
Single Breakthrough Discovery for Citrus Greening Disease in Florida Unlikely, Says New Report

A single breakthrough discovery for managing citrus greening in Florida in the future is unlikely, says a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Reforms Needed to Strengthen U.S. Biomedical Research System for Next Generation of Scientists

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine calls for a series of substantial reforms to strengthen the U.S. biomedical research system for the next generation of scientists.


NAS Will Hold 155th Annual Meeting April 28-May 1

From April 28 to May 1 the National Academy of Sciences will hold its 155th annual meeting.


Improvements Needed to Achieve More Efficiency, Quality of Census Bureau’s Annual Economic Surveys

The U.S. Census Bureau should develop a detailed concept and implementation plan for an Annual Business Survey System (ABSS) to replace the current suite of largely separate annual economic surveys, says a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


EngineerGirl Announces 2018 Community Infrastructure Essay Contest Winners

The National Academy of Engineering today announced the winners of its 2018 EngineerGirl essay competition.


Statement by the Presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine on Preventing Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in science, engineering, and medicine diminishes the integrity of the U.S. research enterprise.


Organizing Committee Named for the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing

An international, multidisciplinary organizing committee has been appointed to plan the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, which will take place Nov. 27-29 in Hong Kong.


National Academies Launch “New Voices” Project to Engage Next-Generation Leaders in Science, Engineering, and Medicine

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are launching the “New Voices in Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine” initiative to identify outstanding early-career science, engineering, and medicine (SEM) leaders.


Winners Selected for the 2017-2018 TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs

The Transportation Research Board’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) recently selected winners for its University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs.


New Report Identifies Three Critical Areas of Research to Fill Gaps in Scientific Knowledge of the Gulf Coasts Interconnected Natural and Human System

Improved understanding of the coupled natural-human coastal system will help promote resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems under rapidly changing environmental conditions and support informed decision-making, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Permanent Supportive Housing Holds Potential for Improving Health of People Experiencing Homelessness, but Further Research on Effectiveness Is Needed, Including Studies On ‘Housing Sensitive’ Health Conditions

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines evidence on whether providing permanent supportive housing (PSH) – a combination of stable housing and supportive services -- to individuals who are experiencing homelessness improves their health.


Report Proposes Recommendations and New Framework to Speed Progress Toward Open Science

While significant progress has been made in providing open access to scientific research, a range of challenges -- including the economics of scientific publication and cultural barriers in the research enterprise -- must be overcome to further advance the openness of science, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academies Gulf Research Program Announces 2018 Early-Career Research Fellowships

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced the recipients of its 2018 Early-Career Research Fellowships.


John L. Anderson Nominated to be Next National Academy of Engineering President

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2019 nominating committee1 has recommended John L. Anderson, President Emeritus and distinguished professor of chemical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech), to stand as the sole candidate2 for the NAE presidency.


National Academy of Engineering Announces Winners of 2018 Ramo Founders and Bueche Awards

On Sunday, Sept. 30, during its 2018 annual meeting, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) will present two awards for extraordinary impact on the engineering profession.


Transportation Research Board Announces 2019 Executive Committee Chair and Vice Chair

Victoria A. Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center, and Leslie S. Richards, secretary of transportation for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), have been appointed as chair and vice chair, respectively, to the 2019 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Executive Committee, which provides oversight of TRB activities.


National Academy of Medicine Honors Three Members for Outstanding Service

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) honored three members today at its annual meeting for their outstanding service.


Three Health Professionals Named 2018 National Academy of Medicine Fellows

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) has selected three outstanding health professionals for the class of 2018 NAM Fellowships.


‘Carbon Utilization’ Technologies Could Reduce Emissions by Turning Greenhouse Gases Into Useful Products - New Report Identifies R&D to Make Technologies More Commercially Viable

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine outlines a research agenda for improving the commercial viability of technologies that turn greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels into useful products such as fuels, construction materials, and chemicals.


