
Proper food from a proper city centre restaurant: Temaki, Glasgow. Ron Mackenna's home delivery review



'Fresh street food. In the house. Hard to beat' – Ron Mackenna's home delivery eating in review: Lebanese Street Sajeria

Thyme: Lebanese Street Sajeria


Dell Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme Tablet

Dell's Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme Tablet lives up to its name by laughing at drops, splashes, and temperatures that would blow the average slate to smithereens. It's ideal for first responders and factory floors.


Yu-ca-taco, Glasgow. Ron Mackenna's home delivery review of impressive Mexican

FRANKLY? The restaurant world is going mad. Consider this: I order a home delivery from Yu-ca-taco early on Friday evening. For Saturday night. By text of course.


Figueres: “Estados Unidos pierde competitividad saliendo del Acuerdo de París”

Source: EFE Verde - La ex secretaria de cambio climático de la ONU que alcanzó el Acuerdo de París y actual directora del proyecto Misión 2020, Christiana Figueres, subraya que EE.UU. "se queda rezagado y pierde competitividad" abandonando el Acuerdo de París y cediendo a otros países el liderazgo de la economía baja en carbono.


Consecuencias del cambio climático en los peces

Source: El tiempo - Una subida de 2°C altera la metilación del ADN y la expresión de genes claves para la supervivencia y el desarrollo. Este estudio ofrece una nueva visión sobre las consecuencias del cambio climático en los peces a través de modificaciones epigenéticas en todo el genoma


Prognostic Models for Stillbirth and Neonatal Death in Very Preterm Birth: A Validation Study

Two UK models predict the risk of mortality in very preterm Western infants (1) alive at onset of labor and (2) admitted for neonatal intensive care. Prognostic models need temporal and geographic validation to evaluate their performance.

The 2 models showed very good performance in a recent large cohort of very preterm infants born in another Western country. The accurate performance of both models suggests application in clinical practice (Read the full article)


Hemodynamic Effects of Delayed Cord Clamping in Premature Infants

Delayed umbilical cord clamping in premature infants has been associated with decreased rates of intraventricular hemorrhage; however, the mechanisms that explain this finding have not been described.

Premature infants with delayed umbilical cord clamping have improved superior vena cava blood flow over the first days of life. This may provide one of the mechanism(s) by which this technique reduces the incidence in intraventricular hemorrhage in this at-risk population. (Read the full article)


A Statewide Trial of the SafeCare Home-based Services Model With Parents in Child Protective Services

Neglect cases in Child Protective Services often receive home-based interventions, but their success in preventing maltreatment recidivism has been elusive. Structured, behavioral skills models, such as SafeCare, are promising but have not been tested in full-scale implementation trials.

This cluster trial experiment demonstrates significant maltreatment recidivism reduction due to implementing the SafeCare model in a fully scaled-up statewide system. The findings support adopting the SafeCare model for these types of services. (Read the full article)


Impact of a Guideline on Management of Children Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common pediatric illness caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. New pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of America CAP guidelines are now available recommending ampicillin as empirical treatment of children hospitalized with uncomplicated CAP.

This study found that a CAP guideline led to an increase in the narrow-spectrum antibiotic ampicillin. Additionally, an increase in the use of amoxicillin at discharge was observed. Furthermore, change in therapy did not lead to increased adverse outcomes. (Read the full article)


Early or Delayed Enteral Feeding for Preterm Growth-Restricted Infants: A Randomized Trial

Preterm, growth-restricted infants are at high risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). NEC occurs most frequently in infants who have received enteral feeds. It is common practice to delay introduction of enteral feeds in these infants.

Early introduction of enteral feeds results in earlier achievement of full enteral feeding. Early feeding is not associated with a higher risk of NEC. Delayed feeding is associated with a higher risk of cholestasis. (Read the full article)


Dynamic Evolution of Practice Guidelines: Analysis of Deviations From Assessment and Management Plans

Adherence to guidelines has generally been shown to improve patient care and reduce the cost of care. Current understanding of the varying reasons why clinicians deviate from guidelines is based on surveys and retrospective reviews.

We examined clinician deviations from guidelines in a prospective fashion and attempted to categorize those deviations. Better elucidation of clinician reasoning behind deviations may inform care improvement and help define strategies to eliminate unjustifiable deviations. (Read the full article)


Birth by Cesarean Delivery and Failure on First Otoacoustic Emissions Hearing Test

Neonatal hearing screening occasionally fails because of several perinatal and neonatal factors. However, the effect of mode of delivery on hearing screening has not yet been established.

