
Biden nomme une émissaire sur les droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord

(Belga) Le président américain Joe Biden a nommé lundi une émissaire spéciale sur les droits de l'Homme en Corée du Nord, un poste laissé vacant pendant tout le mandat de l'ancienne administration de Donald Trump.

Le poste a été confié à une diplomate de carrière, Julie Turner, qui dirige actuellement la section Asie du bureau des droits de l'homme au sein du département d'État américain. Il avait été laissé vacant depuis janvier 2017, alors que l'ancien président Donald Trump cherchait à nouer des liens avec Pyongyang, rencontrant le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong Un à trois reprises. Cela avait conduit à apaiser les tensions entre les deux pays, sans que cela ne débouche sur un accord à long terme. Le poste, qui a le rang d'ambassadeur, avait été créé par une loi en 2004 visant à faire pression sur la question des droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord, l'un des pays les plus autoritaires au monde. La tension est montée de façon spectaculaire ces derniers mois entre la Corée du Nord et son voisin du Sud ainsi que les États-Unis et le Japon en raison du nombre record en 2022 de tirs de missiles par Pyongyang. Dans son dernier rapport annuel sur les droits de l'homme, le département d'État avait dénoncé de vastes abus dans le pays communiste reclus, y compris l'emprisonnement de masse et le travail forcé. Mme Turner, qui parle couramment le français et le coréen selon sa biographie officielle, doit encore être confirmée à ce poste par un vote du Sénat américain. (Belga)


La France a dï¿œtruit des stocks de masques pendant l'ï¿œpidï¿œmie du coronavirus

C'est surrᅵaliste. Les services de Matignon ont dᅵcouvert fin mars que des stocks de masques pᅵrimᅵs continuaient ᅵ ᅵtre brᅵlᅵs pendant l'ᅵpidᅵmie alors que certains...


Injury prediction analysis of college basketball players based on FMS scores

It is inevitable for basketball players to have physical injury in sports. Reducing basketball injury is one of the main aims of the study of basketball. In view of this, this paper proposes a monocular vision and FMS injury prediction model for basketball players. Aiming at the limitations of traditional FMS testing methods, this study introduces intelligent machine learning methods. In this study, random forest algorithm was introduced into OpenPose network to improve model node occlusion, missed detection or false detection. In addition, to reduce the computational load of the network, the original OpenPose network was replaced by a lightweight OpenPose network. The experimental results show that the average processing time of the proposed model is about 90 ms, and the output video frame rate is 10 frames per second, which can meet the real-time requirements. This study analysed the students participating in the basketball league of the College of Sports Science of Nantong University, and the results confirmed the accuracy of the injury prediction of college basketball players based on FMS scores. It is hoped that this study can provide some reference for the research of injury prevention of basketball players.


Digital architectural decoration design and production based on computer image

The application of computer image digitisation has realised the transformation of people's production and lifestyle, and also promoted the development of the construction industry. This article aims to realise the research on architectural decoration design and production under computer network environment and promote the ecological development of indoor and outdoor design in the construction industry. This article proposes to use virtual reality technology in image digitisation to guide architectural decoration design research. In the comparative analysis of the weight of architectural decoration elements, among the calculated weights of secondary elements, the spatial function has the largest weight, which is 0.2155, and the landscape has the smallest weight, which is 0.0113. Among the three-level unit weights, the service area has the largest weight, which is 0.0976, and the fence frame has the smallest weight, which is 0.0119.


Why students need to learn biomimicry rather than select a correct answer? A neurological explanation

For a long time, high school students have been forced to practice selecting correct answers on college scholastic ability tests. Recently, it has been suggested that schools introduce biomimicry activities for STEM education to develop students' 21st century competency. However, there have been arguments about which system is more appropriate in terms of enhancing a student's competency development. Therefore, we evaluated neurological evidence of students' competency using fMRI scans taken during the selecting a correct answer for a biology question and during a biomimicry activity. Results showed that the repetitive practice of selecting correct responses limited a student's neurological activities to the brain network of the visual cortex and the front-parietal working memory cortex. However, the biomimicry activity simultaneously involved diverse prefrontal, parietal and temporal cortexes, and the putamen, limbic and cerebellum lobes. Therefore, this study proposes that the biomimicry activities could stimulate their coordinated brain development.


