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Virtual Roundtable: Iraq in Uncertain Times

Invitation Only Research Event

30 March 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Event participants

Toby Dodge, Associate Fellow, MENA Programme, Chatham House
Mac Skelton, Director, IRIS, American University of Iraq-Sulaimani
Ahmed Tabaqchali, Chief Investment Officer, AFC Iraq Fund
Hanaa Edwar, Co-founder and Chairperson, Iraqi Al-Amal Association
Chair: Renad Mansour, Senior Research Fellow, MENA Programme, Chatham House

The first months of 2020 have proven tumultuous for Iraq. The US killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in January threatened to engulf the region in war and led to continued tit-for-tat violence between the US and Iran that has become almost a daily reality in Baghdad.

Amid the ongoing protests that since last October have challenged the social contract and led to a violent response claiming 600 deaths and injuring tens of thousands, the government is still without a prime minister after Adil abd al-Mehdi's resignation in November 2019, leaving the country directionless.

Most recently, the spread of COVID-19 threatens to expose a mismanaged healthcare system. At the same time, the rapid fall in the price of oil has impacted the government's ability to respond to or cope with these crises.

At this virtual roundtable, part of the Chatham House Iraq Initiative, experts explore these developments and try to unpack the implications for Iraq’s fragile peace and stability.

Reni Zhelyazkova

Programme Coordinator, Middle East and North Africa Programme
+44 (0)20 7314 3624


Connecting the digital divides: Technology and cyber policy experts launch new journal

30 June 2015

Chatham House and Routledge, Taylor & Francis are launching the Journal of Cyber Policy on 2 July.

Fifteen years ago it would be unthinkable for cyber security to top the list of priorities at the annual US-China Security and Economic Dialogue, as it did last week. But, in the intervening years, cyber technologies and the internet have become fundamental tools for everything from running critical infrastructure such as energy grids and satellite systems, to political, economic and social interactions. Given the pace of change, it should not surprise us that we have barely started to understand how to govern this new order and manage the global internet in ways that both empower and protect us.

In response, Chatham House and Routledge (part of the Taylor & Francis Group) are launching the Journal of Cyber Policy, addressing a rapidly changing situation and connecting creative, technical and policy experts.

Informing the growing security challenges of an interconnected digital world, this new peer-reviewed journal will provide a valuable resource to decision-makers in the public and private sectors grappling with the challenges of cyber security, online privacy, surveillance and internet access. The journal will offer informed and rigorous thinking, supported by the journal’s internationally renowned editorial board.

'The Journal of Cyber Policy will empower experts with new thinking and diverse ideas delivered in a way which is practically relevant as well as academically rigorous,' Dr Patricia Lewis, research director, International Security Department at Chatham House and co-editor of the journal, said. 'It will change the game for those working on cyber issues.' 

'As the preferred publisher for think tanks around the world, we are proud to be Chatham House’s partner on this new journal, which seeks to address issues that touch upon all our lives on a daily basis,' said Leon Heward-Mills, Global Publishing Director (Journals) at Taylor & Francis Group.

The Journal of Cyber Policy launches on the evening of 2 July at a reception at Chatham House.

Editor's notes

Patricia Lewis, research director, International Security, Chatham House, is available for interview on cyber issues. To request an interview, please contact the press office.

Reflecting the global nature of cyber issues, the Journal of Cyber Policy is intent on drawing upon a geographically and culturally diverse set of contributors.

The editorial board includes:

  • Subimal Bhattacharjee, independent consultant on defense and cyber security issues, New Delhi (India)
  • Pablo Bello, secretary general, Asociación Iberoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones (AHCIET) [and former vice minister of telecommunications] (Chile)
  • Dr Myriam Dunn Cavelty, lecturer for security studies and senior researcher in the field of risk and resilience at the Center for Security Studies, Zurich (Switzerland)
  • Prof Richard Dasher, director, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University (USA)
  • Dorothy Gordon, director-general, Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT (Ghana)
  • Alexandra Kulikova, programme coordinator, Global Internet Governance and International Information Security, PIR Center (Russia)
  • Dr Victoria Nash, deputy director, Oxford Internet Institute (UK)
  • Prof Motohiro Tsuchiya, professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University (Japan)

Editor, the Journal of Cyber Policy: Caroline Baylon, Chatham House
Co-editors, the Journal of Cyber Policy: Dr Patricia Lewis and Emily Taylor, Chatham House

Topics for the first edition are as follows:

  • How did we get here?
  • Cyber crime – the impact so far
  • How does the internet run and who owns it?
  • Privacy vs security
  • Vulnerability and resilience of critical infrastructure
  • Cyber war is already underway
  • The next billion online
  • ​Cyber security awareness: Are politicians fit for purpose?
  • Internet of Things

The first two issues of the Journal on Cyber Policy will be published in 2016 and subscriptions to the journal can be placed in August 2015.