We show significantly more failures on hearing screening in cesarean delivery infants. Hence, the timing of screening after cesarean delivery should preferably be postponed beyond 48 hours to improve success rate, minimize maternal anxiety, and decrease costs. (Read the full article)


Costs and Infant Outcomes After Implementation of a Care Process Model for Febrile Infants

Febrile infants in the first 90 days may have life-threatening serious bacterial infection. Well-appearing febrile infants with serious bacterial infections cannot be distinguished from those without by examination alone. Variation in care resulting in both undertreatment and overtreatment is common.

The systemwide implementation of an evidence-based care process model for the care of febrile infants in Intermountain Healthcare was associated with increased delivery of evidence-based care, improved infant outcomes, and lower costs. This model adopted nationally can improve value. (Read the full article)


Adherence to PALS Sepsis Guidelines and Hospital Length of Stay

Adherence to Pediatric Advanced Life Support resuscitation guidelines for children with sepsis is low; however, few studies have been conducted in the tertiary care emergency department setting.

Adherence to septic shock guidelines in a tertiary care pediatric emergency department is low. Adherence to fluid guidelines and the entire PALS algorithm was associated with a shorter hospital length of stay. (Read the full article)


Neonatal Morbidities and Developmental Delay in Moderately Preterm-Born Children

Moderately preterm-born children (32–356/7 weeks’ gestation) are at risk for both neonatal morbidities after birth and developmental delays in early childhood. It is unknown whether neonatal morbidities contribute to the developmental delays of this particular group.

Of all neonatal morbidities commonly seen in moderately preterm-born children, only hypoglycemia increased the risk of developmental delay after moderately preterm birth. A concerted effort to prevent hypoglycemia after birth might enhance developmental outcome in this group. (Read the full article)


The Differential Impact of Delivery Hospital on the Outcomes of Premature Infants

Data suggest that delivery at high-volume, high-technology hospitals reduces neonatal mortality. No study has examined other complications or compared the effects in multiple states by using a study design to control for unmeasured differences in case mix.

The survival benefit to delivering at a high-level NICU between 1995 and 2005 is larger than previously reported and varies between states. The survival benefits affect both extremely and moderately preterm infants. Complication rates were similar between hospital types. (Read the full article)


Influence of Hospital Guidelines on Management of Children Hospitalized With Pneumonia

There are limited data on current testing and treatment patterns for children hospitalized with pneumonia, and on whether institutional guidelines affect care.

The use of institutional clinical practice guidelines was not associated with changes in diagnostic testing, hospital length of stay, or costs for children hospitalized with pneumonia, but was associated with increased use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics. (Read the full article)


Predictors of Delayed or Forgone Needed Health Care for Families With Children

The past several decades have seen a dramatic increase in the costs of health care and the prevalence of childhood activity limitations. More families with children are experiencing financial burden related to the cost of health care and insurance.

We find significant inequities in the occurrence of delayed or forgone needed health care for families with children as a result of high health care–related financial burden and having a child with an activity limitation. (Read the full article)


A Model to Determine the Likely Age of an Adolescent's First Drink of Alcohol

First drink before age 15 greatly increases the likelihood for later alcohol abuse or dependence. Separate investigations have linked many variables to alcohol initiation, but few have attempted to identify the optimal combination of predictors for age of alcohol initiation.

This article supports the screening questions selected in the joint National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the American Academy of Pediatrics initiative to identify and initiate intervention in youth at risk for early use of alcohol. (Read the full article)


Different Guidelines for Imaging After First UTI in Febrile Infants: Yield, Cost, and Radiation

There is a lack of consensus regarding the optimal investigative approach after a first febrile urinary tract infection. This is because of uncertainty regarding the long-term clinical significance of vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infection–related renal scarring.

No ideal diagnostic algorithm exists. We found marked variability in sensitivity and specificity for detection of abnormalities using current protocols. We also highlight the considerable cost differences, both financially and in terms of radiation dose, of different protocols. (Read the full article)


Predictors of Phrase and Fluent Speech in Children With Autism and Severe Language Delay

Autism is a disorder that significantly affects language/communication skills, with many children not developing fluent language. The rate of spoken language acquisition after severe language delay and predictors of functional language, beyond comorbid intellectual disability, is less clear.

This study uses the largest sample to date to examine the relationship between key deficits associated with autism and attainment of phrase and/or fluent speech after a severe language delay, providing information to guide therapeutic targets and developmental expectations. (Read the full article)


Improving Adherence to Otitis Media Guidelines With Clinical Decision Support and Physician Feedback

Expectations are high that electronic health record–based clinical decision support and performance feedback will improve adherence to guidelines by delivering relevant and actionable information to clinicians. Few studies have evaluated these assertions or examined the combined effects of decision support and feedback.

