
President Trump Cites Report on Immigration

In President Trump’s address to Congress, he cited a National Academies report on the economic consequences of immigration.


NAS President Marcia McNutt Delivers Her First Annual Address to Members

Today during the National Academy of Sciences 154th annual meeting, in her first speech to the members of the Academy, NAS President Marcia McNutt stressed the ongoing vitality of America’s scientific enterprise, and called on the country to strengthen its support for science and to continue to turn to science for solutions to the nation’s and the world’s most pressing challenges.


National Academies Presidents Comment on Proposal for New Questions for Visa Applicants

In a letter to the U.S. Department of State, the presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine expressed concern that a proposal to add supplemental questions for visa applicants.


Statement by NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents on Report of Banned Words at CDC

We are concerned deeply by a report that staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use certain words in budget documents. As leaders of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, we are especially stunned that “evidence-based” and “science-based” are reportedly among the barred terms.


Statement by NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents on the Political Review of Scientific Proposals

The highest standards of scientific integrity, transparency, and accountability are critical to maintaining public confidence in our nation’s research enterprise and in the wise use of the public investment in research.


Statement by NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents on Effort to Counter Online Misinformation

We are pleased to announce that the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are exploring ways to mobilize our expertise to counter misinformation on the web related to science, engineering, and health.


NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents Honor American 2017 Nobel Laureates

NAS President Marcia McNutt, NAE President C. D. Mote, Jr., and NAM President Victor J. Dzau honored U.S. 2017 Nobel Prize recipients Barry Barish, Joachim Frank, Michael Rosbash, Kip Thorne, and Michael Young at a reception on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, April 18. U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.) co-hosted the event.


NAE Elects Chair, Vice President, and Four Councillors

The National Academy of Engineering has re-elected Gordon R. England, chairman of PFP Cybersecurity, to serve a two-year term as the NAEs chair.


Statement by the Presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine on Preventing Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in science, engineering, and medicine diminishes the integrity of the U.S. research enterprise.


Academies Presidents Comment on the EPAs Proposed Rule for Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued a proposed rule for strengthening transparency in regulatory science (April 30, 2018, 83 Federal Register 18768), which stipulates that EPA will ensure that the data and models underlying the pivotal science that informs significant regulatory actions are made publicly available, in a format that allows for outside analysis and validation.


NAS President Comments on Reports of Nomination of OSTP Director

I am pleased that the White House is moving to fill the position of director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.


NAS President Co-Authors PNAS Perspective

Read a new Perspective on promoting transparency in scientific authorship co-authored by NAS President Marcia McNutt. Appearing in the latest issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the piece offers suggestions for improving how author contributions are attributed in scientific publications.


John L. Anderson Nominated to be Next National Academy of Engineering President

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2019 nominating committee1 has recommended John L. Anderson, President Emeritus and distinguished professor of chemical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech), to stand as the sole candidate2 for the NAE presidency.


Agencies Responsible for Everglades Restoration Should Conduct Mid Course Assessment Considering Climate Change and Sea-level Rise – New Report

As new evidence about climate change and sea-level rise in South Florida continues to emerge, agencies responsible for the restoration of the Everglades should conduct a mid course assessment that rigorously analyzes scenarios of future change to the region’s ecosystem in its planning, says a new congressionally mandated report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


U.S. NAS and NAM Presidents Issue Statement on the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing

We thank the organizing committee of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held this week in Hong Kong, for planning an important and timely conference on a rapidly advancing area of science and medicine.


A Message from the Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM

With the new year underway, we would like to share with you our outlook for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in 2019.


NAS President and Colleagues Call for Creation of Research Policy Board

In a Nature commentary published today, National Academy of Sciences President Marcia K. McNutt and several colleagues make the case for the creation of a U.S. advisory board for research integrity and quality.


NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents Highlight Facts on Vaccine Safety in Light of Measles Outbreaks

The current measles outbreaks in the United States and elsewhere are being fueled by misinformation about the safety of vaccines.


