
FERC's data shows US renewable generating capacity has surpassed coal

According to an analysis by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), U.S. electrical generating capacity by renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) has now - for the first time - surpassed that of coal.


Global offshore wind installed capacity up 21 percent since 2013

This week the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) launched the first edition of its Global Offshore Wind Report, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the prospects for the global offshore wind market, including forecast data, market-level analysis and review of efforts to lower costs.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Austrade regional market update on the impact of COVID-19 (as at 28 April 2020)

Austrade will provide weekly regional updates on the progression and impact of COVID-19 around the world, to support the international education sector as the situation continues to evolve. These reports are compiled using the latest on-the-ground information and advice.


Austrade regional market update on the impact of COVID-19 (as at 5 May 2020)

Austrade will provide weekly regional updates on the progression and impact of COVID-19 around the world, to support the international education sector as the situation continues to evolve. These reports are compiled using the latest on-the-ground information and advice.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


FDIC: Institutions Encouraged to Work with Borrowers Impacted by Shutdown

Five federal regulatory agencies encourage financial institutions to work with customers affected by the federal government shutdown.


FDIC Issues Guidance to Areas in Illinois Impacted by Severe Storms

The FDIC has announced a series of steps intended to provide regulatory relief to financial institutions and facilitate recovery in areas of Illinois affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Analysis: Ransomware's Costly Impact

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the rising costs of ransomware attacks and the latest victims. Also featured: An assessment of Australia's new contact-tracing app designed to help battle the spread of COVID-19, and a discussion of applying the "zero trust" model to the remote workforce.


Renewable Energy Provides 100% of All New US Electrical Generating Capacity in November 2013

According to the latest "Energy Infrastructure Update" report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Office of Energy Projects, solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, and hydropower "units" provided 394 MW — or 100 percent — of all new electrical generation placed in-service in November 2013. There was no new capacity during the month from natural gas, coal, oil, or nuclear power. Renewable energy sources also provided 99 percent of all new electrical generating capacity in October.


EU Approves UK Payments for Renewables, Capacity Guarantees

The European Commission approved the U.K. government’s renewable energy contracts and so-called capacity payments, saying the program that benefits power plants complies with state-aid rules.


Utility GDF Suez Plans to Double European Renewable Capacity by 2025

GDF Suez SA plans to double renewable power production capacity in Europe over the next decade as the utility shifts its focus away from developing more historic natural gas and nuclear energy sources in the region.


‘Snail’s Pace’ in Climate Talks, Weak Pledges Frustrate UN Chief

The secretary general of the United Nations is frustrated with the pace of negotiations for what’s intended to be a crucial agreement limiting global warming.

Climate change pledges submitted so far from the world’s leading economies won’t be enough to keep the planet from warming dangerously, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Monday in New York.

Proposals to reduce heat-trapping emissions need to be “a floor, not a ceiling,” he said.

The global increase in temperatures will exceed 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) under the national pledges already submitted to UN, Ban said. That’s the goal scientists and the UN have set to avoid the worst effects due to global warming.

The proposals submitted to date “will not be enough to place us on a 2-degree pathway,” Ban said.

Without any changes to global emissions, the world is on track to warm by 4 degrees Celsius or more, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Climate Change Janos Pasztor said earlier this month.

World leaders have five months to go before a meeting of almost 200 nations in Paris that’s intended to seal a new global pact to cut planet-warming carbon emissions. If successful, the agreement would be the first ever to require both developed nations like the US and growing economies like China to address climate change.

“The pace of UN negotiations are far too slow,” Ban said. “It’s like a snail’s pace.”

The U.S., the world’s biggest historic source of greenhouse gases, pledged earlier this year to cut its emissions by as much as 28 percent by 2025. The European Union has promised a 40 percent cut by 2030. Several other major economies, including Australia and Japan, have yet to submit climate plans to the UN.


Solar power growth impacting UK electricity sector

Q2 of 2015 saw a large increase in the generation of electricity from solar PV in the UK, with the growth having a significant impact on electricity market prices and other supply factors.


The Full Impact of the Resurrection (Selected Scriptures)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


Inouye: APEC Promotes Stability in Asia Pacific Region

Inouye: APEC Promotes Stability in Asia Pacific Region
YOKOHAMA, JAPAN (Nov. 12, 2010) – Speaking yesterday at the 2010 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Yokohama, Japan, U.S. Senate Appropriation Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawai‘i) said the meeting comes at a time when “the interdependence among the world’s economies have reached a level never seen before.”


