
Ohtani, Lindor and Marte are NL MVP finalists; Judge, Witt and Soto contend for AL honor

Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani is a finalist for his first National League MVP award after winning the AL honor twice, joined among the top three in NL voting by New York Mets shortstop Francisco Lindor and Arizona second baseman Ketel Marte.


Veteran catcher Travis D'Arnaud signs a $12 million, 2-year deal to join busy Angels

Catcher Travis d'Arnaud has agreed to a $12 million, two-year contract to join the Los Angeles Angels as a veteran backup to Logan O'Hoppe.


Who will buy Infowars? Both supporters and opponents of Alex Jones interested in bankruptcy auction

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars broadcasts could end next week as he faces a court-ordered auction of his company's assets to help pay the more than $1 billion defamation judgment he owes families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.


DraftKings revises revenue projections downward after string of customer wins on NFL games

The house doesn't always win.


Japan's SoftBank returns to profit after gains at Vision Fund and other investments

Japanese technology group SoftBank swung back to profitability in the July-September quarter, boosted by positive results in its Vision Fund investments.


Meta tweaks ad policy over EU objections

Meta announced changes to its targeted advertising policy this week after European Union regulators said the company wasn't doing enough to restrict the amount of information sold to ad agencies.


Japan's nuclear watchdog disqualifies a reactor for the first time since Fukushima disaster

Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, the first rejection under safety standards that were reinforced after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The decision is a setback for Japan as it seeks to accelerate reactor restarts to maximize nuclear power.


Pelicans add CJ McCollum and Herb Jones to growing injury list

When Willie Green learned Friday that starting guard CJ McCollum and top defender Herb Jones would be joining point guard Dejounte Murray on the injury list for multiple weeks, the New Orleans Pelicans coach tried to look on the bright side.


Utah Jazz forward Taylor Hendricks has surgery to repair fractured leg and dislocated ankle

Utah Jazz forward Taylor Hendricks underwent successful surgery on Wednesday to repair a fractured right fibula and dislocated ankle.


76ers' All-Star guard Tyrese Maxey is out with hamstring injury

The trio of 76ers' stars looked majestic on opening night as their images covered the arena's 4K kinetic scoreboard. Joel Embiid palmed a basketball. Tyrese Maxey in the middle appeared ready to burst off the screen for a dunk. Paul George looked fierce as he squeezed a basketball with both hands.


Joel Embiid is expected to make his season debut for the 76ers after injuries and suspension

Joel Embiid is expected to play this week for the Philadelphia 76ers - barring another setback, and there is always that chance with the 7-footer - after he won Olympic gold, signed a contract extension, slogged through a knee injury, was the root of two NBA investigations, scuffled with a columnist and was hit with a technical foul for waving a towel from the bench.


Injuries are a common theme for NBA teams off to fast -- or slow -- starts

Cleveland has won its first 12 games and is off to the best start in the league. There are 10 teams in the Western Conference with winning records. And somehow, only two teams in the Eastern Conference have winning records.


Joel Embiid set to return to slumping 76ers team in need of his presence

Joel Embiid stuck around for extra work after shootaround. The 7-footer who has yet to officially step on the court for the Philadelphia 76ers this season was in no rush to finish his drills.


Jalen Hurts is a go for Eagles after coach contradicts injury report with comment on ankle

Jalen Hurts is clear on the injury report to play for Philadelphia at the Dallas Cowboys after coach Nick Sirianni revealed Friday his quarterback is dealing with an ankle issue.


Jury awards $12 million to woman fired after refusing to get COVID-19 vaccine

A jury awarded more than $12 million Friday to a woman who lost her job at a Michigan insurance company after declining to get a COVID-19 vaccination.


RFK Jr. cues up clash by calling for the removal of fluoride from drinking water

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is pushing President-elect Donald Trump to crack down on fluoride levels in drinking water, saying the mineral can lead to unintended medical problems -- and setting up a clash with medical experts who defend it as a proven way to fighting cavities.


Growing pollution in Pakistan's Punjab province has sickened 1.8M people in a month, officials say

Worsening air pollution sickened an estimated 1.8 million people in Pakistan's eastern Punjab province in the past month, health officials said Tuesday, as schools across the province were ordered to close for five days to protect children's health.


Justice Department sues to block UnitedHealth Group's $3.3 billion purchase of Amedisys

The Justice Department is suing to block UnitedHealth Group's $3.3 billion purchase of Amedisys, citing concerns the combination would hinder access to home health and hospice services in the U.S.


Japanese figure skating star Rika Kihira to miss Grand Prix season with stress fracture in ankle

Four-time Grand Prix series medalist Rika Kihira will miss the upcoming figure skating season because of a stress fracture in her right ankle that has not fully healed, the Japanese star announced Wednesday.


USA Track and Field will bring U.S. Paralympics track and field program under its roof in January

USA Track and Field is bringing the U.S. Paralympics Track & Field program in-house beginning Jan. 1 as part of a partnership that will unite all of its athletes under one roof.


Olympic medalist race walker Koki Ikeda of Japan suspended in doping investigation

Olympic silver medalist race walker Koki Ikeda of Japan has been provisionally banned for suspected blood doping, track and field's Athletics Integrity Unit said on Friday.


Federal judge blocks state law ordering Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms

A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a state law that would require classrooms in Louisiana to post the Ten Commandments starting in January.


Is The Lazarus Project Coming Back?

Season 2 of the sci-fi thriller premieres on TNT in the United States on Sunday, June 9. But there's a catch.

The post Is The Lazarus Project Coming Back? first appeared on SciFi Stream.

  • The Lazarus Project
  • TNT


Catalogna, Rajoy ha preferito la guerra sporca al dialogo politico

Il premier spagnolo è chiamato a risolvere una crisi che ha creato. E che il suo partito ha gestito con mezzi non sempre convenzionali: dal dossieraggio a una polizia parallela dentro al ministero dell'Interno.


