
Grand Canyon National Park Employees Receive Several Safety Awards

Employees of Grand Canyon National Park have been recognized for outstanding achievement and leadership in the promotion of public and employee safety in 2012.


Grand Canyon National Park to Manage Three Fires on North Rim for Multiple Objectives

On Sunday, July 14, the National Park Service found two small lightning-caused fires burning on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. On Monday, July 15, a third lightning-caused fire was detected.


Multiple Incidents at Grand Canyon National Park

Park staff responded to multiple incidents Friday, July 26, 2013. Monsoonal weather patterns resulted in localized flooding affecting portions of Grand Canyon Village and Bright Angel Trail. Additionally, rangers responded to two motor vehicle accidents.


Business Opportunity Announced for Two Hospitality Contracts on South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Dave Uberuaga has announced the availability of two prospectuses for business opportunities in the park, to provide lodging, food services, grocery stores, retail, transportation, mule rides, an RV campground, a service station and other services on the South Rim. The two prospectuses released today outline these business opportunities, describe the existing businesses, and provide details on how to submit responsive proposals for either or both.


Grand Canyon National Park Offers Free Admission on August 25

In celebration of the National Park Service’s 97th birthday all 401 national park units, including Grand Canyon National Park will waive entrance fees on Sunday, August 25, 2013.


Hiker Fatality on North Kaibab Trail in Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday August 9 at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call from a park volunteer with a report of an unconscious male hiker on the North Kaibab Trail approximately one half of a mile below the trailhead within Grand Canyon National Park.


Road Improvements to Temporarily Close Portion of Cape Royal Road on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park has begun improvements to Cape Royal Road on the North Rim. Beginning September 3, 2013 Cape Royal Road from Roosevelt Point to Cape Royal Point, at approximately mile 11.5, will be closed for repaving.


UPDATE Cape Royal Road at Grand Canyon National Park Closed

Cape Royal Road at Grand Canyon National Park Closed. All Other Roads Including Point Imperial Road Remain Open


Facilities on Grand Canyon’s North Rim to Begin Seasonal Closures- Park Remains Open for Day Use

The staff on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will begin to shut down most visitor services and facilities on Tuesday, October 15; the North Rim will remain open to visitors through December 1 unless snow closes Highway 67 leading into the park prior to December 1.


National Park Service Continues Exotic Plant Management by Eliminating Lawns in Historic District of Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service will begin eliminating turfgrass (lawns) around the historic El Tovar Hotel and adjacent rim lodges as part of a long-term plan to re-landscape the area with native vegetation consistent with the historic Grand Canyon Village rim landscape. Weather permitting; the two-day project will begin on Tuesday, September 17.


Fatality on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

On Wednesday, September 25 at approximately 1:00 p.m., the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call with a report of a deceased 67 year old female on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park at River Mile 209.


National Park Service Enters Agreement with State of Arizona to Re-open Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service Enters Agreement with State of Arizona to Re-open Grand Canyon National Park Park Service is in the process of negotiating similar agreements with other states


Grand Canyon National Park Open to Visitors

Grand Canyon National Park continues to welcome visitors from across the United States and the globe.


Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Preparing for Multiple Prescribed Fires on the North Rim

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, are preparing for multiple prescribed fires on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Fire managers anticipate initiating these prescribed fire treatments during the fall and winter months as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow.


Grand Canyon National Park to Waive Entrance Fees for Veterans Day Weekend 2013

In honor of those that serve and have served in the United States military, national park units around the country, including Grand Canyon National Park, will be offering everyone fee-free entry during the Veterans Day weekend.


Prescribed Burn Planned at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers plan to conduct a prescribed fire on the South Rim the week of November 4th.


Grand Canyon National Park to Celebrate National Native American Heritage Month

On, Thursday, November 14, Grand Canyon National Park will be celebrating National Native American Heritage Month with special presentations and demonstrations.


Prescribed Burn Planned for North Rim at Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forrest Service (USFS) fire managers working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program plan to conduct a prescribed fire on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park the week of November 18th.


