
Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum 2015 - Enabling the next industrial revolution: Systems innovation for green growth

Achieving green growth requires ambitious transition management policies in key sectors such as energy, transport, water and agriculture. Provided that the pace of innovation in a number of these key areas is growing faster than ever before, the Forum examined how to foster the "next industrial revolution" by harnessing the potential of systems innovation policies to support green growth.


Challenges Facing Asia and Pacific in Terms of Sustainable Development - Insights Blog

Despite great strides in reducing the number of people in abject poverty, Asia and the Pacific remains home to more than half of the world’s extreme poor. With the global and regional economic outlook uncertain, the key challenge facing Asia is to sustain the growth needed to create jobs and reduce poverty. Read the latest blog by Mr. Stephen P. Groff, Vice President of the Asian Development Bank.


The Top Five Software-Testing Problems and How to Avoid Them

If you make a list of some of the most important traps in testing, you will realize that in many cases the problems are nontechnical. More often than not, they are consequences of the test process itself,...


Places with Eye-popping Customs of Drinking and Eating Habits

Each place has its own distinct feature of eating habits. As there are diversities in races so are the differences in food habits. So, below mentioned are some places with eye-popping customs of drinking or eating habits


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Germany Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Germany should enact economic and social reforms to make its growth path more inclusive and sustainable, OECD says

Germany’s current economic success offers a good platform for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth, but further reforms will be necessary over the medium and long term, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Germany.


Deeper reforms in Germany will ensure more inclusive and sustainable growth

The German economy is undergoing a robust expansion, with record-low unemployment and real wage gains underpinning domestic demand while strong exports are driving business investment. The strong fiscal position will offer opportunities for funding structural reforms and public investment to meet future challenges, according to a new report from the OECD.


Why do Russian firms use fixed-term and agency work contracts?

This study looks into the use of fixed term contracts and agency work in Russia during and shortly after the crisis 2009 10 with the help of an enterprise survey.


Labour market reforms in Denmark must tackle mental health issues

Ongoing reforms of Denmark’s disability benefits and flexjobs are promising, but a stronger focus on helping people with their mental health issues is needed for the reforms to contribute to a sustainable decline in the high rate of unemployment, according to a new OECD report. Past labour market reforms failed because underlying mental health problems of the jobless remained unaddressed.


Sweden: Tackling mental health problems is critical to boosting job prospects of young Swedes

Sweden should make greater efforts to prevent and address mental health problems among people under the age of 30, in order to boost their job prospects and reduce government spending on health care and out-of-work benefits, according to a new OECD report.


Report: An international benchmarking analysis of public Programmes for High-growth firms

High-growth firms (HGFs) – firms able to grow fast over a short period of time – contribute to most new jobs in advanced economies.


Spain’s labour market reforms on track but more assistance needed for young jobseekers, says OECD

Spain has taken courageous steps to strengthen its labour market. Recent reforms have helped create jobs and should further boost competitiveness and employment in the years to come. But additional efforts are needed to boost competition in product markets and to improve assistance to job seekers, particularly young people, according to a new OECD report.


Recent labour market reforms have yet to fulfil their promise, says OECD

The UK labour market weathered the recent recession moderately well. After a relatively limited fall, total employment recovered and it recently reached 30 million for the first time, even if a number of the new jobs created are low productivity and low paid.


Economic stagnation compounds demographic pressure on pension systems, says OECD

Low growth, low interest rates and low returns on investment linked to the slow global economy are now compounding the problems of population ageing for both public and private pension systems, according to a new OECD report.


Colombia: Supporting the development of local innovation systems – Policy review

The project provided recommendations to the city of Medellin and Antioquia to support the development of the local economy and includes a focus on how the innovative environment can be strengthened to support inclusion, entrepreneurship, SME, and local developmentto and how to better coordinate and integrate its policies with the national level.


