
Harnassing skills for more inclusive growth

Strong economic performance, comfortable fiscal situation and well-run institutions make life good for most residents of Luxembourg.


Luxembourg is a generous aid donor and solid ally to partner countries

Already one of the most generous providers of aid, Luxembourg has strengthened its development co-operation in recent years. It could build on this by setting out a clear vision for the future that factors in new risks of instability in fragile countries and ensures no vulnerable groups are overlooked, according to a new OECD Review.


OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 - Luxembourg highlights

This note presents selected country highlights from the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 with a specific focus on digital trends among all themes covered.


Taxation of household savings: Key findings for Luxembourg

This note presents marginal effective tax rates (METRs) that summarise the tax system’s impact on the incentives to make an additional investment in a particular type of savings. By comparing METRs on different types of household savings, we can gain insights into which assets or savings types receive the most favourable treatment from the tax system.


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Luxembourg

This country note for Luxembourg provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Luxembourg has achieved high levels of growth and well-being but must do more to preserve and share prosperity

Luxembourg’s economy has grown at a robust pace and has enviable levels of well-being, but public policy can do more to make growth sustainable and inclusive, according to a new report from the OECD.


Taxing Energy Use 2018: Key findings for Luxembourg

This country note explains how Luxembourg taxes energy use. The note shows the distribution of effective energy tax rates across all domestic energy use. It also details the country-specific assumptions made when calculating effective energy tax rates and matching tax rates to the corresponding energy base.


Revenue Statistics: Key findings for Luxembourg

The tax-to-GDP ratio in Luxembourg increased by 1.4 percentage points from 38.7% in 2017 to 40.1% in 2018. The corresponding figure for the OECD average was a slight increase of 0.1 percentage point from 34.2% to 34.3% over the same period.


Taxing Wages: Key findings for Luxembourg

The tax wedge for the average single worker in Luxembourg increased by 0.2 percentage points from 38.2 in 2018 to 38.4 in 2019. The OECD average tax wedge in 2019 was 36.0 (2018, 36.1). In 2019 Luxembourg had the 17th highest tax wedge among the 36 OECD member countries, compared with the 18th in 2018.


Environment: a source of future economic growth in Portugal

Despite Portugal’s economic and political challenges, it is still committed to improving the environment. The government sees green investment in its stimulus package and green tax reform as part of the solution to the national budget deficit.


Towards a green economy: How Spain's energy sector can help combat climate change

Our economies need a change of engine. The age of carbon is over. Renewable energies are the only future viable source if we want to protect life. Spain must be at the forefront of this transformation, turning the environment and green growth into its new engine of development.


Green Growth for an Inclusive World Economy

"The success of green growth will depend on whether it is a shared global agenda. Many developing countries are not yet fully equipped to introduce new ‘greener’ policies and tap into the benefits of a green future", declared Mr Gurría at the Global Green Growth Summit.


Environment: OECD supports Israeli initiative to develop a green growth plan

In recent years Israel has strengthened its environmental policies and now should develop a green growth plan that combines environmental, economic and social policies.


Mortality Risk Valuation in Environment, Health and Transport Policies

This publication presents a major meta-analysis of 'value of a statistical life' (VSL) estimates derived from surveys where people around the world have been asked about their willingness to pay for small reduction in mortality risks.


Environment: Germany, a laboratory for green growth

Germany is successfully limiting the amount of carbon, energy and resources required to grow its economy. Though the public is generally satisfied with the level of environmental quality, the OECD’s Environmental Performance Review of Germany warns that ch


Mekorot, the National Water Company of Israel

Today, management of water resources is one of the major challenges confronting Israel. Accelerated population growth - along with economic growth - has placed additional pressure on Israel's limited water resources but the country is at the forefront of green innovations for water management.&l


World water week 2012 - Insights Blog: Water stewardship: Does the OECD practice what it preaches?

World water week provides a unique forum for the exchange of views, experiences and practices between the scientific, business, policy and civic communities.


The determinants of invention in electricity generation technologies: A patent data analysis - Environment Working Paper No. 45

This paper analyses the determinants of invention in efficiency-enhancing electricity generation technologies that have the potential to facilitate climate change mitigation efforts, including fossil fuel based technologies aimed at reducing carbon emissions, renewables and nuclear technologies.