Grand Canyon National Park North Rim Now Closed for the Season

The North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park is now closed to vehicle traffic for the season. Arizona State Route 67, leading to the North Rim closed on December 2, 2013. State Route 67 and all services on the North Rim are expected to re-open for the 2014 season on May 15, 2014.


National Park Service Today Released a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan for Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon

The National Park Service (NPS) today released a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan for the Glen Canyon reach of the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GLCA), and for all waters within Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA). The plan will take a long-term comprehensive approach for fisheries management in waters between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead within GRCA and GLCA, with the goals of maintaining a balance between a quality recreational fishing experience in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, known as the Lees Ferry area, while preserving and restoring the unique native fisheries within GRCA.


Motor Vehicle Fatality at Grand Canyon National Park

Today at 2:12 p.m., the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call from a park employee about a 2 car motor vehicle accident on South Entrance Road, approximately 3 miles north of the park’s South Entrance Station.


Motor Vehicle Fatality Victim at Grand Canyon National Park Identified

The Coconino County Medical Examiner has identified the woman who died in a motor vehicle accident in Grand Canyon National Park on Friday, January 31, 2014 as Yuan Gao, 24 of China.


Grand Canyon Association receives $1 million from Arizona Public Service to initiate the Trails Forever endowment at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon Association (GCA), the official nonprofit partner of Grand Canyon National Park, today announced a $1 million donation from Arizona Public Service (APS) that will establish the Grand Canyon Trails Forever Endowment to help preserve and protect Grand Canyon’s trails. This is one of the most significant private, philanthropic gifts in Grand Canyon’s history.


Grand Canyon National Park Fee Free Weekend in Celebration of Presidents Day Weekend

Grand Canyon National Park will join National Parks across the country to celebrate Presidents Day Weekend, February 15-17, with fee free admission.


Herbicide to be applied along railway in Grand Canyon National Park

On Thursday, February 13th, Grand Canyon Railway, in consultation with the National Park Service (NPS), will be applying herbicide along their railroad tracks including those within Grand Canyon National Park.


Grand Canyon National Park to Celebrate Black History Month with Special Guest Audrey Peterman

Grand Canyon National Park will host author and conservation activist Audrey Peterman for a special evening program on Monday, March 3 in honor of Black History Month. Ms. Peterman and her husband Frank authored the book Legacy on the Land: A Black Couple Discovers Our National Inheritance and Tells Why Every American Should Care.


Human Remains Found at Grand Canyon National Park

Park Rangers recently recovered skeletal remains from the Hermit Creek drainage within Grand Canyon National Park.


Tourism to Grand Canyon National Park Creates $454 million in Economic Benefit

A new National Park Service (NPS) report shows that over 4.4 million visitors to Grand Canyon National Park in 2012 spent $454 million in communities near the park. That spending supported 6,010 jobs in the local area.


Visitor Fatality at Grand Canyon National Park

On Sunday, March 9 at approximately 2:00 p.m. the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a report of an unresponsive male at the South Entrance Station.


Business Opportunity Announced for Hospitality Contract on South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Dave Uberuaga has announced the availability of a prospectus for a business opportunity in the park, to provide lodging, food services, retail, transportation, mule rides, and other services on the South Rim.


Grand Canyon National Park to Host Archaeology Day on March 22

On Saturday, March 22, 2014, Grand Canyon National Park will host its seventh annual Archaeology Day celebration, commemorating Arizona Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month.


Fatality at South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

On Saturday, March 15 at approximately 8:00 a.m. the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a report of a man who had fallen off the rim near El Tovar Lodge.


Kayaker Fatality on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

On Tuesday, March 18 at approximately 6:30 p.m. the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call via satellite phone reporting a fatality on the Colorado River.


National Park Service Seeks Public Input on a Bison Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to announce the latest step to manage the impacts of bison on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP). After meeting with cooperators Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)--over the last several months, the NPS will initiate public scoping later this week for a bison management plan and environmental impact statement (EIS) to be prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).


Go Wild for Grand Canyon National Park!