Mariano Rajoy non mollerà nemmeno questa volta. A meno che non lo costringano a farlo i partiti di opposizione, questo testardo galiziano di provincia, alla guida del Partido Popular da 17 anni, al governo di Madrid da sette, tenterà ancora una volta di presentarsi come il bastione della nazione spagnola. Poco importa che il referendum del primo ottobre abbia mostrato il suo fallimento politico a livello internazionale con la stampa a testimoniare le violenze della Guardia Civil – «tristi, ma proporzionate» le ha definite, «siamo un esempio per il mondo» - su cittadini desiderosi solo di votare. Poco importa che la sua politica abbia creato indipendentisti dove non ce n’erano e abbia semplicemente impedito di capire cosa vogliono realmente i cittadini catalani: una mossa controproducente per tutti coloro che desiderano la Spagna unita.

IMPERMEABILE AGLI SCANDALI. Dopo aver guidato il Paese attraverso la crisi, da leader di un partito al centro della maggiore inchiesta di corruzione della storia nazionale e dopo aver accettato di governare di nuovo senza una maggioranza politica, si farà scivolare addosso anche la pessima gestione dell’autoproclamato referendum catalano, quello che, come ha spiegato alle 20 del primo ottobre, «non è mai esistito». Impermeabile a ogni scandalo, a ogni questione di opportunità, proverà, dopo essere sopravvissuto a incidenti stradali e aerei - il primo gli lasciò cicatrici sul volto, nel secondo si ruppe un dito -, a superare anche la crisi catalana. Una crisi che in questi anni però non ha fatto che alimentare con metodi legali e non, in una guerra sporca che è la cosa più lontana dal dialogo politico invocato in questi giorni.
Le tensioni odierne, ormai è noto, sono figlie in prima battuta del ricorso alla Corte costituzionale presentato del Partido popular contro il nuovo Statuto negoziato dal governo di Barcellona con l'esecutivo Zapatero, ratificato da un voto parlamentare e approvato attraverso un referendum della popolazione della Catalogna, seppure ancora una volta con un'affluenza minore della metà degli aventi diritto. Da lì in poi la questione catalana si è avvitata su se stessa in un crescendo di radicalizzazione. Ma intanto Rajoy è arrivato al governo e, mentre i giovani spagnoli passavano giorni e notti a Puerta del Sol a protestare contro una classe politica corrotta e contro un'austerity che colpiva gli ultimi, il Partido popular proseguiva la sua guerra con altri mezzi.

MEZZI NON CONVENZIONALI. Jorge Fernández Díaz, fedelissimo di Rajoy, cattolico numerario dell'Opus Dei ma anche catalano tendenzialmente moderato, da ministro degli Interni a partire dal 2012 e almeno fino al 2017 ha messo in piedi una sorta di di polizia parallela formata da alcuni ufficiali di polizia anche giudiziaria. Il gruppo ha condotto indagini per anni al di fuori dei meccanismi dello stato di diritto, coinvolgendo anche personale di agenzie investigative private. L'obiettivo era ottenere informazioni in merito alle indagini sul caso Gurtel: l'inchiesta che ha portato a scoprire i fondi neri del Partido popular coinvolgendone le prime file, Rajoy compreso, e da cui Calle Genova è riuscita ad uscire più o meno in piedi perchè il computer dove avrebbero dovuto esserci le prove dei finanziamenti rivelati dall'ex tesoriere Luis Barcenas era stato formattato. Ma, e forse è anche più grave, la polizia politica di Diaz si occupava soprattutto del dossieraggio dei nemici del centrodestra di governo e in particolare degli indipendentisti.
«NIXON S'È DIMESSO PER MOLTO MENO». «Per qualcosa di molto inferiore», ha scritto El Diario, «Nixon si è dimesso». La vicenda è stata prima raccontata sulla stampa e pochissimo al di fuori dei confini nazionali. Poi è diventata un documentario per mano di due giornalisti di Mediapro, la casa editrice del quotidiano online progressista Publico. Ma nel chiuso circuito mediatico spagnolo solo l'emittente catalana e quella basca hanno deciso di trasmetterlo. Ed è facile capirne il motivo.
Tra i politici finiti nel mirino della polizia di Diaz figurano il leader di Podemos Pablo Iglesias, Jordi Pujol, presidente del governo di Catalogna dal 1980 al 2003, e anche l'attuale vicepresidente della Generalitat, Oriol Junqueras, leader della formazione della sinistra indipendentista Esquerra Repubblicana: l'uomo che con l'ex presidente Artus Mas ha progettato il referendum del primo ottobre. Per trovare gli scheletri nascosti dei suoi nemici, il ministro degli Interni si appoggiava al capo dell'ufficio antifrode catalano, Daniel de Alfonso. Ma, secondo alcune conversazioni registrate tra i due, Diaz teneva informato anche Rajoy.

LA FABBRICAZIONE DI FALSI DOCUMENTI. Come succede spesso in questi casi, i dossier mescolavano verità - peraltro facili visto che la classe dirigente catalana è stata coinvolta in numerosi casi di corruzione - e bugie. In mancanza di documenti che provassero la corruzione degli oppositori, infatti, i poliziotti agli ordini del capo dell'Interno si sono spinti anche a fabbricarne di falsi. Da qui vengono le fatture fasulle venezuelane che per un po' hanno inquinato il dibattito sul leader di Podemos. E un altro falso documento è stato utilizzato contro l'ex leader catalano Pujol. L'uomo che ha guidato la regione per 30 anni, peraltro invocandone sempre l'autonomia, è tuttavia finito al centro di un'inchiesta per evasione fiscale e ha confessato di avere all'estero, nel principato di Andorra, milioni di euro sconosciuti al Fisco iberico. I bocconi avvelenati o semplicemente a orologeria sono stati preparati soprattutto in vista della consultazione catalana del 2014.

