
National Park Service to Use Herbicide on South Entrance and Yavapai Road Traffic Islands to Reduce Elk Attractants

On Tuesday, June 4 and Wednesday, June 5 staff from the Division of Science and Resource Management (SRM) will be applying herbicide to the traffic islands on South Entrance and Yavapai Roads to remove grasses that attract elk in these congested areas of the Grand Canyon Village. The intent of the removal is to minimize conflicts between wildlife (elk) and both visitors and residents along the road corridors. https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/news/south-entrance-and-yavapai-herbicide-use.htm


Polar Vortex Brings Snow, Wintry Conditions to New England

A polar vortex brought rare winter weather conditions to the Northeast of the US on May 9, with freezing temperatures and snow reported across parts of New England, including Vermont. Up to 9 inches of snow was recorded in parts of Vermont with freeze or frost advisories reported in 20 states across the Midwest and Northeast. Video filmed by Mitch @VermonsterWx shows several inches of “light and fluffy” snow accumulation near Readsboro, Vermont. Credit: Mitch @VermonsterWx via Storyful


Dudded Flight Centre customers won’t return

Travellers should consider taking legal action to get money back


Environmental persistence of a pathogen used in microbial insect control

We conducted an experimental study of infection, transmission, and persistence of a nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) of Douglas-fir tussock moth (Orgyia pseudotsugata) to better understand mechanisms determining the efficacy of the virus when it is used as a microbial control agent. In a field experiment, we quantified infection rates of larvae exposed to either Tussock Moth Biocontrol-1, the strain currently used for control by the U.S. Forest Service, or a wild-type strain isolated from a natural population. We first allowed each pathogen to decay on experimental branches for 0, 1, or 3 days before allowing uninfected larvae to feed on the branches, and then we fit both a generalized linear model and an epidemiological model of virus transmission to the infection data. Longer decay of the NPV resulted in lower infection rates, but evidence that overall virus transmission differed between wild and pesticide isolates of NPV was weak. The short persistence time of the virus suggests that it does not last long on foliage, in turn suggesting that application of TM Biocontrol-1 must be carefully timed to ensure maximum mortality.


CSSplay - Vimeo video select list with external controls

Vimeo video select list with external play/pause/rewind controls and fallback for iOS


CSSplay - Vimeo video - hiding the control bar

A CSS only method of hiding the control bar on Vimeo videos


CSSplay - Vimeo video replacing default controls with Play / Pause button

A tutorial to replace the default controls on a Vimeo video with a Play / Pause button, and make responsive.


Public acceptance of disturbance-based forest management: a study of the Blue River Landscape Strategy in the Central Cascades Adaptive Management Area.

This report examines public perspectives on disturbance-based management conducted in the central Cascade Range in Oregon as part of the Blue River Landscape Strategy.


Test result delays at Chessington coronavirus centre an 'embarrassment', says ambulance worker

A London Ambulance Service worker and Weybridge teacher both needed to use the site, but experienced a number of problems


Effects of Vegetation Control and Organic Matter Removal On Soil Water Content In A Young Douglas-Fir Plantation

We evaluated the effects of vegetation control and organic matter (OM) removal on soil water content (SWC) in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation from age 3 through age 5. Treatments were presence versus absence of vegetation control through year 5 and bole-only harvest of the previous stand versus total-tree harvest of the previous stand including removal of all coarse woody residues.


Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels Volume X: sagebrush with grass and ponderosa pine-juniper types in central Montana.

Two series of single and stereo photographs display a range of natural conditions and fuel loadings in sagebrush with grass and ponderosa pinejuniper types in central Montana. Each group of photos includes inventory information summarizing vegetation composition, structure, and loading; woody material loading and density by size class; forest floor depth and loading; and various site characteristics. The natural fuels photo series is designed to help land managers appraise fuel and vegetation conditions in natural settings.