EWC 50 Spotlight: Educators from Nine Nations Explore the Multiple Histories of the Pacific War

EWC 50 Spotlight: Educators from Nine Nations Explore the Multiple Histories of the Pacific War

Workshop participants show appreciation for the presentation by civilian survivors of the Pacific War.

Different ‘voices’ and multiple perspectives shed new light on the impact World War II had on the Pacific, when 75 college professors from nine nations participated in workshops as part of the East-West Center’s Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP).



Spotlight on Alumni: EWC Pays Tribute to Alumnus Mau Piailug, Master Navigator of the Pacific

Spotlight on Alumni: EWC Pays Tribute to Alumnus Mau Piailug, Master Navigator of the Pacific

EWC Alumnus Mau Piailug (photo by Monte Costa).

The East-West Center expresses its deep sympathy to the family and friends of Mau Piailug as we mourn his recent passing. Piailug, a humble, traditional navigator from the Micronesian island of Satawal in Yap, is hailed as the catalyst for launching the cultural renaissance in the Pacific.   


In 1976, Piailug sat at the helm of the replica ancient Hawaiian voyaging canoe, the Hokule‘a, as it completed a historic journey, sailing 2,300 miles between Hawai‘i and Tahiti without modern-day navigational instruments.



Publications Highlighting Center's Global Impact Make Debut at 50th Anniversery Conference

Publications Highlighting Center’s Global Impact Make Debut at 50th Anniversary International Conference

The roughly 800 participants who gathered from more than 35 nations at the recent EWC/EWCA 50th Anniversary International Conference received a special gift conveying the significance of the celebration.  Opening their conference bags, they found two new publications – Fifty Years, Fifty Stories , focusing on the lives and achievements of select Center alumni; and The East-West Center Legacy , sharing a behind-the-scenes look at some of the Center’s institutional accomplishments.


At 50, EWC Looks Ahead to Meet Asia Pacific Challenges

At 50, EWC Looks Ahead to Meet Asia Pacific Challenges
By Charles E. Morrison

(Note: This commentary originally appeared in The Honolulu Star-Advertiser on July 1, 2010)

In 1960, the year the East-West Center was founded by Congress to promote understanding and cooperation in the Asia Pacific region, Americans largely regarded the region as significant as the secondary Cold War theater after Europe. Today, economic and resources issues dominate U.S.-Asia-Pacific relations, a consequence of the region’s rapid economic growth. Excluded from many international organizations in 1960, China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Korea are major voices at the G-20, the world’s premier international economic institution.


Asia Pacific Recovery Policies Explored at Economic Council Meeting

Asia Pacific Recovery Policies Explored at Economic Council Meeting
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 14) – The Asia Pacific region is starting to see the effects of various stimulus packages, but a long road still lies ahead before the global economy recovers, experts said at the annual General Meeting of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, hosted this week by the East-West Center in Washington. A survey of more than 400 regional opinion leaders released during the two-day PECC conference also revealed that, while a substantial number of respondents expected much weaker economic growth in the next year, the degree of pessimism has declined compared to a previous survey conducted in October 2008.


Spotlight on Pacific Islands Development Program: EWC Coordinates Election Observation in Micronesia

Spotlight on Pacific Islands Development Program: EWC Coordinates Election Observation in Micronesia

The election observation team members and institutional collaborators.



EWC guide to Specialists on the Asia Pacific Region (2009-2010)

EWC Guide to Specialists on the Asia Pacific Region Now Available
The latest edition of the EWC guide to Specialists on the Asia Pacific Region (2009-2010) is now available as a free pdf download here . It includes a list of the specialists affiliated with the East-West Center, their expertise, their contact info and a brief bio of each.

Using the guide’s cross-indexes by subject and region, you can quickly locate specialists in such topics as politics, international relations, economics, environment, energy, health, population, education and culture, indexed by regional expertise in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Pacific islands.


Asia's Energy Impact

Asia's Energy Impact
The Asia-Pacific region’s rising fuel consumption is leading to a shift in the global center of gravity for oil demand, a shift that has raised worldwide concerns about energy security and its implications for economic performance and political stability.

