
Small-molecule agonists of the RET receptor tyrosine kinase activate biased trophic signals that are influenced by the presence of GFRa1 co-receptors [Neurobiology]

Glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a growth factor that regulates the health and function of neurons and other cells. GDNF binds to GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRa1), and the resulting complex activates the RET receptor tyrosine kinase and subsequent downstream signals. This feature restricts GDNF activity to systems in which GFRa1 and RET are both present, a scenario that may constrain GDNF breadth of action. Furthermore, this co-dependence precludes the use of GDNF as a tool to study a putative functional cross-talk between GFRa1 and RET. Here, using biochemical techniques, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling staining, and immunohistochemistry in murine cells, tissues, or retinal organotypic cultures, we report that a naphthoquinone/quinolinedione family of small molecules (Q compounds) acts as RET agonists. We found that, like GDNF, signaling through the parental compound Q121 is GFRa1-dependent. Structural modifications of Q121 generated analogs that activated RET irrespective of GFRa1 expression. We used these analogs to examine RET–GFRa1 interactions and show that GFRa1 can influence RET-mediated signaling and enhance or diminish AKT Ser/Thr kinase or extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in a biased manner. In a genetic mutant model of retinitis pigmentosa, a lead compound, Q525, afforded sustained RET activation and prevented photoreceptor neuron loss in the retina. This work uncovers key components of the dynamic relationships between RET and its GFRa co-receptor and provides RET agonist scaffolds for drug development.


Abnormal Fetal Echocardiogram at 33 Weeks Gestation


Infant of a Diabetic Mother With an Anomaly


Stable Chromosomal Expression of Shigella flexneri 2a and 3a O-Antigens in the Live Salmonella Oral Vaccine Vector Ty21a [Vaccines]

We have been exploring the use of the live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Ty21a vaccine strain as a versatile oral vaccine vector for the expression and delivery of multiple foreign antigens, including Shigella O-antigens. In this study, we separately cloned genes necessary for the biosynthesis of the Shigella flexneri serotype 2a and 3a O-antigens, which have been shown to provide broad cross-protection to multiple disease-predominant S. flexneri serotypes. The cloned S. flexneri 2a rfb operon, along with bgt and gtrII, contained on the SfII bacteriophage, was sufficient in Ty21a to express the heterologous S. flexneri 2a O-antigen containing the 3,4 antigenic determinants. Further, this rfb operon, along with gtrA, gtrB, and gtrX contained on the Sfx bacteriophage and oac contained on the Sf6 bacteriophage, was sufficient to express S. flexneri 3a O-antigen containing the 6, 7, and 8 antigenic determinants. Ty21a, with these plasmid-carried or chromosomally inserted genes, demonstrated simultaneous and stable expression of homologous S. Typhi O-antigen plus the heterologous S. flexneri O-antigen. Candidate Ty21a vaccine strains expressing heterologous S. flexneri 2a or 3a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) elicited significant serum antibody responses against both homologous S. Typhi and heterologous Shigella LPS and protected mice against virulent S. flexneri 2a or 3a challenges. These new S. flexneri 2a and 3a O-antigen-expressing Ty21a vaccine strains, together with our previously constructed Ty21a strains expressing Shigella sonnei or Shigella dysenteriae 1 O-antigens, have the potential to be used together for simultaneous protection against the predominant causes of shigellosis worldwide as well as against typhoid fever.


Recombinase Polymerase Amplification and Lateral Flow Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Low-Density Plasmodium falciparum Infection from Controlled Human Malaria Infection Studies and Naturally Acquired Infections [Parasitology]

Microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are the main diagnostic tools for malaria but fail to detect low-density parasitemias that are important for maintaining malaria transmission. To complement existing diagnostic methods, an isothermal reverse transcription-recombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow assay (RT-RPA) was developed. We compared the performance with that of ultrasensitive reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (uRT-qPCR) using nucleic acid extracts from blood samples (n = 114) obtained after standardized controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) with Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. As a preliminary investigation, we also sampled asymptomatic individuals (n = 28) in an area of malaria endemicity (Lambaréné, Gabon) to validate RT-RPA and assess its performance with unprocessed blood samples (dbRT-RPA). In 114 samples analyzed from CHMI trials, the positive percent agreement to uRT-qPCR was 90% (95% confidence interval [CI], 80 to 96). The negative percent agreement was 100% (95% CI, 92 to 100). The lower limit of detection was 64 parasites/ml. In Gabon, RT-RPA was 100% accurate with asymptomatic volunteers (n = 28), while simplified dbRT-RPA showed 89% accuracy. In a subgroup analysis, RT-RPA detected 9/10 RT-qPCR-positive samples, while loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) detected 2/10. RT-RPA is a reliable diagnostic test for asymptomatic low-density infections. It is particularly useful in settings where uRT-qPCR is difficult to implement.


Evaluation of ID Fungi Plates Medium for Identification of Molds by MALDI Biotyper [Mycology]

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) identification of pathogenic filamentous fungi is often impaired by difficulties in harvesting hyphae embedded in the medium and long extraction protocols. The ID Fungi Plate (IDFP) is a novel culture method developed to address such difficulties and improve the identification of filamentous fungi by MALDI-TOF MS. We cultured 64 strains and 11 clinical samples on IDFP, Sabouraud agar-chloramphenicol (SAB), and ChromID Candida agar (CAN2). We then compared the three media for growth, ease of harvest, amount of material picked, and MALDI-TOF identification scores after either rapid direct transfer (DT) or a long ethanol-acetonitrile (EA) extraction protocol. Antifungal susceptibility testing and microscopic morphology after subculture on SAB and IDFP were also compared for ten molds. Growth rates and morphological aspects were similar for the three media. With IDFP, harvesting of fungal material for the extraction procedure was rapid and easy in 92.4% of cases, whereas it was tedious on SAB or CAN2 in 65.2% and 80.3% of cases, respectively. The proportion of scores above 1.7 (defined as acceptable identification) were comparable for both extraction protocols using IDFP (P = 0.256). Moreover, rates of acceptable identification after DT performed on IDFP (93.9%) were significantly higher than those obtained after EA extraction with SAB (69.7%) or CAN2 (71.2%) (P = <0.001 and P = 0.001, respectively). Morphological aspects and antifungal susceptibility testing were similar between IDFP and SAB. IDFP is a culture plate that facilitates and improves the identification of filamentous fungi, allowing accurate routine identification of molds with MALDI-TOF-MS using a rapid-extraction protocol.


Arabidopsis retrotransposon virus-like particles and their regulation by epigenetically activated small RNA [RESEARCH]

In Arabidopsis, LTR retrotransposons are activated by mutations in the chromatin gene DECREASE in DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1), giving rise to 21- to 22-nt epigenetically activated siRNA (easiRNA) that depend on RNA DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 6 (RDR6). We purified virus-like particles (VLPs) from ddm1 and ddm1rdr6 mutants in which genomic RNA is reverse transcribed into complementary DNA. High-throughput short-read and long-read sequencing of VLP DNA (VLP DNA-seq) revealed a comprehensive catalog of active LTR retrotransposons without the need for mapping transposition, as well as independent of genomic copy number. Linear replication intermediates of the functionally intact COPIA element EVADE revealed multiple central polypurine tracts (cPPTs), a feature shared with HIV in which cPPTs promote nuclear localization. For one member of the ATCOPIA52 subfamily (SISYPHUS), cPPT intermediates were not observed, but abundant circular DNA indicated transposon "suicide" by auto-integration within the VLP. easiRNA targeted EVADE genomic RNA, polysome association of GYPSY (ATHILA) subgenomic RNA, and transcription via histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation. VLP DNA-seq provides a comprehensive landscape of LTR retrotransposons and their control at transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and reverse transcriptional levels.


Complex Rab4-Mediated Regulation of Endosomal Size and EGFR Activation

Early sorting endosomes are responsible for the trafficking and function of transferrin receptor (TfR) and EGFR. These receptors play important roles in iron uptake and signaling and are critical for breast cancer development. However, the role of morphology, receptor composition, and signaling of early endosomes in breast cancer remains poorly understood. A novel population of enlarged early endosomes was identified in breast cancer cells and tumor xenografts but not in noncancerous MCF10A cells. Quantitative analysis of endosomal morphology, cargo sorting, EGFR activation, and Rab GTPase regulation was performed using super-resolution and confocal microscopy followed by 3D rendering. MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells have fewer, but larger EEA1-positive early endosomes compared with MCF10A cells. Live-cell imaging indicated dysregulated cargo sorting, because EGF and Tf traffic together via enlarged endosomes in MDA-MB-231, but not in MCF10A. Large EEA1-positive MDA-MB-231 endosomes exhibited prolonged and increased EGF-induced activation of EGFR upon phosphorylation at tyrosine-1068 (EGFR-p1068). Rab4A overexpression in MCF10A cells produced EEA1-positive enlarged endosomes that displayed prolonged and amplified EGF-induced EGFR-p1068 activation. Knockdown of Rab4A lead to increased endosomal size in MCF10A, but not in MDA-MB-231 cells. Nevertheless, Rab4A knockdown resulted in enhanced EGF-induced activation of EGFR-p1068 in MDA-MB-231 as well as downstream signaling in MCF10A cells. Altogether, this extensive characterization of early endosomes in breast cancer cells has identified a Rab4-modulated enlarged early endosomal compartment as the site of prolonged and increased EGFR activation.


