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Indianapolis police fatally shoot man after a chase possibly broadcast on Facebook Live

An Indianapolis police officer fatally shot a man on the north side following a pursuit that seemingly was captured in part on Facebook Live.


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Insider: Butler has a closer in Kamar Baldwin, and that is the March equalizer that opponents lack

Senior caps 36-point night with winning 3-pointer


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How a canoe trip started Butler basketball's comeback year

Before any Kamar Baldwin buzzer-beaters, the Butler Bulldogs laid groundwork for a historic season.


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A look back at Butler's run at the 2010 NCAA championship

A look back at Butler's run at the 2010 NCAA championship.


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Varvel: A championship golfer's path from atheist to Christian ministry

Tragedy turned Nancy Fitzgerald against God but unanswered questions led to a worldwide Christian ministry


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Varvel: How a new Indiana charity helps families of sick kids

Bringing hope, happiness and healing to families raising kids with life-threatening illnesses


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Tully: A conservative with a message for the media

Chris Hirschfeld has a message for the media: Stop stereotyping conservatives.


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Tully: I'm taking a cancer break, but I'll be back

It's time for a short break to deal with some cancer issues. But I'll be back.


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A colorful morning at the Hendricks County 4-H Fair

A colorful morning at the Hendricks County 4-H Fair


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Take your Buick Roadmaster station wagon or Honda Civic on a drag race. Here's how.

For 15 years, Lucas Oil Raceway's Wild Wednesday has offered residents around Indianapolis the opportunity to drive fast, drag race — legally.


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Former Brownsburg coach Steve Brunes, a 39-year Indiana coaching veteran, dies at 70

Steve Brunes spent nearly four decades coaching Indiana high school basketball with stops at Brownsburg, Cowan, Columbus East, Castle and Alexandria.


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Danville's Ella Collier is Hendricks County's all-time scoring leader — and she earned it.

Danville senior Ella Collier is Hendricks County's all-time leading scorer. And it didn't happen by accident.


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List of Indianapolis-area coronavirus school closings

As national, state and local officials consider ways to slow the spread of COVID-19, many are closing schools.


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Virtual class, canceled travel: Indiana colleges and universities respond to coronavirus

Schools across the state are suspending in-person instruction, canceling travel and asking students to stay away.


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How Indiana colleges are handling refunds after coronavirus empties campuses

Colleges across Indiana are navigating how to handle refunds for students who have had to vacate residence halls during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Stunned by coronavirus, a college town slowly awakens to a surreal new normal

At Indiana University, the invincibility of youth and the freedom of college life are shattered by a school year cut short.


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This is what Indiana colleges are saying about their plans for fall classes

Indiana colleges and universities talk plans for the fall as campuses remain empty statewide


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Autoridades americanas comemoram 'efeito certeiro' de remédio contra coronavírus

No mesmo dia, entretanto, uma publicação no periódico Lancet colocou dúvida sobre eficácia do remdesivir.

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Coronavírus: por que alguns pacientes já recuperados voltam a ter teste positivo para covid-19, segundo OMS

Infectologista da organização explica que células mortas expelidas do pulmão fazem exames darem positivo mais de uma vez — mas não necessariamente quer dizer que a pessoa voltou a ficar infectada pelo coronavírus.

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O sul-coreano que dá abrigo e aula em casa para 10 meninos que fugiram da Coreia do Norte

Kim Tae- hoon, de 45 anos, cuida de 10 meninos norte-coreanos que desertaram do regime repressivo de Pyongyang sem seus pais; o mais novo tem apenas 10 anos e o mais velho, 22.

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Os 6 casos envolvendo aliados ou família de Bolsonaro que ficam em evidência com mudança de comando da PF

Ex-juiz da Lava Jato, Moro anunciou sua demissão do governo e acusou o presidente Bolsonaro de tentar interferir em investigações.

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Coronavírus: 'O assassino do meu filho não merece morrer de covid-19 na cadeia'

Mãe na Argentina diz temer que o assassino asmático do filho não sobreviva ao covid-19 na cadeia.

