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Did two honesty researchers fabricate their data?

Dan Ariely and Francesca Gino are two of the biggest stars in behavioral science. Both have conducted blockbuster research into how to make people more honest, research we've highlighted on Planet Money. The two worked together on a paper about how to "nudge" people to be more honest on things like forms or tax returns. Their trick: move the location where people attest that they have filled in a form honestly from the bottom of the form to the top.

But recently, questions have arisen about whether the data Ariely and Gino relied on in their famous paper about honesty were fabricated — whether their research into honesty was itself built on lies. The blog Data Colada went looking for clues in the cells of the studies' Excel spreadsheets, the shapes of their data distributions, and even the fonts that were used.

The Hartford, an insurance company that collaborated with Ariely on one implicated study, told NPR this week in a statement that it could confirm that the data it had provided for that study had been altered had been altered after they gave it to Ariely, but prior to the research's publication: "It is clear the data was manipulated inappropriately and supplemented by synthesized or fabricated data."

Ariely denies that he was responsible for the falsified data. "Getting the data file was the extent of my involvement with the data," he told NPR.

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How to be better at hybrid work, according to research

The research keeps coming in on remote work. New evidence suggests working from home, at least full-time, may not be as productive as we once thought. Economist Jose Maria Barrero and his co-authors have reviewed this and other studies for a recent paper. In this episode, we hear about the challenges that come with working fully remote and some best practices for hybrid work.

This episode was first published as a bonus episode for our Planet Money+ listeners. Today, we're making it available for everyone!

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Tadashi Yanai gives $31 million to support hub for Japanese humanities research at UCLA

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UCLA stem cell research tour lights path to STEM for high school students

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University of Toronto-led research suggests some major changes to geology textbooks

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Research shows that reported oil sands emissions greatly underestimated

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U of T on Researchers at Risk and the detention of student Alexander Sodiqov

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Researchers identify major security and privacy issues in Popular China Browser Application, QQ

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Researchers Expose Censorship on Popular Chat App, WeChat

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  • University of Toronto


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University of Toronto Researcher Wins €1M Brain Prize – the “Nobel of Neuroscience”

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New research Chair for investor rights—the first of its kind—to investigate better protections for Canadians

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Westmoreland Mechanical Testing and Research Becomes a Member of America Makes

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12th annual Norman Bethune Symposium showcases breadth of ongoing research

12th annual Norman Bethune Symposium showcases breadth of ongoing research

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Guest Author

Our partnership with the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is helping to train the next generation of researchers in transfusion science. This blog post highlights just some of the achievements in education, training or knowledge mobilization accomplished by CBR trainees.  

This is an abbreviated repost that originally appeared on the Centre for Blood Research blog in June 2024. It was written by trainees Joyce Teodoro (PhD student in the lab of Canadian Blood Services’ adjunct scientist Dr. Hongshen Ma) and Kiran Toor (Masters student at CBR in the lab of Dr. Brown), with edits provided by Kaitlyn Chuong (communications and programs coordinator at CBR).  

On April 18th, 2024, the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) held their 12th annual Norman Bethune Symposium, a renowned research event that gathers scientists, clinicians, healthcare professionals, and trainees to discuss advancements in the field of blood research. The symposium was held at UBC Robson Square, on the traditional territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh people. 

The full day event consisted of expert talks on thalassemia, thrombocytopenia, sickle cell disease, and other bleeding disorders. Research trainees delivered impressive presentations on innovative topics including engineering cells for cancer immunotherapy and computational approaches to inhibit Klebsiella pneumoniae. The event showcased nearly 30 trainee research posters, demonstrating the breadth of ongoing research. 

CBR Director, Dr. Ed Conway, began with the opening remarks, followed by the presentation by Dr. Christian Kastrup, Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Senior Investigator at Versiti Blood Research Institute. Dr. Kastrup’s presentation focused on his work on genetically modifying transfusable donor platelets using mRNA-lipid nanoparticles. Following this, there were a series of presentations on the topic of bleeding disorders. It was a research-filled day that honored the contributions of Drs. Don Brooks and Dana Devine. 