Incorporating Knowledge of Legal and Ethical Aspects into Computing Curricula of South African Universities


Incorporating Kinesthetic Learning into University Classrooms: An Example from Management Information Systems

Aim/Purpose: Students tend to learn best when an array of learning styles is used by instructors. The purpose of this paper is to add, to introduce, and to apply the concepts of kinesthetic learning and learning structures to university and STEM education. Background: The study applies the concept of kinesthetic learning and a learning structure called Think-Pair-Share to an experiential exercise about Moore’s Law in an introductory MIS classroom. The paper details the exercise and each of its components. Methodology: Students in two classes were asked to complete a short survey about their conceptual understanding of the course material before and after the experiential exercise. Contribution: The paper details the benefits of kinesthetic learning and learning structures and discusses how to apply these concepts through an experiential exercise used in an introductory MIS course. Findings: Results indicate that the kinesthetic learning activity had a positive impact on student learning outcomes. Recommendations for Practitioners: University educators can use this example to structure several other learning activities that apply kinesthetic learning principles. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can use this paper to study more about how to incorporate kinesthetic learning into education, and about teaching technology concepts to undergraduate students through kinesthetic learning. Impact on Society: The results of this study may be extremely beneficial for the university and STEM community and overall academic business community. Future Research: Researchers should consider longitudinal studies and other ways to incorporate kinesthetic learning activities into education.


An English MOOC similar resource clustering method based on grey correlation

Due to the problems of low clustering accuracy and efficiency in traditional similar resource clustering methods, this paper studies an English MOOC similar resource clustering method based on grey correlation. Principal component analysis was used to extract similar resource features of English MOOC, and feature selection methods was used to pre-process similar resource features of English MOOC. On this basis, based on the grey correlation method, the pre-processed English MOOC similar resource features are standardised, and the correlation degree between different English MOOC similar resource features is calculated. The English MOOC similar resource correlation matrix is constructed to achieve English MOOC similar resource clustering. The experimental results show that the contour coefficient of the proposed method is closer to one, and the clustering accuracy of similar resources in English MOOC is as high as 94.2%, with a clustering time of only 22.3 ms.


Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management

As academia in general, and research funders in particular, place ever greater importance on data as an output of research, so the value of good research data management practices becomes ever more apparent. In response to this, the Innovative Design and Manufacturing Research Centre (IdMRC) at the University of Bath, UK, with funding from the JISC, ran a project to draw up a data management planning regime. In carrying out this task, the ERIM (Engineering Research Information Management) Project devised a visual method of mapping out the data records produced in the course of research, along with the associations between them. This method, called Research Activity Information Development (RAID) Modelling, is based on the Unified Modelling Language (UML) for portability. It is offered to the wider research community as an intuitive way for researchers both to keep track of their own data and to communicate this understanding to others who may wish to validate the findings or re-use the data.


Resistance to Electronic Medical Records (EMRs): A Barrier to Improved Quality of Care


Development of Scoring Rubrics for Projects as an Assessment Tool across an IS Program


Journey to the Center of the Core: Computers and the Internet in the Core Curriculum  


E-learning: Incorporating Information Security Governance


Framing the Corporate Security Problem: The Ecology of Security


Novel Phonetic Name Matching Algorithm with a Statistical Ontology for Analysing Names Given in Accordance with Thai Astrology


Informing Processes and Models: A Core Course in IS Curriculum


Emoji Identification and Prediction in Hebrew Political Corpus

Aim/Purpose: Any system that aims to address the task of modeling social media communication need to deal with the usage of emojis. Efficient prediction of the most likely emoji given the text of a message may help to improve different NLP tasks. Background: We explore two tasks: emoji identification and emoji prediction. While emoji prediction is a classification task of predicting the emojis that appear in a given text message, emoji identification is the complementary preceding task of determining if a given text message includes emojies. Methodology: We adopt a supervised Machine Learning (ML) approach. We compare two text representation approaches, i.e., n-grams and character n-grams and analyze the contribution of additional metadata features to the classification. Contribution: The task of emoji identification is novel. We extend the definition of the emoji prediction task by allowing to use not only the textual content but also meta-data analysis. Findings: Metadata improve the classification accuracy in the task of emoji identification. In the task of emoji prediction it is better to apply feature selection. Recommendations for Practitioners: In many of the cases the classifier decision seems fitter to the comment content than the emoji that was chosen by the commentator. The classifier may be useful for emoji suggestion. Recommendation for Researchers: Explore character-based representations rather than word-based representations in the case of morphologically rich languages. Impact on Society: Improve the modeling of social media communication. Future Research: We plan to address the multi-label setting of the emoji prediction task and to investigate the deep learning approach for both of our classification tasks