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Quanto tempo uma pessoa leva para se recuperar da covid-19

Recuperação pode ser um processo lento, dependendo da gravidade do quadro.

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O culto religioso que levou o coronavírus a cidade de MS

Cerimônia religiosa com mais de 30 pessoas foi organizada para receber dupla vinda de Osasco (SP); dias depois, os dois testaram positivo para covid-19.

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Coronavírus: quantos casos e mortes por covid-19 há em sua cidade?

Buscador interativo permite consultar dados oficiais de todos os municípios afetados pelo vírus até o momento no Brasil.

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Remessas de brasileiros nos EUA caem até 90%, mas podem aliviar auge da crise no Brasil

Como crise atingiu primeiro americanos, na opinião de analistas e operadores de empresas de remessas migrantes devem se recuperar financeiramente a tempo de socorrer familiares em suas cidades originais.

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Dubrovnik, a cidade medieval planejada para a quarentena

Os ‘lazarettos’ de Dubrovnik são a memória da luta da cidade no combate a doenças infecciosas séculos atrás.

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'Se encontrá-las, corra e nos chame!': cientistas nos EUA alertam para chegada de 'vespas assassinas'

Segundo estudos, insetos liberam toxina tão potente que pode causar a morte de uma pessoa que tiver levado várias picadas.

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A descoberta nas fontes termais de Yellowstone, nos EUA, que se tornou chave para os testes da covid-19

Há meio século, Thomas Brock descobriu uma bactéria capaz de sobreviver a altas temperaturas; saiba como essa descoberta cruza com o combate à pandemia do novo coronavírus.

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'A reação do governo parecia cena de filme': como é ter covid-19 na Coreia do Sul

A experiência do comerciante Ho Song, que vive no Brasil e foi diagnosticado na Coreia do Sul, ajuda a entender como o país asiático se tornou uma referência no combate ao coronavírus.

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Coronavírus: 'Devo usar máscara? Posso pegar duas vezes?' Essas e outras perguntas sobre a covid-19

BBC preparou lista de perguntas e respostas sobre covid-19.

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'Parece uma cidade após a guerra': brasileiros em Wuhan descrevem recomeço em primeiro epicentro do coronavírus

Cidade em que pandemia começou, concentrou o maior número de mortes na China e foi a primeira a impor rigoroso lockdown; habitantes, antes acostumados a apertos e aglomerações, agora vivem outra realidade.

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Coronavírus: cidade sueca usa cocô de galinha pra conter disseminação da covid-19

Em Lund, gramados de parque receberam fezes para que odor espantasse frequentadores, evitando aglomerações.

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A China vai superar os EUA como liderança do mundo pós-coronavírus?

Como política de Trump amplia espaço para China conquistar influência.

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Carregador de caixão dançarino de Gana celebra memes, mas lamenta pandemia: 'Derrubou meu negócio'

Repórter da BBC volta a entrevistar líder de grupo após vídeo que virou meme.

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Coronavírus: estudo com coquetel de remédios tem bons resultados contra a covid-19, mostra The Lancet

Em estudo clínico randomizado controlado, pessoas que receberam as substâncias interferon beta 1-b, lopinavir-ritonavir e ribavirin tiveram tempo menor para alta e desaparecimento do vírus, na comparação com o grupo controle.

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Primeira capital do Brasil em lockdown tem ruas lotadas e trânsito intenso

Epidemiologista diz que um dos maiores obstáculos para a cidade ter índices de isolamento maiores é a vulnerabilidade social da população do Maranhão.

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What a coronavirus executive order means for abortions in Indiana

Holcomb says order included abortion clinics to make medical resources available to fight COVID-19. But letter writing campaign preceded his decision


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'I was wrong': Mother Teresa lawyer addresses 2016 ad in dust-up with Indiana campaign

Florida attorney Jim Towey, who represented Mother Teresa for over a decade, said he regrets using her image in a 2016 ad for a U.S. House candidate.


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Doyel and Derek podcast: Colts draft, ESPN-on-Eason crime, NBA coming back — sort of

Gregg got a boxing heavy bag for his birthday, and he's ready to beat up Derek — hey, that's what he said! — on the latest Doyel and Derek Podcast.


