sin Uberfying: How to Run a Traditional Business in the Digitial Age By Published On :: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0400 Over the last few years, a new generation of digital apps such as Uber and Just Eat have been available to download to our smartphones and tablets. They are designed to make it easier to find a taxi or order a meal, but have received as much criticism as they have praise for the way they have taken control of traditional markets and damaged business models. We spoke to two businesses – one in the takeaway industry and the other in the private minicab industry – about the challenges these disruptive companies pose, what they are doing to combat them and how other small businesses can follow suit. complete article Full Article
sin 34% of U.S. Small Businesses Have Been Hit by Disasters - It Pays to Be Prepared By Published On :: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0400 No business owner ever expects it to happen. After closing up for the day or the week, a phone call at 6 a.m. lets you know that the severe storm that passed through town overnight took a punch at your small business, with flood damage, fire, tornado or other damage. Or it could have been an earthquake or hurricane. Still, what may have taken years to build is in ruins. How do you begin to recover? complete article Full Article
sin What Scares You as a Small Business Owner? By Published On :: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 09:00:10 -0400 Fear stops the decision-making process because fear is a decision, a decision not to take action, a decision to accept the status quo. For some small business owners, fear is seen in their reluctance to speak, to share an emotionally compelling reason why a potential buyer should connect with them. complete article Full Article
sin 5 Investments Every Smart Small Business Owner Makes By Published On :: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 21:00:00 -0400 It is easier than ever to start a business from scratch without any overhead costs, which is great news for aspiring business owners who do not have the capital to start anything big. But to grow a business from an idea to something profitable, you do have to put some money into it. Here are five investments you should make to grow your business. complete article Full Article
sin Need a Business Idea? Here are 55 By Published On :: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0400 Today, tens of thousands of people are considering starting a home based business, and for good reasons. On average, people can expect to have two and three careers during their work life. Those leaving one career often think about their second or third career move being to their own home. People who have been part of the traditional nine-to-five work force and are on the verge of retiring from that life are thinking of what to do next. The good news: Starting a homebased business is within the reach of almost anyone who wants to take a risk and work hard. complete article Full Article
sin Guide to Small Business Ideas By Published On :: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:00:44 -0500 You know you want to start a business and give yourself the best shot at success, but perhaps you’re still considering the kind of business you want to pursue. After all, you probably have a number of small-business ideas. One thing is for certain: the type of business you start should be well-suited for your expertise and business goals. Successful entrepreneurs bring their varied experiences and skills and allow these assets to inform their business decisions. So, assess your priorities and lifestyle and business goals. complete article Full Article
sin Cast Your Vote for Your Top Small Business Influencer Pick By Published On :: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0500 You nominated them and now it’s time to cast your vote to support your pick. Small Business Trends and Small Biz Technology bring you the Small Business Influencer Awards 2015. Here’s a chance to celebrate the people, businesses, and even apps that have made an impact in the small business market. Even if you missed the nominations, you can still jump in and vote for your favorite. But you might want to hurry. There is less than a week left to vote! To see a full list or to submit your own event, contest or award listing, visit the Small Business Events Calendar. complete article Full Article
sin 7 Credit Card Perks for Small Business Owners By Published On :: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0500 Owners of both new and established small businesses can benefit from a broad range of valuable perks offered with credit cards. Business credit cards not only provide a means for building and establishing business credit, but they can assist in record-keeping, preserving cash flow and separating business and personal finances. Much like consumer credit cards, the right business card can offer a plethora of rewards that you can redeem for flights, hotel stays and cash back on purchases. Here are seven significant credit card perks for small business owners. complete article Full Article
sin Why Are Not More Small Businesses Using SEO? By Published On :: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0500 For more than a decade, thousands of businesses have enjoyed the benefits of high rankings in Google searches (and searches on competing engines) thanks to their SEO efforts. Larger corporations pour hundreds of thousands of dollars and allocate entire departments to gaining more online visibility, but even small- to mid-sized businesses can use a fraction of that budget to get more traffic and sales. However, according to a recent survey by the Small Business Authority (SBA), less than 50 percent of small business owners in the United States think of inbound traffic from search engines as an important source of future business. Another 14 percent declared themselves unsure. complete article Full Article
