
Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.


Financing small business: a key to economic recovery

Access to finance remains a key challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises and a stumbling block to recovery in most countries, according to a new OECD report.


Turkey: Supporting small business development in the province of Manisa - The role of KOSGEB

Many areas like Manisa suffer from a local lack of sophisticated demand in terms of expressed SME requirements. This leaves considerable scope for demand and supply side initiatives set within KOSGEB’s framework that will assist in shaping intervention and promoting a coherent approach to SME development.


New approach needed to boost strong and sustainable tourism growth, says OECD

Governments should recognise tourism’s role as an essential driver of jobs and growth and boost their support for the sector. The industry today accounts for 4.7% of GDP and 6.0% of employment in the developed world, according to a new OECD report.


ADB–OECD Study on Enhancing Financial Accessibility for SMEs: Lessons from Recent Crises

The report takes a comparative look at ADB and OECD experiences, and aims to identify promising policy solutions for creating an SME base that is resilient to crisis, from a viewpoint of access to finance, and which can help drive growth and development.


Insights Blog: Small firms are bigger than you think

Young SMEs (firms no more than five years old) have been the most dynamic job creators over most of the past decade and across the 18 countries analysed in the OECD DynEmp project.


Small businesses continue to face finance constraints despite economic recovery

Financing conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) remain a pressing concern in many countries, according to a new OECD report.


Self-assessment of South Africa's investment regime in relation to the OECD Codes of Liberalisation and the principle of National Treatment

This self-assessment report looks at South Africa's investment regime in the light of the OECD Codes of Liberalisation and the principle of National Treatment.


Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2014: An OECD Scoreboard

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs are crucial for tracing new paths to more sustainable and inclusive growth, thanks to their role in developing and diffusing innovation and providing employment.


OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship: Italy - Key Issues and Policies

This review underlines some important points of strength with respect to Italian SMEs and entrepreneurship, notably for medium-sized firms that very often excel in their market niches, have a strong propensity to business collaboration, as well as favourable access to finance.


Survey on the contribution of SMEs to due diligence for responsible mineral supply chains

The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), supported by the OECD, has initiated a study to assess the contribution of small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) to due diligence for responsible mineral supply chains. To gather information for this study, SMEs were invited to take part on a confidential survey of due diligence activities by SMEs.


SMEs and entrepreneurs need to diversify their funding amid continued credit constraints

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are fundamental for inclusive growth and jobs, but they need to broaden their sources of finance in order to reduce their vulnerability to volatile credit market developments, according to two new OECD reports.


Tax systems to support creation and success of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs form the vast majority of businesses in most countries and contribute strongly to employment and economic growth, but they face particular challenges, particularly as concerns access to finance. Governments have a range of policy levers, including tax policies, that can and should be used to support the growth and development of SMEs, according to a new OECD report.


Active policies needed for a competitive and sustainable tourism sector

The tourism industry in OECD countries continues to grow strongly despite economic weakness in advanced economies, and outperformed tourism globally in 2014. However, active, innovative and integrated policies are needed to ensure that tourism remains a competitive and sustainable sector, says OECD.


Lending to SMEs and entrepreneurs is improving, but more diverse forms of financing are needed

Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has turned the corner from the downswing seen during the global financial crisis, but overall credit conditions remain challenging and access to external finance continues to be much tighter for SMEs than larger firms, according to a new OECD report.


Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Organised by GOV, CFE participated in the 2017 OECD Global Anti-corruption & Integrity Forum 30-31 march 2017. The session Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.


Lending volumes and credit conditions are improving for SMEs, but many firms continue to struggle to obtain financing that meets their needs

Lending volumes and credit conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have gradually improved, according to a new report from the OECD, but demand-side obstacles such as a lack of financial knowledge are contributing to holding back a stronger recovery.


High-Level Meeting on Tourism Policies for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

Paris, 2-3 October 2017: The meeting will bring together Ministers, high level policy makers and industry leaders to discuss ways to deliver more sustainable and inclusive tourism growth. Held to mark the occasion of the 100th meeting of the OECD Tourism Committee, the high-level meeting will facilitate an open discussion between countries on the long-term strategic objectives for tourism development.


