
Modulation of the driving forces for adsorption on MIL-101 analogues by decoration with sulfonic acid functional groups: superior selective adsorption of hazardous anionic dyes

Dalton Trans., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0DT00978D, Paper
Ji-Min Yang, Wei Zhang, Run-Zhi Zhang, Meng-Xuan Tong
MIL-101-SO3H analogues functionalized with –SO3H groups exhibited superior CR, MO and AC adsorption capacities because of their distinct adsorption mechanisms.
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Research methods in legal translation and interpreting: crossing methodological boundaries / edited by Łucja Biel, Jan Engberg, M. Rosario Martín Ruano, and Vilelmini Sosoni

Online Resource


Artificial intelligence as a disruptive technology: economic transformation and government regulation / Rosario Girasa

Online Resource


Poetry 180: Poem 130 - "A Toast to the Baltimore Oriole"

A poem by Don McKay from the Library's Poetry 180 Project.


Director of the School: SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati

€Attractive: SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
For more latest jobs and jobs in Italy visit


US EPA finalizes list of 20 low-priority chemicals

Substances will not undergo further evaluation of health and safety risks at this time


Periodic Graphics: Cannabidiol, medicine from hemp

Chemical educator and <i>Compound Interest</i> blogger Andy Brunning explains the CBD craze, how the compound works, and how it's regulated.


US EPA finalizes list of 20 low-priority chemicals

Substances will not undergo further evaluation of health and safety risks at this time


Orionis Biosciences launches with Novartis pact


Periodic Graphics: The elements of fertilizers

Chemical educator and <i>Compound Interest</i> blogger Andy Brunning digs into how plant fertilizers make use of the periodic table.


Periodic Graphics: How does immunity work?

Chemical educator and Compound Interest blogger Andy Brunning explains how our bodies fight foreign invaders like coronaviruses


Aarogya Setu app: Data safe, for limited period, says Ravi Shankar Prasad

The Aarogya Setu app, which was developed by the government to track those with the disease and alert people about their proximity, has given rise to fears of surveillance by the state as well as the security of the personal data that a user needs to fill in after downloading it.


Die echokardiographie im perioperativen und intensivmedizinischen bereich [electronic resource] / M.D. Seeberger, H.-R. Zerkowski, Herausgeber

Darmstadt : Steinkopff, [2007]


Diffuse lung diseases [electronic resource] : clinical features, pathology, HRCT / editors, Mario Maffessanti & Giorgia Dalpiaz ; authors A. Cancellieri [and others]

Milan ; New York : Springer, 2006


Danno vascolare e tromboemostasi [electronic resource] : fisiopatologia e patologia clinica / Vincenzo Sica, Claudio Napoli ; presentazione a cura di Giovanni Delrio

Milano : Springer, 2007


Effects of anaerobic digester solids retention time on odor emission and dewaterability of biosolids subjected to various shear intensities, polymer doses, and storage duration times

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EW00028K, Paper
Dian Zhang, Mary Strawn, Tom Broderick, John T. Novak, Zhi-Wu Wang
Shear intensity and polymer dose contributed more than SRT to odor emission from dewatered cake.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Chhattisgarh's first CM Ajit Jogi suffers cardiac arrest, put on ventilator, condition serious

A bureaucrat-turned politician, Ajit Jogi had served as the first CM of Chhattisgarh from November 2000 to November 2003 in then Congress government, after the state came into existence.


Diffraction optics of complex-structured periodic media: localized optical modes of spiral media / V.A. Belyakov

Online Resource


Multidimensional Periodic Schrödinger Operator: Perturbation Theory and Applications.

Online Resource


The physical and mathematical foundations of the theory of relativity: a critical analysis / Antonio Romano, Mario Mango Furnari

Online Resource


Bell nonlocality / Valerio Scarani

Dewey Library - QC174.17.B45 S33 2019


IITs look at various options to deal with annual exams if travel restrictions continue

IIT Bombay, for the first time, will evaluate its student based on their past performances, said a professor who attended an internal meeting of the institute last week where this decision was made.


Compliance with COVID-19 social-distancing measures in Italy [electronic resource] : the role of expectations and duration / Guglielmo Briscese, Nicola Lacetera, Mario Macis, Mirco Tonin

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Regional-global: dilemas de la región y de la regionalización en la geografía contemporánea / Rogério Haesbaert ; edición cuidado de Perla Zusman ; traducción de José Ángel Quintero Weir

Online Resource


EU regional and urban policy: innovations and experiences from the 2014-2020 programming period / Valeria Fedeli, Camilla Lenzi, Paola Briata, Luisa Pedrazzini

Online Resource


Rio de Janeiro: urban expansion and environment / edited by José L.S. Gámez, Zhongjie Lin and Jeffrey S. Nesbit

Rotch Library - HT384.B62 R558 2020


The wealth and poverty of cities: why nations matter / Mario Polèse

Rotch Library - HT321.P64 2020


The power of cities: the Iberian peninsula from late antiquity to the early modern period / edited by Sabine Panzram

Rotch Library - HT145.S6 P69 2019


Barrio America: how Latino immigrants saved the American city / A. K. Sandoval-Strausz

Rotch Library - HT175.S25 2019


[ASAP] Prodrug Approach for Posterior Eye Drug Delivery: Synthesis of Novel Ganciclovir Prodrugs and in Vitro Screening with Cassette Dosing

Molecular Pharmaceutics
DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00037


[ASAP] Protective Effects of a Neurohypophyseal Hormone Analogue on Prion Aggregation, Cellular Internalization, and Toxicity

ACS Chemical Neuroscience
DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00299


Public sector banks sanction loans worth Rs 5.66 lakh crore for March-April period

The borrowers represented the micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), retail, agriculture and corporate sectors, which was indicative of an economic revival, said finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s office in a tweet on Thursday.