Enlarged early endosomes play a Rab4-modulated role in regulation of EGFR activation in breast cancer cells.


Circular RNA hsa_circ_0014130 Inhibits Apoptosis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Sponging miR-136-5p and Upregulating BCL2

Previous studies indicated that circular RNAs (circRNA) played vital roles in the development of non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Although hsa_circ_0014130 might be a potential NSCLC biomarker, its function in NSCLC remains unknown. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the role of hsa_circ_0014130 in the progression of NSCLC. The levels of hsa_circ_0014130 in NSCLC tissues and adjacent normal tissues were determined by qRT-PCR. In addition, the expressions of Bcl-2 and cleaved caspase-3 in A549 cells were detected with Western blot analysis. Meanwhile, the dual luciferase reporter system assay was used to determine the interaction of hsa_circ_0014130 and miR-136-5p or Bcl-2 and miR-136-5p in NSCLC, respectively. The level of hsa_circ_0014130 was significantly upregulated in NSCLC tissues. Downregulation of hsa_circ_0014130 markedly inhibited the proliferation and invasion of A549 cells via inducing apoptosis. In addition, downregulation of hsa_circ_0014130 inhibited the tumorigenesis of subcutaneous A549 xenograft in mice in vivo. Meanwhile, mechanistic analysis indicated that downregulation of hsa_circ_0014130 decreased the expression of miR-136-5p–targeted gene Bcl-2 via acting as a competitive "sponge" of miR-136-5p. In this study, we found that hsa_circ_0014130 was upregulated in NSCLC tissues. In addition, hsa_circ_0014130 functions as a tumor promoter in NSCLC to promote tumor growth through upregulating Bcl-2 partially via "sponging" miR-136-5p.


In conclusion, hsa_circ_0014130 might function as a prognostic factor for patients with NSCLC and might be a therapeutic target for the treatment of NSCLC in future.


Cinnamaldehyde Inhibits Inflammation of Human Synoviocyte Cells Through Regulation of Jak/Stat Pathway and Ameliorates Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Rats [Inflammation, Immunopharmacology, and Asthma]

Cinnamaldehyde (Cin), a bioactive cinnamon essential oil from traditional Chinese medicine herb Cinnamomum cassia, has been reported to have multipharmacological activities including anti-inflammation. However, its role and molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity in musculoskeletal tissues remains unclear. Here, we first investigated the effects and molecular mechanisms of Cin in human synoviocyte cells. Then in vivo therapeutic effect of Cin on collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) also studied. Cell Counting Kit ‎CCK-8 assay was performed to evaluate the cell cytotoxicity. Proinflammatory cytokine expression was evaluated using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and ELISA. Protein expression was measured by western blotting. The in vivo effect of Cin (75 mg/kg per day) was evaluated in rats with CIA by gavage administration. Disease progression was assessed by clinical scoring, radiographic, and histologic examinations. Cin significantly inhibited interleukin (IL)-1β–induced IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α release from human synoviocyte cells. The molecular analysis revealed that Cin impaired IL-6–induced activation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1), and STAT3 signaling pathway by inhibiting the phosphorylation of JAK2, STAT1, and STAT3, without affecting NF-B pathway. Cin reduced collagen-induced swollen paw volume of arthritic rats. The anti-inflammation effects of Cin were associated with decreased severity of arthritis, joint swelling, and reduced bone erosion and destruction. Furthermore, serum IL-6 level was decreased when Cin administered therapeutically to CIA rats. Cin suppresses IL-1β–induced inflammation in synoviocytes through the JAK/STAT pathway and alleviated collagen-induced arthritis in rats. These data indicated that Cin might be a potential traditional Chinese medicine–derived, disease-modifying, antirheumatic herbal drug.


In this study, we found that cinnamaldehyde (Cin) suppressed proinflammatory cytokines secretion in rheumatology arthritis synoviocyte cells by Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription pathway. The in vivo results showed that Cin ameliorated collagen-induced arthritis in rats. These findings indicate that Cin is a potential traditional Chinese medicine–derived, disease-modifying, antirheumatic herbal drug.


The mammalian cytosolic thioredoxin reductase pathway acts via a membrane protein to reduce ER-localised proteins [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Xiaofei Cao, Sergio Lilla, Zhenbo Cao, Marie Anne Pringle, Ojore B. V. Oka, Philip J. Robinson, Tomasz Szmaja, Marcel van Lith, Sara Zanivan, and Neil J. Bulleid

Folding of proteins entering the mammalian secretory pathway requires the insertion of the correct disulfides. Disulfide formation involves both an oxidative pathway for their insertion and a reductive pathway to remove incorrectly formed disulfides. Reduction of these disulfides is crucial for correct folding and degradation of misfolded proteins. Previously, we showed that the reductive pathway is driven by NADPH generated in the cytosol. Here, by reconstituting the pathway using purified proteins and ER microsomal membranes, we demonstrate that the thioredoxin reductase system provides the minimal cytosolic components required for reducing proteins within the ER lumen. In particular, saturation of the pathway and its protease sensitivity demonstrates the requirement for a membrane protein to shuttle electrons from the cytosol to the ER. These results provide compelling evidence for the crucial role of the cytosol in regulating ER redox homeostasis, ensuring correct protein folding and facilitating the degradation of misfolded ER proteins.


Plakophilin 3 phosphorylation by ribosomal S6 kinases supports desmosome assembly [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Lisa Müller, Katrin Rietscher, Rene Keil, Marvin Neuholz, and Mechthild Hatzfeld

Desmosome remodeling is crucial for epidermal regeneration, differentiation and wound healing. It is mediated by adapting the composition, and by post-translational modifications, of constituent proteins. We have previously demonstrated in mouse suprabasal keratinocytes that plakophilin (PKP) 1 mediates strong adhesion, which is negatively regulated by insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) signaling. The importance of PKP3 for epidermal adhesion is incompletely understood. Here, we identify a major role of epidermal growth factor (EGF), but not IGF1, signaling in PKP3 recruitment to the plasma membrane to facilitate desmosome assembly. We find that ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) associate with and phosphorylate PKP3, which promotes PKP3 association with desmosomes downstream of the EGF receptor. Knockdown of RSKs as well as mutation of an RSK phosphorylation site in PKP3 interfered with desmosome formation, maturation and adhesion. Our findings implicate a coordinate action of distinct growth factors in the control of adhesive properties of desmosomes through modulation of PKPs in a context-dependent manner.


Encoding, Consolidation, and Renormalization in Depression: Synaptic Homeostasis, Plasticity, and Sleep Integrate Rapid Antidepressant Effects [Review Articles]

Recent studies have strived to find an association between rapid antidepressant effects and a specific subset of pharmacological targets and molecular pathways. Here, we propose a broader hypothesis of encoding, consolidation, and renormalization in depression (ENCORE-D), which suggests that, fundamentally, rapid and sustained antidepressant effects rely on intrinsic homeostatic mechanisms evoked as a response to the acute pharmacological or physiologic effects triggered by the treatment. We review evidence that supports the notion that various treatments with a rapid onset of action, such as ketamine, electroconvulsive therapy, and sleep deprivation, share the ability to acutely excite cortical networks, which increases synaptic potentiation, alters patterns of functional connectivity, and ameliorates depressive symptoms. We proceed to examine how the initial effects are short-lived and, as such, require both consolidation during wake and maintenance throughout sleep to remain sustained. Here, we incorporate elements from the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis and theorize that the fundamental mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and sleep, particularly the homeostatic emergence of slow-wave electroencephalogram activity and the renormalization of synaptic strength, are at the center of sustained antidepressant effects. We conclude by discussing the various implications of the ENCORE-D hypothesis and offer several considerations for future experimental and clinical research.