FONDI PUBBLICI PER INDAGINI FRAUDOLENTE. La presenza della polizia parallela è emersa solo nel 2016 e appena il 21 settembre 2017 la commissione di inchiesta parlamentare che se ne è occupata ha approvato con 172 voti a favore - quelli dei socialisti, di Podemos e degli indipendentisti - la sua relazione finale. Come riporta Publico, i deputati hanno certificato che il ministro degli Interni ha utilizzato fondi pubblici e funzionari statali per indagini fraudolente contro gli oppositori politici. Anche i membri di Ciudadanos, che pure si sono astenuti, ne hanno riconosciuto l'esistenza. Ben inteso, questo non toglie niente all'egoismo fiscale, all'integralismo e alla assenza di razionalità delle rivendicazioni indipendentiste. Ma spiega in parte come siamo arrivati fino a qui, e perché è difficile che Rajoy ne tiri la Spagna fuori. E non è una buona notizia.


Catalogna, la cura Rajoy minaccia di uccidere il malato

(Giurista internazionale)
Il primo ministro spagnolo Rajoy ha inventato un nuovo sistema per ottenere la maggioranza in assemblee rappresentative che si mostrino troppo refrattarie ad accettare il verbo governativo. E’ un metodo semplice ed efficace e consiste nell’arrestare o mandare in esilio un numero di deputati della parte avversa sufficiente a farla scendere al di sotto del cinquanta per cento. Il geniale politico in questione sta applicando il metodo in Catalogna, dove il fronte indipendentista, formato da Junts per Catalunya, Esquerra Republicana e CUP ha ottenuto 70 deputati su 135 alle recenti elezioni regionali, ma per effetto della repressione in atto deve al momento rinunciare a otto seggi dato che tre deputati si trovano in galera e cinque all’estero in esilio. Risultato, un abbassamento del numero dei deputati indipendentisti da 70 a 62, al di sotto della maggioranza richiesta di 68 su 135.
La democrazia rappresentativa, autentico feticcio del mondo occidentale in questa fase storica, si trova quindi fortemente falsata e impossibilitata a funzionare e c’è il rischio che, grazie all’iperattivismo di una magistratura che sente ancora il richiamo del franchismo, il governo della Catalogna vada a finire in mano alla leader della formazione destroide neoliberista ed autoritaria Ciudadanos, che esprime la volontà di una netta minoranza della società catalana. Eppure nessuno dice niente. L’Unione europea, nonostante la massiccia manifestazione svoltasi a Bruxelles il 7 dicembre, la più grande mai tenutasi in Belgio, cui ho avuto l’onore di partecipare e di prendere la parola, continua nel suo atteggiamento omertoso. I governi degli Stati che ne fanno parte, pronti a ululare come lupi ogni volta che sotto altri cieli vengono adottate misure secondo loro liberticide, pure. Un autentico capolavoro di ipocrisia è costituito, tanto per fare un esempio, dalla dichiarazione adottata da Alfano due giorni dopo il referendum dell’8 ottobre, che si conclude riaffermando un’aprioristica quanto ingiustificata fiducia nei confronti del governo spagnolo.
Vero è infatti che quest’ultimo si è reso colpevole di gravi violazioni di fondamentali norme europee, a partire da quelle contenute nella Convenzione europea dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali del 1950, perseguendo con il manganello e con la galera un movimento di massa, ben radicato all’interno della società catalana, che voleva esprimere pacificamente il proprio sacrosanto diritto all’autodeterminazione. Il comportamento tenuto dalla polizia spagnola e dai giudici che si sono prestati ad assecondare il disegno neofranchista di Rajoy ha infatti violato vari diritti fondamentali tra i quali quelli alla libertà di espressione del pensiero e di riunione e alla stessa integrità fisica (almeno ottocento feriti) delle persone aggredite come documentato in una denuncia internazionale firmata da oltre cinquecento giuristi. La magistratura continua a prestarsi al disegno repressivo negando da ultimo la libertà provvisoria al deputato Oriol Junqueras che potrebbe candidarsi a presidente della Catalogna.

La realtà è sotto gli occhi di tutti. I partiti indipendentisti chiedono al governo spagnolo un dialogo che quest’ultimo rifiuta. Eppure il quadro costituzionale uscito dagli Accordi della Moncada del 1978 si rivela ogni giorno più ammuffito e inadeguato. Se si vuole salvaguardare l’unità nazionale della Spagna l’unica strada è quella di un autentico processo costituente che vada della ridefinizione in modo adeguato delle garanzie necessarie alla convivenza. Altrimenti non ci sarà alternativa alla secessione della Catalogna e di altre regioni, a cominciare dai Paesi Baschi. Il gioco d’azzardo cui si sta dedicando Rajoy per salvaguardare le proprie poltrone e allontanare l’attenzione dalle accuse di corruzione e dai manifesti fallimenti delle sue politiche di stampo neoliberista produrrà con ogni probabilità un tale esito, non senza rischi gravissimi per la pace e la democrazia in un Paese vitale per l’Europa.
Con ogni evidenza, quindi, la cura Rajoy minaccia di uccidere il malato. E la malattia potrebbe estendersi dalla Catalogna e dalla Spagna all’insieme dell’Europa. Tutti motivi per chiedere con forza la liberazione immediata dei prigionieri politici catalani per permettere un funzionamento adeguato delle istituzioni democratiche sotto attacco.


The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre joins EU BON

The news about the new partnership has been officially disseminated through the website of the Norwegian Biodiversity Centre. The news piece discusses the importance of EU BON  in the classification of biodiversity data and the experience and technology that the new partnership brings to it.
The article quotes the EU BON project as "the only EU project of its kind with a main purpose is to build an infrastructure that improves the exchange and dataflow throughout Europe." More can be found at: http://www.biodiversity.no/ArticleList.aspx?m=34&amid=11718
The news about the partnership has been also picked up by the English language Norwegian Source for science news ScienceNordic.
Earlier on the visibility and the popularity of the EU BON project have been also enhanced by a publication of the first newsletter by the Estonian science news website eBiodiversity, with credit given to the ambitious project aiming to build an European gateway for integrated biodiversity information.


International biodiversity data symposium to mark the kickoff of the EU BON project

The EU BON project is pleased to announce the International Symposium "Nature and Governance – Biodiversity Data, Science, and the Policy Interface", which was held in Berlin from 11 to 12 February. The symposium aimed at clarifying and popularizing EU BON's objectives prior to the official EU BON Kick-off Meeting held from 13 to 15 February 2013.

