ark XVIII. Ueber System-Erkrankungen im Rückenmark : 5. (Schluss-) Artikel / von P. Flechsig. By Published On :: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [18--?] Full Article
ark Marketplace, power, prestige : the healthcare professions' struggle for recognition (19th-20th century) / edited by Pierre Pfütsch. By Published On :: Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019. Full Article
ark Veränderbarkeit des Genoms : Herausforderungen für die Zukunft : Vorträge anlässlich der Jahresversammlung am 22. und 23. September 2017 in Halle (Saale) / herausgegeben von: Jörg Hacker. By Published On :: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften ; Stuttgart : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2019. Full Article
ark A survey of alcohol and drug abuse programs in the railroad industry / [Lyman C. Hitchcock, Mark S. Sanders ; Naval Weapons Support Center]. By Published On :: Washington, D.C. : Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1976. Full Article
ark Cook commemoration sparks 1970 protest By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 04:52:55 +0000 In 1970, celebrations and commemorations were held across the nation for the 200th anniversary of the Endeavour’s visit Full Article
ark Keeping the balance—Bridge sampling for marginal likelihood estimation in finite mixture, mixture of experts and Markov mixture models By Published On :: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 04:00 EDT Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 4, 706--733.Abstract: Finite mixture models and their extensions to Markov mixture and mixture of experts models are very popular in analysing data of various kind. A challenge for these models is choosing the number of components based on marginal likelihoods. The present paper suggests two innovative, generic bridge sampling estimators of the marginal likelihood that are based on constructing balanced importance densities from the conditional densities arising during Gibbs sampling. The full permutation bridge sampling estimator is derived from considering all possible permutations of the mixture labels for a subset of these densities. For the double random permutation bridge sampling estimator, two levels of random permutations are applied, first to permute the labels of the MCMC draws and second to randomly permute the labels of the conditional densities arising during Gibbs sampling. Various applications show very good performance of these estimators in comparison to importance and to reciprocal importance sampling estimators derived from the same importance densities. Full Article
ark Spatially adaptive Bayesian image reconstruction through locally-modulated Markov random field models By Published On :: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 04:04 EDT Salem M. Al-Gezeri, Robert G. Aykroyd. Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 498--519.Abstract: The use of Markov random field (MRF) models has proven to be a fruitful approach in a wide range of image processing applications. It allows local texture information to be incorporated in a systematic and unified way and allows statistical inference theory to be applied giving rise to novel output summaries and enhanced image interpretation. A great advantage of such low-level approaches is that they lead to flexible models, which can be applied to a wide range of imaging problems without the need for significant modification. This paper proposes and explores the use of conditional MRF models for situations where multiple images are to be processed simultaneously, or where only a single image is to be reconstructed and a sequential approach is taken. Although the coupling of image intensity values is a special case of our approach, the main extension over previous proposals is to allow the direct coupling of other properties, such as smoothness or texture. This is achieved using a local modulating function which adjusts the influence of global smoothing without the need for a fully inhomogeneous prior model. Several modulating functions are considered and a detailed simulation study, motivated by remote sensing applications in archaeological geophysics, of conditional reconstruction is presented. The results demonstrate that a substantial improvement in the quality of the image reconstruction, in terms of errors and residuals, can be achieved using this approach, especially at locations with rapid changes in the underlying intensity. Full Article
ark Unsupervised Pre-trained Models from Healthy ADLs Improve Parkinson's Disease Classification of Gait Patterns. (arXiv:2005.02589v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED) By Published On :: Application and use of deep learning algorithms for different healthcare applications is gaining interest at a steady pace. However, use of such algorithms can prove to be challenging as they require large amounts of training data that capture different possible variations. This makes it difficult to use them in a clinical setting since in most health applications researchers often have to work with limited data. Less data can cause the deep learning model to over-fit. In this paper, we ask how can we use data from a different environment, different use-case, with widely differing data distributions. We exemplify this use case by using