Chatham House 

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London. It is renowned for open debate, independent analysis and new ideas. Chatham House experts develop new ideas on how best to confront critical international challenges and take advantage of opportunities from the near- to the long-term. Policy recommendations are developed in collaboration with policy-makers, experts and stakeholders in each area. Chatham House staff regularly brief government officials, legislators and other decision-makers on their conclusions.

Taylor & Francis Group

Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life.  As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, and Technology and Medicine.

From our network of offices in Oxford, New York, Philadelphia, Boca Raton, Boston, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Stockholm, New Delhi and Johannesburg, Taylor & Francis staff provide local expertise and support to our editors, societies and authors and tailored, efficient customer service to our library colleagues.


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Radical new business model for pharmaceutical industry needed to avert antibiotic resistance crisis

7 October 2015


High-level complex of physiologically active antibiotic substance extracted from blastema at the Arctic Innovation Center (AIC) of Ammosov, North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) in Yakutsk. Photo: Yuri Smityuk/ITAR-TASS Photo/Corbis.

Revenues for pharmaceutical companies need to be 'delinked' from sales of antibiotics to avoid their over-use and avert a public health crisis, says a new report from the think-tank Chatham House.

Over-use of antibiotics is contributing to the growing resistance of potentially deadly bacteria to existing drugs, threatening a public health crisis in the near future. The report notes that, by 2050, failing to tackle antibiotic resistance could result in 10 million premature deaths per year.                                       

Novel antibiotics to combat resistant pathogens are thus desperately needed, but market incentives are exacerbating the problem. Towards a New Global Business Model for Antibiotics: Delinking Revenues from Sales states that,                                       

'The current business model requires high levels of antibiotic use in order to recover the costs of R&D. But mitigating the spread of resistance demands just the opposite: restrictions on the use of antibiotics.'


To tackle this catch-22 problem, the Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House recommends the establishment of a global body to implement a radical new business model for the industry, which would encourage investment and promote global access to - and conservation of - antibiotics.      

The current business model has several perverse effects. As R&D is an inherently risky and costly endeavour, the industry is chronically under-investing in new treatments. Today, few large pharmaceutical companies retain active antibacterial drug discovery programmes. Re-stoking the industry's interest in antibiotics would be one of the primary roles of the new body.   

Secondly, the need to recover sunk cost under the current business model encourages both high prices and over-marketing of successful drugs, making potentially life-saving treatments unaffordable to many in developing countries, while simultaneously encouraging over-use in developed markets and increasing resistance.   

The new global body would address these challenges by ‘delinking’ pharmaceutical revenues from sales of antibiotics. It would do this by directly financing the research and development of new drugs, which it would then acquire at a price based on production costs rather than the recovery of R&D expenses. Acquisition could take the form of procurement contracts with companies, the purchase of full IP rights or other licensing mechanisms.                                       

This would enable it to promote global access to antibiotics while simultaneously restricting over-use. Conservation would be promoted through education, regulation and good clinical practice, with the report recommending that 'proven conservation methods such as antibiotic stewardship programmes… be incentivized and implemented immediately.'

Priorities for R&D financing would be based on a comprehensive assessment of  threats arising from resistance. Antibiotics would qualify for the highest level of financial incentives if they combat resistant pathogens posing a serious threat to human health.                                       

Finance for the new body would come from individual nation states, with the report noting that this could 'begin with a core group of countries with significant research activity and large antibiotic markets, (though) it is envisaged that all high income countries should make an appropriate financial contribution.'                                 

It is not yet clear exactly how much funding would be necessary to combat resistance, but with inaction expected to cost $100 trillion in cumulative economic damage, the report argues that 'an additional global investment of up to $3.5 billion a year (about 10 per cent of the current value of global sales of antibiotics) would be a bargain.'

Editor's notes

Towards a New Global Business Model for Antibiotics: Delinking Revenues from Sales, is a Chatham House report edited by Charles Clift, Unni Gopinathan, Chantal Morel, Kevin Outterson, John-Arne Røttingen and Anthony So.