Clinical decision support customized to a patient’s history and presentation and performance feedback are both effective for improving adherence to guidelines for otitis media. However, the combination of the 2 interventions is no better than either delivered alone. (Read the full article)


Quality of Reporting and Evidence in American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines

In the only previous cross-sectional study, the quality of pediatric guidelines was rated low on the AGREE-II (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II) scale. The levels of evidence used in pediatric clinical practice guidelines have never been described.

American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines score low on the AGREE-II scale. Approximately one-quarter of recommendations are based on expert opinion or no reference. These findings support the adoption of standards for guideline development and research targeted toward unsupported recommendations. (Read the full article)


Oxygen Delivery Using a Neonatal Self-inflating Resuscitation Bag: Effect of Oxygen Flow

Excess tissue oxygenation should be avoided during neonatal resuscitation, especially in premature infants. Delivered oxygen concentrations when using a self-inflating bag (SIB) at oxygen flows <1 L/min remain to be established.

Low oxygen concentrations (30%– 40%) can be delivered with a SIB at an oxygen flow <1 L/min. A practical scheme has been developed correlating the oxygen flow rate and the corresponding delivered fraction of oxygen when using a neonatal SIB. (Read the full article)


Galactose-{alpha}-1,3-galactose and Delayed Anaphylaxis, Angioedema, and Urticaria in Children

Delayed anaphylaxis, urticaria, and angioedema to mammalian meat products were first described in the adult population in 2009. Patients with this syndrome who consume mammalian meat typically develop symptoms 4 to 6 hours after ingestion.

Specific diagnoses for children who develop urticaria, angioedema, and idiopathic anaphylaxis are few and far between. We have now shown delayed anaphylaxis, urticaria, and angioedema due to mammalian meat products in the pediatric population. (Read the full article)


Sick-Visit Immunizations and Delayed Well-Baby Visits

Parent or provider reluctance to immunize infants during sick visits is a common reason why infants fall behind on the recommended schedule. One previous study suggested that immunizations at sick visits discouraged parents from making up missed well-baby visits.

Delaying immunizations at sick visits can lower immunization rates without improving rates of well-baby visits. Many infants will not return to makeup well-baby visits missed because of a sick visit, regardless of whether immunizations were delayed or given. (Read the full article)


Randomized Trial of a Population-Based, Home-Delivered Intervention for Preschool Language Delay

Preschool language delay is associated with poorer academic performance, more limited employment opportunities, and relationship difficulties. Despite its importance within public health, there has been little progress toward effective population-based prevention and intervention approaches to improve outcomes.

It is feasible to identify low language in 4-year-olds on a population basis and deliver a 1-on-1 intervention. By age 5 years, this resulted in better phonological awareness and letter knowledge. There was weak evidence of better expressive, but not receptive, language. (Read the full article)


Child Exposure to Parental Violence and Psychological Distress Associated With Delayed Milestones

It has previously been shown that exposure to intimate partner violence and/or parental depression or anxiety may increase a child’s risk for specific adverse health outcomes.

By using a large pediatric primary care sample, this study examined associations of child exposure to intimate partner violence and parental psychological distress with developmental milestone attainment by analyzing their combined and separate effects while adjusting for other family factors. (Read the full article)


Bronchiolitis Management Before and After the AAP Guidelines

Bronchiolitis is a leading cause of hospitalization for children, yet variability in its management persists. To promote evidence-based care, the American Academy of Pediatrics published practice guidelines in 2006 that advocate primarily supportive care for this self-limited disease.

Since publication of the guidelines in 2006, few studies have evaluated their impact on diagnostic testing and treatment. This study documents positive changes in resource use among hospitalized patients with bronchiolitis over an 8-year period. (Read the full article)


2010 Perinatal GBS Prevention Guideline and Resource Utilization

An algorithm for neonatal early-onset sepsis risk based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2002 guidelines for prevention of perinatal Group B Streptococcus disease results in the evaluation of ~12–15% of well-appearing term and late preterm infants.

A revised algorithm based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2010 guidelines eliminated 25% of all early-onset sepsis evaluations and resulted in significant cost savings, without short-term evidence of harm. (Read the full article)


Risk and Prevalence of Developmental Delay in Young Children With Congenital Heart Disease

Children with congenital heart disease demonstrate a high prevalence of low-severity developmental problems in the areas of language, motor skills, attention, and executive function. Systematic evaluation has been recommended to promote early detection of problems and ensure appropriate intervention.

