sse Police Appeal For Witnesses To Shooting By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 20:24:18 +0000 The police are appealing for witnesses to the shooting last night in the east end, which resulted in a 64-year-old man being shot in the shoulder. A police spokesperson said, “Detectives continue to investigate a confirmed firearm incident that occurred around 10:25pm Thursday, October 3rd in the Cashew City Road, St. George’s area where a […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Crime News #CrimeInBermuda #Shootings
sse Child Care For Children Of Essential Workers By Published On :: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 23:36:18 +0000 The Child Care programme for children of essential services workers commenced last week, Minister of Education Diallo Rabain said. Speaking at this evening’s press conference, Minister Rabain said, “Good Evening, We are pleased to report that the Child Care programme for children of our Essential Services Workers commenced last week, Wednesday, April 1st, 2020. The operation of […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All #BermudaPolitics #BermudianChildren #Covid19 #Education
sse Bermuda Festival To Host Acting Master Classes By Published On :: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:51:20 +0000 The Bermuda Festival Outreach Programme is offering two masterclasses in acting technique led by a cast member of Walnut Street Theatre. Here to perform A Life in the Theatre, the Walnut Street Theatre will focus on improving participants’ acting technique. These masterclasses will be centered on activities that are designed to improve technique and explore […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Entertainment #ActorsTheatre #BermudaFestival
sse Appeal For Witnesses: Murder Of Jahkoby Smith By Published On :: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 15:29:26 +0000 This Sunday [July 29] marks the year anniversary of the murder of Jahkoby Smith and police have renewed their appeal for information, and have asked witnesses or anyone who may have any information to please contact them. A police spokesperson said, “Sunday July 29th marks the year anniversary of the death of Jahkoby Smith and […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Crime News #CrimeInBermuda #MurderOfJahkobySmith #Murders
sse Court Dismisses Appeal In Double Murder Case By Published On :: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 15:39:30 +0000 The court has dismissed an appeal by Romano Mills who was convicted in connection with the double murder of Rico Furbert and Haile Outerbridge on Happy Valley in 2013. The ruling said, “On 23 January 2013 Rico Furbert and Haile Outerbridge were brutally shot and killed at Belvin’s Supermarket in Happy Valley Road, Hamilton. The […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Court Reports Crime News #DoubleMurderAtBelvins #DoubleShooting #MagistratesAndSupremeCourt #Murders #RamanoMills #Shootings
sse Appeal For Witnesses: Murder Of Jason Mello By Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 10:00:40 +0000 Three years later, the murder of Jason Mello remains unsolved, and police are renewing their appeal for witnesses or anyone who may have any information to come forward. A police spokesperson said, “Detectives are renewing their appeal for information in connection with the murder of Jason Mello. “Jason Mello was fatally shot around 7:35pm Friday […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Crime News #CrimeInBermuda #MurderofJasonMello #Murders #Shootings
sse Police: Crime Prevention Tips For Businesses By Published On :: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:52:57 +0000 With many businesses closed and others operating on reduced hours, there are fewer ‘eyes on the street’ to notice and report suspicious activity to police, said Detective Chief Inspector Arthur Glasford of the Bermuda Police Service [BPS], Serious Crime Department. Detective Chief Inspector Glasford said, “As such, the BPS urges business owners to consider the […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Business Crime #BermudaBusiness #BermudaPolice #CrimeInBermuda
sse Arrest For Curfew Breach, Suspected Possession By Published On :: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:23:44 +0000 A man who initially failed to stop for police was arrested for breaching the Shelter in Place regulations and suspicion of possession of a controlled drug. A police spokesperson said, “At approximately 11:00pm on Friday 17th, April, police officers on uniform mobile patrol were travelling west on St John’s Road, Pembroke when they observed a […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Crime News #Covid19 #CrimeInBermuda