The symposium was hosted by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and brought together high-ranking speakers and guests from across the world to talk and discuss the different aspects of the EU BON Project. Among the main issues covered was the future of biodiversity information, the challenges in front of new data policies, new approaches in collecting information, and ways to engage the public in biodiversity monitoring and assessments.

The EU BON project was started on 1 December, 2012, and will continue for 4.5 years. The aim of EU BON is to build a substantial part and contribute to the Group on Earth Observation's Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), through an innovative approach of integration of biodiversity information systems. The project, built as an answer to the need of a new integrated biodiversity data, will facilitate access to this knowledge and will effectively improve the work in the field of biodiversity observation in general.


For more information on the symposium and the events planned, please visit our programme page.

All interested parties are most welcome to attend the symposium or to follow it on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+.

Additional information

EU BON (2012) stands for "Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network" and is a European research project, financed by the 7th EU framework programme for research and development (FP7). EU BON seeks ways to better integrate biodiversity information and implement into policy and decision-making of biodiversity monitoring and management in the EU.

GEO BON stands for "Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network". It coordinates activities relating to the Societal Benefit Area (SBA) on Biodiversity of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Some 100 governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations are collaborating through GEO BON to organise and improve terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity observations globally and make their biodiversity data, information and forecasts more readily accessible to policymakers, managers, experts and other users. Moreover, GEO BON has been recognized by the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. More information at: http://www.earthobservations.org/geobon.shtml.


EU BON featured in the January newsletter of the The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

The news about the International Symposium "Nature and Governance – Biodiversity Data, Science, and the Policy Interface" and the official EU BON Kickoff Meeting has been reflected in the January newsletter of the The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

GBIF only features high end biodiversity news and major projects. EU BON project summary is placed in the collaborations section of the newsletter and the two events are included in the Upcoming Events, pointed out to the readers' attention.

To view the GBIF newsletter for January, please go to: http://www.gbif.org/communications/resources/newsletters/, or see the newsletter PDF attached below.


Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in für das EU BON Projekt am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Job alert: Research assistant at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
The Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin offers a job opportunity with the EU BON project (WP1+WP2 tasks) - fluency in German is a must!
The position is set for a two-year contract with a possibility for further extensions.
More information about the position, the application process and job requirements is available below and in the document attached.

Zur Unterstützung der Beteiligung des MfN an EU BON ist am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine vorerst auf 2 Jahre befristete (mit der Option der Verlängerung)
Position eines/einer Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters/in mit 75% der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit Entgeltgruppe E13 TV-L Berlin zu besetzen
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit und eigenständige Durchführung spezifischer Aufgaben innerhalb des EU BON Projektes, vor allem innerhalb der Arbeitspakete 1 (Datenquellen) und 2 (Datenintegration), i.b.
- Datenrecherche und Erstellung von Übersichten für EU BON relevanter Daten- und Informationsquellen;
- Bewertung und Lückenanalyse bestehender Datenbanken und Informationssysteme zur Biodiversität;
- Harmonisierung, Aktualisierung und Koordinierung taxonomischer Referenz-Datenbanken i.b. für Europa;
- Unterstützung der Einführung und Verbesserung von Datenstandards zur Verbesserung der Integration und Interoperabilität unterschiedlicher Datenebenen
- Mitwirkung bei Erprobung neuer Datenerhebungsansätze und –verfahren, auch im Gelände
- Planung und Durchführung von Projekttreffen und -veranstaltungen
- Erstellung von Ergebnisberichten und wissenschaftlichen Präsentationen / Veröffentlichungen.

Bewerbungsschluss:  28.02.2013


Job alert: Two positions at Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spain)

Estación Biológica de Doñana seeks applicants for two positions with the following profiles.
1. Telecommunication Engineer or similar to work in the EU project Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON)
The main tasks will be:
To validate the application of data architecture to data from testing sites, looking for accessibility to stakeholders.
To assist validate EUBON tools for the analysis and interpretation of data from the web server.
Candidate should catalyze the understanding between informatics and biologists, understanding data architecture, protocols for data warehouse and metadata registry and catalogue while keeping the ability of understanding requirements from both scientist and managers. Previous professional experience on biodiversity datasets, systematic protocols of data entrance (e.g. cybertracker software), data management (e.g. mysql), data mining and data patterns (e.g. Clementine software, neural networks) and web portals will be valued.
Period: Abril 2013- December 2016
Salary: 40000-45000 € per year before taxes
Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and contact details of two referencence persons to Carlos Rodríguez before March 15th.
2. Informatics engineer or similar to work in the EU project Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON)
He/she will be the person in charge of data architecture that will guide the development, integration, and interoperability efforts within the project starting from the information architectures of relevant infrastructures such as GBIF; LTER, GOESS, GEOBON, LifeWatch, and INSPIRE. The architecture will highlight the relevant components of registry, portal, semantic mediation, workflows, and e-services. The task will address heterogeneity of projects and networks by ensuring that the developments of the project can be migrated to permanent infrastructures. He/she will be leading the creation of the European Biodiversity Data portal as the main GEOBON information hub. It is required to be fluent in English, being able of attend several international meetings and report the activity of the team.
Period: April 2013-February 2015
Salary: 40000-45000€ per year before taxes
Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and contact details of two reference persons to Carlos Rodríguez before March 15th.


The large-scale EU project EU BON: Towards integration with its global counterpart GEO BON

The official Kickoff meeting of the Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON) project, organized by the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, took place on 13-15 February 2013 to formally mark the beginning of the project and to set goals and objectives for the future. Among the hottest issues discussed was the integration of EU BON's framework with the Global Earth Biodiversity Observation Network project GEO BON and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Another intention set for the future is the enhanced communication and synchronization between the various partners and work packages.

