
International Women’s March Online Chat

A live chat event with Dany Pen, founder of Women’s A.C.T, as well as Robyn Swan, founder of Move Bermuda Forward, will be held on Sunday [Jan 19] at 1.00pm to mark the anniversary of the International Women’s March. In an online post, Women’s A.C.T Group said, “Happening This Sunday. Join Dany Pen and Robyn […]

(Click to read the full article)


Squash Players Impress At Guyana Tournament

The Bermuda National Squash Team returned last night after making a strong showing at the Caribbean Squash Championships 2019 in Guyana. The team had a fantastic week with standout performances from Colin Alexander winning the Men’s Over 60 category, Denise Kyme taking 2nd in the Women’s Over 50 Category, and Suzanne Rose finishing 3rd in […]

(Click to read the full article)


RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament Underway

The 2019 RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament is underway, and the results from the first day of competition are below. Tuesday October 15 Results A Division Piers Carr beat Peter Cooper 11-7, 11-9, 11-7 Korin Knights beat Elijah Simmons 11-9, 8-11, 11-7, 11-4 Anaya Smith beat Malcom Woodley 11-5, 11-5, 11-4 Melina Turk beat Mark James […]

(Click to read the full article)


RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament Day Two

The RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament 2019 continued inside the Bermuda Squash Racquets Association Club in Devonshire. Tournament favorite Micah Franklin cruised to victory in his second match defeating Piers Carr in straight games 11-4, 11-3, 11-2. Four A Division matches went the distance as Eugene Bothello defeated Mark James 11-7, 9-11, 11-8, 9-11, 11-8, Peter […]

(Click to read the full article)


RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament Day Three

It was a marathon night for most as the RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament 2019 continued inside the Bermuda Squash Racquets Association Club in Devonshire. A total of eleven games over the four divisions went five games before a winner was decided and several other matches needed four games to find a winner. Tournament favorite Micah […]

(Click to read the full article)


RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament Day Four

The RUBiS Graded Squash Tournament 2019 concluded inside the Bermuda Squash Racquets Association Club in Devonshire. Tournament favorite Micah Franklin cruised to victory in his fourth and final match defeating Kristian Muldoon in straight games 12-10, 11-2, 11-7. Five matches over the four Divisions needed 5 games to decide a winner. Anthony Fellows won his […]

(Click to read the full article)


Impacts on Practice: New International Arrivals Facility Will Enhance Customer Experience at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport

In 2017, when leadership at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac) decided to build a new International Arrivals Facility (IAF), they knew they had to leverage airport resources in a cost-effective manner to enhance customer experience. At nearly 50 years old, the existing facility could no longer accommodate Sea-Tac’s demand for international travel, which grew 107 percent from 2007 to 2017. The latest issue of the  TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's (ACRP) Impacts on Practice serie...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_iop_059


Tenth International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure*

International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastracture will host Tenth International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure on June 30 - July 2, 2021 in Porto, Portugal. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The conference provides a forum for idea exchanges, knowledge sharing, and technology-need matchmaking in the global Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Testing community. It serves as a unique venue to showcase U.S. and gl...


International Symposium on Pavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment*

University of California Pavement Research and National Center for Sustainable Transport have postponed the International Symposium on Pavement Life Cycle Assessment from June 3-6, 2020 to January 13-15, 2021 in Sacramento, CA. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The symposium will focus on the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for pavements. The workshop address the implementation of LCA in pavement operations at the network and project levels.


