
Evento: “Las agencias de RRPP ante el reto digital” – 16 Marzo, 12 horas

Este miércoles 16 de marzo, a las 12 horas, Adigital acoge el encuentro “Las agencias de RRPP ante el reto digital”, un foro exclusivo en el que clientes, responsables de agencias y representantes de medios de comunicación debatirán sobre la profesión de relaciones públicas, que continúa siendo una gran desconocida después de décadas de trayectoria exitosa.
¿Está el problema en que las agencias de relaciones públicas no han trasladado correctamente su actividad al ámbito digital? ¿Va el Big Data en contra de la naturaleza de una profesión cuyo objetivo es personalizar todo al máximo? ¿Por qué ahora son las agencias digitales y de publicidad las que lideran el branded content? Estás y otras cuestiones se resolverán durante el evento.
El encuentro es exclusivo para profesionales y la asistencia es limitada, pero si perteneces a una agencia o eres cliente y quieres asistir, mándanos un mail a info(@)tuatupr.com. Adigital está ubicada en Zurbano, 34. 

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Videoresumen: "Las agencias de RRPP ante el reto digital"

Visita la web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com


Relaciones Públicas: Nueva web en tuatupr.com

Nueva web tuatupr.com

Visita la nueva web de mi agencia: www.tuatupr.com

Puedes llamarnos al teléfono: +34 911123481 y escribirnos a info (@) tuatupr.com.


túatú, agencia de eventos en Madrid

Hace años, cuando aún conocía poca gente en Madrid, tuve que romper el "cerco" de ser nuevo en una tierra distinta a la mía.  Lo que se me ocurrió fue organizar eventos que, tiempo después, resultaron muy significativos, no sólo para mí, sino para mucha gente del sector de internet en España.

Como cualquier inicio, costó que la gente comenzara a reunirse, hasta que, de manera totalmente orgánica e inesperada, llegamos a ser más de 150 en un Beers & Blogs y más de 500 en un Web. La Conversación.

Calculo que en 10 años en que organicé los eventos conocí personalmente a 3.000 personas. Algunos los tengo en las redes sociales en donde tengo sigo teniendo presencia: Twitter y Facebook.  A otros les he perdido la pista y hay incluso algunos que han salido de mi vida, tanto real como virtualmente.

No es por nada, pero los eventos se me dan muy bien, ya que intento prever todo de la mejor manera posible y hasta el más mínimo detalle.  He trabajado en agencias de eventos y relaciones públicas hasta que fundé mi empresa.

He organizado todo tipo de eventos en Madrid y otras ciudades de España, así como en otras partes del mundo, como Ecuador, México y Rusia: catas de carne argentina y de carne de conejo para consumo humano, presentaciones de libros, mesas redondas, cenas, comidas, cocktails, viajes de prensa, giras de medios, entre otros.

Para mí, lo más importante es crear eventos con contenido, es decir, que la gente que acuda a ellos se vaya con algo aprendido, con algo nuevo que no tenía cuando llegó.  Aunque también los eventos lúdicos funcionan muy bien y generan valor. ¡Cuántos negocios se generaron durante los Beers & Blogs!

Por todo esto, creo que agencia de eventos en Madrid.
túatú, debe considerarse cuando busques una 

  • Agencia de eventos en Madrid
  • Beers & Blogs
  • Web. La Conversación


Tax Time Fraudsters Working Overtime – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

February 13, 2006 – With tax time fast approaching, the scam artists are out in droves. They are using a variety of ploys to fool consumers and engage in identity theft. Although most of these tricks have been used in the past, consumers continue to fall for them.


Debate over Patriot Act Renewal Heats Up as Renewal Vote Looms

December 15, 2005 – Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to renew certain provisions of the Patriot Act that are set to expire at the end of this month. The bill now moves to the Senate, where debate is scheduled to begin on Thursday. But in an odd twist, a bipartisan group of six senators is threatening to filibuster the bill unless certain civil liberties guarantees are made. If the bill does make it to a vote, it has the votes to pass. But there is a 50-50 chance that the filibuster will hold which means the New Year could begin with significantly scaled back federal surveillance powers.