Go wild for the history, nature, trails, and archeology of Grand Canyon National Park during National Park Week, April 19 through 27, 2014. To get the celebration going, Grand Canyon National Park will waive entrance fees on April 19 and 20.


Herbicide to be applied within Developed Areas of Grand Canyon National Park

Throughout the upcoming field season, National Park Service staff will be applying herbicide to targeted high priority invasive plant species in Grand Canyon National Park's developed areas.


Public Scoping Webinars Planned for Grand Canyon National Park Bison Management Plan EIS

Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) will hold two informational, online meetings as part of the scoping process for a bison management plan and environmental impact statement.


Fatality Victim at Grand Canyon National Park Identified

At approximately 1:10 p.m. Monday, April 28, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call reporting a female that had fallen off the rim at Mather Point located on the South Rim of Grand Canyon.


Grand Canyon National Park to Require Camping Permit at Tuweep Campground

Grand Canyon National Park on September 1, 2014 will begin requiring reservations for all campers who wish to stay at the Tuweep Campground. After September 1, visitors who plan to camp at Tuweep will need to have a permit issued by the National Park Service.


Tusayan Shuttle at Grand Canyon National Park Begins Saturday, May 10, 2014 – Park and Ride; We’ll be Your Guide

The National Park Service (NPS) will again offer free shuttle bus service between Grand Canyon National Park and the neighboring town of Tusayan, Arizona in 2014. The Tusayan Shuttle will be available from Saturday, May 10 through Friday, September 5 and will run at 20-minute intervals between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. daily.


In preparation for the Memorial Day Weekend, Grand Canyon National Park would like to remind everyone to be fire aware and “know before you go” to your public lands

Although Grand Canyon National Park received below-average precipitation this winter, the warm spring caused vegetation in the park to thrive. Now, fine fuels are quickly drying out as winds and temperatures rise, increasing the risk of wildfire.


Multiple Fire Starts on North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday, May 23, four fire starts were reported on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The North Rim of the park is currently at High fire danger and the South Rim is at Very High. A storm this afternoon produced rain and hail on the North Rim moderating fire behavior.


Grand Canyon National Park Hosting 24th Annual Star Party Astronomers to Provide Free Telescope Viewing at Grand Canyon National Park, June 21-28, 2014

The twenty-fourth annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 21 through Saturday, June 28, 2014 on the South and North Rims of Grand Canyon National Park.


Boater Fatality on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

On Wednesday, June 3 at approximately 7:20 p.m. the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call via satellite phone reporting a female in and out of consciousness from an apparent allergic reaction at river mile 168 on the Colorado River.


Grand Canyon National Park to Implement Fire Restrictions Friday, June 13

Due to increased fire danger throughout Grand Canyon National Park, park officials will be implementing fire restrictions for all areas within the park except the Colorado River corridor.


Visitor Fatality at Desert View Campground in Grand Canyon National Park

On Monday, June 9 at approximately 9:40 p.m. the National Park Service received a 911 call reporting an unconscious man at the Desert View Campground within Grand Canyon National Park.


Kayaker Fatality at Badger Rapids on Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

On Wednesday, June 11 at approximately 2:00 p.m. the National Park Service received a call reporting an unconscious male kayaker at Badger Rapids, river mile 8 on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park.


Grand Canyon National Park to Commemorate Designation of New National Historic Landmark 1956 Grand Canyon TWA-United Airlines Aviation Accident Site

The National Park Service (NPS) today announced plans to dedicate one of the nation’s newest National Historic Landmarks, the 1956 Grand Canyon TWA-United Airlines Aviation Accident Site in Grand Canyon National Park. This site commemorates a horrific airline collision over the Grand Canyon in 1956.


Missing Man on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday, June 27 at approximately 3:40 p.m. the National Park Service received a satellite phone call from a commercial river trip reporting a missing passenger at River Mile 157 known as Havasu Rapids.


Search Continues for Missing Man on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service Search and Rescue crews continue to look for Victor Tseng of Phoenix, AZ who went missing at River Mile 157 on the Colorado River.