Blood research & reflections 

The symposium was an amazing opportunity to learn about the exciting advances in blood research. It also served as a great platform for speakers to share their personal experiences with blood disorders, as well as for scientists to discuss their professional path in blood sciences. 

Attendees were fortunate to hear Ritika Rakshit share her personal journey with thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder characterized by the body’s inability to produce enough hemoglobin. She detailed her experience from being diagnosed to her treatment plans including being on extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) and switching to luspatercept. She offered insights into her hesitancy to switch medications and highlighted the invaluable support of her clinical team. Ritika continues to be an advocate for thalassemia in her role on the patient advocacy board. It was an eye-opening opportunity to be able to hear from a patient reflect on their own journey and understand their perspective on living with a blood disorder. 

Dr. Geraldine Walsh, a development scientist with Canadian Blood Services, also gave an insightful talk describing her career path in blood sciences. Drawing from her experiences, she shared several pieces of advice on navigating a career in science. She highlighted the importance of finding work that we are passionate about, building strong relationships, and learning from those around us. Dr. Walsh concluded her talk by encouraging attendees, especially research trainees, to explore various career opportunities, including those that may deviate from the conventional scientific career trajectory. 

Celebrating Drs. Don Brooks and Dana Devine 

One of the highlights of the symposium was the talk by Dr. Cedric Carter, which celebrated Drs. Don Brooks and Dana Devine’s achievements and contributions. Drs. Don Brooks and Dana Devine are two of the founding members of the Centre for Blood Research (CBR). In addition to their significant and impactful contributions to the field of transfusion science and medicine, they have been instrumental in promoting research and developing initiatives through various leadership roles. Dr. Brooks has served as Associate Vice-President, Research at UBC and Founding Director of UBC’s Support Programs to Advance Research Capacity (SPARC). He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors for TRIUMF, Provincial Health Services Authority, and BC Emergency Health Services. Dr. Devine has held numerous leadership positions, which include her role as chief scientist at Canadian Blood Services, director of the CBR, president of the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB), and editor-in-chief of Vox Sanguinis, a transfusion medicine journal. Their dedication and commitment to scientific discovery through research and development serve as inspiration for future generations of scientists. 

Inaugural Don Brooks and Dana Devine Transfusion Science Innovation Address 

In honour of Drs. Don Brooks and Dana Devine’s scientific contributions to advancing transfusion science and medicine, the inaugural Don Brooks and Dana Devine Transfusion Science Innovation Address was presented by Dr. Stephen Withers. Dr. Withers, in collaboration with Dr. Jay Kizhakkedathu’s lab, worked on identifying efficient enzymes for cleaving terminal sugar structures on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs), which are responsible for determining blood types. By removing these terminal sugar structures, A and B type RBCs can be converted to the universal donor blood type O, which can increase blood supply for transfusion applications. By screening the human gut microbiome for enzymes that can cleave these terminal sugar structures, they identified a pair of enzymes (FpGalNAc deacetylase and FpGalactosaminidase) that can convert type A to type O blood.  

Posters & awards 

This year, there were 29 posters presented by various graduate trainees, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and research associates! These included members within the CBR, but we also had the pleasure of having presenters come from out of town. Multiple trainees from the University of Alberta, University of Toronto & Queen’s University were able to attend the symposium with the support of the CBR Travel Award.  

The Best Poster Presentation went to Dr. Georgina Butler from the Overall Lab for their poster on “SARS-CoV-2 main protease 3CLpro (nsp5), regulates the formation of tunnelling nanotubes by coordinating cytoskeleton reorganization.”  

Our final speaker was Dr. Ed Pryzdial with an exciting talk on Dengue virus-induced thrombocytopenia. Afterwards, a reception was held and attendees got to network and socialize with each other to celebrate the end of another incredible symposium! 