sse Guidebook for Assessing Collaborative Planning Efforts Among Airport and Public Planning Agencies By Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:50:20 GMT Public-use airports, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and local land-use/ transportation planning agencies all have independent yet interrelated planning processes bound by legal and policy requirements to ensure compatibility. This means that they should work cooperatively to solve joint transportation challenges in the most effective and efficient manner. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 216: Guidebook for Assessing Collaborative Planning Efforts Among Airp... Full Article
sse Quote of the Day: Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser By Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:53:40 +0000 This comment thread really encapsulated the mentality of the “I’m a gun owner but…” Anti-Gunners. You can find some info on Mike “The Guy Guy” here and here. But the dialoge between Mike and a Second Amendment Supporter is here: … Continue reading → Full Article Freedom Guns Politics
sse BTA Launch Platform To Showcase Businesses By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:27:53 +0000 The Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] has launched an online platform to support local businesses that have moved quickly in the wake of COVID-19, innovating what they do to remain viable and continue serving customers. “Couriers and restaurants are offering kerbside, takeout and home delivery. Yoga instructors are promoting classes online. How-to webinars have been created […](Click to read the full article) Full Article All Business News #BermudaBusiness #BermudaTourism #Covid19
sse BRSC Expresses Sympathies To Burgess Family By Published On :: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 20:55:45 +0000 The Bermuda Road Safety Council expressed its deepest sympathies to the family of 16-year-old Kijani Burgess, who passed away following a road traffic collision earlier this month. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Road Safety Council expresses its deepest sympathies to the family of Mr. Kijani Burgess, who succumbed to injuries resulting from a tragic road […](Click to read the full article) Full Article Accidents and fires All News #Collision #FatalAccidents #RoadTrafficFatality
sse Dynarski Passes By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:12:08 +0000 Eugene (Gene) Dynarski, best-known to original series fans as Ben Childress on Mudd’s Woman, has died at the age of eighty-six at... Full Article Cast & Crew Childress Dynarski Mudd's Women
sse International Symposium on Pavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment* By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 05:34:30 GMT University of California Pavement Research and National Center for Sustainable Transport have postponed the International Symposium on Pavement Life Cycle Assessment from June 3-6, 2020 to January 13-15, 2021 in Sacramento, CA. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The symposium will focus on the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for pavements. The workshop address the implementation of LCA in pavement operations at the network and project levels. Full Article
sse Publication: Guidelines for Human Exposure Assessment (Final Report) By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 04:00:00 GMT EPA announced the availability of the Guidelines for Human Exposure Assessment (hereafter "Guidelines"). The Guidelines present the current policies and practices of exposure assessors across the Agency and supersede the 1992 Guidelines for Exposure Assessment Edition. Full Article
sse Communication Strategies for Airport Passenger Access and Mobility By Published On :: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 12:48:58 GMT Access to relevant, precise, and timely information is crucial for a pleasant experience in air travel. Travelers with cognitive and sensory disabilities, aging travelers, and travelers with limited English proficiency need alternative approaches to those provided for general travelers for accessing and communicating air travel information. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Synthesis 101: Communication Strategies for Airport Passenger Access and Mobility details how airports and airline... Full Article
sse Redirect By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 06:34:45 +0000 redirect removal instructions What is is one of the many fake search engines that do not generate individual results. As a rule, their addresses are promoted through potentially unwanted applications (PUAs) that are classified as browser hijackers. In most cases apps of this type are designed to promote some fake search engine by changing browser's settings and collect browsing-related (and/or other) information. Browser hijackers are categorized as PUAs because users often download and install them inadvertently. Full Article Removal guides