single-sensor accelerometer data from healthy subjects performing activities of daily living - ADLs (source dataset), to extract features relevant to multi-sensor accelerometer gait data (target dataset) for Parkinson's disease classification. We train the pre-trained model using the source dataset and use it as a feature extractor. We show that the features extracted for the target dataset can be used to train an effective classification model. Our pre-trained source model consists of a convolutional autoencoder, and the target classification model is a simple multi-layer perceptron model. We explore two different pre-trained source models, trained using different activity groups, and analyze the influence the choice of pre-trained model has over the task of Parkinson's disease classification. Full Article
ark A Global Benchmark of Algorithms for Segmenting Late Gadolinium-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (arXiv:2004.12314v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED) By Published On :: Segmentation of cardiac images, particularly late gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-MRI) widely used for visualizing diseased cardiac structures, is a crucial first step for clinical diagnosis and treatment. However, direct segmentation of LGE-MRIs is challenging due to its attenuated contrast. Since most clinical studies have relied on manual and labor-intensive approaches, automatic methods are of high interest, particularly optimized machine learning approaches. To address this, we organized the "2018 Left Atrium Segmentation Challenge" using 154 3D LGE-MRIs, currently the world's largest cardiac LGE-MRI dataset, and associated labels of the left atrium segmented by three medical experts, ultimately attracting the participation of 27 international teams. In this paper, extensive analysis of the submitted algorithms using technical and biological metrics was performed by undergoing subgroup analysis and conducting hyper-parameter analysis, offering an overall picture of the major design choices of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and practical considerations for achieving state-of-the-art left atrium segmentation. Results show the top method achieved a dice score of 93.2% and a mean surface to a surface distance of 0.7 mm, significantly outperforming prior state-of-the-art. Particularly, our analysis demonstrated that double, sequentially used CNNs, in which a first CNN is used for automatic region-of-interest localization and a subsequent CNN is used for refined regional segmentation, achieved far superior results than traditional methods and pipelines containing single CNNs. This large-scale benchmarking study makes a significant step towards much-improved segmentation methods for cardiac LGE-MRIs, and will serve as an important benchmark for evaluating and comparing the future works in the field. Full Article
ark Multi-scale analysis of lead-lag relationships in high-frequency financial markets. (arXiv:1708.03992v3 [stat.ME] UPDATED) By Published On :: We propose a novel estimation procedure for scale-by-scale lead-lag relationships of financial assets observed at high-frequency in a non-synchronous manner. The proposed estimation procedure does not require any interpolation processing of original datasets and is applicable to those with highest time resolution available. Consistency of the proposed estimators is shown under the continuous-time framework that has been developed in our previous work Hayashi and Koike (2018). An empirical application to a quote dataset of the NASDAQ-100 assets identifies two types of lead-lag relationships at different time scales. Full Article
ark Markov equivalence of marginalized local independence graphs By Published On :: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:02 EST Søren Wengel Mogensen, Niels Richard Hansen. Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 48, Number 1, 539--559.Abstract: Symmetric independence relations are often studied using graphical representations. Ancestral graphs or acyclic directed mixed graphs with $m$-separation provide classes of symmetric graphical independence models that are closed under marginalization. Asymmetric independence relations appear naturally for multivariate stochastic processes, for instance, in terms of local independence. However, no class of graphs representing such asymmetric independence relations, which is also closed under marginalization, has been developed. We develop the theory of directed mixed graphs with $mu $-separation and show that this provides a graphical independence model class which is closed under marginalization and which generalizes previously considered graphical representations of local independence. Several graphs may encode the same set of independence relations and this means that in many cases only an equivalence class of graphs can be identified from observational data. For statistical applications, it is therefore pivotal to characterize graphs that induce the same independence relations. Our main result is that for directed mixed graphs with $mu $-separation each equivalence class contains a maximal element which can be constructed from the independence relations alone. Moreover, we introduce the directed mixed equivalence graph as the maximal graph with dashed and solid edges. This graph encodes all information about the edges that is identifiable from the independence relations, and furthermore it can be computed efficiently from the maximal graph. Full Article
