ert Hunter Valley dairy farmers Robert and Narelle Worth By Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 06:59:00 +1000 Full Article 1233 ABC Newcastle newcastle Rural:All:All Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:NSW:Singleton 2330
ert Breeding cows sent to slaughter as drought forces cattle properties to run dry By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 10:00:00 +1100 Generations of Australia's prime breeding cows are heading to slaughterhouses as a lack of water and feed sees more producers opt to "cash in and get out". Full Article 1233 ABC Newcastle newengland northcoast westernplains newcastle illawarra upperhunter riverina Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Rural:Agribusiness:Agricultural Prices Rural:Food Processing:All Rural:Livestock:Animal Welfare Rural:Livestock:Beef Cattle Rural:Livestock:Cattle Feedlots Rural:Rural Women:Women In Agriculture Australia:NSW:Armidale 2350 Australia:NSW:Casino 2470 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Gunnedah 2380 Australia:NSW:Jerrys Plains 2330 Australia:NSW:Moss Vale 2577 Australia:NSW:Scone 2337 Australia:NSW:Singleton 2330 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 China:All:All
ert Bert Bradford cow By Published On :: Fri, 05 Apr 2019 14:16:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:NSW:Wauchope 2446
ert Whale entanglements and deaths expected to rise as numbers continue to grow, experts say By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:07:00 +1000 Recent whale entanglements on the NSW coast highlight the man-made threats marine life face at an increasing rate, and experts say we can expect to see more. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast northcoast midnorthcoast newcastle Environment:All:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Science and Technology:Biology:Marine Biology Australia:NSW:Ballina 2478 Australia:NSW:Forster 2428 Australia:NSW:Seal Rocks 2423
ert Chief, the North American Bison was found shot and skinned at a property at Bucca, north of Coffs Harbour By Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 11:48:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast Rural:Livestock:All Australia:NSW:Lower Bucca 2450
ert Corella flocks descend on coastal areas as wildlife experts search for answers By Published On :: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 11:15:00 +1000 Corellas were once an inland bird but are now living in coastal areas in huge numbers which is causing human-wildlife conflict. What has driven their sea change and what are the solutions? Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast sydney adelaide wheatbelt perth Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Regional:All Environment:All:All Environment:Land Management:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Science and Technology:Animals:All Science and Technology:Animals:Birds Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Robert Donohoe interviewed in Wagga Wagga over William Tyrell By Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 16:01:00 +1000 Robert Donohoe interviewed in Wagga Wagga by NSW Police detectives Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast riverina Community and Society:Missing Person:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Kendall 2439 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650
ert William Tyrrell inquest hears SES volunteer Robert Donohoe did not answer police questions By Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 22:42:00 +1000 An inquest into the disappearance of toddler William Tyrrell hears an SES volunteer who was involved in search efforts for the toddler on the NSW mid-north coast, did not respond to police questions. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast sydney Community and Society:Family and Children:Child Care Community and Society:Missing Person:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:NSW:Kendall 2439 Australia:NSW:Lidcombe 2141
ert Sydney news: Tourists escape Coogee hostel fire, Mert Ney returns to court By Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 08:57:00 +1000 MORNING BRIEFING: A guest is taken to hospital after fire guts a backpacker hostel in Coogee, while Mert Ney is due back in court over the alleged murder of Michaela Dunn and stabbing of Linda Bo. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast sydney Community and Society:Missing Person:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:NSW:Kendall 2439 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:NSW:Taree 2430
ert Rocky outcrops in the Great Sandy Desert By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 06:44:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Science and Technology:Animals:Marsupials Australia:WA:Eighty Mile Beach 6725
ert Endangered species discovered clinging on in Great Sandy Desert 'island refuge' By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 06:44:00 +1000 The discovery of endangered quolls, bilbies, and rock wallabies on islands of habitat in the Great Sandy Desert offers a rare glimmer of hope for wildlife managers. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Environment:Endangered and Protected Species:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Eighty Mile Beach 6725
ert Professor Claire Wade is an expert in dog genetics By Published On :: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 08:18:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Kimberley sydney southwestvic kimberley perth Rural:Farm Labour:All Rural:Livestock:Beef Cattle Rural:Livestock:Sheep Production Australia:NSW:The University of Sydney 2006 Australia:VIC:Casterton 3311 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743 Australia:WA:Perth 6000 United Kingdom:Scotland:All
ert Earthquake in Indian Ocean felt from Broome to Perth By Published On :: Sun, 14 Jul 2019 19:21:00 +1000 A magnitude-6.6 earthquake off the West Australian coast is felt across large parts of the state, but there are no reports of major damage. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Disasters and Accidents:Earthquake:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Broome 6725
ert Tanami Desert from the road By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 08:47:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Derby 6728 Australia:WA:Fitzroy Crossing 6765 Australia:WA:Halls Creek 6770 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
