
US deploys carrier strike group in middle east; Stevo Pendarovski wins North Macedonia's presidential election- Current Affairs

The carrier strike group is expected to be deployed in the US Central Command region, where the US Navy currently has no aircraft carrier stationed.


Harnessing the potential of multimodal radiotherapy in prostate cancer


The transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) ion channel mediates protease activated receptor 1 (PAR1)-induced vascular hyperpermeability


Blocking thrombospondin-1 signaling via CD47 mitigates renal interstitial fibrosis


Considering mutational meltdown as a potential SARS-CoV-2 treatment strategy


Mechanism of collective interstitial ordering in Fe–C alloys


Undifferentiated round cell sarcoma with <i>BCOR</i> internal tandem duplications (ITD) or <i>YWHAE</i> fusions: a clinicopathologic and molecular study


Fibroblasts orchestrate tumour initiation


Dissecting reprogramming, differentiation and conversion with network biology


Myeloid differentiation and the leukemia-initiating cell


RIC-seq for global in situ profiling of RNA–RNA spatial interactions


No benefit of initial invasive strategy for managing CAD in advanced CKD


Single cell and tissue-transcriptomic analysis of murine bladders reveals age- and TNFα-dependent but microbiota-independent tertiary lymphoid tissue formation


Structure of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus L protein elucidates the mechanisms of viral transcription initiation


The untapped potential of ascites in ovarian cancer research and treatment


Does multiparametric imaging with <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET/MRI capture spatial variation in immunohistochemical cancer biomarkers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma?


Potential through simplicity: thymidine kinase-1 as a biomarker for CDK4/6 inhibitors


Clinical utility of the exosome based ExoDx Prostate(<i>IntelliScore</i>) EPI test in men presenting for initial Biopsy with a PSA 2–10 ng/mL


Differential effectiveness of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in 2D/3D culture according to cell differentiation, p53 status and mitochondrial respiration in liver cancer cells


Differentiation of transplanted haematopoietic stem cells tracked by single-cell transcriptomic analysis


TMB: a promising immune-response biomarker, and potential spearhead in advancing targeted therapy trials


Mapping spatial diversity


The U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism Newsletter: November 2018 - November 2019

  • Russians View Terrorists as Third Most Probable Source of Nuclear Attack
  • U.S. Adopts New Strategy for Countering of WMD Terrorism
  • Elbe Group Calls for U.S.-Russian Cooperation against Terrorism
  • Belfer Center Experts on Combatting Complacency about Nuclear Terrorism
  • Can Threat Emanating from Jihadists of Central Asia Have a WMD Dimension?
  • NTI and CENESS on Radiological Risks in Central Asia
  • Hecker Assesses Probability of Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism
  • Luxembourg Forum: It’s Vital for US and Russia to Intensify Cooperation to Combat Nuclear Terrorism


Restructuring Argentina’s Private Debt is Essential

Argentina's creditors are being asked to accept a proposal that would reduce their revenue stream but make it sustainable. A responsible resolution will set a positive precedent, not only for Argentina, but for the international financial system as a whole.


Biallelic mutations in <i>SORD</i> cause a common and potentially treatable hereditary neuropathy with implications for diabetes


ZBP1 (DAI/DLM-1) promotes osteogenic differentiation while inhibiting adipogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells through a positive feedback loop of Wnt/β-catenin signaling


Correction to: AFF1 and AFF4 differentially regulate the osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs


Restructuring Argentina’s Private Debt is Essential

Argentina's creditors are being asked to accept a proposal that would reduce their revenue stream but make it sustainable. A responsible resolution will set a positive precedent, not only for Argentina, but for the international financial system as a whole.


Bioinformatic prediction of potential T cell epitopes for SARS-Cov-2


Accumulating Evidence Using Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning: A Living Bibliography about Existential Risk and Global Catastrophic Risk

The study of existential risk — the risk of human extinction or the collapse of human civilization — has only recently emerged as an integrated field of research, and yet an overwhelming volume of relevant research has already been published. To provide an evidence base for policy and risk analysis, this research should be systematically reviewed. In a systematic review, one of many time-consuming tasks is to read the titles and abstracts of research publications, to see if they meet the inclusion criteria. The authors show how this task can be shared between multiple people (using crowdsourcing) and partially automated (using machine learning), as methods of handling an overwhelming volume of research.


The Past and Potential Role of Civil Society in Nuclear Security

Civil society has played a very important role in nuclear security over the years, and its role could be strengthened in the future. Some nuclear organizations react against the very idea of civil society involvement, thinking of only one societal role—protesting. In fact, however, civil society has played quite a number of critical roles in nuclear security over the years, including highlighting the dangers of nuclear terrorism; providing research and ideas; nudging governments to act; tracking progress and holding governments and operators accountable; educating the public and other stakeholders; promoting dialogue and partnerships; helping with nuclear security implementation; funding initial steps; and more. Funding organizations (both government and non-government) should consider ways to support civil society work and expertise focused on nuclear security in additional countries. Rather than simply protesting and opposing, civil society organizations can help build more effective nuclear security practices around the world.


