
Superannuation : is it that hard? / paper presented by Peter Crump, AMP Advice.

This paper is intended to provide a technical support resource for the reader in relation to the treatment of superannuation under family law.


Aged care and retirement living update / paper presented by Peter Myhill and Rebecca Barr, O'Loughlins Lawyers.


An introduction to claims under the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 (SA) / paper presented by: Graham Edmonds-Wilson SC, Howard Zelling Chambers.


Probate rules : preparing grants of probate & letters of administration / paper presented by Rosemary Caruso, Tindall Gask Bentley.


Land tax changes : the consultation proposals / presented by Bernie Walrut. Murray Chambers.


International wills, succession & inheritance tips & traps / paer presented by Roy Hasda, Hasda Legal.


Revisiting the forum non-convenience and inappropriate forum / paper presented by Dr Ricky J. Lee, Globalex Tax & Legal.


"That's what she said" : how to draft a clear and effective affidavit in family law / paper presented by Marita Pangallo, Howard Zelling Chambers and Daniel Praolini, Capmpbell Chambers.


CTP update : meeting the threshold for a CTP claim / paper presented by Alex Ward, Edmund Barton Chambers.


The Aged Care Puzzle - Second edition : 5 Easy Ways to Solve.


Mindful cricket : how to create the mindset you need to be the best cricketer you can be.


Do you still love me? : Because I really love you!.


Intimate conversations : the sequel to Out of control.


The Light Horse ghost / Julie Janson.

Aust'n. World War stories 1. From the World War 1 Middle Eastern Theatre of War, the Desert Campaign and the Light Horse military victory, to a quiet family life in a gold mining town. Albert, an Australian Light Horseman tells wild stories of bravery, while Iris his daughter copes with his tumultuous return. We follow a few years in the life of Iris, a teenage girl and her family in Kalgoorlie Boulder in the Gold Fields of Western Australia after 1919. Albert spends his Sunday afternoons drinking beer from a crate in the back yard, with fantastic memories of The Great Ride into Beersheba and Damascus. Iris hears it all and tries to keep her loyalty to her father in the face of his love of a drink, torrid affairs and the departure of her mother, Ailish.


A lawyer in paradise / Robert Anderson..


Twilight Serenade : A black comedy.


Fergus Farringdon - The second : To many lands and back again.


Essential Witness Preparation SLIDES - Michael Woods.


International Aspects of Property Settlement - Slides - Roy Hasda.


Adult Safeguarding - A rights based approach in responding to Elder Abuse - Elicia White_SLIDES.


I've Got Two Tickets to Paradise.


Dead people don't make jam / Sean Crawley..


Secrets of the maze : in the Vales / created by Grandmother Christine.


Everyday Revolutions : Remaking Gender, Sexuality and Culture in 1970s Australia.


Severed Web.


Seek : A devotional guide towards surrender.


We Will Rise : Rising from the ashes to a n new beginning.


Australia's Second Open Government National Action Plan 2018-20 / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Australian Government response to the Senate Economics References Committee Report : A husband is not a retirement plan: Achieving economic security for women in retirement.


Australian government response to the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee inquiry report : the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the Community Development Program (CDP)


The China Defence Universities Tracker : exploring the military and security links of China's universities / Alex Joske.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is building links between China’s civilian universities, military and security agencies. Those efforts, carried out under a policy of leveraging the civilian sector to maximise military power (known as ‘military–civil fusion’), have accelerated in the past decade. Research for the China Defence Universities Tracker has determined that greater numbers of Chinese universities are engaged in defence research, training defence scientists, collaborating with the military and cooperating with defence industry conglomerates and are involved in classified research.1 At least 15 civilian universities have been implicated in cyberattacks, illegal exports or espionage. China’s defence industry conglomerates are supervising agencies of nine universities and have sent thousands of their employees to train abroad.


The Spanish connection / Seán Hampsey.


End of Term Self-Assessment Report for Australia's First Open Government National Action Plan 2016-18.


Engaging men who use violence : invitational narrative approaches / Professor Sarah Wendt, Dr Kate Seymour, Fiona Buchanan, Chris Dolman, Dr Natalie Greenland.

"This study contributes to the limited evidence available on how invitational narrative approaches are used in the domestic and family violence field. It focused on invitational narrative ways of engaging and working with men who perpetrate domestic and family violence. Focusing on the processes and skills of practice embedded in invitational narrative ideas enabled the examination of different ways of engaging men that have the potential to lead to sustained change. Accordingly, the main aim of this study was to explore invitational narrative ways of working in order to build an understanding of the processes and skills that engage men and enable behavioural and attitudinal change." --Executive summary (page 6).


