Schlock Mercenary: May 9, 2020


Колонки - Календарь перемен: 13 – 19 апреля 2020 года

Наступила неделя, когда мы можем изменить траекторию "эпидемии".


April 29, 2020: Support Your Local Game Store!

Many, many local game stores are closed and struggling. Some of those retailers are offering curbside pickup, delivery, or online orders. Please see this list of game stores that GAMA has assembled and, if possible and one is near you, place an order today! Let's make sure that we keep these stores alive and there for us to enjoy once each is able to open their doors again.

From GAMA:

During these changing times, stores have begun offering alternate shopping experiences such as curbside pick-up or local delivery for purchased items. Some stores are also offering gift cards as another outlet for customer support. Search for your nearby store(s) and support the gaming community!

Check out the store list today!

Phil Reed

Warehouse 23 News: Best Beasts In The West

Sometimes not even your trusty six-shooter will help you against the horrors of the Weird West. GURPS Classic: Deadlands – Varmints includes an assortment of monsters, both classic Deadlands critters converted to GURPS Deadlands and new creatures with stats for both systems. Download your own batch of trouble today from Warehouse 23!


May 7, 2020: 2019 Dice

We've been wanting to produce sets of dice for a long time, so last year we finally took the plunge and shipped several different dice packs to distributors and retailers. For those who missed out on them, here's a complete list of our 2019 dice that saw a wide release last year. This does not include limited-run dice that were only made available direct; please see Warehouse 23 for a complete list of dice we have in-hand right now.

We have several more dice sets – and dice accessories! – in the works. This page has a complete list of our dice, dice games, and dice accessories.

Phil Reed

Warehouse 23 News: Two New Armies!

The cannibals of the Flesh-Eater Courts use their Pestilential Breath and Septic Talons to impress each other at their grotesque banquets. The battle-crazed Ironjaws swing their Waaagh! Staffs from the back of their Maw-Krusha beasts. Mortal enemies for millennia, these two new Armies have found one patch of common ground: they really don't like you. Order Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Death and Destruction now on Warehouse 23!


May 9, 2020: Grab A Litter Of Kittens At Warehouse 23!

We released the Kitten d6 Dice Set and Dungeon Survival Pack: Kitten Adventurers earlier this year, and both have been strong sellers during these early months of 2020. 

But we know that some of you can never have enough kitties, and it is for you cat lovers that we created the Kitten d6 Litter, which comes with 36 dice featuring paw prints and the adorable kitty artwork of Katie Cook!

Better still, you'll notice that some of the dice in this large bag are different colors from those found in the Kitten d6 Dice Set and the Dungeon Survival Pack: Kitten Adventurers, meaning that your selection of cat dice grows dramatically as soon as you add this set to your collection.

Order the Kitten d6 Litter today from Warehouse 23. If you're a retailer and would like to carry this pack of dice in your store, please email us to ask for information about a direct-sales account. Our team will be happy to get you set up so you can get this and several other direct-sales exclusives for your store.

Phil Reed

Warehouse 23 News: I Want It All!

Who doesn't? Now you can get everything that came with our first The Fantasy Trip Kickstarter in 2018. The I Want it All Box lives up to its name: Old-school roleplaying at its dungeon-crawling finest. The Fantasy Trip is easy to learn and fast to play – but it's been out of print for almost 40 years. Now it's back! Order The Fantasy Trip: I Want It All Box now on Warehouse 23!


Resources for mental health support during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted lives around the world. In addition to the lives lost to the virus, as many communities enter the second and third month under stay-at-home orders, there is a rising mental health toll, too. In a national survey released by the American Psychiatric Association in March, 36 percent of respondents said that COVID-19 was seriously impacting their mental health; 48 percent were anxious about getting infected; and 57 percent reported concern that COVID-19 will seriously impact their finances.