Significance Statement

Proposed molecular perspectives of rapid antidepressant effects fail to appreciate the temporal distribution of the effects of ketamine on cortical excitation and plasticity as well as the prolonged influence on depressive symptoms. The encoding, consolidation, and renormalization in depression hypothesis proposes that the lasting clinical effects can be best explained by adaptive functional and structural alterations in neural circuitries set in motion in response to the acute pharmacological effects of ketamine (i.e., changes evoked during the engagement of receptor targets such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) or other putative rapid-acting antidepressants. The present hypothesis opens a completely new avenue for conceptualizing and targeting brain mechanisms that are important for antidepressant effects wherein sleep and synaptic homeostasis are at the center stage.


Autophagy promotes mammalian survival by suppressing oxidative stress and p53 [Research Papers]

Autophagy captures intracellular components and delivers them to lysosomes for degradation and recycling. Conditional autophagy deficiency in adult mice causes liver damage, shortens life span to 3 mo due to neurodegeneration, and is lethal upon fasting. As autophagy deficiency causes p53 induction and cell death in neurons, we sought to test whether p53 mediates the lethal consequences of autophagy deficiency. Here, we conditionally deleted Trp53 (p53 hereafter) and/or the essential autophagy gene Atg7 throughout adult mice. Compared with Atg7/ mice, the life span of Atg7/p53/ mice was extended due to delayed neurodegeneration and resistance to death upon fasting. Atg7 also suppressed apoptosis induced by p53 activator Nutlin-3, suggesting that autophagy inhibited p53 activation. To test whether increased oxidative stress in Atg7/ mice was responsible for p53 activation, Atg7 was deleted in the presence or absence of the master regulator of antioxidant defense nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Nrf2–/–Atg7/ mice died rapidly due to small intestine damage, which was not rescued by p53 codeletion. Thus, Atg7 limits p53 activation and p53-mediated neurodegeneration. In turn, NRF2 mitigates lethal intestine degeneration upon autophagy loss. These findings illustrate the tissue-specific roles for autophagy and functional dependencies on the p53 and NRF2 stress response mechanisms.


Developmental regulation of cell type-specific transcription by novel promoter-proximal sequence elements [Research Papers]

Cell type-specific transcriptional programs that drive differentiation of specialized cell types are key players in development and tissue regeneration. One of the most dramatic changes in the transcription program in Drosophila occurs with the transition from proliferating spermatogonia to differentiating spermatocytes, with >3000 genes either newly expressed or expressed from new alternative promoters in spermatocytes. Here we show that opening of these promoters from their closed state in precursor cells requires function of the spermatocyte-specific tMAC complex, localized at the promoters. The spermatocyte-specific promoters lack the previously identified canonical core promoter elements except for the Inr. Instead, these promoters are enriched for the binding site for the TALE-class homeodomain transcription factors Achi/Vis and for a motif originally identified under tMAC ChIP-seq peaks. The tMAC motif resembles part of the previously identified 14-bp β2UE1 element critical for spermatocyte-specific expression. Analysis of downstream sequences relative to transcription start site usage suggested that ACA and CNAAATT motifs at specific positions can help promote efficient transcription initiation. Our results reveal how promoter-proximal sequence elements that recruit and are acted upon by cell type-specific chromatin binding complexes help establish a robust, cell type-specific transcription program for terminal differentiation.


A microsimulation model to assess the economic impact of immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer


Immunotherapy has become the standard of care in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We aimed to quantify the economic impact, in France, of anti-PD-1 therapy for NSCLC.


We used patient-level data from the national ESCAP-2011-CPHG cohort study to estimate time to treatment failure and mean cost per patient for the four label indications approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for NSCLC in May 2018. To compute the budget impact, we used a microsimulation model to estimate the target populations of anti-PD-1 therapy over a 3-year period, which were combined with the annual cost of treatment.


Overall, 11 839 patients with NSCLC were estimated to be eligible for anti-PD-1 therapy 3 years after the introduction of anti-PD-1 therapies. The mean annual cost per patient in the control group ranged from 2671 (95% CI 2149–3194) to 6412 (95% CI 5920–6903) across the four indications. The mean annual cost of treatment for the four EMA-approved indications of anti-PD-1 therapy was estimated to be 48.7 million in the control group and at 421.8 million in the immunotherapy group. The overall budget impact in 2019 is expected to amount to 373.1 million. In the sensitivity analysis, flat doses and treatment effect had the greatest influence on the budget impact.


Anti-PD-1 agents for NSCLC treatment are associated with a substantial economic burden.


Parts per trillion (ppt) gold in groundwater: can we believe it, what is anomalous and how do we use it?

There is a pressing need for new exploration tools to target and vector towards mineralization in covered terrains. Groundwater provides a valuable and under-utilized geochemical sampling medium, and represents an important and cost-effective tool to expose covered terrains to systematic exploration. For Au exploration, researchers agree the best hydrogeochemistry pathfinder is dissolved Au itself, with additional potential from other pathfinders (albeit non-unique) such as As, Ag, W and Mo. Despite Au's relatively low solubility, with rigorous field protocols and appropriate analytical methods, explorers can respond to dissolved Au directly with robust parts per trillion (ppt)-level analyses.

Even with ppt-level analyses, a practical implication of Au's low solubility is that a deposit's dissolved Au signature is generally weaker than seen in other more mobile pathfinders, producing a smaller detectable footprint, which must be considered when designing exploration programmes. Using purpose-drilled groundwater sampling bores, explorers can collect groundwater samples at the density required to respond to dissolved Au where existing borehole coverage is otherwise insufficient. In addition to its use at the regional scale, with even tighter sample density, hydrogeochemistry also shows promise at the project scale, allowing the 3D modelling of pathfinder dispersion.

For hydrogeochemistry to be widely adopted for Au exploration, explorers need confidence in ppt-level dissolved Au analyses, and the context to understand their significance. This paper aims to address these topics and provide a straightforward starting point for Au explorers interested in applying hydrogeochemistry by: (i) summarizing examples of regional sampling programmes and more focused case studies to illustrate how covered Au deposits create measurable dissolved Au footprints distinguishable from background; and (ii) sharing examples of dissolved Au analyses that are being integrated into exploration at the regional and project scales.

As seen in the results, the distributions of dissolved Au in the regional- and project-scale programmes show remarkably similar and easy to interpret high-contrast, low-frequency anomalies against relatively low backgrounds. These are desirable attributes of any geochemical pathfinder. When combined with the benefits of hydrogeochemistry v. other geochemical exploration tools (e.g. groundwater can create larger footprints requiring fewer samples to detect, and groundwater can recharge from depth to reflect deeper mineralization), dissolved Au is a powerful pathfinder ideally suited for Au exploration in covered terrains.

While this paper focuses on the use of dissolved Au, additional pathfinders can provide valuable information, including indications of lithological changes, hydrothermal alteration and different styles of mineralization, as well as opportunities to use secondary pathfinders when sample density or local conditions may not result in detectable dissolved Au signatures.

Thematic collection: This article is part of the Exploration 17 collection available at:


Visual Diagnosis: A Case of Stretchy Skin and Vascular Abnormalities


Small-Molecule Acetylation by GCN5-Related N-Acetyltransferases in Bacteria [Review]

Acetylation is a conserved modification used to regulate a variety of cellular pathways, such as gene expression, protein synthesis, detoxification, and virulence. Acetyltransferase enzymes transfer an acetyl moiety, usually from acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA), onto a target substrate, thereby modulating activity or stability. Members of the GCN5-N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) protein superfamily are found in all domains of life and are characterized by a core structural domain architecture. These enzymes can modify primary amines of small molecules or of lysyl residues of proteins. From the initial discovery of antibiotic acetylation, GNATs have been shown to modify a myriad of small-molecule substrates, including tRNAs, polyamines, cell wall components, and other toxins. This review focuses on the literature on small-molecule substrates of GNATs in bacteria, including structural examples, to understand ligand binding and catalysis. Understanding the plethora and versatility of substrates helps frame the role of acetylation within the larger context of bacterial cellular physiology.


