
African countries need to tap global markets more effectively to strengthen their economies, says new African Economic Outlook

By participating more effectively in the global production of goods and services, Africa can transform its economy and achieve a development breakthrough, according to the latest African Economic Outlook, released at the African Development Bank Group’s Annual Meetings.


Policies for making the Chilean labour market more inclusive

The paper discusses a number of policies that could help to make the Chilean labour market more inclusive and broaden the benefits of growth. These include expanding childcare, promoting a more flexible labour market and strengthening education and skills policies, among others.


Trade specialisation and policies to foster competition and innovation in Denmark

Danish productivity has grown only weakly over the past two decades, both historically and in relation to other countries, despite sound policies and institutions. Denmark needs to continue its efforts to reap the benefits of globalisation, which would contribute to invigorating productivity growth.


Making the most of skills in Denmark

Surveys suggest that Denmark ranks close to or slightly above the OECD average in terms of student and adult skills, even though Denmark spends more than many OECD countries on education, labour market policies and adult learning. Sluggish productivity growth over the past two decades raises the question of how to develop better skills and use them more efficiently to achieve stronger and more inclusive growth.


Making the labour market work better in Poland

Poor labour market outcomes remain one of Poland’s major structural weaknesses, impeding firms’ competitiveness and the nation’s potential output. Boosting employment prospects is also critical, as the country will soon be ageing at a fast pace.


Canada: Sustain inclusive growth by reducing housing market risks and overcoming specific skills shortages, says OECD

Canada has experienced solid economic growth since the global crisis, allowing it to reverse recession-induced job losses and put federal public finances on a sound footing, says the OECD. Growth is expected to accelerate from 2.5% this year to 2.7% in 2015.


Deconstructing Canada’s housing markets: finance, affordability and urban sprawl

House prices have increased significantly in Canada over the past decade, driving household debt and residential construction activity to historical highs.


Reinvigorating the EU Single Market

The EU Single Market remains fragmented by complex and heterogeneous rules at the EU and national levels affecting trade, capital, including foreign direct investment, and labour mobility.


A revival of the private rental sector of the housing market? Lessons from Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands

This Working Paper studies ways to stimulate the private rental sector (PRS) of the housing market – and compares experiences with policies and reforms in Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and the Czech Republic.


Implicit regulatory barriers in the EU Single Market: new empirical evidence from gravity models

Beyond usual determinants of trade such as GDP, distance, contiguity, free trade areas and language, this analysis mainly focuses on the role of product market regulation stringency and heterogeneity, and on the role of employment protection.


The heterogeneity of product market regulations

This paper is making use of the OECD product market regulation (PMR) database to measure the heterogeneity of product market regulation across countries for the whole economy, for the main subcomponents of the PMR indicator and for the internet economy.


G20: Remarks for Session 2 - Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth

We therefore need a “copernician” change in our approach to the growth – inequality nexus: let’s not think growth first, and inequality thereafter but let’s consider both of them, together, in their circularity. In other words, let’s think “Inclusive Growth”, right from the start, and let’s make it another touchstone of our efforts and complement the Pittsburgh tryptic of strong, sustainable and balanced growth!


A constant market share analysis of Spanish goods exports

As other high-income countries, Spain has experienced competitive pressures from China and other emerging economies that have resulted in a loss of global market share.


Improving the labour market integration of immigrants in Belgium

Improving the labour market performance of immigrants requires a two-fold strategy. First, policies specific to migrants need to be enhanced. Second, general reforms to improve the functioning of the economy, desirable in any case, could also have a significant positive impact on immigrants.


The 2013 update of the OECD’s database on product market regulation – policy insights for OECD and non-OECD countries

This paper investigates patterns in product market regulation across 34 OECD and 21 non-OECD countries, using an updated and revised version of the OECD’s indicators of product market regulation (PMR).


Maintaining an efficient and equitable housing market in Belgium

Housing conditions in Belgium are among the best in OECD countries according to the Better Life Index, as dwellings are of high quality and large, and housing costs are average.


Labour market mismatch and labour productivity: evidence from PIAAC data

This paper explores the link between skill and qualification mismatch and labour productivity using cross-country industry data for 19 OECD countries.


Skills and labour market performance in Sweden

Both educational attainment and skills, as measured in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), are high in Sweden. They are not perfect substitutes, but both are to some degree necessary for successfully integrating in the Swedish labour market.


Emerging market slowdown and drop in trade clouding global outlook

A further sharp downturn in emerging market economies and world trade has weakened global growth to around 2.9% this year - well below the long-run average – and is a source of uncertainty for near term prospects, says the OECD.


Labour market reform for more and better quality jobs in Italy

A well-functioning labour market is indispensable to promote job creation, increase living standards, and develop a cohesive society. In Italy, the various deficiencies of the labour market have resulted in high unemployment, low labour force participation and job-skill mismatch.


Boosting competition on Israeli markets

Promoting competition to enhance productivity at the firm level and resulting income and growth improvement and a lower cost of living is an important economic and social challenge in Israel.


Labour market transitions in Italy: job separation, re-employment and policy implications

Italy’s low employment rate is associated with adverse labour market dynamics characterised differently across different categories of people.