sse Your Pet Tributes'Jesse' By Published On :: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:08:47 -0400 I've been reading these stories about beloved pets who died at such young ages, so I feel very blessed to have had you for 14 years. Thank you very much Full Article
sse Your Pet Tributes'Jesse' By Published On :: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:02:59 -0400 Jess came to me in June 1999 as a birthday gift. She was beautiful white with some brown and black. She was the best birthday present that I ever got or Full Article
sse #440989 - Brussels Sprouts Alfredo Recipe By Published On :: Low Carb Brussels Sprouts Alfredo is a creamy and cheesy side dish loaded with bacon which quickly cooks in the Instant Pot pressure cooker.craving more? check out TasteSpotting Full Article
sse Behold: The ghastly, preening, lesser-spotted Incredible Bullsh*tting Customer By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 07:58:45 GMT If you listen closely, you can hear how the creatures' full-throated call increases in volume when you are on holiday On Call Friday is here! How is your weekend looking? Same as the last one, and the one before that? Never mind – before breaking into the lockdown lagers, join us for another entry in The Register's tales of those brave souls who are On Call.… Full Article
sse 02/07/16 - Nervously confessed their love By Published On :: Monday, 08 Feb 2016 Full Article
sse New Arrivals: Top Fishing Sunglasses You Can Try this 2020 By Published On :: Thu, 09 Apr 2020 07:31:18 +0000 New Arrivals: Top Fishing Sunglasses You Can Try this 2020 The post New Arrivals: Top Fishing Sunglasses You Can Try this 2020 appeared first on Ocean Blue Fishing Adventures. Full Article Featured Post Gear & Boats fishing eyewear fishing gear fishing glasses fishing sunglasses fishing tops polarized glasses sunnies Vanuatu Fishing
sse IBM, Packet Clearing House and Global Cyber Alliance Collaborate to Protect Businesses and Consumers from Internet Threats By Published On :: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:30:38 GMT IBM Security, Packet Clearing House (PCH) and The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) today launched a free service designed to give consumers and businesses added privacy and security protection as they access the internet. The new Quad9 Domain Name System (DNS) service helps protect users from accessing millions of malicious internet sites known to steal personal information, infect users with ransomware and malware, or conduct fraudulent activity. Full Article IBM Security
sse Vissensa Selects IBM Enterprise Cloud System to Improve Performance and Deliver New Services for Customers By Published On :: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 12:01:08 GMT IBM today announced that Vissensa, a UK-based managed service provider (MSP), has taken delivery of the IBM Enterprise Cloud System, which will help the company offer new and improved cloud services to its customers. Full Article Global Financing
sse The Weather Channel Launches Bot For Facebook Messenger, Powered By IBM Watson By Published On :: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 07:01:49 GMT The Weather Company, an IBM Business announced today that The Weather Channel has launched a cognitive weather bot for Facebook Messenger – powered by IBM Watson. Around the world, Messenger is used to stay in touch with friends and family. Now with The Weather Channel bot, it offers a way to view and share personalized weather-related news content, current conditions, forecasts, severe weather notifications, and other relevant weather information. Full Article IBM Social Business
sse IBM Study: Responding to Cybersecurity Incidents Still a Major Challenge for Businesses By Published On :: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:01:32 GMT IBM Security today announced the results of a global study exploring the factors and challenges of being a Cyber Resilient organization. The study was conducted by Ponemon Institute and sponsored by IBM Resilient and found that 77 percent of respondents admit they do not have a formal cyber security incident response plan (CSIRP) applied consistently across their organization. Nearly half of the 2800 respondents reported that their incident response plan is either informal/ad hoc or completely non-existent. Full Article All Topics
sse IBM sets its sights on medium-sized businesses By Published On :: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:07:56 GMT IBM today launched Express Advantage – a portfolio of affordable business solutions designed especially to meet the performance, usability and pricing needs of medium-sized businesses. Full Article Media & Entertainment