Publication: All-Ages Lead Model (AALM), Version 2.0 (External Review Draft)

EPA announces the availability of the All-Ages Lead Model (AALM), Version 2 software with updated supporting documentation (External Review Draft). The AALM Model is scheduled to undergo an independent peer review by EPA's Science Advisory Board in October 2019. For more information related to scheduling and peer reviewers for this new tool, please visit the SAB AALM Project website. [Federal Register Notice Sep 24, 2019]


Impacts on Practice: Measuring Success at Raleigh–Durham International Airport

As an East Coast tech hub, Raleigh, North Carolina, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States. Leaders there used the knowledge gained from two reports by TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program to develop a draft Balanced Scorecard, which was then refined, approved, and implemented. Impacts on Practice: Measuring Success at Raleigh–Durham International Airport summarizes how RDU now better connects its strategic goals to its practices, tracks the right metrics, and develop...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_iop_183


'Doom Eternal' updates will add supercharged demons and a fresh campaign

Whatever you think of Doom Eternal right now, id and Bethesda are determined to spice it up going forward. They’ve hinted at what’s coming next for the hellish shooter, starting with a preview of the game’s first free update. The simply titled Update...


the nocturnal adventures of Sir Coffee




Nocturnal Omissions


Rutgers Expert Available to Discuss RNA Discovery


Marivi Fernandez-Serra: Then and Now

Marivi Fernandez-Serra is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University.


UTEP Professor Named Fellow of International Society for Optics and Photonics

Raymond C. Rumpf, Ph.D., professor of electrical and computer engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso, was promoted to Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), an educational nonprofit established to advance light-based science, engineering and technology.


PHP Internals News: Episode 50: The RFC Process - Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 50: The RFC Process

In this episode of "PHP Internals News", Henrik Gemal (LinkedIn, Website) asks me about how PHP's RFC process works, and I try to answer all of his questions.

The RSS feed for this podcast is https://derickrethans.nl/feed-phpinternalsnews.xml, you can download this episode's MP3 file, and it's available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website: https://phpinternals.news


Derick Rethans 0:16

Hi, I'm Derick. And this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 50. Today I'm talking with Henrik come out after he reached out with a question. You might know that at the end of every podcast, I ask: if you have any questions, feel free to email me. And Henrik was the first person to actually do so within a year and a half's time. For the fun, I'm thinking that instead of I'm asking the questions, I'm letting Henrik ask the questions today, because he suggested that we should do a podcast about how the RFC process actually works. Henrik, would you please introduce yourself?

Henrik Gemal 0:52

Yeah, my name is Henrik Gemal. I live in Denmark. The CTO of dinner booking which does reservation systems for restaurants. I've been doing a PHP development for more than 10 years. But I'm not coding so much now. Now I'm managing a big team of PHP developers. And I also been involved in the the open source development of Mozilla Firefox.

Derick Rethans 1:19

So usually I prepare the questions, but in this case, Henrik has prepared the questions. So I'll hand over to him to get started with them. And I'll try to do my best to answer the questions.

Henrik Gemal 1:27

I heard a lot about these RFCs. And I was interested in the process of it. So I'm just starting right off here, who can actually do an RFC? Is it anybody on the internet?

Derick Rethans 1:38

Yeah, pretty much. In order to be able to do an RFC, what you would need is you need to have an idea. And then you need access to our wiki system to be able to actually start writing that, well not to write them, to publish it. The RFC process is open for everybody. In the last year and a half or so, some of the podcasts that I've done have been with people that have been contributing to PHP for a long time. But in other cases, it's people like yourself that have an idea, come up, work together with somebody to work on a patch, and then create an RFC out of that. And that's then goes through the whole process. And sometimes they get accepted, and sometimes they don't.

Henrik Gemal 2:16

How technical are the RFCs? Is it like coding? Or is it more like the idea in general?

Derick Rethans 2:23

The idea needs to be there, it needs to be thought out. It needs to have a good reason for why we want to add or change something in PHP. The motivation is almost as important as what the change or addition actually is about. Now, that doesn't always get us here at variable. In my opinion, but that is an important thing. Now with the idea we need to talk about what changes it has on the rest of the ecosystem, whether they are backward compatible breaks in there, how it effects extensions, or sometimes how it effects OPCache. Sometimes considerations have to be taken for that because it's, it's something quite important in the PHP ecosystem. And it is recommended that it comes with a patch, because it's often a lot easier to talk about an implementation than to talk about the idea. But that is not a necessity. There have been quite some RFCs where the idea was there. But it wasn't a patch right away yet. It is less likely that these RFCs will g

Truncated by Planet PHP, read more at the original (another 15224 bytes)


PHP Internals News: Episode 51: Object Ergonomics - Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 51: Object Ergonomics

In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I talk with Larry Garfield (Twitter, Website, GitHub) about a blog post that he was written related to PHP's Object Ergonomics.