This dramatic shift in the global energy markets took center stage on April 24, when East-West Center researchers Kang Wu and Fereidun Fesharaki – editors of the recent book Asia’s Energy Future – presented a briefing to a packed house on Capitol Hill.

Click here to read a full report on the issues covered in the presentation, co-sponsored by the East-West Center and the Center for Strategic & International Studies.


Renewing the Pacific Partnership

Renewing the Pacific Partnership

Charles E. Morrison

Peter A. Petri

By Charles E. Morrison and Peter A. Petri

In key economic areas, Asia is about to overtake the United States.

Unhappily, this sea change in the global economic picture is happening just as the climate of U.S. relations with this surging region is cooling. The United States and Asia have yet to find a way to cooperate effectively on any significant global issue.

In short, the chemistry of the Asia-U.S. relationship is failing. While government-to-government relations have been positive, public attitudes have soured.


E-Newsletters Lighten the Center’s Environmental Impact


Clinton’s Visit to Pacific Islands Forum Signals Renewed U.S. Engagement

By Charles E. Morrison

(Note: This commentary originally appeared in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on Sept. 12, 2012)

It may not compare to APEC or the G-20 for global economic weight, but for the Pacific island nations, the annual Pacific Islands Forum summit is the premier regional meeting. It brings together heads of the island nations (including Australia and New Zealand) with representatives of international organizations and “dialogue partners,” including the United States, China, Japan and many others. For the Cook Islands, with less than 15,000 residents, hosting last week’s PIF was a rare event made especially significant by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unprecedented stop to attend the post-meeting partner dialogue ­– the highest level U.S. participation ever.


EWC Honors Governor Ariyoshi with Asia Pacific Community Building Award

Governor and Mrs. Ariyoshi with Rick Tsujimura, EWC Board of Governors' Chairman, at the EWC award banquet.The East-West Center honored the Honorable George R. Ariyoshi, former Governor of the State of Hawai'i, with the presentation of the Asia Pacific Community Building Award for his dedication to strengthening the bonds of understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The Award recognizes outstanding leaders whose vision and professional and personal accomplishments exemplify the mission of the East-West Center.


EWC's Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellows Discuss Digital Strategy with White House Social Media Experts

APLP fellows gather with the White House social media team.On the first day of their Washington, D.C. field study, EWC’s Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) fellows met with the White House Office of Digital Strategy (a.k.a. the Twitter Team). They discussed how for the first time, a U.S. President is using social media platforms to amplify the Administration’s message and directly interact with the American public. “Being from Indonesia, this is very new for me,” remarked Ismail Sulaiman, APLP fellow and head lecturer of communications at the State Islamic College Cot Kala in Aceh.  “Of course we are online, but this is actively exchanging information with the U.S.


Ambassadors Discuss U.S. Engagement in Freely Associated Pacific Nations

Ambassadors Thomas Armbruster (Marshall Islands) & Helen Reed-Rowe (Palau), with PIDP Co-Director Sitiveni Halapua. On April 4, 2013 the U.S. ambassadors to the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau and the Marshall Islands participated in an informal discussion at the East-West Center intended to launch a broad-ranging conversation about the future of U.S. engagement with the freely associated Pacific island nations. Participants included policymakers, Pacific island scholars and public intellectuals. Topics included the future of the freely associated states in the regional system, migration, institution building and new paradigms for engagement. 


EWC Discusses Pacific Leaders' Meeting in PNG

HONOLULU (May 3, 2013) -- East-West Center President Charles E. Morrison met yesterday with the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Peter O'Neill, and U.S. Ambassador to PNG Walter North to discuss the possibility of PNG hosting the next meeting of the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders, the only U.S.-based organization that convenes summit meetings of Pacific island heads of government. EWC serves as the administrative secretariat for the PICL summits.


EWC Researchers Brief Congress on Pacific Climate Change Impacts

EWC environment researchers Melissa Finucane and Victoria Keener gave a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill Sept. 17 on the findings of the recent Center-led Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment, which will be included as regional input to the federal government’s upcoming National Climate Assessment. Hawai‘i Sen. Brian Schatz, who co-hosted the briefing, said that “In Hawai‘i and throughout the Pacific, climate change is not an abstract concept –it is already having very real consequences.”

Sen. Schatz speaks at the climate briefing.

Among the major concerns for Hawai‘i and the Pacific Islands that Finucane and Keener discussed are: