
Great Education Debate - We must be able to compete in a global education system (Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary-General)

In a global economy, the benchmark for educational success is no longer improvement by national standards alone, but the best performing school systems internationally.


A Skills Manifesto: Why Education (Not Finance) Is The Only Lasting Economic Solution

Everywhere skills transform lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion. And if there’s one lesson the global economy has taught us over the last few years, it’s that we cannot simply bail ourselves out of a crisis — stimulus plans and printing money can never be a lasting solution to our economic problems.


Informal Meeting of OECD Ministers of Education - Fostering Relevant Skills and Employability Through Education

The informal meeting of OECD Education Ministers will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-3 October 2013. The theme of the meeting is “Fostering Skills and Employability through Education”.


Boosting skills essential for tackling joblessness and improving well-being, says OECD

The low-skilled are more likely than others to be unemployed, have bad health and earn much less, according to the first OECD Survey of Adult Skills. Countries with greater inequality in skills proficiency also have higher income inequality.


Concerted Action Necessary to Address U.S. Adult Skills Challenge, says OECD

An OECD study published today says the United States should take concerted action to address the adult skills challenge, warning it could progressively fall behind other countries. The study argues that low-skilled populations face a bleak future, creating challenges both to equity and social cohesion.


PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - United Kingdom

Note summarising the performance of the United Kingdom in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science.


Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education - Lessons from PISA for Korea

The story of Korean education over the past 50 years is one of remarkable growth and achievement. Korea is one of the top performing countries in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey and among those with the highest proportion of young people who have completed upper secondary and tertiary education.


PISA problem-solving test: key findings for USA

Note summarising the United States' results in the PISA 2012 problem solving assessment.


Singapore and Korea top OECD’s first PISA problem-solving test

Students from Singapore and Korea have performed best in the first OECD PISA assessment of creative problem-solving. Students in these countries are quick learners, highly inquisitive and able to solve unstructured problems in unfamiliar contexts.


Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference

This conference on 9 April 2014 will provide an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It would also seek to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


A Skills beyond School Review of Israel

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of changing economies? How can employers and unions be engaged? The country reports in this series look at these and other questions. They form part of Skills beyond School, the OECD policy review of postsecondary vocational education and training.


Tohoku Cherry Tree Planting Ceremony

Through the Tohoku School Project, the students have developed their capacities for innovation, leadership, and co-operation. They learned how to get the information they need when there isn’t a readymade answer in their textbook or a teacher to guide them. In other words, they learned how to learn – perhaps the most valuable lesson of all! said OECD Secretary-General.


Delivering feedback for better teaching (OECD Education Today Blog)

October 5 marks the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s World Teachers' Day, a day devoted to “appreciating, assessing and improving educators of the world”. This gives us a great opportunity to reflect again on how schools can celebrate and develop great teaching. One way to do that is through critical exchanges – building constructive feedback systems within the schools.


Teaching in Focus No. 6 - Unlocking the potential of teacher feedback

Across countries and economies participating in the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), a majority of teachers report receiving feedback on different aspects of their work in their schools.


Korea: Promote inclusive growth through greater employer involvement in the employment and skills system, says OECD

Korea has made significant progress towards decentralising the management of employment and training programmes, but can still do more to create stronger links with employers at the local level, according to a new OECD report.


Addressing inequities in the Slovak Republic through evaluation and assessment (OECD Education Today Blog)

OECD Education Today - Addressing inequities in the Slovak Republic through evaluation and assessment


Better professional training would boost skills and job creation, says OECD

Countries should step up their efforts to improve the quality of post-secondary vocational training in order to meet the changing needs of today’s job market, according to a new OECD report.


Skills Beyond School Synthesis Report

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of changing economies? How should the programmes be funded? How should they be linked to academic and university programmes?


What PISA can – and can’t – tell us about adults’ skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

Can PISA results predict the quality of a country’s labour force one decade later? To find out, we compared some of the results from the PISA 2000 and PISA 2003 tests with results from the 2012 Survey of Adult Skills (a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, or PIAAC).


Better education and skills are key to shift the economy up a gear, says latest Latin American Economic Outlook

Latin America’s GDP growth rate has slowed down in 2014, dropping below 1.5%. This is the first time in a decade that the region grows less than the OECD average, according to the OECD Development Centre, the Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean and the development bank for Latin America. Given the projections in the past weeks, any recovery in 2015 is likely to be challenging.


PISA in Focus No. 46 - Does homework perpetuate inequities in education?

While most 15-year-old students spend part of their after-school time doing homework, the amount of time they spend on it shrank between 2003 and 2012. Socio-economically advantaged students and students who attend socio-economically advantaged schools tend to spend more time doing homework.


What works best for learning in schools (OECD Education Today Blog)

Professor John Hattie is held in high esteem as an education researcher and was called “possibly the world’s most influential education academic” by the Times Educational Supplement in 2012.


The sustainability of the UK’s higher education system (OECD Education Today Blog)

Skills have become the currency of 21st century economies


Directorate for Education and Skills - Brochure

The OECD Directorate for Education and Skills helps individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion. We encourage countries to compare their experiences and learn from each other, and we accompany them in the difficult process of policy implementation.


Education Policy Outlook International Conference 2015

The conference will be interactive and results-oriented. The format will be designed to foster opportunities for meaningful discussion and dialogue among participants, national representatives, international organisation representatives and experts. We will ask most participants to take an active role in the conference


Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives: A Strategic Approach to Education and Skills Policies for the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is identified by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) as one of the most rapidly improving education systems in the world. However its students still perform well below the levels expected in advanced economies.