Setback for Financial Privacy in New Hampshire

January 12, 2006 – New Hampshire’s State Supreme Court has set aside portions of a 2004 state law that protected financial records revealed in divorce proceedings from prying eyes. The law had allowed judges to seal financial records of parties involved in a divorce for any reason.


IRS to Outsource Some Tax Collection – Raises Privacy Concerns

January 16, 2006 - In 2004, Congress passed the American Jobs Creation Act. As innocuous as the title sounds, it contained a provision allowing the IRS to outsource collection efforts to private contractors. But both the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) are questioning the wisdom of this; saying that the move may jeopardize personal privacy and lead to cases of fraud and identity theft.


Google Defies Government on Privacy Issues

January 20, 2006 – Google, the 800 pound gorilla of search engines, is defying a subpoena by the justice department. The government is demanding that the company turn over one full week of user search data. But Google has said that it will fight the subpoena “vigorously” because the company fears the ramifications to privacy for twelve million people who use the company’s website every single day.


Patriot Act Hits another Roadblock Due to Privacy Issues

January 25, 2006 – Last month, just prior to the Congressional holiday recess, renewal efforts for the Patriot Act ground to a halt. The law, which gives the federal government sweeping search and seizure powers that many believe to be unconstitutional, had sixteen very controversial clauses that were due to expire at the beginning of this year. The Bush Administration had been pushing Congress to renew the law in its entirety, and to make it permanent. But when four Republican senators (a so-called “gang of four”) joined with democrats to demand greater protections for individual privacy, they were able to launch a filibuster to prevent a long term renewal of the law. Instead, the Senate and House of Representatives were forced into a compromise that renewed the law until February 3, 2006.


February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unenc

February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unencrypted data about the passport holder. After a storm of protest, the State Department revised the standard to include some encryption. Now, a Dutch television news program has along and broken that encryption in less than two hours. The ramifications of this to passport holders are anything but positive.


How Much Do You Spend at Victoria’s Secret? The IRS Wants to Know!

February 15, 2006 – If you think you don’t have much in the way of financial privacy right now, you are correct. Banks can disclose your information to their affiliate companies without your permission (You can thank Congress for that). Database companies gather, store and resell your information (including your Social Security Number) to the highest bidder. But if you think financial privacy is lacking already, the Bush Administration is trying to hard to make the situation even worse. If they get their way, copies of your credit card bills and your ATM card purchases will be sent straight to the IRS. So much for due process!


Privacy Concerns with Google Desktop Search

February 17, 2006 – Google has just released the latest version of its desktop search software, and it some new features. One of them is the ability to share documents across multiple computers. While some may find this feature convenient, it may users to privacy intrusions or even worse.


Experian Agrees to Settlement with FTC for False Advertising

August 16, 2005 - FreeCreditReports.com, a subsidiary of Experian, has agreed to settle a law suit with the Federal Trade Commission over false and deceptive advertising claims. The FTC had accused Experian of using the offer of a free credit report to consumers as a lure to get them to subscribe to a paid credit monitoring service. The suit alleged that consumers were not told that they would be billed for credit monitoring unless they cancelled the service within 30 days.


Katrina's Disaster Victims Face Social Security Issues

August 31, 2005 – As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) swings into high gear to provide disaster relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina, ACCESS has learned that the Social Security Administration has no procedures to help many of these same victims get back on their feet. The problem that many victims face is that they escaped with only the clothes on their backs; meaning that they have too little iformation for the Social Security Administration to reissue them Social Security Cards. This means that storm victims face a variety of problems that neither they, nor the Federal Government have ever even considered.


Credit Card Minimum Payments to Double Over the Next Twelve Months

September 15, 2005 - If you are one of the 35 million Americans who only make minimum payments on your credit cards, you are going to be in for a rude surprise over the next year. The amount that you are going to be required to pay is going to double due to a little publicized federal lending rule that is about to go into effect. Unfortunately, most lenders don’t want you to know about the payment increases until after October 15th. That’s the date that new federal bankruptcy laws go into effect.