Posttranscriptional Regulation of tnaA by Protein-RNA Interaction Mediated by Ribosomal Protein L4 in Escherichia coli [Article]

Escherichia coli ribosomal protein (r-protein) L4 has extraribosomal biological functions. Previously, we described L4 as inhibiting RNase E activity through protein-protein interactions. Here, we report that from stabilized transcripts regulated by L4-RNase E, mRNA levels of tnaA (encoding tryptophanase from the tnaCAB operon) increased upon ectopic L4 expression, whereas TnaA protein levels decreased. However, at nonpermissive temperatures (to inactivate RNase E), tnaA mRNA and protein levels both increased in an rne temperature-sensitive [rne(Ts)] mutant strain. Thus, L4 protein fine-tunes TnaA protein levels independently of its inhibition of RNase E. We demonstrate that ectopically expressed L4 binds with transcribed spacer RNA between tnaC and tnaA and downregulates TnaA translation. We found that deletion of the 5' or 3' half of the spacer compared to the wild type resulted in a similar reduction in TnaA translation in the presence of L4. In vitro binding of L4 to the tnaC-tnaA transcribed spacer RNA results in changes to its secondary structure. We reveal that during early stationary-phase bacterial growth, steady-state levels of tnaA mRNA increased but TnaA protein levels decreased. We further confirm that endogenous L4 binds to tnaC-tnaA transcribed spacer RNA in cells at early stationary phase. Our results reveal the novel function of L4 in fine-tuning TnaA protein levels during cell growth and demonstrate that r-protein L4 acts as a translation regulator outside the ribosome and its own operon.

IMPORTANCE Some ribosomal proteins have extraribosomal functions in addition to ribosome translation function. The extraribosomal functions of several r-proteins control operon expression by binding to own-operon transcripts. Previously, we discovered a posttranscriptional, RNase E-dependent regulatory role for r-protein L4 in the stabilization of stress-responsive transcripts. Here, we found an additional extraribosomal function for L4 in regulating the tna operon by L4-intergenic spacer mRNA interactions. L4 binds to the transcribed spacer RNA between tnaC and tnaA and alters the structural conformation of the spacer RNA, thereby reducing the translation of TnaA. Our study establishes a previously unknown L4-mediated mechanism for regulating gene expression, suggesting that bacterial cells have multiple strategies for controlling levels of tryptophanase in response to varied cell growth conditions.


Ribosome Dimerization Protects the Small Subunit [Article]

When nutrients become scarce, bacteria can enter an extended state of quiescence. A major challenge of this state is how to preserve ribosomes for the return to favorable conditions. Here, we show that the ribosome dimerization protein hibernation-promoting factor (HPF) functions to protect essential ribosomal proteins. Ribosomes isolated from strains lacking HPF (hpf) or encoding a mutant allele of HPF that binds the ribosome but does not mediate dimerization were substantially depleted of the small subunit proteins S2 and S3. Strikingly, these proteins are located directly at the ribosome dimer interface. We used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to further characterize these ribosomes and observed that a high percentage of ribosomes were missing S2, S3, or both. These data support a model in which the ribosome dimerization activity of HPF evolved to protect labile proteins that are essential for ribosome function. HPF is almost universally conserved in bacteria, and HPF deletions in diverse species exhibit decreased viability during starvation. Our data provide mechanistic insight into this phenotype and establish a mechanism for how HPF protects ribosomes during quiescence.

IMPORTANCE The formation of ribosome dimers during periods of dormancy is widespread among bacteria. Dimerization is typically mediated by a single protein, hibernation-promoting factor (HPF). Bacteria lacking HPF exhibit strong defects in viability and pathogenesis and, in some species, extreme loss of rRNA. The mechanistic basis of these phenotypes has not been determined. Here, we report that HPF from the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis preserves ribosomes by preventing the loss of essential ribosomal proteins at the dimer interface. This protection may explain phenotypes associated with the loss of HPF, since ribosome protection would aid survival during nutrient limitation and impart a strong selective advantage when the bacterial cell rapidly reinitiates growth in the presence of sufficient nutrients.


An aberrant bi-apical Follicucullus (Albaillellaria) from the late Guadalupian (Middle Permian), with the possible oldest evidence of double malformation in radiolarians

An aberrant bi-apical Follicucullus specimen (Albaillellaria, Radiolaria) has been discovered from an upper Guadalupian (Middle Permian) chert block of the Kamiaso Unit of the Mino terrane, central Japan. If this specimen was formed with double malformation, it would be the oldest record of this phenomenon in radiolarians and the first record of its kind in Albaillellaria.


Unmet Need for Family Planning and Experience of Unintended Pregnancy Among Female Sex Workers in Urban Cameroon: Results From a National Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACTBackground:Female sex workers (FSWs) in Cameroon commonly have unmet need for contraception posing a high risk of unintended pregnancy. Unintended pregnancy leads to a range of outcomes, and due to legal restrictions, FSWs often seek unsafe abortions. Aside from the high burden of HIV, little is known about the broader sexual and reproductive health of FSWs in Cameroon.Methods:From December 2015 to October 2016, we recruited FSWs aged ≥18 years through respondent-driven sampling across 5 Cameroonian cities. Cross-sectional data were collected through a behavioral questionnaire. Modified-robust Poisson regression was used to approximate adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) for TOP and current use of effective nonbarrier contraception.Results:Among 2,255 FSWs (median age 28 years), 57.6% reported history of unintended pregnancy and 40.0% reported prior TOP. In multivariable analysis, TOP history was associated with current nonbarrier contraceptive use (aPR=1.23, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.07, 1.42); ever using emergency contraception (aPR=1.34, 95% CI=1.17, 1.55); >60 clients in the past month (aPR=1.29, 95% CI= 1.07, 1.54) compared to ≤30; inconsistent condom use with clients (aPR=1.17, 95% CI=1.00, 1.37); ever experiencing physical violence (aPR=1.24, 95% CI=1.09, 1.42); and older age. Most (76.5%) women used male condoms for contraception, but only 33.2% reported consistent condom use with all partners. Overall, 26.4% of women reported currently using a nonbarrier contraceptive method, and 6.2% reported using a long-acting method. Previous TOP (aPR=1.41, 95%CI=1.16, 1.72) and ever using emergency contraception (aPR=2.70, 95% CI=2.23, 3.26) were associated with higher nonbarrier contraceptive use. Recent receipt of HIV information (aPR=0.72, 95% CI=0.59, 0.89) and membership in an FSW community-based organization (aPR=0.73, 95% CI=0.57, 0.92) were associated with lower use nonbarrier contraceptive use.Conclusions:Experience of unintended pregnancies and TOP is common among FSWs in Cameroon. Given the low use of nonbarrier contraceptive methods and inconsistent condom use, FSWs are at risk of repeat unintended pregnancies. Improved integration of client-centered, voluntary family planning within community-led HIV services may better support the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of FSWs consistent with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.


Diagnostic Utility and Impact on Clinical Decision Making of Focused Assessment With Sonography for HIV-Associated Tuberculosis in Malawi: A Prospective Cohort Study

ABSTRACTBackground:The focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) (FASH) ultrasound protocol has been increasingly used to help clinicians diagnose TB. We sought to quantify the diagnostic utility of FASH for TB among individuals with HIV in Malawi.Methods:Between March 2016 and August 2017, 210 adults with HIV who had 2 or more signs and symptoms that were concerning for TB (fever, cough, night sweats, weight loss) were enrolled from a public HIV clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi. The treating clinicians conducted a history, physical exam, FASH protocol, and additional TB evaluation (laboratory diagnostics and chest radiography) on all participants. The clinician made a final treatment decision based on all available information. At the 6-month follow-up visit, we categorized participants based on clinical outcomes and diagnostic tests as having probable/confirmed TB or unlikely TB; association of FASH with probable/confirmed TB was calculated using Fisher's exact tests. The impact of FASH on empiric TB treatment was determined by asking the clinicians prospectively about whether they would start treatment at 2 time points in the baseline visit: (1) after the initial history and physical exam; and (2) after history, physical exam, and FASH protocol.Results:A total of 181 participants underwent final analysis, of whom 56 were categorized as probable/confirmed TB and 125 were categorized as unlikely TB. The FASH protocol was positive in 71% (40/56) of participants with probable/confirmed TB compared to 24% (30/125) of participants with unlikely TB (odds ratio=7.9, 95% confidence interval=3.9,16.1; P<.001). Among those classified as confirmed/probable TB, FASH increased the likelihood of empiric TB treatment before obtaining any other diagnostic studies from 9% (5/56) to 46% (26/56) at the point-of-care. For those classified as unlikely TB, FASH increased the likelihood of empiric treatment from 2% to 4%.Conclusion:In the setting of HIV coinfection in Malawi, FASH can be a helpful tool that augments the clinician's ability to make a timely diagnosis of TB.