Structural reforms and income distribution

Structural reforms and income distribution


Austria should do more to help people with frequent mental health problems

Austria needs to do more to help people with mental health problems find a job or stay in the workplace, according to a new OECD report. A more comprehensive approach would help employees and firms alike: mental health issues are estimated to cost the Austrian economy around 3.6% of GDP every year in lost productivity, health care and out-of-work benefits.


Further reforms needed to tackle growing risk of pensioner poverty

Recent reforms have made pension systems more financially sustainable and pensioners have higher living standards than ever before. But future generations are likely to find their pension entitlements much less generous than today’s and many may face a serious risk of pensioner poverty, according to a new OECD report.


The distributional impact of structural reforms

In a majority of OECD countries, GDP growth over the past three decades has been associated with growing income disparities.


The quantification of structural reforms in OECD countries: a new framework

This document describes and discusses a new supply side framework that quantifies the impact of structural reforms on per capita income in OECD countries.


Labour market reforms in Portugal 2011-2015

This report has been elaborated by the OECD in very close collaboration with the Portuguese government and, in particular, the Ministry of Labour. A final version was submitted to the government in late December 2016 and it is expected to be released in Lisbon on the 19th of January 2017.


Portugal should build on reforms to boost job creation

Comprehensive reforms to Portugal’s labour market between 2011 and 2015 have helped create jobs and reduce the country’s high unemployment rate but important challenges remain, according to a new OECD report.


Lending volumes and credit conditions are improving for SMEs, but many firms continue to struggle to obtain financing that meets their needs

Lending volumes and credit conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have gradually improved, according to a new report from the OECD, but demand-side obstacles such as a lack of financial knowledge are contributing to holding back a stronger recovery.


Italy should continue reforms to improve people’s skills and boost growth

Full and effective implementation of recent reforms, including the Jobs Act and the Good Schools reform, would help boost growth in Italy by improving people’s skills and ensuring their more effective use across the country, according to a new OECD report.


Euregio Museum Day 2017: Museums & Local Development

The Euregio Museum Day 2017 reviewed the pilot version of the OECD guide "Culture and local development - Maximising the impact" and worked on thematic action principles and policy options to advance the reflection on these issues.


Korea should speed up job market and social protection reforms to strengthen inclusive growth

Korea’s economy has progressed rapidly over the past 40 years, catching up with the level of well-being in most OECD countries. It now needs to continue and speed up the reforms of its labour market in order to strengthen its social safety net, create better quality jobs and boost inclusive growth, according to a new OECD report.


Conference: CCIs support ecosystems as part of Smart Specialisation Strategy

Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) play an important role in the economic, social and urban development of cities and regions and are also a powerful engine for innovation and competitiveness. T‌he conference represents the closure of the 1st Summer Academy on Cultural and Creative Industries and Local Development.


Inspections Reforms: Why, How and With What Results

This report summarises experience of OECD and non-OECD countries with reforming inspections, attempts to present some of the most interesting and successful experiences suggesting that some good practices may be valid beyond the countries where they were initially pioneered.


Measuring the impact of digitalising the formalities of the Mexican Social Security Institute, IMSS

OECD will measure the impact of digitalising the Mexican Social Security Institute formalities and guide future efforts on simplification


The quantification of structural reforms in OECD countries: a new framework

This document describes and discusses a new supply side framework that quantifies the impact of structural reforms on per capita income in OECD countries.


Mexico should continue its overhaul of telecoms and broadcasting

Mexico’s 2013 telecom reform has brought tangible benefits, spurring competition that has increased access and brought down mobile Internet costs from among the highest in advanced economies to among the lowest.


Mongolia should persist with systematic anti-corruption reforms

Mongolia should persist with systematic reforms in its struggle against corruption, says a new report by the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan (IAP).


Boosting the impact of anti-corruption reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

21 April 2016, Paris: The OECD will host a High-Level Meeting on boosting the impact of anti-corruption reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have introduced important anti-corruption reforms in recent years. However, corruption in the region remains high. This report identifies progress achieved as well as challenges which require further action by countries.