The RSS feed for this podcast is https://derickrethans.nl/feed-phpinternalsnews.xml, you can download this episode's MP3 file, and it's available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website: https://phpinternals.news


Derick Rethans 0:16

Hi, I'm Derick. And this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 51. Today I'm talking with Larry Garfield, not about an RFC for once, but about a blog post that he's written called Object Ergonomics. Larry, would you please introduce yourself?

Larry Garfield 0:38

Hello World. My name is Larry Garfield, also Crell, CRELL, on various social medias. I work at platform.sh in developer relations. We're a continuous deployment cloud hosting company. I've been writing PHP for 21 years and been a active gadfly and nudge for at least 15 of those.

Derick Rethans 1:01

In the last couple of months, we have seen quite a lot of smaller RFCs about all kinds of little features here and there, to do with making the object oriented model of PHP a little bit better. I reckon this is also the nudge behind you writing a slightly longer blog post titled "Improving PHP object ergonomics".

Larry Garfield 1:26

If by slightly longer you mean 14 pages? Yes.

Derick Rethans 1:29

Yes, exactly. Yeah, it took me a while to read through. What made you write this document?

Larry Garfield 1:34

As you said, there's been a lot of discussion around improving PHP's general user experience of working with objects in PHP. Where there's definitely room for improvement, no question. And I found a lot of these to be useful in their own right, but also very narrow and narrow in ways that solve the immediate problem but could get in the way of solving larger problems later on down the line. So I went into this with an attitude of: Okay, we can kind of piecemeal and attack certain parts of the problem space. Or we can take a step back and look at the big picture and say: Alright, here's all the pain points we have. What can we do that would solve not just this one pain point. But let us solve multiple pain points with a single change? Or these two changes together solve this other pain point as well. Or, you know, how can we do this in a way that is not going to interfere with later development that we've talked about. We know we want to do, but isn't been done yet. So how do we not paint ourselves into a corner by thinking too narrow?

Derick Rethans 2:41

It's a curious thing, because a more narrow RFC is likely easier to get accepted, because it doesn't pull in a whole set of other problems as well. But of course, as you say, if the whole idea hasn't been thought through, then some of these things might not actually end up being beneficial. Because it can be combined with some other things to directly address the problems that we're trying to solve, right?

Larry Garfield 3:07

Yeah, it comes down to what are the smallest changes we can make that taken together have the largest impact. That kind of broad picture thinking is something that is hard to do in PHP, just given the way it's structured. So I took a stab at that.

Derick Rethans 3:21

What are the main problems that we should address?

Larry Garf

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PHP Internals News: Episode 52: Floats and Locales - Derick Rethans

PHP Internals News: Episode 52: Floats and Locales

In this episode of "PHP Internals News" I talk with George Banyard (Website, Twitter, GitHub, GitLab) about an RFC that he has proposed together with Máté Kocsis (Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn) to make PHP's float to string logic no longer use locales.

The RSS feed for this podcast is https://derickrethans.nl/feed-phpinternalsnews.xml, you can download this episode's MP3 file, and it's available on Spotify and iTunes. There is a dedicated website: https://phpinternals.news


Derick Rethans 0:16

Hi, I'm Derick. And this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. This is Episode 52. Today I'm talking with George Banyard about an RFC that he's made together with Mate Kocsis. This RFC is titled locale independent floats to string. Hello, George, would you please introduce yourself?

George Banyard 0:39

Hello, I'm George Peter Banyard. I'm a student at Imperial College and I work on PHP in my free time.

Derick Rethans 0:47

All right, so we're talking about local independent floats. What is the problem here?

George Banyard 0:52

Currently when you do a float to string conversion, so all casting or displaying a float, the conversion will depend on like the current local. So instead of always using like the decimal dot separator. For example, if you have like a German or the French locale enabled, it will use like a comma to separate like the decimals.