A Qualitative Assessment of Provider and Client Experiences With 3- and 6-Month Dispensing Intervals of Antiretroviral Therapy in Malawi

ABSTRACTIntroduction:Multimonth dispensing (MMD) of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a differentiated model of care that can help overcome health system challenges and reduce the burden of HIV care on clients. Although 3-month dispensing has been the standard of care, interest has increased in extending refill intervals to 6 months. We explored client and provider experiences with MMD in Malawi as part of a cluster randomized trial evaluating 3- versus 6-month ART dispensing.Methods:Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 17 ART providers and 62 stable, adult clients with HIV on ART. Clients and providers were evenly divided by arm and were eligible for an interview if they had been participating in the study for 1 year (clients) or 6 months (providers). Questions focused on perceived challenges and benefits of the 3- or 6-month amount of ART dispensing. Interviews were transcribed, and data were coded and analyzed using constant comparison.Results:Both clients and providers reported that the larger medication supply had benefits. Clients reported decreased costs due to less frequent travel to the clinic and increased time for income-generating activities. Clients in the 6-month dispensing arm reported a greater sense of personal freedom and normalcy. Providers felt that the 6-month dispensing interval reduced their workload. They also expressed concerned about clients' challenges with ART storage at home, but clients reported no storage problems. Although providers mentioned the potential risk of clients sharing the larger medication supply with family or friends, clients emphasized the value of ART and reported only rare, short-term sharing, mostly with their spouses. Providers mentioned clients' lack of motivation to seek care for illnesses that might occur between refill appointments.Conclusions:The 6-month ART dispensing arm was particularly beneficial to clients for decreased costs, increased time for income generation, and a greater sense of normalcy. Providers' concerns about storage, sharing, and return visits to the facility did not emerge in client interviews. Further data are needed on the feasibility of implementing a large-scale program with 6-month dispensing.


Insights Into Provider Bias in Family Planning from a Novel Shared Decision Making Based Counseling Initiative in Rural, Indigenous Guatemala


Impact of cytogenetic abnormalities on outcomes of adult Philadelphia-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a study by the Acute Leukemia Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and

Cytogenetic risk stratification at diagnosis has long been one of the most useful tools to assess prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). To examine the prognostic impact of cytogenetic abnormalities on outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, we studied 1731 adults with Philadelphia-negative ALL in complete remission who underwent myeloablative or reduced intensity/non-myeloablative conditioning transplant from unrelated or matched sibling donors reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. A total of 632 patients had abnormal conventional metaphase cytogenetics. The leukemia-free survival and overall survival rates at 5 years after transplantation in patients with abnormal cytogenetics were 40% and 42%, respectively, which were similar to those in patients with a normal karyotype. Of the previously established cytogenetic risk classifications, modified Medical Research Council-Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score was the only independent prognosticator of leukemia-free survival (P=0.03). In the multivariable analysis, monosomy 7 predicted post-transplant relapse [hazard ratio (HR)=2.11; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.04-4.27] and treatment failure (HR=1.97; 95% CI: 1.20-3.24). Complex karyotype was prognostic for relapse (HR=1.69; 95% CI: 1.06-2.69), whereas t(8;14) predicted treatment failure (HR=2.85; 95% CI: 1.35-6.02) and overall mortality (HR=3.03; 95% CI: 1.44-6.41). This large study suggested a novel transplant-specific cytogenetic scheme with adverse [monosomy 7, complex karyotype, del(7q), t(8;14), t(11;19), del(11q), tetraploidy/near triploidy], intermediate (normal karyotype and all other abnormalities), and favorable (high hyperdiploidy) risks to prognosticate leukemia-free survival (P=0.02). Although some previously established high-risk Philadelphia-negative cytogenetic abnormalities in ALL can be overcome by transplantation, monosomy 7, complex karyotype, and t(8;14) continue to pose significant risks and yield inferior outcomes.


Early growth response 1 regulates hematopoietic support and proliferation in human primary bone marrow stromal cells

Human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) are key elements of the hematopoietic environment and they play a central role in bone and bone marrow physiology. However, how key stromal cell functions are regulated is largely unknown. We analyzed the role of the immediate early response transcription factor EGR1 as key stromal cell regulator and found that EGR1 was highly expressed in prospectively-isolated primary BMSC, down-regulated upon culture, and low in non-colony-forming CD45neg stromal cells. Furthermore, EGR1 expression was lower in proliferative regenerating adult and fetal primary cells compared to adult steady-state BMSC. Overexpression of EGR1 in stromal cells induced potent hematopoietic stroma support as indicated by an increased production of transplantable CD34+CD90+ hematopoietic stem cells in expansion co-cultures. The improvement in bone marrow stroma support function was mediated by increased expression of hematopoietic supporting genes, such as VCAM1 and CCL28. Furthermore, EGR1 overexpression markedly decreased stromal cell proliferation whereas EGR1 knockdown caused the opposite effects. These findings thus show that EGR1 is a key stromal transcription factor with a dual role in regulating proliferation and hematopoietic stroma support function that is controlling a genetic program to co-ordinate the specific functions of BMSC in their different biological contexts.


Pervasive Small RNAs in Cardiometabolic Research: Great Potential Accompanied by Biological and Technical Barriers

Advances in small RNA sequencing have revealed the enormous diversity of small noncoding RNA (sRNA) classes in mammalian cells. At this point, most investigators in diabetes are aware of the success of microRNA (miRNA) research and appreciate the importance of posttranscriptional gene regulation in glycemic control. Nevertheless, miRNAs are just one of multiple classes of sRNAs and likely represent only a minor fraction of sRNA sequences in a given cell. Despite the widespread appreciation of sRNAs, very little research into non-miRNA sRNA function has been completed, likely due to some major barriers that present unique challenges for study. To emphasize the importance of sRNA research in cardiometabolic diseases, we highlight the success of miRNAs and competitive endogenous RNAs in cholesterol and glucose metabolism. Moreover, we argue that sequencing studies have demonstrated that miRNAs are just the tip of the iceberg for sRNAs. We are likely standing at the precipice of immense discovery for novel sRNA-mediated gene regulation in cardiometabolic diseases. To realize this potential, we must first address critical barriers with an open mind and refrain from viewing non-miRNA sRNA function through the lens of miRNAs, as they likely have their own set of distinct regulatory factors and functional mechanisms.


MicroRNA Networks in Pancreatic Islet Cells: Normal Function and Type 2 Diabetes

Impaired insulin secretion from the pancreatic β-cells is central in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (T2D), and microRNAs (miRNAs) are fundamental regulatory factors in this process. Differential expression of miRNAs contributes to β-cell adaptation to compensate for increased insulin resistance, but deregulation of miRNA expression can also directly cause β-cell impairment during the development of T2D. miRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that posttranscriptionally reduce gene expression through translational inhibition or mRNA destabilization. The nature of miRNA targeting implies the presence of complex and large miRNA–mRNA regulatory networks in every cell, including the insulin-secreting β-cell. Here we exemplify one such network using our own data on differential miRNA expression in the islets of T2D Goto-Kakizaki rat model. Several biological processes are influenced by multiple miRNAs in the β-cell, but so far most studies have focused on dissecting the mechanism of action of individual miRNAs. In this Perspective we present key islet miRNA families involved in T2D pathogenesis including miR-200, miR-7, miR-184, miR-212/miR-132, and miR-130a/b/miR-152. Finally, we highlight four challenges and opportunities within islet miRNA research, ending with a discussion on how miRNAs can be utilized as therapeutic targets contributing to personalized T2D treatment strategies.


Abnormal expression of GABAA receptor subunits and hypomotility upon loss of gabra1 in zebrafish [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Nayeli G. Reyes-Nava, Hung-Chun Yu, Curtis R. Coughlin II, Tamim H. Shaikh, and Anita M. Quintana

We used whole-exome sequencing (WES) to determine the genetic etiology of a patient with a multi-system disorder characterized by a seizure phenotype. WES identified a heterozygous de novo missense mutation in the GABRA1 gene (c.875C>T). GABRA1 encodes the alpha subunit of the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAAR). The GABAAR is a ligand gated ion channel that mediates the fast inhibitory signals of the nervous system, and mutations in the subunits that compose the GABAAR have been previously associated with human disease. To understand the mechanisms by which GABRA1 regulates brain development, we developed a zebrafish model of gabra1 deficiency. gabra1 expression is restricted to the nervous system and behavioral analysis of morpholino injected larvae suggests that the knockdown of gabra1 results in hypoactivity and defects in the expression of other subunits of the GABAAR. Expression of the human GABRA1 protein in morphants partially restored the hypomotility phenotype. In contrast, the expression of the c.875C>T variant did not restore these behavioral deficits. Collectively, these results represent a functional approach to understand the mechanisms by which loss-of-function alleles cause disease.


