
Evangelicalism - Part 1b

Fr. Andrew explores the understanding of salvation in the Evangelical tradition.


Evangelicalism - Part 1c

Fr. Andrew concludes the first part of his survey of Evangelicalism by discussing the topics of dualism, incarnation and eschatology.


Evangelicalism - Part 2a

Fr. Andrew begins part two of his study of Evangelicalism by exploring some of the denominations which arose. Restorationist Adventist Holiness Non-Denominationalism Dispensationalism


Evangelicalism - Part 2b

Fr. Andrews concludes his description of Evangelicalism with a brief survey of the following: Emerging Church Missional New Calvinists Ancient-Future


Pentecostalism - Part 1a

Fr. Andrew introduces us to the historical roots of the Pentecostal movement.


Pentecostalism - Part 1b

Fr. Andrew continues his introduction to Pentecostalism and describes how Charismatic theology developed as an outgrowth of this movement.


Pentecostalism - Part 2a

Fr. Andrew continues his series on Pentecostalism with a description of the development and theology of: Vineyard Movement Word of Faith


Pentecostalism - Part 2b

Fr. Andrew explores the Pentecostal emphasis on faith healing and speaking in tongues as it compares to Orthodoxy.


Pentecostalism - Part 2c

Fr. Andrew concludes his series on Pentecostalism by describing their unique view of prophecy.


Dealing with Struggles

Rita discusses how we can face our health struggles in a way that aids in the healing and growth of our souls in Christ.


How the Orthodox Way of Eating Allows Us to Be a Healing Presence to the World

Following the feasts and fasts of the Church cannot only help us care for our own health, but it can also benefit the environment and God's creation.


Align Yourself With God

It's simply so beautiful how our tradition has the answers for what a lot of modern day self-help programs are offering to help one care for their health.


Music as a Source of Healing - Part 1

Fr. Adrian and Chaplain Sarah reflect on the use of music as a healing intervention when caring for a person who is suffering.


Music as a Source of Healing - Part 2

Fr. Adrian and Chaplain Sarah continue their discussion about the role music in caring for a person who is suffering, and how music can be used in group settings.


Suffering, Healing, and Physician Assisted Suicide - Part 1

Chaplain Sarah Byrne-Martelli interviews Dr. Daniel Henshaw on the topic of physician assisted suicide. (Part 1 of 2)


Suffering, Healing, and Physician Assisted Suicide - Part 2

Chaplain Sarah Byrne-Martello continues her interview with Dr. Daniel Henshaw on the topic of physician assisted suicide. (Part 2 of 2)


The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism - Part 1

Fr. Andrew says we have become a global society of consumers at the expense of localism which has real implications for our Christian faith.


The Transfiguration of Place: An Orthodox Christian Vision of Localism - Part 2

Fr. Andrew uses the term "Thinness of Place" to further explore the importance of localism and gives us 17 practical suggestions for moving closer to that ideal.


Spiritual Renewal and the Healing of the Blind (Sermon May 25, 2014)

On this Sunday of the Blind Man, Fr. Andrew explores how our spiritual sight can be healed and we can move from being only institutionally related to the Church to fully engaged in its life.


Healing our Money Problem (Sermon Nov. 16, 2014)

On this feast of the Apostle Matthew the former tax collector, Fr. Andrew discusses how he was healed of his problem with money and how we may be, as well.


You Bleed Just to Know You're Alive (Sermon Sept. 13, 2015)

On this Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross, Fr. Andrew discusses the 'virtual' worlds we live in and how we seek life in the midst of fakeness.


Orthodox Christian Morality in Public:  Reflections on Sexuality and Bioethics

What is a person? Is our culture confused about what a person is? What is morality? What does it mean to be moral? How does sex fit in? What about homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research and assisted suicide? How should we as Orthodox Christians live regarding these matters? How should we talk to our family and friends about them? How should we talk to the wider society about them? Should we engage in political action over them?