ark A latent discrete Markov random field approach to identifying and classifying historical forest communities based on spatial multivariate tree species counts By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 22:01 EST Stephen Berg, Jun Zhu, Murray K. Clayton, Monika E. Shea, David J. Mladenoff. Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2312--2340.Abstract: The Wisconsin Public Land Survey database describes historical forest composition at high spatial resolution and is of interest in ecological studies of forest composition in Wisconsin just prior to significant Euro-American settlement. For such studies it is useful to identify recurring subpopulations of tree species known as communities, but standard clustering approaches for subpopulation identification do not account for dependence between spatially nearby observations. Here, we develop and fit a latent discrete Markov random field model for the purpose of identifying and classifying historical forest communities based on spatially referenced multivariate tree species counts across Wisconsin. We show empirically for the actual dataset and through simulation that our latent Markov random field modeling approach improves prediction and parameter estimation performance. For model fitting we introduce a new stochastic approximation algorithm which enables computationally efficient estimation and classification of large amounts of spatial multivariate count data. Full Article
ark Robust elastic net estimators for variable selection and identification of proteomic biomarkers By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 22:01 EST Gabriela V. Cohen Freue, David Kepplinger, Matías Salibián-Barrera, Ezequiel Smucler. Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2065--2090.Abstract: In large-scale quantitative proteomic studies, scientists measure the abundance of thousands of proteins from the human proteome in search of novel biomarkers for a given disease. Penalized regression estimators can be used to identify potential biomarkers among a large set of molecular features measured. Yet, the performance and statistical properties of these estimators depend on the loss and penalty functions used to define them. Motivated by a real plasma proteomic biomarkers study, we propose a new class of penalized robust estimators based on the elastic net penalty, which can be tuned to keep groups of correlated variables together in the selected model and maintain robustness against possible outliers. We also propose an efficient algorithm to compute our robust penalized estimators and derive a data-driven method to select the penalty term. Our robust penalized estimators have very good robustness properties and are also consistent under certain regularity conditions. Numerical results show that our robust estimators compare favorably to other robust penalized estimators. Using our proposed methodology for the analysis of the proteomics data, we identify new potentially relevant biomarkers of cardiac allograft vasculopathy that are not found with nonrobust alternatives. The selected model is validated in a new set of 52 test samples and achieves an area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) of 0.85. Full Article
ark A Bayesian mark interaction model for analysis of tumor pathology images By Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 22:03 EDT Qiwei Li, Xinlei Wang, Faming Liang, Guanghua Xiao. Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1708--1732.Abstract: With the advance of imaging technology, digital pathology imaging of tumor tissue slides is becoming a routine clinical procedure for cancer diagnosis. This process produces massive imaging data that capture histological details in high resolution. Recent developments in deep-learning methods have enabled us to identify and classify individual cells from digital pathology images at large scale. Reliable statistical approaches to model the spatial pattern of cells can provide new insight into tumor progression and shed light on the biological mechanisms of cancer. We consider the problem of modeling spatial correlations among three commonly seen cells observed in tumor pathology images. A novel geostatistical marking model with interpretable underlying parameters is proposed in a Bayesian framework. We use auxiliary variable MCMC algorithms to sample from the posterior distribution with an intractable normalizing constant. We demonstrate how this model-based analysis can lead to sharper inferences than ordinary exploratory analyses, by means of application to three benchmark datasets and a case study on the pathology images of $188$ lung cancer patients. The case study shows that the spatial correlation between tumor and stromal cells predicts patient prognosis. This statistical methodology not only presents a new model for characterizing spatial correlations in a multitype spatial point pattern conditioning on the locations of the points, but also provides a new perspective for understanding the role of cell–cell interactions in cancer progression. Full Article