Potential vegetation hierarchy for the Blue Mountains section of northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and westcentral Idaho

The work described in this report was initiated during the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP). The ICBEMP produced a broad-scale scientific assessment of ecological, biophysical, social, and economic conditions for the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. The broad-scale assessment made extensive use of potential vegetation (PV) information. This report (1) discusses certain concepts and terms as related to PV, (2) describes how a PV framework developed for the broad-scale ICBEMP assessment area was stepped down to the level of a single section in the national hierarchy of terrestrial ecological units, (3) describes how fine-scale potential vegetation types (PVTs) identified for the Blue Mountains section were aggregated into the midscale portion of the PV hierarchy, and (4) describes the PVT composition for each of the midscale hierarchical units (physiognomic class, potential vegetation group, plant association group).


Private Forests, Public Benefits: Increased Housing Density and Other Pressures on Private Forest Contributions

Over half (56 percent) of America's forests are privately owned and managed and provide a vast array of public goods and services, such as clean water, timber, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. These important public benefits are being affected by increased housing density in urban as well as rural areas across the country.


Forests of southeast and south-central Alaska, 2004–2008: five-year forest inventory and analysis report.

This report highlights key findings from the most recent (2004–2008) data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis program across all ownerships in southeast and south-central Alaska. We present basic resource information such as forest area, ownership, volume, biomass, carbon sequestration, growth, and mortality; structure and function topics such as vegetation and lichen diversity and forest age distribution; disturbance topics such as insects and diseases, yellow-cedar decline, fire, and invasive plants; and information about the forest products industry in Alaska, the potential of young growth for timber supply, biofuels, and nontimber forest products. The appendixes describe inventory methods and design in detail and provide summary tables of data and statistical error for the forest characteristics sampled.


Nontimber forest products in the United States: Montreal Process indicators as measures of current conditions and sustainability.

The United States, in partnership with 11 other countries, participates in the Montreal Process. Each country assesses national progress toward the sustainable management of forest resources by using a set of criteria and indicators agreed on by all member countries. Several indicators focus on nontimber forest products (NTFPs). In the United States, permit and contract data from the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, in addition to several other data sources, were used as a benchmark to assess harvest, value, employment, exports and imports, per capita consumption, and subsistence uses for many NTFPs. The retail value of commercial harvests of NTFPs from U.S. forest lands is estimated at $1.4 billion annually. Nontimber forest products in the United States are important to many people throughout the country for personal, cultural, and commercial uses, providing food security, beauty, connection to culture and tradition, and income.


Seasonal neighbors: residential development encroaches on mule deer winter range in central Oregon.

Mule deer populations in central Oregon are in decline, largely because of habitat loss. Several factors are likely contributors. Encroaching juniper and invasive cheatgrass are replacing deer forage with high nutritional value, such as bitterbrush and sagebrush. Fire suppression and reduced timber harvests mean fewer acres of early successional forest, which also offer forage opportunities. Human development, including homes and roads, is another factor. It is this one that scientists with the Pacific Northwest Research Station and their collaborators investigated in a recent study.


Forest Service releases maps of element concentrations in Portland moss

Information can be used to investigate air pollution in the city.


Forest products cluster development in central Arizona—implications for landscape-scale forest restoration


Procurement Contracting In The Affected Counties of The Northwest Forest Plan: 12 Years of Change

As part of the 10-year socioeconomic monitoring of the Northwest Forest Plan, this report evaluates changes in Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) procurement contracting between 1990 and 2002 by asking, (1) How much and what kind of work did the Forest Service and BLM contract during this period, and (2) who received economic benefits from this procurement contracting? Procurement contracting is a particular focus of the socioeconomic monitoring because one expectation of the Northwest Forest Plan was that the Forest Service and BLM would create high-skill, high-wage private sector jobs in public land restoration through contracting to partially offset job losses in timber production, harvesting, and processing. This report finds that, to the contrary, the Forest Service reduced its contracting of land management activities on national forests in the Northwest Forest Plan area from a high of $103 million in 1991 to a low of $33 million in 2002. By contrast, BLM spending was fairly constant at just under $20 million annually. Both the Forest Service and the BLM changed the type of activities that they contracted, shifting from activities associated with intensive forest management such as tree planting in clearcuts to activities associated with ecosystem management. Contractors located near national forests and BLM lands and rural communities captured a similar proportion of contracts in both the earlier and later parts of the study period. However, the significant decline in Forest Service contract spending resulted in considerable decline in the amount of money flowing to rural communities through contracting. Thus, it is unlikely that federal land management contracting created a net increase in jobs to replace jobs lost in mills and logging operations in public lands communities.