As a trained psychiatrist, I know firsthand the importance of bringing out into the open the issue of mental health. While it might be years between the first onset of symptoms and someone seeking help, the internet is often the first place people turn to find out more about mental disorders. To help address the emerging mental health crisis we’re sharing “Be Kind to Your Mind," which includes resources on mental wellbeing from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Whenever people in the U.S. search for information about coping with the pandemic, or on COVID-19 and mental health, we’ll show a public service announcement with tips to cope with stress during COVID-19. To raise awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing during these times, we'll highlight these resources on Google's homepage tomorrow.

Whenever people in the U.S. search for information about coping with the pandemic, we’ll show a public service announcement with tips to cope with stress during COVID-19.

With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to highlight a few other resources and tools across Google and YouTube that promote mental wellbeing.

Self-assessment questionnaires for depression and PTSD

When people search on Google for information about mental health conditions we provide panels with information from authoritative sources like Mayo Clinic that detail symptoms, treatments, and provide an overview of the different types of specialists who can help. On the info panels for depression and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we provide direct access to clinically-validated self-assessment questionnaires that ask some of the same types of questions a mental health professional might ask. Based on a person’s answers, these self-assessment tools provide information on risk, along with links to more resources. Results to these questionnaires are not logged. We hope they can provide insight and help people have a more informed conversation with their doctor. We will add more self-assessment  questionnaires over time to cover more conditions.

Self-care content on YouTube

Over the last few months, YouTube has seen a 35 percent increase in views of meditation videos, and growing popularity of mindfulness and wellbeing content. YouTube is making videos like these and other mental health resources more widely available to anyone around the world, for free, by spotlighting channels and playlists that have wellbeing and mindfulness-focused content. Countless YouTube creators, like Dr. Mike and Kati Morton, educate their communities as they help reduce the stigma associated with mental health. YouTube is also launching relevant YouTube Originals, including a “BookTube” episode featuring top authors like Melinda Gates and Elizabeth Gilbert offering their best book recommendations.

Finding virtual care options, quickly

Because of stay-at-home orders and restrictions that limit in-person interactions, many mental health care providers (including therapists and psychiatrists) are now providing telehealth care, like conducting therapy sessions over video conference. To make these options easier to find, we now allow providers to highlight their virtual care services on their Google Business Profile. So now, when you search for a mental health provider in products like Search and Maps, you may see an “Online care” link that can take you to their virtual care page, or even schedule a virtual appointment.

While the stigma around mental health has lessened in recent years, many people still find it hard to reach out to get help. By providing access to mental health resources, services and information across our products, we hope to make it easier for people to seek help and receive proper care.


Scottish Philosophy in the 19th Century

[Revised entry by Gordon Graham on April 24, 2020. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Philosophical debate in 19th century Scotland was very vigorous, its agenda being set in large part by the impact of Kant and German Idealism on the philosophical tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment. The principal figures are Thomas Brown, Sir William Hamilton, James Frederick Ferrier and Alexander Bain, and later in the century, the so-called "Scottish Idealists" notably James Hutchison Stirling, Edward Caird, and D.G. Ritchie. The self-conscious identity of the Scottish philosophical tradition owes...


Парад Победы в Севастополе 9 Мая 2020


Сегодня в Севастопольской бухте в парадном строю выстроились корабли Черноморского флота: МРК "Вышний Волочек", БДК "Азов", фрегаты "Адмирал Эссен" и "Адмирал Макаров", сторожевой корабль "Ладный", подводная лодка "Ростов–на–Дону". Моряки подняли Андреевский флаг и флаги расцвечивания.
Состоялся пролёт вертолетов и самолетов из состава полков морской авиации Черноморского Флота и соединения ВСС и ПВО Южного военного округа.

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Выступление самодеятельности, 1944 год, Запорожье

На фото — выступление группы самодеятельности бойцов 11–й инженерно–строительной бригады на восстановлении Днепрогэса. Фотограф — Георгий Зельма.

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Гвардии сержант Иннокентий Смоктуновский, 1944 год

В продолжении серии постов коллеги Toljatti о воевавших актерах.

