
Detroit-Area Man Who Shot Jews While Serving as Nazi Policeman Ordered Removed from the United States

An immigration judge in Detroit has ordered John (Ivan) Kalymon of Troy, Mich., removed from the United States because of his participation in Nazi-sponsored acts of persecution while serving during World War II as an armed member of the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police (UAP) in Nazi-occupied L’viv, Ukraine.

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Statement of the Attorney General on the Retirement of Bureau of Prisons Director Harley Lappin

"For more than a quarter of a century, including eight years as Director, his service to the Bureau of Prisons has helped improve public safety, strengthen our corrections systems, and advance the Justice Department’s most critical goals."

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week National Observance and Candlelight Ceremony

"Tonight, as we join together to commemorate this year’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, it is clear that we are also bound by our common goals, by our shared concerns, and by our collective resolve to do more to protect those at risk and in need – and to support every person, every family, and every community now struggling to overcome the devastating effects of crime."


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony

"Each of these awardees – and the other government leaders, legal advocates, public servants, and concerned citizens here today – are part of a powerful, national movement – one that inspired the passage of the historic 1994 crime bill and the Violence Against Women Act, as well as the creation of the Crime Victims Fund."


Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli Speaks at the D.C. National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Ceremony

"The Defending Childhood initiative seeks to redefine how the Justice Department responds to children who experience violence, witness violence, or suffer ongoing negative ramifications from violence. We hope to harness resources from across the Department - and across other federal agencies and state, local, and tribal partners – to first, prevent exposure to violence when possible; second to mitigate the negative impact of violence when it does occur; and third, to develop knowledge and spread awareness that will ultimately improve our homes, cities, towns, and communities."


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps / “Children of Promise” Premiere

"Throughout my life and career, I have seen the devastating effects that violence can have on young people. As Attorney General – and, above all, as the father of three teenage children – I am determined to help find the solutions – and to forge the partnerships – that we need to prevent and combat children’s exposure to violence."


Justice Department Honors Citizens, Law Enforcement at National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony

Deputy Attorney General James Cole spoke at the annual National Missing Children’s Day ceremony today at the Justice Department’s Great Hall, honoring missing children, their families, child advocates and others who protect the safety of children.

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Deputy Attorney General James Cole Speaks at the Department’s National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony

"National Missing Children’s Day is a reminder to all parents and guardians of the need for high-quality photographs of their children for use in case of an emergency, vigilant efforts by the public to pay close attention to the posters, AMBER Alerts and posted photographs of missing children."


Antitrust Division Issues Updated Merger Remedies Guide

The Department of Justice today released an updated version of the Antitrust Division’s Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.

  • OPA Press Releases


Justice Department Moves to Intervene in Texas Case to Enforce the Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision

The Justice Department today filed papers seeking to intervene in Steward, et al. v. Perry, et al., a case filed on behalf of thousands of Texans with developmental disabilities to enforce their right under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to receive services provided by the state in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Retirement Ceremony for John Cruden

"Over the last two decades, John Cruden has helped to lead one of the Department’s most active Divisions – and has been essential in making it such a great place to work, and to learn. And, while we will miss both his expertise and his humor, we wish him the best in his new role as President of the Environmental Law Institute."


Members of International Procurement Network Indicted for Supplying Iran with U.S. Military Aircraft Components

Seven individuals and five corporate entities based in the United States, France, the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and Iran have been indicted in the Middle District of Georgia for their alleged roles in a conspiracy to illegally export military components for fighter jets and attack helicopters from the United States to Iran.

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Justice Department Issues Technical Assistance Document on Enforcement of the Supreme Court Decision in Olmstead v. L.C.

The Department of Justice released a new technical assistance document describing public entities’ obligations and individuals’ rights under the integration mandate of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 1999 landmark Supreme Court decision, Olmstead v. L.C.

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Justice Department Reaches Agreement with Colorado State Courts to Remove Language Barriers

The Justice Department today announced it has reached an agreement with officials of the Colorado Judicial Department to ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) individuals seeking services throughout Colorado’s state court system will have access to timely and competent language assistance.

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Assistant Attorney General Tony West Delivers Remarks at “Operation Rescue Me” Press Conference

"And as Attorney General Eric Holder has often said, two of the Department’s highest priorities are fighting financial fraud and protecting our most vulnerable citizens, such as our elder citizens," said Assistant Attorney General West.


DOJ, FTC Announce Changes to Streamline the Premerger Notification Form

Following a public comment period, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have made changes to reduce the filing burden and streamline the form parties must file when seeking antitrust clearance of proposed mergers and acquisitions under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act and the Premerger Notification Rules.