Starvation causes female-to-male sex reversal through lipid metabolism in the teleost fish, medaka (Olyzias latipes) [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

Yuta Sakae, Akira Oikawa, Yuki Sugiura, Masatoshi Mita, Shuhei Nakamura, Toshiya Nishimura, Makoto Suematsu, and Minoru Tanaka

The teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes), employs the XX/XY genetic sex determination system. We show here that the phenotypic sex of medaka is affected by changes in lipid metabolism. Medaka larvae subjected to 5 days of starvation underwent female-to-male sex reversal. Metabolomic and RT-qPCR analyses indicated that pantothenate metabolism was suppressed by starvation. Consistently, inhibiting the pantothenate metabolic pathway caused sex reversal. The final metabolite in this pathway is coenzyme A, an essential factor for lipogenesis. Inhibiting fatty acid synthesis, the first step of lipogenesis, also caused sex reversal. The expression of dmrt1, a critical gene for male development, was suppressed by starvation, and a dmrt1 (13) mutant did not show sex reversal under starvation. Collectively, these results indicate that fatty acid synthesis is involved in female-to-male sex reversal through ectopic expression of male gene dmrt1 under starvation.


A Primer on Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Urinary Tracts (CAKUT)

Congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tracts (CAKUT) are disorders caused by defects in the development of the kidneys and their outflow tracts. The formation of the kidneys begins at week 3 and nephrogenesis continues until week 36, therefore, the kidneys and outflow tracts are susceptible to environmental risk factors that perturb development throughout gestation. Many genes have been implicated in kidney and outflow tract development, and mutations have been identified in patients with CAKUT. In severe cases of CAKUT, when the kidneys do not form, the fetus will not survive. However, in less severe cases, the baby can survive with combined kidney and outflow tract defects or they may only be identified in adulthood. In this review, we will cover the clinical presentation of CAKUT, its epidemiology, and its long-term outcomes. We will then discuss risk factors for CAKUT, including genetic and environmental contributions. Although severe CAKUT is rare, low nephron number is a much more common disorder with its effect on kidney function increasingly apparent as a person ages. Low nephron number appears to arise by the same mechanisms as CAKUT, but it differs in terms of the magnitude of the insult and the timing of when it occurs during gestation. By understanding the causes of CAKUT and low nephron number, we can begin to identify preventive treatments and establish clinical guidelines for how these patients should be followed.


A Post Hoc Analysis of Statin Use in Tolvaptan Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Pivotal Trials

Background and objectives

Tolvaptan is approved to slow kidney function decline in adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) at risk of rapid progression. Because in vitro studies indicated that the tolvaptan oxobutyric acid metabolite inhibits organic anion–transporting polypeptide (OATP)1B1 and OATP1B3, United States prescribing information advises avoiding concurrent use with OATP1B1/1B3 substrates, including hepatic hydroxymethyl glutaryl–CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). This post hoc analysis of the pivotal phase 3 tolvaptan trials (Tolvaptan Efficacy and Safety in Management of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and Its Outcomes [TEMPO] 3:4 trial [NCT00428948] and Replicating Evidence of Preserved Renal Function: an Investigation of Tolvaptan Safety and Efficacy in ADPKD [REPRISE] trial [NCT02160145]) examined the safety of concurrent tolvaptan/statin use.

Design, setting, participants, & measurements

The trials randomized a combined total of 2815 subjects with early- to late-stage ADPKD to tolvaptan (n=1644) or placebo (n=1171) for 3 years (TEMPO 3:4) and 1 year (REPRISE). Statin use was unrestricted, and 597 subjects (21.2% overall; 332 [20.2%] tolvaptan, 265 [22.6%] placebo) received statins. Statin use (duration, dose change, statin change, permanent discontinuation), incidences of statin-related adverse events, and hepatic transaminase elevations were determined for subjects who received tolvaptan+statin, placebo+statin, tolvaptan alone, and placebo alone.


No differences in statin use parameters between tolvaptan- and placebo-treated subjects were observed. No statistically significant increases in commonly reported statin-related adverse events (e.g., musculoskeletal disorders, gastrointestinal symptoms) were seen between subjects receiving tolvaptan+statin and placebo+statin. For example, in TEMPO 3:4, frequencies were 5.4% and 7.8%, respectively, for myalgia (difference –2.4%; 95% confidence interval, –11.2% to 6.4%) and 9.3% and 7.8%, respectively, for abdominal pain (difference 1.5%; –7.9% to 10.9%). In an analysis that excluded participants concurrently using allopurinol, the frequency of alanine transaminase or aspartate transaminase >3x upper limit of normal in the pooled study populations was 3.6% for the tolvaptan+statin group and 2.3% for the placebo+statin group (difference 1.4%; –2.0% to 4.7%).


Tolvaptan has been used safely in combination with statins in clinical trials.


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IL1{alpha} Antagonizes IL1{beta} and Promotes Adaptive Immune Rejection of Malignant Tumors

We assessed the contribution of IL1 signaling molecules to malignant tumor growth using IL1β–/–, IL1α–/–, and IL1R1–/– mice. Tumors grew progressively in IL1R–/– and IL1α–/– mice but were often absent in IL1β–/– mice. This was observed whether tumors were implanted intradermally or injected intravenously and was true across multiple distinct tumor lineages. Antibodies to IL1β prevented tumor growth in wild-type (WT) mice but not in IL1R1–/– or IL1α–/– mice. Antibodies to IL1α promoted tumor growth in IL1β–/– mice and reversed the tumor-suppressive effect of anti-IL1β in WT mice. Depletion of CD8+ T cells and blockade of lymphocyte mobilization abrogated the IL1β–/– tumor suppressive effect, as did crossing IL1β–/– mice to SCID or Rag1–/– mice. Finally, blockade of IL1β synergized with blockade of PD-1 to inhibit tumor growth in WT mice. These results suggest that IL1β promotes tumor growth, whereas IL1α inhibits tumor growth by enhancing T-cell–mediated antitumor immunity.


Comparative Whole-Genome Phylogeny of Animal, Environmental, and Human Strains Confirms the Genogroup Organization and Diversity of the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Complex [Public and Environmental Health Microbiology]

The Stenotrophomonas maltophilia complex (Smc) comprises opportunistic environmental Gram-negative bacilli responsible for a variety of infections in both humans and animals. Beyond its large genetic diversity, its genetic organization in genogroups was recently confirmed through the whole-genome sequencing of human and environmental strains. As they are poorly represented in these analyses, we sequenced the whole genomes of 93 animal strains to determine their genetic background and characteristics. Combining these data with 81 newly sequenced human strains and the genomes available from RefSeq, we performed a genomic analysis that included 375 nonduplicated genomes with various origins (animal, 104; human, 226; environment, 30; unknown, 15). Phylogenetic analysis and clustering based on genome-wide average nucleotide identity confirmed and specified the genetic organization of Smc in at least 20 genogroups. Two new genogroups were identified, and two previously described groups were further divided into two subgroups each. Comparing the strains isolated from different host types and their genogroup affiliation, we observed a clear disequilibrium in certain groups. Surprisingly, some antimicrobial resistance genes, integrons, and/or clusters of attC sites lacking integron-integrase (CALIN) sequences targeting antimicrobial compounds extensively used in animals were mainly identified in animal strains. We also identified genes commonly found in animal strains coding for efflux systems. The result of a large whole-genome analysis performed by us supports the hypothesis of the putative contribution of animals as a reservoir of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia complex strains and/or resistance genes for strains in humans.

IMPORTANCE Given its naturally large antimicrobial resistance profile, the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia complex (Smc) is a set of emerging pathogens of immunosuppressed and cystic fibrosis patients. As it is group of environmental microorganisms, this adaptation to humans is an opportunity to understand the genetic and metabolic selective mechanisms involved in this process. The previously reported genomic organization was incomplete, as data from animal strains were underrepresented. We added the missing piece of the puzzle with whole-genome sequencing of 93 strains of animal origin. Beyond describing the phylogenetic organization, we confirmed the genetic diversity of the Smc, which could not be estimated through routine phenotype- or matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF)-based laboratory tests. Animals strains seem to play a key role in the diversity of Smc and could act as a reservoir for mobile resistance genes. Some genogroups seem to be associated with particular hosts; the genetic support of this association and the role of the determinants/corresponding genes need to be explored.


Proportion of female recipients of resident-selected awards across Canada from 2000 to 2018: a retrospective observational study


Female physicians have been shown to receive fewer awards from medical societies than their male colleagues. We examined the sex distribution of recipients of Canadian residency association awards.


We conducted a retrospective observational study of the sex of staff and resident physician recipients of resident-selected awards from provincial and national residency associations using data from 2000–2018. We classified awards into professionalism, advocacy and wellness awards, and education and teaching awards based on award names and descriptions, and compared the proportion of male and female recipients in these categories.


