
Facebook to allow employees to work remotely until year end

Facebook Inc said on Friday it would allow its workers who are able to work remotely to do so until the end of the year as the coronavirus pandemic forces governments to extend stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of the disease. The social media giant also expects most offices to stay closed until July 6, according to a company spokesperson.


US labor market shatters post World War 2 records as coronavirus lockdowns bite

The labor department's closely watched monthly employment report on Friday also showed the unemployment rate surging to 14.7% last month, shattering the post-World War II record of 10.8% touched in November 1982. It strengthened analysts' views of a slow recovery from the recession caused by lockdowns imposed by states and local governments in mid-March to curb the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the virus.


Boxscore News reviews Blanton’s Browns: The Great 1965–69 Cleveland Browns

Boxscore News reviews Blanton’s Browns: The Great 1965–69 Cleveland Browns by Roger Gordon. “[Blanton's Browns] casts a brilliant beam on a highly competitive NFL outfit. During this era,’65-’69, the franchise nearly repeated as league title holders, nabbed 3 Division championship, and missed by a game going to a Super Bowl.” Read more… Find out more about Blanton’s Browns  


Linlithgow Mill Stories



Amid lockdown, fashion firms strive to keep customers engaged

Online retailers such as Myntra and Tjori have their consumer engagement teams working on to engage their customers till the time the lockdown eases. Others such as fashion brand Anita Dongre are brainstorming changes in consumer behaviour and how to keep them engaged online till the time stores become fully operational.


Practical guide to single-use technology: design and implementation / Adriana G. Lopes and Andrew Brown

Online Resource


Drugs that changed the world: how therapeutic agents shaped our lives / Irwin W. Sherman

Hayden Library - RM300.S53 2017


How aspirin entered our medicine cabinet / Steven M. Rooney, J.N. Campbell

Online Resource


Concepts in pharmacogenomics: fundamentals and therapeutic applications in personalized medicine / [edited by] Martin M. Zdanowicz

Online Resource


Amorphous Drugs: Benefits and Challenges / by Marzena Rams-Baron, Renata Jachowicz, Elena Boldyreva, Deliang Zhou, Witold Jamroz, Marian Paluch

Online Resource


Basic concepts in pharmacology: what you need to know for each drug class / Janet L. Stringer

Hayden Library - RM301.14.S77 2017


Pharmaceutical powder and particles / Anthony J. Hickey, Stefano Giovagnoli

Online Resource


How to change your mind: what the new science of psychedelics teaches us about consciousness, dying, addiction, depression, and transcendence / Michael Pollan

Hayden Library - RM324.8.P65 2018


Personalized medicine: empowered patients in the 21st century? / Barbara Prainsack

Hayden Library - RM301.3.G45 P348 2017


Herbal medicine in India: Indigenous Knowledge, Practice, Innovation and Its Value / Saikat Sen, Raja Chakraborty, editors

Online Resource


Unit Operation in Downstream Processing / Husnul Azan Tajarudin, Mardiana Idayu Ahmad & Mohd Nazri Ismail

Online Resource


As India Loosens Its Strict Lockdown, Coronavirus Deaths Jump Sharply

The streets have suddenly come alive, especially at night, in many areas where social distancing is impossible.


Research Links Bats to Growth of Durian, the “World’s Stinkiest Fruit”


Object.assign Side Effects and How To Copy

In How To Copy Objects post I'll explain the difference between various native ways to copy own keys and properties, describing also the fact that Object.assign is full of surprises and side effects.

As example, assigning to an object something like {get next() {return ++this.i}, i:0} instead of {i:0, get next() {return ++this.i}} will result in different values copied over: next === 1 and i === 1 in the first case, next === 1 and i === 0 in the second one.


How to serve Images on Web

Because even if you think you're doing right, many others are not. Here the catch: just use <img srcset> attribute to improve the experience in your own site, don't do the same mistake others are doing! Read the full post about it


JS Glossary On Demand: Now Paperback!

