
Hampshire-based Pegasus Life plans to knock down 60-bed Lyndhurst Park Hotel and replace with flats

DEVELOPERS are planning to bulldoze a landmark hotel and replace it with up to 65 flats for the elderly, the Daily Echo can reveal.


New village development near Fareham in line to receive Hampshire's first new rail station in 25 years

NEW proposals are being put together for the first new railway station in Hampshire for 25 years, the Daily Echo can reveal.


Vibey Worship Song: Dream Records' We Are Leo collaborate with Elizabeth Grace on single

Dream Records' We Are Leo collaborate with Elizabeth Grace on single


Plans have been revealed for how the new Red Funnel terminal in Southampton could look like

THIS is the vision for what a new ferry terminal in Southampton could look like.


Southampton City Council licensing chiefs will meet to decide who will run the controversial Large Casino complex

LEISURE bosses are today bracing themselves to make the next step towards the development of a huge, multi-million-pound, Las Vegas-style casino planned for Southampton.


New Forest National Park Authority will be forced to hand back £1.5m of cycling cash

National Park chiefs will be forced to hand back £1.5m after Government ministers rejected part of a plan to make the New Forest more cycle-friendly.


A proposed cap on the number of cyclists taking part in New Forest events would only affect 'a small number' of organised rides according to the national park authority

ONLY a small number of mass cycling events would be affected by the proposed cap on cyclists in New Forest events.


New Forest Authority's voluntary cycle code set to be ignored by UK Cycling Events

A “TOOTHLESS” attempt to curb the number of people taking part in mass cycling events in the New Forest looks set to be ignored.


Southampton professes love for cycling with mural

PEOPLE from Southampton have been professing their love for cycling by providing quotes for a mural in the city centre.


New cycling hub arrives in Southampton

SOUTHAMPTON will be home to a new cycling hub this weekend.


Cyclist Robert Miller's 11,000 mile journey for charity from Hampshire to Hong Kong

A CYCLIST has completed an epic journey of more than 11,000 miles from Hampshire to Hong Kong.


Cycling club champion named

New Forest Cycling Club’s Ben Boardman capped a dominant season by being named club champion.


REVIEW: LEGO Minifigures Online

LEGO Minifugures Online isn’t attached to a large movie franchise such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones or Jurassic Park – it’s a brand-new type of LEGO game.


Guitar Hero Live - (PlayStation 4)

Like Frankenstein, the guys at Activision have breathed new life in to something that was otherwise dead.


Round the world star Dee Caffari to boost Southampton sailing project

HAMPSHIRE round the world star Dee Caffari will put five young sailors through their paces next week as part of an innovative project to support Britain's most promising solo yachting talent.


Sir Ben Ainslie finds a new Asset to help him

SIR Ben Ainslie's America's Cup team has announced a new partnership with Cowes Week sponsors Aberdeen Asset Management.


Southampton snubbed as hosts for Clipper Round the World yacht race

A yacht race that takes in sights around the world will this year miss out Southampton.


Sir Ben Ainslie gets Land Rover BAR back on track with win over Artemis Racing

Sir Ben Ainslie steered Land Rover BAR back to winning ways in the America's Cup Qualifiers on Tuesday by comfortably beating Sweden's Artemis Racing in Bermuda.


America's Cup win by Sir Ben Ainslie could see £140m boost for Hampshire

A VICTORY in the America’s Cup by Sir Ben Ainslie could generate as much as £140 million for the Hampshire economy.


Royal Yachting Association offers free sailing at Hampshire clubs

HAVE you always fancied giving sailing a go but not sure where to start? Want to get your kids for a session out on the water? Or just want to try something completely different? Push the Boat Out 2018 is a great scheme run by the Royal Yachting Association at hundreds of clubs around the country - including several in Hampshire.


Sailing community mourns Paul Heys following his death in the Caribbean

TRIBUTES have been paid to an inspirational Hampshire businessman who has died on holiday in the Caribbean.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous, 0845 769 7555.


P.A.L.S. (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)

P.A.L.S. (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)


Southampton based Jubilee Sailing Trust fights for survival

A Southampton sailing charity has launched an emergency campaign to raise £1m by this Friday or face a bleak future.


Jubilee Sailing Trust has a second wind in its sails

A SOUTHAMPTON sailing charity which is fighting for its survival is one step closer to raising enough money to keep it afloat.