Evaluation of native plant seeds and seeding in the east-side central Cascades ponderosa pine zone

In dry, open coniferous forests of the montane West, stand-replacing wildfires and land use activities alter the composition and abundance of native grasses and forbs by degrading the habitat and accelerating the invasion of exotic annuals. On these lands, native forbs and grasses delayed or prevented from recovery by natural processes may require intervention through supplementary seeding. However, effective seeding of native plants requires that their seed traits and the potential outcome of the seeding be better understood.


10 more patients die in North East hospitals after contracting coronavirus

NHS England announced that 207 more people died after testing positive for Covid-19 taking the total death toll in hospitals in England to 22,972

  • North East News


Entravision Sees Revenues, Income Dip For First Quarter 2020

ENTRAVISION COMMUNICATIONS CORP. first quarter 2020 revenues dipped 1% to $64.249 million, blamed on the effects of the pandemic, an 8% decline for the company's digital operations, and a … more


[Promo] Connect With The All Access Country Community

Stop by the message board on the ALL ACCESS Country section, the Country Forum. It's fun to read and even more fun to tell everyone what you think. ou can also be a part of the ALL ACCESS … more


Three NI recycling centres have reopened to the public

It has been two weeks since Executive issued guidelines for reopening


Stinger used to stop car in dramatic police chase through Co Antrim

The car chase unfolded in the early hours of Saturday morning


ACM ‘Our Country' Special To Re-Air On CMT This Weekend

In case you missed it, the ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC’s “ACM Presents: Our Country” special will get another airing on a new network this weekend. The show, which debuted on … more


KZPK (Wild Country 99)/St. Cloud, MN Launches YouTube Reading Series For Kids

LEIGHTON BROADCASTING Country KZPK (WILD COUNTRY 99)/ST. CLOUD, MN has launched the “Books with BROOK” YOUTUBE series in conjunction with SCHOLASTIC. MD/afternoon personality … more


Brody Smith Joins WKJO (Country Superstars 102.3)/Raleigh, Adds Video Livestream For His Podcast

BRODY SMITH, the former iHEARTMEDIA AC KSNE (SUNNY 106.5)/LAS VEGAS. Top 40 WDCG (G105)/RALEIGH, and Top 40 WLDI (WILD 95.5)/W. PALM BEACH personality, has joined TRIANGLE MARKETING … more


Country Stars Release Slew Of New Songs Just In Time For Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day just two days away (5/10), a half dozen Country stars have been filling our playlists with new material that’s perfectly timed for the holiday. Leading the pack … more


For King & Country To Premiere New Song 'Together' Today On GMA

CURB/WORD ENTERTAINMENT four-time GRAMMY award-winning AUSTRALIAN duo FOR KING & COUNTRY will make their debut appearance on ABC-TV's GOOD MORNING AMERICA TODAY (5/1) to premiere … more


For King & Country Roll Out New Socially-Distanced Video For 'Together' With Kirk Franklin And Tori Kelly

Following their groundbreaking debut on ABC-TV's  GOOD MORNING AMERICA, CURB/WORD ENTERTAINMENT four-time GRAMMY winning duo FOR KING & COUNTRY have unveiled the official video … more


Cliftonville announce contract extension for Thomas Maguire

He made his debut in August 2018 and has gone on to make 52 appearances for the Reds.


