
The failure of evangelical mental health care : treatments that harm women, LGBT persons and the mentally ill / John Weaver

Weaver, John, 1980- author


Transformation of ZIF-8 nanoparticles into 3D nitrogen-doped hierarchically porous carbon for Li–S batteries

RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17345-17352
DOI: 10.1039/C9RA10063F, Paper
Open Access
Guiqiang Cao, Da Bi, Jingxiang Zhao, Jing Zheng, Zhikang Wang, Qingxue Lai, Yanyu Liang
A novel transformation strategy assisted with ammonia treatment was successfully developed to fabricate ZIF-8-derived nitrogen-doped hierarchically porous carbon (NHPC/NH3).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Synthesis and gas permeation properties of thermally rearranged poly(ether-benzoxazole)s with low rearrangement temperatures

RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17461-17472
DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00145G, Paper
Open Access
Yunhua Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Guoyong Xiao, Lin Li, Mengjie Hou, Junyi Hu, Tonghua Wang
A series of poly(ether-benzoxazole)(PEBO) for gas separation were prepared from 9,9-bis[4-(4-amino-3-hydroxylphenoxy)phenyl]fluorene based hydroxyl-containing poly(ether-imide)s (HPEIs) with low rearrangement temperatures.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(styrene sulfonate) microcapsule-coated cotton fabric for stimulus-responsive textiles

RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17731-17738
DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02474K, Paper
Open Access
Zhiqi Zhao, Qiujin Li, Jixian Gong, Zheng Li, Jianfei Zhang
This study reports a stimulus-responsive fabric incorporating a combination of microcapsules, containing polyelectrolytes poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(styrene sulfonate) sodium salt (PSS), formed via a layer-by-layer (LBL) approach.
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Synthesis of heteroatom-containing pyrrolidine derivatives based on Ti(O-iPr)4 and EtMgBr-catalyzed carbocyclization of allylpropargyl amines with Et2Zn

RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17881-17891
DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02677H, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Rita N. Kadikova, Ilfir R. Ramazanov, Azat M. Gabdullin, Oleg S. Mozgovoj, Usein M. Dzhemilev
The Ti(O-iPr)4 and EtMgBr-catalyzed regio and stereoselective carbocyclization of N-allyl-substituted 2-alkynylamines with Et2Zn, followed by deuterolysis or hydrolysis, affords the corresponding methylenepyrrolidine derivatives in high yields.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Target opportunity selling [electronic resource] : top sales performers reveal what really works / Nicholas A.C. Read

Read, Nicholas A. C


Using 360-degree feedback successfully [electronic resource] / Maxine A. Dalton

Dalton, Maxine A., author


Validating your business continuity plan [electronic resource] : ensuring your BCP really works / Robert A. Clark

Clark, Robert A., author


Young Sikh boy racially abused in school bus in US, video goes viral

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Dental student from India fatally shot after temple visit

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Bobby Jindal gains ground in Iowa, nationally low: polls

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


‘Goa helped us in so many ways, we are really grateful’

Over a thousand migrant workers heaved a collective sigh of relief as the first Shramik special train rolled out of Thivim railway station on Friday. The train, with 1,196 labourers and stranded tourists, is headed for Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh.


Ecology / William D. Bowman (University of Colorado), Sally D. Hacker (Oregon State University)

Bowman, William D., author


Diamidophosphites from β-hydroxyamides: readily assembled ligands for Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution

Dalton Trans., 2020, 49,5625-5635
DOI: 10.1039/D0DT00741B, Paper
Ilya V. Chuchelkin, Konstantin N. Gavrilov, Nataliya E. Borisova, Alexander M. Perepukhov, Alexander V. Maximychev, Sergey V. Zheglov, Vladislav K. Gavrilov, Ilya D. Firsin, Vladislav S. Zimarev, Igor S. Mikhel, Victor A. Tafeenko, Elena V. Murashova, Vladimir V. Chernyshev, Nataliya S. Goulioukina
Novel diamidophosphites based on β-hydroxyamides were prepared, and their individual and in situ formed complexes were tested in Pd-mediated allylations.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


An ultra-effective pathway for fully removing the oxygen components of graphene oxide by a flame-assisted microwave process

Dalton Trans., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01483D, Communication
Xuefeng Zou, Qin Hu, Hengxiu Yang, Feng Chen, Bin Xiang, Xinyue Liang, Qibing Wu, Hujun Shen
Here we report an ultra-effective, reliable pathway to reduce GO into graphene by an about 4-seconds flame-assisted microwave process. A holey graphene with a C/O atom ratio of 31.1, a...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Sequenced cooking that really works

I went to a talk by a cookbook author who said she’d figured out a system for efficient home cooking: big pots of beans and soup, dishes that could be frozen and reheated. The concepts would have been obvious to any old-fashioned cook, and they are good, practical concepts. But her specific advice was so

The post Sequenced cooking that really works appeared first on Berkshire Publishing.