We identified 314 recipients of staff physician awards and 129 recipients of resident physician awards. Male staff and resident physicians had higher odds of receiving awards than their female counterparts (odds ratio [OR] 1.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13–1.89 and OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.18–2.46, respectively). There was a reduction in the odds of male residents’ receiving an award over the study period (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.90–0.98). Male physicians had higher odds of receiving education and teaching awards than female physicians as staff but not as residents (OR 3.21, 95% CI 1.72–5.95 and OR 1.96, 95% CI 0.84–4.60, respectively).


Male staff and resident physicians in Canada had higher odds of receiving awards from provincial and national residency associations between 2000 and 2018 than their female counterparts. Given this disparity, it would be prudent for organizations that distribute awards to physicians, residents and medical students to examine their nomination criteria and processes for potential bias.


Limitations of Animal Studies for Predicting Toxicity in Clinical Trials: Part 2: Potential Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Preclinical Trials

Dramatically rising costs in drug development are in large part because of the high failure rates in clinical phase trials. The poor correlation of animal studies to human toxicity and efficacy have led many developers to question the value of requiring animal studies in determining which drugs should enter in-human trials. Part 1 of this 2-part series examined some of the data regarding the lack of concordance between animal toxicity studies and human trials, as well as some of the potential reasons behind it. This second part of the series focuses on some alternatives to animal trials (hereafter referred to as animal research) as well as current regulatory discussions and developments regarding such alternatives.


ONO-7475, a Novel AXL Inhibitor, Suppresses the Adaptive Resistance to Initial EGFR-TKI Treatment in EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Currently, an optimal therapeutic strategy comprising molecularly targeted agents for treating EGFR-mutated non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with acquired resistance to osimertinib is not available. Therefore, the initial therapeutic intervention is crucial for the prolonged survival of these patients. The activation of anexelekto (AXL) signaling is known to be associated with intrinsic and acquired resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs). In this study, we investigated the best therapeutic strategy to combat AXL-induced tolerance to EGFR-TKIs using the novel AXL inhibitor ONO-7475.

Experimental Design:

We examined the efficacy of ONO-7475 in combination with EGFR-TKIs in EGFR-mutated NSCLC cells using in vitro and in vivo experiments. We investigated the correlation between AXL expression in tumors and clinical outcomes with osimertinib for EGFR-mutated NSCLC patients with acquired resistance to initial EGFR-TKIs.


ONO-7475 sensitized AXL-overexpressing EGFR-mutant NSCLC cells to the EGFR-TKIs osimertinib and dacomitinib. In addition, ONO-7475 suppressed the emergence and maintenance of EGFR-TKI–tolerant cells. In the cell line–derived xenograft models of AXL-overexpressing EGFR-mutated lung cancer treated with osimertinib, initial combination therapy of ONO-7475 and osimertinib markedly regressed tumors and delayed tumor regrowth compared with osimertinib alone or the combination after acquired resistance to osimertinib. AXL expression in EGFR-TKI refractory tumors did not correlate with the sensitivity of osimertinib.


These results demonstrate that ONO-7475 suppresses the emergence and maintenance of tolerant cells to the initial EGFR-TKIs, osimertinib or dacomitinib, in AXL-overexpressing EGFR-mutated NSCLC cells, suggesting that ONO-7475 and osimertinib is a highly potent combination for initial treatment.


Identification of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Sensitive to Systemic Cancer Therapies Using Radiomics


Using standard-of-care CT images obtained from patients with a diagnosis of non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we defined radiomics signatures predicting the sensitivity of tumors to nivolumab, docetaxel, and gefitinib.

Experimental Design:

Data were collected prospectively and analyzed retrospectively across multicenter clinical trials [nivolumab, n = 92, CheckMate017 (NCT01642004), CheckMate063 (NCT01721759); docetaxel, n = 50, CheckMate017; gefitinib, n = 46, (NCT00588445)]. Patients were randomized to training or validation cohorts using either a 4:1 ratio (nivolumab: 72T:20V) or a 2:1 ratio (docetaxel: 32T:18V; gefitinib: 31T:15V) to ensure an adequate sample size in the validation set. Radiomics signatures were derived from quantitative analysis of early tumor changes from baseline to first on-treatment assessment. For each patient, 1,160 radiomics features were extracted from the largest measurable lung lesion. Tumors were classified as treatment sensitive or insensitive; reference standard was median progression-free survival (NCT01642004, NCT01721759) or surgery (NCT00588445). Machine learning was implemented to select up to four features to develop a radiomics signature in the training datasets and applied to each patient in the validation datasets to classify treatment sensitivity.


The radiomics signatures predicted treatment sensitivity in the validation dataset of each study group with AUC (95 confidence interval): nivolumab, 0.77 (0.55–1.00); docetaxel, 0.67 (0.37–0.96); and gefitinib, 0.82 (0.53–0.97). Using serial radiographic measurements, the magnitude of exponential increase in signature features deciphering tumor volume, invasion of tumor boundaries, or tumor spatial heterogeneity was associated with shorter overall survival.


Radiomics signatures predicted tumor sensitivity to treatment in patients with NSCLC, offering an approach that could enhance clinical decision-making to continue systemic therapies and forecast overall survival.


Tissue Distribution of Doxycycline in Animal Models of Tuberculosis [Pharmacology]

Doxycycline, an FDA-approved tetracycline, is used in tuberculosis in vivo models for the temporal control of mycobacterial gene expression. In these models, animals are infected with recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis carrying genes of interest under transcriptional control of the doxycycline-responsive TetR-tetO unit. To minimize fluctuations of plasma levels, doxycycline is usually administered in the diet. However, tissue penetration studies to identify the minimum doxycycline content in food achieving complete repression of TetR-controlled genes in tuberculosis (TB)-infected organs and lesions have not been conducted. Here, we first determined the tetracycline concentrations required to achieve silencing of M. tuberculosis target genes in vitro. Next, we measured doxycycline concentrations in plasma, major organs, and lung lesions in TB-infected mice and rabbits and compared these values to silencing concentrations measured in vitro. We found that 2,000 ppm doxycycline supplemented in mouse and rabbit feed is sufficient to reach target concentrations in TB lesions. In rabbit chow, the calcium content had to be reduced 5-fold to minimize chelation of doxycycline and deliver adequate oral bioavailability. Clearance kinetics from major organs and lung lesions revealed that doxycycline levels fall below concentrations that repress tet promoters within 7 to 14 days after doxycycline is removed from the diet. In summary, we have shown that 2,000 ppm doxycycline supplemented in standard mouse diet and in low-calcium rabbit diet delivers concentrations adequate to achieve full repression of tet promoters in infected tissues of mice and rabbits.


Assessing Animal Models of Bacterial Pneumonia Used in Investigational New Drug Applications for the Treatment of Bacterial Pneumonia [Experimental Therapeutics]

Animal models of bacterial infection have been widely used to explore the in vivo activity of antibacterial drugs. These data are often submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to support human use in an investigational new drug application (IND). To better understand the range and scientific use of animal models in regulatory submissions, a database was created surveying recent pneumonia models submitted as part of IND application packages. The IND studies were compared to animal models of bacterial pneumonia published in the scientific literature over the same period of time. In this review, we analyze the key experimental design elements, such as animal species, immune status, pathogens selected, and route of administration, and study endpoints.


In Vitro Screening of the Open-Source Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria and Pathogen Boxes To Discover Novel Compounds with Activity against Balamuthia mandrillaris [Susceptibility]

Balamuthia mandrillaris is an under-reported, pathogenic free-living amoeba that causes Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis (BAE) and cutaneous skin infections. Although cutaneous infections are not typically lethal, BAE with or without cutaneous involvement is usually fatal. This is due to the lack of drugs that are both efficacious and can cross the blood-brain barrier. We aimed to discover new leads for drug discovery by screening the open-source Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) Malaria Box and MMV Pathogen Box, with 800 compounds total. From an initial single point screen at 1 and 10 μM, we identified 54 hits that significantly inhibited the growth of B. mandrillaris in vitro. Hits were reconfirmed in quantitative dose-response assays and 23 compounds (42.6%) were confirmed with activity greater than miltefosine, the current standard of care.