The main objective set for EU BON is to facilitate with its contributions, and thus build a substantial part of GEO BON. EU BON Advisory Board, comprising ten leading experts in data management, biodiversity conservation and earth observation realms has been set up. Dr. Wouter Los - Chairman of the Expert centre for Taxonomic Identification (ETI), and 2nd Vice Chair of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility Governing Board (GBIF) was elected as a chair of the EU BON Advisory Board. It has been decided, with the directions and help of the EU BON's Advisory Board, to achieve that a substantial amount of work should be done towards a more comprehensive vision of the relationship between the two projects and the place EU BON takes as a major contributor.

Another aim delineated is working towards collaboration between the currently fragmented biodiversity data sources in Europe in an attempt to create an integrated network and framework for the benefit of the project objective itself, and GEO BON eventually. Dialogue and association with similar or relevant biodiversity projects and initiatives, on European and Global levels, are also encouraged. Organizing a conference is on the project's to do list.

Enhanced communication between the different partners and work packages has been outlined as the engine for achieving of the projects main objectives. A second official meeting has been already assigned for 2014 to measure the progress of EU BON and to set further goals. Meanwhile partners are already organizing workshops to work towards reflecting the directions for development currently set.


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Join the online community of EU BON and create buzz around the project. Take full advantage of our social network channels to interact with stakeholders and contribute to the EU BON discussion. Get an easy access and the latest updates on news and events around the project. You are a click away from making a difference to the project’s visibility.

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Job alert: Quantitative Ecologist (Postdoc) (m/f) code digit 37/2013

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ is now offering a position for Quantitative Ecologist (Postdoc) in their Department of Conservation Biology. The position is open to both male and female applicants and it runs for 42 months, starting latest on 01.08.2013 in Leipzig, Germany. Salary will be according to the appropriate civil service level TVÖD, salary group 13.

The successful candidate will be focusing on optimizing monitoring designs at different scales under field constraints and assessinguncertainty in biodiversity trend analyses. He/She will have a PhD in an ecological discipline relevant for the research topic (e.g. population biology), excellent statistical and computing skills, a distinguished publication record, experience in international cooperation and strong interest both in theoretical and applied biodiversity conservation. Fluency in English in speech and writing is essential, some knowledge of German is of advantage.

The position will be part of the large-integrating EU-project EU BON "Building the European BiodiversityObservation Network". The overall goal of the project is to integrate and harmonize European data relevant for biodiversity monitoring and to develop prototypes for biodiversity monitoring for the global GEO BON initiative. 30 partner organisations form the EU BON consortium. Within this consortium the applicant will have the following responsibilities:
• on improving current approaches to monitoring species both from a theoretical and a practical perspective, with a focus on population processes
• link trend data to environmental drivers at different scales
• quantify uncertainty across all steps from data collection to interpretation of analysed data
• Contribute to the management of the workpackage "Link environment to biodiversity: Analyses of patterns, processes and trends"
• Contribute to the compilation of information on existing monitoring programs
• Feed results into a science-policy dialogue
• Disseminate results for scientists and applied users
Further Information:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Henle, Tel. ++49-(0)341-235 1270, e-mail: klaus.henle@ufz.de
Please send your application until 19.05.2013 under Code Digit 37/2013 to the Human Resource department of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, PO Box 500136, 04301 Leipzig, Germany, or by e-mail to application@ufz.de.
For further information please see the attached pdf file below.


Job Alert: Research Associate - Linking Biodiversity Data to Policy, University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge invites for applications for a Research Associate to work on EU-BON, a major EU-funded research project seeking to improve the use of biodiversity data in public policy.

Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant social science or conservation science. Experience in both qualitative and quantitative analysis is desirable. Applicants should ideally have some first-hand experience of public policy processes and a willingness to travel within the European Union for research. Excellent organisational and communication skills will be essential in working as a successful part of this large, multi-partner and multinational team.

The researcher will carry out research on how biodiversity data is currently used in European policy making and will contribute to analysis of the opportunities to increase its effective provision and use. Research methods are likely to combine qualitative and quantitate analysis and to focus on the use of biodiversity data in public policy contexts. It is expected that some of the research will take place in Brussels. The researcher will have considerable freedom in defining the research project in discussion with Dr Doubleday and Prof Sutherland. In addition to carrying out research on the use of biodiversity data in European policy making, the researcher will support Cambridge's contribution to EU BON as a whole. This will involve contributing to other workpackages as and when required. More information about EU BON can be found here: http://www.eubon.eu

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 36 months in the first instance.

Completed applications consisting of a CHRIS/6 (Parts I & III) (downloadable from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/) a covering letter, and CV, should be sent to Danielle Feger, via email: geogrec@hermes.cam.ac.uk or sent to Research Administrator, Department of Geography, Downing Site, Cambridge, CB2 3EN

Please quote reference LC01355 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

Any enquiries concerning the position can be made to Dr Robert Doubleday, rob.doubleday@csap.cam.ac.uk

For more information about the position, please visit: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/1611/



The Biodiversity Data Journal: Readable by humans and machines

The Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) and the associated Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), launched on 16th of September 2013, offer several innovations - some of them unique - at every stage of the publishing process. The workflow allows for authoring, peer-review and dissemination to take place within the same online, collaborative platform.

Open access to content and data is quickly becoming the prevailing model in academic publishing, resulting in part from changes to policies of governments and funding agencies and in part from scientist's desire to get their work more widely read and used. Open access benefits scientists with greater dissemination and citation of their work, and provides society as a whole access to the latest research.

To publish effectively in open access, it is not sufficient simply to provide PDF files online. It is crucial to put them under a reuse-friendly license and to implement technologies that allow machine-readable content and data to be harvested by computers that can collate small scattered data into a big pool. Analyses and modelling of community-owned big data are the only way to confront environmental challenges to society, such as climate change, ecosystems destruction, biodiversity loss and others.

Manuscripts are not submitted to BDJ in the usual way, as word processor files, but are written in the online, collaborative Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), that provides a set of pre-defined, but flexible article templates. Authors may work on a manuscript and invite external contributors, such as mentors, potential reviewers, linguistic and copy editors, and colleagues, who may read and comment on the text before submission. When a manuscript is completed, it is submitted to the journal with a simple click of a button. The tool also allows automated import of manuscripts from data management platforms, such as Scratchpads.