A huge thank you to everyone who attended, to our speakers and all presenters! 

The Centre for Blood Research would like to thank their event sponsors, without whom the 12th Annual Norman Bethune Symposium would not have been possible: the Naiman-Vickars Endowment Fund, Canadian Blood Services, Novo Nordisk, GRIFOLS, CSL Behring, ALEXION, Sobi and Pfizer.  

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation 

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.  

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency. 

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The Centre for Blood Research (CBR) at the University of British Columbia celebrated its 20-year anniversary on July 7th by inviting CBR alumni to join current members in learning about the beginnings of the centre. Read about the celebration and the history of the centre in this blog reposted from CBR.

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Canadian Blood Services trainees

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024
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Driving excellence: The Centre for Blood Research and Canadian Blood Services renew collaboration to advance blood science education and training

Driving excellence: The Centre for Blood Research and Canadian Blood Services renew collaboration to advance blood science education and training

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 Kaitlyn Chuong

This blog was originally prepared by CBR communications and programs coordinator Kaitlyn Chuong and former Canadian Blood Services knowledge broker Dr. Travis Sztainert, with edits provided by Abby Wolfe. 

After more than 20 years, the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) and Canadian Blood Services are proud to share that they have renewed their collaboration agreement which supports education, training and knowledge mobilization for the next generation of trainees and researchers in blood science and transfusion at CBR.  

The collaboration agreement which is administered by Innovation and Portfolio Management at Canadian Blood Services has recently been extended for three more years to 2027. This agreement formalizes the next iteration of this long-standing partnership and is the result of continued commitment from both organizations to improve blood research.  

This partnership emerged in response to recommendations made following Canada’s public inquiry into the contaminated blood crisis of the 1980s and 1990s. Thus, to address a recognized gap in transfusion science knowledge, in 2002, a group of visionary blood researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) established Canada’s first interdisciplinary blood research centre — an entirely unique and valuable resource for established and emerging blood scientists. With its creation, the CBR brought together a wide range of multi-talented investigators to develop highly specialized labs to study blood and transfusion science. Since its inception, the CBR has grown to include more than 35 basic science, applied science, social science and clinical investigators in 12 departments, representing 6 faculties at UBC, with a focus on advancing knowledge of transfusion science and medicine in the lab and in the clinic.  

"We are delighted to extend our partnership with the Centre for Blood Research through 2027. This renewal highlights our shared commitment to advancing education, training, and research in transfusion science. Together, we aim to drive innovation and improve transfusion practices, ensuring a safer and more effective future for the Canadian blood system." 

Dr. Chantale Pambrun
Senior Medical Director, Innovation & Portfolio Management 

“The long-term relationship of Canadian Blood Services and the CBR has been nothing less than fantastic! By combining resources and sharing knowledge, education and research outputs, this unique partnership has resulted in more rapid and meaningful advances that are recognized locally, nationally and internationally. The entire transfusion medicine community has benefitted and will continue to do so.”  

Dr. Ed Conway
Director of the Centre for Blood Research

The partnership of Canadian Blood Services was integral to creating the Centre for Blood Research, providing essential start-up funding and continuing to support infrastructure for the centre and its training and education programs. Several Canadian Blood Services scientists are active members within the Centre for Blood Research including senior scientist Dr. Ed Pryzdial and adjunct scientists Dr. Ed Conway, Dr. Hongshen Ma and Dr. Jay Kizhakkedathu

Learn more about some of the research these scientists and members of their labs undertake in our previous R.E.D. blogs and videos:  

The CBR is grateful for Canadian Blood Services’ continuous support, without which its many educational, training and research programs would not be possible. This includes, for example, CBR’s Graduate Award Program and Summer Studentship Program, as well as the CBR's weekly seminar series and the annual Earl W. Davie and Norman Bethune symposia. 

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation  

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.   

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency. 