Иннокентий Михайлович был призван в январе 1943 года был призван и направлен в Киевское пехотное училище, находившееся в то время в Ачинске. В августе того же года в срочном порядке был отправлен без присвоения офицерского звания рядовым на фронт, на пополнение 75–й гвардейской стрелковой дивизии. В должности связного штаба 212–го гвардейского полка этой дивизии участвовал в боях на Курской дуге, форсировании Днепра, операции по освобождению Киева. За то, что под огнём противника через Днепр доставлял боевые донесения в штаб 75–й дивизии, был награждён первой медалью «За отвагу». В декабре 1943 года под Киевом попал в плен, месяц провёл в лагерях для военнопленных в Житомире, Шепетовке, Бердичеве. 7 января 1944 года бежал из плена. В течение месяца его укрывала в своём доме украинская семья. Связь с членами этой семьи он поддерживал до конца жизни. В том же доме познакомился с заместителем командира партизанского отряда Каменец–Подольского соединения, в который и вступил в феврале 1944 года. В мае партизанский отряд объединился с 318–м гвардейским стрелковым полком 102–й гвардейской стрелковой дивизии. В звании младшего сержанта командовал отделением роты автоматчиков, принимал участие в освобождении Варшавы. В боях при прорыве обороны противника в районе деревни Лорцен 14 января 1945 года его отделение одним из первых ворвалось в траншеи противника, уничтожив при этом около двадцати немцев. За это он был повторно награждён медалью «За отвагу». Войну закончил в Гревесмюлене.


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Из семейного архива. 1945, Берлин.

ЗОС — это служба земного обеспечения самолетов.

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У Вечного огня. 1960–е, Свердловск

Фото: Анатолий Грахов (ТАСС)

Прочла, что в 1966 году этот снимок получил премию на выставке в Амстердаме, но в СССР автору "не рекомендовали" афишировать фото. К сожалению, подробной информации об этом не нашла. Но нашла информацию о фотографе — интересный человек.

Анатолий Грахов (24.06.1923 — 16.01.2011) — фотограф–документалист, более 35 лет проработал корреспондентом Фотохроники ТАСС, много лет был "летописцем" Уральского отделения Академии наук СССР. Издал семь авторских альбомов. Жил и работал в Свердловске (Екатеринбурге).

О вовлеченности в профессию свидетельствует рассказ Грахова о первом его задании: "уборка урожая, и надо было срочно сделать хороший снимок для "Уральского рабочего". Пришлось отправиться в Бисертский район. Чтобы все успеть в ближайший номер, заскакиваю на товарняк в расчете, что на нужной станции он притормозит. А поезд продолжает мчаться! Я прыгаю на ходу и... ломаю ногу! Звоню председателю колхоза, прошу заехать за мной. Мы садимся в его тарантас и за шесть километров едем на поля. Делаю снимки, а потом говорю: теперь можно и в больницу. Там я нашел рентгеновский кабинет, проявил пленку, а потом одна барышня согласилась по пути завезти мои фотографии в газету. Успел".

Ещё о поиске сюжетов Граховым: "Чтобы всегда быть первым и везде успевать, даже купил Harley Davidson. А потом продал его и раздобыл "Волгу", на которой "нарулил" по России 50 тысяч километров. Приходилось не только снимать, но и писать тексты — в перерывах, пока проявляется или сохнет пленка. Выработалась профпривычка — не снимать с шеи фотоаппарат, даже если просто вышел за хлебом. До сих пор помню досадный случай из молодости: иду в магазин, вижу потрясающий философский кадр — у почтамта лежит пьяный, а рядом аккуратненько на газетке бутылка водки и закуска. А у меня, как на зло, пленка в аппарате закончилась...

Частенько приходилось и охотиться за объектами съемки. Особенно если на какое–то мероприятие не пускают. Для меня это означало только одно: там — самая интересная информация и ее необходимо снять. Порой приходилось проникать в здания через запасные входы или даже через окно.