"This is the first workflow ever to support the full life cycle of a manuscript, from initial drafting through submission, community peer-review, publication and dissemination within a single, online, collaborative platform. By publishing papers in all branches of biodiversity science, including novel article types, such as data papers and software descriptions, BDJ becomes a gateway for either large or small data into the emerging world of "big data", said Prof. Lyubomir Penev, managing director and founder of Pensoft Publishers.

BDJ shortens the distance between "narrative (text)" and "data" publishing. Many data types, such as species occurrences, checklists, measurements and others, are converted into text from spreadsheets into a human-readable format. Conversely text from an article can be downloaded as structured data or harvested by computers for further use.

A novel community-based peer-review provides the opportunity for a large number of specialists in the field to review a manuscript. Authors may also opt for an entirely public peer-review process. Reviewers may opt to be anonymous or to disclose their names. Editors no longer need to check different reviewers' and author's versions of a manuscript because all versions can be consolidated into a single online document, again at the click of a button.

"The Biodiversity Data Journal is not just a journal, not even a data journal in the conventional sense. It is a completely novel workflow and infrastructure to mobilise, review, publish, store, disseminate, make interoperable, collate and re-use data through the act of scholarly publishing!" concluded Dr Vincent Smith from the Natural History Museum in London, the journal's Editor-in-Chief.

The platform has been designed by Pensoft Publishers and was funded in part by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7) project ViBRANT.

Original Source

Smith V, Georgiev T, Stoev P, Biserkov J, Miller J, Livermore L, Baker E, Mietchen D, Couvreur T, Mueller G, Dikow T, Helgen K, Frank J, Agosti D, Roberts D, Penev L (2013) Beyond dead trees: integrating the scientific process in the Biodiversity Data Journal. Biodiversity Data Journal 1: e995. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.1.e995



Job Alert: Part-time Research Assistant, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford

The Environmental Change Institute (ECI) in the University of Oxford is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant to join the existing research team on two EU funded research projects.

The role will require the development and application of methodologies for undertaking systematic literature reviews, quantitative analysis of model outputs, contribution to the writing of research papers, organisation of workshops and large meetings, and the performance of other duties necessary for the successful completion of both the IMPRESSIONS and OPENNESS projects

You will have a Masters or equivalent in an environmental discipline and strong quantitative skills. You must have the ability to undertake systematic literature reviews and synthesise findings and assist in the management of large research projects. Excellent organisational and writing skills are essential.

This is a part-time (50% FTE) post and is available for 24 months.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 18 December 2013.

You can find more information and apply here.



Job Alert: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford

The Environmental Change Institute (ECI) in the University of Oxford is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the existing research team on two EU funded research projects: IMPRESSIONS and OPENNESS.

The role will require the development of a range of methodological and modelling approaches, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed techniques, to address a number of environmental science challenges in the contexts of operationalising ecosystem services and investigating cross-sectoral climate change impacts and vulnerabilities. The post provides the opportunity for a researcher with skills in programming, GIS and statistics to develop innovative solutions in research areas critical to ensuring the resilience of our future environment and to expand the modelling capability of the ECI team.

You will have a PhD in a discipline relevant to modelling or environmental sciences and a background in programming and modelling. You will have experience of using Geographical Information Systems and a strong grounding in statistics and/or operational research. Excellent communication skills both written and oral are essential. You will be self-motivated, with the ability to work independently.

This post is available for 24 months in the first instance.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 18 December 2013. It is intended that interviews will be held during the week beginning 13 January 2014.

For more information and to apply for this position, click here.





Job Alert: GEO BON Executive Director, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in cooperation with GEO BON and iDiv

The Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg offers in cooperation with GEO BON and iDiv the position of Executive Director for the duration of 30 months (initially limited till September 30th, 2016 with possibility of extension). The Executive Director will work in close collaboration with the incoming Chair of the GEO BON Steering Committee, Prof. Henrique M. Pereira (iDiv) and the incoming vice-chair, Dr. Mike Gill (Environment Canada), thematic workgroup coordinators, regional BON coordinators, the GEO BON Steering Committee and the GEO secretariat.

• Ph.D. in ecology or related field
• excellent diploma or master degree in a relevant field
• demonstrable experience in project management with executive leadership in organizations a plus
• excellent communication skills, fluency in English, knowledge of other languages being a plus
• willingness to travel abroad frequently, outgoing and at ease in multicultural backgrounds

Topic/job description:
• Providing visible leadership for GEO BON and representing GEO BON at scientific and policy meetings
• Creating funding opportunities through engagement with potential donors
• Coordinating activities of GEO BON Working Groups and Regional Observation Networks
• Liaising with national and regional organizations involved in biodiversity monitoring and reporting
• Organize the Steering Committee, All-hands and other meetings of GEO BON and manage the communication activities of GEO BON, including a regular newsletter and a website
• Manage, as and when required, activities and inputs requested by the GEO secretariat

Applications should be directed to emily.keller@idiv.de and addressed to Henrique M. Pereira, Professor of Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv. Applications should be in a single PDF file with reference file number (D 189/2013). Applications are accepted until January 6th, 2014.

For more information see attached the full text of the job offer.





Joint Workshop Sierra Nevada LTER and EU BON

EU BON site data management workshop and Memorandum of Understanding

A joint workshop of the Sierra Nevada LTER site and EU BON was held on 29-31 January 2014 in Granada, Spain and was hosted by the University of Granada. The aim of this meeting was to bring together the Spanish members of the Sierra Nevada LTER site and test site partners from EU BON (WP1, WP2 and WP5) to discuss and develop a closer relationship in exchanging datasets and experiences in site management, long-term monitoring activities and technical requirements for data management.