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Guest Author

The Centre for Blood Research (CBR) Norman Bethune Symposium gathers scientists, clinicians, healthcare professionals, and trainees to discuss advancements in the field of blood research. The 12th Annual event, held in April 2024, consisted of expert talks on thalassemia, thrombocytopenia, sickle cell disease, and other bleeding disorders, demonstrating the breadth of ongoing research.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Abby Wolfe

The 2024 Canadian Blood Services’ Lay Science Writing Competition is open for submissions from research trainees in Canadian Blood Services’ research network until Friday, June 14, 2024. The theme this year is: “Connecting science with society”. Additional competition details available in this post!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Dr. Travis Sztainert

In this blog post, read about the 2023 Earl W. Davie Symposium held at the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) - a research event that brings together scientists, medical doctors, healthcare professionals, and trainees in the field of blood research and beyond.


Canadian Blood Services discovery research lab contributes to new knowledge on neutrophils

Canadian Blood Services discovery research lab contributes to new knowledge on neutrophils

Thursday, August 29, 2024 Abby Wolfe

Dr. Donald R. Branch’s work as a discovery scientist at Canadian Blood Services focuses on immunotherapy, seeking to further enhance understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in autoimmune diseases. Based in Toronto, Dr. Branch’s laboratory develops models of rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and multiple sclerosis in mice. These models are particularly useful in examining how cells affected by these conditions respond to current therapeutic agents like intravenous immunoglobulin – a blood product made from human plasma commonly known as IVIg – and investigating potential alternative therapeutics.  

Over the years, Dr. Branch’s lab research findings have included the discovery of a special reagent that makes identification of antibodies easier by “zapping" autoantibodies,answers around unexpected side effects of IVIg therapy, and insights around recipients’ responses to bone marrow transplantation. It has also earned him numerous awards and accolades, including four from AABB, the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies.

Dr. Don Branch, Canadian Blood Services senior scientist

New knowledge about neutrophils

Recently, contributions from Dr. Branch’s lab helped a U.K.-based team of researchers discover new information about how neutrophil function and activity is regulated. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that are part of the body’s normal immune response. A person’s neutrophil levels may be affected by infections as well as chronic or acute illnesses. Patients who have very low neutrophil counts and/or persistent infections may receive a boost to their neutrophil levels via granulocyte transfusion therapy. However, in some diseases, overactivation of neutrophils can also create an inflammatory environment and harm healthy tissue.

The research has been published in the high-impact scientific journal, Nature. This publication has filled a gap in knowledge about the mechanisms involved in maintaining balance between neutrophils’ infection-fighting power and inflammation-causing potential. As Dr. Branch describes: “This research by Dr. Brown and team shows that the myeloid inhibitory C-type lectin enzyme, which is known as MICL, controls neutrophil activity in rheumatoid arthritis. It is likely that MICL also regulates neutrophil activity in general. This suggests that if therapeutics can be designed to target MICL, they may be useful in controlling inflammation and infection. It is a fundamental finding that will change our understanding of the biology of neutrophils.”  

Discovery research, like the study to which Don and Ruqayyah contributed, is essential to improving patient care in the long run. New biomedical insights are essential to crafting new drugs and new therapeutic approaches in a rational way.

Dr. William (Bill) Sheffield, Canadian Blood Services senior scientist and associate director of research

Discovery research expertise leads to new collaboration  

The special mouse model that Dr. Branch’s lab uses is known as K/BxN. In this model, two mouse populations are selectively bred to produce offspring whose genetic material carry an antibody that destroys bone cartilage. An arthritis-causing serum containing this destructive antibody can then be obtained from the mice for use as a reagent in research. This process is termed “serum-transfer arthritis” and has been used by many investigators in the study of treatments that may alleviate the condition. 