A Framework for Financing Water Resources Management

This report provides a framework for policy discussions around financing water resources management that are taking place at local, basin, national, or transboundary levels.


Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) Global Forum

Organised jointly by the OECD and the IEA, this seminar held on 26-27 September 2012 aimed to promote dialogue and enhance understanding between a wide range of countries on technical issues in the international climate change negotiations. This seminar was an informal meeting outside of the UNFCCC negotiations and discussions are non-attributed.


Global Forum on Biotechnology: The Evolving Promise of the Life Sciences

The OECD and the ESRC Genomics Policy & Research Forum jointly organised a one-day Forum on 12 November 2012 in Paris. The event was both retrospective and forward-looking. The forum concluded that the promise of biotechnology is not set but evolves with fresh scientific knowledge, novel laws and regulations. The future of biotechnology needs to also integrate social and cultural dimensions.


Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Africa: Evidence from Patent Data - Environment Working Paper No. 50

This paper presents comparative data on innovation in selected climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies in the context of Africa. Such analysis informs policy aimed at encouraging international technology transfer and development of domestic innovation capacities.


Launch of the 2012 Development Co-operation Report “Lessons in linking sustainability and development”

Secretary-General Angel Gurría launched the 2012 Development Co-operation Report “Lessons in linking sustainability and development” at the 48th High Level Meeting of the Development Assistance Committee in London.


Regulatory Transparency in Multilateral Agreements Controlling Exports of Tropical Timber, E-Waste and Conflict Diamonds

This paper examines how three multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) incorporate transparency into their regulatory regimes: CITES (endangered species, especially tropical timber), the Basel Convention (hazardous e-waste), and the Kimberley Process (conflict diamonds)


Environmental Innovation in Germany - Environment Working Paper No. 53

This paper reviews the recent experience of Germany in encouraging innovation to reduce negative environmental impacts of economic activity. The essence of the German approach to policy-induced environmental innovation is discussed in the context of changing policy objectives, and illustrated with selected examples from waste management, renewable energy and transportation.


Mexico can do more to promote socially-inclusive green growth

Mexico is faced with difficult trade-offs as it pursues its economic, social and environmental goals. Like other emerging economies Mexico is balancing the need to protect its natural resources with the need to address high levels of income inequality and poverty.


OECD calls for better alignment of energy policy, public finances and environmental goals

Two new OECD reports provide wide-ranging evidence of how reforming subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuels can help countries boost finances and meet green objectives.


Italy: environment improving but more effort needed

Italy has taken a range of initiatives to improve the management of its natural resources and reduce energy intensity. Despite this progress, the OECD’s Environmental Performance Review of Italy says the country still faces numerous environmental challenges.


Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) Global Forum

This event held on 19-20 March 2013 at the OECD is part of a series of seminars, organised by the OECD and the IEA, which aims to promote dialogue and enhance understanding between a wide range of experts on technical issues in the international climate change negotiations. The agenda, presentations and list of participants are now available.


World Water Day: Big problems but there are solutions

This week, around 30,000 children under the age of five will die from water-related diseases, one every 20 seconds.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform 2013 annual conference

The GGKP’s second annual conference will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on 4-5 April 2013. The discussion will be framed around two headline themes: Greening global value chains and Measurement and reporting for green growth.


Time for an energy [r]evolution

We can’t use terms like “inclusive” and “green” as window dressing for the pursuit of economic growth as an end in itself. A real and profound change in how we think about growth is needed–one that doesn’t let special interests get in the way of creating a just, fair and sustainable economy with clean energy for all.


Cash-strapped governments will need private sector investment to meet sustainable transport objectives, OECD says

Boosting private sector investment in sustainable transport infrastructure will be essential as governments seek to meet long-term economic and environmental objectives at a time of constrained public finances, according to a new OECD report.


World Environment Day: Greening household behaviour

Saving the environment falls into that category for many people, but the good news for the planet is that the OECD has identified a group of people who “believe that sacrifices will be necessary to solve environmental problems”.


New OECD report offers tips on how households can green their behaviour

People care for the environment, and a large majority state that they are willing to make compromises to green their lifestyle according to a new OECD survey of 12,000 households. However, the economic crisis has taken its toll, and the survey shows that the environment is slipping down on the list of people’s priorities.