Digital Literacy in the Core: The Emerging Higher Education Landscape

Aim/Purpose: Digital literacy is critical to participation in a contemporary knowledge-based society and is requisite to both academic success and career development. Institutions of higher education have been slow to define, assess, and amplify digital literacy in parallel with advances in the enhancement of reading, writing, and arithmetic literacy. Perhaps as a consequence of the pandemic, awareness appears to be growing of the need to infuse digital literacy at both institutional and individual levels. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the promotion and amplification of digital literacy within top universities around the globe. Background: For years, the role of higher education in the amplification of digital literacy among college students has been debated, but efforts have been limited primarily to ad hoc, unsystematic attempts to rectify disparities between students’ exposure and understanding. The impacts of COVID-19 exposed the reality that many institutions, professors, and college students were under-prepared for the surge in reliance on digital technologies. Methodology: This paper explores the prevalence of digital literacy in the top public and private universities around the globe by conducting a qualitative examination on compulsory requirements, digital literacy offerings, university identified digital literacy initiatives, and university strategic plans. Contribution: This paper contributes to the body of knowledge by providing evidence for the need to expand the constructs of what it means to be digitally literate to address the ever-expanding range of emerging technologies and the impact of those technologies on society. Findings: The review of digital literacy amplification at top universities showed that none of the universities' admissions requirements required students to demonstrate digital competence and compulsory digital literacy was uncommon. However, a majority of universities undertook some form of initiative to promote digital literacy. These initiates included a focus on developing digitally literate society and workforce or developing innovative approaches to digital literacy education. Recommendations for Practitioners: The pandemic has generated a greater sense of urgency for institutions of higher education to ensure access to and understanding of digital technologies by students, faculty, and staff. Educational institutions will have to adapt their methodologies to promote explicit and intentionally reasoned digital literacy strategies that combine the competencies possessed by users of technology with the generation of new competencies required to successfully participate in the digital transformation of education, business, and society. Recommendations for Researchers: This paper examined the top 50 universities around the globe. Additional re-search is needed to examine national, regional and local efforts in the quest to address the need for a digitally literate citizenry. Impact on Society: COVID-19 has thrust us into a new normal wherein digital competence is foundational to success in an ever digitally reliant world. Institutions of higher education are best positioned to carry out the initiatives, programs and re-search needed to enhance the digital literacy of all citizens, not just students and employees. Future Research: Societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to emerge and will resonate for decades to come. Continued investigation, exploration and dis-semination of information related to effort to enhance and amplify digital literacy is necessary to ensure momentum to reimagine digital literacy education is maintained.


Corpus Processing of Multi-Word Discourse Markers for Advanced Learners

Aim/Purpose. The most crucial aspects of teaching a foreign language to more advanced learners are building an awareness of discourse modes, how to regulate discourse, and the pragmatic properties of discourse components. However, in different languages, the connections and structure of discourse are ensured by different linguistic means which makes matters complicated for the learner. Background. By uncovering regularities in a foreign language and comparing them with patterns in one’s own tongue, the corpus research method offers the student unique opportunities to acquire linguistic knowledge about discourse markers. This paper reports on an investigation of the functions of multi-word discourse markers. Methodology. In our research, we combine the alignment model of the phrase-based statistical machine translation and manual treatment of the data in order to examine English multi-word discourse markers and their equivalents in Lithuanian and Hebrew translations by researching their changes in translation. After establishing the full list of multi-word discourse markers in our generated parallel corpus, we research how the multi-word discourse markers are treated in translation. Contribution. Creating a parallel research corpus to identify multi-word expressions used as discourse markers, analyzing how they are translated into Lithuanian and Hebrew, and attempting to determine why the translators made the choices add value to corpus-driven research and how to manage discourse. Findings. Our research proves that there is a possible context-based influence guiding the translation to choose a particle or other lexical item integration in Lithuanian or Hebrew translated discourse markers to express the rhetorical domain which could be related to the so-called phenomenon of “over-specification.” Recommendations for Practitioners. The comparative examination of discourse markers provides language instructors and translators with more specific information about the roles of discourse markers. Recommendations for Researchers. Understanding the multifunctionality of discourse markers provides new avenues for discourse marker application in translation research. Impact on Society. The current study may be a useful method to strengthen students’ language awareness and analytic skills and is particularly important for students specializing in English philology or translation. Beyond the empirical research, an extensive parallel data resource has been created to be openly used. Future Research. It should be noted that the observed phenomenon of “over-specification” could be analyzed further in future research.


How Different Are Johnson and Wang? Documenting Discrepancies in the Records of Ethnic Scholars in Scopus