Ukraine must eliminate obstacles to effectively implement anti-corruption reforms

Ukraine has made considerable progress in the area of anti-corruption reform but faces significant challenges to implement some important tools for combating corruption, according to a recent OECD report.


Mongolia should step up anti-corruption reforms

Mongolia has made significant progress in developing its anti-corruption policy, legislation and institutions over the past few years. However, progress has recently slowed and there are increasing concerns about the future direction and pace of reforms, according to a new OECD report.


Public consultation on the revised Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPS)

The public consultation took place from 1 August to 31 October 2016.


New OECD guidance aims to reduce corruption in aid sector

New international guidance on fighting corruption in the development sector goes into effect today, backed by more than 40 countries, with progress on agreed recommendations to be monitored by the OECD Working Group on Bribery.


Chile must conclude its current legislative reforms of the criminal sanctions regime and clarify its corporate liability framework to better combat foreign bribery

Chile must make further progress on key recommendations of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions, more than three years after its Phase 3 evaluation in March 2014.


Ukraine should boost anti-corruption reforms to meet the demands of citizens

Ukraine has achieved remarkable progress on anti-corruption reforms since the 2014 Revolution of Dignity. Despite these major achievements, there is a serious risk of backsliding on reforms, according to a new OECD report.


Lithuania has made significant legislative reforms to fight foreign bribery and should now ensure effective anti-bribery enforcement

Lithuania has taken significant steps to strengthen its legislative framework to combat foreign bribery. Yet further efforts are needed to ensure effective enforcement of anti-bribery laws with regard to corporate liability and imposing sanctions for foreign bribery, including confiscation, according to a new report by the OECD Working Group on Bribery.


Poland must make urgent legislative reforms to combat foreign bribery

Poland must make urgent progress on carrying out key recommendations of the OECD Working Group on Bribery that remain unimplemented, more than four years after its Phase 3 evaluation in June 2013.


Mexico must increase foreign bribery enforcement: full implementation of anti-corruption reforms could help

Mexico needs to give more priority to foreign bribery enforcement, having yet to prosecute a case involving the bribery of foreign public officials 19 years after ratifying the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.


OECD launches project to support Uzbekistan’s anti-corruption reforms

The OECD and the Uzbekistan Government, with the support of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), has launched a project to strengthen Uzbekistan’s capacity to fight corruption and boost its implementation of OECD Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan (IAP) recommendations.


Why do Russian firms use fixed-term and agency work contracts?

This study looks into the use of fixed term contracts and agency work in Russia during and shortly after the crisis 2009 10 with the help of an enterprise survey.


PISA in Focus N°25: Are countries moving towards more equitable education systems?

Most of us think of education as the great leveller; but are our education systems really doing all they can to ensure that boys and girls from all backgrounds have an equal shot at a high-quality education? As this month’s PISA in Focus reports, some countries have been more successful than others in levelling the playing field for their students.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 11 - What are the social benefits of education? How do early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies, systems and quality vary across OECD countries?

In many OECD countries, ECEC services have increased in response to a growing demand for better learning outcomes as well as growing female labour force participation. In recent years, however, the goals of ECEC policy have become more child-centred.


PISA in Focus No. 32 - Do students perform better in schools with orderly classrooms?

Most students enjoy orderly classrooms for their language-of-instruction lessons. Socio-economically disadvantaged students are less likely to enjoy orderly classrooms than advantaged students. Orderly classrooms – regardless of the school’s overall socio-economic profile – are related to better performance.


Indonesia should accelerate reforms and invest in human capital to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth

The Indonesian economy has enjoyed strong and stable growth over the past decade and a half, leading to impressive reductions in poverty and major improvements in living standards. But challenges remain to continue to converge towards higher-income countries, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Indonesia.


Structural reforms and income distribution

Structural reforms and income distribution