
Le Rapport trimestriel de la BRI analyse le repli et le rebond des marchés

French translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2019


Informe Trimestral del BPI, marzo de 2018: La volatilidad vuelve a cobrar protagonismo tras un episodio de inestabilidad en los mercados bursátiles

Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018


Las monedas digitales de bancos centrales podrían afectar a los pagos, la política monetaria y la estabilidad financiera

Spanish version of Press release about CPMI and the Markets Committee issuing a report on "Central bank digital currencies" (12 March 2018)


Basilea III: Finalización de las reformas poscrisis

Spanish translation of "Basel III: Finalising post-crisis reforms", December 2017.


El Comité de Basilea finaliza sus principios sobre pruebas de tensión, analiza fórmulas para acabar con prácticas de arbitraje regulatorio, aprueba la lista anual de G-SIB y debate sobre el coeficiente de apalancamiento, los criptoacti

Spanish translation of press release - the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is finalising stress-testing principles, reviews ways to stop regulatory arbitrage behaviour, agrees on annual G-SIB list, discusses leverage ratio, crypto-assets, market risk framework and implementation, 20 September 2018.


Requisitos de divulgación para el Tercer Pilar - Macro actualizado

Spanish translation of "Pillar 3 disclosure requirements - updated framework", December 2018


Nuevos baches en la senda de la normalización: Informe Trimestral del BPI

Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, December 2018


El Informe Trimestral del BPI analiza la caída y posterior rebote de los mercados

Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2019


art is a lie that just wont die v


my dmz ukrainian english v




its a beautiful autumn day to run for your life v


cunnilingus en corea del norte buenos aires tango version v


well, you know they are a liar


friday night lights vs. glee


game of thrones needs light


John Phillipe - :jp:


Wintrust Financial Corporation Reports Record Full-Year 2019 Net Income of $355.7 million and Fourth Quarter 2019 Net Income of $86.0 million, up 8% from the Fourth Quarter 2018

To view more press releases, please visit


Academy launches online events programme


National Engineering Policy Centre to provide advice to government on reaching net zero emissions


Bottom Line: iPhone SE Packs Great Value for the Money

Apple's new iPhone SE delivers incredible value and performance, has a surprisingly good camera, and handles videos well. Reviewers were impressed by the phone's A13 chipset. However, criticisms include insufficient battery life, absence of night mode, and lack of 5G support. "For those of us concerned about money ... the SE provides the greatest bang for the buck," said tech analyst Rob Enderle.


EndeavourOS 2020: Possibly the Best Arch Linux Option

EndeavourOS is a rolling release Arch Linux-based distribution with some handy new features that improve the user experience. This latest version comes with graphical install options and preconfigured desktop environments. Several new in-house utilities improve package management and error reporting. There are lots of installation tips with the Calamares installer, which has a new look and feel.


Far-Right Spreads COVID-19 Disinformation Epidemic Online

Far-right groups and individuals in the United States are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to promote disinformation, hate, extremism and authoritarianism. "COVID-19 has been seized by far-right groups as an opportunity to call for extreme violence," states a report from ISD, based on a combination of natural language processing, network analysis and ethnographic online research.


Linux Foundation Leads Initiative for Better Digital Trust

The Linux Foundation will host ToIP, a cross-industry effort to ensure more secure data handling over the Internet. This new foundation is an independent project enabling trustworthy exchange and verification of data between any two parties on the Internet. The ToIP Foundation will provide a robust common standard to instill confidence that data is coming from a trusted source.


Microsoft Covers All the Bases With Impressive Surface Lineup

Microsoft has introduced a slew of new products, including the Surface Go 2, the Surface Book 3, Surface Headphones 2 and Surface Earbuds. Both the Surface Go 2 and the Surface Book 3 come in consumer and corporate versions. "The two products are very different," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "The Go 2 is a high-value product -- the Surface Book 3 high innovation."


MakuluLinux Delivers Modernity With New Core Platform

If you are looking for a well-designed Linux distro that is far from mainstream, loaded with performance features not found elsewhere, check out the 2020 upgrade of the MakuluLinux Core distro. It could change your perspective on what a daily computing driver should offer. Developer Jacque Montague Raymer recently released the 2020 edition of MakuluLinux Core OS.