Derick Rethans 1:14

Okay, I can understand that that could be a bit confusing. What are these locales exactly?

George Banyard 1:20

So locales, which are more or less C locales, which PHP exposes to user land is a way how to change a bunch of rules on how string and like stuff gets displayed on the C level. One of the issues with it is that like it's global. For example, if you use like a thread safe API, if you use the thread safe PHP version, then set_locale() is not thread safe, so we'll just like impact other threads where you're using it.

Derick Rethans 1:50

So a locale is a set of rules to format specific things with floating point numbers being one of them in which situations does the locale influence the display a floating point numbers in every situation in PHP or only in some?

George Banyard 2:06

Yes, it only impacts like certain aspects, which is quite surprising. So a string cast will affect it the strval() function, vardump(), and debug_zval_dump() will all affect the decimal locator and also printf() with the percentage lowercase F, but that's expected because it's locale aware compared to the capital F modifier.

Derick Rethans 2:32

But it doesn't, for example, have the same problem in the serialised function or say var_export().

George Banyard 2:37

Yeah, and json_encode() also doesn't do that. PDO has special code which handles also this so that like all the PDO drivers get like a constant treat like float string, because that could like impact on the databases.

Derick Rethans 2:53

How is it a problem that with some locales enabled and then uses a comma instead of the decimal point. How can this cause bugs and PHP applications?

Truncated by Planet PHP, read more at the original (another 17468 bytes)


The EARN IT Act Also Threatens Journalists And Their Sources

The EARN IT Act is dangerous. It threatens speech on the internet and tech companies' ability to provide secure communications for their users. There may not be anything about encryption in the dry text of the bill, but the threat is there all the same. No one knows what "best practices" the law will demand from online services, but the bill's focus on child porn strongly suggests any platform that "allows" this information to be transmitted using encrypted communications will be targeted by the government.

Bill Barr and Chris Wray have made it clear encryption is the enemy. Both have advocated for encryption backdoors, even if they're both too cowardly to use that term. No one thinks the government and service providers shouldn't do all they can to prevent the sharing of child porn, but undermining encryption isn't the solution. It may shield some child porn producers and consumers from detection, but the government's efforts in this area show encryption hasn't posed much of a problem to investigators and prosecutors.

Encryption protects people who aren't criminals. As Runa Sundvik explains for TechCrunch, targeting encryption via the EARN IT Act also threatens some of the foremost beneficiaries of the First Amendment: journalists.

[T]echnology experts warn the bill not only fails to meet the challenge, it creates new problems of its own. My job is to enable journalists to do their work securely — to communicate with others, research sensitive stories and publish hard-hitting news. This bill introduces significant harm to journalists’ ability to protect their sources.

Strip communications platforms of their encryption and you make it that much easier to expose journalists' sources and snoop on their communications. This isn't an existential threat. It's an actual threat. The FBI has spied on journalists and several successive presidential administrations have made rooting out leakers a priority.

But it does more than harm journalists. It also harms the people they're trying to reach: readers. Encryption protects readers who visit news sites utilizing HTTPS. That's almost all of them at this point. This ensures their connection is shielded from people trying to snoop on their web activity. More importantly, it ensures the sites they reach are legit and the content originating from the journalists the site says it is.

If EARN IT becomes law, whistleblowers and other sources will see their secure options disappear. Tor, Signal, etc. will be considered nothing more than aiders and abettors of criminal activity. Anything secured by encryption will be treated as a virtual dead drop for criminal content.

Protecting children from exploitation is important. But the tradeoff legislators are demanding isn't actually a tradeoff. The American public will receive no net benefit from this tangential attack on encryption. Very often we're first informed about serious government misconduct by journalists. Destroying this outlet works out well for the government so often exposed as untrustworthy, but it does nothing for the governed.


Day One Journaling App Update Adds iPad Trackpad Support, New Day View, and More

Popular journaling app Day One today updated to version 4.13, adding support for trackpad navigation on iPad, a new Day View interface, and other improvements.

This release comes after the launch of iOS and iPadOS 13.4, which added support for trackpads and mice on ‌‌iPad‌‌.