A Biosynthetic Platform for Antimalarial Drug Discovery [Chemistry; Biosynthesis]

Advances in synthetic biology have enabled the production of a variety of compounds using bacteria as a vehicle for complex compound biosynthesis. Violacein, a naturally occurring indole pigment with antibiotic properties, can be biosynthetically engineered in Escherichia coli expressing its nonnative synthesis pathway. To explore whether this synthetic biosynthesis platform could be used for drug discovery, here we have screened bacterially derived violacein against the main causative agent of human malaria, Plasmodium falciparum. We show the antiparasitic activity of bacterially derived violacein against the P. falciparum 3D7 laboratory reference strain as well as drug-sensitive and -resistant patient isolates, confirming the potential utility of this drug as an antimalarial agent. We then screen a biosynthetic series of violacein derivatives against P. falciparum growth. The varied activity of each derivative against asexual parasite growth points to the need to further develop violacein as an antimalarial. Towards defining its mode of action, we show that biosynthetic violacein affects the parasite actin cytoskeleton, resulting in an accumulation of actin signal that is independent of actin polymerization. This activity points to a target that modulates actin behavior in the cell either in terms of its regulation or its folding. More broadly, our data show that bacterial synthetic biosynthesis could become a suitable platform for antimalarial drug discovery, with potential applications in future high-throughput drug screening with otherwise chemically intractable natural products.


Novel Insights into Plasmodium vivax Therapeutic Failure: CYP2D6 Activity and Time of Exposure to Malaria Modulate the Risk of Recurrence [Epidemiology and Surveillance]

Plasmodium vivax relapse is one of the major causes of sustained global malaria transmission. Primaquine (PQ) is the only commercial drug available to prevent relapses, and its efficacy is dependent on metabolic activation by cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6). Impaired CYP2D6 function, caused by allelic polymorphisms, leads to the therapeutic failure of PQ as a radical cure for P. vivax malaria. Here, we hypothesized that the host immune response to malaria parasites modulates susceptibility to P. vivax recurrences in association with CYP2D6 activity. We performed a 10-year retrospective study by genotyping CYP2D6 polymorphisms in 261 malaria-exposed individuals from the Brazilian Amazon. The immune responses against a panel of P. vivax blood-stage antigens were evaluated by serological assays. We confirmed our previous findings, which indicated an association between impaired CYP2D6 activity and a higher risk of multiple episodes of P. vivax recurrence (risk ratio, 1.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2 to 2.6; P = 0.0035). An important finding was a reduction of 3% in the risk of recurrence (risk ratio, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.96 to 0.98; P < 0.0001) per year of malaria exposure, which was observed for individuals with both reduced and normal CYP2D6 activity. Accordingly, subjects with long-term malaria exposure and persistent antibody responses to various antigens showed fewer episodes of malaria recurrence. Our findings have direct implications for malaria control, since it was shown that nonimmune individuals who do not respond adequately to treatment due to reduced CYP2D6 activity may present a significant challenge for sustainable progress toward P. vivax malaria elimination.


Whole-Cell Phenotypic Screening of Medicines for Malaria Venture Pathogen Box Identifies Specific Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum Late-Stage Development and Egress [Experimental Therapeutics]

We report a systematic, cellular phenotype-based antimalarial screening of the Medicines for Malaria Venture Pathogen Box collection, which facilitated the identification of specific blockers of late-stage intraerythrocytic development of Plasmodium falciparum. First, from standard growth inhibition assays, we identified 173 molecules with antimalarial activity (50% effective concentration [EC50] ≤ 10 μM), which included 62 additional molecules over previously known antimalarial candidates from the Pathogen Box. We identified 90 molecules with EC50 of ≤1 μM, which had significant effect on the ring-trophozoite transition, while 9 molecules inhibited the trophozoite-schizont transition and 21 molecules inhibited the schizont-ring transition (with ≥50% parasites failing to proceed to the next stage) at 1 μM. We therefore rescreened all 173 molecules and validated hits in microscopy to prioritize 12 hits as selective blockers of the schizont-ring transition. Seven of these molecules inhibited the calcium ionophore-induced egress of Toxoplasma gondii, a related apicomplexan parasite, suggesting that the inhibitors may be acting via a conserved mechanism which could be further exploited for target identification studies. We demonstrate that two molecules, MMV020670 and MMV026356, identified as schizont inhibitors in our screens, induce the fragmentation of DNA in merozoites, thereby impairing their ability to egress and invade. Further mechanistic studies would facilitate the therapeutic exploitation of these molecules as broadly active inhibitors targeting late-stage development and egress of apicomplexan parasites relevant to human health.


Noncoding Variants Connect Enhancer Dysregulation with Nuclear Receptor Signaling in Hematopoietic Malignancies [Research Articles]

Mutations in protein-coding genes are well established as the basis for human cancer, yet how alterations within noncoding genome, a substantial fraction of which contain cis-regulatory elements (CRE), contribute to cancer pathophysiology remains elusive. Here, we developed an integrative approach to systematically identify and characterize noncoding regulatory variants with functional consequences in human hematopoietic malignancies. Combining targeted resequencing of hematopoietic lineage–associated CREs and mutation discovery, we uncovered 1,836 recurrently mutated CREs containing leukemia-associated noncoding variants. By enhanced CRISPR/dCas9–based CRE perturbation screening and functional analyses, we identified 218 variant-associated oncogenic or tumor-suppressive CREs in human leukemia. Noncoding variants at KRAS and PER2 enhancers reside in proximity to nuclear receptor (NR) binding regions and modulate transcriptional activities in response to NR signaling in leukemia cells. NR binding sites frequently colocalize with noncoding variants across cancer types. Hence, recurrent noncoding variants connect enhancer dysregulation with nuclear receptor signaling in hematopoietic malignancies.


We describe an integrative approach to identify noncoding variants in human leukemia, and reveal cohorts of variant-associated oncogenic and tumor-suppressive cis-regulatory elements including KRAS and PER2 enhancers. Our findings support a model in which noncoding regulatory variants connect enhancer dysregulation with nuclear receptor signaling to modulate gene programs in hematopoietic malignancies.

See related commentary by van Galen, p. 646.

This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 627


HER2 Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Herculean Effort to Hit the Target [In the Spotlight]


Over the last two decades HER2 aberrations have been thoroughly investigated as potential therapeutic targets in advanced non–small cell lung cancer, with relatively modest results. Two articles published in this issue of Cancer Discovery further expand the knowledge on therapeutic exploitation of HER2 in lung cancer, addressing a large unmet medical need.

See related article by Li et al., p. 674.

See related article by Tsurutani et al., p. 688.


Comparative single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) reveals liver metastasis-specific targets in a patient with small intestinal neuroendocrine cancer [RESEARCH REPORT]

Genomic analysis of a patient's tumor is the cornerstone of precision oncology, but it does not address whether metastases should be treated differently. Here we tested whether comparative single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of a primary small intestinal neuroendocrine tumor to a matched liver metastasis could guide the treatment of a patient's metastatic disease. Following surgery, the patient was put on maintenance treatment with a somatostatin analog. However, the scRNA-seq analysis revealed that the neuroendocrine epithelial cells in the liver metastasis were less differentiated and expressed relatively little SSTR2, the predominant somatostatin receptor. There were also differences in the tumor microenvironments. RNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factors was higher in the primary tumor cells, reflected by an increased number of endothelial cells. Interestingly, vascular expression of the major VEGF receptors was considerably higher in the liver metastasis, indicating that the metastatic vasculature may be primed for expansion and susceptible to treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors. The patient eventually progressed on Sandostatin, and although consideration was given to adding an angiogenesis inhibitor to her regimen, her disease progression involved non-liver metastases that had not been characterized. Although in this specific case comparative scRNA-seq did not alter treatment, its potential to help guide therapy of metastatic disease was clearly demonstrated.


Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Breast Cancer Is Associated with Indigenous American Ancestry in Latin American Women

Women of Latin American origin in the United States are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and have a higher risk of mortality than non-Hispanic White women. Studies in U.S. Latinas and Latin American women have reported a high incidence of HER2 positive (+) tumors; however, the factors contributing to this observation are unknown. Genome-wide genotype data for 1,312 patients from the Peruvian Genetics and Genomics of Breast Cancer Study (PEGEN-BC) were used to estimate genetic ancestry. We tested the association between HER2 status and genetic ancestry using logistic and multinomial logistic regression models. Findings were replicated in 616 samples from Mexico and Colombia. Average Indigenous American (IA) ancestry differed by subtype. In multivariate models, the odds of having an HER2+ tumor increased by a factor of 1.20 with every 10% increase in IA ancestry proportion (95% CI, 1.07–1.35; P = 0.001). The association between HER2 status and IA ancestry was independently replicated in samples from Mexico and Colombia. Results suggest that the high prevalence of HER2+ tumors in Latinas could be due in part to the presence of population-specific genetic variant(s) affecting HER2 expression in breast cancer.Significance:The positive association between Indigenous American genetic ancestry and HER2+ breast cancer suggests that the high incidence of HER2+ subtypes in Latinas might be due to population and subtype-specific genetic risk variants.