
CBD News: "The United States and the Convention on Biological Diversity": Statement Delivered by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention, at George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C., on 12 November 2008.


CBD Announcement: On behalf of the European Commission and in collaboration with EU Member States, STELLA Consulting is organising annual information sessions on preparing LIFE+ project proposals and managing LIFE+ projects. LIFE+ is the Financial Instrum


CBD News: Statement by Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the 2010 Millenium Campus Conference at Columbia University, 19 September 2010, New York, Unites States of America.


CBD News: Communiqué Conservation community urges United States ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity: Whatever Happened to Biodiversity?


CBD Announcement: On behalf of the European Commission and in collaboration with EU Member States, STELLA Consulting is organising annual information sessions on preparing LIFE+ project proposals and managing LIFE+ projects. LIFE+ is the Financial Instrum


CBD Press Release: European Union and 12 Member States sign the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization


CBD Communiqué: The Federated States of Micronesia becomes seventy-fifth signatory of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, to the International Seminar "Towards Linking Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services to Economic and Human Activity", New York, United States of America, 27 - 29 November 2


CBD News: Albania, Botswana and the Federated States of Micronesia have become the 13th 14th and 15th countries to ratify the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to t


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, to the 44th Meeting of the Council of the Global Environment Facility, Washington DC, United States of America, Wednesday, 19 June 2013


CBD News: Opening Statement by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, to the Seventh Plenary Session of the Third United Nations Small Island Developing States (UN SIDS) Conference, Apia, Samoa, 4 September 2014


CBD News: CBD Expert Workshop to Prepare Practical Guidance on Preventing and Mitigating the Significant Adverse Impacts of Marine Debris on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Habitats, Baltimore, United States of America, 2 to 4 December 2014


CBD News: The Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, applauds the Arctic Partnership announced Thursday by United States President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Washi


CBD News: Statement by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity on behalf of the Executive Secretary at the 4th Session of the Preparatory Committee established by General Assembly resolution 69/292, New York, United States of America, 10


CBD News: On behalf of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Dr. Cristiana Pa?ca Palmer, I would like to welcome you to the "Capacity building workshop for Caribbean Small Island Developing States towards achieving Aichi


CBD News: Statement by Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, at the fifty-seventh meeting of the Council of the Global Environment Facility, Wednesday, 18 December 2019, Washington D.C., United States


CBD News: Joining the global celebration of the United Nations World Wildlife Day, representatives of UN Member States, UN System organizations, international and non-governmental organizations, rural communities and youth gathered at the UN Headquarters


First School Allocation Exercise 2020 invites applications for five kindergarten premises in public housing estates


What Drives Musk? Making the Most of Markets and States

How have government incentives helped to fuel the success of Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial ventures—and what role should the government play in supporting corporations promising to deliver social value for society?


COVID-19: Economic Implications for Japan and the United States

Exploring the economic implications of COVID-19 on Japan and the US.


The Relevance of Intergovernmental Organizations to African States: The International Organization of La Francophonie

Research Event

6 November 2019 - 10:00am to 11:15am

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary General, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Chair: Bob Dewar CMG, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House

African states are well represented in intergovernmental organizations linked by official language and colonial history such as the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) and the Commonwealth. These organizations aim to provide support in addressing matters of mutual interest – in addition to responding to significant policy challenges such as improving sustainable growth prospects and opportunities to young populations – and citizens are increasingly vocal on key issues such as democracy, human rights and the rule of law. This event series examines the importance of these intergovernmental organizations in working with their members to responsibly and sustainably respond to policy challenges in Africa.

At this event, Louise Mushikiwabo, secretary general of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), will discuss the organisation’s relevance to African states and the future of the organization on the continent.


Sahar Eljack

Programme Administrator, Africa Programme
+ 44 (0) 20 7314 3660


The Horn of Africa and the Gulf States: Strategic Engagements and Red Sea Geopolitics

Invitation Only Research Event

16 December 2019 - 9:00am to 12:15pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Ambassador Mohamed Ali Guyo, IGAD Special Envoy for the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Somalia
Julian Reilly, UK Special Envoy for the Red Sea and Horn of Africa
Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, United Nations Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa
Alexander Rondos, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa
Chair: Susan Stigant, Director of Africa Programs, United States Institute of Peace

Over the last five years, the prevailing order in the Horn of Africa has been influenced by increasing engagement from the Gulf states across the Red Sea. Their growing presence has presented governments in the region with significant policy challenges, as they seek to leverage interest and competition to further their own objectives with Gulf players and their allies, while simultaneously navigating the multiple overlapping tensions and disputes that have long marked the Horn region.