А пять лет назад (в 2005 году — прим.з.с.) пришлось использовать скрытую фотосъемку на параде Победы на Красной площади, куда был приглашен как участник войны. Фотографировать там категорически запрещалось, и я спрятал фотоаппарат под пиджак. В итоге фотографии Путина, Буша и другие кадры с праздника оказались только у меня".

Другие работы Грахова здесь.

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9 мая 2020–го года, 75 лет Победы


Ту войну называют самой страшной в истории человечества. Для нас, для нашей страны, то была война на уничтожение. Июнь сорок первого поставил перед советскими людьми пугающе простой вопрос – быть или навсегда исчезнуть в клубах дыма танковых полей и труб газенвагенов. Они сделали свой выбор, поставив на кон десятки миллионов своих жизней.

Сегодня в России осталось менее шестидесяти тысяч тех, кто шагал в сырых сапогах от Сталинграда на Кенигсберг, кто протыкал вражеские бомбардировщики над Москвой яркой спицей прожектора, кто швырял мерзлый уголь в пылающую топку госпитального паровоза. Самому молодому из них сегодня девяносто пять.

И пока мы живём своей быстрой суетливой жизнью, размежеванной кредитами и отпусками, они уходят. Тихо и незаметно растворяются в мути стареньких фотографий на пыльных полках старомодных сервантов и секретеров. Уходят, оставляя нам гордость.

9 мая – это праздник жизни, которая превозмогла смерть.

И мы с полным основанием гордимся. Наклонной носовой бронёй «тридцатьчетвёрок» и торпедной атакой С–13. Рёвом «сталинского орга́на» и хрипом репродуктора «Внимание! Говорит Москва!».

У соседей прабабушка Матрёна стояла у счетверённого зенитного пулемёта, а директором твоей сельской школы был угрюмый дед Архип, проползший на пузе с катушкой на спине десять тысяч километров. Оператор заправки, куда ты обычно заезжаешь, никогда не видел прадеда, он сгинул в лесах подо Ржевом, а полная продавщица в ближайшем магазине носит гвардейскую ленту и радуется – отец её отца вернулся живым и отвёл правнука в школу.

Пока мы помним и гордимся, все солдаты той войны живы и жив подвиг народа. Всех, стоявших у мартена, точивших сильными детскими руками снаряды, пахавших на себе поля, стиравших гнойные бинты и собиравших «зажигалки» в ленинградских дворах. Всех, кто прыгал с борта катера в ледяную воду, зажав зубами ленты бескозырки, кто держал обожжёнными руками рычаги танка, кто под бомбёжкой наводил мосты через Днепр и Одер, охранял склады с продовольствием и бросал гранаты в бандеровские схроны.

Они оставили нам огонь в тесной печурке, пыль и туман дорог, синий платочек на плечах смуглянки–молдаванки. Всё также выходит на крутой берег Катюша и Алёша всё так же стоит над болгарскою горой. И поднимаются герои былых времён в сабельную атаку, и усталая подлодка из глубины идёт домой.

Всё это наша память, наша гордость.

С праздником вас, дорогие друзья!

[Орда] — родная, злобная, твоя

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Ansible 384, July 2019


Ansible 385, August 2019


Ansible 386, September 2019


Ansible 387, October 2019


Ansible 388, November 2019


Ansible 389, December 2019


Ansible 390, January 2020


Ansible 391, February 2020


Ansible 392, March 2020


Ansible 393, April 2020


Ansible 394, May 2020


दिल्ली: 3 और निजी अस्पतालों में होगा COVID-19 मरीजों का इलाज, केजरीवाल सरकार ने जारी किए नाम

नई दिल्ली। भारत में कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या 60,000 के करीब पहुंच गई है, देश की राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में महामारी से पीड़ित मरीजों की संख्या तेजी से बढ़ रही है जिसके चलते यहां के निजी अस्पतालों में आइसोलेशन बेड की


"Never Rarely Sometimes Always": New Film Follows Teenager's Perilous Journey to Access Abortion

As multiple states have moved to further restrict access to abortions during the pandemic, a powerful new dramatic film follows a 17-year-old girl as she travels from her small town in Pennsylvania to New York City to get an abortion without having to notify her parents. "Never Rarely Sometimes Always" director and writer Eliza Hittman joins us to discuss the making of the film, which is being distributed online while cinemas remain closed in most states due to the pandemic.


