rem | MONEY CLINIC: Help! I'm 35 with no retirement savings plan

A Fin24 user is looking to start a retirement savings plan as it does not form part of company benefits, he would have to pay out of pocket.

rem | MONEY CLINIC: I've been forced into early retirement and can't afford to repay my debt, what can I do?

A Fin24 user who was forced into early retirement is struggling to pay credit card debt amounting to over R109 000. An expert responds.

rem | MONEY CLINIC: Can we invest our retirement annuity without a broker, and negotiate fees charged?

A Fin24 reader looking to invest in a living annuity, was shocked to find that she would have to pay fees of up to R110 000 per annum. She wants to know if there are other options. An investment expert responds.


No people too remote

OM EAST’s latest publication reaches the Nenets tribe in Siberia—a place where few foreigners have ever been.


Remembering Millie

Tributes continue to come in following the passing of Jamaican music pioneer Millie Small, who died in London on Tuesday.Among those expressing condolences at the passing of the Small, whose cover of My Boy Lollipop catapulted the popularity of Jamaican music on the international stage, is culture and entertainment minister Olivia “Babsy” Grange.


Do you remember the past lives of Sauchiehall Street?

We look back on the past lives of Sauchiehall street.


Glasgow whisky bond fire that killed 19 people is remembered 60 years on

It was an evening that began like any other night shift. Firefighters handed over at 6pm to start what they thought would have been a fairly routine night.


VE Day 75 Scotland Remembers: How armed forces and veterans charities are still a lifeline in coronavirus lockdown

It dates back to1885 and started out as a fund to help military families at home while the Second Expeditionary Force set sail for Egypt. Major James Gildea wrote a letter appealing for money and a fund was set up to provide allowances.


Dell Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme Tablet

Dell's Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme Tablet lives up to its name by laughing at drops, splashes, and temperatures that would blow the average slate to smithereens. It's ideal for first responders and factory floors.


Coronavirus: PPE shipment from China remains at Prestwick Airport due to 'labelling issue'

MILLIONS of face masks to protect Scottish health and care workers against coronavirus could be stuck in limbo at Prestwick airport for a week, it has emerged.


Rapid Deployment of Remote Learning: Lessons From 4 Districts

Chief technology officers are facing an unprecedented test of digital preparedness due to the coronavirus pandemic, struggling with shortfalls of available learning devices and huge Wi-Fi access challenges.


Many Districts Won't Be Ready for Remote Learning If Coronavirus Closes Schools

E-learning may help some schools keep instruction flowing but major gaps in access and resources mean not all schools are ready to offer virtual classes, and not all students are equipped to learn online.


FCC, Congress Weigh Overhaul of E-Rate to Fund Remote Learning

The Federal Communications Commission is engaging Congress to expand funding for in-home connectivity and devices for teachers and students grappling with the coronavirus crisis.


R.I. schools to remain closed; 8 new virus deaths reported


Remote Learning Problems During Coronavirus Prompt Resignation of Big District Tech Leader

The top technology official for Virginia's Fairfax County schools resigned after the district struggled to handle some major technical glitches in its e-learning platforms.


6 Lessons Learned About Remote Learning During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Northshore School District teachers, parents, and students practiced remote learning in advance of the district's closure for two weeks.


SNP MP accused of capitalising on virus crisis following 'brazenly disloyal' remarks at virtual meeting

AN SNP MP has been accused of capitalising on the virus crisis to undermine Nicola Sturgeon and boost their own profile following a series of remarks made in an online party meeting.


Remember, Online Learning Isn't the Only Way to Learn Remotely

It will take more than online tools to activate student learning during a school closure. Kate Ehrenfeld Gardoqui offers five sample assignments.


Texas Cheerleaders Take Religious Message Battle to State Supreme Court

A group of Texas high school cheerleaders filed a petition with the state Supreme Court over an ongoing dispute about the display of banners with religious messages at high school football games.


U.S. Supreme Court Takes Up Case Over Cheerleader-Uniform Design

The battle stems from Varsity Brands' efforts to gain copyright protection for the design of stripes, chevrons, zigzags, and color blocks that are on its uniforms.