This study presents results of longitudinal testing in early childhood. Developmental delays were common. Feeding difficulty and medical and genetic comorbidities increased risk for delays. Exposure to risk and prevalence of delay change over time; therefore, repeated evaluations are warranted. (Read the full article)


Prenatal SSRI Use and Offspring With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Developmental Delay

Serotonin is critical in early brain development, creating concerns regarding prenatal exposure to factors influencing serotonin levels, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Prenatal SSRI use was recently associated with autism; however, its association with other developmental delays is unclear.

This population-based case-control study in young children provides evidence that prenatal SSRI use may be a risk factor for autism and other developmental delays. However, underlying depression and its genetic underpinnings may be a confounder. (Read the full article)


Role of Guidelines on Length of Therapy in Chorioamnionitis and Neonatal Sepsis

Chorioamnionitis (CAM) is a major risk factor for early-onset neonatal sepsis. The Committee on the Fetus and Newborn recommends extending the duration of antimicrobial therapy in neonates exposed to CAM and intrapartum antibiotics if laboratory data are abnormal, even if culture results are sterile.

When managed by using a strategy similar to recent Committee on the Fetus and Newborn guidelines, a large number of term and late-preterm infants exposed to CAM who had sterile blood culture findings were treated with prolonged antibiotic therapy, subjected to additional invasive procedures, and had prolonged hospitalization. (Read the full article)


Practice-Tailored Facilitation to Improve Pediatric Preventive Care Delivery: A Randomized Trial

Children receive only half of recommended health care; disadvantaged children have higher risk of unmet needs. Practice coaching combined with quality improvement using rapid-cycle feedback has potential to help practices meet quality standards and improve pediatric health care delivery.

The Practice-tailored Facilitation Intervention led to large and sustained improvements in preventive service delivery, including substantial numbers of disadvantaged children, and in multiple simultaneous health care domains. Practice-tailored facilitation holds promise as a method to advance pediatric preventive care delivery. (Read the full article)


Delayed Primary HHV-7 Infection and Neurologic Disease

Primary HHV-7 infection is almost universal by age 5 years and is causally associated with exanthem subitum, febrile seizures, and febrile status epilepticus. The consequences of delayed primary infection are unknown, although encephalitis has been reported in one adult.

Delayed primary HHV-7 infection can cause serious neurologic disease as identified in 3 adolescents, 2 with encephalitis and 1 with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Serologic tests to distinguish primary from past HHV-7 infection are imperative when HHV-7 DNA is present in CSF. (Read the full article)


Timely Versus Delayed Early Childhood Vaccination and Seizures

Reasons for childhood immunization delay include parental intent and barriers such as transportation. To date there has been 1 study of the association of delayed vaccination and seizures, which found measles-mumps-rubella and measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccines are both associated with a higher rate of seizures if received after 15 months of age.

Our study found no association between the timing of vaccination and occurrence of seizures in the first year of life. By using different methods, our results support the observation that delaying vaccination with measles-containing vaccines past 15 months of age increases the incidence of postvaccination seizures. (Read the full article)


Firearm Homicide and Other Causes of Death in Delinquents: A 16-Year Prospective Study

Homicide is the third leading cause of mortality in general population youth aged 15 to 29 years. Groups at greatest risk for early violent death (racial/ethnic minorities, males, poor persons, and urban youth) are overrepresented in the juvenile justice system.

We examined rates of and risk factors for firearm homicide and other causes of death in delinquents 16 years after detention. Our study analyzes gender differences; compares Hispanics, African Americans, and non-Hispanic whites; and includes a representative sample of delinquents. (Read the full article)


Development of Guidelines for Skeletal Survey in Young Children With Fractures

Rates of performing skeletal survey (SS) for young children presenting with fractures and at risk for abuse vary substantially across providers, with disparities associated with patients’ characteristics. Lack of consensus regarding indications for SS also contributes to this variation.

The results of this study provide a set of explicit consensus guidelines, based on the literature and on the knowledge of experts from several medical specialties, for identifying children with fractures who should undergo an initial SS. (Read the full article)


Acute Concussion Symptom Severity and Delayed Symptom Resolution

Children are often evaluated in the emergency department after a concussion. Although prolonged symptoms are associated with higher initial symptom severity when measured 2 to 3 weeks after injury, a similar association with acute symptom severity has not been demonstrated.

Higher acute symptom severity is not associated with development of persistent post-concussion symptoms 1 month after injury, but persistent post-concussive symptoms affect a significant number of children after concussion. Outpatient follow-up is essential to identify children who develop persistent symptoms. (Read the full article)


Delayed Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Defects: Trends and Associated Factors

Delayed diagnosis of critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.

