
One State Is Overhauling Its Finance Technology After Long-Standing Fights, Glitches

State education departments' finance technology can cost millions to replace, but those systems are crucial for fiscal transparency and efficiency. Hawaii's is replacing its long-troubled system with a new one to go online this summer.


Utah Inflated Its High School Graduation Rate, Federal Watchdog Finds

Federal watchdogs find that Utah inflated its high school graduation rate in the last of a series of reports warning states not to make end runs around the rules for calculating graduation rates.


Patchwork decisions throw wrinkle in college football plans

There are 130 major college football teams, spread across 41 states and competing in 10 conferences, save for a handful of independents. The goal is to have all those teams start the upcoming season at the same time - whether that's around Labor Day as scheduled or later - and play the same number of games. Despite the best intentions of conference leaders, the possibility exists of college football being played in SEC country before it begins in Pac-12 territory - or something else entirely.


Advanced legal research / presented by Josephine Battiste, Mitchell Chambers.


This is love / ?Emma /catchpole.


Bankruptcy and Winding Up.


An unexpected Outcome : The heel prick test.


The community development programme : evaluation of participation and employment outcomes / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


A national estimate of carp biomass for Australia / Ivor Stuart, Ben Fanson, Jarod Lyon, Jerom Stocks, Shane Brooks, Andrew Norris, Leigh Thwaites, Matt Beitzel, Michael Hutchison, Qifeng Ye, John Koehn, and Andrew Bennett ; edited by Pam Clunie (ARI).


National return to work strategy 2020-2030 : a national strategy to drive and leverage national action to improve return to work outcomes for workers with a work-related injury or illness / Safe Work Australia.


NCCP: The likely medium- to long-term ecological outcomes of major carp population reductions final report / Nichols S.J., Gawne B., Richards R., Lintermans M. and Thompson R; prepared by the Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra for Fishe


Locating and evaluating fixed safety cameras in South Australia / CN Kloeden, TJ Bailey, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect red light running and speeding vehicles are known to be an effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. While no definitive best practice for choosing safety camera locations was found in the literature, there are a number of criteria that are frequently used and that make sense: locations with a high number of crashes (particularly injury crashes); locations with a high proportion of speeding vehicles; locations with high traffic volumes; locations with large numbers of unprotected road users (pedestrians and bicyclists); different camera types covering different areas of the road network; and deploying cameras widely throughout the road network. Evaluation of the effects of safety cameras on particular sites and as a whole can be attempted using a number of methodologies: changes in crash numbers before and after installation; changes in vehicle speeds before and after installation; and changes in offence detections from the time of installation onwards. There are limitations with each of these methodologies such that evaluating the effectiveness of an individual safety camera is often not possible. By tracking many safety camera sites for a long period of time, the effect of the safety cameras can be examined but there will always be other factors that may explain any observed changes. A true experiment could be conducted to determine safety camera effects but it would involve deliberate non-treatment of good candidate sites for many years. This study gives a reasonable set of principles for selecting safety camera sites and evaluating their effectiveness. However, the detailed processes for South Australia will depend on what data is available, the resources and funding that can be applied, and political and other considerations." -- page 3.


An examination of offences at South Australian safety camera sites / CN Kloeden, TP Hutchinson.

"Fixed safety cameras that detect speeding (and in some cases red light running) are known to be a generally effective method of controlling driver behaviour and producing road safety benefits. They were first introduced in South Australia in 1988 and are now in operation at more than 150 locations around the State. Data on the speeding and red light running offences recorded at each of the sites are now publicly available. If the number of offences declines over time, this is an indication that the safety cameras are becoming increasingly effective in preventing speeding or red light running behaviour. The offence rates of the five types of safety cameras in use in South Australia were examined on a site by site basis. Safety cameras located in South Australian 50-90 km/h speed limit zones in built-up areas showed a similar overall trend in offence rates: speeding offence rates decreased rapidly during the first two to three years of operation; continued declines in speeding offence rates occurred for many years after that; and red light running offences showed general declines over time but not as consistently or to the same extent as speeding offences. Making the cameras more conspicuous from the time of installation may accelerate their positive effects. Safety cameras may also prevent vehicle speeding on high speed rural roads upon installation (this could not be measured here) but there appears to be little change in offence rates after this time. This is possibly due to the more conspicuous nature of these cameras. The tolerances applied to point to point average speed measurements appear to be the same as applied to spot speed measurements and could reasonably be reduced." -- Summary.


Self harm : why teens do it and what parents can do to help / Michelle Mitchell.

Parent and teenager.


Warndu mai good food : introducing native Australian ingredients to your kitchen / Damien Coulthard & Rebecca Sullivan ; forewords by Bruce Pascoe & Dale Tilbrook.

Wild plants, Edible.


Boots off, apron on : from the outback kitchens of Broken Hill School of the Air.

Cooking, Australian.


Fascists among us : online hate and the Christchurch massacre / Jeff Sparrow.

Fascism -- History -- 21st century.


The four horsemen : the discussion that sparked an atheist revolution / Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, Hitchens ; foreword by Stephen Fry.

Dawkins, Richard, 1941- -- Religion.


The science of fate : why your future is more predictable than you think / Hannah Critchlow.



Catch and kill : lies, spies, and a conspiracy to protect predators / Ronan Farrow.

Weinstein, Harvey, 1952-


The Royal School of Needlework book of embroidery : a guide to essential stitches, techniques and projects.