The report is embargoed until 00.01 GMT Friday 9 October.

For more information, or to request an interview with the editors, contact the press office.


Press Office

+44 (0)20 7957 5739


Transatlantic Rifts: Averting a Turkey/Russia Conflict

5 August 2016

Based on a workshop which played out a scenario of rising tensions between Turkey and Russia, this paper finds that the situation would have to escalate dramatically to threaten transatlantic unity.

Xenia Wickett
Former Head, US and the Americas Programme; Former Dean, The Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs

Dr Jacob Parakilas

Former Deputy Head, US and the Americas Programme


A protester waves Turkey's national flag in front of the Russian consulate during a demonstration against Russia's Syria policy on 24 November 24 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. Photo: Getty Images.


  • Chatham House brought together 22 participants over a two-day period in May 2016 to discuss US and European responses to a potential conflict between Turkey and Russia. This was the third of four scenario roundtables (the first two involved a conflict between China and Japan and a potential breakdown in the Iran nuclear deal, respectively).
  • The scenario was designed and the roundtable took place before a number of crucial subsequent developments, including the partial restoration of Turkish/Russian relations, the British vote to leave the European Union (EU), and the attempted coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This paper should be read and understood in that context.
  • In our simulation, the United States and Europe worked closely together, with cooperation particularly in evidence between the US and Germany. While the US was slightly more willing than Europe to threaten sanctions against Russia, transatlantic unity was not seriously threatened by a Turkey/Russia conflict.
  • Western states were wary of bringing NATO into the picture for fear that this would be perceived as militarizing an already tense situation. The EU was also sidelined in favour of more ad hoc negotiating strategies.
  • Russia was effective in using international law to defend its position, even as it took steadily more aggressive action in Syria. Neither the West nor Turkey deployed an effective countermeasure to this tactic.



The recalibration of Chinese assertiveness: China's responses to the Indo-Pacific challenge

8 January 2020 , Volume 96, Number 1

Feng Liu

In response to the changing geopolitical landscape in Asia, both China and the United States attempt to alter the regional order in their own favour, both in the economic and security realms. This article shows how diverging views on future arrangements are leading to strategic shifts and increasing tension between these two Great Powers. As part of its quest for Great-Power status, China has been actively pushing its regional initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), as well as adopting assertive security policies towards its neighbours. In contrast, in order to counter China's growing influence America's regional strategy is undergoing a subtle shift from ‘rebalancing to Asia’ to focusing on the ‘Indo-Pacific’ region. However, amid an intensifying trade war and other challenges facing the region, China has chosen to moderate its proactive foreign policy-orientation in the past few years. In particular, China has made attempts to downplay its domestic rhetoric, rebuild strategic relationship with India and Japan, and to reassure ASEAN states in the South China Sea. In response to the Indo-Pacific strategy, it would be more effective for China to articulate a more inclusive regional vision and promote an institutional framework that also accommodates a US presence in the region.


Religious violence, gender and post-secular counterterrorism

4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2

Katherine E. Brown

This article argues that despite the framing of religion in the discipline and practice of International Relations (IR) as a force for good, or a cause of evil in the world, IR fails to treat religion on its own terms (as sui generis). With a few exceptions, the discipline has pigeonholed religion as a variable of IR, one that can be discussed as one might GDP, HIV, or numbers of nuclear missiles: measurable, with causality and essential properties. IR has also tended to treat religion as equivalent to features of global politics that it already recognizes—as an institution or community or ideology, for example—but in doing so, it misses intrinsic (and arguably unique) elements of religion. Drawing on feminist insights about how gender works in IR, namely that gender is a construct, performative and structural, this article argues a similar case for religion. A reframing of religion is applied to the case of Daesh (so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS) to show how our understanding of the organization changes when we view religion differently. The implications for counterterrorism policies if religion is viewed as more than a variable are explored in light of recent territorial and military losses for Daesh. The article therefore proposes a post-secular counterterrorism approach.