ert The Christian converts who are setting fire to sacred Aboriginal objects By Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 16:23:00 +1000 Aboriginal followers of a Tongan-born preacher set fire to artefacts considered sacred by many local elders, and dismantle and burn a spiritual law ground. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley northwestwa Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:Christianity Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:Other Religions Australia:WA:Fitzroy Crossing 6765 Australia:WA:Port Hedland 6721
ert Dairy expert says Australian industry at 'tipping point' as demand puts pressure on supply By Published On :: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 06:18:00 +1000 Australia is home to some of the best dairy operations in the world, but an analyst has warned that without a drastic increase in production the country could soon become an "import nation". Full Article ABC Great Southern hobart gippsland southwestwa greatsouthern perth Rural:All:All Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:All:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:North Hobart 7000 Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Busselton 6280 Australia:WA:Capel 6271 Australia:WA:Denmark 6333 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Murder charge for driver allegedly behind hit-and-run Easter crash in Warnbro, south of Perth By Published On :: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 16:06:00 +1000 A 36-year-old man is charged with murder following an alleged hit-and-run attack on two men in Perth's south in the early hours of Easter Sunday. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern perth Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Law Crime and Justice:Traffic Offences:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Jerramungup 6337 Australia:WA:Perth 6000 Australia:WA:Warnbro 6169
ert Perth Mint CEO Richard Hayes By Published On :: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 09:52:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Great Southern alicesprings greatsouthern goldfields Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Gold Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining Rural:Mining:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:WA:Boddington 6390 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Kambalda 6442 Australia:WA:Laverton 6440 Australia:WA:Leinster 6437
ert Two pedestrians dead after being hit by truck on Brookton Highway in Jelcobine near Perth By Published On :: Thu, 02 May 2019 13:55:00 +1000 A man and a woman are dead after they were hit by a truck overnight on Brookton Highway in Jelcobine, almost 100 kilometres south-east of Perth, with police closing the road to investigate the crash. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern perth Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Jelcobine 6306 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Rachel Siewert, WA Greens Senator By Published On :: Sat, 04 May 2019 19:14:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:Environmentally Sustainable Business:All Environment:All:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Rural:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All
ert Perth weather prompts BOM warning as strong winds, heavy rain set to pummel south-west WA By Published On :: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 16:06:00 +1000 A strong cold front is expected to bring damaging wind gusts, heavy rain, thunderstorms and possible flash flooding to south-west WA, with up to 40 millimetres of rainfall set to be dumped on Perth. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern southwestwa perth Weather:All:All Weather:Rainfall:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Busselton 6280 Australia:WA:Mandurah 6210 Australia:WA:Margaret River 6285 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Perth hit by cold front, bringing snow to Stirling Range in south By Published On :: Sat, 17 Aug 2019 23:31:00 +1000 Cold weather in Western Australia's south sees dozens flock up a mountain to carry out the winter tradition of building tiny, stunted but adorable snowmen. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Weather:All:All Weather:Snowfall:All Australia:All:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Porongurup 6324
ert Esperance logs first verified sea snake sighting, but expert says warming oceans may bring more By Published On :: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:10:00 +1000 A sea snake has washed up on a beach near Esperance on WA's southern coast, marking the region's first verified record of the typically tropical creature. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern esperance goldfields Environment:All:All Environment:Climate Change:All Environment:Conservation:All Environment:Oceans and Reefs:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Science and Technology:Animals:Reptiles Science and Technology:Biology:Marine Biology Science and Technology:Ecology:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430
ert Carnegie Clean Energy undertakes capital raising in a last-ditch bid to avoid liquidation By Published On :: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 15:42:00 +1000 As it makes what could be a last-ditch effort to ensure its future, collapsed wave energy hopeful Carnegie Clean Energy is still not disclosing the performance of its most valuable asset, its CETOwave technology. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern perth Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Environment:All:All Environment:Alternative Energy:All Environment:Alternative Energy:Tidal Energy Science and Technology:Energy:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Man buys illegal gun accessory online that converts Glock pistol into automatic weapon By Published On :: Tue, 03 Sep 2019 11:28:00 +1000 Concerns have been raised in Australia over the online sale of accessories that turn handguns into automatic weapons. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Community and Society:Regional:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 United States:All:All