Knowledge of Dr. Branch’s lab’s expertise in this area prompted a connection to the team of researchers at the Universities of Exeter and Aberdeen in the U.K. for this study. Says Dr. Branch, “In 2021, I supported a successful application to Canadian Blood Services’ Blood Efficiency Accelerator Program (BEAP) by Dr. Maria Fernandes, a researcher from  Héma-Québec who works with neutrophils. Through this collaboration, Dr. Fernandes was aware that I work on rheumatoid arthritis with K/BxN mice, and she also knew that Dr. Gordon Brown in the U.K. was looking to collaborate with a researcher in this area for some planned neutrophil research. My lab, which included postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ruqayyah Almizraq at the time, contributed to Dr. Brown’s research by providing the sera from our K/BxN mice. With this sera, Dr. Brown and his collaborators were able to induce rheumatoid arthritis and show that it could be resolved by removing the inhibition of a specific enzyme.”  

Science that is never boring

The Branch lab is currently using these same mouse models to investigate whether a recombinant protein called IgG1 Fc hexamer could be an effective replacement for IVIg in the treatment of autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and ITP. While early results are promising, continued work is needed. In fact, back in 2018, Dr. Branch was asked in a previous R.E.D. blog post to describe what he found to be the most exciting part of science. Reflecting on the same question now, he reiterates that his response still rings true after 50 years in the field:   

The most exciting part of science is that when you do good science, you get more questions than you get answers, which means it is never boring. There is no end to imagination; new ideas, theories, experiments and discoveries occur often and provide a level of excitement to which many other professions cannot attest.

Dr. Donald (Don) Branch, Canadian Blood Services senior scientist

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation 

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.   

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency. 

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Celebrating young researchers: A look back at CBR Research Day 2024

Celebrating young researchers: A look back at CBR Research Day 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Trainees

Our partnership with the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is helping to train the next generation of researchers in transfusion science. This blog post highlights just some of the achievements in education, training or knowledge mobilization accomplished by CBR trainees.

This is a repost of a blog written by CBR summer students Jackie Hagstrom, Mohammed Al-Seragi and Nastaran Davilu. It was edited by CBR Communications and Programs Coordinator Kaitlyn Chuong, and originally appeared on the CBR blog in September 2024. Each year, CBR’s Research Day provides an opportunity for CBR Summer Studentship Program participants to share their research projects with their peers and other labs while practicing presentation skills through short talks and poster presentations.

A look back at CBR Research Day 2024 

On August 15th, the CBR community gathered in-person and online to celebrate the hard work and research of this year’s summer students. The day kicked off with welcoming remarks, followed by oral presentations from students, where we heard from peers working on diverse projects. Each student had just 3 minutes to present their summer research projects, with the promise of a rubber chicken noise signaling if they exceeded their time limit.  

It was inspiring to learn what these four months looked like for this year’s summer students. The collection of three-minute flash talks was a striking window into the immense breadth of research behind the twenty-one-membered cohort. Everything from cancer glycoimmunology to stem cell differentiation, blood disease pathology and the like were subjects of the two-hour triage of presentations. More impressive than the research itself was how effectively everybody was able to collapse many weeks of work into a mere three minutes — something many students said they struggled with! 


The day provided both a platform to showcase our work and an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations within the CBR community.

Nastaran Davilu, CBR Summer Student 2024

This year’s Neil Mackenzie Mentorship Award was presented to Dr. Michael Sutherland who spoke on what excellent mentorship means to him, as he reflected on his 20+ years of working under Dr. Ed Pryzdial. He emphasized the value of giving students actionable advice when challenges arise, the importance of empathy, comradery and being understanding and even showcased his knowledge of “brat summer”, a term he learned from his students. A particularly memorable moment was Dr. Sutherland humorously mentioning being told he has no “rizz,” and shared his experience of checking if the term was offensive, only to have Reddit users call his question “cringe.” This lighthearted moment, featuring other classic Gen-Z phrases, added humor to the day and highlighted the inclusive and fun spirit of the CBR community. 

CBR summer students pose for a group photo with keynote speaker, Dr. Brianne Kent. 