The certainties that underpin the Kingdom need reappraisal

6 February 2014 , Volume 70, Number 1

From the point of view of a Saudi policy-maker, the country, the region and the world look to be increasingly complex places

Sir Tom Phillips, British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia 2010-12


Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in discussions with John Kerry, the US Secretary of State. Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty


Cytochrome P450 and arachidonic acid bioactivation: molecular and functional properties of the arachidonate monooxygenase

Jorge H. Capdevila
Feb 1, 2000; 41:163-181


Lipid extraction by methyl-tert-butyl ether for high-throughput lipidomics

Vitali Matyash
May 1, 2008; 49:1137-1146


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Spectral Properties of Differential Operators with Oscillating Coefficients

N. F. Valeev, Ya. T. Sultanaev and É. A. Nazirova
Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 80 (2020), 153-167.
Abstract, references and article information


Ordinary differential operators and the integral representation of sums of certain power series

K. A. Mirzoev and T. A. Safonova
Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 80 (2020), 133-151.
Abstract, references and article information


Terapia inédita reverte leucemia incurável em bebê de 1 ano

Tratamento genético foi testado em Layla Richards que estava desenganada pelos médicos. Especialistas ressaltam que os resultados são iniciais e podem não ocorrer em outros pacientes.

The post Terapia inédita reverte leucemia incurável em bebê de 1 ano appeared first on Saúde Próspera.

  • Dicas de Saúde


The recalibration of Chinese assertiveness: China's responses to the Indo-Pacific challenge

8 January 2020 , Volume 96, Number 1

Feng Liu

In response to the changing geopolitical landscape in Asia, both China and the United States attempt to alter the regional order in their own favour, both in the economic and security realms. This article shows how diverging views on future arrangements are leading to strategic shifts and increasing tension between these two Great Powers. As part of its quest for Great-Power status, China has been actively pushing its regional initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), as well as adopting assertive security policies towards its neighbours. In contrast, in order to counter China's growing influence America's regional strategy is undergoing a subtle shift from ‘rebalancing to Asia’ to focusing on the ‘Indo-Pacific’ region. However, amid an intensifying trade war and other challenges facing the region, China has chosen to moderate its proactive foreign policy-orientation in the past few years. In particular, China has made attempts to downplay its domestic rhetoric, rebuild strategic relationship with India and Japan, and to reassure ASEAN states in the South China Sea. In response to the Indo-Pacific strategy, it would be more effective for China to articulate a more inclusive regional vision and promote an institutional framework that also accommodates a US presence in the region.


Deadlier outbreaks could follow coronavirus pandemic if people don't stop destroying nature, say experts

Rampant deforestation, uncontrolled expansion of agriculture, infrastructure development and exploitation of wild species have created a 'perfect storm' for the spillover of diseases from wildlife to people.


How To Insert Video On Landing Page


Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management Under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety


Report of the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety


New Publication: A Guide to the Roster of Biosafety Experts


The Report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Socioeconomic Considerations is now available.


The report of the meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management is now available.


The report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology is now available.


The report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management is now available.


CBD News: Statement on behalf of Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the 24th Session of the North American Forestry Commission (NAFC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 9-12 June 2008.


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to the International Model Forest Network Global Forum - 16-21 June 2008 - Alberta, Canada.


CBD News: Message from Mr. Ahmed djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification: Combating Land Degradation for Sustainable Agriculture.


CBD News: Nomination of Experts for the Ad hoc Technical Expert group on Biodiversity and Climate Change.


CBD News: "Meeting the 2010 biodiversity target: A contribution to poverty alleviation and the benefit of life on Earth", Statement by Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the IUCN World Conservati


CBD News: Human Rights and Dignity of People Living in Poverty, Message from Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2008.


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of the Expert Meeting on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development, Montreal, 6 November 2008.


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Ahmed Djoghlaf, on "Climate Change, REDD and Biodiversity" on the occasion of the International Expert Meeting on Potential Impacts of "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degrada


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change, London, United Kingdom , 17 - 21 November 2008.


CBD News: On Monday, 1 December 2008, Robert Watson, Co-Chair of the first meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Biodiversity and Climate Change convened under the Convention on Biological Diversity and former Chair of the Intergo


CBD Biosafety: The second round of Discussion Groups within the Open-ended Online Expert Forum on Risk Assessment and Risk Management extended to 19 December 2008.


CBD News: Report of the Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development.


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Exeutive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Opening of the Expert Workshop on the Development of the City Biodiversity Index, Singapore 10-12 February 2009.


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Opening Session of the Second Meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Helsinki, 18-22 April, 2009.


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the Eighth Meeting of the Bern Convention Group of Experts on Invasive Alien Species, 5-7 May 2009, Brijuni, Croatia.


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary at the Opening Session of the Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation, Montreal, 13 May 2009


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, at the Closing Session of the Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation, Montreal, 15 May 2009.


CBD Communiqué: Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation concludes in Montreal.


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification 2009: Conserving land and water = Securing our common future.