uri Practices of Unregulated Tanning Facilities in Missouri: Implications for Statewide Legislation By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-02-25T00:07:00-08:00 UV radiation exposure in tanning beds is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Because of the rising rate of melanoma, the World Health Organization recommends that persons <18 years of age not use tanning devices.Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, tanning facilities in Missouri, a state without indoor-tanning regulations, often misinformed consumers regarding the risk of skin cancer and would allow children as young as 10 years old to use tanning devices. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Sentinel Injuries in Infants Evaluated for Child Physical Abuse By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-03-11T00:06:34-07:00 Although it is known that relatively minor abusive injuries sometimes precede more severe physical abuse, the prevalence of these previous injuries in infants evaluated for abuse was not known.A history of bruising or oral injury in a precruising infant evaluated for abuse should heighten the level of suspicion because these injuries are common in abused infants and rare in infants found not to be abused. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Growth of Spontaneously Descended and Surgically Treated Testes During Early Childhood By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-03-25T01:07:28-07:00 There are no published prospective studies on the natural course and testicular growth in early childhood of spontaneously descended testes after birth compared with scrotal or surgically treated testes in boys with congenital cryptorchidism.Data collected from this prospective study on the natural course and growth of the spontaneously descended testes add evidence-based data and recommendations on how to clinically manage boys with congenital cryptorchidism. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Perinatal Origins of First-Grade Academic Failure: Role of Prematurity and Maternal Factors By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-03-25T01:07:28-07:00 Extreme prematurity is a well-established cause of cognitive and motor impairment. There is some evidence that late prematurity and modifiable maternal attributes may negatively influence scholastic achievement, including standardized test performance.We found that preterm birth significantly increases risk of first-grade failure rate even when the birth is just a few weeks before term gestation. Low maternal education status compounds the effect of prematurity. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Parental Perceptions of Forgoing Artificial Nutrition and Hydration During End-of-Life Care By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-04-08T00:06:51-07:00 Forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration in children at the end of life is an acceptable practice under some circumstances. However, there is a paucity of pediatric evidence to guide health care providers’ and parents’ decision-making around this practice.This study describes experiences of parents whose children died after forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration. All parents were satisfied with their decision and believed their child’s death was peaceful. This study adds to the limited evidence to guide clinical practice. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Pediatric Hydrocarbon-Related Injuries in the United States: 2000-2009 By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-05-06T00:07:31-07:00 Hydrocarbons are dangerous household products commonly found in homes with young children. Unintentional ingestion continues to be a problem despite existing prevention efforts. Aspiration is often associated with ingestion of hydrocarbons by children.The National Poison Database System and National Electronic Injury Surveillance System data sets demonstrate similar rates of hydrocarbon-related injuries in children. Rates of hydrocarbon exposure were highest in summer. Gasoline was the product most associated with hydrocarbon injuries. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Long-term Follow-up and Outcome of Phenylketonuria Patients on Sapropterin: A Retrospective Study By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-05-20T00:07:26-07:00 Pharmacologic treatment with sapropterin dihydrochloride (6R-tetrahydrobiopterin; BH4) has been an effective option for some phenylketonuria patients since its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2007 and the European Medicines Agency in 2008.This retrospective multicenter study revealed the long-term effects of sapropterin on metabolic control, dietary tolerance, and the outcome of BH4-responsive phenylketonuria patients harboring specific phenotypes and genotypes. It also confirmed that the minor adverse events disappeared by lowering the dose. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Trends in Hospitalization Rates and Severity of Injuries From Abuse in Young Children, 1997-2009 By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-05-20T00:07:25-07:00 Child welfare data show declines in child physical abuse since the early 1990s, but analysis of national data from hospitalized children in the Kids’ Inpatient Database showed an increased incidence of serious physical abuse in children from 1997 to 2009.We found no significant change in hospitalization rates for injury from abuse in young children and increases in injury severity using the National Inpatient Sample from 1997 to 2009. This data helps provide a more complete perspective of the problem. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Serum Uric Acid and Blood Pressure in Children at Cardiovascular Risk By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-06-17T01:07:30-07:00 Uric acid (UA) is associated with hypertension in children, after body weight adjustment. Whether the whole spectrum of variables, such as visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, puberty, and renal function, influence the relationship between UA and blood pressure is unknown.In a cohort of children at relatively high cardiovascular risk, the association between UA and blood pressure levels is independent of several well-known factors implicated in the development of hypertension, such as insulin resistance, pubertal status, and renal function. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri All-Terrain Vehicle-Related Nonfatal Injuries Among Young Riders in the United States, 2001-2010 By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-07-01T00:07:00-07:00 Because children often lack the physical strength, cognitive abilities, and fine motor skills to operate all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) properly, their risk of injury is greater.During 2001–2010 in the United States, ~361 000 children aged ≤15 years were injured while riding ATVs. The decline in the injury rate during 2005–2010 might be related to the economic recession and decreased sales of new ATVs. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Estimating Overweight Risk in Childhood From Predictors During Infancy By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-07-15T00:07:10-07:00 Several risk factors for both overweight and obesity in childhood are identifiable during infancy.A simple risk algorithm can be used to quantify risk of overweight in children. It can be used to help identify at-risk infants in a clinical setting to facilitate targeted intervention. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Television-Related Injuries to Children in the United States, 1990-2011 By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-07-22T00:07:41-07:00 Previous research has demonstrated that pediatric injuries associated with television (TV) tip-overs are increasing, children aged ≤4 years are at highest risk for injury, and the head and neck are most commonly injured.We analyzed a nationally representative sample comprising 22 years of data. On average, 17 313 children receive emergency treatment of a TV-related injury annually in the United States. The rate of injury attributable to falling TVs increased by 95% over 22 years. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Use of Urine Testing in Outpatients Treated for Urinary Tract Infection By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-08-05T00:07:58-07:00 The diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) is confirmed by urine testing with urinalysis and culture. No study has characterized the use of urine testing in the setting of empirical antibiotic prescription for outpatient UTI in children.Urine tests are not performed in a substantial percentage of antibiotic-treated pediatric UTIs. Additional research is necessary to determine whether empirical antibiotic prescription for UTI in children without urine testing is safe and effective. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Asthma During Pregnancy and Clinical Outcomes in Offspring: A National Cohort Study By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-08-05T00:07:58-07:00 Asthma is a common medical complication during pregnancy that is associated with an increased risk of adverse obstetric outcomes.This study adds knowledge on potential long-term consequences of maternal asthma during pregnancy for offspring health, demonstrating that maternal asthma during pregnancy is linked to a wide spectrum of offspring diseases during childhood. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Urinary Phthalates and Increased Insulin Resistance in Adolescents By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-08-19T00:07:43-07:00 Phthalate exposure has been associated with insulin resistance in animal studies and cross-sectional studies of adults, but has not been studied in adolescents.We detect associations of urinary phthalate metabolites in a cross-sectional study of US adolescents. The association is highly robust to multiple sensitivity analyses, and specific to phthalates commonly found in food. Further longitudinal study of dietary phthalate exposures is needed. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Measuring Hospital Quality Using Pediatric Readmission and Revisit Rates By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-08-26T00:07:50-07:00 Readmissions have been identified as a priority area for pediatric inpatient quality measurement nationally. However, it is unknown whether readmission rates vary meaningfully across hospitals and how many hospitals would be identified as high- or low-performers.Only a few hospitals that care for children are high- or low-performers when their condition-specific revisit rates are compared with average rates across hospitals. This limits the usefulness of condition-specific readmission or revisit measures in pediatric quality measurement. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Change in Care Among Nonenrolled Patients During and After a Randomized Trial By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-09-16T01:07:12-07:00 Participating in a trial may affect processes of care by participating physicians; however, no study has assessed whether it affects processes of care for nonenrolled patients.Participation in a trial may affect processes of care for nonenrolled patients, even when care providers participating in or familiar with the trial protocol are unaware that data on nonenrolled patients are being collected for a study. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Off-Label Topical Calcineurin Inhibitor Use in Children By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-10-14T00:07:21-07:00 In January 2006, a public health advisory and boxed warning for long-term safety and the risk of malignancies and a medication guide were issued for topical calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus.Evaluation of off-label use of topical calcineurin inhibitors in children before and after regulatory action by the Food and Drug Administration is important to understand the impact of regulatory action. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Gunshot Injuries in Children Served by Emergency Services By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-10-14T00:07:21-07:00 Gunshot injuries are an important cause of preventable injury and mortality in children, with emergency services often providing the initial care for patients. However, there is little recent population-based research to guide public health, injury prevention, and health policy efforts.Gunshot injuries are uncommon in children, but cause greater injury severity, need for major surgery, mortality, and costs compared with other injury mechanisms. There is also large variation in the population-adjusted incidence of pediatric gunshot injuries between regions. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Active Versus Passive Cooling During Neonatal Transport By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-10-21T00:07:32-07:00 Cooling infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy shortly after birth improves survival and neurodevelopmental outcome. The optimal way to cool infants during transfer to regional NICUs is unclear.Data from a regional neonatal transfer team, using first passive and subsequently active cooling for these infants, suggest that active cooling results in improved thermal control and a reduction in stabilization time. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Characteristics of Youth Seeking Emergency Care for Assault Injuries By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-12-09T00:06:36-08:00 The emergency department (ED) is a critical contact location for youth violence interventions. Information on the characteristics of youth, motivations for fights leading to the injury, as well as previous health service utilization of assault-injured youth seeking care is lacking.Assault-injured youth are characterized in a systematic sample demonstrating frequent ED use and the need to address substance use and lethal means of force in interventions; context and motivations for the fight are novel and will inform intervention efforts. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Vitamin D During Pregnancy and Infancy and Infant Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2013-12-16T00:07:05-08:00 A serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration of 20 ng/mL meets the requirements of at least 97.5% of the population older than 1 year. A recommended dietary intake to achieve this serum 25(OH)D concentration has not been established during infancy.Daily maternal (during pregnancy) and then infant vitamin supplementation with 1000/400 IU or 2000/800 IU increases the proportion of infants with 25(OH)D ≥20 ng/mL during infancy with the higher dose sustaining this increase for longer. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri School-Based Health Promotion and Physical Activity During and After School Hours By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-01-13T00:06:59-08:00 The effects of previous school-based physical activity promotion interventions have been modest, and none have demonstrated significant or meaningful increases in children’s physical activity outside of school, a period characterized by disproportionally low levels of physical activity in youth.This study adds to the evidence-base for the effectiveness of comprehensive school health programs by demonstrating that such novel interventions lead to statistically significant, meaningful increases in the amount of physical activity children achieved on weekends and after school hours. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Shoulder Injuries Among US High School Athletes, 2005/2006-2011/2012 By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-01-13T00:06:58-08:00 Shoulder injuries are common among high school athletes. These injuries, both traumatic and overuse, contribute to significant time loss from athletic activity. Understanding sport-specific injury patterns is critical for development of targeted injury prevention programs.This study is the most comprehensive analysis of high school shoulder injuries to date, providing national injury estimates while examining injury rates, diagnoses, severity, and mechanisms of injury in 9 interscholastic sports. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein in Malnourished Children By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-01-20T00:06:46-08:00 Biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin are elevated in children with severe bacterial infections. Children with severe malnutrition are at increased risk of bacterial infections and early markers for the diagnosis of infection in these children are needed.Despite elevated values in severely malnourished children with invasive bacterial infection or infectious diarrhea, CRP and procalcitonin have limited diagnostic value. CRP could predict death in these children with a good negative predictive value. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Hospitalizations Due to Firearm Injuries in Children and Adolescents By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-01-27T06:27:58-08:00 Firearm injuries are the second leading cause of death among American children. Previous estimates of nonfatal injuries have relied on small samples of emergency department visits and do not allow a detailed understanding of these injuries among children and adolescents.In 2009, there were 7391 hospitalizations for firearm-related injuries in US children and adolescents; 89% of hospitalizations occurred in males. Hospitalization rates were highest for 15- to 19-year-olds and for black males. Deaths in the hospital occurred in 6.1% of children and adolescents. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Local Food Prices and Their Associations With Children's Weight and Food Security By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-02-10T00:07:06-08:00 A growing body of research suggests that the food environment affects children’s weight. Specifically, living in areas with higher-priced fast foods and soda is associated with lower weight and BMI, whereas higher fruit and vegetable prices demonstrate the opposite association.Using longitudinal data on lower-income young children, this study finds that higher-priced fruits and vegetables are associated with higher child BMI, but not food insecurity, and that this relationship is driven by the prices of fresh fruits and vegetables. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Ultrasound as a Screening Test for Genitourinary Anomalies in Children With UTI By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-02-10T00:07:06-08:00 Current guidelines recommend renal ultrasound as a screening test after febrile urinary tract infection, with voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) only if the ultrasound is abnormal. Few studies have evaluated the accuracy of ultrasound as a screening test for VCUG-identified abnormalities.This study shows that ultrasound is a poor screening test for genitourinary abnormalities identified on VCUG, such as vesicoureteral reflux. Neither positive nor negative ultrasounds reliably identify or rule out such abnormalities. Ultrasound and VCUG provide different, but complementary, information. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Pulse Oximeter Sensor Application During Neonatal Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-02-17T00:07:18-08:00 Pulse oximeter is better than skin color assessment in the initial minutes of life. After sensor application, a delay occurs in the display of reliable saturation and heart rate. An appropriate method of sensor placement can minimize the delay.Attaching sensor first to oximeter and then to neonate picked up signal faster than attaching it to the neonate first and then to the equipment. However, the time from birth to display of reliable signal was similar between the methods. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Child Food Security By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-03-03T00:06:28-08:00 Recent studies have shown that participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is associated with improved household food security. With the exception of 1 descriptive analysis, studies have not examined how SNAP affects children’s food security.This article estimates the association between SNAP and children’s food security using the largest, most rigorous national study of food security to date. Given current proposals to reduce program size, this study underscores SNAP’s importance in affecting children’s well-being. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Patterns of Mobile Device Use by Caregivers and Children During Meals in Fast Food Restaurants By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-03-10T00:06:25-07:00 Mobile devices are ubiquitous in children’s lives, but how caregivers and children use them in everyday situations, and how use of devices affects caregiver–child interactions, has not been studied.In naturalistic mealtime observations, we documented the behavior of many caregivers whose attention was highly absorbed in their mobile devices, with varying child reactions to this absorption. This study raises several hypotheses about mobile device use and caregiver-child interaction. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Parental Death During Childhood and Subsequent School Performance By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-03-10T00:06:24-07:00 Many children experience the death of a parent during childhood. The long-term consequences of this life event, including school performance, and the importance of the psychosocial circumstances of the home have not been well elucidated in previous studies.Both maternal and paternal deaths during childhood were associated with lower grades and school failure. Many of the associations (and especially for death due to external causes) were associated with socioeconomic disadvantage and psychosocial problems in the family. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Effect of a URI-Related Educational Intervention in Early Head Start on ED Visits By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-04-07T00:06:46-07:00 Young children have multiple upper respiratory infections (URI) annually. Limited health literacy regarding URI can place families at risk for emergency department (ED) visits, inappropriate use of over-the-counter medications, and medication measurement errors.Few educational interventions for URI have targeted groups with limited health literacy. Integrating an educational intervention into Early Head Start is a novel approach to increasing parental health literacy regarding URI and decreasing ED visits, with potential for wide dissemination. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri A Longitudinal Study of Paternal Mental Health During Transition to Fatherhood as Young Adults By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-04-14T00:07:34-07:00 There is growing understanding of the detrimental effect of paternal depression on children. The transition to fatherhood is a unique time for men. Identifying which fathers are at-risk and when will inform effective methods to help men and their families.Nonresident fathers have the highest depression symptom scores, peaking before entering fatherhood. Although resident fathers’ scores decrease preceding entry into fatherhood, there is a significant increase from 0 to 5 years of their child’s life when key parent–infant attachment occurs. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Xenon Ventilation During Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neonatal Encephalopathy: A Feasibility Study By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-04-28T00:07:23-07:00 Hypothermia treatment of neonatal encephalopathy reduces death and disability from 66% to 50%; additional neuroprotective therapies are needed. We previously found in animal models that adding 50% xenon to the breathing gas during cooling doubled neuroprotection.This clinical feasibility study used 50% xenon for 3 to 18 hours in 14 cooled infants with cardiovascular, respiratory, and amplitude-integrated EEG monitoring. This depressed seizures, with no blood pressure reduction. Xenon is ready for randomized clinical trials in newborns. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Dipstick Screening for Urinary Tract Infection in Febrile Infants By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-04-28T00:07:22-07:00 Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common bacterial infection in febrile infants aged 1 to 90 days. It is unclear if urine microscopy offers significant benefit beyond urine dipstick as a screening test for UTI in this population.Dipstick may be an adequate screening test for UTI in infants aged 1 to 90 days with a negative predictive value (NPV) of 98.7%. Adding microscopy increases the NPV to 99.2% but results in 8 false-positives for every UTI missed by dipstick. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Distinct Developmental Trends in Sleep Duration During Early Childhood By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-05-19T00:06:58-07:00 A limited number of studies have identified distinct patterns of child sleep duration, which appear to have implications for health and well-being.This article identifies distinct patterns of sleep duration during early childhood and demonstrates that these have important implications for health-related quality of life. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Validity of a Single Item Food Security Questionnaire in Arctic Canada By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-05-26T00:07:50-07:00 Food insecurity is best measured by comprehensive assessments. However, rapid assessments can be useful in certain circumstances, but their validity is not characterized.Rapid assessment of food insecurity is feasible among Inuit adults and children. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Youth Ice Hockey Injuries Over 16 Years at a Pediatric Trauma Center By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-05-26T00:07:47-07:00 Participation in youth ice hockey is increasing. Players are prone to injury because of the nature of the game. Injury patterns vary based on age, gender, and degree of contact permitted.This study adds an updated description of injuries sustained by youth ice hockey players and associated demographic patterns, with emphasis on seriously injured children. It also evaluates health care utilization and outcomes related to youth ice hockey injuries. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Parental Smoking During Pregnancy and ADHD in Children: The Danish National Birth Cohort By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:01-07:00 Prenatal maternal smoking has been associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, but the causal nature of this association is unclear. Controlling for the association with paternal smoking has been inconsistent.Women who used nicotine replacement also had children with a higher risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Mother's smoking behavior appears more important than father's, suggesting a possible causal effect of nicotine exposure or factors related to maternal nicotine dependence. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Mild Prematurity, Proximal Social Processes, and Development By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-08-11T00:06:56-07:00 Previous studies examining developmental outcomes associated with late preterm and early term birth have shown mixed results. Many of these studies did not fully take into account the role of the social environment in child development.Social factors, not late preterm or early term birth, were the strongest predictors of poor developmental outcomes at 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 years. The influence of mild prematurity may lose strength beyond the neonatal period. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Automated Urinalysis and Urine Dipstick in the Emergency Evaluation of Young Febrile Children By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:02-07:00 Urinary tract infection is the most common serious bacterial illness among febrile infants and young children. Automated urine cytometry may supplant traditional urinalysis, but diagnostic performance at unique pediatric cutpoints has not been described for this labor-saving technique.We describe new, clinically useful cutpoints for automated leukocyte and bacterial counts. The sensitivity and specificity of bacterial counts ≥250 cells/μL exceed those of other methods. However, point-of-care dipstick tests for leukocyte esterase or nitrite have acceptable performance. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Childhood Obesity and Interpersonal Dynamics During Family Meals By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-10-13T00:06:27-07:00 Family meals are protective for child health, but there are inconsistent findings in relation to child weight status. More research is needed examining why family meals are protective for child health and whether there are differences by child weight status.The current mixed-methods study used direct observational methods to examine family dynamics during family meals and child weight status. Results indicated that positive family interpersonal and food-related dynamics during family meals were associated with reduced prevalence of childhood obesity. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Feedback on Oral Presentations During Pediatric Clerkships: A Randomized Controlled Trial By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-10-27T00:06:33-07:00 Delivering competent oral case presentations is an important clinical communication skill, yet effective means of improving trainees’ presentations have not been identified.Oral presentation feedback sessions facilitated by faculty by using an 18-item competency-based evaluation form early in pediatric clerkships improved medical students’ subsequent oral presentations. Medical schools should consider implementing this evidence-supported practice. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Family-Initiated Dialogue About Medications During Family-Centered Rounds By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-12-15T00:06:45-08:00 Family engagement in the care of hospitalized children may improve outcomes, including medication safety. Although family-centered rounds (FCRs) provide a venue for family engagement in care, how families use this venue to influence medication-related topics is unknown.Most families initiated medication-related dialogue during FCRs, discussing inpatient and home medications. Topics raised were important for medication adherence and safety, even altering treatment plans. Findings suggest specific medication topics that health care team members can anticipate addressing during FCR. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Childhood and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2014-12-22T00:06:48-08:00 Maternal depression has been associated with adolescent engagement in risky behaviors such as substance use. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research examining timing-specific effects in this relationship.The results of this study indicate that youth exposed to increasing levels of maternal depressive symptoms in middle childhood are more likely to engage in substance use and delinquent behaviors and have an earlier debut age of these behaviors. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Headache in Traumatic Brain Injuries From Blunt Head Trauma By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2015-02-02T00:05:28-08:00 Although headache is a common symptom after minor blunt head trauma in children, controversy exists whether the presence of headache increases the risk of traumatic brain injury.Clinically important traumatic brain injuries are rare, and traumatic brain injuries on computed tomography are very uncommon in children with minor blunt head trauma when headaches are their only sign or symptom. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and Asthma in the Offspring By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2015-03-09T00:05:24-07:00 Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. It has been suggested that maternal depression during pregnancy is associated with asthma in the offspring, but the role of antidepressant use during pregnancy is not known.In our prospective cohort study, we found that maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy generally did not increase the risk of asthma except for use of older antidepressants, which could reflect confounding by the severity of maternal depression. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness in Adolescents During the 2012 Washington State Pertussis Epidemic By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2015-05-04T00:05:18-07:00 Although waning immunity with the childhood pertussis vaccination series has been reported, there are limited data on duration of protection of the adolescent pertussis vaccine (Tdap), especially among those who have received only acellular vaccines.This study reports that protection from Tdap wanes substantially 2 to 4 years after vaccination among adolescents who received all acellular vaccines during childhood. This waning protection is likely contributing to the increase in adolescent pertussis. (Read the full article) Full Article
uri Diagnostic Accuracy of the Urinalysis for Urinary Tract Infection in Infants <3 Months of Age By pediatrics.aappublications.org Published On :: 2015-05-25T00:06:48-07:00 The sensitivity of the urinalysis (UA) traditionally has been considered suboptimal in young infants. Whether the finding of a negative UA and a positive urine culture represents a false-negative UA versus a false-positive urine culture remains unclear.In infants <3 months with bacteremic urinary tract infection, a condition that represents true infection, the UA sensitivity is higher than previously reported for urinary tract infection in general, suggesting that the UA is reliable even in young infants. (Read the full article) Full Article