More Than Calculators and Red Tape: Why Schools Should Pay Attention to Procurement

The business of buying things for schools is a key part of making sure that hard-fought K-12 funding actually turns into a quality education at the school and classroom level.


Homeschooling: Requirements, Research, and Who Does It

There are nearly 2 million homeschooled students in the United States, making homeschooling a small, but integral part of the K-12 education ecosystem.


Testing Opt-Outs Threaten School Equity, Measurement Group Says

A group of testing experts says that opt-out could jeopardize the ability to target educational resources appropriately.


How to Harness the Tremendous Potential of Open Education Resources

A textbook is no longer enough in many classrooms, writes Dan McDowell, but finding the right OER materials can be tricky.


Penn State Schuylkill honors student scholars at award ceremonies

Penn State Schuylkill hosted two online celebrations for its Honors Program students, outstanding student scholars and tutors the week of April 20, 2020.


UEFA medical requirements from 2012/13

UEFA is to introduce minimum medical requirements at UEFA competition matches from the start of next season, with guidelines drawn up by the UEFA Medical Committee.


Reducir la deforestación e incrementar captura de CO2 en el suelo, una estrategia climática y de seguridad alimentaria

Source: El Periódico - Las políticas climáticas que se centran en la agricultura y los bosques podrían llevar al aumento de los precios de los alimentos, pero reducir la deforestación e incrementar la captura de carbono en la agricultura podría reducir significativamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, evitando riesgos para la seguridad alimentaria, según un nuevo estudio publicado en 'Environmental Research Letters'.


Symptoms and Time to Medical Care in Children With Accidental Extremity Fractures

A delay in seeking medical care for children with significant injury often raises a concern about child abuse, but there are few data describing the range of responses children display after accidental fracture for providers to use in comparison.

This study presents the range of responses exhibited by children after accidental fractures and identifies factors associated with a delay in seeking medical care. No child was asymptomatic, although a minority did not manifest all expected responses after their injury. (Read the full article)


Aerobic Capacity and Exercise Performance in Young People Born Extremely Preterm

Extreme preterm birth is associated with developmental shortcomings that may reduce exercise capacity and participation in physical activities in later life. The number of studies addressing these issues in adolescent populations is limited, test methods differ, and results are diverging.

Exercise capacity after preterm birth was in the same range as in term-born control subjects. Participation in physical activity was lower in preterm subjects compared with control subjects; however, the response to exercise in terms of increased aerobic capacity was similar. (Read the full article)


Prospective Analysis of Pulmonary Hypertension in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants

Pulmonary hypertension is associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely low birth weight infants and contributes to morbidity and mortality.

Pulmonary hypertension affects at least 1 in 6 extremely low birth weight infants and persists to discharge in most survivors. Routine screening of these infants with echocardiography at 4 weeks of age identifies only one-third of those affected. (Read the full article)


Antenatal Antecedents of Cognitive Impairment at 24 Months In Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns

Among extremely premature infants, survival has improved, but the rate of cognitive impairment has not. Impaired cognition is the most frequent developmental problem identified in survivors. Several antenatal factors have been associated with cognitive impairment, mostly related to social disadvantage.

In addition to social disadvantage, antenatal characteristics associated with cognitive impairment include maternal obesity and thrombosis of fetal stem vessels. Prenatal infection and inflammation were not associated with impaired early cognitive function among extremely preterm infants. (Read the full article)


Hemodynamic Effects of Delayed Cord Clamping in Premature Infants

Delayed umbilical cord clamping in premature infants has been associated with decreased rates of intraventricular hemorrhage; however, the mechanisms that explain this finding have not been described.

Premature infants with delayed umbilical cord clamping have improved superior vena cava blood flow over the first days of life. This may provide one of the mechanism(s) by which this technique reduces the incidence in intraventricular hemorrhage in this at-risk population. (Read the full article)


Variation in Teen Driver Education by State Requirements and Sociodemographics

Most states require driver education (DE) for novice drivers, and several recent substantial efforts have sought to realign DE with the aim of producing safer drivers. However, teen participation rates and how they differ among relevant subgroups remain unknown.