ark A hidden Markov model approach to characterizing the photo-switching behavior of fluorophores By Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 22:03 EDT Lekha Patel, Nils Gustafsson, Yu Lin, Raimund Ober, Ricardo Henriques, Edward Cohen. Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1397--1429.Abstract: Fluorescing molecules (fluorophores) that stochastically switch between photon-emitting and dark states underpin some of the most celebrated advancements in super-resolution microscopy. While this stochastic behavior has been heavily exploited, full characterization of the underlying models can potentially drive forward further imaging methodologies. Under the assumption that fluorophores move between fluorescing and dark states as continuous time Markov processes, the goal is to use a sequence of images to select a model and estimate the transition rates. We use a hidden Markov model to relate the observed discrete time signal to the hidden continuous time process. With imaging involving several repeat exposures of the fluorophore, we show the observed signal depends on both the current and past states of the hidden process, producing emission probabilities that depend on the transition rate parameters to be estimated. To tackle this unusual coupling of the transition and emission probabilities, we conceive transmission (transition-emission) matrices that capture all dependencies of the model. We provide a scheme of computing these matrices and adapt the forward-backward algorithm to compute a likelihood which is readily optimized to provide rate estimates. When confronted with several model proposals, combining this procedure with the Bayesian Information Criterion provides accurate model selection. Full Article
ark On stability of traveling wave solutions for integro-differential equations related to branching Markov processes By Published On :: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 04:06 EST Pasha Tkachov. Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1354--1380.Abstract: The aim of this paper is to prove stability of traveling waves for integro-differential equations connected with branching Markov processes. In other words, the limiting law of the left-most particle of a (time-continuous) branching Markov process with a Lévy non-branching part is demonstrated. The key idea is to approximate the branching Markov process by a branching random walk and apply the result of Aïdékon [ Ann. Probab. 41 (2013) 1362–1426] on the limiting law of the latter one. Full Article
ark A Feynman–Kac result via Markov BSDEs with generalised drivers By Published On :: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 04:00 EST Elena Issoglio, Francesco Russo. Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 728--766.Abstract: In this paper, we investigate BSDEs where the driver contains a distributional term (in the sense of generalised functions) and derive general Feynman–Kac formulae related to these BSDEs. We introduce an integral operator to give sense to the equation and then we show the existence of a strong solution employing results on a related PDE. Due to the irregularity of the driver, the $Y$-component of a couple $(Y,Z)$ solving the BSDE is not necessarily a semimartingale but a weak Dirichlet process. Full Article
ark Bayesian Network Marker Selection via the Thresholded Graph Laplacian Gaussian Prior By Published On :: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 04:00 EST Qingpo Cai, Jian Kang, Tianwei Yu. Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 1, 79--102.Abstract: Selecting informative nodes over large-scale networks becomes increasingly important in many research areas. Most existing methods focus on the local network structure and incur heavy computational costs for the large-scale problem. In this work, we propose a novel prior model for Bayesian network marker selection in the generalized linear model (GLM) framework: the Thresholded Graph Laplacian Gaussian (TGLG) prior, which adopts the graph Laplacian matrix to characterize the conditional dependence between neighboring markers accounting for the global network structure. Under mild conditions, we show the proposed model enjoys the posterior consistency with a diverging number of edges and nodes in the network. We also develop a Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) for efficient posterior computation, which is scalable to large-scale networks. We illustrate the superiorities of the proposed method compared with existing alternatives via extensive simulation studies and an analysis of the breast cancer gene expression dataset in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Full Article
ark Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers with Independent Markov Chain Monte Carlo Proposals By Published On :: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 04:00 EDT L. F. South, A. N. Pettitt, C. C. Drovandi. Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 773--796.Abstract: Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for sampling from the posterior of static Bayesian models are flexible, parallelisable and capable of handling complex targets. However, it is common practice to adopt a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) kernel with a multivariate normal random walk (RW) proposal in the move step, which can be both inefficient and detrimental for exploring challenging posterior distributions. We develop new SMC methods with independent proposals which allow recycling of all candidates generated in the SMC process and are embarrassingly parallelisable. A novel evidence estimator that is easily computed from the output of our independent SMC is proposed. Our independent proposals are constructed via flexible copula-type models calibrated with the population of SMC particles. We demonstrate through several examples that more precise estimates of posterior expectations and the marginal likelihood can be obtained using fewer likelihood evaluations than the more standard RW approach. Full Article