To top it off, Dr. Brianne Kent, this year’s keynote speaker, delivered a highly insightful address on the intersection of learning, sleep, and circadian rhythms with dementia and what that means for our aging and vulnerable populations. Dr. Kent began by discussing novel biomarkers that could help predict the onset age of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which may provide patients a better chance at benefiting from treatment. One such biomarker is disturbed sleep, with research suggesting that targeting sleep disturbances could prevent up to 15% of AD cases. She explored various topics, including the potential of the antidepressant Trazodone to slow cognitive decline. Overall, this research points to slow wave sleep as a key area of therapeutic intervention and suggests that cognitive tasks assessing pattern separation are particularly sensitive to sleep disruptions and sleep aids. Maybe a bit more upending was Dr. Kent’s realization that students don’t sleep nearly as much as she thought, something that many students can attest to. 

Attendees visit the poster presentations during Research Day.

Following the keynote address, the event transitioned to the poster session in the UBC Life Sciences Centre West Atrium. The CBR community circulated and engaged in in-depth discussions with students eager to delve deeper into their research.  

Ending the day off with poster presentations was an amazing representation of the collaborative atmosphere that permeated the event. It was clear that this year’s Research Day was more than just a platform for sharing results; it was a space for building connections, exchanging ideas, and sparking new collaborations.”

Sajida Chowdhury, CBR Summer Student 2024

Poster judges provided valuable feedback, helping to explore future research directions, critiquing methodologies, and making connections to other related work happening at the CBR. With refreshments in hand, students also took the opportunity to explore their peers' posters, gaining insight into where their research paths might lead after the CBR Summer Studentship Program. The evening ended with a BBQ dinner shared with friends, families, and lab members, a fitting end to a summer filled with connections and opportunities. 

CBR Research Day was a hit in many more ways than the findings we were able to share. It was a time of learning but one of celebration as well. I have high promises for the Research Days to come and hope to be around for them too! 

Mohammed Al-Seragi, CBR Summer Student 2024

Congratulations to all of the award winners at this year’s Research Day: 

  • Best Oral Presentation (voted by the students) – Madelyn Tisdale, Mizumoto Lab 
  • People’s Choice Award (voted by the audience) – Houria Afshar Moghaddam, Av-Gay Lab 
  • Best Poster Presentation (voted by the poster judges) – Simrat Binning, Cote Lab 
Dr. Ed Conway presents the Best Oral Presentation award to Madelyn Tisdale.
Dr. Ed Conway presents the People’s Choice Award to Houria Afshar Moghaddam
Dr. Ed Conway presents the Best Poster Presentation award to Simrat Binning. 

Many thanks to our sponsors, without whom the CBR Summer Studentship Program and CBR Research Day would not be possible: the Neil Mackenzie Memorial Fund, the Naiman-Vickars Endowment Fund, Canadian Blood Services, GSK, AstraZeneca, GRIFOLS, Beigene, Stago and Sobi. We’d also like to say thank you to the Life Sciences Institute for partnering with us on this year’s program. Lastly, we are grateful for all the support and kindness of Kaitlyn Chuong, the CBR Communications and Programs Coordinator. 

More about events at the Centre for Blood Research  

  • Missed the event? Watch the recording of CBR Research Day 2024, see photos from the event and review the program on the CBR website
  • Other upcoming CBR events: Registration is now open for the 18th Annual Earl W. Davie Symposium taking place November 13, 2024. The goal of the Earl W. Davie Symposium is to disseminate advances in the field of hemostasis-thrombosis, as applied to innate immunity, infectious diseases, inflammation and cancer. The registration deadline for oral presentations is October 8th with travel awards available for trainees to attend and present at the symposium. 

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation 

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.  

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency. 