New Bankruptcy Law Not Having Intended Effect

January 17, 2006 – Three months ago today, the United States new bankruptcy law went into effect. The law was hailed by Congress and the banking industry as a way to crack down on “abuses” by dead-beats who ran up their bills with the intent of never paying them. But if the past three months are any indication, those so called dead-beats are few and far between.


Economic Survival in a Natural Disaster

January 19, 2006 – There is a lot of talk in the media about natural disasters. In the past year the United States has faced hurricanes, flooding, tornados and fires. The first thing on the mind of anyone who goes through a disaster is physical survival. But what very few people consider is economic survival. Just because you lose all of your physical possessions doesn’t mean that you have to lose everything that you have worked for all of your life. But in order to survive economically, you need to do some pre-planning.


Les previews d’Indiana Jones and the Great Circle sont très rassurantes

Depuis l’annonce d’un FPS Indiana Jones développé par MachineGames (la série Wolfenstein depuis 2014), certains membres de la rédaction étaient fébriles. D’un côté, un studio qui a réussi à moderniser un classique avec brio, et de l’autre une licence légendaire. Mais on avait vraiment du mal à voir comment ils allaient marier les deux, tant […]


Retrouvez-nous jeudi 7 novembre à 20 h pour le NoScope #65 : Call of Duty 21: Black Ops 6 et Kvark

Jeudi soir, le 7 novembre à 20 h, la rédaction de NoFrag enregistrera l’épisode #65 de NoScope. Attention au changement d’horaire, on commence une heure plus tôt pour éviter à Loulou de débuter à minuit. Au programme, comme d’habitude, on commencera par un petit tour d’horizon des news de ces dernières semaines, avec notamment le […]


La grosse mise à jour « Command and Control » pour Six Days in Fallujah arrive demain

La nouvelle mise à jour de Six Days in Fallujah, intitulée « Command and Control », sera disponible dès demain. Cette extension introduit une fonctionnalité très attendue : la possibilité pour les joueurs de mener des missions aux côtés de coéquipiers contrôlés par l’IA, que l’on peut désormais commander. Annoncé depuis un moment et reporté à plusieurs […]


Pas d’Apex Legends 2 en vue, mais EA continue d’innover en envoyant chier les joueurs Linux

La semaine dernière, nos confrères d’Insider gaming rapportaient les propos d’Andrew Wilson, le CEO d’Electronic Arts lors de la dernière réunion des actionnaires. À une question portant sur les résultats d’Apex Legends, il a révélé qu’Apex Legends 2 n’était pas du tout envisagé, et qu’ils prévoyaient de continuer « à fournir du contenu créatif et innovant » […]


Tout le monde l’avait oublié, Nightingale vire la moitié de son staff

Sorti en accès anticipé en février dernier, Nightingale promettait un jeu de survie coopératif dans un univers original. En effet, on devait naviguer de monde en monde, dans un univers victorien avec des pouvoirs magiques. Si l’esthétique semblait pas mal en vidéo lors des présentations, il s’est avéré que le jeu n’était finalement pas si […]


Borderlands 4 prévu pour l’année fiscale 2026, Judas indéterminé, BioShock 4 oublié

C’est par le biais du compte X de KAMI que l’on a appris que Take-Two avait communiqué sur les dates de sorties prévisionnelles de ses futurs titres. Ce qui nous intéresse particulièrement ici, ce sont Borderlands 4 et Judas. Pendant la séance de questions/réponses de la conférence aux actionnaires du 6 novembre dernier, le CEO indique […]


Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 présente quelques personnages

Cela fait maintenant plus de cinq ans que l’on suit les tribulations de Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. Entre reports et changements de studio, on n’a pas pu oublier le projet, qui semble enfin sérieusement se rapprocher d’une vraie sortie. La dernière fois qu’on vous en parlait, c’était pour l’annonce d’un dernier report à […]

  • News
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2


Un expérience VR mitigée pour la sortie de Metro Awakening

Disponible depuis le 7 novembre, le lancement du premier épisode VR de la licence Metro n’a pas reçu les mêmes éloges que ces prédécesseurs (1, 2 et 3). Développé par le studio Vertigo Games (Arizona Sunshine Remake et 2) et en dépit d’une bande-annonce de lancement aguicheuse, Metro Awakening serait très instable provoquant ainsi des crashs […]