Balancing regional and global dynamics will continue to be a considerable challenge for states in the Horn that already have to deal with complex internal development and political and conflict challenges. Interventions by the Gulf states have heightened tensions around internal and cross-border relationships but they have also contributed to reconciliation and have the potential to fuel long-term regional economic integration. Developing a collective action plan and coordinated strategies for engagement on common issues with the Gulf states and along the shared Red Sea arena will enable countries in the Horn of Africa to better meet the challenges and benefits from external interest.

This high-level invitation-only roundtable will bring together the special envoys and representatives for the Horn of Africa and Red Sea, along with expert participants, to analyse regional dynamics and explore options to boost collaboration and burden-sharing towards greater integration, development and more durable peace and security on both sides of the Red Sea.

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule

Sahar Eljack

Programme Administrator, Africa Programme
+ 44 (0) 20 7314 3660


The great Chinese surprise: the rupture with the United States is real and is happening

4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2

Xiangfeng Yang

Ample evidence exists that China was caught off guard by the Trump administration's onslaught of punishing acts—the trade war being a prime, but far from the only, example. This article, in addition to contextualizing their earlier optimism about the relations with the United States under President Trump, examines why Chinese leaders and analysts were surprised by the turn of events. It argues that three main factors contributed to the lapse of judgment. First, Chinese officials and analysts grossly misunderstood Donald Trump the individual. By overemphasizing his pragmatism while downplaying his unpredictability, they ended up underprepared for the policies he unleashed. Second, some ingrained Chinese beliefs, manifested in the analogies of the pendulum swing and the ‘bickering couple’, as well as the narrative of the ‘ballast’, lulled officials and scholars into undue optimism about the stability of the broader relationship. Third, analytical and methodological problems as well as political considerations prevented them from fully grasping the strategic shift against China in the US.


United States Presidency and Europe: Over to You, Europe

1 November 2008 , Number 1

The race is on to ensure that relations between the United States and its European allies are set on the right track from the outset of Barack Obama’s presidency. Although they may not like it, the main responsibility for ensuring that the transatlantic relationship does not stumble into a series of disappointed expectations in its first critical year lies more in European capitals than in Washington.

Robin Niblett

Director and Chief Executive, Chatham House


Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 64459: A SAS Data Integration Studio job receives an error that states "The name '; index_name '; has the wrong number of qualifiers"

An error occurs because of an incorrectly generated CREATE INDEX clause in an SQL query that is sent to DB2 when the DB2 schema value is SESSION . The error message says "The name '; index_name '; has the wrong number of qualifie


Covid-19: Projections of mortality in the US rise as states open up


Trade in Illegal Timber: The Response in the United States

25 November 2014

Though the Lacey Act is an important piece of legislation for tackling the trade in illegal timber,  its impact on levels of illegal imports into the US is uncertain.

Dr Mari Momii, Independent Environmental Policy Analyst; Lecturer, Atomi University, Japan


Uncut lumber sits stacked in the yard at the sawmill of the Doll Lumber Co. in Southington, Ohio, US. Photo by Getty Images.

This paper is part of a broader Chatham House study which assesses illegal logging and the associated trade. 

Efforts to tackle the problem of illegal logging and related trade have continued in the United States; the Lacey Act amendments in 2008 have influenced behaviour within the industry and high-profile enforcement cases have increased awareness of the issue. 

The impact of the Lacey Act on levels of illegal imports into the US is uncertain. The proportion of imports of high-risk timber-sector products is estimated to have declined since 2010, while that of paper-sector products has stayed at about the same level: in 2013, high-risk imports were estimated to comprise five per cent and two per cent of the totals respectively. However, there has been a significant shift in the types and sources of high-risk products coming into the country, reflecting changes in the global timber industry: a growing proportion is coming from China and comprises more highly processed products such as furniture.