Rethink tourism policy for sustainable and socially inclusive growth, says OECD as ministers meet

Governments need to rethink their tourism policies to encourage more diversity, reduce concentration in high-density destinations and put in place long-term strategies that are ecologically sustainable and socially inclusive, according to the OECD.


Small business access to alternative finance increasing as new bank lending declines

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly turning to alternative sources of financing, while new bank lending is declining in a number of countries. Many SMEs remain over-reliant on bank credit, however, and the take-up of instruments other than straight debt varies greatly from one country to another, according to a new OECD report.


Ministerial Conference on SMEs

22-23 February 2018 (Mexico City): The Ministerial Conference on SMEs will offer a crucial platform for addressing how governments can provide SMEs with the right conditions to maximise their contributions to productivity growth and social inclusion.


Alignment assessment of industry programmes with the OECD minerals guidance

The OECD Due Diligence Guidance is being used as the basis and benchmark by many industry initiatives created to ensure the responsible sourcing of minerals. This report presents the findings of a pilot alignment assessment of five industry programmes against the recommendations of the OECD Guidance to gauge the coherence, effectiveness and credibility of these initiatives.


ASEAN SME Policy Index 2018 launch - News Release

ASEAN countries have made progress in SME policies – especially on GVC integration, business development and e-commerce – but future productivity growth will depend on continued reforms, says new joint OECD-ERIA-ASEAN report


Survey on the sourcing practices of SMEs operating in the garment and footwear sector supply chain

As part of the implementation strategy for the recently adopted OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector, the OECD is conducting a series of surveys that target SMEs operating within the sector.


Integrating Southeast Asian SMEs in global value chains: Enabling linkages with foreign investors

This joint OECD-UNIDO report identifies investment and related policies to enhance linkages between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Asia and multinational enterprises (MNEs) and their impacts on SME outcomes in Southeast Asia.


SMEs turning to alternative financing instruments as growth slows in bank lending

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are turning to non-bank financing sources at a faster pace than in the past, as bank lending to them has risen less than expected given today’s favourable credit conditions and business environment.


SMEs are driving job growth, but need higher investment in skills, innovation and tech to boost wages and productivity

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been a significant driver of employment growth in recent years, mainly through the creation of new firms, including in high-growth sectors such as information and communication technologies (ICT).


Innovation support in the enterprise sector: Industry and SMEs

This paper outlines major policy trends in public support of innovation activities in industry and SMEs across OECD countries. It discusses the policy mix to strengthen business R&D and innovation, and possible avenues to improve this mix in response to evolving needs, driven new trends in technology and other factors.


Integrating Southeast Asian SMEs in Global Value Chains - Synthesis Note

This note identifies key findings and policy messages on how small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) in Southeast Asia can enhance integration in global value chains (GVCs). The list of policy messages in this note is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to provide a set of concrete and actionable measures.


Iceland must balance growth in power and tourism industries with nature conservation, OECD says

Iceland must balance growth in power and tourism industries with nature conservation, OECD says Iceland has one of the world’s most pristine natural environments and its glaciers, volcanoes and hot underground springs bring major economic benefits via renewable energy and tourism.


Smart networks: Coming soon to a home near you

In 2017 a household with two teenagers will have 25 Internet connected devices. In 2022 this will rise to 50, compared with only 10 today. In households in the OECD alone there will be 14 billion connected devices, up from 1.7 billion today and this doesn’t take into account everything outside the household and outside the OECD. All this leads to the smart world discussed in a new OECD paper.


OECD Insights: How much does that smartphone really cost?

A new OECD report sheds light on mobile handset acquisition models, and provides pricing information from selected operators in 12 OECD countries for 2012.


ICTs and the Health Sector: Towards Smarter Health and Wellness Models

The future sustainability of health systems will depend on how well governments are able to anticipate and respond to efficiency and quality of care challenges. Bold action is required, as well as willingness to test innovative care delivery approaches. This book examines the whole new world of possibilities in using mobiles and the Internet to address healthcare challenges.


Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI): Intelligent machines, smart policies

As autonomous and self-taught machines become part of our everyday lives, what sort of policy and institutional frameworks should guide AI design and use? This event brought together policymakers, civil society representatives and AI experts from industry and academia to discuss the role of policy and international co-operation in ensuring that AI benefits society as a whole.


Consumer policy and the smart home

Connected devices and appliances offer added convenience but also bring potential risks such as data privacy and cybersecurity threats, limitations on interoperability, complex supply chains and liability regimes, and product safety. Developing effective responses to the consumer protection issues that arise from the "smart home" will be an ongoing challenge.


G20 ministers welcome OECD disaster risk assessment and financing framework

G20 Finance Ministers have welcomed a new OECD/G20 framework designed to help governments develop financial strategies for disaster risk management.


2nd International Meeting on Terrorism Risk Insurance

Paris, 5 December 2012: This conference addressed the evolution of the terrorism threat and whether current insurance solutions adequately answer the needs of market players in an ever changing risk context.


3rd International Meeting on Terrorism Risk Insurance

Washington DC, 10 September 2014: This meeting addressed the evolution of the terrorism threat, the availability and affordability of terrorism risk insurance, the financial liability of governments and short and long-term perspectives.


Building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs

29 October 2015, Paris - Resilient cities and SMEs are critical to reducing the economic disruption from climate-related disaster events. In the run up to COP21, these remarks by Adrian Blundell-Wignall at the AXA-UNEP-PSI Conference on Climate Resilience address the importance of building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs.


G20/OECD High-level Principles on SME Financing

SMEs are important engines of innovation, growth, job creation and social cohesion. However, they can only reach their full potential if they obtain the finance necessary to start, sustain and grow their business. These voluntary principles provide broad guidelines on how to enhance access by SMEs to finance to help increase the contribution of SMEs to resilient and inclusive growth.


Colombia: Assessment of the Regulatory Framework of Private Pensions

This review of Colombia by the OECD Working Party on Private Pensions examines Colombia’s position with respect to core principles related to pension systems.


Corruption and the smuggling of refugees

Corruption is one of the primary facilitators of refugee smuggling. In order to fight this crime, and help refugees safely realise their rights, the international community must understand the intricate connections between corruption and refugee smuggling.


Can we put an end to human smuggling?

This edition of Migration Policy Debates scrutinises the factors that facilitate human trafficking, as well as the smuggling routes to OECD countries. It synthesises available evidence and reviews existing policy tools for tackling such crime.


Addressing Competitiveness and Carbon Leakage Impacts Arising from Multiple Carbon Markets: A modelling Assessment - Environment Working Paper No. 58

Competitiveness and carbon leakage issues have been some of the main concerns in the implementation and discussions of climate policies. This paper examines the macroeconomic and sectoral competitiveness and carbon leakage impacts associated with a range of stylised mitigation policy scenarios.


OECD’s chemical hazard assessment programme to shift focus

The OECD is to review its chemical hazard assessment programme with the aim of providing a more specialised service for member countries from 2015.


International Conference on Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities, Tel Aviv

The Government of Israel and the OECD co-organised an international conference on "Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities: Policy, Economics, Environment, Regulation and Technologies" on 23 October 2013, in Tel Aviv.


Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts: Conceptual Frameworks, Modelling Approaches and Research Needs - Environment Working Paper No. 66

This paper presents a framework to include feedbacks from climate impacts on the economy in integrated assessment models. The proposed framework uses a production function approach, which links climate impacts to key variables and parameters used in the specification of economic activity. The paper pays particular attention to the challenges of distinguishing between damages and the costs of adapting to climate change.


Iceland must balance growth in power and tourism industries with nature conservation, OECD says

Iceland must balance growth in power and tourism industries with nature conservation, OECD says Iceland has one of the world’s most pristine natural environments and its glaciers, volcanoes and hot underground springs bring major economic benefits via renewable energy and tourism.


Band-aids won’t save the polar bears: smarter climate adaptation needed - Insights Blog

The polar bear, floating mournfully away on an ice floe as his habitat melts around him, is perhaps one of the most well-travelled symbols of the impacts of climate change.