Nonnutritive sweetener consumption during pregnancy, adiposity, and adipocyte differentiation in offspring: evidence from humans, mice, and cells


Novel specialized cell state and spatial compartments within the germinal center


Rami Khouri on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.

Rami Khouri's on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.


ILC transdifferentiation: roles in cancer progression


Transdifferentiation of tumor infiltrating innate lymphoid cells during progression of colorectal cancer


Using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling to assess the efficacy of glove materials in reducing internal doses and potential hazards of N-methylpyrrolidone during paint stripping


Extinction Watch: Pennantia Baylisiana is back from the brink

In 1945, the tree, also known as ‘Kaikomako Manawa Tawhi’, was visited by professor Geoff Baylis, who brought a cutting back to Auckland and nurtured it to maturity at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).


Accumulating Evidence Using Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning: A Living Bibliography about Existential Risk and Global Catastrophic Risk

The study of existential risk — the risk of human extinction or the collapse of human civilization — has only recently emerged as an integrated field of research, and yet an overwhelming volume of relevant research has already been published. To provide an evidence base for policy and risk analysis, this research should be systematically reviewed. In a systematic review, one of many time-consuming tasks is to read the titles and abstracts of research publications, to see if they meet the inclusion criteria. The authors show how this task can be shared between multiple people (using crowdsourcing) and partially automated (using machine learning), as methods of handling an overwhelming volume of research.


The Past and Potential Role of Civil Society in Nuclear Security

Civil society has played a very important role in nuclear security over the years, and its role could be strengthened in the future. Some nuclear organizations react against the very idea of civil society involvement, thinking of only one societal role—protesting. In fact, however, civil society has played quite a number of critical roles in nuclear security over the years, including highlighting the dangers of nuclear terrorism; providing research and ideas; nudging governments to act; tracking progress and holding governments and operators accountable; educating the public and other stakeholders; promoting dialogue and partnerships; helping with nuclear security implementation; funding initial steps; and more. Funding organizations (both government and non-government) should consider ways to support civil society work and expertise focused on nuclear security in additional countries. Rather than simply protesting and opposing, civil society organizations can help build more effective nuclear security practices around the world.


Harvard Project on Climate Agreements Hosts COP25 Panel on Realizing the Potential of Article 6

A highly engaged and well-informed audience filled the Pavilion of the International Emissions Trading Association at the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) on December 11 in Madrid to hear from an expert panel about the current state of negotiations on linkage, international cooperation, and the Paris Agreement. The discussion, “Realizing the Potential of Article 6,” was hosted by the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements (HPCA) and moderated by HPCA Director Professor Robert Stavins.


Former European Commission Climate Negotiator Jos Delbeke Shares Firsthand Account of Carbon Pricing Evolution in New Episode of “Environmental Insights”

Jos Delbeke, Professor at the European University Institute in Florence and at the KU Leuven in Belgium, recounted the evolution of carbon pricing and voiced his optimism for further international efforts to combat climate change in the newest episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.”


The Potential Promises and Pitfalls of Solar Geoengineering: An Interview with David Keith

Professor Robert Stavins interviews David Keith, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, considered one of the world's leading scholars on solar geoengineering.


Harvard Professor David Keith Discusses Potential Promises and Pitfalls of Solar Geoengineering in New Episode of "Environmental Insights"

David Keith, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, discussed his groundbreaking research and policy work in the field of solar geoengineering in the newest episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.” Listen to the interview here.


Rami Khouri on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.

Rami Khouri's on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.


The U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism Newsletter: March - May 2018

  • U.S. and Russian experts ponder denuclearization of Korean Peninsula.
  • Graham Allison on changing the odds of nuclear terrorism.
  • William Tobey on insights on UNSCR 1540.
  • Siegfried Hecker calls for revival of U.S.-Russian nuclear cooperation.


The U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism Newsletter: June - November 2018

  • Graham Allison on likelihood of another 9/11 and need to deny terrorists nuclear weapons.
  • Bunn and Roth on regaining nuclear security momentum.
  • New books on lessons of U.S.-Russian non-proliferation cooperation and on preventing illicit nuclear trade.
  • Study: Congress needs to play a more active role in nuclear security.


Rami Khouri on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.

Rami Khouri's on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.


Harvard Kennedy School’s Future of Diplomacy Project Launches Initiative to Modernize U.S. Foreign Service for the 21st Century

The Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center this week launched a new initiative, The American Diplomacy Project: A Foreign Service for the 21st Century.


Rami Khouri on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.

Rami Khouri's on Euronews TV discussing the Trump-Netanyahu Middle East initiative.