
ONE TO ONE: The family history and autobiography of Gary Robert Toone - a boy from Kendenup, Western Australia.


Seek : A devotional guide towards surrender.


Australia's Second Open Government National Action Plan 2018-20 / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Australian government response to the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee inquiry report : the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the Community Development Program (CDP)


Award of funding under the Regional Jobs and Investment Packages : Department of infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, Department of Industry, Inovation and Science / The Auditor General.

"The objective of the audit was to assess whether the award of funding under the RJIP program was informed by appropriate departmental advice and that processes complied with the grants administration framework."--Page 8.


Cabinet Handbook / Australian Government, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Cabinet Handbook / Australian Government, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


The China Defence Universities Tracker : exploring the military and security links of China's universities / Alex Joske.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is building links between China’s civilian universities, military and security agencies. Those efforts, carried out under a policy of leveraging the civilian sector to maximise military power (known as ‘military–civil fusion’), have accelerated in the past decade. Research for the China Defence Universities Tracker has determined that greater numbers of Chinese universities are engaged in defence research, training defence scientists, collaborating with the military and cooperating with defence industry conglomerates and are involved in classified research.1 At least 15 civilian universities have been implicated in cyberattacks, illegal exports or espionage. China’s defence industry conglomerates are supervising agencies of nine universities and have sent thousands of their employees to train abroad.


Pandeme of Bees.


Aligning to aliveness : a simple guide to heart-centred living / Robert Beno.


Commonwealth child safe framework / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, National Office for Child Safety.

This publication outlines the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework requirements and guidance for its implementation.The primary audience for this publication is Commonwealth entities. This publication has been developed to assist entities to understand and implement the requirements of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework.


The community development programme : evaluation of participation and employment outcomes / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Credit when it's due : timely reminders help consumers reduce their credit card debt / Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Consumers who only make the minimum repayment on their credit card could be paying hundreds of dollars a year in high interest payments. To help, BETA partnered with the Treasury and Westpac to see if reminders could encourage consumers to pay earlier and save money. We found any type of SMS reminder resulted in a $134 (28 per cent) increase in repayments in the following month, compared to those who received no message. However, different SMS messages all had a similar impact and we were unable to detect an effect from sending email reminders. Overall, the findings suggest that sending an SMS reminder to credit card consumers before their payment due date is a simple, cost-effective way to improve their financial wellbeing.


Developing tailored study plans for the new higher education environment : 'Letting go of control' : final report / Professor Joe Shapter, National Teaching Fellow, Flinders University ; Associate Professor Ingo Koeper, College of Science and Engi

"It is timely that the higher education sector examines paths forward to address and indeed engage in the new environment in which it will work in the future. This fellowship explored two approaches to engage students more deeply in their education. The first approach is generally termed 'interdisciplinary studies' where students define their own program of study; the second approach focuses on topic structure where students are given a wide range of choice and in effect can build a topic that suits their interests."--Page iv.


Federal Executive Council handbook 2019 / Federal Executive Council.

This handbook outlines the diversity of matters submitted to the Executive Council and presented to the Governor-General and Executive Councillors.


Gender balance on Australian government boards report 2016-17 / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Gender in Air Operations.

"Gender in Air Operations (GiAO) promulgates a matter that needs to be formally articulated between major doctrinal reviews. The GiAO doctrine note seeks to inform and promote discussion on Air Force’s operational capability through integrating a gender perspective into Air Force’s doctrine to inform individual and collective training and the planning and conduct of operations."--Website.


Caden : a loving the Sykes novel / Elizabeth Stevens.


Fade / Brook Strahan.


Independent Review of the APS : priorities for change / Independent Review of the APS.


Minister's performance assessment report Water plan (Mary Basin) 2006 / compiled by Water Policy and Water Services (South Region) - Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

This report provides an overview of the implementation of the Water plan (Mary Basin) 2006 and summarises the findings of the assessments undertaken for the last five years. The plan supports urban water supply and a variety of industries including significant agricultural production, a growing tourism industry and fisheries.


Modelling carp biomass : estimates for the year 2023 / Charles R. Todd, John D. Koehn, Tim R. Brown, Ben Fanson, Shane Brooks and Ivor Stuart.


Understanding the Stolen Generations through their stories : from the inaugural Stolen Generation Summit Elder Abuse Prevention and Positive Aging Summit : a resource for the aged care workforce / ARAS.

Two Aboriginal Elders, one of whom had been removed from her family as a child, and the other who was affected by siblings and other family members being removed, provided consent to share their personal stories specifically for this resource, with the vision that people would be better informed and communication improved when delivering care. To respect their privacy, their stories have been de-identified.


Angels in this wilderness : reflections on the journey of the Uniting Church in Australia / Andrew Dutney.


Stories from the soul : a guide to finding meaning in your story / Lyn Bray.


Hallelujah! : let everything that has breath praise God / Peter Wade.