Les devs de ’83 ont cinq mois pour montrer ce qu’ils savent faire

Il y a quelques jours, Blue Dot Games, le studio qui a repris le développement de ’83, un jeu tactique au « réalisme accessible », initialement développé par AntiMatter Games, a annoncé qu’il accueillait son premier investisseur. Celui-ci, fan de Rising Storm 2 et bêta testeur sur ce nouveau projet, a considéré que le jeu avait assez […]


Focal Point, le chapitre 5 de Black Mesa: Blue Shift, sortira le 17 novembre

Cela fait quelques années que l’on suit l’ambitieux mod Black Mesa: Blue Shift, qui entreprend de refaire le standalone Half-Life: Blue Shift, sorti en 2001, avec le moteur de Black Mesa, lui-même un remake du légendaire Half-Life, mais en travaillant aussi bien sur l’aspect esthétique que sur le gameplay et le level design. C’est pourquoi […]

  • Mods
  • Black Mesa: Blue Shift


Rogue Point : un nouveau FPS tactique coopératif, par les devs de Black Mesa

À l’approche des 20 ans d’Half-Life 2 (le 16 novembre), les actualités liées de près ou de loin à la licence semblent s’enchaîner : le prochain chapitre de Black Mesa: Blue Shift par-ci, Project Borealis par-là, et hier, l’annonce de Rogue Point, un nouveau jeu par Crowbar Collective, les développeurs de Black Mesa, le remake […]


Hello Neighbor 3 – le voisin le plus malsain du jeux vidéo est de retour

Dimanche dernier, le studio TinyBuild et le créateur – game designer Nikita Kolesnikov de la licence Hello Neighbor, ont dévoilé Hello Neighbor 3 via un billet de blog Steam. Pour en apprendre un peu plus, le dev a publié un devlog vidéo scénarisé et beaucoup trop long pour annoncer simplement le concept retenu pour cette […]


Podcasting Video

Why not? At the moment most audio podcasts are between 10mb and 50mb and hi-resolution movie trailers are around 20mb. Miramax listen up! and send me new movie trailers based on my profile. The moment they start listening the technology will be ready. Joshua Kinberg from Vipodder.org is already working on a Mac plug-in: expect a first public beta soon. Showtime!


Podcasting Vibe

What about this special Podcasting Vibe? Everybody involved is buzzing with energy and ideas. Deep irritation about futile mishaps has given way to endless goodwill (ALL crucial systems halt while ipodder starts downloading!!) and most are suddenly blessed with a thick skin and flexible ego (nobody gets mad at Dave Slusher, no matter how hard he tries). Isn't Adam Curry's Daily Source Code above


More Names: narrowcasting and vpod?

At the end of this month, Virgin Electronics will introduce its version of a mini ipod. Are they going to brush the term 'pod'(casting) aside, because it refers to Apple's ipod? Made me think of the 'narrowcasting' applications, which "allow advertising and other information to be delivered to narrow demographic groups at specific times in public venues". Many players in that market still use


Content as a Driving Force

Tod Maffin posted a 'Five Point Roadmap to Podcasting's Future'. Jake Ludington wrote an excellent and detailed follow-up. Their main focus is technology though, the means.. Two sentences in Jake's piece jump off the page: "Content is the one area technology cannot fix" and "At the core, we need better content". Absolutely. Better recording tools, smarter aggregators and api integration are


Location Based Services (LBS) and Podcasting

A few weeks ago I mused about the possibilities of 'location based services' through podcasting and GPS. At the moment though only a tiny fraction of mobile handsets are GPS-enabled.That's why this press release from seekerwireless.com in Australia caught my eye: "Seeker Wireless have developed capabilities that use existing GSM, CDMA and 3G handsets to enable the location of a mobile subscriber


How to Conduct a Podcast Interview

Conducting a successful podcast interview can be a tricky proposition for a podcaster starting out. Once you have determined individuals that will appeal to your target audience contact potential interviewees and arrange a time to conduct the interview. Following this guide will insure that the interview goes off without a hitch.