Scientific American: As Trump Touts Dangerous Cures, Here's What We Know About COVID-19 Drug Tests

President Trump dangerously suggested injecting disinfectants could help patients sick with the coronavirus, then said he was being "sarcastic." But his remarks led to a spike in calls to helplines about taking disinfectants. We look at "What We Know About the Most Touted Drugs Tested for COVID-19" with Tanya Lewis, associate editor for health and medicine at Scientific American.


Headlines for April 29, 2020

U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Tops Number of Americans Killed in Vietnam War, Trump Orders Meat Plants to Remain Open as Worker Coronavirus Deaths Mount, Mayor of San Juan Says Puerto Ricans Haven't Received Relief Funds, Workers Plan May Day "People's Strike" to Demand Safer Workplaces, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lends Support to May 1st Rent Strike, Report: 90% of Minority-Owned Businesses Shut Out of Paycheck Protection Program, U.S. House Cancels Plans to Reconvene in May as D.C. Remains COVID-19 Hot Spot, Pence Refuses to Wear Face Mask During Tour of Mayo Clinic, Riots, Escape Attempts Reported in U.S. Juvenile Jails as Coronavirus Spreads, Trump Admin Continues Deportation Hearings for Migrant Children Despite Pandemic, Brazil's COVID-19 Deaths Surpass China's Reported Toll, WHO to Slash Humanitarian Aid to Yemen After Trump Cuts Agency's Funding, Protests Erupt in Lebanon as Quarantined Residents Go Hungry, Viral Video Shows White Police Officer in California Punching African American Boy, Southwest U.S. Poised to Shatter April Heat Records; Wildfires Erupt in Siberia, Flooding in Canada's Tar Sands Region Forces 13,000 from Their Homes, Climate Scientists, Environmentalists Call New Film "Planet of the Humans" Misleading & Destructive


Trump Attacks Post Office While Carriers & Clerks Die from COVID-19

President Trump has lashed out at the U.S. Postal Service as the pandemic brings it to the brink of collapse and more people than ever are relying on the mail. Trump claims the agency is only losing money because it is undercharging Amazon and other companies for shipping. "It just isn't true," says American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein.


WHO Adviser on Meat Plants: If We're at War, the Weapons We Need Are Tests and PPE, Not Pork

As President Trump invokes the Defense Production Act to bar local governments from closing meatpacking plants around the United States, we get response from a longtime adviser to the World Health Organization. "When Congress passed that act, it certainly did not have in mind that the president has the power or the right to put workers' lives and health at risk," says Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health law at Georgetown University and director of the World Health Organization Center on National and Global Health Law. Gostin also discusses why he joined 40 leading center directors in a declaration this week that urges Trump and Congress to restore and increase WHO funding.


May Day People's Strike! Target, Amazon, Instacart Workers Demand Safe Conditions & Pandemic Relief

This May Day, an unprecedented coalition of essential workers from Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods, Walmart, Target and FedEx are calling out sick or walking out during their lunch break to demand better health and safety conditions, along with hazard pay. Others are joining them for May Day actions that include rent strikes, car caravan protests and online organizing calling for a "People's Bailout" and economic recovery plan that prioritizes workers. We speak with Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson, which issued a call for a people's strike starting May 1. "The corporations and the government are willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of us," Akuno says. "We have to put people before profits."