sse IBM et SAP annoncent des projets d’investissements majeurs pour accompagner les clients dans leur transformation numérique By Published On :: jeu., 07 avr. 2016 10:02:02 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) et SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) annoncent aujourd’hui des projets communs pour accompagner leurs clients dans la modernisation de leurs systèmes et processus afin d’accélérer leur présence dans l’économie numérique. Les deux compagnies envisagent particulièrement d’innover ensemble pour créer de nouvelles solutions qui augmentent la valeur ajoutée du client en s’appuyant sur des extensions cognitives, des expériences client et utilisateur renforcées ainsi que des fonctionnalités sectorielles. Tout ceci doté de la SAP® Business Suite, du logiciel 4 SAP HANA® (SAP S/4HANA) et disponible sur site et dans le Cloud. Full Article Commerce
sse IBM étend ses solutions de stockage Flash pour adresser de nouvelles applications pertinentes dans le cloud By Published On :: jeu., 28 avr. 2016 09:05:02 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce aujourd'hui un élargissement de son portefeuille de stockage flash pour aider les clients à extraire beaucoup plus rapidement la valeur issues des données afin d’en tirer un avantage concurrentiel. IBM a lancé trois nouvelles baies « tout-flash » dotées d’une performance de pointe – une latence minimum de 250μs (microsecondes) - afin de résoudre le défi consistant à accéder rapidement à un grand volume de données pour les applications et les workloads cloud. Full Article Commerce
sse Une étude d'IBM montre que le coût des violations de données est en hausse et que les répercussions financières sont ressenties depuis des années By Published On :: mar., 03 sept. 2019 07:00:03 GMT L’entité Sécurité d’IBM (NYSE: IBM) a annoncé aujourd'hui les résultats de son étude annuelle sur l'impact financier des violations de données sur les organisations. Selon le rapport, le coût d'une violation de données a augmenté de 12 % au cours des cinq dernières années et coûte désormais 3,92 millions de dollars en moyenne. Ces dépenses croissantes sont représentatives de l'impact financier pluriannuel des violations, de la réglementation accrue et du processus complexe de résolution des attaques criminelles . Full Article Sécurité
sse La Sacem et IBM unissent leurs forces et développent une nouvelle plateforme globale de gestion des droits d’auteur pour la musique en ligne By Published On :: jeu., 12 janv. 2017 08:41:34 GMT La nouvelle plateforme URights s’appuie sur les solutions analytiques et cloud d’IBM pour mieux valoriser les droits des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique Full Article Business partners
sse Cloud : - IBM apporte de nouveaux services de divertissement à domicile avec la télévision intelligente de Philips - IBM et Vodafone lancent l’initiative Smarter Home By Published On :: ven., 31 août 2012 01:29:27 GMT IBM annonce aujourd’hui que son nouveau cloud pour les fabricants d’appareils électroniques fournira à la TV connectée de Philips de nouveaux services internet, afin de proposer une gamme de services plus interactifs à des millions de téléspectateurs dans plus de 30 pays en Europe, mais aussi au Brésil et en Argentine. Full Article Global Business Solutions
sse IBM Smarter Government Implementation To Help Reduce Reporting Burden For Australian Businesses By Published On :: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 10:52:49 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the successful delivery of the Core Services IT platform that supports the Australian Federal Government’s Standard Business Reporting (SBR) initiative, which aims to save businesses time, money and effort through the provision of an online reporting capability. Full Article Government
sse IBM to deliver essential business and operational support systems for NBN Co By Published On :: Wed, 18 May 2011 03:47:06 GMT IBM Australia (NYSE: IBM) has been awarded a multimillion dollar contract with NBN Co Limited to implement and manage the core business and operational support systems required to operate Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN). Full Article Government
sse IBM addresses gap in industry around knowledge and expertise of Smart Grids By Published On :: Wed, 18 May 2011 03:45:44 GMT IBM collaborates with academia and industry to educate and prepare IT professionals, telecommunications engineers, and electrical power engineers for the electricity networks of the future Full Article Energy & Utilities
sse Study Reveals Australian Office Workers Stressed by Irrelevant Email Overload By Published On :: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 06:53:30 GMT Study Reveals Australian Office Workers Stressed by Irrelevant Email Overload Full Article Software