Recovery underway in Denmark, but reforms needed to maintain high living standards and ensure sustainability of social welfare system

Denmark’s economic prospects are improving, but further reforms are needed to maintain the country’s high living standards and ensure the well-being of all citizens, according to a new report from the OECD.


The short-term impact of product market reforms: a cross-country firm-level analysis

This paper analyses the effects of product market reforms in the short and medium term across 10 regulated industries and 18 advanced economies for the period 1998-2013 using internationally comparable firm-level data based on Orbis.


The short-term impact of product market reforms: a cross-country firm-level analysis

This paper analyses the effects of product market reforms in the short and medium term across 10 regulated industries and 18 advanced economies for the period 1998-2013 using internationally comparable firm-level data based on Orbis.


Priorities for completing the European Union's Single Market

To support the recovery, structural reforms that yield short-run as well as long-run gains should be prioritised.


Age, skills and labour market outcomes in Finland

Macro-simulations benchmarking employment in Finland to the Nordic average show that closing the large gaps in labour participation vis-à-vis the other Nordics across genders and age groups would boost employment significantly.


Strengthening competition in network sectors and the internal market in Canada

Canada’s productivity performance has lagged that of many other OECD countries, despite some improvement in recent years.


Product market reforms under the microscope

Given the secular decline in productivity growth and the persistent weakness of the economic recovery in many advanced economies, increased attention is being paid to the potential role of structural reforms for restoring economic growth.


Labour market reforms in Korea to promote inclusive growth

Labour market reforms are essential to promote social cohesion by removing obstacles to employment, particularly for women, youth and older persons.


Betting the house in Denmark

The Danish financial sector is big and there is a high degree of inter-connectedness between banks, mortgage institutions and pension funds.


Balancing inclusiveness, work incentives and sustainability in Denmark

The generous Danish welfare state relies on a high degree of labour force participation both for financing and in order to ensure social cohesion.


Balancing inclusiveness, work incentives and sustainability in Denmark

The generous Danish welfare state relies on a high degree of labour force participation both for financing and in order to ensure social cohesion.


Inequality in Denmark through the Looking Glass

This paper delivers a broad assessment of income inequality in Denmark.


How do product market regulations affect workers? Evidence from the network industries

Knowing who gains and loses from regulatory reform is important for understanding the political economy of reform. Using micro-level data from 26 countries, this paper studies how regulatory reform of network industries, a policy priority in many advanced economies, influences the labour market situation of workers in network industries.


Inequality in Denmark through the Looking Glass

This paper delivers a broad assessment of income inequality in Denmark.


New Zealand: Boost productivity and adapt to the changing labour market

The New Zealand economy continues enjoying a strong, broad-based expansion, driven by booming tourism, high net inward migration, solid construction activity and supportive monetary policy.


Enhancing employability and skills to meet labour market needs in Italy

The various deficiencies of the labour market and the educational system have resulted in high unemployment, low labour force participation, low skills levels and high skill mismatch.


Labour market resilience: the role of structural and macroeconomic policies

This paper provides an overview of labour market resilience in the wake of the Great Recession of 2008-09 and the role played by macroeconomic and structural policies.


Enhancing advanced skills to better meet labour market demand in the Slovak Republic

Changing labour market demand and moving up the global value chain requires high-skilled workers.


Adapting to the changing labour market in New Zealand

Technological change is increasing the productivity of highly skilled workers but creating more challenging labour-market conditions for their low-skilled counterparts.


Inclusive labour markets in the digital era: the case of Austria

Digitalisation is one of the megatrends affecting societies and labour markets, alongside demographic change and globalisation.


How self-sorting affects migrants’ labour market outcomes

Assuming that immigrants select destinations according to absolute returns to their observable and unobservable human capital, I present a human capital model of migration accounting for taxes, transfers and limited portability of skills.


Labour market and collective bargaining in Iceland: sharing the spoils without spoiling the shares

Iceland has high living standards, low poverty, high inclusiveness and one of the most sustainable pension systems.


The quantification of structural reforms: extending the framework to emerging market economies

This paper estimates and quantifies the impact of structural reforms on per capita income for a large set of OECD and non-OECD countries.


Further reforms can foster more inclusive labour markets in The Netherlands

Economic performance in The Netherlands is vibrant and growth is expected to remain robust, underpinned by sound public finances, healthy job creation and high levels of confidence. The current economic expansion should be used to speed up implementation of reforms to ensure future stability and support more inclusive labour markets, according to a new report from the OECD.


Canada has high levels of well-being and solid growth but trade tensions and housing market pose risks while inclusiveness could be improved

Canada is one of the OECD economies delivering the best outcomes for its citizens, especially in regards to self-reported well-being, personal security and health status. Canada is also undertaking several programmes to foster inclusive growth – with respect to childcare benefits, gender equality and social housing.


Enhancing labour-market integration of immigrants in Canada

Canada has long taken in more immigrants relative to its population than most other countries. Immigration policy in Canada aims to promote economic development by selecting immigrants with high levels of human capital, to reunite families and to respond to foreign crises and offer protection to endangered people.


How does finance influence labour market outcomes? A review of empirical studies

This paper reviews empirical research on finance and labour markets.


Rising financial integration amplifies the global impact of financial market shocks

Stronger cross-border economic and financial integration implies that macroeconomic shocks in one country are increasingly likely to spill over into other economies.