1. Prepare Questions in Advance
Prepare a list of questions prior to the interview, contemplate possible follow-up questions based on the expected responses. Create a list of notes along with the questions that are accessible during the interview and will help you direct the conversation.

How to Conduct a Podcast Interview


Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education

Schools all over the country have flocked to podcasting as a new medium to assist the teaching profession. Professors are using podcasts to instruct students and get their messages out. Podcasting is not restricted to one educational sector, professors at prestigious colleges from Bentley to Purdue have flocked to this medium.

Podcasting Just Might Be the Tool to Revolutionize Education


How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll

In this tutorial, we will be going over how to add and remove files from the list.

The first step is to run the program, so, find the icon on your desktop and double click on it.

If you're using the trial version, you'll see this prompt.

How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll


RSS Feed Innovation

RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a new way to broadcast corporate news and structured information. RSS offers a quick, easy corporate communication channel. The RSS contents are published as a feed and the feed's content keep customers, partners and journalists abreast of corporate news and information. The RSS feeds are read using a tool referred to as a news aggregator, or an RSS reader. The aggregator periodically checks to see if the RSS feed has been updated. As the feed is updated, new information will automatically appear in the RSS reader.

RSS Feed Innovation


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Tips for Real Estate Video Feeds

The use of technology can define the success or failure of a business. This is no more evident than in the real estate industry. Realtors who flocked to the latest technologies, adopted them, and applied them in order to enhance and sell property, are still prospering.

Using the latest technology, realtors can show a home's finest attributes via Video Podcasting. Video Podcasting is a compelling distribution channel that allows realtors to reach a large audience while showcasing a property's best features.

Tips for Real Estate Video Feeds


Podcast Setup Video Tutorial

The first step is to run the program, so find your shortcut for FeedForAll and double click on it.
When you first run the program, you'll see this splash screen.

If you would like to purchase the software, left click on the Buy Now button.

If you've already purchased, please watch our FeedForAll registration tutorial.

Podcast Setup Video Tutorial


RSS Autodiscovery

Simple Steps to Create Auto Discovery Code:

1. Enter the title of the RSS feed.
2. Enter the URL of the actual RSS feed.
3. Paste the generated code into the head tag of the HTML web page.

RSS Autodiscovery


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

In most cases, providers convert RSS feeds to HTML in order to display the feeds contents. The following are some of the more popular methods to convert RSS feeds as web based content.

Converting RSS to HTML


How to Conduct a Podcast Interview

Conducting a successful podcast interview can be a tricky proposition for a podcaster starting out. Once you have determined individuals that will appeal to your target audience contact potential interviewees and arrange a time to conduct the interview. Following this guide will insure that the interview goes off without a hitch.

1. Prepare Questions in Advance
Prepare a list of questions prior to the interview, contemplate possible follow-up questions based on the expected responses. Create a list of notes along with the questions that are accessible during the interview and will help you direct the conversation.

How to Conduct a Podcast Interview


Effective Podcast Tips

Many people assume that podcasting is all about audio and fail to acknowledge the writing behind the show. Skilled communicators understand the type of planning required in order to pull off a clean final product. The most memorable and effective podcasts are always well planned. Some of the best podcast shows use a script and follow a structured format. The preparation that occurs behind the scenes is similar to what would take place for a radio show.

Effective Podcast Tips


Video Optimization - Part 2

Optimizing your video for search engines will increase the exposure that the video receives, and optimization will also help spread the video's message. Follow these steps to enhance your videos and improve their rankings...

1. Shorter Videos Rank Better

No big surprise here -- the file size of short videos is much smaller than that of longer videos. On the video networks like YouTube, short videos are viewed far more often than longer ones. A length of less than 3 minutes per video seems to be ideal, and absolutely make every effort to keep your video under 10 minutes! If you have a long video segment, consider breaking it into multiple videos. The more popular videos on the video networks are given more exposure, which will also help increase the number of views received.

Video Optimization - Part 2