Morality is the Original Dogma

There are some who say that Christian dogma is unchanging but morality can be revised over time. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick shows from Scripture that the original Apostolic dogmatic statement included moral commands from God and talks about why moral revisionism is anti-Christian.



Fr. Brendan and Caroline Mellekas discuss Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues.


Christian Pluralism - Part 1

In part one of this four-part series, Matthew outlines the problem that exists with pluralism in Christianity.


Christian Pluralism - Part 2

In part two of this four-part lecture, Matthew examines the "We all worhip the same Jesus" theory and shows why it is a fallacy.


Christian Pluralism - Part 3

In part three of four, Matthew shows the contradictions between various interpretations of Christ, thereby tearing down the notion of pluralism.


Christian Pluralism - Part 4

In the final part of this series, Matthew shows how unity is not only possible, but already exists.


Living with Simplicity and Intentionality

Joining the Louh's are Cynthia Damaskos and Molly Sabourin from Filled With Less.


The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Fr. John Oliver paints a hope-filled picture of the healing power of forgiveness.


A Baptist and a Transcendentalist Walk Into a Bar

Fr. John Oliver talks about integrity.


The Xenia, Galina, Coinkydink

We've all heard "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Fr. Joseph finds that hard to believe. Then again, some things which are hard to explain serve as cures for our unbelief. Is that by coincidence?



With help from his daughter, Fr. Joseph tries to stay on pitch while singing Dan Idzikowski's "Superchristological and Homoousiosis".


Hospitality and Joy with Erin Kimmett

Fr Joseph interviews Kh. Erin Kimmett about her forthcoming book Hospitality and Joy—available at


Reality: The First Step Toward Salvation

This week, Fr Joseph gets real: "The thing about Confession is that it is natural. That is, it is Real. Almost everything else we do with our sin is false and unnatural. We punish ourselves, justify our actions, and hide. Yet, in Confession -- in opening ourselves to God the Light -- we expose the hypocrisy of our double life. In truth, we've been living a lie. Without Confession, Absolution, and Reconciliation we live a lie before God and Man as if it were Reality. In reality, no one is fooled -- not our neighbor, not ourselves. And, let's be real, certainly not God."


The Healing of Yuck

Much like the pains of labor endured by a mother bearing a child, sometimes our journey back to healing is a painful one. And yet, the joy that comes with the new birth is far greater -- inexplicably greater -- than that which our cold heart endured. In the meantime, we must begin where we are.


Advice for Preparing for and Dealing With Parish Disasters

On St. Michael's Day of 2012, the parish of St. Michael the Archangel (UOC-USA) in Woonsocket, RI suffered tremendous damage from a fire. In this podcast, Fr. Anthony, the priest of St. Michael's at that time, shares hard-earned advice on preparing for, dealing with, and recovering from parish disasters. The most important advice? Keep the One Thing Needful top on the list of priorities at every step of the process.


Personality Types and the Priesthood

In this episode Fr. Anthony Perkins and Fr. Gregory Jensen have a conversation about how a person's personality type (e.g. extravert vs. introvert) affects their priestly service. This conversation is followed by two codas during which they talk about life, the universe, and everything (to include the problem with doing everything on the cheap).


Fr. Gregory Jensen on Personality Types and Spirituality

Fr. Anthony and Fr. Gregory continue their discussion on personalities and the priesthood, focusing primarily on the attributes/predispositions of agreeableness and openness. Along the way they end up talking about Jung, Flannery O'Connor, and Jordan Peterson. Enjoy the show!


Dealing with Limitations and the Need for Annual Checkups

Fr. Anthony and Fr. Gregory Jensen talk about how to live with - and even love - your limitations and then begin a discussion on the sorts of things that should be part of our annual check-up. Enjoy the show!


Healing Opioid Addiction and Parish Culture

In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with Subdeacon John (Robert) Cummings, the Manager of Staff Training and Development at Red Oak Recovery in Waynesville, PA, about opioid addiction, what works in recovery, and how the lessons of effective recovery can be re-learned and enculturated by our parishes. Along the way, they spar about the correct pronunciation of Appalachia (Fr. Anthony used the pronunciation of his ancestral homeland of northern Appalachia; Sdn. John that of his southern part), Enjoy the show!