Tara Reade's Ex-Neighbor on Biden Sexual Assault Allegation: I Believed Her Then & I Believe Her Now

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden denied sexual assault allegations against him on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday, breaking his silence after weeks of mounting pressure to respond to claims put forward by former staffer Tara Reade, who says he sexually assaulted her in 1993. In a statement, Biden said, "I want to address allegations by a former staffer that I engaged in misconduct 27 years ago. They aren't true. This never happened." Tara Reade first came forward with her allegations in March, saying Biden pushed her up against a wall and digitally penetrated her. In a Democracy Now! broadcast exclusive, we speak with Reade's former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, who says that Reade told her about the encounter and described it in detail in the 1990s. LaCasse is a lifelong Democrat and Biden supporter. She says of Tara Reade, "I believe her 100%." We also speak with investigative journalist Rich McHugh, who first interviewed LaCasse for Business Insider.


"It's Very Scary": COVID Surges in Meat Plants as Activists Demand Worker Safety & Meatless Mondays

At least 20 workers at meat processing plants have died from COVID-19, and around 5,000 have tested positive, but President Trump invoked an executive order to bar local governments from closing meat plants. We hear from meat plant workers and organizers about conditions during the pandemic and speak with Sindy Benavides, CEO of the League of United Latin American Citizens, which is supporting the workers with a virtual town hall on food worker safety with presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and calling for Meatless May Mondays.


As Workers Get Sick & Die from COVID-19, McConnell Demands Corporate Immunity in New Stimulus Bill

As the Senate reconvenes today, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding that Congress use the next stimulus bill to protect corporations from liability for workers. "He wants to protect their right to engage in egregious misconduct," says Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen.


ER Doctor: Pulse Oximeters Detect Oxygen Deprivation Earlier from COVID-19, Help Avoid Ventilators

We speak with Dr. Richard Levitan, an emergency physician based in Littleton, New Hampshire, who volunteered at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan for 10 days at the height of the COVID-19 surge in April. Based on what he saw, he argues patients should be going to hospitals sooner and that medical professionals could use a small device you clip on your fingertip, called a pulse oximeter, to help detect the virus earlier by revealing oxygenation problems and elevated heart rates. "A pulse oximeter is just a measure of identifying how well the lungs are working, and, I believe, can be basically an early warning system in terms of patients to know who has COVID pneumonia," says Dr. Levitan.


Remembering Valentina Blackhorse, Beloved 28-Year-Old Navajo Community Activist Who Died of COVID-19

After New York and New Jersey, the next highest number of coronavirus infections per capita in the United States is in the Navajo Nation, the largest Indigenous reservation in the country. We go to Kayenta, Arizona, to speak with Robby Jones, a member of the Navajo Nation and the partner of one of those to die from the virus: 28-year-old Valentina Blackhorse, a beloved community leader who promoted Navajo culture and left behind a daughter named Poet.


Navajo Nation Suffers Third-Highest COVID-19 Infection Rate in U.S. with Limited Healthcare & Water

We get an update from two doctors treating patients with the Navajo Nation, the largest Indigenous reservation in the country, which has been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Michelle Tom is a member of the Navajo Nation and a family physician treating COVID-19 patients at the Winslow Indian Health Care Center and Little Colorado Medical Center in northern Arizona near the Navajo reservation. In Gallup, New Mexico, Dr. Sriram Shamasunder is leading a medical volunteer group of 21 nurses and doctors from the University of California, San Francisco as part of the HEAL Initiative. He says the coronavirus hit harder on the Navajo Nation due to a "trajectory of an underfunded health system," and notes the Indian Health Service is funded at one-third the rate per capita as Medicare. "The level of inequity that you're seeing … it's part of this pattern."


Calls Grow for Mass Release from Ohio's Marion Prison as 80% of Prisoners Test Positive for COVID-19

We get an update on one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the United States, at the Marion Correctional Institution in Ohio, where 11 prisoners and one staff member have died, and at least 80% of prisoners and half of the prison staff tested positive. Despite growing calls to release thousands of Ohio's nearly 50,000 incarcerated people as the coronavirus spreads, Governor Mike DeWine has only approved the release of more than 100 people in the state's prisons. "We're seeing a few people being released … but not anywhere near the 20,000 [we are] demanding," says Azzurra Crispino, whose husband, James, is incarcerated at Marion. She is co-founder of Prison Abolition Prisoner Support.