Aim/Purpose. This study captures and describes the discrepancies in the performance matrices of comparable Chinese and American scholars as recorded by Scopus. Background. The contributions of Chinese scholars to the global knowledge enterprise are increasing, whereas indexing bibliometric databases (e.g., Scopus) are not optimally designed to track their names and record their work precisely. Methodology. Coarsened exact matching was employed to construct two samples of comparable Chinese and American scholars in terms of gender, fields of work, educational backgrounds, experience, and workplace. Under 200 scholars, around a third being Chinese and the rest American scholars, were selected through this data construction method. Statistical tests, including logit regressions, Poisson regression, and fractional response models, were applied to both samples to measure and verify the discrepancies stored within their Scopus accounts. Contribution. This study complicates the theory of academic identity development, especially on the intellectual strand, as it shows ethnic scholars may face more errors in how their track records are stored and presented. This study also provides inputs for the discussion of algorithmic discrimination from the academic context and to the scientific community. Findings. This paper finds that Chinese scholars are more prone to imprecise records in Scopus (i.e., more duplicate accounts, a higher gap between the best-statistic accounts, and the total numbers of publications and citations) than their American counterparts. These findings are consistent across two samples and with different statistical tests. Recommendations for Practitioners. This paper suggests practitioners and administrators at research institutions treat scholars’ metrics presented in Scopus or other bibliometric databases with caution while evaluating ethnic scholars’ contributions. Recommendations for Researchers. Scholars and researchers are suggested to dedicate efforts to monitoring their accounts on indexing bibliometric platforms. Impact on Society. This paper raises awareness of the barriers that ethnic scholars face in participating in the scientific community and being recognized for their contributions. Future Research. Future research can be built on this paper by expanding the size of the analytical samples and extending similar analyses on comparable data harvested from other bibliometric platforms.


An Ethical Ecology of a Corporate Leader: Modeling the Ethical Frame of Corporate Leadership


Driving Creativity: Extending Knowledge Management into the Multinational Corporation


Intention to Use and Satisfaction of e-Learning for Training in the Corporate Context

Together, the fields of education and information technology have identified the need for an online solution to training. The introduction of e-learning has optimised the learning process, allowing organisations to realise the many advantages that e-learning offers. The importance of user involvement in the success of e-learning makes it imperative that the forces driving intention to use e-learning and satisfaction thereof be determined. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the metrics influencing intention to use and the satisfaction of using e-learning in companies. The results of a survey distributed amongst a South African software development company’s customer base revealed that the 94 respondents have positive enjoyment and self-efficacy levels, and low computer anxiety levels. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between enjoyment and self-efficacy and between enjoyment and satisfaction. Companies should therefore ensure that users enjoy using e-learning as it can directly influence satisfaction and self-efficacy.


The Effect of Perceived Expected Satisfaction with Electronic Health Records Availability on Expected Satisfaction with Electronic Health Records Portability in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment

A central premise for the creation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is ensuring the portability of patient health records across various clinical, insurance, and regulatory entities. From portability standards such as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to data sharing across institutions, a lack of portability of health data can jeopardize optimal care and reduce meaningful use. This research empirically investigates the relationship between health records availability and portability. Using data collected from 168 medical providers and patients, we confirm the positive relationship between user perceptions of expected satisfaction with EHR availability and the expected satisfaction with portability. Our findings contribute to more informed practice by understanding how ensuring the availability of patient data by virtue of enhanced data sharing standards, device independence, and better EHR data integration can subsequently drive perceptions of portability across a multitude of stakeholders.


Transforming Communications in the Workplace: The Impact of UC on Perceived Productivity in a Multi-national Corporation

Aim/Purpose: Unified Communications (UC) is touted as a technology that will transform business communication. While positive claims abound, the factors of UC attributable to its success have yet to be identified. By examining how users perceive UC impacts productivity, this study aids organizations in making better decisions regarding investments in and usage of communications technologies. Background: Unified Communications integrates disparate communications and information sharing applications into a single platform. The promise of UC is that it will revolutionize the workplace by providing a more synchronized fit between the way people communicate and the technology they use. Methodology: Through case study research conducted within a large multinational corporation (the Hewlett Packard Company), this study investigated the impact of UC on productivity. Interview narratives were examined using an open coding technique to capture individual perceptions of productivity. Further, to assess the role UC plays in facilitating relationship building and its connection to productivity, participant responses were mapped to the key factors of technology that influence relationships within an organization as identified by Dillon and Montano (2005). Contribution: This research contributes to studies on the impact of UC on productivity in the workplace. Findings UC was found to increase personal productivity, remove communication barriers, and create a more positive work environment. Recommendations for Practitioners : The findings of this study will aid organizations in making investment decisions as they evolve their business communications strategy. Impact on Society: Unified Communications will play an increasingly important role as people adapt to the evolving digital world through which they communicate and collaborate. Future Research: Little research exists that examines the impact of UC within an organization. Additional research investigating the use of UC in a variety of business sectors is needed.