Learning technology for education in cloud: 4th International Workshop, LTEC 2015, Maribor, Slovenia, August 24-28, 2015, Proceedings / Lorna Uden, Dario Liberona, Tatjana Welzer (eds.)

Online Resource


Global perspectives on Catholic religious education in schools / Michael T. Buchanan, Adrian-Mario Gelle, editors

Online Resource


Describing and studying domain-specific serious games / Joke Torbeyns, Erno Lehtinen, Jan Elen, editors

Online Resource


Governing educational spaces: knowledge, teaching, and learning in transition / edited by Hans-Georg Kotthoff and Eleftherios Klerides

Online Resource


Crosslinked fluoropolymers exhibiting superior high-temperature energy density and charge–discharge efficiency

Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, 13,1279-1286
DOI: 10.1039/C9EE03603B, Paper
He Li, Matthew R. Gadinski, Yuqi Huang, Lulu Ren, Yao Zhou, Ding Ai, Zhubing Han, Bin Yao, Qing Wang
Superior high-temperature discharged energy densities in comparison to those of the current dielectric polymers have been demonstrated in the crosslinked fluoropolymers.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The utility of morphological, ITS molecular and combined datasets in estimating the phylogeny of the cortinarioid sequestrate fungi / by Anthony Francis

Francis, Anthony


Seaweed ecology and physiology / Catriona L. Hurd (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia), Paul J. Harrison (Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), Kai Bischof (D

Hurd, Catriona L., author


[ASAP] Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles Coated with Zwitterionic Glutathione Monoethyl Ester: A Model Platform for the Incorporation of Functional Peptides

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c01444


Samit Basu’s new novel, ‘Chosen Spirits’, describes a best-case scenario for Earth’s future

The author on why his new novel is “anti-dystopian" and how he found writing reality stranger than fiction


An action thriller in shades of grey: Taylor Sheridan’s ‘Sicario’

The film’s existence in a grey zone, both physical and mental, makes it resonate in these uncertain times


Why should patriotic Indians be embarrassed by Mulk?

'Mulk questions the very principle, of good-Muslim exceptionalism.''That, of course, we adore Abdul Hamid, A P J Abdul Kalam and Bismillah Khan and if only more Muslims were like them.''Anubhav Sinha sticks his neck out to say that these are no exceptions.''Most Muslims are like them. It is the terrorists who are exceptions,' says Shekhar Gupta.


Flavonoids isolated from loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) leaves inhibit oxidative stress and inflammation induced by cigarette smoke in COPD mice: the role of TRPV1 signaling pathways

Food Funct., 2020, 11,3516-3526
DOI: 10.1039/C9FO02921D, Paper
Tunyu Jian, Jian Chen, Xiaoqin Ding, Han Lv, Jiawei Li, Yuexian Wu, Bingru Ren, Bei Tong, Yuanyuan Zuo, Kelei Su, Weilin Li
Total flavonoids isolated from loquat leaves inhibit inflammation and oxidative stress by regulating TRPV1 and the related pathway in cigarette smoke-induced COPD mice.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Superior hypoglycemic activity of mulberry lacking monosaccharides is accompanied by better activation of the PI3K/Akt and AMPK signaling pathways

Food Funct., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0FO00427H, Paper
Xiao-Shan Long, Sen-Tai Liao, Peng Wen, Yu-Xiao Zou, Fan Liu, Wei-Zhi Shen, Teng-Gen Hu
Mulberry removed monosaccharides (FM) displayed better hypoglycemic activity than untreated mulberry (MP), which may be attributed the stronger effects of FM on activating PI3K/Akt and AMPK signaling pathways.
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Evaluation of Tenebrio molitor protein as a source of peptides for modulating physiological processes

Food Funct., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0FO00734J, Paper
Fernando Rivero Pino, Raúl Pérez Gálvez, F. Javier Espejo Carpio, Emilia M. Guadix
Tenebrio molitor hydrolysates produced with commercial proteases showed improved ACE inhibitory and antioxidant properties. This source could be employed as functional ingredient in food preparations.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Quick approval, grace period: Medical insurance process eased amid Covid-19

Use instalments to increase cover; benefit from quick approvals


Interior experts explain how colour psychology affects your moods and productivity

Interior experts explain how colour psychology affects your moods and productivity


Liquor the priority, not sports: Vimal Kumar

Liquor the priority, not sports: Vimal Kumar