sin Three Baseline IT Security Tips for Small Businesses By Published On :: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 09:00:43 -0500 Millions of small businesses are vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks that can cost an average of $20,000 per attack. Here is some basic wisdom to help SMBs protect themselves. complete article Full Article
sin Small Business: How to price your product or service By Published On :: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 Pricing can be quite difficult to compute. There are so many factors to take into account it boggles the mind. The simple way to approach pricing for a product is to create a spread sheet that will calculate it for you. For example, when I make a gluten free mix, the Food and Drug Administration requires I report each product based on total grams, converted to ounces and pounds, which is then reported on the box. The ingredient list on the box is reported by heaviest ingredient to the least weight. This is used to calculate the Nutritional Statement by an outside company based on each serving. WHEW! complete article Full Article
sin Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses? By Published On :: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 The Perceived Amazon Effect As David and I spoke, he echoed some thoughts that many small businesses have also shared with me. Many businesses see customers come into their stores to learn, and then they make their purchases online via Amazon or other online retailers. The online retailers don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store. For one of the products, David mentioned that I can purchase it on Amazon for less than he can purchase it. Of course, in his local market, his Yelp reviews show how much his customers love his store and appreciate his value. If he was local to me, I would happily pay a premium for their high level of service and expertise. complete article Full Article
sin The Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan By Published On :: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 The best sorts of business plans tell a clear story of what the company plans to do and how it will do it. Given the high failure rate of startups in their first year, a business plan is also an ideal opportunity to safely test out the feasibility of a business and spot flaws, set aside unrealistic projections and identify and analyze the competition. complete article Full Article
sin A Simple Tool for Small Businesses to Retain Employees By Published On :: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 09:00:58 -0500 When a key employee quits, it is a gut-wrenching experience for most small-business owners. That single loss will likely result in a significant performance drop for the firm because that lost employee might represent an entire function. The drain will last for months because a good replacement takes time to recruit, hire, train and get up to speed. Plus, a significant portion of the manager’s time will be diverted toward recruiting and training a replacement. Most small-business managers know little about retention. Their focus is often elsewhere. So they find themselves completely surprised when a key employee quits. complete article Full Article
sin Email Security for Small Business By Published On :: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 01:00:51 -0500 How to Improve Email Security In addition to a strong email security solution, small businesses need to make sure that their employees use best practices when it comes to handling email. Michél Bechard, director of service provider technologies at Comodo, an Internet security company, says that SMBs need to teach employees how to spot and handle malicious email. complete article Full Article
sin 10 Holiday Marketing Trends Every Small Business Should Leverage By Published On :: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 09:00:20 -0500 Small business owners already have a lot on their plates during this time of year, so when it comes to holiday marketing, it can all feel a bit overwhelming. Staples is here to help. Beyond being the one-stop shop for everything small businesses need to make more happen, below are some tips to help small businesses capitalize on this seasons top trends. complete article Full Article
sin 10 Ways Small Businesses Can Be Big on Google By Published On :: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 Getting found online can be a tough thing to do at times. Lucky for you, I am pretty good at it and really enjoy getting my sites ranked. Traffic can mean the difference in staying in business and not. Over the years I have started several businesses and the ones that succeed are the ones that consistently grow in organic traffic. I have put together a list of things that I would do to get your business ranked in Google. Here are 10 ways that small business owners can get their business ranked on Google: complete article Full Article
sin Small Business 2016 New Years Resolutions By Published On :: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 15:52:42 -0500 Take the time to understand your finances Understanding the nitty gritty of your finances is crucial to running a successful small business, but this is especially true if you're coming from a place of bad credit. The best way to get a handle on your finances, says Brad Farris, a business advisor with Anchor Advisors, is to sit down once a month and review your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow for the prior month. Use the time to look for changes and trends, as well as to monitor your receivables and inventory. complete article Full Article
sin 2016 Social Media Trends Businesses Need to Take Note of By Published On :: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 Social media has become a necessary business tool for companies big and small. There are now more than 2 billion active social media users around the world, according to a LinkedIn article about upcoming social media trends. More people are now regularly using social media than the populations of the United States and China combined, and the number is growing at a clip of 25 percent a year. complete article Full Article