sse Lesson #3548 - Class Dismissed By Published On :: Fri, 1 June 2018 10:30:00 -0500 Thank you, first and foremost, to theSwede. When I told you I wanted and needed to do some creative work, over a decade ago, you simply said "Okay" and were nothing but supportive. None of this would exist without you. Thank you as well to both Cannonball and Torpedo. Someday you'll be old enough to read these, and I hope you find them all as enjoyable, meaningful, and as embarrassing as they are/were intended to be. Thank you to Mom, Dad, Hanna, Emma, my grandparents, all extended family, for giving me the experiences, insight, and humor that crafted STW. Thank you Mitch, Donna, and all for their support as well. Thank you to so many friends, innumerable to name. Your support has meant everything. Thank you to classmates, advisors, and colleagues from the past 10 years at Cornell, NIST, and Northeastern, particularly to those who never found out about STW when it needed to remain a professional secret, and just as particularly to those who were in full support and encouragement when the secret came out. Thank you to so many students, but especially everyone from the NU ChemE class of 2015, who I am ever indebted to. Thank you to so many in the comics/creative community, especially Danielle Corsetto, Jon Rosenberg, Joan Cooke, Christopher Moore, Jessica Hagy, Holly and Jeffrey Rowland, Sara McHenry, Gary Tyrrell, Zach and Kelly Weinersmith, Matt Lubchansky, Monica Keszler, Ryan Walsh, every artist I have collaborated with, so so so many others. Thank you for all that you have done to bring me into your world, and for all that you have done for my career. It's been a very long time since I worked there, but thank you as well to Three Point for all those experiences at creative writing that almost certainly led to the creation of STW. Thank you to Westley, Sprite, Wakefield, Shiv, and Bitey, too. Why not. And finally, thank you to all of you kind readers. For however long you have read STW, thank you. I am so incredibly humbled by your support and kindness and so incredibly grateful for all that you have given to STW as well. I wish all of you whatever joy and happiness that you deserve. STW ran for 10+ years and 3500+ comics. It's as much yours as it is mine, now. Thank you all, so harking much. Full Article
sse Outfits for Denver Pop Culture Convention 2019 Maxi Dresses & Purple! By Published On :: Wed, 07 Aug 2019 18:47:00 +0000 Here are all the outfits I wore in Denver recently. I was mostly pleased that I managed to wear the right clothes for the weather... always a risk when packing. And never easy with an event of a Comic Con size.Day One: Black with Pink Print Maxi Dress from eShakti Hat was made for me by a fan.Dress is from eShakti. Yes it has pockets! (Remember you can make many of their dresses into a maxi dress if you like.)Leather gloves are vintage. Similar on Amazon.Day Two: Blue Pattern Maxi Dress Maxi dress on sale from Nordstrom Rack.Mesh gloves from Amazon.Teapot Bag from Amazon.Turban hat from Amazon.Sunglasses from Amazon. Day Three: Purple Pattern Pleated Day Dress Day dress is vintage 1970s.Mesh gloves from Amazon.Teapot Bag from Amazon.Turban hat from Amazon.Sunglasses from Amazon. Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.You can shop my recommendations via the following lists: Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, LifestyleProduct links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors. Full Article black bag blue pattern day dresses maxi dress prints purple teapot bag teapot purse
sse Relaxing Victorians: Casual Wear From Unseen to Seen to Seen by Only a Few ~ Wrappers & Peignoirs & Dressing Gowns to Morning Dresses & Tea Gowns to Lingerie from Gail Carriger By Published On :: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 17:17:00 +0000 One of the things the Victorian era saw, Fashionable Reader, was an exploration of that liminal space through casual around the house wear.Wrapper 1855 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtHere we have the wrapper that was only meant to be seen by family.Dressing Gown early 1870s The Metropolitan Museum of ArtDressing Gown 1875 The Kyoto Costume Institute Dressing gowns, banyans and wrappers are often quilted all or in part.Wrapper early 1860s The Metropolitan Museum of ArtOne of the signs of a wrapper is that the waist is designed to be loose or tied tight. Often they split up the front, like a carriage dress or a robe so they can be pulled over a nightgown or underpinnings, like a dressing down but slightly more tailored. Still NOT designed to be worn over a corset. Peignoir 1860-1865 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtPeignoir 1880s The Metropolitan Museum of Art Peignoir seems to be a catch all term. Morning Dress 1860 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtMorning dresses were initially gowns for the breakfast table that did not require a corset.They're characterize by a looser top lots of details in the neck and sleeves. Morning Dress 1872-1873 