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Bin Laden's death: A cathartic moment for the US

President Barack Obama is making it clear that the killing of Osama Bin Laden didn't occur by accident - and that it happened while he was in charge. He told former Presidents Bush and Clinton what he was about to announce before he made his televised White House statement. I am sure he resisted any suggestion that he had done what they had only talked about. Yet he made it clear that his administration had been determined.

The president said that on taking office he had told the CIA that the al-Qaeda chief's death or capture was to be the agency's top priority. Senior administration officials say that he chaired five meetings in March working out the plans for this attack. It's really not clear to me if the political leadership makes much difference to operations like this, but it is certainly the impression Mr Obama wants to linger.

The raid took 40 minutes. The intelligence operation took years. It started with the search for a courier, perhaps something of a misnomer for a senior aide to Bin Laden, one of the few men he trusted, according to prisoners who had been interrogated. Four years ago they uncovered his identity. The very high level of precautions the man took made them all the more suspicious. Two years ago they discovered the areas in which he operated. Last summer they identified the compound, in an affluent suburb of Islamabad. Eight times the size of similar homes in the area, it had 18ft-high walls topped with barbed wire and inner walls 7ft high. A large place, worth a million dollars, but with no phone, no internet access. The CIA believes it was purpose-built to hide Bin Laden.

The US didn't tell the Pakistanis about the compound or about the raid until it had happened. That may create some diplomatic friction.

But the mood in America is exultant. As Twitter proclaimed the death of Bin Laden, before the president spoke, crowds gathered outside the White House, waving the stars and stripes and chanting "USA, USA". This is not a country that does quiet satisfaction. This is a cathartic moment for the nation, a moment when America's military might, know how and sheer will power seem to have come together to produce a result.

At a time when there are so many doubts about America's role in the world, and so much economic gloom, there is something clear and plain about celebrating the "rubbing out" of a bad guy, an enemy. The president has been congratulated by even his opponents, and this success allows him to appear grimly resolute in pursuit of America's core interests.

Senior administration officials say Bin Laden's death is not just a symbol, it removes a charismatic and respected leader whom al-Qaeda cannot replace. The official suggests the organisation is on a downward path that will be difficult to reverse. The domestic implications for Mr Obama are in the opposite direction, but may be just as important.

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Taking a closer look at where Notre Dame football players may land in 2021 NFL draft

NFL draft analyst Scott Wright takes a closer look at the Fighting Irish roster and 2021 draft hopefuls.


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Indiana coal company with ties to Trump administration gets $10 million in coronavirus aid

The parent company of Indiana's second largest coal company, with ties to the Trump administration, landed $10 million in coronavirus relief aid.


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Tamika Catchings to face Mike Conley in NBA HORSE competition

Mike Conley is Tamika Catchings' first-round opponent in the NBA's HORSE event on ESPN; competitors will remain separated


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How Larry Bird (and Magic Johnson) inspired Michael Jordan to become a champion

Michael Jordan after his first title on 'The Last Dance': 'At last I fit somewhere in the category of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson'


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Indiana Pacers' first GM, architect of ABA championship teams Mike Storen dies at 84

Mike Storen, the Pacers' first general manager, former ABA commissioner and the father of ESPN broadcaster Hannah Storm, died Thursday. He was 84.


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Skeletons are taking over Franklin. And tibia honest, they're kinda cute.

The Franklin Skeleton Crew is connecting small businesses with the community in an unconventional way.


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How Larry Bird (and Magic Johnson) inspired Michael Jordan to become a champion

Michael Jordan after his first title on 'The Last Dance': 'At last I fit somewhere in the category of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson'


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Indiana Pacers' first GM, architect of ABA championship teams Mike Storen dies at 84

Mike Storen, the Pacers' first general manager, former ABA commissioner and the father of ESPN broadcaster Hannah Storm, died Thursday. He was 84.


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Paris has a cafe named Indiana, but don't expect a breaded tenderloin

Paris' 'Indiana Café' has nachos and burgers. But the most Indiana thing about it may be that is is a chain with 21 locations.