sin What Does It Mean To Be A Small Business Owner? By Published On :: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 The Kauffman Foundation recently released their Main Street Entrepreneurship Index. And, according to the Foundation, small business activity is growing in 49 of the 50 states in the US and in 38 of the top 40 largest metropolitan areas. Of course this is great news for small business owners all across the country, but it is also great news for everyone else too. complete article Full Article
sin The 7 Most Important Hires for Your Small Business By Published On :: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Up to a point, it behooves small business owners to be resourceful and handle the lions share of the work. But before it's too late and their companies lose out on its market timing, entrepreneurs need to hire in order to grow, even if that means taking on more costs. complete article Full Article
sin Social Media Spells Big Business for Small Companies By Published On :: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 09:00:23 -0500 One thing is for certain in business these days — nothing ever stays the same, and my annual list of the top emerging trends in small business certainly bears this out. This year, while yes, we see some of the same old stalwarts (like social media, but even that is changing, see below) a few new, surprising entries make it onto the list. For instance, the top trend for the upcoming year, while right before our eyes, is a fairly recent phenomenon and we will get to that next week. complete article Full Article
sin 8 Social Media Tips for Small Businesses By Published On :: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 For as far back as free markets go, word of mouth has been the primary tool small businesses have used to spread their message and market their brand. Within the last few decades, though, the explosion of media has led to wide array of marketing opportunities and techniques. While word of mouth is still important, social media has taken over as one of the most effective avenues for public relations and marketing for even the smallest of firms. complete article Full Article
sin Six New Years Resolutions for Small Business Owners By Published On :: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Have a plan, and stick to it When you walk into the office every Monday morning, it is crucial that you understand the goals that you need to accomplish that week and then map them out. complete article Full Article
sin Five Small Business Resolutions By Published On :: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 09:00:41 -0500 People make resolutions about losing weight, stopping smoking, and other habits that they probably will not give up. Business owners should take advantage of this time-for-future-thinking opportunity to set goals to enhance their businesses. Here are five resolutions to help entrepreneurs have a more profitable 2016. complete article Full Article
sin 16 Small Business Resolutions for 2016 By Published On :: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Lose weight. Quit smoking. Floss. January’s the traditional time for making new years resolutions. But in addition to your personal goals, what do you want to achieve in 2016 for your small business? I have come up with a list of New Years Resolutions for Small Business, and since its 2016, it seems only natural that I have 16 of them: complete article Full Article
sin New Years Resolution Checklist for Small Businesses By Published On :: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 I know, I know. It is hard to start thinking about the New Year when we’re stuck in the middle of the hectic holidays. But with January 1 right around the corner, now is the perfect time to reflect on how to grow your business in 2016. As a fellow small business owners and solopreneur, I know first-hand how tricky it can be to even find the time to think about business development. Some days we are so busy juggling our current client demands, big picture goals — publishing great thought leadership articles, going after a dream client — take a back seat to a ringing phone or email deluge. complete article Full Article
sin 7 Tips for Small Business Owners By Published On :: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Those small business owners who want to take their company to the next level can get some help. Peggy Cenova, regional director of the East Central Indiana Small Business Development Center, says she works with small business owners to help them achieve their goals. complete article Full Article
sin 10 Rules for Small Business Success By Published On :: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 These rules are keys to small business success. Ignore these rules at your peril: I have seen many new entrepreneurs fail because they ignored one or more of these business basics. complete article Full Article
sin 11 Financial Fundamentals Every Small Business CEO Must Know By Published On :: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Regardless of the size of the business, ultimate responsibility for success lies with the CEO. If you’re a small business owner, thats you. And the most critical CEO tasks that result in success or failure lie in the knowledge and practice of financial management fundamentals. complete article Full Article
sin Small Business Trends In 2016 Mean Greater Cybersecurity By Published On :: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 With the economy in a recession, business growth is more necessary than ever in order for businesses to survive. Since most businesses are small businesses, it is important to understand the latest small business trends and then use those trends to grow. The current projections for small business is that they will continue to grow throughout 2016. complete article Full Article