The Effect of Rational Based Beliefs and Awareness on Employee Compliance with Information Security Procedures: A Case Study of a Financial Corporation in Israel

Aim/Purpose: This paper examines the behavior of financial firm employees with regard to information security procedures instituted within their organization. Furthermore, the effect of information security awareness and its importance within a firm is explored. Background: The study focuses on employees’ attitude toward compliance with information security policies (ISP), combined with various norms and personal abilities. Methodology: A self-reported questionnaire was distributed among 202 employees of a large financial Corporation Contribution: As far as we know, this is the first paper to thoroughly explore employees’ awareness of information system procedures, among financial organizations in Israel, and also the first to develop operative recommendations for these organizations aimed at increasing ISP compliance behavior. The main contribution of this study is that it investigates compliance with information security practices among employees of a defined financial corporation operating under rigid regulatory governance, confidentiality and privacy of data, and stringent requirements for compliance with information security procedures. Findings: Our results indicate that employees’ attitudes, normative beliefs and personal capabilities to comply with firm’s ISP, have positive effects on the firm’s ISP compliance. Also, employees’ general awareness of IS, as well as awareness to ISP within the firm, positively affect employees’ ISP compliance. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study can help information security managers identify the motivating factors for employee behavior to maintain information security procedures, properly channel information security resources, and manage appropriate information security behavior. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can see that corporate rewards and sanctions have significant effects on employee security behavior, but other motivational factors also reinforce the ISP’s compliance behavior. Distinguishing between types of corporations and organizations is essential to understanding employee compliance with information security procedures. Impact on Society: This study offers another level of understanding of employee behavior with regard to information security in organizations and comprises a significant contribution to the growing knowledge in this area. The research results form an important basis for IS policymakers, culture designers, managers, and those directly responsible for IS in the organization. Future Research: Future work should sample employees from another type of corporation from other fields and should apply qualitative analysis to explore other aspects of behavioral patterns related to the subject matter.


The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Performance: The Moderation Influence of Blockchain Technology

Aim/Purpose: The major challenges for firms to initiate corporate social responsibility (CSR) arise from resource constraints, complexity, and uncertainty. Consuming considerable financial and human resources is the main difficulty for smaller firms or those operating in less profitable industries, and the lack of immediate outputs from CSR initiatives poses a challenge for firms in prioritizing and assessing their effectiveness. Background: To better integrate CSR management into overall business strategy and decision-making processes, Blockchain technology (BCT) could potentially offer a feasible and optimal alternative to CSR reports. Methodology: This study uses the fixed effects regression by way of the Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) approach in STATA to analyze the direct effect of CSR management on business performance and the moderating effect of BCT adoption on this relationship with a panel data set of 5810 observations collected from the 874 listed companies in 2015 in Taiwan Stock Exchange through 2021. Contribution: This study contributes to the literature by shedding light on the organizational factors that influence BCT adoption. Findings: The findings show that firms with high levels of CSR management have better business performance. Additionally, the adoption of BCT strengthens the positive relationship between CSR management and business performance, but it cannot replace the fundamental principles of CSR. Finally, firm size does not significantly affect BCT adoption, indicating that companies of all sizes have an equal opportunity to adopt BCT, which can help to level the playing field in terms of resources available to different firms. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study suggests that firms managing CSR practices have better business performance, and the adoption of BCTs further enhances this positive relationship. However, BCT adoption does not have the same positive effect on business performance as CSR practices. Additionally, this research can help to inform public policy related to BCT adoption and diffusion. Recommendation for Researchers: By exploring the factors that influence BCT adoption, future researchers can provide insights into the key challenges and opportunities faced by organizations of different sizes and help to develop strategies for promoting the effective adoption of BCT. Impact on Society: Given the limitations of current CSR reporting, the understanding gained from BCT applications can provide companies with an alternative mechanism to foster progress in CSR implementation. Future Research: Firstly, while the fixed-effects model might have dampened the power of explanation because it only captures within-unit variation and ignores between-unit variation, the explanatory power is further limited due to only integrating two independent variables in this model. Because of limited data availability, this study only utilizes CSR_Report and firm_size as independent variables. Future studies can consider more key factors and may lead to different results. Additionally, panel data is collected from Taiwan and, therefore, may not be representative of the broader population. Future researchers integrating the Stock Exchange of different countries are recommended.


The Influence of Big Data Management on Organizational Performance in Organizations: The Role of Electronic Records Management System Potentiality