Eminem Confronts An Intruder In His Home And Arrest Is Made

Hip Hop artist EMINEM reportedly confronted and detained an intruder in his DETROIT-area home in early APRIL. The alleged intruder, MATTHEW DAVID HUGHES, had set off a security alarm when he … more


Patients taking ACE-i and ARBs who contract COVID-19 should continue treatment, unless otherwise advised by their physician

Embargoed until 8 a.m. CT/9 a.m. ET, Tuesday, March 17, 2020   DALLAS, Tuesday, March 17, 2020 – As the global impact of COVID-19 rises, the scientific community continues to evaluate the clinical impact and health care needs of patients with...


Más de $14 millones en becas de investigación otorgadas para soluciones de tecnología de la salud centradas en la salud del corazón y del cerebro, incluidos los proyectos especiales relacionados con el COVID-19 y las ECV

DALLAS, 2 de abril del 2020 – La American Heart Association, la organización voluntaria líder mundial dedicada a un mundo con vidas más duraderas y saludables, anunció hoy que se otorgarán más de $14 millones en becas de investigación científica a cuatro...


Las dos nuevas declaraciones de la AHA se centran en la insuficiencia cardíaca: cómo pueden afectar los determinantes sociales a los resultados clínicos, y el impacto en los cuidadores

Aspectos destacados de las declaraciones: Los factores sociales adversos, como el estado de los seguros, la inseguridad alimentaria, la falta de fondos para medicamentos y otros, pueden causar resultados clínicos negativos de la insuficiencia...


Biggest free-agent contracts in MLB history

Manny Machado inked a 10-year, $300 million deal with the Padres, the biggest free-agent contract in MLB history. Here's the Top 10.


10 Beautifully Designed, Minimal & Name-Centric Business Cards

Sometimes all you need is a name. It is a powerful thing. It always has a meaning and, even more, it has a subtext and undertone. A name can speak...

The post 10 Beautifully Designed, Minimal & Name-Centric Business Cards appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.


Family Of Romanian Photographer Moved To A Small Town In The UK And He Started Discovering The Beauty Of This Country

According to Aurel Paduraru: “I am a Romanian photographer and traveler. Last year, my wife, our five-year-old son, and I...


UNI football position preview: Will McElvain entrenched as No. 1 quarterback

CEDAR FALLS — A four-way quarterback competition dominated the preseason headlines for Northern Iowa last August. Walk-on redshirt freshman Will McElvain emerged as the competition’s...


What does a decentralized WordPress environment look like?

Watch my video and see what a decentralized WordPress environment might look like. Almost everything we rely on to operate online is a centralized platform. WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, you name it—they’re all gigantic, centralized platforms. Ok, sure, but why does that matter? It matters because the bigger centralized platforms get, the less freedom users […]

  • Centralization vs. Decentralization
  • Videos


The Key Difference Between Centralization and Decentralization

One of the more compelling insights to come from the Joe Rogan interview with Elon Musk is this idea that humanity is actively creating “giant cybernetic collectives.” Through our participation in social media platforms and on the internet in general, we are assimilating knowledge and building connections at a rate that vastly exceeds everything that […]

  • Centralization vs. Decentralization
  • Videos


How to Create a WordPress Intranet for Your Organization

Do you want to create a WordPress intranet for your organization? WordPress is a powerful platform with tons of flexible options that makes it ideal to be used as your company’s intranet. In this article, we will show you how to create a WordPress intranet.


Controlling AirPort Network Access with Time Limits

If you own an AirPort base station, you can use the Timed Access feature to control the days and times when users access the Internet. This could come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, if you own a cafe and provide free wi-fi access, you can configure the AirPort to block all access to the Internet when your business is closed. And if you have children, you can set time limits for specific devices in your home.

There are two ways to use the timed access feature. You can create a default allow policy to allow all devices to access the Internet at any time, and then specify custom schedules for specific devices. Or you can create a default deny policy to prevent all devices from accessing the Internet according the schedule you specify, and then exempt specific devices by creating custom schedules.