Though the Lacey Act is an important piece of legislation for tackling the trade in illegal timber, several implementation and enforcement challenges have arisen since the amendments were enacted, in particular the interpretation of ‘due care’. Improvements to the procedure for processing import declaration forms are also required to ensure effective enforcement of the act. In order to effectively tackle illegal logging and the related trade, the US government should also continue to encourage its trading partners to strengthen their forest governance.


Resource Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: Can it Promote Peace?

Research Event

30 September 2014 - 1:30pm to 4:45pm

Chatham House, London

The discovery of valuable natural resources such as hydrocarbons or minerals in conflict-affected states or disputed regions can be a double-edged sword. While economic growth may help overcome conflict and consolidate peace, much of the academic literature links the economic, social and environmental impacts of resource development with an increased risk of violent conflict between or within fragile states. 

Recently however, the role of business in advancing peace has emerged as a topic of increasing discussion in academia and in forums such as the UN Global Compact. Resource development has also become a key objective for donor development strategies in fragile states such as Afghanistan, Somalia and Myanmar, on the assumption that extractive sector development can contribute to stability and security. 

This event will gather key stakeholders from business and policy to investigate if and where natural resource development has contributed to peace-building, built cooperation among stakeholders or helped to resolve, rather than exacerbate, tensions. If so, it will endeavour to draw out common, replicable lessons of what made these developments successful from a peace-building perspective.

The event will be held under the Chatham House Rule.

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule


The prospects of carbon dioxide removal in climate policymaking within the United States

Research Event

19 November 2019 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

School of Law, University of California, Davis

This meeting formed part of a programme of work which investigates the role of negative emissions technologies (NETs) in achieving the Paris Agreement climate targets. Previous meetings held in London and Brussels have looked at integrating negative emissions into EU policy-making, the implications and degree to which NETs, and in particular bioenergy with carbon capture storage (BECCS), can be an effective climate mitigation tool. This meeting focused on the possible deployment pathways of NETs and alternatives to BECCS for the US in particular, in the context of geographical constraints and socioenvironmental implications, the role of the private sector, and appropriate governance and finance mechanisms. 

Melissa MacEwen

Project Manager, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme


Vanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the United States Together

Marking the release of MPI President Andrew Selee's latest book, speakers explore emerging trends in migration, economic interdependence, technology innovation, and cultural exchange that are transforming the relationship between the United States and Mexico, and the policy implications of these changes for the future.


International Students in the United States

The number of international students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities has risen steadily since the mid-20th century. Today, the United States represents the top destination for international students worldwide. Learn more about where these students come from, which universities they attend, and the subjects they study in this Spotlight article.


Doctors as Taxi Drivers: The Costs of Brain Waste among Highly Skilled Immigrants in the United States

A report release and presentation of first-ever U.S. estimates on the actual economic costs of skill underutilization for immigrants, their families, and the U.S. economy, in terms of forgone earnings and unrealized federal, state, and local taxes.


To Stay or Not To Stay: The Calculus for International STEM Students in the United States

More than 1 million international students were in the United States in 2015-16, a significant share of them in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) fields. While countries increasingly are vying for this population, these individuals face a complex choice upon graduation: to stay or leave? This article examines international STEM students in the United States and the motivations underlying their postgraduation plans.


Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

In 2015, 43.3 million immigrants lived in the United States, comprising 13.5 percent of the population. The foreign-born population grew more slowly than in prior years, up 2 percent from 2014. Get sought-after data on U.S. immigration trends, including top countries of origin, Mexican migration, refugee admissions, illegal immigration, health-care coverage, and much more in this Spotlight article.


Indian Immigrants in the United States

Immigrants from India are the second-largest foreign-born group in the United States, after Mexicans. Indian immigrants tend to be far more highly educated and have greater English proficiency than the foreign-born population overall. This Spotlight article offers the latest data on Indian immigrants, focusing on population size, state- and city-level distribution, occupation, educational attainment, and more.


Chinese Immigrants in the United States

The Chinese represent the third-largest immigrant population in the United States, their numbers having grown rapidly in recent decades. The population is atypical in some respects: Far more highly educated and likely to have come via student and employment pathways than the overall U.S. foreign-born population. This article offers key data on Chinese immigrants, including top destinations, incomes, and English proficiency.