The Case for Prison Abolition: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID-19, Racial Capitalism & Decarceration

The spread of COVID-19 threatens the lives of more than 2.3 million people locked up in prisons and jails throughout the United States. We look at how the call to release prisoners during the coronavirus pandemic makes the case for prison abolition, with scholar Ruth Wilson Gilmore, co-founder of California Prison Moratorium Project and Critical Resistance and the author of "Golden Gulag: Prison, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California." Her forthcoming book is "Change Everything: Racial Capitalism and the Case for Abolition."


How Russia Became the Next COVID-19 Hot Spot: Infection Rate Soars with 10,000 New Cases Each Day

We go to Moscow for an update on the pandemic in Russia, where the coronavirus is spreading rapidly, with at least 10,000 new cases a day and the second-highest infection rate in the world, and more than 100 medical workers have died fighting the virus, and many have reported lack of personal protective equipment. Meanwhile, three Russian healthcare workers mysteriously fell from hospital windows over the past two weeks. Two died, and the one who is hospitalized had posted a video online to note the lack of medical equipment and said he had to keep working despite testing positive. We speak with Joshua Yaffa, Moscow correspondent for The New Yorker magazine.


Trump Death Clock: Times Square Billboard Tallies Lives Lost to COVID-19 Inaction

A 56-foot billboard called the Trump Death Clock was unveiled in Times Square in New York City. The tally of lives lost to government inaction was created by filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, who says, "On behalf of all of those who needlessly lost their lives to this failed leadership in a pandemic, we need a symbol, a symbol that cries out not only for accountability, but also for more responsible and responsive stewardship, going forward." As of the Friday morning broadcast, the death toll count was nearly 47,000 and growing.


"A Terrible Price": Mardi Gras Story Lays Bare How COVID-19 Is Devastating Black America

We look at the deadly disparate impact of the pandemic on African Americans as told through an in-depth story for The New York Times Magazine by writer Linda Villarosa in her new piece, "'A Terrible Price': The Deadly Racial Disparities of Covid-19 in America," that tells what happened to the Zulu club, a Black social organization in New Orleans, during and after Mardi Gras. She reports that the experience is usually a joy, but the coronavirus made it a tragedy.


'शेख़ मुजीब ही बांग्लादेश के राष्ट्रपिता'

बांग्लादेश में ढाका उच्च न्यायालय ने कहा है कि शेख़ हसीना के पिता शेख़ मुजीबुर्रहमान ने पाकिस्तान से बांग्लादेश की स्वतंत्रता की घोषणा की थी.


'भारत की विकास दर 5.1 फ़ीसदी रहेगी'

विश्व बैंक ने भारत की आर्थिक विकास दर वर्ष 2009 में 5.1 फ़ीसदी और वर्ष 2010 में आठ फ़ीसदी रहने का अनुमान जताया है.


'बाबरी विवाद के कागज़ात पेश होंगे'

उत्तर प्रदेश की मुख्यमंत्री मायावती ने भरोसा दिलाया है कि उनकी सरकार बाबरी मस्जिद विवाद से संबंधित सभी ज़रूरी कागज़ात अदालत को मुहैया कराएगी.


रेल बजट में कोई नई बात नहीं'

रेलवे बोर्ड के पूर्व अध्यक्ष का कहना है कि रेल बजट में कोई नई बात नहीं है और ये पारंपरिक बजट है. इसे जल्दबाजी में तैयार किया गया लगता है.


'सेना बैतुल्ला को निशाना बनाएगी'

पाकिस्तानी अधिकारियों का कहना है कि सेना को तालेबान नेता बैतुल्ला महसूद के ख़िलाफ़ दक्षिणी वज़ीरिस्तान में व्यापक अभियान चलाने का निर्देश दिया गया है.