4 Ways Intelligent CRM Can Help You Reach Tech-Savvy Millennials

Does your customer relationship management strategy have what it takes to reach Generation Y? It's estimated that by 2021, an additional $394 billion in revenue could be gained from artificial intelligence adoption in CRM activities in the U.S. As companies grow and technology evolves at a faster-than-ever pace, collecting, storing and providing data is becoming a bigger and bigger task.


Merchants Now Can List Products on Google Shopping for Free

Merchants soon will be able to sell products on Google Shopping at no charge. Previously, they had to pay per click, but the cost was not fixed. There was no minimum, but they had to set a maximum for ad spend and Google would stop displaying their ads once the maximum was reached. Starting next week, search results on the Google Shopping tab will consist primarily of free product listings.


New York's crooked politicians


Rod Watson: Collins keeps grabbing, but we just watch


The lawyer who laundered political contributions


Ten MORE egregious lies from 2010 campaign ads


Israeli Jews at odds with liberal brethren in US


Mary Elizabeth Williams: The clumsy, beautiful Rally to Restore Sanity


Live From Lincoln Center


Learning Debian GNU/Linux


Alaska Native Sisterhood civil rights leader Amy Hallingstad--a glimpse to 1947


Art at Jineit goes online!


Monetary policy: 10 years after the financial crisis

Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, to the Basler Bankenforum, Basel, 5 September 2019.


Vulnerabilities in the international monetary and financial system

Speech by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, at the OECD-G20 High Level Policy Seminar, Paris, 11 September 2019.


Wise fiscal policy is not about helicopter money

Op-ed by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, published in Il Sole 24 Ore, 8 November 2019.


Data, technology and policy coordination

Keynote speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the 55th SEACEN Governors' Conference and High-level Seminar on "Data and technology: embracing innovation", Singapore, 14 November 2019.


Welfare implications of digital financial innovation

Based on remarks by Mr Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva, Deputy General Manager of the BIS, with Jon Frost and Leonardo Gambacorta at the Santander International Banking Conference on "Banking on trust: Building confidence in the future", Madrid, 5 November 2019.


Exiting low inflation traps by "consensus": nominal wages and price stability

Exiting low inflation traps by "consensus": nominal wages and price stability - Speech by Luiz A Pereira da Silva and Benoît Mojon, based on the keynote speech at the Eighth High-level Policy Dialogue between the Eurosystem and Latin American Central Banks, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 28-29 November 2019.


[~21.8 MB mp3] A Leading Figure In The New Apostolic Reformation

Story: Several apostles affiliated with the movement helped organize or spoke at Rick Perry's recent prayer rally. A leading apostle, C. Peter Wagner, talks about the movement and its missions, which include acquiring leadership positions in government, the media, and arts and entertainment.


Oblique Strategy #90

Once the search has begun, something will be found


Fingolimod Rescues Demyelination in a Mouse Model of Krabbe's Disease

Krabbe's disease is an infantile neurodegenerative disease, which is affected by mutations in the lysosomal enzyme galactocerebrosidase, leading to the accumulation of its metabolite psychosine. We have shown previously that the S1P receptor agonist fingolimod (FTY720) attenuates psychosine-induced glial cell death and demyelination both in vitro and ex vivo models. These data, together with a lack of therapies for Krabbe's disease, prompted the current preclinical study examining the effects of fingolimod in twitcher mice, a murine model of Krabbe's disease. Twitcher mice, both male and female, carrying a natural mutation in the galc gene were given fingolimod via drinking water (1 mg/kg/d). The direct impact of fingolimod administration was assessed via histochemical and biochemical analysis using markers of myelin, astrocytes, microglia, neurons, globoid cells, and immune cells. The effects of fingolimod on twitching behavior and life span were also demonstrated. Our results show that treatment of twitcher mice with fingolimod significantly rescued myelin levels compared with vehicle-treated animals and also regulated astrocyte and microglial reactivity. Furthermore, nonphosphorylated neurofilament levels were decreased, indicating neuroprotective and neurorestorative processes. These protective effects of fingolimod on twitcher mice brain pathology was reflected by an increased life span of fingolimod-treated twitcher mice. These in vivo findings corroborate initial in vitro studies and highlight the potential use of S1P receptors as drug targets for treatment of Krabbe's disease.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This study demonstrates that the administration of the therapy known as fingolimod in a mouse model of Krabbe's disease (namely, the twitcher mouse model) significantly rescues myelin levels. Further, the drug fingolimod also regulates the reactivity of glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, in this mouse model. These protective effects of fingolimod result in an increased life span of twitcher mice.