e v

Prevalence of client violence against social work students and its effects on fear of future violence, occupational commitment, and career withdrawal intentions

e v

Multiple approaches to the validation of the scores from the study anxiety inventory

e v

Determinants of nutrition appointment non-attendance among male veterans

e v

Architectures and algorithms for mitigation of soft errors in nanoscale VLSI circuits

e v

Determination of nanogram mass and measurement of polymer solution free volume using thickness-shear mode (tsm) quartz resonators

e v

A philosophical inquiry on the valuation and selection of musical materials for culturally diverse learners in global environments

e v

Is there an "innocent female victim" effect in capital punishment sentencing?

e v

Theoretical and experimental simulation of passive vacuum solar flash desalination

e v

Late holocene climate variability from northern gulf of mexico sediments :

e v

A descriptive study of the view from the top :

e v

Apparent total evaporative resistance values from human trials over a range of heat stress levels

e v

The virtuoso human :

e v

"the wound and the voiceless :

e v

People dressed in Spanish attire and dancing at the Verbena del Tabaco Festival

e v

Inside the Viola Todd dress shop

e v

Flim posters at the Victory Theater

e v

Two large vats at Southern Dairies

e v

Several large vats at Southern Dairies

e v

Large vat at the Southern Dairies processing facility

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The View along Central Avenue

e v

The Victory Theater presents "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi"

e v

The Victory Theater presents "They Just Had to Get Married"

e v

Hippodrome visiting attraction

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Rebuilding the Victory Theater

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The Vending area at a Tampa theater

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[A window display featuring cakes at the Victory Bakery]

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[Government form] - Exchange voucher

e v

One of the villages of Darfur

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The village attack

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Children in the village

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Life in the village

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Shooting in the village

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Patrolling the villages of Darfur

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Defenseless female villager in Darfur shot

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Slaughter in the village

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Torching houses in the village of Bondos

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View of the valley with Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia and the Tholos (ca. 380 BC)

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Venus Pudica (only torso is ancient) (Anadyomene Venus type)

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House of the Vestals

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Atrium, House of the Vestals, with Female Statues. view E toward church of S. Maria Nova

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Gardenscape. Second Style wall painting from the Villa of Livia, Primaporta

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Gardenscape. Second Style wall painting from the Villa of Livia, Primaporta

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Gardenscape. Second Style wall painting from the Villa of Livia, Primaporta

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Pope Boniface VIII Caitani (r.1294-1303)

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Pope Boniface VIII Caitani (r.1294-1303)

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Pope Boniface VIII Caitani (r.1294-1303)

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The Virgin and Child in a Church (a portable altar)

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The Virgin and Child in a Church (central section of a portable altar)

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The Virgin and Child in a Church (a portable altar)

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The Virgin and Child in a Church (a portable altar)