
Epilepsie : folie épileptique / par Jules Christian.

Bruxelles : F. Hayez, 1890.


Epithélioma primitif du vagin / par Félix Bernard.

Paris : G. Carre, 1895.


Epitome of the laws affecting health now in force in this country / compiled for the use of the general public by J.V. Vesey Fitzgerald.

London : Waterlow Bros. & Layton, 1885.


Erasmus Darwin / by Ernst Krause ; translated from the German by W.S. Dallas ; with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin.

London : J. Murray, 1879.


Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nebst Grundzügen einer Methodenlehre der Geburtshülfe / Franz Carl Nagele.

Mannheim : T. Loeffler, 1812.


Erkenntniß und Behandlung der Frauenkrankheiten im allgemeinen : 4 Vorträge, in d. Gynäkolog. Klinik zu Kiel im Sommer-Semester 1885 / gehalten von Carl Conrad Theodor Litzmann.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1886.


Ernestus Godofredus Baldinger ... disputationem inauguralem ... Ioan. Conr. Stockar à Neuforn ... de usu cantharidum interno ... habendam annunciat. Praemittitur: historia mercurii et mercurialium medica, et nunc quidem eius pars III.

Goettingae : Litteris Ioann. Christ. Dieterich, Acad. Typogr, [1781]


Esperienze e riflessioni sopra la carie de'denti umani, coll'aggiunta di un nuovo saggio su la riproduzione dei denti negli animali rosicanti / di Francesco Lavagna.

Genova : G. Bonaudo, 1812.


Essai analytique sur la non-identité des virus gonorrhoïque et syphilitique : ouvrage couronné le 3 juillet 1810, par la Société de Médecine de Besancon, sur la question suívante: Déterminer par des expériences

Toulon : chez l'auteur, 1812.


Essai clinique et expérimental sur la fièvre des tuberculeux (toxicité des crachats, toxicité des urines) / par Le Docteur Edouard Chretien.

Paris : Steinheil, 1896.


Essai de coprologie clinique : de l’exploration fonctionnelle de l’intestin par l’analyse des fèces / par Rene Gaultier.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1905.


Essai de pneumatologie médicale : recherches physiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques sur les gaz / par J.-N. Demarquay.

Londres : Paris, 1866.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Essai sur l’alcalinitè du sang dans l’état de santé et dans quelques maladies / par J. Canard.

Paris : A. Parent, 1878.


Essai sur la méningite en plaque ou scléreuse limitée a la base de l’encéphale / par Emile Labarriere.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1878.


Essai sur la semeiologie du pouls en clinique chirurgicale / par Francois Bertonnier.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1895.


Essai sur la syphilis du foie chez l'adulte / par Edouard Delavarenne.

Paris : O. Doin, 1879.


Essai sur la syringomyelie / par le Docteur Critzman.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


Essai sur l'appendiculite et la péritonite appendiculaire / par Émile Maurin.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1890.


Essai sur l'application de la chimie a l'étude physiologique du sang de l'homme : et a l'étude physiologico-pathologique, hygiénique et thérapeutique des maladies de cette humeur / par P.S. Denis.

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1838.


Essai sur le typhus, ou sur les fièvres dites malignes, putrides, bilieuses, muqueuses, jaune, la peste. Exposition analytique et expérimentale de la nature des fièvres en général ... / par J.F. Hernandez.

Paris : chez Mequignon-Marvis, 1816.


Essai sur les agremens et sur la salubrite du climat de Nice / par P. Richelmi.

Nice : A.M.J. Canis, 1822.


Florida Coach, Wife Electrocuted While Installing Scoreboard

Officials say a high school baseball coach and his wife were electrocuted while installing a new scoreboard at a Florida baseball field to replace one that had been destroyed by Hurricane Michael.


Florida Passes Anti-Semitism Bill for Public Schools

A bill prohibiting anti-Semitism in Florida's public schools and universities is going to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.


People Keep on Saying They're Killing the Common Core. How Dead Is It?

Florida's governor declares a standards overhaul would "remove all vestiges" of the common core. But it remains unclear how much is really changing under the Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking.


S.D. and Idaho Differ on Climate Change

South Dakota lawmakers have rejected a bill that would have allowed science teachers to discuss strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary and climate change theories.