This study provides national estimates of teen driver participation in formal DE, a recognized gap in the literature, and identifies disparities in behind-the-wheel training among certain racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups, particularly in jurisdictions without a DE requirement. (Read the full article)


Enrollment of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants in a Clinical Research Study May Not Be Representative

The demographics of trials that use antenatal consent may not be representative of the populations that they are intended to study.

This study analyzes the difference in clinical outcomes between the enrolled and eligible but not enrolled populations of a trial that required antenatal consent. (Read the full article)


Changing Epidemiology of Bacteremia in Infants Aged 1 Week to 3 Months

Approximately 1.1% to 5.9% of febrile infants aged <90 days have bacteremia, but the incidence of bacteremia in this age is unknown. Escherichia coli, group B Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus aureus are the leading causes of bacteremia.

Bacteremia occurs in 2.2% of infants who have a blood culture drawn. The incidence rate of true bacteremia was 0.57 in 1000 full-term births. The most common pathogens were Escherichia coli (56%), group B Streptococcus (21%), and Staphylococcus aureus (8%). (Read the full article)


Hospital Variation in Nitric Oxide Use for Premature Infants

Inhaled nitric oxide for premature infants has been evaluated in multiple studies; however, these trials differed in treatment initiation, duration of therapy, and inclusion criteria. Furthermore, these trials reached differing conclusions regarding the benefit of inhaled nitric oxide.

We used a large sample of infants from children’s hospitals and found that the use of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants was variable even when controlling for demographic characteristics and disease. (Read the full article)


Methicillin-Resistant and Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia and Meningitis in Preterm Infants

There is a perception among clinicians that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia and/or meningitis result in a greater burden of disease than invasive infections attributed to methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) among very low birth weight (VLBW) infants.

VLBW infants with MRSA and MSSA bacteremia and/or meningitis have equivalent morbidity and mortality. These findings suggest that allocation of resources for prevention and treatment of both MRSA and MSSA infections among VLBW infants should be comparable. (Read the full article)


Limitations and Opportunities of Transcutaneous Bilirubin Measurements

Transcutaneous bilirubinometry was originally developed as a potential replacement for invasive blood sampling, but its clinical application is still limited to a screening method for hyperbilirubinemia. Reasons for this limited clinical value may be diverse.

This study provides insight into the reasons for the limited clinical value of transcutaneous bilirubinometry. This aids to both better interpretation of the measured TcB value from a patient and to possible improvement of the clinical value of the technique. (Read the full article)


High Blood Pressure in 2.5-Year-Old Children Born Extremely Preterm

Subjects born preterm have higher blood pressure (BP) in childhood and adolescence. Little is known about at what age the deviation from normal BP starts, and data are especially scarce for the new generation of survivors after extremely preterm birth.

In a population-based study, we found that BP was higher in 2.5-year-old children born extremely preterm compared with controls. This finding might have implications for follow-up programs after preterm birth, with the goal of improving later cardiovascular health. (Read the full article)


Comparison of Mercury and Aneroid Blood Pressure Measurements in Youth

As a result of safety and environmental concerns about mercury, aneroid sphygmomanometers have replaced mercury-filled devices for blood pressure measurements. Despite this change, few studies have compared the 2 devices.

Little clinical variation exists between blood pressure measurements obtained from an aneroid or mercury device, suggesting that either device could be used in a research or clinical setting. (Read the full article)


Middle School Vaccination Requirements and Adolescent Vaccination Coverage

Kindergarten entry vaccination requirements are associated with higher coverage for early childhood vaccines.

Middle school entry vaccination requirements may also be associated with higher coverage for adolescent vaccines, whereas education-only requirements appear not to have an impact at this time. (Read the full article)


Effectiveness and Net Cost of Reminder/Recall for Adolescent Immunizations

Rates of coverage for recommended vaccinations in adolescents are substantially lower than Healthy People 2010 goals. Reminder/recall is an evidence-based strategy that is proven to increase immunization rates in both adults and young children.

