
The development of electrical technology in the 19th century / by W. James King

Archives, Room Use Only - TK17.K56 1962


Biography of Thomas Davenport: the "Brandon blacksmith", inventor of the electric motor / by Walter Rice Davenport, D.D. ; with an introduction by the Hon. James Hartness

Archives, Room Use Only - TK140.D3 D38 1929


Constitution of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers: revised and amended at the twenty-fifth regular and second triennial session of the Grand Division, held at St. Louis, Mo., May, 1927.

Archives, Room Use Only - HD6515.T252 O73 1927


Field telephones and telegraphs for army use: including an elementary course in electricity and magnetism / by E.J. Stevens

Archives, Room Use Only - UG610.S74 1917


Manuel de physique amusante, ou, Nouvelles récréations physiques: contenant une suite d'expériences curieuses, instructives et d'une exécution facile, ainsi que diverses applications aux arts et à l'industrie: suivi d&

Archives, Room Use Only - Q164.J85 1829


The electrical educator: a comprehensive, practical and authoritative guide for all engaged in the electrical industry / edited by Sir Ambrose Fleming ... assisted by a large number of specialist contributors

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9.F54 1931


The history of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (1871-1931) / by Rollo Appleyard

Archives, Room Use Only - TK1.I42 1939


Electricity: the science of the nineteenth century, a sketch for general readers / by E.M. Caillard

Archives, Room Use Only - QC527.C13 1891b


Die elektrischen Einrichtungen der Eisenbahnen: eine Anleitung zum Selbststudium der Telegraphen-, Telephon- und elektrischen Signal-Einrichtungen / von R. Bauer, A. Prasch, O. Wehr

Archives, Room Use Only - TF615.B38 1913


The young electrician / by Hammond Hall

Archives, Room Use Only - QC527.2.H35 1910b


Tent life in Siberia: and adventures among the Koraks and other tribes in Kamtchatka and northern Asia / by George Kennan

Archives, Room Use Only - DK755.K34 1890


Wonderful inventions: from the mariner's compass to the electric telegraph cable / by John Timbs

Archives, Room Use Only - T15.T56 1867


Den elektriske telegraf: populært fremstillet / af Christian Selmer

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.S45 1864


A century of electricity / by T.C. Mendenhall

Archives, Room Use Only - QC507.M53x


Die electrische telegraphie / von Dr. W. Siemens

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.S54 1866


Laird & Lee's vest-pocket practical compend of electricity: thorough instruction in theory and application / by Prof. James A. Beaton

Archives, Room Use Only - TK151.B43 1901


The galvanometer, and its uses: a manual for electricians and students / by C.H. Haskins

Archives, Room Use Only - QC544.G2 H37 1890


Katechismus der elektrischen Telegraphie / von Ludwig Gasse ... mit 178 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.G37 1870


Rudimentary electricity: being a concise exposition of the general principles of electrical science, and the purposes to which it has been applied / by Sir W. Snow Harris

Archives, Room Use Only - QC527.H37 1853


A guide for the electric testing of telegraph cables / by Captain V. Hoskiær

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5671.H67 1873


Modern electrical engineering / prepared under the editorship of Magnus Maclean

Archives, Room Use Only - TK145.M334 1919


Télégraphes et postes: electricité a l'usage du public des receveurs des télégraphes et des postes des télégraphistes, électriciens et constructeurs de lignes électriques.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.T454 1886


Experimental-Untersuchungen über Elektricität / von Michael Faraday ; deutsche Uebersetzung von Dr. S. Kalischer ..

Archives, Room Use Only - QC503.F2315 1889


District telegraph and time service: instruction paper / prepared by the Engineers of the Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.W468 1917


Télégraphie électrique: guide pratique pour l'emploi de l'appareil Morse: suivi du service de l'appareil a cadran et des indications relatives a l'entretien des piles (orné de soixante-huit dessins sur bois par l'au

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.H68 1878


Der elektromagnetische Telegraph in den Hauptstadien seiner Entwickelung und in seiner gegenwärtigen Ausbildung und Anwendung: nebst einem Anhange über den Betrieb der elektrischen Uhren: ein Handbuch der theoretischen und praktischen Telegraphi

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.S34 1882


Catalogue and price list of household and experimental electrical supplies of superior quality and at moderate cost / J. Elliott Shaw & Co

Archives, Room Use Only - TK455.J34 1897


London international telephone exchange: reproduced from the Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal of July, 1934 / by S. Birch and C.H. Hartwell

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6211.B57 1934


Electric telegraph: inventors & discoverers.

Archives, Room Use Only - PN6268.T4 E44 1848


Brief description of wireless telegraphy and the apparatus for wireless electrical communication in use in aviation and infantry: translation no. 94 of Notice sommaire sur la télégraphie sans fil et les appareils de communication électrique

Archives, Room Use Only - UG605.F8 F7313 1917


Ex ordinis philosophorum mandato renuntiantur philosophiae doctores: et artium liberalium magistri rectore magnifico Ioanne Adolpho Overbeck ... decano Gustavo Henrico Wiedemann ... procancellario Ludovico Lange ... inde a die primo mensis Novembris a. MD

Archives, Room Use Only - QC761.W54 1876


Le télégraphe électrique / par J. Chantrel

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.C43 1874


Notice sommaire sur la télégraphie sans fil et les appareils de communication électrique sans fil en service dans l'aviation et l'infanterie.

Archives, Room Use Only - UG605.F8 F73 1924


How to make and use electricity: a description of the wonderful uses of electricity and electro-magnetism, together with full instructions for making electric toys, batteries, etc., etc. / by George Trebel, A.M., M.D. ; containing over fifty illustrations

Archives, Room Use Only - QC527.T73 1895


Recent wonders in electricity, electric lighting, magnetism, telegraphy, telephony, etc., etc. / including articles by Dr. Siemens, F.R.S. Count du Moncel and Prof. Thomson [sic] ; edited by Henry Greer

Archives, Room Use Only - TK148.G74 1883


The ABC universal commercial electric telegraph code: improved by the addition of a code condenser which enables the user to cable two code words and check them in one word, thus saving 50% of cable charges ... specially adapted for the use of financiers,

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7676.C53 1919



Archives, Room Use Only - QC517.E44 1810


Special report from the Select Committee on the Electric Telegraphs Bill: together with the minutes of evidence taken before them.

Archives, Room Use Only - KD2885.A26 G78 1868


The William B. Duck Company: anything electrical, wirless instruments.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK455.W55 1915


Handbook of aerial construction / the Central District and Printing Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5455.H36 1908


Overhead electrical wires: Electrical Commission, 1888-1892.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK3201.O94 1888


Relevant π-hole tetrel bonding interactions in ethyl 2-triazolyl-2-oxoacetate derivatives: Hirshfeld surface analysis and DFT calculations

CrystEngComm, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00335B, Paper
Muhammad Naeem Ahmed, Khawaja Ansar Yasin, Shahid Aziz, Saba Urooge Khan, Muhammad Nawaz Tahir, Diego Mauricio Gil, Antonio Frontera
We report the synthesis and X-ray characterization of four triazole derivatives that include an α-ketoester functionality and two phenyl substituents. The compounds form self-assembled dimers in the solid state establishing two symmetrically equivalent O⋯π-hole interactions.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
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