PISA in Focus No. 48 - Does Math Make You Anxious?

Greater anxiety towards mathematics is associated with lower scores in mathematics, both between and within countries. The better a student’s schoolmates perform in mathematics, the greater the student’s anxiety towards mathematics.


OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource use in Schools - Slovak Republic Country Background Report (English)

This report was prepared by the Educational Policy Institute, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, as an input to the OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review).


The global talent pool has taken on a dramatically different look (OECD Education Today Blog)

The world is living through one of its most extraordinary revolutions, with game-changing implications, many of them still unknown.


PISA in Focus No. 51: What do parents look for in their child’s school?

When choosing a school for their child, parents in all participating countries value academic achievement highly; but they are often even more concerned about the safety and environment of the school and the school’s reputation.


Young people are our future: invest in their skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

More than 35 million 16-29 year-olds across OECD countries are neither employed nor in education or training (NEET) – and around half of all NEETs are out of school and not looking for work. These young people are likely to have dropped off the radar of their country’s education, social and labour market systems.


Education Indicators in Focus No.32 - Are education and skills being distributed more inclusively?

Educational opportunities have a very important impact on a person’s life. Employment, earnings, well-being, health and trust are all strongly related to education and skills. A lack of high-quality educational opportunities is the most important way in which poverty, social inequality and exclusion are transmitted from one generation to another.


What computer skills can do for you (OECD Education Today Blog)

Information and communication technologies (ICT) permeate every aspect of our lives, from how we work, to how we “talk” with friends, to how we participate in political processes. But what are the returns to “digital skills” – the capacity to use digital devices and applications to access and manage information and solve problems – on the labour market? Do they help land a job or earn higher wages?


Are vocational programmes preparing school leavers for a risky job market? (OECD Education Today Blog)

One of the most dramatic consequences of the economic crisis has been the soaring levels of youth unemployment in several OECD countries; and the hesitant recovery of the past years was insufficient to improve the job prospects of young people.


Breaking down the silo: connecting education to world trends (OECD Education Today Blog)

Did you ever wonder if education has a role to play in stemming the obesity epidemic sweeping across all OECD countries? Or what the impact of increasing urbanisation might be on our schools, families, and communities?


Future Shock (OECD Education Today Blog)

Education occurs in many forms; it’s not the same as schooling.


What do youth think? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Interview with Allan Päll - Secretary General of the European Youth Forum


What are the risks of missing out on upper secondary education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

In just a couple of decades, upper secondary schooling has been transformed from a vehicle towards upward social mobility into a minimum requirement for life in modern societies.


Too small to “productively” use skills at work?

Human capital is key for economic growth. Not only is it linked to aggregate economic performance but also to each individual’s labour market outcomes. However, a skilled population is not enough to achieve high and inclusive growth, as skills need to be put into productive use at work.


Denmark: Still worth getting to (OECD Education Today Blog)

An open, liberal economy combined with redistribution and social welfare: The Danish model has largely weathered the storm of the financial and euro crises. Yet, when looking at education and integration, not all is rosy in the Kingdom of Denmark.


A picture of working students in OECD countries

The combination of work and study has been hailed as crucial to ensure that youth develop the skills required on the labour market so that transitions from school to work are shorter and smoother. As a result, many governments encourage learning on the job, particularly when it comes as part of certified programmes such as vocational education and training pathways (VET) or apprenticeships.


Back – and looking ahead – to school (OECD Education Today Blog)

It’s that time of year; and as sure as there are new pencil cases on desks, pristine notebooks in backpacks and fresh textbooks with nary a wrinkle up their spines, there’s a new batch of OECD reports ready to inform and challenge your thinking about education.


OECD Education and Skills Newsletter - September 2015

Bringing you the highlights from the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills


Spain’s future prosperity depends on skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

Spain is emerging from a challenging period. The good news is that the economy has returned to moderate growth and unemployment rates are falling. Yet Spain’s progress along the path to inclusive growth may well falter if steps are not taken today to boost skills outcomes.


Are the world’s schools making inequality worse? (OECD Education Today Blog)

The answer appears to be yes. Schooling plays a surprisingly large role in short-changing the most economically disadvantaged students of critical math skills, according to a study published today in Educational Researcher, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 35 - How do differences in social and cultural background influence access to higher education and the completion of studies?

Parents’ level of education still greatly influences that of their children: individuals are 4.5 times more likely to attend higher education if one of their parents has a higher education degree than if both their parents have below upper secondary education.


Does social background thwart aspirations for higher education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Since the mid-1900s, the expansion of higher education systems has opened up opportunities for many students other than those from the elites. Higher education became the main route towards upward social mobility.


Knowledge is power: ensuring quality early childhood education and care provision (OECD Education Today Blog)

The latest report in the OECD’s Starting Strong series reviews the monitoring systems of 24 jurisdictions and reveals that monitoring does not merely encompass regulatory compliance but is moving towards better understanding what is happening inside an ECEC setting and how a child develops in several areas.


Korea’s future prosperity depends on skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

The Korean economy has seen significant growth in the past decades. However, much of the economic growth has been supported by intensive labour resource utilisation. Korean workers work the second longest hours among OECD countries. This is not sustainable in the long-term because Korea’s working age population is projected to decline from 2017 onwards.


Reducing inequalities and financing education remain key challenges

Governments need to tackle persistent inequalities in education and focus on improving efficiencies in their education systems in order to ensure that every child, whatever their background, can realise their full potential and benefit from a good education, according to a new OECD report.