
Amid the coronavirus lockdown, TikTok gives hope to L.A. entertainers

TikTok, a popular based social video app owned by China-based ByteDance, has seen explosive growth this year amid the coronavirus crisis. The company has plans to hire more people, including at its Culver City office.


In coronavirus lockdown, Union Station's aquarium loses its fans but not its keepers

L.A.'s train station is empty and "it's eerie," says the man who feeds the fish. But it's also "a real escape from what's going on in the outside world."


Drive-throughs and drive-ins were fading. Coronavirus made them a lifeline

The drive-through is derided; the drive-in, nearly extinct. But the coronavirus outbreak has made them essential for food, tests, a movie and church.


Adele praises coronavirus heroes on her birthday: 'Truly our angels'

Adele returned to Instagram for the first time in several months to thank fans for their birthday wishes and salute workers on the pandemic's front lines.


Kevin Spacey compares coronavirus layoffs to being accused of sexual assault

On a recent podcast, actor Kevin Spacey saw parallels between the coronavirus crisis and his Hollywood downfall after being accused of sexual misconduct.


What's on TV Thursday: 'Tommy' on CBS; coronavirus TV coverage

What's on TV Thursday, May 7: 'Tommy' on CBS; coronavirus TV coverage; movies on TV; TV talk shows and more


Amazon celebrates coronavirus crisis' 'Regular Heroes' in new series

Amazon's docuseries "Regular Heroes" tells the stories of people on the pandemic's front lines, including an L.A. woman working with the homeless.


'Pose's' Mj Rodriguez lost loved ones to coronavirus. Art has been her refuge

"Pose" star Mj Rodriguez discusses what's helping her endure the grief of losing her grandmother and her aunt to coronavirus.


What's on TV Friday: L.A. Phil's 100th birthday; coronavirus

What's on TV Friday, May 8: Great Performances: L.A. Phil's 100th Birthday in PBS; Coronavirus; Movies on TV; TV Talk Shows


Unions praised coronavirus aid for Hollywood workers. Now they say it falls short for some

In March, Hollywood unions applauded a government package to help entertainment gig workers. Flaws in the rollout meant many couldn't access it.


Should we reopen? A Texas town relaxes coronavirus restrictions

Colleyville city leaders went further than the Texas governor, allowing restaurants and salons to reopen this week. Residents remain conflicted.


As some coronavirus closures lift in the U.S., studies suggest more and earlier infections

Studies suggest that coronavirus infections were spreading in the United States farther, faster and earlier than initially thought.


Trump uses coronavirus crisis to push other policy priorities

Trump is using the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity — or as political cover — to make sweeping changes to regulations and push controversial new policies.


What job protection does Europe offer, and how, as coronavirus rages?

Unemployment and coronavirus: How do European countries protect jobs?


'This is a siege': Inside the NYPD depot at the heart of New York's coronavirus fight

Since coronavirus outbreak started, the NYPD has used at least 1.5 million surgical masks, 1.2 million gloves and 400,000 disinfectant wipes.


Coronavirus chokes the drug trade — from Wuhan, through Mexico and onto U.S. streets

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted many industries, both legal and illicit. Production of fentanyl, which relies on chemical ingredients sourced mainly from Wuhan, China, has been particularly hard hit.


Dying doctors. Too many coffins. Indonesia late in battle against coronavirus

Indonesia's government dithered for nearly two months before enacting social restrictions. Tens of thousands could die of COVID-19.


$8-billion effort aims to speed development of coronavirus vaccines and treatments

The World Health Organization joined with global leaders to accelerate production of vaccines and treatments aimed at stamping out the coronavirus.


Coronavirus and disinfectant: Why you shouldn't ingest it

If President Trump has persuaded you to use a disinfectant like bleach or Lysol to protect yourself against the coronavirus, scientists have some advice: Don't.


Who knows best? Mayors collide with governors over coronavirus lockdown

Ease up or clamp down: Differences over ending coronavirus lockdown turn into power struggle


Cuomo on coronavirus stay-home sacrifices: 'What you're doing is actually saving lives'

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo acknowledged frustration with coronavirus stay-at-home orders but compared them with past sacrifices during national crises.


Could a 'controlled avalanche' stop the coronavirus faster, and with fewer deaths?

Israeli scientists say they can mimic the effects of a vaccination campaign if certain people willingly get infected with the coronavirus and recover.


No more bodies on the streets. But coronavirus batters Ecuador with disproportionate force

Images of corpses in Ecuador stoked fear of the coronavirus' effect on developing nations. Infections have yet to peak elsewhere in Latin America.