Partnering with alumni for student and graduate success.


Portfolio additional estimates statements 2018-19 : explanations of additional estimates 2018-19 : Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Portfolio Budget Statements 2019-20 : Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Budget Initiatives and Explanations of Appropriations Specified by Outcomes and Programs by Entity: Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio.


Newstart allowance : is it time to raise it? / research undertaken by The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, University of Adelaide ; funded by the Independent Research Fund.

This paper assesses whether the Newstart Allowance for unemployed people should be increased. It investigates the relationship of the Newstart Allowance to Average Weekly Earnings, the Federal Minimum Wage, and Australian poverty lines, and considers the typical the duration of unemployment and long term unemployment, duration of time on income support, overseas allowances, cost of living, and a comparison with policy makers' remuneration. It finds that the value of the allowance has eroded since it was first set and that unemployment for many is not a transitional situation, and concludes that an increase is warranted to bridge the gap to the poverty line.


Troubling ambiguity : governance in SA Health / a report by The Hon. Bruce Lander QC, Independent Commissioner Against Corruption.

"... The report has been prepared for the purpose of highlighting several areas of concern I have about governance arrangements in SA Health that contribute to risks of corruption, misconduct and maladministration...." -- page 4.


As it is / Sue Bowden.


Ratings summary - labour market analysis of skilled occupations / Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.


Realising the Potential : a review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme : a collaborative report researched and prepared by the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Army / written by

In 2017 the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Australian Defence Force (Australian Army) undertook a joint review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP) to assess its efficiency and effectiveness. The review found AACAP is a highly regarded and effective means of achieving positive environmental and primary health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities while providing valuable training outcomes for Army. AACAP's objectives align with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) 'Closing the Gap' targets in Indigenous disadvantage and with the Australian Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The report identified areas for potential improvement, recommending greater support for the sustainability of infrastructure and project investment, enhanced employment and training opportunities and strengthening of project governance.


Regional recycling transport assistance package : program guidelines / prepared by: Waste Avoidance and Recovery Programs, Office of Resource Recovery, Department of Environment and Science.

The Regional Recycling Transport Assistance Package provides funding to support resource recovery and recycling in regional Queensland, helping fund the costs of transporting recyclable material from regional Queensland to facilities where it can be recovered or processed and turned into new products. Details regarding eligible applicants, projects and costs are provided in these guidelines.


Report of the Independent Review Panel- Gaming machines licensing process: regulatory review.


Report on review of detriment : Aboriginal land claims recommended for grant but not yet finalised / the Hon John Mansfield AM QC, Aboriginal Land Commissioner.


Richer veins for behavioural insight : an exploration of the opportunities to apply behavioural insights in public policy / Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The use of behavioural insights in public policy has traditionally focused on small, low cost 'nudges' to improve communications, increase compliance and enhance the way services are delivered. But BETA has begun to look beyond to identify a smaller set of 'richer veins' where BI can offer high financial and social impact. These areas includes consumer choice, financial decision-making and personal wellbeing.


Skills and workforce development agreement / Australian Government Productivity Commission.

The National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD) was agreed by the Australian, State and Territory governments in 2009 and updated in 2012. The NASWD sets out goals for skills attainment by Australians through the vocational education and training (VET) system and commitments to reforms to ensure that the system is accessible, produces high quality services and operates efficiently. This study will assess progress made by governments against the NASWD, and whether the agreement is still an effective long-term framework for government policy and cooperation.


Warm Earth : Bridget Currie & Bernadette Klavins / [text by] Liam Sprod..


Synergistic genetic biocontrol options for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) / Claus Wedekind.


Tabling Guidelines / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide advice to departments and entities on the procedures to be followed when presenting documents to the Parliament.


Utilisation of carp biomass : final report / Dr Janet Howieson, Andrew Tilley, Ewan Colquhoun, Elise O'Keefe, Steven Nash, Declan McDonald, Tony Evans, Gerry Gillespie, David Hardwick, Dr Sarah Beavis, Charles Francina, Daniel McCorey, Luke Wheat.


Vulnerable private renters : evidence and options / Australian Government Productivity Commission.


A reproducible framework for 3D acoustic forward modelling of hard rock geological models with Madagascar / Andrew Squelch, Mahyar Madadi, Milovan Urosevic.

"A special challenge of hard rock exploration is to identify targets of interest within complex geological settings. Interpretation of the geology can be made from direct geological observations and knowledge of the area, and from 2D or 3D seismic surveys. These interpretations can be developed into 3D geological models that provide the basis for predictions as to likely targets for drilling and/or mining. To verify these predictions we need to simulate 3D seismic wave propagation in the proposed geological models and compare the simulation results to seismic survey data. To achieve this we convert geological surfaces created in an interpretation software package into discretised block models representing the different lithostratigraphic units, and segment these into discrete volumes to which appropriate density and seismic velocity values are assigned. This approach allows us to scale models appropriately for desired wave propagation parameters and to go from local to global geological models and vice versa. Then we use these digital models with forward modelling codes to undertake numerous 3D acoustic wave simulations. Simulations are performed with single shot and with exploding reflector (located on extracted geological surface) configurations" -- Summary.