Aim/Purpose: The use of digital technology, such as an electronic records management system (ERMS), has prompted widespread changes across organizations. The organization needs to support its operations with an automation system to improve production performance. This study investigates ERMS’s potentiality to enhance organizational performance in the oil and gas industry. Background: Oil and gas organizations generate enormous electronic records that lead to difficulties in managing them without any system or digitalization procedure. The need to use a system to manage big data and records affects information security and creates several problems. This study supports decision-makers in oil and gas organizations to use ERMS to enhance organizational performance. Methodology: We used a quantitative method by integrating the typical partial least squares (SEM-PLS) approach, including measurement items, respondents’ demographics, sampling and collection of data, and data analysis. The SEM-PLS approach uses a measurement and structural model assessment to analyze data. Contribution: This study contributes significantly to theory and practice by providing advancements in identity theory in the context of big data management and electronic records management. This study is a foundation for further research on the role of ERMS in operations performance and Big Data Management (BDM). This research makes a theoretical contribution by studying a theory-driven framework that may serve as an essential lens to evaluate the role of ERMS in performance and increase its potentiality in the future. This research also evaluated the combined impacts of general technology acceptance theory elements and identity theory in the context of ERMS to support data management. Findings: This study provides an empirically tested model that helps organizations to adopt ERMS based on the influence of big data management. The current study’s findings looked at the concerns of oil and gas organizations about integrating new technologies to support organizational performance. The results demonstrated that individual characteristics of users in oil and gas organizations, in conjunction with administrative features, are robust predictors of ERMS. The results show that ERMS potentiality significantly influences the organizational performance of oil and gas organizations. The research results fit the big ideas about how big data management and ERMS affect respondents to adopt new technologies. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study contributes significantly to the theory and practice of ERMS potentiality and BDM by developing and validating a new framework for adopting ERMS to support the performance and production of oil and gas organizations. The current study adds a new framework to identity theory in the context of ERMS and BDM. It increases the perceived benefits of using ERMS in protecting the credibility and authenticity of electronic records in oil and gas organizations. Recommendation for Researchers: This study serves as a foundation for future research into the function and influence of big data management on ERMS that support the organizational performance. Researchers can examine the framework of this study in other nations in the future, and they will be able to analyze this research framework to compare various results in other countries and expand ERMS generalizability and efficacy. Impact on Society: ERMS and its impact on BDM is still a developing field, and readers of this article can assist in gaining a better understanding of the literature’s dissemination of ERMS adoption in the oil and gas industry. This study presents an experimentally validated model of ERMS adoption with the effect of BDM in the oil and gas industry. Future Research: In the future, researchers may be able to examine the impact of BDM and user technology fit as critical factors in adopting ERMS by using different theories or locations. Furthermore, researchers may include the moderating impact of demographical parameters such as age, gender, wealth, and experience into this study model to make it even more robust and comprehensive. In addition, future research may examine the significant direct correlations between human traits, organizational features, and individual perceptions of BDM that are directly related to ERMS potentiality and operational performance in the future.


Using Video to Record Summary Lectures to Aid Students' Revision


Towards A Comprehensive Learning Object Metadata: Incorporation of Context to Stipulate Meaningful Learning and Enhance Learning Object Reusability


OER Usage by Instructional Designers and Training Managers in Corporations

Since the development of Open Educational Resources (OERs), different models regarding the usage of these resources in education have appeared in the literature. Wiley’s 4-Rs model is considered to be one of the leading models. Research based on Wiley’s model shows that using materials without making changes is the most common use. Compared to the extensive literature regarding OER usage in education, the literature barely deals with OER usage by instructional designers or training managers in corporations. The purpose of this research is to examine the OER usage of these two stakeholders, distinguishing between Little and Big OER repositories, in which Little OER repositories such as YouTube and Wikipedia aren’t necessarily designed to fulfill educational purposes. Findings show that these stakeholders almost use only Little repositories and that their usage level is higher than what is documented in the literature: they mostly Revise–modify the form of the resource, and Remix–combine different resources to create new ones. These differences can be explained by the fact that materials from Little OER repositories are raw materials, requiring further editing and adjustment. Significant differences between instructional designers’ and training managers’ usage of OERs were found regarding the Reuse level of resources from internal repositories and the Google Images repository, and the frequency of this Reuse.


The Characteristics of Successful MOOCs in the Fields of Software, Science, and Management, According to Students’ Perception

The characteristics of successful MOOCs were explored in this study. Thousands of student reviews regarding five xMOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) in the fields of software, science, and management were extracted from the Coursetalk website and analyzed by quantitative and qualitative methods using the Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) model. The 14 characteristics found to contribute to the success of MOOCs (e.g., teacher, atmosphere, exercise) were partitioned into the teaching, social, and cognitive presence elements. In addition, cluster analysis revealed five types of learners, based on the characteristics they mentioned for course success: atmosphere, exercise, teacher, exam, and unspecified. This divides learners into groups that may prefer social, cognitive, or teaching presence. The findings of this study negate the perception that xMOOCs mostly contain teaching presence elements. This research contributes to the understanding of characteristics that contribute to successful MOOCs and sheds light on the students, too. Listening to the voices of the students and the types of characteristics that they chose to mention, enables further exploration of their preferences and expectations regarding MOOCs and, accordingly, to future adaptation between students’ preferences and MOOC characteristics.