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Canadian Blood Services research engineer applies network modelling techniques and mentorship skills to benefit Canada’s Lifeline

Canadian Blood Services research engineer applies network modelling techniques and mentorship skills to benefit Canada’s Lifeline

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Dr. Emily Freeman

Dr. John Blake is a research engineer at Canadian Blood Services and a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Dalhousie University. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dr. Blake and his trainees use engineering principles and various computer-based optimization techniques to inform large scale decisions at Canadian Blood Services.  

Applying network modelling to biologics  

To some, it may be surprising to learn that there is such opportunity to integrate engineering into the health-care focused setting of Canadian Blood Services. However, as Dr. Blake explains, the same engineering principles that apply to the development and quality assurance of other products also apply to biologics such as blood, stem cells and organs. One of these classic engineering approaches currently applied to improving operations at Canadian Blood Services is network modelling.  

Network modelling is a computer-based method that creates a virtual representation of objects and their relation to each other. The resulting models are particularly useful for maintaining adaptability in the collection of blood donations, as well as the distribution and inventory management strategies that allow Canadian Blood Services to remain a safe and reliable provider of life-saving products. 

Dr. Blake making friends while walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain

Contributing to efficiency and sustainability in Canada’s Lifeline  

For Dr. Blake’s team, modelling is not about the data acquired but rather how they can turn existing data into real life change. Part of this approach is ensuring that Canadian Blood Services is asking the right questions when it comes to allocating resources. For example, Dr. Blake has worked on models to assess how changing stem cell donor recruitment will affect the number of matches for Canadian patients. By modelling things such as recruitment approaches, Dr. Blake’s work assists Canadian Blood Services to consistently identify ways to improve Canada’s Lifeline.

Recently, Dr. Blake has also been applying this method to optimize the number and location of mobile and permanent donor facilities across the nation. This redesign of the donation facility network will address the growing demand for donations by bringing Canadian Blood Services’ facilities closer to the donors. 

“I have waited my entire career for a problem of this type – it is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Dr. John Blake, Canadian Blood Services Research Engineer

Securing the future of Canada’s Lifeline  

To sustain a safe and effective blood system in Canada for years to come, network modelling and optimization is a never-ending process. This is one of the reasons that Dr. Blake is committed to securing the future of transfusion and transplantation systems by training and mentoring the next generation of engineers. In fact, seeing his former students join Canadian Blood Services and dedicate their talents to improving the future of Canada’s Lifeline is one of Dr. Blake’s proudest achievements.  

One of Dr. Blake’s former students, Matt Nelson, is now an industrial engineer at Canadian Blood Services.  

“In my role, I use systematic thinking to build and run complex models; collect and analyze the required data; produce useful results; and explain these results to non-technical leaders on a regular basis,” Matt says. Recently, Matt contributed to the launch and expansion of pathogen-reduced platelets, a new product that was implemented across Canadian Blood Services production sites starting in 2022. The implementation of pathogen-reduced platelets has provided an additional layer of safety for recipients by reducing the risk of potential transfusion-transmitted pathogens without compromising the quality of the component. Matt credited Dr. Blake in helping him develop the necessary skills he now dedicates to safeguarding Canada’s Lifeline:  

“Dr. Blake was the professor who introduced me to the uses of simulation to understand complex non-linear systems. This type of system is very common in situations that have a lot of variability – like the blood system – and simulation allows for exploration of the response of the system to changes.” 

Matt Nelson, Canadian Blood Services Industrial Engineer

Over the years, Dr. Blake’s ongoing modelling work and mentorship activities have also led to many recognitions and awards, but he is most proud of being recognized as Professor of the Year by Dalhousie Undergraduate students, and with awards for his contributions to the Canadian Operational Research Society. He has even the earned the distinction of being Dalhousie’s first engineer to be awarded grant funding from the tri-council agency, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). 

“I am proud to work on projects that have a measurable impact on people’s health and well-being,” Dr. Blake says. “I am forever grateful to Dr. Dana Devine for first giving me the opportunity to serve Canadians in this role at Canadian Blood Services.” 

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.   

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency.  

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