This study shows that reminder/recall is effective in increasing adolescent immunization rates. Practices may also benefit financially from conducting reminder/recall in this age group if they are able to generate additional well visits and keep supply costs low. (Read the full article)


Preeclampsia and Retinopathy of Prematurity in Preterm Births

Preterm infants are at a high risk for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Several postnatal factors are well known to be associated with ROP. However, the relationships between antenatal or maternal risk factors and ROP are poorly understood.

This study used a large cohort database to study the influence of maternal gestational hypertension and preeclampsia on ROP in preterm infants. The results showed that preeclampsia, but not gestational hypertension, was associated with a reduced risk of ROP in preterm births. (Read the full article)


Self-Reported Adolescent Health Status of Extremely Low Birth Weight Children Born 1992-1995

Previous cohorts of extremely low birth weight adolescents have assessed their health status similar to that of normal birth weight controls.

Extremely low birth weight adolescents born in the 1990s assess their health similar to controls but report less risk taking. Extremely low and normal birth weight children rate their health to be poorer at 8 than at 14 years. (Read the full article)


Outcome Trajectories in Extremely Preterm Infants

Death or neurodevelopmental impairment in extremely premature neonates can be predicted at birth by considering gender, antenatal steroids, multiple birth, birth weight, and gestational age.

Prediction of death or neurodevelopmental impairment in extremely premature infants is improved by using information available later during the clinical course. The importance of birth weight declines, whereas that of respiratory illness severity increases with advancing postnatal age. (Read the full article)


The Differential Impact of Delivery Hospital on the Outcomes of Premature Infants

Data suggest that delivery at high-volume, high-technology hospitals reduces neonatal mortality. No study has examined other complications or compared the effects in multiple states by using a study design to control for unmeasured differences in case mix.

The survival benefit to delivering at a high-level NICU between 1995 and 2005 is larger than previously reported and varies between states. The survival benefits affect both extremely and moderately preterm infants. Complication rates were similar between hospital types. (Read the full article)


Growth of Extremely Preterm Survivors From Birth to 18 Years of Age Compared With Term Controls

Children born at very low birth weights have significant catch-up weight gain but differences in height remain. Their BMI, however, tends not to be higher than expected. Data are lacking regarding representative cohorts, defined by gestation and compared with contemporaneous controls.

In a geographic cohort of extremely preterm participants followed until age 18, compared with term controls, weight differences diminish over time, and height differences persist. BMI at age 18 is similar. Height at age 2 is a better predictor of final height than midparental height. (Read the full article)


Voice Abnormalities at School Age in Children Born Extremely Preterm

Isolated case reports of abnormal voice after extremely preterm birth are well described; however, there are no systematic studies of long-term voice outcomes in children born preterm.

Significant voice abnormalities were found in more than half of tested children born before 25 weeks’ gestation. Multivariable analyses showed that the number of intubations, not the duration of intubation, and female gender were strongly associated with this adverse outcome. (Read the full article)


Computer-Generated Reminders and Quality of Pediatric HIV Care in a Resource-Limited Setting

Of more than 2 million children infected with HIV, almost 90% live in resource-limited settings where pediatric HIV care is often suboptimal. Implementing electronic health records with computerized decision support offers a potential tool for improving care.

This randomized, controlled trial demonstrates that computer-generated clinical reminders can significantly improve clinician compliance with HIV care guidelines for children in a resource-limited setting. This intervention is scalable as developing countries implement electronic health record systems. (Read the full article)


School-age Outcomes of Extremely Preterm or Extremely Low Birth Weight Children

Although it is known that extremely preterm children are at increased risk for cognitive deficits, academic underachievement, and behavioral problems, the frequency and severity of these impairments may decline with advances in neonatal care.

Despite recent changes in obstetric and neonatal management of extremely preterm infants, the rate of neurobehavioral impairments at school age is still too high. (Read the full article)