NAS and NAM Presidents Give Commencement Addresses

NAS President Marcia McNutt delivered the commencement address to Boston University graduates on May 19, where she discussed trust in science and evidence, and the importance of making informed decisions.


National Academies Presidents Affirm the Scientific Evidence of Climate Change

Recently, questions have been raised about climate science. The National Academies have addressed many of these questions in our independent, evidence-based reports. We are speaking out to support the cumulative scientific evidence for climate change and the scientists who continue to advance our understanding.


Interview - John L. Anderson Discusses His New Role as the National Academy of Engineerings President

When John L. Anderson, president emeritus and distinguished professor of chemical engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, was first elected to the National Academy of Engineering almost 30 years ago, he remembers being deeply honored and excited about how the recognition would help his career.


Healthy People 2030’s Leading Health Indicators Should Track Health Effects of Climate Change, Residential Segregation, Civic Engagement

Healthy People 2030 (HP2030) – which will set national objectives for improving the health of all Americans from 2020 to 2030 – should include in its Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) voting as a measure of civic engagement, the health effects of climate change, and indicators of racial and ethnic residential segregation, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


A Message from the Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM - A Look Ahead in 2020

As we welcome a new year and a new decade, we can make one prediction with certainty -- profound change lies ahead.


Frank Press, Former President of the National Academy of Sciences, Dies at Age 95

National Academy of Sciences President Emeritus Frank Press — distinguished geophysicist, science adviser to President Jimmy Carter, and National Medal of Science recipient — died on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at his home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was 95.


Letter from the NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents Regarding COVID-19 Crisis to House and Senate Leadership

The National Academies stand ready to convene America’s best minds in research, government, medicine, and private industry to marshal evidence-based insights and advice for confronting today’s pandemic and future crises.


Statement From the Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM Supporting Steps Necessary to Assess the Potential for Human Convalescent Plasma to Help Control COVID-19

In light of the present situation in the U.S., we believe that it is essential to explore a wide range of options for treating the increasing numbers of very ill patients with COVID-19 respiratory illness.


Our Response to COVID-19 - A Message from the Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM

As the COVID-19 pandemic grips the nation and the world, policymakers and the public are counting on science, engineering, and medicine to discover how the virus infects humans, slow its spread, treat those infected, and provide solutions that lay the groundwork for recovery.


U.S. Funding for World Health Organization Should Not Be Interrupted During COVID-19 Pandemic, Say Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM

It is critical for the U.S. to continue its funding for the World Health Organization in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic given the WHO’s lead role in coordinating an international response, especially in developing countries.


NAM President Victor Dzau Joins World Leaders at May 4 Event on Coronavirus Response Funding

National Academy of Medicine President Victor J. Dzau will provide remarks on behalf of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board during a virtual event on May 4 to launch an online pledging effort, the Coronavirus Global Response.


Staffing Considerations for Crisis Standards of Care Outlined in New Rapid Response to Government from National Academies Standing Committee

A new rapid expert consultation from a standing committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine outlines considerations for clinical staffing needs during the implementation of Crisis Standards of Care (CSC), including adjusting staff responsibilities, providing “hazard pay” to staff, ensuring adequate time off, offering child care and other benefits, and leveraging health care coalitions to ensure appropriate transfer of patients between hospitals.


As SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolves, Genomic Data Should Be Collected Alongside Patient and Public Health Data, Says New Report

To better understand the evolution, transmission patterns, and disease progression of SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID-19 — genome sequence data should be integrated with patient clinical data and epidemiological data, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


An Update on Our Response to COVID-19 - A Message from the Presidents of the NAS, NAE, and NAM

In a matter of months, the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a global health, economic, and societal crisis of staggering proportions.


NAS and NAM Presidents Alarmed By Political Interference in Science Amid Pandemic

As advisers to the nation on all matters of science, medicine, and public health, we are compelled to underscore the value of science-based decision-making at all levels of government.


NAS, NAE, and NAM Presidents Congratulate President Biden and Vice President Harris on Their Inauguration

We congratulate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on this historic day, and we are grateful for their lifelong dedication to serving the American people.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Name Inaugural Artist-in-Residence

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine announced today the appointment of photographer Christopher Michel as artist-in-residence.