Fee for service in Indigenous land and sea management : impact assessment and analysis.

This evaluation report identifies experiences, motivations, supporting mechanisms, barriers and impacts of fee-for-service commercial activities undertaken by Indigenous Land and Water Management (ILWM) organisations. The report draws on a literature review, interviews with ILWM organisations, administrative data, in-depth case studies, and online survey data.


Sky Roads, Sea Roads and Dreams.


The Book of Lost Addresses.


Indo-Pacific immune systems to enable healthy engagement with the Chinese state and China's economy / Michael Shoebridge.

This paper sets out three challenges to the creation of a future for Indo-Pacific states and peoples consistent with the visions of a ‘free and open Indo-Pacific’ (FOIP) expressed by Japan, India, the US and Australia, and now by the ASEAN outlook on the Indo-Pacific. It also describes a path for states to operate in an environment of coercive Chinese state power that seeks to influence how states relate and how they operate within their domestic boundaries.


Minister's performance assessment report Water plan (Mary Basin) 2006 / compiled by Water Policy and Water Services (South Region) - Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

This report provides an overview of the implementation of the Water plan (Mary Basin) 2006 and summarises the findings of the assessments undertaken for the last five years. The plan supports urban water supply and a variety of industries including significant agricultural production, a growing tourism industry and fisheries.


Understanding the Stolen Generations through their stories : from the inaugural Stolen Generation Summit Elder Abuse Prevention and Positive Aging Summit : a resource for the aged care workforce / ARAS.

Two Aboriginal Elders, one of whom had been removed from her family as a child, and the other who was affected by siblings and other family members being removed, provided consent to share their personal stories specifically for this resource, with the vision that people would be better informed and communication improved when delivering care. To respect their privacy, their stories have been de-identified.


Exploring & affirming my life : a course in spiritual reminiscence / Don Jamieson.

Exploring and Affirming My Life is designed to v help the reader undertake a personal exploration of his or her own life. Often important life issues get overlooked in the bustle of modern living and a guided encouragement to find issues that need to be celebrated or need to be reconciled helps as we grow older. Reminiscence can be a natural process of life but on its own it doesn't always bring out those things we need to focus upon. This book encourages the reader to look at spiritual issues particularly, and to find the joy and the forgiveness which comes when our lives are in tune with the wonderful God who loves us so deeply.


Hallelujah! : let everything that has breath praise God / Peter Wade.


Proceedings of the 2016 Australasian Road Safety Conference, September 2016, Canberra, Australia.


Newstart allowance : is it time to raise it? / research undertaken by The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, University of Adelaide ; funded by the Independent Research Fund.

This paper assesses whether the Newstart Allowance for unemployed people should be increased. It investigates the relationship of the Newstart Allowance to Average Weekly Earnings, the Federal Minimum Wage, and Australian poverty lines, and considers the typical the duration of unemployment and long term unemployment, duration of time on income support, overseas allowances, cost of living, and a comparison with policy makers' remuneration. It finds that the value of the allowance has eroded since it was first set and that unemployment for many is not a transitional situation, and concludes that an increase is warranted to bridge the gap to the poverty line.


Realising the Potential : a review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme : a collaborative report researched and prepared by the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Army / written by

In 2017 the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Australian Defence Force (Australian Army) undertook a joint review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP) to assess its efficiency and effectiveness. The review found AACAP is a highly regarded and effective means of achieving positive environmental and primary health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities while providing valuable training outcomes for Army. AACAP's objectives align with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) 'Closing the Gap' targets in Indigenous disadvantage and with the Australian Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The report identified areas for potential improvement, recommending greater support for the sustainability of infrastructure and project investment, enhanced employment and training opportunities and strengthening of project governance.


Report on review of detriment : Aboriginal land claims recommended for grant but not yet finalised / the Hon John Mansfield AM QC, Aboriginal Land Commissioner.


Report to the Prime Minister : the prosecution and sentencing of children for terrorism / Dr James Renwick SC.


Drastic Fabric : Elizabeth Jenner, Carly Snoswell, Henry Jock Walker and Sera Waters / [text by] Andrew Purvis.


Set texts / John Watson.


Utilisation of carp biomass : final report / Dr Janet Howieson, Andrew Tilley, Ewan Colquhoun, Elise O'Keefe, Steven Nash, Declan McDonald, Tony Evans, Gerry Gillespie, David Hardwick, Dr Sarah Beavis, Charles Francina, Daniel McCorey, Luke Wheat.