ert Rex Egerton-Warburton at sheep saleyards By Published On :: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 06:51:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Rural:All:All Rural:Livestock:Sheep Production Australia:WA:Katanning 6317
ert Perth weather set to turn ugly with strong winds, damaging swell and heavy rain loom By Published On :: Thu, 03 Oct 2019 08:42:00 +1000 The school holidays are about to get ugly with the Bureau of Meteorology forecasting thunderstorms and some wild weather for Friday, the second last day of the Perth Royal Show. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern southwestwa perth Weather:All:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
ert Fertility expert criticises 'explosion in bad media' about IVF in speech to industry By Published On :: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:32:00 +1000 A senior member of the Fertility Society of Australia has used a speech at the opening of the society's conference to criticise researchers for making negative comments about the IVF industry in the media. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart melbourne Health:All:All Health:Reproduction and Contraception:All Health:Reproduction and Contraception:Fertility and Infertility Health:Reproduction and Contraception:Reproductive Technology Health:Women's Health:All Australia:All:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000
ert 1967 Black Tuesday fires that destroyed Hobart 'will happen again', experts warn By Published On :: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 13:12:00 +1000 Fire is "absolutely the number-one risk" to the city of Hobart, authorities say. But has the island state learnt from the 1967 fires that destroyed hundreds of homes and claimed 62 lives? Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Disasters and Accidents:All:All Disasters and Accidents:Emergency Incidents:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
ert Derwent Entertainment Centre NBL revamp would create jobs but poach retail business if built too soon, report says By Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 15:07:00 +1100 A draft report has found a $260 million development of Glenorchy's Wilkinson's Point would great 1,100 jobs and inject millions into Hobart, but it could come at a cost to locals. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Business Economics and Finance:Regional Development:All Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Urban Development and Planning:All Sport:All:All Sport:Basketball:All Australia:TAS:Glenorchy 7010 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
ert Tasmania Now: Watch and act fire alerts for two blazes north of Hobart By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 16:48:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: On a day of total fire ban in Tasmania's south, the fire service is being kept busy dealing with several outbreaks, including at Elderslie and Lachlan, where communities are on watch-and act-alerts. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
ert Bushfire alert in Tasmania's Derwent Valley downgraded By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 20:57:00 +1100 The Tasmanian Fire Service downgrades the threat from a bushfire in the Derwent Valley where a lack of fresh water had earlier made firefighting "a challenge". Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Disasters and Accidents:All:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:Bushfire Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lachlan 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Scamander 7215
ert AFP seizes $17.3m worth of property in Victoria, Tasmania in Chinese money laundering probe By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:41:00 +1100 A mansion in Melbourne's east, newly constructed units and more than 3,000 acres of Tasmanian farmland are among the assets seized by Australian Federal Police as part of a two-year investigation into alleged money laundering by Chinese nationals. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas melbourne Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Fraud and Corporate Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Musselroe Bay 7264 Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Blackburn 3130 Australia:VIC:Box Hill North 3129 Australia:VIC:Mont Albert 3127
ert Tasmania news: Emergency alert for Central Highlands, firefighters withdraw because of conditions By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 20:15:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: A fire that started north of Bothwell two days ago has been upgraded to emergency level, with firefighters pulling out because it is too dangerous. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
ert Tasmanian fires get reprieve from weather but residents are warned to remain 'on alert' this weekend By Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2019 10:11:00 +1100 As bushfire conditions ease around Tasmania this weekend, the firefighter's union wants laws to back volunteers leaving work in an emergency as the bushfire season extends to as long as six months. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Disasters and Accidents:Fires:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:Bushfire Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
ert More private landowners looking at giving their properties back to Tasmanian traditional owners By Published On :: Sun, 03 Nov 2019 20:17:00 +1100 The Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania says more private landowners are investigating handing their land back to Aboriginal people, to protect it from development and "to do the right thing". Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Land Rights Environment:All:All Environment:Land Management:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Campania 7026 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
ert Tasmania news: Boil water alert for thousands of residents on Hobart's eastern shore. By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2019 18:40:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: TasWater has issued a temporary boil water alert after E.coli bacteria was found after routine testing. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