Should Solar Geoengineering Be Considered in the Fight Against Climate Change?

A recent discussion explored the possible risks and benefits and the need for more research


Let Scientific Evidence Determine Origin of SARS-CoV-2, Urge Presidents of the National Academies

In a statement, the presidents of the National Academies urge that investigations of the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 be guided by scientific principles.


National Academies Presidents Commemorate 20th Anniversary of 9/11

The presidents of the National Academies join the nation in commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Confronting a ‘Triple Existential Threat’ — NAM President Victor Dzau Discusses How Health and Medicine Can Respond to Current Crises

In advance of the National Academy of Medicine’s annual meeting on Oct. 17-18, NAM President Victor Dzau sat down to talk about the compounding crises of COVID-19, climate change, and systemic racism — and how health and medicine can help respond to these threats.


‘We Can’t Wait Any Longer’ — As COP26 Approaches, NAS President Marcia McNutt Discusses Science and Solutions to Climate Change

National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt discusses science and solutions to climate change ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which begins Oct. 31, 2021.


COP26 Presents Historic Opportunity for a More Sustainable Future, Say Presidents of U.S. National Academies

The presidents of the U.S. National Academies said in a statement that the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) presents a historic global opportunity to agree on emissions reduction targets to avoid the most intolerable impacts of climate change.


NAS and NAM Presidents, Other Experts Urge Biden Administration to Reinstate Presidential Bioethics Commission

A presidential commission on bioethics has not been appointed since 2017. The Biden administration should reinstate a presidential bioethics advisory commission to help inform policy decisions that have bioethical implications, urge the NAS and NAM presidents and other experts.


‘We Stand With Our Colleagues in Ukraine,’ Say U.S. National Academies Presidents

The presidents of the U.S. National Academies issued a statement condemning the “horrific and unprovoked” Russian invasion of Ukraine. “We stand in solidarity with the scientists, engineers, health care workers, and other colleagues in the research community of Ukraine, who like all Ukrainians, are doing their best to survive and resist.”


Wide-Ranging Systemic Changes Needed to Transform Nursing Homes to Meet Needs of Residents, Families, and Staff

To provide high-quality care for all nursing home residents, the U.S. must strengthen the nursing home workforce, improve emergency preparedness, and increase the transparency and accountability of nursing homes’ finances and operations, among other actions.


We Stand Ready to Put Landmark Legislation into Action, Say National Academies’ Presidents

Historic legislation has been enacted to boost U.S. competitiveness and security, spur innovation, and make real progress on climate change and human health, said the National Academies’ presidents in a statement. “The National Academies stand ready to mobilize the broader science, engineering, and medical and health communities to help inform and implement solutions.”


A Message from the Presidents of the U.S. National Academies as COP27 Begins in Egypt

As the COP27 climate summit begins, the National Academies’ presidents urge world leaders to forge equitable solutions to the climate crisis. “[W]e are committed to enlisting science, engineering, and medicine to inform these efforts so that together, we can create a more secure, more sustainable, and more prosperous future for all.”


U.S. NAS President Marcia McNutt Receives Honorary Doctorate from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for her “significant contributions to the development of science and international scientific collaboration.”


Taliban’s Ban on Education for Afghan Women and Girls Will Have Potentially Disastrous Consequences, Say U.S. National Academies Presidents

The presidents of the U.S. National Academies warn that the Taliban’s decision to prevent Afghan women and girls from participating in higher education or attending secondary school ignores the scientific evidence on the benefits of education for women and could have “potentially disastrous consequences” for the future of Afghanistan.


NAS President Marcia McNutt to Speak at AAAS Annual Meeting - Several National Academies Projects Will Also Be Featured

National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt will deliver a lecture on the future of the research enterprise this week at the AAAS Annual Meeting. The meeting will also feature sessions and presentations focused on National Academies reports and projects.


The key considerations for cyber insurance: A pragmatic approach

Would a more robust cybersecurity posture impact premium costs? Does the policy offer legal cover? These are some of the questions organizations should consider when reviewing their cyber insurance options