The education of Brett Kavanaugh: an investigation / Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly

Dewey Library - KF8745.K38 P64 2019


Going for broke: insolvency tools to support cross-border asset recovery in corruption cases / Jean-Pierre Brun, Molly Silver

Online Resource


Legally straight: sexuality, childhood, and the cultural value of marriage / Joe Rollins

Barker Library - KF539.R65 2018


Policy success in an age of gridlock: how the Toxic Substances Control Act was finally reformed / Lawrence S. Rothenberg

Dewey Library - KF3958.A3282016 A2 R68 2018


Yes, I'm turning 50. No, I'm not really ready

You're better at spotting trends, because you've witnessed so many of them


When harshly criticized or verbally attacked: a six-step communication plan for teachers

When harshly criticized or verbally attacked: a six-step communication plan for teachers McBride, Dawn Lorraine This article outlines a six-step communication plan to help teachers, particularly those new to the profession, handle critical, verbally abusive adults, particularly parents, in a respectful and assertive manner. The plan offers a step-by-step guide of how to engage in self-regulation, be assertive and use conflict resolution strategies to move the interaction from problem centered to solution focused. These strategies have been successfully presented to undergraduate education students, teachers in schools and counsellors working in community services. Research on the six-step plan revealed beneficial changes in student teachers' levels of confidence and abilities to stand up to verbally intimidating parents when they followed this plan of communication. Ample examples and author commentary are actively integrated to make the communication plan an informal read. Permission to archive final published version granted by publisher.


A Cambodian spring [videorecording] / Little Ease Films in association with Dartmouth Films, Zanzibar Films & EyesteelFilm presents a film by Chris Kelly


Lilly and Roche antiamyloid drugs fail in trial of early-onset Alzheimer's trial


Lilly and Sitryx sign immunotherapy pact


India partially lifts drug export ban on hydroxychloroquine and acetaminophen

Country will now allow exports if domestic needs are met to treat COVID-19


Lilly will test baricitinib against COVID-19


How genomic epidemiology is tracking the spread of COVID-19 locally and globally

The novel coronavirus is challenging genome sequencing technology and data processing like never before


Making lithium-ion batteries more environmentally friendly

New process uses water-soluble binders to avoid the need for organic solvents in manufacturing and recycling


US EPA green-lights genetically modified mosquito


Enhanced removal of organic pollutants from super heavy oil wastewater using specially modified lignite activated coke

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00033G, Paper
Kun Tong, Guodong Ji, Fan Nie, Mingdong Zhang, Wen Ren, Shuixiang Xie
Lignite activated coke (LAC) has been modified in situ by adsorbing the biodegradation effluent of super heavy oil wastewater (SHOW) to extract organic pollutants from raw SHOW before biodegradation is investigated.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Molecular Mechanisms and Potential Applications for the Intrinsic Chemiluminescence Production from the Degradation of Haloaromatic Pollutants during Environmentally-Friendly Advanced Oxidation Processes

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00325E, Perspective
Li Mao, Hui-Ying Gao, Bo Shao, Chun-Hua Huang, Ben-Zhan Zhu
The ubiquitous distribution of halogenated aromatic compounds (XAr) coupled with their carcinogenicity has raised public concerns on their potential risks to both human health and our ecosystem. Recently, advanced oxidation...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Theory of electronic and optical properties of atomically thin films of indium selenide Samuel J. Magorrian

Online Resource


Surprising markets rally

Clarity to emerge once central banks outline their stance


Anti-bullying laws and suicidal behaviors among teenagers / Daniel I. Rees, Joseph J. Sabia, Gokhan Kumpas

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Record 45 cases in a day takes K'taka tally to 750


City limits: why Australia's cities are broken and how we can fix them / Jane-Frances Kelly and Paul Donegan

Online Resource


Inhabiting the sacred in everyday life: how to design a place that touches your heart, stirs you to consecrate and cultivate it as home, dwell intentionally within it, slay monsters for it, and let it loose in your democracy / Randolph T. Hester, Jr. and

Rotch Library - HT167.H47 2019


[ASAP] Discovery and SAR Studies of Orally Active Somatostatin Receptor Subtype-2 (SSTR2) Agonists for the Treatment of Acromegaly

ACS Chemical Neuroscience
DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00124


Hollywood musicals / Steven Cohan

STACK BOOKS PN1995.9.M86 C58 2020


India's scrap gold supplies at record high on price rally, coronavirus: WGC

Record high local prices, coupled with short-term pressure on household finances, could encourage people to sell gold


[ASAP] Three-Dimensionally Printed Microelectromechanical-System Hydrogel Valve for Communicating Hydrocephalus

ACS Sensors
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.0c00181


Socially just, radical alternatives for education and youth work practice: re-imagining ways of working with young people / edited by Charlie Cooper, Sinéad Gormally and Gill Hughes

Online Resource


Education of Syrian refugee children: managing the crisis in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan / Shelly Culbertson, Louay Constant

Rotch Library - LC3665.M54 C85 2015


‘Activists are often targets of cyberbullying’

The JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU) on Friday condemned the trend of targeting activists through cyberbullying, saying it has been proven time and again t


NMMC’s tally crosses 500 with 43 new cases

8 fresh cases in PMC; Kamothe sealed


Understanding the thermally activated charge transport in NaPbmSbQm+2 (Q = S, Se, Te) thermoelectrics: weak dielectric screening leads to grain boundary dominated charge carrier scattering

Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EE00491J, Paper
Tyler J. Slade, Jann A. Grovogui, Jimmy Jiahong Kuo, Shashwat Anand, Trevor P. Bailey, Maxwell Wood, Ctirad Uher, G. Jeffrey Snyder, Vinayak P. Dravid, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Addressing the irregular electrical conductivity in PbQ–NaSbQ2 thermoelectrics. Increasing the NaSbSe2 fraction weakens charge carrier screening and strengthens GB scattering.
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