After updating, Day One users on ‌iPad‌ can use various trackpad actions to interact with the app, including two-finger swipe down to dismiss, and two-finger horizontal swipe to open and close the journal drawer.

The new Day View offers quicker access to daily entries by tapping on or clicking dates in the calendar or the timeline.

Also in this update, Daily Reminders now include additional information like the number of photos taken and locations visited on a given day, and the Settings pages now provide links to Day One feature documents.

Elsewhere, several bugs have been fixed, including one that caused video thumbnails not to display in the media timeline, and one that prevented photos in the activity feed from showing location or calendar events.

Day One is a free download for iPhone and ‌iPad‌ from the App Store with in-app purchases for premium features. [Direct Link]
Tag: Day One

This article, "Day One Journaling App Update Adds iPad Trackpad Support, New Day View, and More" first appeared on MacRumors.com

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Have you ever noticed that the Internal Revenue Service’s regulations often are illogical?

Have you ever noticed that the Internal Revenue Service's regulations often are illogical? Does anyone at the IRS think through its regulations? Continue reading

  • Accountants CPA Hartford
  • Does anyone at the IRS think through its regulations?
  • Form 1120 filing requirements
  • Have you ever noticed that the Internal Revenue Service's regulations often are illogical?
  • Internal Revenue Service instructions
  • IRS regulations
  • short year filing requirement
  • short year filing requirements
  • tax forms unavailable for short years
  • The irrationality of IRS regulations
  • when to file


Summary of Staff Discussion Draft: International Business Tax Reform

Senator Max Baucus, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, releases a staff discussion draft on international business tax reform. Continue reading

  • Accountants CPA Hartford
  • Articles
  • Chairman Max Baucus U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
  • International Tax Reform
  • international tax system
  • November 19 2013
  • Proposals for tax reform
  • Senator Max Baucus
  • U.S. Senate Committee on Finance


Новый альбом GREEN CARNATION доступен для прослушивания

"Leaves Of Yesteryear", новый альбом группы GREEN CARNATION, доступен для прослушивания ниже. Эта работа вышла 8 мая на Season Of Mist.


"Leaves Of Yesteryear"
"My Dark Reflections Of Life And Death"
"Solitude" #Green_Carnation #GreenCarnation #ProgressiveRock #Progressive_Rock #AcousticRock #Acoustic_Rock #ProgressiveMetal #Progressive_Metal


IBM Teams with Eurobank to Deliver First-Ever Cloud-Based Digital Experience for International Trade

Today IBM and Eurobank announced the first cloud-based digital platform for online international commercial trading. Using IBM's industry-leading Digital Experience software, with advanced cloud capabilities and social offerings, Eurobank is uniting exporters and importers from around the globe to enhance international trade operations and increase transactions.


LUZi, aplicación que lucha contra la mortalidad materna e infantil con ayuda de la Inteligencia Artificial de IBM

PROESAH – asociación civil formada por un grupo de doctores, profesores y alumnos de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero-, anunció el día de hoy el lanzamiento de una aplicación llamada LUZi, que utiliza tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de IBM para analizar el riesgo obstétrico. El objetivo del proyecto es reducir la mortalidad materna e infantil en las comunidades rurales de Guerrero, México.


Inteligencia artificial de IBM para repensar la fuerza laboral moderna

La inteligencia artificial (IA) promete transformar tanto el futuro del trabajo como la función de Recursos Humanos (RRHH). Alineado con esta premisa, IBM (NYSE: IBM) anunció hoy IBM Talent & Transformation, una nueva unidad destinada a ayudar a las organizaciones y a sus empleados a tener éxito en la era de la inteligencia artificial y la automatización.


IBM Safeguards Mobile Devices at Arrow International

IBM has implemented a cloud-based enterprise mobility management and security solution at Arrow International.


IBM Storage Supports Rakon’s International Growth

Rakon has selected the IBM Storwize V7000 SAN as part of a strategic storage upgrade to meet the needs of its rapidly expanding international quartz crystal manufacturing business.