Technologies That Remove Carbon Dioxide From Air and Sequester It Need to Play a Large Role in Mitigating Climate Change, Says New Report

To achieve goals for climate and economic growth, “negative emissions technologies” (NETs) that remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the air will need to play a significant role in mitigating climate change, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Investigation and Design Can Improve Student Learning in Science and Engineering - Changes to Instructional Approaches Will Require Significant Effort

Centering science instruction around investigation and design can improve learning in middle and high schools and help students make sense of phenomena in the world around them.


Statement from the Organizing Committee on Reported Human Embryo Genome Editing

On the eve of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, we were informed of the birth of twins in China whose embryonic genomes had been edited.


New Report Explores Science of Interventions to Save Coral Reefs

While the management of local and regional stressors threatening coral reefs is critical, these efforts on their own will not be enough in the face of global climate change, says a new interim report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Statement by the Organizing Committee of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing

In December 2015, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences hosted an international summit in Washington, D.C., to discuss scientific, ethical, and governance issues associated with human genome editing.


Independent Reviews, Environmental Assessments Needed to Build Trust and Inform DOE NNSA’s Plans if it Proceeds with the Dilution and Disposal Process of Surplus Plutonium

If the dilute and dispose approach for disposing of the surplus plutonium in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is fully implemented, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should use two independent review teams to develop public trust in and improve its decisions, says a new interim report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Curbing Climate Change and Sustainably Supplying Food, Water, and Energy Among Top Challenges Environmental Engineering Can Help Address, New Report Says

Over the next several decades as the global population grows, society will be faced with pressing challenges such as providing reliable supplies of food and water, diminishing climate change and adapting to its impacts, and building healthy, resilient cities.


National Academies Gulf Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2019 Early-Career Research and Science Policy Fellowships

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is now accepting applications for its Early-Career Research Fellowships and Science Policy Fellowships for 2019.


U.S. Interstate Highways Need Overhaul

The future of the U.S. Interstate Highway System is threatened by a persistent and growing backlog of structural and operational deficiencies and by various looming challenges, such as the progress of automated vehicles, developments in electric vehicles, and vulnerabilities due to climate change.


Minority-Serving Colleges and Universities Are Positioned to Serve as a Greater Resource for Meeting U.S. STEM Workforce Needs, But Increased Attention and Investments Are Needed

Higher education leaders, policymakers, and the private sector should take a range of actions to strengthen STEM programs and degree attainment in the nation’s Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Investments Are Needed to Sustain NASA’s Instrumentation and Facilities for Future Extraterrestrial Sample Analyses, Says New Report

NASA’s investment in new instruments to analyze extraterrestrial samples is insufficient to provide for replacement of existing instruments, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Biotechnology Holds Promise for Protecting Forest Health, But Investments in Research Are Needed, Along With Public Dialogue

Biotechnology has the potential to be a part of the solution in protecting forest trees against destructive pest and disease outbreaks


Partnerships Between NASA and Industry Can Support Lunar Exploration, Say Two New Reports

Renewed interest in exploration of the moon has the potential to benefit lunar science greatly and could evolve into a program facilitated by partnerships between commercial companies and NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD), say companion reports by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Breakthrough Solutions and Technologies Needed to Speed Cleanup of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Sites

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends changes in the way that the U.S. Department of Energy manages science and technology (S&T) development in order to accelerate the cleanup of radioactive waste and contaminated soil, groundwater, and facilities at U.S. nuclear weapons sites.


Russian and U.S. Academies Sign Agreement to Continue Cooperation

The president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the presidents of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and U.S. National Academy of Medicine (NAM) have signed a five-year agreement to continue their cooperation on studies, workshops, and other activities in areas of mutual interest.