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Assistant Attorney General Varney Delivers Remarks at Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese Antitrust Agencies

"By establishing a framework for enhanced cooperation among our agencies, the Memorandum of Understanding also allows us to move to the next chapter in our collaboration on competition law and policy matters," said Assistant Attorney General Varney.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial’s 9/11 Commemorative Ceremony

"It’s an honor to stand with you once again today, and to join you in paying tribute to the 72 brave law enforcement officers who – on September 11th, 2001 – made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Department of Justice’s 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony

"In the face of hatred and violence, on a scale our nation had never before known, these brave men and women demonstrated true patriotism – and the quiet power of compassion and selflessness," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

"Our commitment to doing not just what is necessary, but what is right – to protect the safety and the civil liberties of those we serve – remains certain," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Delivers Remarks to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

"Over the years, by working together – in common cause, in good faith, and with mutual respect and shared commitment to reciprocity – we have built a safer world," said Attorney General Holder.


Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Delivers Remarks at Rhode Island La Cosa Nostra Press Conference

"Today’s operations represent the kind of collaborative law enforcement that breeds success," said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Installation Ceremony for Assistant Attorneys General Virginia Seitz and Lisa Monaco

"Today, as Lisa Monaco and Virginia Seitz are officially sworn into their leadership roles, we not only celebrate the latest achievements in two remarkable careers; we also mark an exciting, and historic, new chapter in the history of our nation’s Department of Justice," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Holder Delivers Remarks at the Annual National Organization of Black Law Enforcement (NOBLE) Executives Dinner

"Your service is essential in helping the Justice Department fulfill its most fundamental mission: to protect the American people – from terrorism and violent crime, from fraud and abuse, and from those who would take advantage of the most vulnerable among us," said Attorney General Holder.


Florida Couple and Utah Man Indicted for Alleged Roles in Procurement Fraud Scheme Involving Foreign Military Materials

Three individuals were charged in an indictment returned today by a federal grand jury in Utah for their alleged roles in a bribery and fraud scheme involving federal procurement contracts.

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Attorney General Holder Speaks at the 14th Annual Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Awards Ceremony

"Over the last few decades – and, especially, in recent years – your efforts have become essential not only in making the organizations you serve more efficient, more effective, and more accountable – but also in preserving the principles that define who we are, and must continue to be – both as a government, and as a people," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Holder Speaks at the 59th Annual Attorney General's Awards Ceremony

"As we look back on the achievements that have marked the last year, I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize – and to personally thank – 384 extraordinary individuals whose hard work, courage, creativity, and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty has helped to inspire and advance the progress we celebrate today," said Attorney General Holder.


Utah Man Pleads Guilty for His Role in Procurement Fraud Scheme

Jose Mendez, 50, of Farr West, Utah, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit bribery and procurement fraud, one count of bribery and one count of procurement fraud.

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Remaining Co-Founder of Pleads Guilty to Criminal Copyright Conspiracy

Justin A. Dedemko, 28, of Brooklyn, N.Y., pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Anthony J. Trenga in the Alexandria Division of the Eastern District of Virginia.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Department’s Veterans’ Appreciation Ceremony

"This morning, we honor an extraordinary group of individuals – the 19,000 courageous soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who – in components and offices all around the world – form the backbone of the Justice Department family," said the Attorney General Holder.


Caltrans to Pay $10 Million to Remediate the Presidio’s Mountain Lake and to Re-route Highway 1 Drainage to Avoid Future Contamination

Federal officials announced a civil settlement with the state of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) resolving claims brought by the Presidio Trust and the U.S. Army resulting from Caltrans’ construction and operation of Highway 1 (also known as Park Presidio Boulevard) through the Presidio of San Francisco.

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Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Attorney General Eric Holder at the “Progress Through Prosperity” Dinner with President Leonel Fernandez

"It is in this spirit of friendship that I have traveled to your beautiful country. And I am grateful, on a very personal level, for this opportunity to help build upon the progress that our nations – and America’s allies throughout the Caribbean region – have made together over the years," said Attorney General Holder.


Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Laurie Robinson at the Animal Welfare Institute Albert Schweitzer Awards Ceremony

"The Albert Schweitzer Awards are given in honor of one of the world’s great humanitarians, a man who defined “good” as the preservation and enhancement of life in all its forms. The work that these recipients have done embodies the soul of Schweitzer’s philosophy," said Assistant Attorney General Robinson.


Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer Speaks at the 14th Annual Law Enforcement Agency Directors of Western Pennsylvania Awards Ceremony

"Many of you here today are indeed being recognized precisely because of your courage in helping to make our communities safer," Assistant Attorney General Breuer said.


Assistant Attorney General Breuer Recognizes Criminal Division Employees and Others at Annual Criminal Division Awards Ceremony

“The dedicated public servants we are recognizing today have each made significant achievements in furthering the mission of the Justice Department,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.

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CEO of Comcast Brian Roberts to Pay $500,000 Civil Penalty for Violating Antitrust Premerger Notification Requirements

Comcast Corporation’s CEO Brian L. Roberts will pay a $500,000 civil penalty to settle charges that he violated premerger reporting and waiting requirements when he acquired Comcast voting securities.

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Deputy Attorney General James Cole Speaks at the Jack Keeney Memorial Ceremony

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, George Will wrote that “One reason law enforcement is such a demanding, and admirable, profession is that it requires the constant exercise of good judgment in the application of general rules to ambiguous situations.”


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Memorial Ceremony for Former D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Eugene Hamilton

"Then – and now – he stands as a model of what it means to be a true advocate for, and defender of, justice," said Attorney General Holder.


Justice Department Reminds Employers of Eligibility Verification Rules for Salvadoran Workers

The Justice Department announced today the launch of an educational video reminding employers that Salvadorans with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) may continue working beyond the March 9, 2012, expiration date of their Employment Authorization Documents.

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Justice Department Reaches Agreement with Pinson, Alabama, on Bailout from Preclearance Requirements of the Voting Rights Act

The Justice Department announced that it has reached an agreement with Pinson, Ala., that, if approved by the court, will allow for the city to bail out from its status as a “covered jurisdiction” under the special provisions of the Voting Rights Act, and thereby exempt the city from the preclearance requirements of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Sherman Act Award Ceremony

"Those of you who’ve had the privilege – and great benefit – of working with Jim know that he is a fearless and tireless advocate for fairness and justice. For decades, he has worked to protect the American people from anticompetitive conduct – and has stood out as an effective and innovative leader in this field," said Attorney General Holder.


Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole Speaks at the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Small Business Procurement Conference

"At the Department of Justice, we know that small businesses are adaptable and innovative. We have come to rely on them to support many of our most important missions, from ensuring the national security to combating violent crime, fighting financial fraud, and protecting those most in need of our help – our children; the elderly; and victims of hate crimes, human trafficking and exploitation," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.


Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Mary Lou Leary Speaks at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony

"For me, personally, working with victims has been the most rewarding aspect of my career, bar none. Nothing compares with the satisfaction of helping to restore a sense of dignity and safety to a crime victim – and nothing has greater impact," said Acting Assistant Attorney General Leary.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony

"This year’s 12 awardees have helped change the course of recovery for survivors of sexual assault; created one of the first state corrections-based victim assistance programs in the nation; and promoted awareness of – and improvements to – federal victims’ rights laws," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the University of Michigan Law School Senior Day Ceremony

"Know this: times of difficulty, of novel questions and new tests, are the most exciting, and consequential, times to be a lawyer. Since our nation's earliest days, the service and contributions of attorneys - and, very often, of young attorneys - have kept the great and unique American experiment in motion," said Attorney General Holder.


Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Mary Lou Leary Speaks at the Justice Department’s National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony

"I’ve spent much of my career – as a prosecutor, in government, and as head of the National Center for Victims of Crime – working to strengthen our responses to victims of all ages. I never cease to marvel at the incredible devotion and resolve of victim advocates," said Acting Assistant Attorney General Leary.


Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole Speaks at the Justice Department’s National Missing Children’s Day Ceremony

"I am so pleased to be here today to honor four individuals for their extraordinary efforts to find and rescue missing and exploited children and bring perpetrators to justice. Their achievements – and the stories behind them – remind us of the special qualities possessed by every single one of you who works to protect our children," said Deputy Attorney General Cole.


Justice Department Issues Further Guidance on Accessibility Requirements for Existing Swimming Pools at Hotels and Other Public Accommodations

The Justice Department released two technical assistance documents today regarding the application of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to swimming pools. The documents can be found at and

  • OPA Press Releases


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at Drug Court Commencement and Phase Progression Recognition Ceremony

"My colleagues and I across the Justice Department – and the entire Obama Administration – remain deeply committed to expanding this work through funding grants, training, and other forms of assistance. We’re eager to continue partnering with leading jurists like those who serve this Court, tireless advocates like our allies at the PSA and NADCP, and determined drug court participants like each of you," said Attorney General Holder.


Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the SEED School of Washington, D.C. 2012 Commencement Ceremony

"Yet – if, as they say, what’s past is prologue – and if this class’s record of achievement is any indication – then I believe there is good reason for confidence in the future that your generation will create, and the legacy of progress that each of you will carry forward – and build upon," said Attorney General Holder.