Climate Change eXplorer: a new way of visualising climate-related data.

This new data visualisation tool brings over 40 different climate-related data sets to life by using animated plots for the period 1990-2010.


OECD Compendium of Agri-environmental Indicators

Evidence for the agricultural sectors of OECD countries from 1990 to 2010 shows improvements have been made in nutrient, pesticide, energy and water management, using less of these inputs per unit volume of output, according to this report. Environmentally beneficial practices by farmers, such as conservation tillage, improved manure storage, soil nutrient testing and drip irrigation, have also contributed to improvements.


Domestic Incentive Measures for Renewable Energy With Possible Trade Implications

The rise in international investment and trade in goods and services related to renewable energy has been rapid but not always smooth. This paper surveys, through the lenses of market-pull and technology-push policies, the numerous domestic incentives used by governments to promote renewable energy, focusing on those that might have implications for trade.


Measures Supporting Minerals and Primary Metals Extraction and Processing: Case Study: Australia

Efforts to document government support benefiting specific sectors or industries have paid scant attention to support given to the non-energy minerals sector. The issue of support for this sector is explored by way of a case study of Australia, a leading producer and exporter of minerals.


Better Plays for Better Lives: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, OECD Insights Blog

The OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050: Consequences of Inaction warns that by 2050, under a worst-case scenario, we could see a 10% biodiversity loss; 2.3 billion more people living in water-stressed areas; and a 50% increase in GHG emissions, primarily caused by a 70% growth in CO2 emissions from energy use.


Measuring Environmental Regulatory Stringency

This paper proposes a new measure of stringency to measure the consequences of environmental regulations on investment, labour demand, and patterns of international trade that would be based on emissions data and which could be constructed separately for different pollutants.


Future Flood Losses in Major Coastal Cities

Climate change combined with rapid population increases, economic growth and land subsidence could lead to a more than 9-fold increase in the global risk of floods in large port cities between now and 2050.


OECD participation in the 2013 World Water Week

The OECD participated in this annual event held in Stockholm (1-5 September 2013) where two major reports "Water Security for Better Lives" and "Water and Climate Change Adaptation: Policies to Navigate Uncharted Waters" were launched by the OECD's Secretary-General, Angel Gurría.


Addressing Competitiveness and Carbon Leakage Impacts Arising from Multiple Carbon Markets: A modelling Assessment - Environment Working Paper No. 58

Competitiveness and carbon leakage issues have been some of the main concerns in the implementation and discussions of climate policies. This paper examines the macroeconomic and sectoral competitiveness and carbon leakage impacts associated with a range of stylised mitigation policy scenarios.


Environment Action Programme Task Force: 2013 annual meeting

The meeting took place on 17-18 September 2013 in Tbilisi, Georgia and marked the 20th anniversary of the OECD environment-related co-operation with countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.


Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG) Global Forum - September 2013

This event held on 18-19 September 2013 at the OECD is part of a series of seminars, organised by the OECD and the IEA, which aims to promote dialogue and enhance understanding between a wide range of experts on technical issues in the international climate change negotiations. The agenda, presentations and list of participants are now available.


Countries should make carbon pricing the cornerstone of climate policy, says OECD

Credible and consistent carbon pricing must be the cornerstone of government actions to tackle climate change, according to a new OECD report.


International Conference on Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities, Tel Aviv

The Government of Israel and the OECD co-organised an international conference on "Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities: Policy, Economics, Environment, Regulation and Technologies" on 23 October 2013, in Tel Aviv.


OECD celebrates World Toilet Day

This year the United Nations has officially declared 19 November World Toilet Day to raise awareness of the sanitation crisis faced by millions every day. Similarly, the OECD places great importance on the issue of water and sanitation. It has undertaken significant work on the issue to help promote global awareness, encourage action and propose viable solutions.


Insights Blog: OECD celebrates World Toilet Day

Issues related to water and sanitation are a priority for the OECD. A number of people working at the OECD are also involved through our War on Hunger Group. For example, last year the Group funded a project in Mozambique to reduce diarrhoea by at least 25% in children under the age of five by training in hygiene and changing current practices.