VA’s Process for Determining Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans Seeking Disability Compensation Examined in New Report

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) should expand the requirement in its disability compensation process regarding who can diagnose traumatic brain injury (TBI) to include any health care professional with pertinent and ongoing brain injury training and experience, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Protecting Coral Reefs in a Deteriorating Environment

Coral reefs around the world face growing danger from a changing climate, on top of the historic threats from local pollution and habitat destruction.


World Refugee Day

It is estimated that 44,000 people are forced each day to flee their homes due to conflict and persecution. In December 2017, the CHR held a symposium, Protecting the Rights of Individuals Fleeing Conflict - The Role of Scientists, Engineers, and Health Professionals, to explore the various challenges faced by displaced individuals and the ways in which the scientific, engineering, and medical communities are working to help address these challenges.


Study Committee Members Brief Congress on Election Security

As jurisdictions around the nation explore how to shore up their voting systems against vulnerabilities revealed by the 2016 election, Congress held a hearing yesterday to learn more about cyberthreats and options for thwarting them.


Interview - John L. Anderson Discusses His New Role as the National Academy of Engineerings President

When John L. Anderson, president emeritus and distinguished professor of chemical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, was first elected to the National Academy of Engineering almost 30 years ago, he remembers being deeply honored and excited about how the recognition would help his career.


International Meeting Explores How to Fund Science for Sustainability

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development lays out a range of ambitious goals for global development, from achieving food security to combating climate change to making the world’s cities sustainable.


Global Grand Challenges Summit 2019 Will Bring Over 900 Engineers to London to Address Engineering in an Unpredictable World

International thought leaders will join the next generation of engineers in London from Sept. 16 to 18 for the Global Grand Challenges Summit 2019. The summit aims to help inspire and equip future engineering leaders to address the rapidly evolving challenges of an unpredictable world.


Self-driving cars meet SNAP - National Academies forum examines role of tech and social innovation in the food system

Rev. Heber Brown III wants people to erase the term “food desert” from their vocabulary.


Stronger Policies Needed to Protect the Public From Legionnaires’ Disease

The U.S. needs stronger policies and guidance to combat Legionnaires’ disease, a form of pneumonia caused by inhaling air contaminated with Legionella bacteria from water systems, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


International Commission on Heritable Genome Editing Holds First Public Meeting

Last week, the International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing held its first public meeting at the National Academy of Sciences building in Washington, D.C.


The Next Decade of Nursing - NAM Town Halls Explore How New Roles, New Tech, and Social Needs Are Transforming the Field

You can find a nurse navigating city streets, on her way to a home visit. Or, maybe he is recording educational videos on preventing ear infections. She might even be running for city council.


Twenty Scientists Awarded 2019 Early Career Research Fellowships by National Academies Gulf Research Program

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine announced today the recipients of its 2019 Early-Career Research Fellowships.


Daniel Weinberger Receives National Academy of Medicines Sarnat Award for His Pioneering Research on Developmental Origins of Schizophrenia

The National Academy of Medicine today announced Daniel Weinberger is the recipient of the 2019 Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health, for his fundamental role in elucidating the biological origins and genetic expressions of schizophrenia, and for transforming how clinicians, researchers, and the public understand mental illness.


Addressing Patients’ Social Needs Within Health Care Delivery Is Key to Improving Health Outcomes and Reducing Health Disparities, New Report Says

Whether a patient has a safe place to live or healthy food to eat has an important influence on their health, but such nonmedical social needs have not traditionally been addressed in routine health care visits.


Mentoring Could Improve Diversity and Inclusion in STEMM But Needs More Attention in Colleges and Universities, Says New Report, Which Identifies Effective Mentoring Practices

U.S. colleges and universities should take a more intentional, inclusive, and evidence-based approach to mentoring students in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) – a shift that could engage and help retain a broader group of students in these fields, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


At-Home DNA Tests Still Need the ‘Human Touch,’ Say Panelists at Genomics Roundtable Workshop

When Sara Altschule took a 23andMe ancestry test, the results confirmed what she already suspected - She is 77 percent Ashkenazi Jewish.