During the first day of the workshop, 19 participants from EU BON, the Sierra Nevada LTER site (e.g. Regino Zamora Rodriguez and Francisco Bonet) and guests from the remote sensing EU project BIO_SOS and GBIF Spain gave an overview of their activities to obtain information on their projects and to point out likely synergies and linkages. First, the Sierra Nevada LTER site was introduced, particularly the methodologies to monitor and evaluate biodiversity and the structure of the information system Linaria was shown. Thereafter EU BON testing sites (Doñana, Rhine-Main, Amvrakikos) outlined their current activities regarding data collection, data processing and data integration, in addition to that the results of a recently conducted gap analysis of the test sites were presented. In the afternoon session of the meeting, the planned information architecture of EU BON was explained and ways outlined of how biodiversity data could be integrated.

At the second day, the participants visited a highly monitored area located in the southern part of Sierra Nevada (Alpujarras) that is covered mainly by Quercus pyrenaica forests. The field trip included stops at a meteorological station, a traditional hydrological system was visited to show former human impact in the area and the functionality of a field NDVI camera was shown. This site-trip was also used to officially hand-over the Memorandum of Understanding, signed between the University of Granada and EU BON, to strengthen the cooperation between the Sierra Nevada LTER and the EU BON test sites. Anke Hoffmann on behalf of EU BON handed the MoU to Professor Regino Zamora Rodriguez, the scientific coordinator of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory. The University of Granada is now a new associate partner of EU BON, a consortium with currently 30 partners from 18 countries.

At the last day local scientists gave an overview of the research conducted in Sierra Nevada. After that session, the workshop aimed to discuss the functionality of the envisaged MetaCat (dataprovider for Metadata) approach for the EU BON test sites and the advantages of self-developed information system Linaria of the Sierra Nevada LTER site.

EU BON will further intensify the dialogue with the University of Granada and the Sierra Nevada LTER site. It is scheduled to have a further meeting at the upcoming General Meeting of EU BON (Greece, 30 March-2 April 2014) to strengthen the partnership with the LTER test site.

For further questions please contact Anke Hoffmann or Florian Wetzel

Presentations from the meeting:

Day 1

1. Zamora - Ramos - Sierra Nevada global change obs
2. Bonet - The Linaria information system
3. Hoffmann - Häuser - Introduction to EU BON
4. Juan Negro  - CSIC-EBD
4. Juan Negro Donana 2
4. Juan Negro Donana 3
5. Stoll - test site Rhein - Main
6. Dailianis - test site Amvrakikos
7. Wetzel - Gap analysis
8. Palma Blonda - BIO_SOS and remote sensing
9. Pando - EU BON GBIF Granada 2014
10. Kunin- EU BON Work package 3

Day 3

1. Megia - Mendenez - Climate Change andd elevational range shifts
2. Gomez - Hybridization
3. Villar - Argaiz  Long time series in high mountain lakes
4. Moreno - Vegetation changes during Holocene

Workshop Agenda

Workshop Minutes

Workshop Photos (Google+ | Facebook)


International Conference on Global Environmental Change and GEO European Projects Workshops (Athens, Greece)

An international conference Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observations will take place between 10-11 June 2014 in Athens, Greece. The conference will explore the potential of earth observations and thrust climate information transfer from the science to the stakeholder application realm, in order to develop suitable adaptation measures at national and regional levels.

It will identify best adaptation programs and approaches to global environmental change in Mediterranean-climate cities. The aim is to enhance and strengthen European and international cooperation in the context of the activities within the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and promote tools and options for adaptation strategies. The Conference will help local and regional authorities and stakeholders to gain insight on the role of EO-based services in adapting to climate chance impacts in urban hot-spot areas.

The eighth annual series of GEO European Projects Workshops will be consequently held on 12-13 June as a follow-up of the conference. The worksops are intended to bring all those interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) from all over Europe together, in order to present their work and discuss how Europe can contribute to this international effort, especially in the wake of the launch of the new EU Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020, and the renewal of the mandate of GEO for another 10 years through the endorsement of the 2014.

Registrations opens: 16 February 2014

Information and registration: www.mariolopoulosfoundation.gr/medcity2014

First Announcement (pdf flie)


Have your say for the future of biodiversity protection: BESAFE invites you to take part in the project’s second stakeholder workshop

Care about biodiversity protection and science-policy dialogue? The second BESAFE stakeholder workshop might be just the thing for you.

The BESAFE project invites all interested policy makers, NGO representatives, decision makers and people, who argue ('lobby') for biodiversity protection to take part in its second stakeholder workshop, focusing the results from the project case studies and the best ways to make them useful through a stakeholder focused web-based tool.

The workshop will be held on 13 and 14 May 2004 at the Park Inn Brussels Midi, Brussels, Belgium. To register and participate is easy just follow this link, which will take you to an easy to follow and use registration page.

On the afternoon of 13 May BESAFE will present the results of the project’s case studies and then their use and implications will be discussed with stakeholders. The morning of 14 May is reserved for a learning workshop on the best ways to unlock and present project results. As committed stakeholder involvement is crucial to BESAFE’s success, we hope that you will be able to join us in Brussels!

In a nutshell, BESAFE investigates the effectiveness of different types of arguments in convincing policy makers to take action for biodiversity protection in a variety of circumstances. The project has two specific focus areas: the interactions of environmental protection policies between governance scales, and the contribution that ecosystem services BESAFE is committed to produce practically usable results and to make them available and easily accessible through a web-based tool. This is a goal we can clearly only achieve through input and feedback from stakeholders. BESAFE is therefore set up as an interactive project in which we inform and consult those on a regular basis.

Deadline for registration is the 1st of April 2014, but registration will be closed earlier when our limit of 25 stakeholders is reached. Due to this limited capacity, registration is subject to approval.



SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN Newsletter Issue 1: a project for more sustainable research cooperation between the EU and the ASEAN

The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project aiming at establishing a more sustainable and integrated research and innovation cooperation between the EU and the ASEAN region in the areas of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials has now published its first project newsletter.

This first issue of the SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN Newsletter contains information about the outcomes from the first project Networking and Cluster Session that took place on 23 January 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as features a news item about the forthcoming sessions scheduled for 28 Match 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. More can be found in the Newsletter available here.