ark These Clark Booties Are Actually Comfortable Enough to Wear All Day—and They’re on Sale By Published On :: Sun, 08 Dec 2019 09:36:02 -0500 You can save 50% right now. Full Article
ark Wintrust Financial Corporation to Present at RBC Capital Markets Global Financial Institutions Conference on March 10, 2020 By Published On :: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 23:49:00 GMT To view more press releases, please visit Full Article
ark SHI to sponsor lecture on totem parks of Southeast Alaska By Published On :: Full Article
ark Missed our lecture on Southeast totem parks? By Published On :: Full Article
ark BIS Quarterly Review, March 2020 - media remarks By Published On :: 2020-03-01T17:00:00Z On-the-record remarks of the March 2020 Quarterly Review media briefing by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, and Mr Hyun Song Shin, Economic Adviser and Head of Research, 28 February 2020. Full Article
ark Striatal Nurr1 Facilitates the Dyskinetic State and Exacerbates Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease By Published On :: 2020-04-29T09:30:19-07:00 The transcription factor Nurr1 has been identified to be ectopically induced in the striatum of rodents expressing l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). In the present study, we sought to characterize Nurr1 as a causative factor in LID expression. We used rAAV2/5 to overexpress Nurr1 or GFP in the parkinsonian striatum of LID-resistant Lewis or LID-prone Fischer-344 (F344) male rats. In a second cohort, rats received the Nurr1 agonist amodiaquine (AQ) together with l-DOPA or ropinirole. All rats received a chronic DA agonist and were evaluated for LID severity. Finally, we performed single-unit recordings and dendritic spine analyses on striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in drug-naïve rAAV-injected male parkinsonian rats. rAAV-GFP injected LID-resistant hemi-parkinsonian Lewis rats displayed mild LID and no induction of striatal Nurr1 despite receiving a high dose of l-DOPA. However, Lewis rats overexpressing Nurr1 developed severe LID. Nurr1 agonism with AQ exacerbated LID in F344 rats. We additionally determined that in l-DOPA-naïve rats striatal rAAV-Nurr1 overexpression (1) increased cortically-evoked firing in a subpopulation of identified striatonigral MSNs, and (2) altered spine density and thin-spine morphology on striatal MSNs; both phenomena mimicking changes seen in dyskinetic rats. Finally, we provide postmortem evidence of Nurr1 expression in striatal neurons of l-DOPA-treated PD patients. Our data demonstrate that ectopic induction of striatal Nurr1 is capable of inducing LID behavior and associated neuropathology, even in resistant subjects. These data support a direct role of Nurr1 in aberrant neuronal plasticity and LID induction, providing a potential novel target for therapeutic development. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The transcription factor Nurr1 is ectopically induced in striatal neurons of rats exhibiting levodopa-induced dyskinesia [LID; a side-effect to dopamine replacement strategies in Parkinson's disease (PD)]. Here we asked whether Nurr1 is causing LID. Indeed, rAAV-mediated expression of Nurr1 in striatal neurons was sufficient to overcome LID-resistance, and Nurr1 agonism exacerbated LID severity in dyskinetic rats. Moreover, we found that expression of Nurr1 in l-DOPA naïve hemi-parkinsonian rats resulted in the formation of morphologic and electrophysiological signatures of maladaptive neuronal plasticity; a phenomenon associated with LID. Finally, we determined that ectopic Nurr1 expression can be found in the putamen of l-DOPA-treated PD patients. These data suggest that striatal Nurr1 is an important mediator of the formation of LID. Full Article
ark Recommended: 7 free e-learning courses to bookmark By Published On :: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 00:00:00 GMT E-learning was quite the buzzword a couple of decades ago – then when the internet started in earnest it became even more so. Today e-learning is mainstreamed in many organization, including FAO with more than 400 000 learners taking advantage of FAO’s offerings. FAO’s e-learning center offers free interactive courses – in English, French and Spanish - on topics ranging [...] Full Article
ark 5 remarkable landscapes and lifestyles that you didn't know existed By Published On :: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT The terraced hills of the Andes, the rice paddies of southern China, the oasis systems of the Maghreb: agriculture molds landscapes and places. Agriculture also shapes livelihoods, lifestyles, food traditions and cultures. What kind of plants grow or can’t grow, how they are harvested and what people eat define people’s lives. Because our natural resources are under great strain, we need [...] Full Article