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtOne of the things we see evolving (and limits being tested) after the 1950s through the 1900s is the idea of what was not meant to be seen (undergarments and nightgowns) to what was initially only meant to be seen by family or lovers (wrappers & peignoirs) to receiving casual around house guests at breakfast (morning dresses) to I'm comfortable at home and I want to show my wealth with yet another space & occasion specific outfit (the tea gown).Tea Gown late 1870s The Los Angeles County Museum of ArtTea gowns were an evolution of the morning gown.Tea Gown 1875 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtTea Gown 1875-1880 The Metropolitan Museum of Art1Harpers Bazar New York Sat June 13 1891 Dressing Gowns NightshirtsThis evolution is coupled with the rise of the middle class, the sexual revolution (including contraception and woman's suffrage) and various other factors.Bed Jacket 1885 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtDressing Jacket 1885-1890 The Metropolitan Museum of Art We see a culmination in this towards the turn of the century in the popularity of (and wide-scale use of the word) negligées and lingerie sets, which specifically implies an article of clothing that is sexual in its nature for it is meant to be seen by a lover. Negligée 1880 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtThis kind of clothing, prior to the first sexual revolution, would not have been acceptable for a fashion house to make, let alone a fashionable lady to purchase.Negligée Callot Soeurs, 1898-1900s The Metropolitan Museum of ArtLingerie Set 1880s The Metropolitan Museum of Art There was also head wear that was designed to be worn exclusively around the house, but that's a whole other story...House Cap 1900 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtFor Primrose!Boudoir Cap 1895 The Metropolitan Museum of Artnightgown 1894 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtDressing Gown 1897-1899 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtRetro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.You can shop my recommendations via the following lists: Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, LifestyleProduct links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors. Full Article 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s bed jacket boudoir dressing gown dressing jacket lingerie morning dress negligee nightwear Peignoir quilted tea gown undergarments underpinnings wrapper
sse Time is of the essence.. By Published On :: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 19:51:00 +0000 My kindle has arrived BRAND NEW!!! My old one was sent away... to the depths of despair, and I am pleasantly disappointed in the ending of my book. I'm sitting here ready for the football game to start and I can smell the pizza my husband thought would be a "great idea" to make. I haven't had the time to exercise in almost a week. Although my eating is still on key, I feel bloated... fatter if possible. I've done the math, and in order for me to swim the five miles I plan on in October, I have to do the following ASAP.Mondays - Swim minimum 80 lapsTuesdays - Strength training , Swim 80 lapsWednesdays - OFFThursdays - Strength training, swim 80 lapsFridays - Swim 80 lapsSaturdays - OFFSundays - Strength training, swim 80 lapsWOE IS ME! In order for my school schedule to not co-inside with my work-out schedule I will have to plan in advance. I am currently taking 4 classes this semester, all of which are history classes. That can only mean one thing: mass amounts of reading and papers at the same....time.....Advancement toward my goal at this point in time is vital, I must use my young age to my advantage and endure no social life as well as sleep... who needs either anyways? Crap.... haha...... keep me strong friends... I'm going to need it, as well as my gym membership I so am looking forward to getting by the end of this month. I miss swimming.xoxo Full Article
sse Jim_S has passed away. By Published On :: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 01:58:47 GMT We are saddened to report that former moderator and long-term friend of SETI@home Jim Scott passed away unexpectedly this morning. Angela has started a thread where people can post their memories of Jim and offer condolences. Full Article