Drakes Supermarket and Thomas Foods International collaborate to pilot IBM Food Trust in South Australia

Australia’s largest 100% family-owned meat processor, Thomas Foods International, and largest independent grocery retailer, Drakes Supermarket have signed on as members to the blockchain-based food ecosystem solution, IBM Food Trust™. The successful pilot can trace the entire lifecycle of a food product, from region to plate, and update the record in real-time.


SLC-2L-07: Journalist Hope Kahn

Hope Kahn is a Maryland-based journalist who is doing all of the sorts of things I was doing at her age: honing her writing and reporting skills, putting out a student newspaper, and always scrambling to find a good local story.

But that's where the similarities stop. Over the last couple of years she's been punching way above her weight class, having been published in national outlets such as Ms. and The New York Times. Suffice to say those are not exactly things I had accomplished before graduating high school.

More important, she writes about subjects that are touchstones for her generation. Her work with #SinceParkland is a great example of someone from Generation Lockdown working to effect change for her peers.

Recently we did some head shots. The idea was to help her with visually branding herself as the serious, thoughtful journalist she is fast becoming. The setup we used was classic Lighting 101 head-shot-in-a-corner fare, with an L102 and L103 twist. Read more »


International Unicorn Day -- April 9, 2020

This Thursday (4/9), eighteen authors (including yours truly!) will be doing live readings to celebrate International Unicorn Day!!! At 10:30am ET, I'll be on Facebook Live on my author page here: https://www.facebook.com/sarahbethdurst

And I may be wearing a unicorn onesie... 

Hope you'll join me!  And feel free to invite along any unicorns who want to listen too!  I'll be reading from my kids book, THE GIRL WHO COULD NOT DREAM, which features the winged unicorn Glitterhoof.

For the full schedule of the day's events, visit: https://www.internationalunicornday.com/events

#OperationStoryTime #InternationalUnicornDay


SETI@home hibernation

On March 31, the volunteer computing part of SETI@home will stop distributing work and will go into hibernation.

We're doing this for two reasons:

1) Scientifically, we're at the point of diminishing returns; basically, we've analyzed all the data we need for now.

2) It's a lot of work for us to manage the distributed processing of data. We need to focus on completing the back-end analysis of the results we already have, and writing this up in a scientific journal paper.

However, SETI@home is not disappearing. The web site and the message boards will continue to operate. We hope that other UC Berkeley astronomers will find uses for the huge computing capabilities of SETI@home for SETI or related areas like cosmology and pulsar research. If this happens, SETI@home will start distributing work again. We'll keep you posted about this.

If you're currently running SETI@home on your computer, we encourage you to attach to other BOINC-based projects as well. Or use Science United and sign up to do astronomy. You can stay attached to SETI@home, of course, but you won't get any jobs until we find new applications.

We're extremely grateful to all of our volunteers for supporting us in many ways during the past 20 years. Without you there would be no SETI@home. We're excited to finish up our original science project, and we look forward to what comes next.


Swiss nix hosting '21 world hockey tournament

The Swiss hockey federation says it won't seek to host the 2021 men's world championship after losing this year's event because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Happy International Women's Day

To the women from all over the world I'm privileged to know, and everybody who loves international women.

I have been saving up some articles for the occasion: here are two marvellous bios of trans lesbian elders.

Jan Morris. [Content note: the article is in the Guardian which takes a somewhat transphobic editorial stance, though this article is very positive towards trans women. However it does deadname Morris and includes a picture of her from back when she was presenting as male.]

Sandy Stone, a couple of years old from Vice but it came to my attention recently.




Все знают, коллектив MusicAeterna и его художественный руководитель Теодор Курентзис с декабря 2019 года активно работают над проектом культурно-образовательного центра Р. А. Д. И. О. в Санкт-Петербургском Доме Радио. Но карантин вносит в эту работу свои коррективы, и в конце апреля было объявлено об открытии digital platform — виртуальной творческой резиденции MusicAeterna. В скором времени на ней будет доступна онлайн-версия перформанса Алексея Ретинского «Слышать», посвященный Людвигу ван Бетховену. Анонсируем это событие статьей Анны Самсоненко, побывавшей на единственном представлении в феврале.