Here's how to control AirPort network access with time limits:

  1. Open the AirPort Utility application. (It's in Applications → Utilities.) The window shown below appears.

  2. Click the AirPort Extreme's icon. The status pop-up window appears.

  3. Click Edit. The settings window appears.

  4. Select the Network tab. The window shown below appears.

  5. Select the Enable Access Control checkbox.

  6. Click Timed Access Control. The window shown below appears.

  7. Select the Unlimited (default) option. By default, this allows all of the devices connected to your AirPort to access the Internet all day, every day, but you can change this to block Internet access for all devices (except the ones you specify later) during the times you set.

  8. If you'd like to limit the days and times that a specific device can access the Internet, click the + button under the Wireless Clients field. The window shown below appears.

  9. Enter a name for the device in the Description field.

  10. Enter the device's MAC address in the MAC Address field. You can use the following tutorials to find the device's MAC address.

  11. Use the + button under the Wireless Access Times field to create a schedule for this device's Internet access.

  12. Once you've added all of your devices and customized the schedules, click Save.

  13. Click Update. The AirPort will restart to apply the changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully set time limits for the devices connecting to your AirPort network. The schedule you created is effective immediately.

Meet Your Macinstructor

Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com.


How Coal Country Is Cleaning Up Its Act

By Mason Adams Yes! Magazine A program in eastern Kentucky is retraining miners in industries that help mitigate the environmental impacts of mining on communities. Like many men raised in eastern Kentucky, Frank Morris spent a chunk of his working … Continue reading


The Introvert Advantage with Beth Comstock

Even though I’m an extrovert, I have a feeling the future favors the introvert. Beth Comstock was at the CreativeLive studios in Seattle and I could not help but snag her for a quick moment to pick her brain on one of the most popular topics on my channel — navigating an extroverted world as an introvert. As a self-described introvert, Beth knows what it’s like to find elevate your strengths and have the courage to defend your creative ideas. Beth was named one of the most powerful women in business. After leaving a 27 year career at GE as their Chief Marketing Officer and Vice Chair, she decided to got a completely different direction to focus on new areas such as writing, art, exploration, and discovery. In this episode, Beth shares her advice to embrace your nature, and bring those strengths to any client, team, or situation. Enjoy! If you dig the show, please give a shout out to Beth on social and let her know. ???? FOLLOW BETH: twitter | instagram | website Listen to the Podcast  Subscribe   This podcast is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world’s largest hub for online creative education in […]

The post The Introvert Advantage with Beth Comstock appeared first on Chase Jarvis Photography.


An Introduction To React With Ionic

The Ionic Framework is an open-source UI toolkit for building fast, high-quality applications using web technologies with integrations for popular frameworks like Angular and React. Ionic enables cross-platform development using either Cordova or Capacitor, with the latter featuring support for desktop application development using Electron. In this article, we will explore Ionic with the React integration by building an app that displays comics using the Marvel Comics API and allows users to create a collection of their favorites.


The entropy of holomorphic correspondences: exact computations and rational semigroups. (arXiv:2004.13691v1 [math.DS] CROSS LISTED)

We study two notions of topological entropy of correspondences introduced by Friedland and Dinh-Sibony. Upper bounds are known for both. We identify a class of holomorphic correspondences whose entropy in the sense of Dinh-Sibony equals the known upper bound. This provides an exact computation of the entropy for rational semigroups. We also explore a connection between these two notions of entropy.


Entropy and Emergence of Topological Dynamical Systems. (arXiv:2005.01548v2 [math.DS] UPDATED)

A topological dynamical system $(X,f)$ induces two natural systems, one is on the probability measure spaces and other one is on the hyperspace.

We introduce a concept for these two spaces, which is called entropy order, and prove that it coincides with topological entropy of $(X,f)$. We also consider the entropy order of an invariant measure and a variational principle is established.