The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN coordinating action will focus on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials issues and will aim to enhance collaboration between researchers in the EU and the ASEAN region. Addressing these issues in a coherent way is vital for sustainable development that leads to economic prosperity, social cohesion and environmental integrity. Both regions have developed innovative ideas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to adapt to climate change, improve resource efficiency and manage raw materials.


Job Alert: PhD Position in Visualization of Biodiversity Data

The Heinz-Nixdorf-Chair for Distributed Information Systems at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany) invites applications for a fully funded PhD student position in Biodiversity Data Visualization for the data management project of the Biodiversity Exploratories (BE) Priority Program.

Deadline for application: 2nd, May 2014

Start date: June 2014 or later

What this is about

The data management project provides the platform for data storage and information exchange for the projects of the DFG Priority Program "Biodiversity Exploratories". Examples of the thematic focus of the projects include botany, forestry, soil, animal, fluxes, modeling, and remote sensing. This diversity is reflected in the format, structure, and semantics of their data which we manage.

Tasks in this project will be centered on the investigation and development of novel visualization methods and user-friendly tools for exploration, search and discovery, quality assurance and integration of the heterogeneous, large volume biodiversity data.  Overall, the study should contribute to the science of visualization for big-data-driven biodiversity research.

More information on the requirements, conditions and how to apply find in the official job offer attached below.



June 2014 Updates of FishBase and SeaLifeBase

The June 2014 updates of FishBase and SeaLifeBase are now available online!

FishBase: www.fishbase.us; www.fishbase.ca

FishBase stats to date: 32800 Species, 303100 Common names, 53900 Pictures,
50200 References, 2110 Collaborators, 700000 Visits/Month

SeaLifeBase: www.sealifebase.ca



8th GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-8): Presentations and photgraphs are now available

The  8th GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-8) took place in Athens, Greece, on 12 and 13 June, hosted by the Greek GEO Office - National Observatory of Athens and co-organized by the Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences.

The event was intended to bring all those interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) from all over Europe together, in order to present their work and discuss how Europe can contribute to this international effort, especially in the wake of the launch of the new EU Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020, and renewal of the mandate of GEO for another 10 years through the endorsement of the 2014 Geneva Declaration.

Oral presentations, a book of abstracts and the photos from the event are now uploaded and available for download on the events website.


EU BON strategy workshop, 3 July 2014

The 3rd of July, an EU BON strategy workshop was held in Cambridge, to further determine the potential value that EU BON could have for both CBD as well as for IPBES. Multiple partners of EU BON discussed with Jerry Harrison of the WCMC, active expert of CBD and IPBES, and Matt Walpole, on the actual needs of both policy instruments, what EU BON can contribute and how its contributions can be most successful. Based on the hard work performed during the day, several general recommendations and a list with 7 focal actions was developed. The general recommendations to increase the visibility and credibility of EU BON outputs, also for the period after the project has ended, and are relevant for all outputs and events organised by EU BON;
-  the explicit inclusion of non-European colleagues and data – to demonstrate the added value of EU BON also outside the European context
-  searching actively to collaborate with other existing institutes like GEO BON and LTER – to demonstrate the longlivity of EU BON outputs
-  and publishing early on successful data integration demonstration cases – to demonstrate the scientific rigour and possibilities.
The workshop was organised by CBRS and hosted by WCMC, just in time to start preparing for IPBES 3 which will be organised 12-17 January 2015 in Bonn.
Participants were: Jerry Harrison, Matt Walpole, Eurgenie Regan, Corinne Martin, Cristina Secades, Annabel Crowther, Anke Hoffman, Florian Wetzel, Dirk Schmeller, Neill Brummit, Andrew McConville, Rob Doubleday and Ilse Geijzendorffer.



Barbara J. Ryan re-appointed as GEO Secretariat Director

Barbara J. Ryan has been re-appointed, without competition, to a second, three year term as the Secretariat Director of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). Ryan’s re-appointment was made by unanimous consent of the GEO Executive Committee.
Based in Geneva, GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and organizations that envisions "a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. GEO’s initial ten year mandate was extended for another decade by its Ministerial body in January of this year (see: http://www.earthobservations.org/).
GEO’s primary focus is to create a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to address environmental and societal challenges facing decision leaders and individual citizens across nine essential areas: agriculture, biodiversity, climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, water and weather.
Among the primary objectives objectives of EU BON is the integration of its framework with the Global Earth Biodiversity Observation Network project GEO BON and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The aim of GEO BON is to build a monitoring network that presents a full picture of what is happening to biological diversity worldwide.
The system will use masses of biological information with data and forecasts on climate change, pollution, land use, biological invasions and other threats to biodiversity. EU BON aims to facilitate GEO BON's work towards the creation of global biodiversity data network through contributing significant and integrated European capacities, data, and resources.


The Spiral Project Handbook: Effective interfaces between science, policy and society

The Spiral Project Handbook: Effective interfaces between science, policy and society was developed as part of the SPIRAL project. SPIRAL is an interdisciplinary research project that studies science-policy interfaces between biodiversity research and policy to draw lessons and improve the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
This handbook provides a manual for projects and individuals interested in designing or improving interfaces between science, policy and society. It is challenging – but important – to establish appropriate connections between the diverse insights and perspectives of scientists and other knowledge holders, and the needs and interests of decision-takers, implementers and other knowledge users. These connections and interactions are the "science-policy interface" (SPI). Designing and improving SPIs of EU-funded research projects is the aim of this handbook.
The handbook is structured around five main issues. It starts with a brief introduction to what SPIs are, and what they are not. Then moves on to the issue of why SPIs are needed before looking at certain important attributes of SPIs, namely credibility, relevance, legitimacy and iterativity. In the next part of the handbook, some steps and recommendations for designing, maintaining and improving the SPIs of EUfunded research projects are outlined. As part of this some factors facilitating successful SPIs are discussed.
SPIRAL was funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme, contract number 244035.
Original Source:
Young, J.C., Watt, A.D. van den Hove, S. and the SPIRAL project team1. 2013. Effective interfaces between science, policy and society: the SPIRAL project handbook. http://www.spiralproject.eu/content/documents