Differences in Stage of Integration between Business Planning and Information Systems Planning according to Value Configurations


The Helix of Human Cognition: Knowledge Management According to DIKW, E2E, and the Proposed View


Stakeholder Agency and Social Welfare: Pluralism and Decision Making in the Multi-Objective Corporation

Social welfare, or the good society, is of central concern to the Academy of Management. In this paper, we review the concept of social welfare, suggesting that regardless of discipline, social welfare is defined as a multi-dimensional phenomenon. We then review the literature on the corporate objective within a market economy, where the dominant view is that of a single-objective function. Analyzing this view, we argue for a multi-dimensional objective for organizations in order to meet social welfare objectives: where decision making within a market economy better utilizes the benefits of markets. We suggest that improvements in social welfare are possible where markets are better-enabled to operate among stakeholders unconstrained by some single-valued objective. In doing so, we respond to the critics of stakeholder theory who argue that it is an untenable theory due to its inability to specify how stakeholder objectives are to be prioritized.


Review: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders, Globalization, and Sustainable Value Creation

In Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (3rd edition) (SCSR), David Chandler and William B. Werther Jr. advance the view that the ability of firms to create value for a range of stakeholders over the medium- and long-term requires that they embed CSR into their strategies and operations. Its focus on the integration of CSR into strategic planning and implementation distinguishes SCSR from competing business and society textbooks, which tend to survey the field or focus on the management of the firm's relationships with stakeholders and society.


On the Forgetting of Corporate Irresponsibility

Why are some serious cases of corporate irresponsibility collectively forgotten? Drawing on social memory studies, we examine how this collective forgetting process can occur. We propose that a major instance of corporate irresponsibility leads to the emergence of a stakeholder mnemonic community that shares a common recollection of the past incident. This community generates and then draws upon mnemonic traces to sustain a collective memory of the past event over time. In addition to the natural entropic tendencies toward forgetting, collective memory is also undermined by instrumental 'forgetting work', which we conceptualize in this paper. Forgetting work involves manipulating short-term conditions of the event, silencing vocal 'rememberers' and undermining collective mnemonic traces that sustain a version of the past. This process can result in a reconfigured collective memory and collective forgetting of corporate irresponsibility events. Collective forgetting can have positive and negative consequences for the firm, stakeholders and society.



Studies suggest that category-spanning organizations receive lower evaluation and perform worse than organizations focused on a single category. We propose that (1) these effects are contingent on clients' theory of value and that as clients expect more sophisticated services, they tend to value category spanners more positively and (2) the evaluation of producers mediates the relationship between category spanning and performance. We test our hypotheses using original data on corporate legal services in three markets (London, New York City, and Paris) over the decade 2000-2010. We find that (1) category spanners receive a better evaluation, and more so when their categorical combination is more inclusive and (2) evaluation mediates significantly the relationship between category spanning and performance. This study enriches our understanding of how audiences apprehend a whole market category system and why organizations span categories.


Dual Directors and the Governance of Corporate Spinoffs

This paper investigates how "dual directors" enable firms that undertake corporate spinoffs to manage their post-spinoff relationships with the firms they divest, as well as the performance implications of dual directors serving simultaneously on these companies' boards. While the presence of dual directors is positively associated with the average stock market returns of parent and spinoff firms, their presence is increasingly positively associated with parent firm performance but increasingly negatively associated with spinoff firm performance as the share of sales a spinoff firm makes to its parent firm rises. These findings show that while dual directors give a parent firm power over its spinoff firm, dual directors only exercise that power at the spinoff firm's expense when that company is highly dependent on its parent firm.


Beyond Nonmarket Strategy: Market Actions as Corporate Political Activity

Many firms seek to manage their legal and regulatory environments by influencing policymakers. Typically, researchers have focused on how firms use nonmarket actions, including lobbying, campaign contributions, and related activities, to gain policy influence. We argue that firms may also seek to change the effects of policies through market actions. Market actions may lead to both formal policy change (i.e., transformations of codified rules) and interpretive policy change (i.e., transformations of the effects of rules without changes in their codified form). We identify two pathways by which firms' market actions may produce interpretive policy change: implementation and innovation. Implementation-driven change occurs when firms' interpretations of incomplete laws alter and clarify the meaning of those laws. Innovation-driven change occurs when firms engage in novel activities that are difficult to interpret within existing regulatory frameworks, and thus alter the effects of those regulations. We then theorize how firms' market actions may complement traditional, nonmarket political mobilization in an analysis of sequences of formal and interpretive policy change.



Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so.