Idaho Court Allows Ex-Teacher's Libel Claim to Proceed Against TV Station

Idaho's highest court says teachers are not public figures and a former teacher need not prove that news outlets acted with malice in stories about sexual misconduct.


Finding Common Ground Through Data to Improve Idaho's Teacher Pipeline

A superintendent outlines the importance of various groups coming together to address teacher recruitment and retention challenges in Idaho.


Children Will Listen: Teachers Must Hold Each Other Accountable

If we want to work towards true inclusivity, we must show that perpetuating oppressive beliefs, intentional or not, has a consequence on something or someone other than those oppressed.


Tackling Teacher Recruitment and Retention Challenges in Idaho

Representatives from school districts, state education agencies, and institutions of higher education in Idaho convene to discuss teacher recruitment and retention.


E.M. Curr's Australian Comparative Vocabulary

At 9.45 metres long, this gargantuan accordion-fold document is  the longest known manuscript in the Library*.  Curr


The Iowa Caucuses: a Political Mess, but a Teaching Opportunity?

Primary season is now upon us. Here are three ideas for teaching in the wake of the Iowa caucus fallout.


A District Knew It Was Failing Some Students. How It's Using Parents to Help

The Minneapolis district—with large achievement gaps between white and black students—is enlisting parents from communities of color to help it gather broader and better feedback on how to improve.


Minnesota High School Designed for 'Flexibility'

Alexandria Area High School was created to accommodate changes in education and technology.


Supreme Court Strikes Minnesota Law Barring Political Apparel at Polling Places

In a case implicating the use of schools as voting locations as well as free speech in education, the justices said Minnesota went too far.


A Pioneer of Public School Redesign Weighs In

Ted Kolderie, who helped launch the charter school movement through his work in Minnesota, discusses school choice, school accountability, the evolving role of teachers, and more.


How Weather Forced a Minn. District to Establish E-Learning Options On the Fly

The director of teaching and learning for a Minnesota district talks about putting e-learning days into action under difficult circumstances.


West Virginia Legislature Reaches Deal to End Strike, Deliver Pay Raise to Teachers

The statewide teacher strike could end today if both chambers of the legislature pass the bill to deliver a 5 percent raise to all school employees.


Mississippi: No Public Funds For Superintendents' Group

State lawmakers have made it illegal for school districts to spend any public money on the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents, saying district leaders personally attacked state officials while they were seeking votes for a school funding initiative last year.


Supreme Court to Weigh 'Incorrigible' Bar for Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences

The justices agreed to decide whether the Eighth Amendment requires a trial court to find that a juvenile is permanently incorrigible before imposing a sentence of life without parole.


Mississippi Ranks 47th on Quality Counts Annual Report Card

The state, which earned a D-plus, scored low on the Chance for Success Index, which tracks a host of socioeconomic factors that can affect the educational environment.


Vt. Residents Vote Against Consolidating School Districts (Video)

In a small region of Vermont, a fierce debate raged over consolidating five tiny school districts into one.


Consolidation Push Roils Vermont Landscape

A state law aimed at encouraging—or prodding—small, rural districts to merge has hit some speed bumps on the road to implementation.


Rediscovering School Quality Reviews

Resurrecting an old idea about assessing school quality could allow schools to examine a broad range of data on performance and practices and lead to improvement.


Vermont State Chief Resigns Amid Ambitious District Consolidation Effort

State Education Secretary Rebecca Holcombe has been officiating over the state's politically thorny district consolidation process, and many are asking for it to be placed on hold until the state board replaces her.


Roman Catholic Students Sue Vermont Over Dual-Enrollment Lockout

A group of Vermont high school students backed by a powerful conservative Christian legal organization is accusing the state of religious discrimination.


Where They Are: The Nation's Small But Growing Population of Black English-Learners

In five northern U.S. states, black students comprise more than a fifth of ELL enrollment.


New Breed of After-School Programs Embrace English-Learners

A handful of districts and other groups are reshaping the after-school space to provide a wide range of social and linguistic supports for newcomer students.


Schools Lean on Staff Who Speak Students' Language to Keep English-Learners Connected

The rocky shift to remote learning has exacerbated inequities for the nation's 5 million English-learners. An army of multilingual liaisons work round the clock to plug widening gaps.


Vermont school district eliminates 36 teaching assistants