole Speaks on a Press Conference Call Regarding the Campaign to Cut Waste

"The fraud recoveries that make up that $5.6 billion run the gamut – from healthcare fraud to grant fraud, from mortgage fraud to procurement fraud," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library & Museum

"Nearly half a century has passed since a national tragedy catapulted Lyndon Johnson to the Presidency, and at the same time 'launched a new chapter in America’s story. Those of us who lived through those painful days will never forget LBJ’s first Presidential speech – to a nation in mourning, and in desperate need of strong and steady leadership," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Holder Appoints Eight New U.S. Attorneys to Advisory Committee

Attorney General Eric Holder announced today the appointments of eight new U.S. Attorneys to serve two-year terms on the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee.

  • OPA Press Releases


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Investigative Findings Announcement

"As outlined in our findings letter, we found reasonable cause to believe that MCSO engages in a pattern or practice of violating the Constitution and laws of the United States in 3 areas," said Assistant Attorney General Perez.


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the Seattle Police Department Investigative Findings Announcement

"Our attorneys, investigators and experts conducted extensive interviews with command staff and rank-and-file officers; participated in ride-alongs with officers; and reviewed thousands of pages of documents," said Assistant Attorney General Perez.


Statement of Attorney General Eric Holder on the 2011 Preliminary Uniform Crime Report

Attorney General Eric Holder today issued the following statement on the release of the FBI’s Preliminary Uniform Crime Report showing a continued decrease in violent crime nationwide. The results show that the number of violent crimes reported in the first six months of 2011 declined 6.4 percent when compared with figures from the first six months of 2010.

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Deputy Assistant Attorney General Roy L. Austin Jr. Speaks at the East Haven Police Department Investigative Findings Announcement

"Based on our investigation, we find that the East Haven Police Department engages in discriminatory policing against Latinos," said Deputy Assistant Attorney General Austin.


Attorney Charged in Multi-Million Dollar Stock Fraud

An attorney for a South Carolina health care device company, Signalife, was arrested on Dec. 18, 2011, at Los Angeles International Airport on charges related to his alleged role in a multi-million dollar market manipulation fraud scheme.

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Attorney General Holder Announces New Federal Bureau of Prisons Director

Attorney General Eric Holder today announced the appointment of Charles E. Samuels Jr. as the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Annual Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Service

"None of us will ever forget that terrible moment, when so many lives were stolen – and others shattered – by a shameful and senseless act of cowardice. The losses that resulted – in the air, and on the ground – not only shook the families of the passengers, crewmembers, and innocent bystanders in Lockerbie, Scotland, who were killed on December 21st, 1988," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Countrywide Financial Corporation Settlement Announcement

"In today’s settlement with Countrywide Financial Corporation, we resolved the government’s allegations that Countrywide and its subsidiaries – which are now owned by Bank of America – engaged in discriminatory mortgage lending practices against more than 200,000 qualified African-American and Hispanic borrowers from 2004 through 2008," said Attorney General Holder.


Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez Speaks at the Countrywide Financial Corporation Settlement Announcement

"At the core of the allegations in the complaint is a simple story: If you were African-American or Hispanic and you went to Countrywide for a loan, and you were qualified, you likely paid more simply because of the color of your skin. You likely paid more than a similarly-qualified white borrower if you were African-American or Hispanic and received your loan from a Countrywide loan officer, or from Countrywide’s mortgage brokers," said Assistant Attorney General Perez.


Statement of Attorney General Holder on Increase in Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities

“This is a devastating and unacceptable trend. Each of these deaths is a tragic reminder of the threats that law enforcement officers face each day – and the fact that too many guns have fallen into the hands of those who are not legally permitted to possess them,” said Attorney General Eric Holder.

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Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson Announces Departure from Office of Justice Programs

The Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Laurie Robinson, announced today that she would be leaving her position at the end of February

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Attorney General Eric Holder Announces Revisions to the Uniform Crime Report’s Definition of Rape

Attorney General Eric Holder today announced revisions to the Uniform Crime Report’s (UCR) definition of rape, which will lead to a more comprehensive statistical reporting of rape nationwide. The new definition is more inclusive, better reflects state criminal codes and focuses on the various forms of sexual penetration understood to be rape.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Memorial for ATF Senior Special Agent John Capano

"On behalf of a grateful nation – and America’s entire law enforcement community – it is a privilege to join you in paying tribute, as well as my last respects, to an extraordinary public servant, a key member of the federal law enforcement family, and a true patriot who was always proud to call Seaford his home," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Holder Speaks at the Utah Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Commission Annual Drum Major Awards Luncheon

"More than half a century has passed since Dr. King traveled from Atlanta to Salt Lake City – to spread his message of hope and unity, and to sound his call for change," said Attorney General Holder.