sse Congress Sets Up Taxpayers to Eat $454 Billion of Wall Street’s Losses. Where Is the Outrage? By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 13:45:03 +0000 Congress Sets Up Taxpayers to Eat $454 Billion of Wall Street’s Losses. Where Is the Outrage? By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 7, 2020 ~ Beginning on March 24 of this year, Larry Kudlow, the White House Economic Advisor, began to roll out the most deviously designed bailout of Wall Street in the history of America. After the Federal Reserve’s secret $29 trillion bailout of Wall Street from 2007 to 2010, and the exposure of that by a government audit and in-depth report by the Levy Economics Institute in 2011, Kudlow was going to have to come up with a brilliant strategy to sell another multi-trillion-dollar Wall Street bailout to the American people. The scheme was brilliant (in an evil genius sort of way) and audacious in employing an Orwellian form of reverse-speak. The plan to bail out Wall Street would be sold to the American people as a rescue of “Main Street.” It was critical, however, that all of the officials speaking to the … Continue reading → - Full Article Uncategorized
sse Raw Chocolate Fudgesicles: Raw Food Dessert By Published On :: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 15:46:00 +0000 Raw Chocolate Fudgesiclesserves 4 ~ $.95 per serving OK, so this is something that was stored in my recipe files from back in the summer (that flew by SO fast!) when it was hot and sticky out. But hey, chocolate, right? It's still delicious and fun ... ! I love chocolate smoothies and pops all year long. I've even been known to enjoy a frosty chocolate smoothie in the jacuzzi so as to not freeze my bum off ... shh, don't tell. fudgesicles 2 bananas, sliced and frozen ($.60)1/2 cup almond milk ($.40)2 tablespoons raw cacao powder or cocoa powderpinch saltfew drops of stevia, if more sweetness is desired chocolate shell 1/4 cup melted coconut oil ($.80)1/4 cup raw cacao powder or cocoa powder ($.80)1/4 cup finely ground coconut palm sugar ($.80)pinch salt 2 tablespoons chopped pistachios ($.40) directions Place all fudgesicle ingredients into blender and puree until very smooth. Add more almond milk or water if needed to facilitate blending. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for several hours until fully frozen. Prepare the chocolate shell coating. Place all the chocolate shell coating ingredients into a small bowl and stir well until smooth.Remove the fidgesicles from the freezer and pop them out of their molds.Dip the fudgescicles into the hard chocolate shell, or drizzle it over them to coat. Just heating the coconut oil up enough to melt it and not any warmer will yield the best results. If needed, gently remelt the chocolate hard shell. Add a sprinkle of chopped pistachios or other chopped nut, if desired. Cacao nibs also work well. Any leftovers can be wrapped and stored in the freezer for a week or so. nutritional information:calories: 195fat: 10 grcarbs: 25 grprotein: 2 gr Full Article
sse Lime in the Coconut Tarts: Raw Food Dessert Recipe By Published On :: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:28:00 +0000 Lime in the Coconut Tarts8 tarts ~ $1.11 per serving These are just insanely good and great for summer. I really don't think there's a conventional dessert that could be any better tasting than these. I used paper cupcake cups and a cupcake pan ... the paper lined pans seemed to make just about perfect sized tarts. They certainly didn't last long in these parts, although theoretically they can be covered and frozen for up to a week.A note about the dehydrated bananas ... these need to be just dehydrated enough to take some of the moisture out but not hard. I dehydrated my gently for about 6 hours and that seemed to work out well. ingredients6 dates ($3.00)1/2 cup walnuts ($.50)1/2 cup finely shredded coconut ($1.00)2 tablespoons coconut oil2 tablespoons agavepinch salt2 avocados ($1.49)3 bananas, dehydrated ($.45)4 limes, juice and zest ($2.00)4 tablespoons agave ($.40)directionsMake the crusts first. In a food processor with the "S" blade, process the dates until mush. Add the coconut, coconut oil, agave, and salt and process until it begins to clump. Last, add the walnuts and process until the walnuts are fully incorporated and the mixture sticks together.Divide the crust mixture evenly into and press into the bottom and sides of eight paper lined cupcake cups. Put in the freezer for about a half hour, until firm.For the filling, in the food processor with the "S" blade, process the avocados, bananas, lime juice and zest, and agave. It takes a minute or two, but this will become velvety smooth and the consistency of thick pudding.Spoon the filling into the tart crusts and chill well before serving. Full Article
sse two months missed By Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 22:31:15 +0000 So I’d been kind of waiting until I had a positive “Hey I’m feeling better!” update. I had my head down, doing my thing, being basically okay but a little crabby at having felt kinda lousy since August. And two things happened. 1. COVID-19 2. The medicine my doc gave me for GERD (or something […] Full Article Uncategorized hunkering jessamyn me
sse Assembly Coffee Roasters Rwanda Bumbogo Coffee By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:00:44 -0500 Full Article Coffee