Updated and Hand Crafted for A5

Imagine you are trying to learn something about Art and images are split between different pages ... that's what I feel every time I read a technical book with code examples split and very hard to follow.
It's embarrassing how much work it takes to have a proper pagination that never breaks for both paragraphs and code examples but I've finally did it in here!
The Leanpub E-Book, specially the PDF version, is also well formatted but it's for US letter.
I've ordered a proof of copy for both formats but there's no competition: the Lulu.com A5 paperback version is too handy and kinda cute!

Full Article


Surviving the Essex: the afterlife of America's most storied shipwreck / David O. Dowling

Hayden Library - G530.E77 D68 2016


The Oxford handbook of the prehistoric Arctic / edited by T. Max Friesen and Owen K. Mason

Hayden Library - G606.O94 2016


Introduction to GIS programming and fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS / Chaowei Yang ; with the collaboration of Manzhu Yu [and seven others]

Rotch Library - G70.212.Y36 2017


Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence: 5th International Conference, GSKI 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 8-10, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. / edited by Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, Chuanlu Liu, Fuling Bian, Tisinee Surapunt

Online Resource


Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence: 5th International Conference, GSKI 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 8-10, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. / edited by Hanning Yuan, Jing Geng, Chuanlu Liu, Fuling Bian, Tisinee Surapunt

Online Resource


How to enliven geographical instruction and to lighten it / by Konrad Ganzenmüller

Online Resource


How to lie with maps / Mark Monmonier

Rotch Library - G108.7.M66 2018


Getting to know ArcGIS Desktop / Michael Law, Amy Collins

Rotch Library - G70.212.G489 2018


Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and geography / edited by Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden

Hayden Library - G70.S673 2016


A world of empires: the Russian voyage of the frigate Pallada / Edyta M. Bojanowska

Online Resource


Description approaches and automated generalization algorithms for groups of map objects / Haowen Yan

Online Resource


The new map of empire: how Britain imagined America before independence / S. Max Edelson

Hayden Library - GA401.E36 2017


Mapping Israel, mapping Palestine: how occupied landscapes shape scientific knowledge / Jess Bier

Dewey Library - GA1323.7.A1 B54 2017


Truth-spots: how places make people believe / Thomas F. Gieryn

Hayden Library - G156.5.H47 G54 2018


Unmanned vehicle systems for geomatics: towards robotic mapping / edited by Costas Armenakis and Petros Patias

Online Resource


Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of a Contested Transboundary River / edited by Carl Middleton, Vanessa Lamb

Online Resource


Toward Antarctica / Elizabeth Bradfield

Hayden Library - G875.B73 A3 2019


Expeditions unpacked: what the great explorers took into the unknown / Ed Stafford

Dewey Library - G200.S727 2019


Mapping the nation: GIS making a difference now - locally, nationally, globally: GIS inspiring what's next - accelerating digital transformation.

Rotch Library - G70.212.M37 2019


Lying for the admiralty: Captain Cook's Endeavour voyage / Margaret Cameron-Ash ; foreword by John Howard

Hayden Library - G420.C65 C36 2018


Historical geography, GIScience and textual snalysis: landscapes of time and place / Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, Ferenc Gyuris, editors

Online Resource


Putting design thinking to work: how large organizations can embrace messy institutions to tackle wicked problems / Steven Ney, Christoph Meinel

Online Resource


Encyclopedia of sustainable management edited by Samuel Idowu, René Schmidpeter, Nicholas Capaldi, Liangrong Zu, Mara Del Baldo, Rute Abreu

Online Resource


How NASA builds teams: mission critical soft skills for scientists, engineers, and project teams / Charles J. Pellerin

Online Resource


The algorithmic leader: how to be smart when machines are smarter than you / Mike Walsh

Dewey Library - HD45.W35 2019


India and the knowledge economy: performance, perils, and prospects / Anand Kulkarni

Online Resource


The business of platforms: strategy in the age of digital competition, innovation, and power / Michael A. Cusumano, Annabelle Gawer, David B. Yoffie

Dewey Library - HD45.C87 2019


Information systems: research, development, applications, education: 12th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium 2019, Gdansk, Poland, September 19, 2019, proceedings / Stanisław Wrycza, Jacek Maślankowski (eds.)

Online Resource


The future of risk management / edited by Howard Kunreuther, Robert J. Meyer, and Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan

Dewey Library - HD61.F88 2019