sin 4 Things Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Taxes By Published On :: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Blood pressures are rising at many small businesses now that tax season is underway. Although many owners hire accountants and attorneys to complete their income tax returns, taxes are a hassle. In a survey released last year by the advocacy group National Small Business Association, nearly 60 percent of the owners surveyed said the administrative burdens were the biggest problems posed by federal taxes. And 85 percent of the more than 675 owners said they relied on a professional to prepare their returns. complete article Full Article
sin Why a $12 Billion Tax Break for Small Businesses Is So Controversial By Published On :: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Generally speaking, it allows small business owners to write off up to $500,000 worth of qualified expenses in the year they are made, up to $2 million, rather than amortizing them over a period of years. In addition to spurring immediate spending, which benefits the economy, the deduction theoretically frees up cash that business owners can use to grow their businesses. complete article Full Article
sin Three Cash Flow Musts That Your Small Business Needs to Make By Published On :: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Cash flow is a common concern among many small business owners, with many business models dependent on incoming cash flow at various, often unpredictable times a year versus a steady flow of income. Sound familiar to you, by chance? If you are among the thousands of businesses that are not sure when your next paycheck will come in, pay attention. complete article Full Article
sin 6 Ways Good Documentation Can Save Your Small Business Money By Published On :: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:00:21 -0500 If you are like most small business owners, you spend a lot of your time researching ways to save money. After all, running a business can quickly break the bank. There are office supplies to buy, employees to pay, and software to purchase and install, among many other things. complete article Full Article
sin 7 things small businesses need to know about Windows 10 By Published On :: Sat, 20 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Earlier this month, Microsoft announced that more than 200 million devices (PCs, phones and tablets) were now running Windows 10. Many of those 200 million devices belong to business users, who upgraded to Windows 10 (in many cases for free). complete article Full Article
sin Why Small Businesses Are Getting LinkedIn Wrong By Published On :: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 How can a small company make the most of LinkedIn? The social network is an inescapable part of online life for working professionals. But much of the advice on how to leverage it is targeted at big names. Over and over, I see small businesses making mistakes on LinkedIn because they are patterning their strategies after approaches that work for larger companies with huge budgets, lots of brand awareness and extensive social-media systems. With that in mind, here are tips on how small businesses can use LinkedIn. complete article Full Article
sin Is the Honeymoon Over? 6 Ways to Fall in Love Again With Your Small Business By Published On :: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Starting a business is a bit like falling in love for the first time: it is exciting, exhilarating, and new. You want to savor each moment and be your very best every minute of every day. After the adrenaline rush subsides, however, reality sets in and you may discover that not everything about running a business is so wonderful. There will be tasks you don’t like to do, activities you find stale and boring, technical difficulties to test your patience, and clients and vendors who might challenge you. complete article Full Article
sin Ideas for Women Looking to Start a Small Business By Published On :: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Brainstorming ideas for a small business can be a fun yet frustrating experience. It requires a serious analysis of areas of expertise and interests, and consideration of where those areas intersect in such a way that can make a business viable. complete article Full Article
sin 8 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Small Business By Published On :: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Enthusiasm—it can be both a blessing and a curse for new entrepreneurs. Passion for your business can fuel your success, but it can also drive you to operational and financial ruin if you do not take the time to think decisions through. complete article Full Article
sin 7 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Third-Party Apps for Local Search & Marketing By Published On :: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Apps consume the majority of mobile media time, but local business apps struggle to compete for attention. Columnist Wesley Young looks at how SMBs can instead use space on the most popular apps to get in front of customers. complete article Full Article
sin 71 Percent of Small Businesses Expect Growth, Report Says By Published On :: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Small businesses are hopeful about growth this year according to the new State of Small Business Report by software solutions provider, Wasp Barcode Technologies. The study says 71 percent of small businesses expect revenue growth, although 50 percent of small business owners said hiring new employees would be the key challenge facing them this year. And 45 percent said that challenge would be increasing profit. An earlier survey conducted by Yelp had similarly found small business owners optimistic about growth in 2016. According to that survey, the percentage of American small business owners expecting to see revenues grow, however, is higher (85 percent). complete article Full Article