Magnification and Correction of the Acolyte Effect: Initial Benefits and Ex Post Settling up in NFL Coaching Careers

What are the long-term consequences of initially beneficial high-reputation workplace ties? Under uncertainty, acolytes (i.e., subordinates with work connections to high-reputation industry leaders) are likely to benefit in terms of signaling fitness for promotion in the external job market. Analysis of promotion outcomes of coaches in the NFL over 31 years showed that the acolyte effect was reduced for individuals for whom uncertainty was the least (acolytes with considerable industry experience or high centrality in the co-worker industry network). There was no support for either a knowledge-transfer or an intrinsic quality explanation for why acolytes initially gained advantage. Rather, the evidence supported the idea that ties to high-reputation leaders were somewhat randomly distributed so that acolytes faced ex post settling up consequences after their promotions: fewer further promotions or lateral moves, more demotions. Thus, acolytes initially benefited from a loose-linkage between their unobservable quality and signals offered by their industry-leader ties, but they also suffered as the unreliability of social network signals became evident. The results suggest that a competitive job market may exhibit self-correction over time. We offer countervailing theory and evidence to the prevailing view that high-reputation third-party endorsements perpetuate a rich-get-richer social structure resistant to performance outcomes.


Trump Goes Scorched Earth on the Censorship Regime ~ VIDEO

President Donald Trump laid out a bold vision for America’s future—one where freedom of speech is non-negotiable, and censorship from both government and big tech is crushed.


Why John Cornyn is the Wrong Choice to Lead the Senate

When the chips are down, Cornyn has shown he’s more interested in placating anti-gun voices than defending the rights of law-abiding Americans.


Are soap-free cleansers effective for the removal of coronovirus during hand washing?

There is currently no specific study published that addresses this specific question. 

However, there is a wealth of data from various studies on washing with soap (with or without antibacterial agents) on other microbes to suggest that the act of washing with soap and water is an effective measure to reduce contamination and aid infection prevention strategies to stay well.

Of notable mention, one study evaluated the efficacy of soap and water versus alcohol-based hand-rub preparations against live H1N1 influenza virus on the hands of human volunteers. It found that both methods were highly effective in reducing influenza A virus on human hands. In the study, the soap used was with a non-medicated liquid soap (pH-balanced, with emollient and moisturiser, but not containing sodium lauryl sulfate, instead contains other surfactants), which was found to be effective in reducing viral load from the hands after washing for 40 seconds.

Using soap to wash hands is more effective than using water alone, and is postulated because the surfactants in soap lift soil and microbes from skin, and people tend to scrub hands more thoroughly when using soap, which further removes germs.

Thus from the above information, it would be expected that use of such cleansers should still work, esp. for selective individuals with eczema or sensitive dry hands, where frequent hand-washing may increase existing irritation and compromise the skin barrier. The WHO 20-second hand washing technique should be used regardless of the type of soap for effective cleaning.


Selangor police record 387 child abuse cases

SHAH ALAM: A total of 387 cases of child abuse were recorded by the Selangor police from January to October, said state police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan.

He said that of the total, 139 victims were aged between 0 and 1 year, 96 were between two and five years old, while the and remaining victims were aged up to 18 years.

“Childcare providers were the main perpetrators of these crimes, followed by biological parents, teachers and stepparents,“ he said.

He made these comments to the press after officiating the second Child Interview Centre (CIC) under the Sexual, Abuse and Child Investigation Division (D11) of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Selangor police headquarters in Seksyen 11 police station today.

Hussein said police investigations found that most child abuse cases were caused by negligence, such as leaving babies or young children alone, which posed risks to the victims and led to neglect.

He also noted that there had been a trend of increasing reports of child abuse cases, partly due to growing awareness of violence against children among the public and various organisations.

“Some people are now coming forward and bravely making reports, thanks to numerous awareness programmes and initiatives by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) in the community to provide information,“ he said.

Regarding the second CIC, Hussein said that RM180,000 had been allocated to refurbish an existing premises at the Seksyen 11 Police Station for this purpose.

He said the establishment of the second CIC, which has been operational since March 5, was in response to the increasing number of child-related cases that require interviews each year, with an average of 400 to 500 cases annually.

“The establishment of this CIC takes into account the rising number of cases, with 875 children already interviewed this year alone, involving various cases such as abuse, neglect and sexual offences.

“Given current needs, we are also planning to expand this service. Both CIC facilities are currently located in Shah Alam, so there is a need to extend them to Kuala Selangor, Sabak Bernam, Hulu Selangor or the southern part of the state,“ he said.

Hussein also said that the first CIC, established in 2014 and located in Seksyen 7, serves the police districts (IPD) of South Klang, North Klang, Gombak, Shah Alam, Hulu Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Kajang and KLIA.

“The second CIC caters to the IPDs of Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Sabak Bernam, Kuala Langat, Sungai Buloh, Sepang, Serdang and Ampang Jaya,“ he added, noting that the centre conducts interviews with children under the age of 16, as referred by investigating officers from the 16 IPDs.


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