Under Trump Administration, United States Takes Steps to Narrow Legal Immigration

During its first year, the Trump administration methodically put in place a series of bureaucratic barriers that could significantly reduce opportunities for foreigners to come to the United States legally. Among the actions taken during 2017: Imposition of a much-challenged travel ban suspending the entry of nationals from certain Muslim-majority countries, cuts to refugee admissions, and increased scrutiny for visa applicants.


Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

The United States is by far the world's top migration destination, home to roughly one-fifth of all global migrants. In 2016, nearly 44 million immigrants lived in the United States, comprising 13.5 percent of the country's population. Get the most sought-after data available on immigrants and immigration trends, including top countries of origin, legal immigration pathways, enforcement actions, health-care coverage, and much more.


Canadian Immigrants in the United States

Though small, the population of Canadians in the United States is quite diverse, and includes students, highly skilled professionals on H-1B or NAFTA visas, family migrants, and retirees. Canadian immigrants have much higher educational attainment and incomes than the native- and overall foreign-born populations. This article offers an interesting data snapshot of Canadians in the United States.


Immigrants and WIOA Services: Comparison of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Native- and Foreign-Born Adults in the United States

As federal and state governments ramp up efforts to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, these fact sheets compare key characteristics of the foreign born and the U.S. born that are relevant to understanding needs for adult education and workforce training services. The fact sheets cover the United States, the 20 states and 25 counties with the largest immigrant populations, and New York City.


Facts about English Learners and the NCLB/ESSA Transition in Select States

These fact sheets provide a sketch of key characteristics of the foreign-born and English Learner (EL) populations in select states. The fact sheets look at the demographics of these states, discuss EL student outcomes as measured by standardized tests, and conclude with an overview of state accountability mechanisms that affect ELs under relevant provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act and predecessor No Child Left Behind Act.


English Learners in Select States: Demographics, Outcomes, and State Accountability Policies

States are in the midst of designing new policies to hold schools accountable for the education of English Learner (EL) students, as mandated by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This series of fact sheets sketches the characteristics of immigrant and EL students in 25 states, the gaps between their educational outcomes and those of their peers, and the accountability policies each state is developing.


Regional Enforcement: A Profile of Migrants Deported from the United States and Mexico to the Northern Triangle

Marking the release of an MPI report, speakers on this webinar present an overview of regional immigration enforcement trends, including U.S. and Mexican apprehensions and deportations of both children and adults, along with a demographic, socioeconomic, and criminal profile of child and adult deportees.


Migrants Deported from the United States and Mexico to the Northern Triangle: A Statistical and Socioeconomic Profile

This report examines the rising numbers of apprehensions and deportations of Central American children and adults by the United States and Mexico, and provides a demographic, socioeconomic, and criminal profile of deportees to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The report traces how rising Mexican enforcement is reshaping regional dynamics and perhaps ushering in changes to long-lasting trends in apprehensions.


Regional Enforcement: A Profile of Migrants Deported from the United States and Mexico to the Northern Triangle

This webinar includes an overview of regional immigration enforcement trends, including U.S. and Mexican apprehensions and deportations of Central American migrants, along with a demographic, socioeconomic, and criminal profile of child and adult deportees.


Mexican Immigrants in the United States

Mexican immigration to the United States has slowed in recent years, and since the Great Recession more Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico than have migrated to the United States. Mexicans, however, remain the largest origin group in the country, accounting for 28 percent of all immigrants. See how Mexican immigrants compare to the overall foreign- and U.S.-born populations on key indicators with this Spotlight article.


Vanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the United States Together

Marking the release of MPI President Andrew Selee's book, this discussion explores the emerging trends in migration, economic interdependence, technology innovation, and cultural exchange that are transforming the relationship between the United States and Mexico.


Despite Trump Invitation to Stop Taking Refugees, Red and Blue States Alike Endorse Resettlement

Forty-two governors, Republican and Democrat alike, have affirmed their consent for continued refugee resettlement, bypassing an invitation from the Trump administration to stop accepting refugees. These actions, which reportedly surprised the White House, suggest there may be limits to the Trump immigration agenda when it comes to refugees, as this Policy Beat explores.


Food, Culture, and Diabetes in the United States

Karmeen D. Kulkarni
Oct 1, 2004; 22:190-192
Practical Pointers


Lipoprotein Physiology in Nondiabetic and Diabetic States: Relationship to Atherogenesis

Henry N Ginsberg
Sep 1, 1991; 14:839-855
Diet and Diabetes