ark Farmer's Market at FAO Headquarters By Published On :: Wed, 04 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT 11 and 18 December 2019, Rome –A Farmer’s Market at FAO’s premises will take place on Wednesday, 11 December and on Wednesday 18 December 2019 from 12.00 [...] Full Article
ark New edition of the Farmer's Market at FAO Headquarters By Published On :: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT The farmers will offer seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables to around 3000 people - including employees, contractors, delegates and visitors - that enter the FAO headquarters every day. Centro Agroalimentare [...] Full Article
ark Farmers' Market 2020 at FAO Headquarters By Published On :: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT As of the start of the New Year, the Farmers’ Market will be back at FAO’s premises – Atrium - on January 29th from 12.00- 16.00 hours. All of [...] Full Article
ark Farmers' Market at FAO Headquarters on the occasion of the Biodiversity for Food Diversity fair By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT Buy fresh and seasonal produce at the Farmers’ Market on Wednesday 26 February from 12.00 – 16.00 hours, and be sure to visit the [...] Full Article
ark UPDATE: the Farmers' Market has been postponed for Friday 6 March and until further notice. By Published On :: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 00:00:00 GMT The Farmers’ Market has been postponed for Friday 6 March and until further notice. Full Article
ark Marathoner Sets Out to Run All of America's National Parks By Published On :: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 12:15:00 +0000 Autumn Ray's goal: 59 national parks before she turns 40 in four years Full Article
ark Americans Think National Parks Are Worth Way More Than We Spend On Them By Published On :: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 13:00:00 +0000 An independent survey finds that although NPS's annual budget is around $3 billion, Americans are willing to pay much more Full Article
ark You Can Thank Scientists for the National Park System By Published On :: Thu, 01 Sep 2016 12:44:35 +0000 Early conservation research and scientific expeditions laid the groundwork and helped to convince the public national parks were a good idea Full Article
ark Beautiful Photos from America’s Six Least-Visited National Parks By Published On :: Wed, 05 Oct 2016 16:26:27 +0000 These parks are less popular, but no less spectacular Full Article
ark Cherokee Indians Can Now Harvest Sochan Within a National Park By Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:00:00 +0000 For the first time, the indigenous community is allowed to gather the cherished plant on protected land Full Article
ark How COVID-19 Is Affecting the United States' National Parks By Published On :: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 18:48:17 +0000 Some sites have closed completely, while others are making modifications to promote social distancing Full Article
ark Researchers Calculated a Whale Shark’s Age Based on Cold War-Era Bomb Tests By Published On :: Wed, 08 Apr 2020 13:00:00 +0000 Nuclear bomb tests caused a spike in a radioactive form of carbon that accumulated in living things Full Article
ark Dolphins, Surfers and Waves Sparkle in Bright Blue Bioluminescent Glow Off California Coast By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:31:43 +0000 A rare bloom of microscopic organisms capable of making their own blue light has transformed several of the state’s beaches Full Article
ark With Humans Away, Animals in National Parks Are Having a Ball By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 14:44:00 +0000 Coyotes, bears and more are enjoying areas usually reserved for crowds of human visitors Full Article
ark Bronze Age Chieftain's Remains Found Beneath U.K. Skate Park By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 19:01:54 +0000 The Beaker man was buried alongside four cowhide "rugs," an eight-inch copper dagger and a wrist guard made of rare green stone Full Article
ark In the darkness By Published On :: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 05:00:00 +0000 Egret walking through the swamp on a foggy morning Full Article
ark Eyes of Darkness By Published On :: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:53:58 +0000 This was one of the most spine chilling experience that I had in my entire time with wildlife It was a winter noon drive that we got into the woods of central India and soon we reached a particular point in the jungle we got intense langur calls saying the presence of a predator around After thorough checking for the same we found this subadult male tiger staring at us from the beside bushes It was really a spine chilling experience to see directly into a tigers eye at any time Full Article
ark Coffee's Dark History, the Sinking of the World's Most Glamorous Ship and Other New Books to Read By Published On :: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 12:00:00 +0000 The third installment in our weekly series spotlights titles that may have been lost in the news amid the COVID-19 crisis Full Article