sin 3 Rules About Cash Flow That First-Time Business Owners Need to Know By Published On :: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 For many businesses, getting paid is not the problem – it’s when. Lumpy cash flow is a stressful experience for business owners because the consequences can include delayed paychecks to employees, missed bill payments or stalled growth due to an inability to take on new clients. So, how can business owners avoid putting themselves at the mercy of clients and when those clients mail their checks? complete article Full Article
sin How Using a Credit Card Can Boost Your Small Business By Published On :: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 As with personal credit cards, business cards can be dangerous if you do not use them responsibly. High interest rates and fees can add up. But if your business needs a little leverage and you do not have more favorable options, a small-business credit card can be a valuable tool both to get your business up and running and to streamline your handling of operating expenses. complete article Full Article
sin 5 Things NOT to Do When Running a Small Business…One Business Owner Tells All By Published On :: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Years of experience have taught me that running a small business is a challenge, especially when you are providing a service. Your expectations for success may not match your results, because simply providing excellent service within your field is not always enough. When I first started running my business, I naively assumed that because I was a master at my profession, my business would flourish. I failed to realize that my business skills were equally important and some of those lessons took hard tolls on me before I fully understood them. Luckily, many of the lessons that I learned were due to mistakes that are actually quite easy to avoid. While learning these lessons won’t make you a business genius overnight, they will help you avoid rough spots that many small business owners encounter. complete article Full Article
sin 3 Big Ways Google Has Changed Small Business By Published On :: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Today, Alphabet, the parent company of Google, announces its fourth quarter 2015 earnings. But it is also going to do something different. The company plans to separately break out the results of its core businesses from its other bets. By doing this, the company opens itself up to some criticism about the investments that it makes in unproven, risky technologies – from driverless cars to Glass. But without those investments, Google would never be the kind of company that it is today. complete article Full Article
sin Need a Business Idea? Here are 55 By Published On :: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 Today, tens of thousands of people are considering starting a home based business, and for good reasons. On average, people can expect to have two and three careers during their work life. Those leaving one career often think about their second or third career move being to their own home. People who have been part of the traditional nine-to-five work force and are on the verge of retiring from that life are thinking of what to do next. The good news: Starting a homebased business is within the reach of almost anyone who wants to take a risk and work hard. $1,500 or less to start up complete article Full Article
sin National Small Business Association Reports Uptick in Small Business Growth By Published On :: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 A full half of small business owners see growth opportunities in the next six months, while 17 percent say they are already seeing that growth. Only 33 percent say they see no immediately growth opportunities ahead. That’s according to the most recent survey by the National Small Business Association. According to the National Small Business Associations 2015 economic report (PDF), nearly 75 percent of small business owners surveyed are confident in their businesses — the highest percentage recorded in the last four years. However, there was a relatively less positive outlook among the small business owners on the overall economy than even six months ago. complete article Full Article
sin Why Tax Planning is Key for Small Business Owners By Published On :: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 09:00:00 -0500 The 2015 tax season is here. Tax planning is a critical part of a small business owners financial plan. The majority of small business owners ignore tax planning; yet good tax advice is a very valuable for a successful business. There are many tax planning strategies available to small business owners. Below are a just a few: Lowering your tax rate to reduce the amount of taxable income Taking advantage of available tax credits Controlling the effects of the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) I encourage business owners to work with a competent accountant or CPA on at least a quarterly basis to take full advantage of all the tax provisions that are available. complete article Full Article
sin 7 Social Media Tools For Small Businesses To Manage Their Social Presence By Published On :: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 09:00:15 -0500 With the positive effects of social media marketing becoming more and more apparent, most small businesses have started working on a social media marketing strategy. One of the main aims of social media marketing is to stay relevant to your audience. This might be harder for small businesses as they have more to juggle, in terms of handling tasks. Social media tools and apps can help reduce the stress of multi-tasking and keep your social media activities consistent. Below are social media tools for small business to help make your life as a social media marketer easier. complete article Full Article