A pastor and protester clashed over coronavirus restrictions. One was arrested

The debate over constitutional rights and religious freedoms in the COVID-19 age is playing out at an Evangelical church in Louisiana.


Coronavirus, stay-home restrictions and pets

Pet adoption is booming amid the coronavirus stay-at-home restrictions.


Colorado, Tennessee and other states ease coronavirus restrictions; New York cancels presidential primary

Colorado, Montana and Tennessee are among states to reopen amid coronavirus outbreak.


Do I have coronavirus? CDC updates list of COVID-19 symptoms

The CDC has added six new symptoms to its list of signs that a person has been infected with the new coronavirus, including chills and loss of sense of smell.


On the open road, U.S. truck drivers face the coronavirus and new risks

The pandemic turned some truckers into essential workers hauling high-value loads that put them at risk, while others have less work despite the risk


Coronavirus antibody tests are still a work in progress

Infectious disease experts are raising questions about the reliability of early coronavirus antibody tests and studies that hinge on their results.


With laboratories shut, coronavirus forces scientists to 'stop cold'

The coronavirus outbreak has put science on hold. Now there are discoveries that may never be made and patients who will miss the chance at a breakthrough cure.


Feeling drained by coronavirus quarantine? Science can explain why

As the coronavirus keeps us stuck at home, scientists and health officials fear that social distancing could take a toll on our mental health.


Clinical trial of remdesivir may be a turning point in coronavirus fight

In a clinical trial, the drug remdesivir shortened recovery time for patients with advanced cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.


Germany avoids the worst of coronavirus crisis — but how?

Germany's leadership, history help stave off catastrophe from the coronavirus crisis — so far


U.S. spy officials say coronavirus isn't manmade but do not rule out lab accident

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the new coronavirus is "not manmade or genetically modified."


He was symptom-free. But the coronavirus stayed in his body for 40 days

Medical researchers are puzzled over why the coronavirus — which typically lasts about two weeks in the body — endures far longer in some patients.


Congress looks at options to punish China over the coronavirus outbreak

Republican lawmakers, determined to punish China for concealing early data on the coronavirus outbreak, are proposing ways to turn up the heat.


Trump administration skimps on coronavirus aid for Medicaid providers

Medicaid and other parts of the healthcare safety net get left behind in the Trump administration's plans for distributing aid to battle the coronavirus.


El Salvador's president accused of using coronavirus to bolster autocratic agenda

Before a single case of coronavirus, President Nayib Bukele placed El Salvador in lockdown and has engaged in other moves that critics say are authoritarian.


Does the coronavirus-killing power of sunlight make it safe to go to the beach?

Since the sun's UV rays are lethal to the coronavirus, it seems like a safe place to be, right? Wrong. Here's what sunlight can and can't do.


Why you should avoid some cough syrups if you think you've got the coronavirus

A common cough syrup ingredient has pro-viral properties and should be avoided by people infected by the coronavirus, scientists warn.


Too many 'shiny objects': Why it's risky to promise a coronavirus vaccine and cure

Coronavirus: There is a price to pay for pledging too much as the world anxiously awaits even a marginally effective therapeutic for the disease known as COVID-19.


States reopen theaters, restaurants amid coronavirus outbreak as experts warn of second wave

Texas reopens restaurants, Utah reopens salons. As several states lift coronavirus restrictions, many warn of a second wave if social distancing ends too soon.


Philippine nurses, long treated like exports, now told to stay home to fight coronavirus

The Philippines is promising better pay for its nurses to lure them to the front lines against COVID-19, but a legacy of exploitation and poor working conditions in the nation's hospitals has dampened the enthusiasm to answer the call.


Drugs for heartburn, gout and depression now being tested as coronavirus treatments

The search for existing drugs that may help treat coronavirus infections now has researchers testing the heartburn drug Pepcid, among others.


As weather warms amid coronavirus outbreak, states face new challenges

Governors across the U.S. are encouraging people to continue practicing social distancing amid summer weather


Trump acknowledges coronavirus death toll could reach 100,000

Coronavirus could kill 100,000, Trump says, weeks after predicting lower toll


Coronavirus leaves Washington farmers with a big problem: What do you do with a billion pounds of potatoes?

Washington state has a billion pounds of potatoes -- with no destination


Coronavirus and downturn slam America's oil patch

When Texas' energy-dependent economy stalled, mass layoffs hit skilled middle-class workers.


Trump rarely shows empathy in coronavirus crisis

Most presidents act as consoler-in-chief in times of national crisis. Trump has struggled to show any empathy with victims or survivors of COVID-19.


Migrants deported by U.S. make up more than 15% of Guatemala's coronavirus cases

U.S. deportation flights to Guatemala resume -- with promises of testing for coronavirus