12 Alternatives To Google Adsense

When people think of advertising on their website their minds usually thinks of Google Adsense. It’s the biggest and best known after all and extremely easy to put into your site. In my personnel experience Google Adsense has worked well, however they have an extremely strict set of rules. These rules mean that a lot of sites can’t use Adsense on their site by default. Google is also notorious for banning accounts with no warning. Just look online and you easily find story after story about people losing their Adsense accounts for no apparent reason. Like I said I use Adsene and haven’t had any problems or have any complaints about them…….so far................... But just because Google is the biggest player doesn’t mean their the only one. So if your account with Adsense was banned and you’re looking for a new source of online revenue. Or you can’t stand Google and don’t want to deal with them, here is a list of some alternatives to Google Adsense worth checking out.


Tornado Insurance: What Does It Cover and Do I Need It?

Tornadoes can happen in any state in the U.S., and with more than 1,200 occurring annually, they are not uncommon. If you live in Texas, Kansas, Florida, Oklahoma, or Nebraska — the five top states for tornadoes — be sure your homeowners insurance has tornado coverage.  Even if you don’t live in a state where tornadoes are common, it’s worth noting that the only state that hasn’t had at least one tornado in the past decade is Alaska. No matter […]

The post Tornado Insurance: What Does It Cover and Do I Need It? appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


Research governance in social care

Irina McLean, Project Leader with NHS Research Scotland Management Team, is currently leading the development of a Research Governance Framework (RGF) which will meet the needs of Scotland’s Social Care Services employers, staff, and service users and their families.

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 sets the context for the integration of adult health and social care within Scotland. Underpinning the introduction of the Act was a commitment to ensure the consistent provision of quality, sustainable care services for the increasing numbers of people in Scotland who need joined-up support and care.

The Scottish Government recognises that for successful reform and effective integration of health and social care sectors collective ethical and accountable research practices are required.

The new RGF is currently being defined through a process of engagement.

In this episode, Irina tells us more about the work she is doing. If you would like to follow up with Irina about the RGF or speak to her about research you're involved in, you can contact her direct at: irina.mclean@nrs.org.uk.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes


Cumbernauld Action for Care of the Elderly: Covid-19 response

Cumbernauld Action for Care of the Elderly or CACE is an organisation that supports improved wellbeing and quality of life for older people in Cumbernauld.

We spoke to Margaret Riley, Chief Executive of CACE about how the organisation is managing in the Coronavirus outbreak.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.


ISBA 2016: The 10th international short break conference report

The 10th international short break conference took place in Edinburgh from 13 to 15 September 2016. This conference report explores the barriers experienced in accessing short breaks and how these have been overcome.


International Firefighters’ Day: Recognizing and Supporting Firefighters in Their All-Hazards Role

Today, May 4th, is International Firefighters’ Day. Each year on this day, firefighters are celebrated – and rightly so.   Most people have an image of firefighters clad in heavy coats, over-sized boots and sturdy helmets, rushing into


Men’s Sheds offer alternative avenue for improving health and wellbeing

Men’s Sheds health initiatives increase men’s confidence, self-worth and sense of wellbeing by providing an environment for men that is appealing, safe and socially acceptable, new research by a Leeds Beckett University academic has...


International Firefighters’ Day: Recognizing and Supporting Firefighters in Their All-Hazards Role

Today, May 4th, is International Firefighters’ Day. Each year on this day, firefighters are celebrated – and rightly so.   Most people have an image of firefighters clad in heavy coats, over-sized boots and sturdy helmets, rushing into


Include and empower: an international conference on improving the rights and wellbeing of disabled children and young people

When: Thu Dec 3, 2015 to Fri Dec 4, 2015 

Where: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: Aimed at delegates from across Europe, this conference offers an opportunity to share the successes and challenges of recent developments across Europe, and to explore the creation of inclusive services for all children and young people as part of our shared vision of how they can fulfil their potential. For further information, please visit the event website

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