ert Monash IVF patients receive bogus emails after 'malicious cyber attack' on fertility company By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 11:40:00 +1100 A national fertility business attached to clinics in six Australian states and territories says its email system has been subjected to a "malicious cyber attack", with patients reporting receiving bogus messages that appear to be from the company. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Health:Reproduction and Contraception:Reproductive Technology Science and Technology:Computers and Technology:Hacking Australia:NSW:All Australia:NT:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:SA:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:VIC:All
ert Tasmanian news: Search for retired doctor missing in state's north, calls for TasWater fix after boil water alert By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 11:42:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: An 85-year-old retired GP has been missing in the state's north since Monday, and the Opposition calls on the Government to fix issues within TasWater after a boil water alert is issued for parts of Hobart. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
ert Tasmania news: Man drowns at Hobart waterfront, boil water alert lifted for Lauderdale and surrounds By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 15:10:00 +1100 DAILY BRIEFING: TasWater has lifted a boil water alert that was put in place on Monday for Lauderdale, Acton Park, Roches Beach and Seven Mile Beach, but investigations into how the drinking supply became infected with E. coli are still underway. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
ert Man dies after falling into grain bin on South Australian rural property By Published On :: Wed, 09 Jan 2019 11:27:00 +1100 A 77-year-old man dies on a rural property on the west coast of South Australia after falling into a grain bin. SafeWork SA will investigate. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast eyre Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Workplace Rural:Agricultural Crops:Grain Rural:Farm Labour:All Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690
ert Councils cannot afford regional security upgrades, say experts By Published On :: Thu, 07 Feb 2019 12:20:00 +1100 Regional airports are deemed essential gateways between the city and country, but questions have been raised about how secure they are. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast canberra illawarra goulburnmurray newengland northcoast centralwest brokenhill westernplains coffscoast southeastnsw riverina midnorthcoast newcastle sydney alicesprings darwin katherine farnorth westqld brisbane widebay northwest southqld capricornia tropic northqld sunshine adelaide eyre northandwest southeastsa northtas hobart melbourne milduraswanhill southwestvic perth Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Air Transport Business Economics and Finance:Regional Development:All Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Regional:All Defence and National Security:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Budget:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Albion Park Rail 2527 Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Armidale 2350 Australia:NSW:Ballina 2478 Australia:NSW:Bathurst 2795 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Clarence 2790 Australia:NSW:Cobar 2835 Australia:NSW:Coffs Harbour 2450 Australia:NSW:Coolangatta 2535 Australia:NSW:Cooma 2630 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Grafton 2460 Australia:NSW:Griffith 2680 Australia:NSW:Kempsey 2440 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Lord Howe Island 2898 Australia:NSW:Merimbula 2548 Australia:NSW:Moree 2400 Australia:NSW:Moruya 2537 Australia:NSW:Mudgee 2850 Australia:NSW:Narrabri 2390 Australia:NSW:Narrandera 2700 Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:NSW:Sydney Airport 2020 Australia:NSW:Sydney International Airport 2020 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Taree 2430 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Croker Island 0822 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Goulbourn Island 0822 Australia:NT:Maningrida 0822 Australia:NT:Milingimbi 0822 Australia:NT:Ngukurr 0852 Australia:NT:Nhulunbuy 0880 Australia:NT:Ramingining 0822 Australia:NT:Tennant Creek 0860 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872 Australia:QLD:Aurukun 4871 Australia:QLD:Bamaga 4876 Australia:QLD:Barcaldine 4725 Australia:QLD:Bedourie 4829 Australia:QLD:Birdsville 4482 Australia:QLD:Blackall 4472 Australia:QLD:Boulia 4829 Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Brisbane Airport 4007 Australia:QLD:Bundaberg 4670 Australia:QLD:Burketown 4830 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Charleville 4470 Australia:QLD:Cloncurry 4824 Australia:QLD:Cooktown 4895 Australia:QLD:Cunnamulla 4490 Australia:QLD:Doomadgee 4830 Australia:QLD:Emerald 4720 Australia:QLD:Gladstone 4680 Australia:QLD:Hamilton Island 4803 Australia:QLD:Hervey Bay 4655 Australia:QLD:Hughenden 4821 Australia:QLD:Julia Creek 4823 Australia:QLD:Karumba 4891 Australia:QLD:Lockhart River 4871 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Mackay 4740 Australia:QLD:Marcoola 4564 Australia:QLD:Moranbah 4744 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:QLD:Normanton 4890 Australia:QLD:Palm Island 4815 Australia:QLD:Pormpuraaw 4871 Australia:QLD:Proserpine 4800 Australia:QLD:Quilpie 4480 Australia:QLD:Richmond 4740 Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700 Australia:QLD:Roma 4455 Australia:QLD:Rothwell 4022 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Thangool 4716 Australia:QLD:Thargomindah 4492 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810 Australia:QLD:Weipa 4874 Australia:QLD:Weipa Airport 4874 Australia:QLD:Windorah 4481 Australia:QLD:Winton 4735 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:SA:Coober Pedy 5723 Australia:SA:Kingscote 5223 Australia:SA:Leigh Creek 5731 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Olympic Dam 5725 Australia:SA:Port Augusta 5700 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Whyalla 5600 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Devonport 7310 Australia:TAS:Flinders Island 7255 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:King Island 7256 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:VIC:Essendon 3040 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:VIC:Melbourne Airport 3045 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Moorabbin 3189 Australia:VIC:Moorabbin Airport 3194 Australia:VIC:Portland 3305 Australia:VIC:Warrnambool 3280 Australia:WA:Perth Airport 6105