Fr. Harry Linsinbigler on Dealing with Self Doubt

In this episode, Fr. Anthony and Fr. Harry talk about one of the Demons of Noonday: self doubt. They point out the role that participation in the Divine Liturgy can have in diagnosing and overcoming it and encourage anyone who is suffering from pernicious self doubt to spend more time with their supportive brothers in the priesthood.


On the Priesthood. Chapter Two - On the Qualities of a Good Pastor

In this episode, Fr. Anthony reads the second chapter of St. John Chrysostom's On the Priesthood. The translation is by Rev. W. R. W. Stephens, M.A., (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Volume IX, edited by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D.), lightly edited to take out some of the archaicisms (the mispronunciations are all Fr. Anthony, though!). Enjoy the show!


Transcendent Introspection and the Authoritarian Personality

Today, Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about the difference between isolation and solitude, how to cultivate transcendent introspection, the difference between pastoring and controlling, and the challenge of baptizing authoritarian tendencies. This is a recording of Fr. Anthony's livestream. Enjoy the show!


Dylan Pahman on Markets, Morality, and Magic the Gathering

In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with Dylan Pahman (Research Fellow, Acton Institute) about what we can learn about virtue and markets playing Magic the Gathering. Then, after lamenting the lack of economic literacy among some theologians and clergy, Dylan addresses some of the major objections some Christians have with markets, liberal democracy, and international trade. He makes the case that they will not automatically cultivate virtue, but can be compatible with Orthodoxy. You can read the works referenced at


Pluralism, Polarization and Discernment; the Challenge and Promise of Diversity

One of the challenges of our present spiritual situation is that our society has settled for something less than truth. This affects the quality of our opinions, policies, and judgments and undermines our ability to live and spread the Gospel. An indicator of the seriousness of this is our growing inability to listen to, learn from, and love people who think differently than we do. In this presentation, I frame the situation as a problem of discernment, compare scientific and Orthodox methods of knowing, and describe how polarization keeps us from using either well. I conclude with a discussion of the critical role diversity plays in discerning truth, and how the Gospel can transform the (Babelic) divisions that deafen us to the truth into a (Pentecostal) harmony that proclaims and celebrates it. Emulating the academic forum the paper was written for (the 2020 Institute for Studies in Eastern Theology), Dn. Timothy Kelleher then offers his thoughts on the presentation and subject. Enjoy the show!


Pre-Lenten Retreat: Healing from Fear and Polarization

Jesus Christ said; “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28​-30) In this retreat, given for the Ukrainian Orthodox League via Zoom on 2/27/2021, Fr. Anthony describes the way the past year has polarized us and how we and our parishes can heal and become the peacemakers the world needs. A video of the presentation is available at Fr. Anthony Perkins YouTube channel. Enjoy!


Ritualizing Opportunities for Grace in Mission Work

Fr. Anthony continues his discussion with Fr. Robert Holet, author of "The First and Finest: Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering" about mission work, this time focusing on the need to organize and routinize the work of the parish intentionally and well (so that grace can grow). Enjoy the show!


Could A New-Ager Benefit From Orthodox Spirituality?

As an Evangelical, I had been taught that everything that is really important (spiritually speaking) has to do introducing people to Jesus Christ. Presenting Christ was almost everything. I believed that once one was reconciled with God through Christ–which I understood to be a legal transaction–everything that was really important in one’s relationship with God had been taken care of. This assumption, or something very like it, pervades Evangelical writing.


Individualism and Charismatic Delusion

In an on-going discussion with my inquiring friend today, I respond to two questions. First, why do traditional Christians call priests father; and second, why do we pray to saints (i.e. why don’t we just go to God ourselves)? Orthodoxy assumes that it takes a “village” to raise a Christian. And not just a village of people who live in the same time and place, but a village that includes all of our holy Fathers and Mothers who have gone before us. When we come to God, we come with everyone, never by ourselves.