Interim technical report : project 3.1 : 3D seismic exploration for hard rock environments : seismic exploration of nickel deposits / Milovan Urosevic and DET CRC Project 3.1 Researchers.

"Researchers of DETCRC 3.1 project acquired substantial experience in seismic exploration of Nickel deposits across Yilgarn craton, Western Australia. There are many lessons learnt and various approaches trialled. The validity of the research conducted and the outputs achieved were verified against real field data provided by the sponsors and affiliates to DET CRC. Research quality was scrutinised by publishing in high level journals. In general high quality images are achieved over nickel rich Kambalda province that allowed for an accurate structural interpretation. Rock identification and characterisation is still challenging particularly due to lack of calibration of seismic images with borehole logs and borehole seismic. Several case histories are documented and briefly analysed. The difference between Komatiitic nickel deposit of Australia and Canada is also commented in light of seismic response and required technology for its detection" -- Executive summary.


Interim technical report : project 3.1 : lower cost, more effective 3D seismic exploration for hard rock environments : seismic exploration for mineral deposits case study summary table / authors: Milovan Urosevic, Andrej Bona.

"This document is intended to summarise the current state, understanding and the use of seismic reflection method for mineral exploration. Its primary objective is to provide a point of reference, based on actual case studies, for mineral explorers interested in the application of seismic methods to their project. It provides summary information (including the purpose of the survey, acquisition methods, geometry and cost, processing procedures and key findings) that are intended to provide the reader with an objective means of assessing the cost effectiveness of the technique with respect to exploration objectives. It is also aimed at exchange of information between DETCRC sponsors, affiliates and researchers. Finally we hope that this table will help in shaping future research efforts and direction within Project 3.1, regarding the application of seismic for mineral exploration.This is only initial work and it is hoped that it will evolve into a document or a catalogue that will be extensively used by the mineral industry to achieve their exploration objectives in more efficient and effective way" -- Executive summary.


Jim Johnson mineralogy letters : copies of correspondence between James Eric (Jim) Johnson and Michael P. (Mick) Vort-Ronald, 1967-1977. / edited and illustrated by Michael P. Vort-Ronald.


Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia / CN Kloeden, TJ Bailey, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect red light running and speeding vehicles are known to be an effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. While no definitive best practice for choosing safety camera locations was found in the literature, there are a number of criteria that are frequently used and that make sense: locations with a high number of crashes (particularly injury crashes); locations with a high proportion of speeding vehicles; locations with high traffic volumes; locations with large numbers of unprotected road users (pedestrians and bicyclists); different camera types covering different areas of the road network; and deploying cameras widely throughout the road network. Evaluation of the effects of safety cameras on particular sites and as a whole can be attempted using a number of methodologies: changes in crash numbers before and after installation; changes in vehicle speeds before and after installation; and changes in offence detections from the time of installation onwards. There are limitations with each of these methodologies such that evaluating the effectiveness of an individual safety camera is often not possible. By tracking many safety camera sites for a long period of time, the effect of the safety cameras can be examined but there will always be other factors that may explain any observed changes. A true experiment could be conducted to determine safety camera effects but it would involve deliberate non-treatment of good candidate sites for many years. This study gives a reasonable set of principles for selecting safety camera sites and evaluating their effectiveness. However, the detailed processes for South Australia will depend on what data is available, the resources and funding that can be applied, and political and other considerations." -- page 3.


An examination of offences at South Australian safety camera sites / CN Kloeden, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect speeding (and in some cases red light running) are known to be a generally effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. They were first introduced in South Australia in 1988 and are now in operation at more than 150 locations around the State. Data on the speeding and red light running offences recorded at each of the sites are now publicly available. If the number of offences declines over time, this is an indication that the safety cameras are becoming increasingly effective in preventing speeding or red light running behaviour. The offence rates of the five types of safety cameras in use in South Australia were examined on a site by site basis. Safety cameras located in South Australian 50-90 km/h speed limit zones in built-up areas showed a similar overall trend in offence rates: speeding offence rates decreased rapidly during the first two to three years of operation; continued declines in speeding offence rates occurred for many years after that; and red light running offences showed general declines over time but not as consistently or to the same extent as speeding offences. Making the cameras more conspicuous from the time of installation may accelerate their positive effects. Safety cameras may also prevent vehicle speeding on high speed rural roads upon installation (this could not be measured here) but there appears to be little change in offence rates after this time. This is possibly due to the more conspicuous nature of these cameras. The tolerances applied to point to point average speed measurements appear to be the same as applied to spot speed measurements and could reasonably be reduced." -- Summary.