ert Entertainer Bernie Scott with his dog Lucy By Published On :: Sat, 04 May 2019 09:20:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast southeastsa eyre goldfields Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:Travel Health and Safety Rural:Rural Tourism:All Sport:Golf:All Australia:SA:Bordertown 5268 Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:WA:Balladonia 6443 Australia:WA:Caiguna 6443 Australia:WA:Cocklebiddy 6443 Australia:WA:Fraser Range 6443 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Kambalda 6442 Australia:WA:Norseman 6443
ert Ice traffickers jailed after hiding $10 million worth of meth in car hired from Perth Airport By Published On :: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 20:32:00 +1000 Two Korean men who organised a cross-country road trip to transport 10 kilograms of ice across Australia are jailed for up to 12 years each, with a judge saying their crime had the potential to "massively harm the community". Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast sydney adelaide eyre melbourne goldfields perth Community and Society:Drugs and Substance Abuse:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Drug Offences Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Caiguna 6443 Australia:WA:Perth 6000 Korea Republic Of:All:All
ert SA property owners facing 'big sting' as council rates, land tax and water bills increase By Published On :: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 13:05:00 +1000 Increased taxes on properties are making South Australia even less attractive to investors according to the Property Council of Australia, amid worries surrounding the local housing industry. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide southeastsa eyre northandwest riverland Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Community and Society:Urban Development and Planning:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Government and Politics:Parliament:State Parliament Government and Politics:States and Territories:All Government and Politics:Tax:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Mallala 5502 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:SA:Unley 5061 Australia:SA:Walkerville 5081
ert SA Government at odds with Property Council over land tax loophole By Published On :: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 16:07:00 +1000 After a furious backlash from supporters, donors and some of its own MPs, SA's Liberal Government could rethink aspects of its controversial land tax measures flagged in last month's budget but what is the dispute all about? Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide southeastsa eyre northandwest riverland Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Parliament:State Parliament Government and Politics:Political Parties:Liberals Government and Politics:Tax:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341
ert 'Bold' scheme launches to power every property on SA's Eyre Peninsula with solar By Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 09:59:00 +1000 An ambitious plan to power every property on SA's Eyre Peninsula with solar has been labelled an Australian first but is it too good to be true? Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide eyre northandwest Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Electricity Energy and Utilities Community and Society:Regional:All Community and Society:Urban Development and Planning:All Environment:Alternative Energy:All Environment:Alternative Energy:Solar Energy Government and Politics:Federal - State Issues:All Science and Technology:Energy:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Whyalla 5600
ert Specialist police dog to help find remains of Tanja Ebert and Scott Redman By Published On :: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 23:23:00 +1000 New South Wales specialist police dog Tilly has arrived in South Australia to help investigators find the remains of missing Manna Hill mother Tanja Ebert and Adelaide teenager Scott Redman. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast sydney adelaide eyre brokenhill Community and Society:Missing Person:All Human Interest:Animal Attacks:Dog Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Kimba 5641 Australia:SA:Manna Hill 5440
ert Alert SA bushfire warning app not ready as fire burns in Murraylands By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 17:51:00 +1100 An app designed to alert South Australians about bushfires is still not ready as total fire bans were issued amid sweltering temperatures. A watch and act message has been issued for a fire burning near Swan Reach in the state's Murraylands region. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide eyre northandwest southeastsa Disasters and Accidents:All:All Disasters and Accidents:Emergency Planning:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:All Disasters and Accidents:Fires:Bushfire Government and Politics:States and Territories:All Information and Communication:Mobile Phones:All Science and Technology:Information Technology:All Weather:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Belair 5052 Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:SA:Kingscote 5223 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Stirling 5152
ert 'Ad hoc' housing for violent perpetrators increases family violence risk, expert says By Published On :: Wed, 01 May 2019 12:24:00 +1000 An expert policy advisor says until governments properly fund crisis accommodation for family violence perpetrators the risk to victims will only escalate. Full Article ABC Central Victoria ballarat centralvic Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Domestic Violence:All Community and Society:Family and Children:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Family Government and Politics:Housing:All Health:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:VIC:Ballarat 3350 Australia:VIC:Trentham 3458