Des maladies mentales et nerveuses : pathologie, médecine légale, administration de asiles d’aliénés, etc. / par E. Billod.

Paris : G. Masson, 1882.


Des reflexes tendineux / par Constant Petitclerc.

Paris : A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier, 1880.


Des variétés cliniques de la folie en France et en Allemagne / par J. Roubinovitch.

Paris : Doin, 1896.


A descriptive catalogue of wet preparations, casts, drawings, models, books, etc., contained in the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children / arranged and edited in compliance w

Birmingham : printed by M. Billing, 1847.


A dictionary of medicine : including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and the diseases of women and children / by various writers ; edited by Richard Quain ; assisted by Frederick Thomas Roberts and J. Mitchell Bruce.

London : Longmans, Green, 1894.


Dictionnaire des termes de médecine, chirurgie, art vétérinaire, pharmacie, histoire naturelle, botanique, physique, chimie, etc.; / Par Bégin [and others].

Paris : Béchet : Bailliere : Crevot, 1823.


Die Heilung des chronischen Morphinismus (Cocainismus etc.) ohne Zwang und Qual : fur Laien und Aerzte / von Otto Emmerich.

Berlin : H. Steinitz, 1894.


Die moderne Behandlung der Nervenschwäche (Neurasthenie) der Hysterie und verwandter Leiden : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Luftcuren, Bäder, Anstaltsbehandlung und der Mitchell-Playfair’schen Mastkur / von Dr. Loewenfeld.

Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1889.


Die Sicherung von Leben und Gesundheit im Fabrik- und Gewerbe-Betriebe, auf der Brusseler Ausstellung vom Sommer 1876. Bericht, im Auftrage des Ministers fur Handel, Gewerbe, etc. erstattet / von F. Reichel.

Berlin : F. Kortkampf, 1877.


Die Untersuchung von nahrungsmitteln, genussmitteln und gebrauchsgegenständen. Praktisches handbuch für chemiker, medizinalbeamte, pharmazeuten, verwaltungs- und justizbehörden, etc. / von professor Gustav Rupp ... Mit 122 in den text gedru

Heidelberg : Winter, 1900.


The discoverie of witchcraft ... Being a reprint of the first edition published in 1584 / by Reginald Scot ; Edited with explanatory notes, glossary and introduction by Brinsley Nicholson.

London : Elliot Stock, 1886.


Diseases of the nose and its accessory cavities / by W. Spencer Watson ; with special sections ... by Robert Liveing, William Adams and A.E. Cumberbatch.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1890.


Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de mutatione febrium e tempore Sydenhami, et curatione earum idonea / Jacobus Hutchinson.

Edinburgi : Apud Balfour et Smellie, 1782.


The doctor in history, literature, folk-lore, etc / Edited by William Andrews.

Hull : Andrews, 1896.


Dr J. Matthews Duncan's testimonials etc : first series.

[Edinburgh] : [publisher not identified], 1870.


Du traitement des maladies du coeur par la méthode des Drs Schott, de Nauheim / par le docteur Moeller, médecin praticien à Bruxelles, membre titulaire de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, etc / par la methode des drs

Bruxelles : A. Manceaux, 1893.


Elements of general pathology / by John Fletcher ; edited by John J. Drysdale and John R. Russell.

Edinburgh : MacLachlan, Stewart, 1842.


Teachers Shortchanged On Bonuses in Idaho

Idaho lawmakers were upset to learn that nearly $17 million dedicated to giving teachers in leadership positions and assistants bonuses hasn't been distributed.


Death, wearing a crown and accompanied by monsters, rides a white horse that tramples on men, women and children. Etching by J. Haynes, 1784, after J.H. Mortimer.

London (Norfolk Street, Strand) : J. Mortimer, Jany. 1st 1784.


The death of Saint Peter Martyr. Etching by V. Lefebvre, ca. 1682, after Titian.

Venetiis [Venice] : J. van Campen formis.


The head of Lucretia. Etching by P. Fidanza, 1785, after G. Cagnacci.

[Rome] : [Chez Bouchard et Gravier], [1785]


The last judgment. Etching by D. Cunego, 1780, after Michelangelo.

Romae: apud Dominicum Cunego.


Allegory of etching: a sphinx with the tail of a scorpion scratches an etching plate with her claws. Etching and letterpress by F. Rops, 1875.

Bruxelles (rue de l'Industrie) : Félix Callewaert père, éditeur, 1875.


Angels on clouds, seen from below. Etching by G.B. Vanni, 1642, after A. Correggio.



A shepherd watches the choking of a snared wolf that has killed a lamb; trappers hold back their hunting hounds while a shepherdess grieves for the lamb. Mezzotint by W.T. Annis, 1802, after J. Ward.

London (No. 32 Clipstone Street, Fitzroy Square) : Publish'd ... by S. Morgan, May 1st. 1802.


A British soldier seated by a stream plays the flute to a young Scottish woman and two girls. Etching by W.B. Hole, 1897, after J.E. Millais, 1884.

London : Published by J.B. Virtue & Co. Ltd. : Jean Boussod Manzi Joyant & Co., [1897]


A shepherd supporting himself with a staff points down to something on the ground. Etching after S. Rosa.


A woman walking towards the left and covering her face with her robe. Etching after S. Rosa.


A Moroccan horseman setting off with a rifle to perform at an equestrian display (fantasia, Tbourida). Etching and drypoint by L.A. Lecouteux after H. Regnault, 1870.