Lainston House's head chef Philip Yeoman reveals his inspiration

He has worked at some of the country’s top restaurants and is now impressing guests at Lainston House with his culinary talents. Head chef Phil Yeomans talks to Ed Stilliard


EXHIBITOR: MacIntyre - a learning disability charity

If you do not want to spend every day doing the same thing, we have just the job for you!


Teacher visit for Olympic legend ben Ainslie brings memories of prediction flooding back

EVEN from a young age he wanted to conquer the world of sailing.


Duke of Edinburgh visits Hampshire to back Sir Ben Ainslie's America's Cup bid

THE Duke of Edinburgh has taken to the waters to watch Sir Ben Ainslie prepare in his bid to bring back the America's Cup to Britain for the first time in 165 years.


Sir Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR team win America's Cup World Series in Japan

Sir Ben Ainslie has taken a major step towards winning the America's Cup.


Alliance Hotel, Oxford Street, Southampton

The Alliance Hotel is now known as The White Star Tavern, a bar and restaurant.


Scribblenauts Unlimited - Nintendo Wii U, 3DS, PC

Reviewed On: Wii U


Persona 5 - livestream event and new trailer

Tonight will see a livestream showcasing gameplay from upcoming Persona 5.


Winchester General Election: Tories and Lib Dems in tight race

THIS election in Winchester is widely seen as the closest since 1997.


The Conservatives' Steve Brine holds Winchester but with majority slashed by Lib Dems Paul Ferguson

THE Liberal Democrats came close today to snatching Winchester and Chandler's Ford in what would have been a stunning victory.


Southampton City Council to discuss plans for littering fines

CITY bosses are to crack down on lazy litterbugs by hitting them in the pocket.


Visit Wales. Later: People urged to avoid all non-essential travel ahead of the bank holiday

PEOPLE in Wales are being asked to act responsibly and to avoid unnecessary travel until coronavirus restrictions have been lifted by the Welsh Government.


RETURN OF THE MAC: Government says McDonald's safe to re-open for deliveries

ENVIRONMENT Secretary, George Eustice, says fast-food restaurants like KFC, McDonald's and Burger King can re-open for deliveries and take-aways, but stressed the need for safety and social distancing.


Jamie Rawlings' return is a big boost for Fareham

JAMIE Rawlings is back at Fareham – and his switch from Reading hasn’t come a penalty corner too soon!


BREAKING: Let's Rock Southampton 2020 line up revealed

SYNTH pop legends OMD will headline Let's Rock Southampton 2020, it has been announced.


Lionel Richie, Lewis Capaldi and Duran Duran among Isle of Wight Festival 2020 headliners

AN all star line up of music greats has been unveiled for 2020 by Isle of Wight Festival bosses.


The Daily echo joined Hampshire students who walked in the footsteps of World War One soldiers 100 years on since the conflict

IT was a personal journey for each and every one of them.


The Daily Echo looks back at the Allies' early success in World War One 100 years ago

THE continued success of the Allied forces was being acknowledged on the pages of the Daily Echo 100 years ago this week following the latest communications from the various theatres of conflict across Europe.


Key naval battle at Jutland claimed 8,000 lives

IT was the biggest naval battle of the First World War and claimed the lives of no fewer than 8,000 men.


Behind the Somme: Grim reality for Hampshire regiments on frontline

Author Hugh Sebag-Montefiore has written for the Daily Echo about the involvement of the Rifle Brigade, a Winchester-based regiment, on the first day of the battle of the Somme.


Watering hole: The Four Horseshoes, Nursling, Southampton

IT IS the popular pub that has a whole new look.


Healthy eating expert Amelia Freer in Lime Wood date

TO celebrate the launch of her new book, healthy eating expert Amelia Freer will be at Lime Wood for supper and a chat on Wednesday January 29.


Melissa Hemsley to team up with Burley Manor in 2020

BURLEY Manor is to launch its 2020 partnership with sustainable food guru Melissa Hemsley with a special lunch.


Masterchef winner Shelina appeals for help to keep her Southampton restaurant afloat

MASTERCHEF winner Shelina Permalloo has launched a crowdfunding appeal to ensure her Southampton restaurant can reopen following its coronavirus closure.


Treat your NHS hero to lunch at luxury Lime Wood

FIFTY NHS heroes will be treated to a lunch for two at luxury New Forest hotel Lime Wood.