Despite increasing prenatal diagnosis rates, delayed diagnosis of CCHDs continues to occur, with rates highest among isolated cases and those delivered at nontertiary care hospitals. Better understanding of delayed diagnosis could help to improve screening efforts. (Read the full article)


Mode of Obstetrical Delivery and Type 1 Diabetes: A Sibling Design Study

Several studies have revealed an association between cesarean section (CS) and childhood type 1 diabetes. Most of these studies lacked important information on indication for CS and induction of labor. It is unknown whether the reported associations are causal.

Using a cohort of 2.6 million children we found an association between elective CS and type 1 diabetes. The sibling analysis suggested the association is not causal. The findings are crucial evidence to advise women on mode of delivery choice. (Read the full article)


Cognitive Delay and Behavior Problems Prior to School Age

Children with cognitive delay have been shown to have more behavior problems than typically developing children; however, few studies have investigated this relationship over time or among very young children.

Our findings provide some of the first national, prospective evidence that having a cognitive delay may place children at risk for developing and maintaining behavior problems before school age. Early identification and intervention may improve outcomes for these children. (Read the full article)


Adoption of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Guidelines: A Cluster-Randomized Trial

Cardiovascular risk begins in childhood. New clinical guidelines established a care strategy for lowering risks. Incorporation of guidelines into routine practice lags due to barriers related to knowledge and attitudes about guidelines, as well as behaviors of practitioners, patients, and clinical systems.

This study demonstrated that a multifaceted approach including tools, education, and support for changes in practice systems can accelerate the adoption of guidelines during routine pediatric well-child visits, compared with dissemination of the guidelines alone. (Read the full article)


Adherence to Guidelines for Glucose Assessment in Starting Second-Generation Antipsychotics

In 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about hyperglycemia and diabetes with second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs). Since 2004, hyperglycemic and diabetes risk with SGAs has been stated in product labels, and published guidelines have recommended baseline metabolic screening.

Between 2006 and 2011, 11% of children 2 to 18 years starting an SGA had baseline glucose assessed. Youth at risk for diabetes may not be identified. Further, lack of screening impedes determining the contribution of SGAs to hyperglycemia. (Read the full article)


Implementation Methods for Delivery Room Management: A Quality Improvement Comparison Study

Quality improvement (QI) studies generally do not account for concurrent trends of improvement and it is difficult to distinguish the impact of a multihospital collaborative QI project without a contemporary control group.

A multihospital collaborative QI model led to greater declines in hypothermia and invasive ventilation rates in the delivery room compared with an individual NICU QI model and NICUs that did not participate in formal QI activities. (Read the full article)


Development of Hospital-Based Guidelines for Skeletal Survey in Young Children With Bruises

Bruising is common in young victims of physical abuse as well as in cases of accidental trauma. There is uncertainty regarding which young children with bruising require evaluation with skeletal survey for possible abuse.

The results of this study provide guidelines, based on the literature and knowledge of experts, for identifying children <24 months presenting for care in the hospital setting with bruises, who should and should not undergo skeletal survey. (Read the full article)


Strategic Modeling of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Workforce

The number of nurse practitioner graduates in the United States has nearly doubled over the past 2 decades. However, the number of pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) graduates has remained relatively flat, although the demand for PNPs is expected to increase.

This study estimates the best-case shortage of PNPs over the next 25 years. We propose possible policy interventions to address key areas of the PNP workforce system and we compute their impact on the forecasted PNP shortage. (Read the full article)


Early Intervention for Toddlers With Language Delays: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Early language delay is common in toddlers and is associated with poor academic outcomes, reading difficulties, and persistent communication problems. Despite these long-term sequelae, few interventions for toddlers with early language delays yield positive expressive and receptive language results.

A 28-session program delivered over 3 months can enhance parent language facilitation strategies. Unusually, the small short-term benefits were mainly in receptive, rather than expressive, language and vocabulary. Extended follow-up could determine the costs versus benefits of this promising approach. (Read the full article)


Improvement Methodology Increases Guideline Recommended Blood Cultures in Children With Pneumonia

Blood cultures are the most widely available diagnostic tool to identify bacterial pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Despite a recent national guideline recommendation for blood culture performance in children with moderate/severe CAP, there is still wide variation across institutions.

Using improvement methodology, we demonstrated that blood cultures can be routinely performed in children admitted for CAP, in accordance with a recent national guideline, without increasing length of stay in a setting with a low false-positive blood culture rate. (Read the full article)